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Forwards for Review FSAR Sections Re Hourly Meteorological Data,Geologic Lab Test Results & Core Boring Logs,Ol Stage Environ Rept & GE Proprietary Info Re Core Fuel Design & Offgas Sys Technology.W/O Encl
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/28/1978
From: Mcgaughy J
To: Case E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
AECM-78-26, NUDOCS 7910010830
Download: ML19209A057 (2)



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ca April 28, 1978 encoucTion ote*aTu c NT n,

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t Mr. Edson G. Case c3mp'

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Acting Director



-$M Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation g

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U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission m

Wa shingt on, D. C.


Dear ifr. Case:


Grand Gulf Nuclear Station File 0272/0260/L-860.0/L-352.0 Proposed Amendnent 24 to Application for Licenses AECM-78/ 6 Mississippi Power & Light Company, on behalf cf itself and as agent for Middle South Energy, Inc., intends to file an amendment to its Application for Licenses, which will request authorization a operate the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2, for forty yee., to power levels up to 3833


!!Wt per unit.

Accordingly, we are forwarding to you for a completeness re-view, pursuant to 10 C.F.R.

Sec. 2.101(a), the following material:


Fif teen (15) Acceptance Review copies of the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (only five (5) copies are in-cluded of Appendix 2.3A (Hourly Meteorological Data and Joint Frequency Distributions of Wind Speed and Directions) and of Appendices 2.5A, 2.5B and 2.5C (Core Boring Logs and Geologic Laboratory Test Results))

2) Twenty (20) Acceptance Revit - copies of the Environmental Report-Operating License Stage (ER) for Grand Gulf.
3) Ten (10) copies of information required, pursuant to 10 C.F.R. Parts 50.33 and 50.37.


Five (5) copies of information, proprietary to the General Electric Company, concerning initial core fuel design and off-gas system technology, together with an affitavit prepared by an official of the Gener Electric Company, itself proprietary, demonstrating why the information.ould be with-held from public disclot.ure, in accordance with 30 C.F.R. Sec. 2 790.



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Member Middle South Utilities System

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Mr. Edson G. Case f

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission AECM-78/26 Also being submitted are ten (10) copies of Supplemental Electric Instrumentation and Control Drawings listed in Tchle 1.7-1 of the FSAR and ten (10) copies of area-composite drawings to assist in your review of the pipe-break report (Appendix 3C of tia FSAR.)

Upon your determination of the acceptability of the proposed amendment, we will formally submit the required number of copies of the FSAR, ER, and amendment to Application for Licenses.

As discussed with ycur staf f, the Industrial Security Plan, the proposed Technical Specifications and certain other information to be included in the FSAR, will be submitted after docketing.

By separate letter to be sent to you by May 15, 1978, we will identify the additional information 12 be included in the FSAR and will specify the dates by which 'we expect to submit to you this in fo rma t ion, the Industrial Security Plan, and the proposed Te".aical Specifications.

Antitrust infor-nation requested by Regulatory Guide 9.3 will be submitted shortly after the operating license revies material is formally submitted.

As specified in Section (h) of the amendment to Application for Licenses, we are requesting that the earliest and latest completion dates for each Unit of the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station be changed as set forth therein, and that any public notice which may be considered necessary because cf this change


be included in the public notice concerning the receipt of the application


for operating licenses given pursuant to 10 C.F.R. Sec. 2.101.

The reasons for the requested changes are stated in Section (h).

idille we recognize that the application submitted for the acceptance-review is not under oath, this material will be properly verified upon its submission for docketing.

Please address all communications regarding this matter to those persons indicated in the "Conmunications" section of our Application for Licenses, included herewith.

Yours truly, j


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J. P. McGaughy, Jr.

Director of Power Production JPM/de 1033
