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Responds to IE Bulletin 79-14 Re Seismic Analyses for as- Built safety-related Piping Sys.No safety-related Piping Has Been Installed Inside Any Bldg,Therefore Insps Requested by NRC Cannot Be Performed at This Time
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 08/01/1979
From: Brown S
To: James O'Reilly
552-070279, 552-70279, NUDOCS 7909280139
Download: ML19208D233 (3)



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DCO VIRGIN 6A ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY 79 /UC 3 AS: 39 August 1, 1979 Mr. James P. O'Reilly, Director Serial No. 552/070279 Office of Inspection & Enforcement PSE&C/DPB:adw:me U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Co= mission Region II-Docket Nos. 50-404 101 Marietta Street, Suite 3100 50-405 Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Mr. O'Reilly:

IE Bulletiu 79-14 concerns seismic analyses for as-built safety-related piping systems. The follwing is our response to this bulletin.

On North Anna Units 3 and 4 no safety-related piping has been in-stalled inside any building. Thus, the inspections requested by the NRC cannot be performed at this time.

For all safety-related piping systems, the input documents that affect seismic analysis of piping systems are:

a) FP - Piping Drawings: provides piping geometry, pipe support and valve locations and crientations, line designation numbers, etc.

b) Line Designation Table: provides line numbers, pipe properties, insulation thicknesses, type of fluid in the pipe, etc.

c) Piping Specifications:

1) Specification for Shop-Fabricated Piping NAS-3023, revised March 1, 1974.

ii) Specific.2 tion for Field Fabrication and Erection of Piping Outside the Nuclear Island NAS-30119, revised April 20, 1976, iii) Specification for Piping Engineering and Design, NAS-3340, revised August 1, 1973.

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Mr. James P. O'Reilly 2 5

d) Vendor drawings and seismic reports of valves. These provide valve and operator weights, center of gravity, etc. g e) Pipe supp~ ort specifications: !i

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1) Design Specification for Piping Supports  ! i. .p:

NAS-3491, January 19, 1979. LJ .L dl e L uL a J ii) Other 9pecifications for fabrication, erection, purchase of snubbers, etc. .to be developed later.

The output documents from piping and supports stress analysis and design are:

a) AK - Pipe stress analysis su= mary sheets.

b) BZ - Pipe support drawings.

The final pipe stress analysis and pipe support design are based on the above listed appr ved input docu=ents which are all controlled by Stone & Webster Engin-ering Assurance procedures. Construction tolerances, wherever applicable, ere specified in drawings and specifications.

The North Anna 3 and 4 Quality Assurance program will ensure that all piping and supports a re installed in accordance with drawings and specifica-tions. All deviation: are reported to the engineers through Engineering and Design ~ Coordination Reports and Nonconformance and Disposition Reports for resolution and, where appropriate, these changes are also included in the stress analysis of piping syste=s. This program will be sbnilar to the one presently in effect at North Anna Unit 2 and will also meet the strictest requirenents of the ASME code. The inspection elements of the program will be:

a) Verification of as-built layout of all safety-related piping and supports, including valve operator orientation.

b) Verification of the type of supports and embedments used.

c) Verification that the final stress analysis addresses all deviations noted above and that correct valve and opera-tor weights as supplied by the vendor have been used.

Piping systems will be restress analyzed if required.

1052 086

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Mr. James P. O'Reilly 3 The Service Wacer Reservoir Spray Piping shown on drawings 12180-FP-19G and H was installed by.the North Anna Units 1 and 2 construction for-ces in accordance with the specifications, design criteria and Quality Assurance program in effect on Units 1 and 2. This piping is being ad-dressed by the Units 1 and 2, project in their response to IE Bulletin 79-14.

This completes our response to IE Bulletin 79-14. If there are any further questions, please contact us.

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t, Senio Vice President-Power S at' ion Engi '


cc: Mr. Victor Stello, Director Office of Inspection & Enforcement Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 1052 087