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Submits Addl Info Requested by NRC 790525 Ltr Re PWR Feedwater Lines.Provides Schedule & Extent of Inservice Insp for Feedwater Sys for Next Insp Interval
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 09/04/1979
From: Stallings C
To: Stello V
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
493B, NUDOCS 7909060256
Download: ML19207B970 (1)


VrrtorxrA ELucTruc Axo Pow nit C o >uw xy RIctruoN o,VIHOINI A UUu 61 September 4, 1979 Mr. Victor Stello, Jr., Director Serial No. 493B Division of Operating Reactors F0/FHT:baw Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-338 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 50-339 Washington, D. C. 20555 License No. NPF-4 CPPR-78

Dear Mr. Stell o:

North Anna Power Station Units 1 and 2 Additional Information on PWR Feedwater Lines Our letter dated July 27, 1979, Serial 493A/492A, in response to your infor-mation request dated May 25, 1979, stated that the information requested in item C.3, Preservice/ Inservice Inspection and Operating History, was not available at that time. This letter provides the information requested in item C.3.

Request Provide the schedule and extent of the inservice inspection for the feed-water system for the next inspection interval.


During the first 10 year interval, 25% of the equivalent of one feedwater loop will be examined on all three feedwater loops in accordance with ASME Section XI. At the end of the first inspection period (40 months),

a ninimum of 25% and a maximum of 33 1/3% of the 10 year interval inspection (25% of each loop equivalent) must be completed. 50% to 66 2/3% of the 10 year interval inspection must be completed during the second inspection pe riod . The remaining portion of the 10 year interval inspection must be completed by the and of the third inspection period (also the end of the 10 year interval).

With this information we have completed our response to your May 25, 1979, information request. If you require additional information or have any questions, please contact.this office.

Very truly yours,


C. M. Stallings Vice President-Power Supply h

and Production Operations oa a

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