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Ack Receipt of 790720 Ltr.Submits Addl Info Re Use of High Strength Maraging Steel in Reactor Coolant Pump Supports.Six Oversize Drawings Encl
Person / Time
Site: Surry  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 09/14/1979
From: Stallings C
To: Denton J, Schwencer A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
607-072079, 607-72079, NUDOCS 7909190390
Download: ML18130A257 (73)



VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY RICHMOND,VIRGINIA 23261 September 14, .1979 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Serial No: 607/072079 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation PO/HSM:svm Attn: Mr. A. Schwencer, Chief Docket Nos.: 50-280 Operating Reactors Branch No. 1 50-281 Division of Operating Reactors License Nos.: DPR-32 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission DPR-37 Washington, D. C. 20555

Dear Mr. Denton:

In your letter of July 20, 1979 additional information was requested on the use of high strength mar aging steel in the reactor coolant pump supports.

Enclosed herewith are the answers to your request for additional information.

If you require any further information we would be pleased to discuss this matter with your staff.

Very truly yours, z:f, 12/2. '> /~1~,,,/

C. M. Stallings Vice President - Power Supply And Production Operations HSM/ svm: lMl Attachment cc: Mr. James P. O'Reilly, Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement - Region II

l QUESTION 1: Provide details of inspections performed on the monoball assem-blies prior to installation into the plant. Provide significant rcsul ts of any inspections. Include the threaded connection.

RESPONSE: Prior to fabrication. all of the Vascornax used in the reactor coolant pump supports was subjected -i:o a 100% ultrasonic inspec-

  • tion. In addition the actual physical property data ( ~ensile, yield, impact, and chemistry) was provided for each material heat.

Copies of these are attached. During fabrication all welds were liquid penetrant tested with magnetic particle testing used as an alternate. Prior to installation all of the support pieces were cleaned and visually inspected with particular attention given to the threaded area of the monoball assemblies.

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QUESTION 2: . Indicate the consequences of a complete failure of the reactor coolant pump supports during normal and pas tulated accident con-ditions.

RESPONSE: During normal operation the loads and stresses for piping, com-ponent connections, and other remaining component supports due to the complete failure of the reactor coolant pump supports.are not sufficient to cause the failure of the reactor coolant system piping. Summarized below are the maximum stresses that can be expected in the reactor coolant piping as a result of failure of the reactor coolant pump supports during normal operation. These loads are within the allowable nozzle loads for both the steam generator nozzle and the reactor pr,essure vessel nozzles. The allowable stresses for the reactor coolant pipe material (A376 Tp 316) also surrnuar:i.zed below. While several of these values are above yield at 6S0°F, they are all less than 50% of the material's ultimate strength at that temperature. The reactor coolant pipe material has an S (Code allowable for normal opera-n tion) of 16 ksi at 6S0°F and the faulted allowable str:ess would

1. 85 S or 28. 8 ks i. All of the loads summarized below are with-n in this faulted allowable with the exception of the pressurizer inlet. However, thermal stresses have been conservatively in-eluded and their deletion brings the stress levels well within the allowables.

During any postulated accident condition, i.e. seismic and/or pipe breaks, a concurrent complete failure of the reactor coolant pump support would result in unacceptable consequences throughout the reactor coolant loop piping in terms of loads and stresses.


~~-~ -------

If these supports were to fail during operation it would be de-tected as there is vibration monitoring instrumentation on both the shaft and the frame of the reactor coolant pumps. The amount of vibration is indicated in the control

  • room ( it is recorded twice per shift) and any excessive vibration would cause an annuciator alarm to sound in the control room. The amounts of vibration necessary to trigger the annuciator alanns are vibra-tion greater than 3 mils on the frame and greater than 15 mils on the pump shaft.



Location A 20,291 Steam Generator Outlet B 17,388 C 20,743 A 16,943 Reactor Vessel B 18,337 Inlet 21,060 C

A 21,940 Crossover Leg B 13,292 C 20.196 C 32,728 Pressurizer Inlet Material Properties (A376 Tp 316) s . Sult yield 100 30 ksi 75 ksi 600 18.8 ksi 71. 8 ksi 650 18.5 ksi 71. 8 ksi


  • Provide any alternative NDE methods available which could be used to inspect those areas of the monoball assembly not accessible except by disassembly.

RESPONSE: NDE of the inaccessible parts of the monoball assemblies is not warrantted when taking into consideration the stress levels in that assembly. The areas of the monoball assembly which are not accessible are also the least stressed. As an example, the maximum shear stress in the threaded portion of the monoball assembly is only approximately 2400 psi.

The maximum stress occurs in the lug and clevis ( items 1 & 2 in drawing 11448-FM-53C, attached to response to question 5) at the hole where the pin fits. The stress is very local in nature and dro~s off rapidly away from the hole.

During normal operating conditions the stresses in the monoball assembly are below the industry accepted threshold value (20 ksi) for the initiation of stress corrosion cracking. In addition all of the Vascomax parts are coated with heresite coating to prevent moisture intrusion in order to further protect tl1em from stress corrosion cracking. Considering the aforementioned information it would seem that in lieu of disassembly a Holiday test (see description in attachment to question 6) of the coating would be called for to ensure that the coating is intact or if it isn't that the coating may be repaired.

QUESTION l, Inclica te the impact on your steam generator repai.r schedule of inspecting

RESPONSE: The inspection program provided in question 6 has already 1ieen performed and has had little or no impact on the overall steam generator replacement schedule. If further inspections requiring disassembly are to be perfonued there may be some impact to the overall steam generator replacement schedule as will be described.

Disasse-;nbly of the reactor coolant pump supports cannot be done until the welding of the reactor coolant pipe is completed. in a particular loop due to the possibility of ruining the alignment of the piping between the _reactor coolant pump and the steam generator. In order to not impact any of the major evolutions in the &chedule > the* inspection (disassembly and re.:issenibly) woulcl have to be completed before the reinstallation of the reactor coolant pump motors which is scheduled to .occur about 7 days after the compietion of the reactor coolant pipe welding. The.

reactor coolant pipe welding is -presently anticipated to be completed for "B II loop about September 21, for "c" loop about September 30, and for "A" loop about October 15. It would not be possible to just disassemble just one monoball assembly as is suggested in your letter of July 20 as the only way that the supports may be disassembled is to remove one ~1ole leg assembly (items 1-4 or 5-8, drawing 11448-FM-53A). In addition there is the uncertainty of possibly damaging these pieces during dis-assembly. These items are specialty items and have a long .lead time for replacement.


  • Provi<le the maximum stress and stress state seen by any of the monoball assembly parts under normal operation and postulated accidents.

RESPONSE: . The stresses on the monoball assembly are summarized in Table I and Table II. Table I shows. the stresses during normal operation and Table II shows the stresses during accident conditions.




- NOR.i."1AL OPERATION Al.lowable Calculnted Hin. Iactor Drawing No. Item No./Description Material at On FC Ot Os F of Saf cty (ksi) (ks:L) (kips) (ksi) (ksi) (kips) 1144$-FM-53B 1-4 Upper Leg: pipe cap Al05 Gr II 29.52 19.68 1. lf0 0.88 pipe Al06 Gr B 28. 71 830.6 1.40 0 5-8 Lower Leg: pipe cap Al05 Gr II 29.52 19.68 1.4 . o. 93 pipe Al06 Gr B 28.71 810.8 1.44 0 26 Clevis Al05 Gr II 29. 52 19.68 0.15 0.14 37 Clevis A105 Gr II 29 .52. 19.68 0.42 0.14 11448-FM-53C 1 Lug End 350 CVM 292 195 18.09 4.59 2 . Clevis End 350 CVM 292 195 17.82 3.43 3 3 3/4 cj> pin 350 CVM 195 3.62 11448-FM-53D 9 Horizontal: pipe cap A105 Gr II 29 .52 19.68 (-)1.22 1.12 pipe Al06 Gr B 28. 71 15 6 . 5 ( - ) 1. 22 13.14 10 Upper Diag. pipe cap Al05 Gr II 29.52 19.68 0.11 0.10 pipe A106 Gr B 28. 71 157.2 0.11 0 35 Lower Diag. pipe cap Al05 Gr II 29.52 19.68 0.49 pipe Al06 Gr B 28. 71 322.6 0.49. 0.62 0 16,33 4 3/4 ¢ pin Al93 B7 41.94 0 11448-FM:..53H 17,18 Support Beam:

Rod 350 CVM 292 195 103.2 0 0 0 Clevis 300 CVM 243 162 0 0 Pipe Al06 Gr B 23.71 837.6 0 0 19,20 Support Beam: Clevis 300 CVM . 243 , 162 0 0 Pipe Al06 Gr B 28. 71 837.6 0 0 Indicates no stress imposed in that direction.

Fe Critical load for buckling.

TABLE II REACTOR COOLANT PUMP SUPPORTS STRESS SUM.MARY - ACCIDENT C01TDITIONS Allowable Calculated Nin. Factor Drawing No. Item No./Description Material CTt cr s Fe cr t Os F of Safety (ksi) (ksi) (kips) (ksi) (ksi) (kips) 11448-FM-53B 1-4 Upper leg: pipe Al06 Gr B 28. 71 830.6 8.32 562. 32 1.48 pipe cap A105 Gr II 29.52 19.68 8.32 6.40 3.08 5-8 Lower Leg: pipe A106 Gr B 28. 71 950.6 11.15 315. 51 1.17

  • pipe cap Al05 Gr II 29.52 19.68 11.15 9.47 2.08 26 37 Clevis Clevis

.Al05 Gr II Al05 Gr II 29.52 29.52 19.68 19.68 7.39 20.45 6.66 6.86

2. 95 .

1.44 e

11448-FM-53C 1 Lug End 350 CVM 292 195 107, 8L, 27.34 2. 71 2 Clevis End 350 CVM 292 195 138.47 26.62 -- 2.11 3 3 3/ 4 ~ pin 350 CVM 195 36.92 5.28 11448-FM-53D 9 Horizontal: pipe A106 Gr B 28. 71 156.5 7.76 79.89 1.96 pipe cap A105 Gr II 29.52 19.68 7.76 7.10 2. 77 10 Upper Diago pipe A106 Gr B 28. 71 157.2 5.50 47. 77 3.29 ,~:.

pipe cap Al05 Gr II 29.52 19.68 5.50 5.04 3.90 35 Lower Diag. pipe Al06 Gr B 28. 71 322.6 12.17 192.11 1.68 pipe cap Al05 Gr II 29.52 19.68 12.17 15.34 l. 28 16,33 4 3/4 ~ pin Al93 B7 41.94 23.92 1. 75 e 11448-FM-53H 17,18 Support Beam:

Rod 350 CVM . 292 10~

_.::, 276.4 23.40 8.82 111.65 2.47 Clevis 300 CVM 243 162 -- 122.84 24.26 1. 98 Pipe Al06 Gr B 28.71 837.6 12.73 1+46. 60 1.88 19,20 Support Beam: Clevis 300 CVM 243 162 -- 144.68 28.57 1.68 Pipe Al06 Gr B 28. 71 837.6 14.99 379.47 1. 91 Indicates no stress imposed in that direction.

f QUESTON 6 Prov:Lde the. procedures that ar.e intended to be used to inspect the reactor coolant pump supports.

RESPONSE; Attached is a copy of the procedure used to inspect the reactor coolant pump supports. No significant findings resulted from this inspection other than the need for touchup of the heresite coatings.

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d1e"a (;.1,4\l, i".'v.t.} for cl$t~i:~1.'°<fj i.;Yl ~2".1.1 f..mH.1;;i;-~t:tffil$-.. * ~':..--c,,*z

"'""'"*~,-~,~ "r>"'.i' g)-~"'li...;_-G... ('t,(\D,fh~ .C..~



-.-~... ,,. ,.,.,.,.,,,.,,._

~.. ~~ ~yidr..;..t.'J t ..,,.,,

"""ff.!'.£;:t 1,t;~_'l'._l"'


,,, -"<-"l f~..,.)~..,,"~ ue

'i-._ "' ..r.:-~.'/'..,,...!:r.-r,**


~ i"e,:;~ltt~~ ,i A/Slt*J h*le..c~ !J'. t.--6 ~ t~~1/z; (;~~£.eioo tr_s.i.,. e~ mi~li~r sr:r~.:.a~i tr t;) tt1~ft " *t,,:-f~;lJJ*$.

  • e1r~1thtie~q
  • IE ~_. * ..~~~!t. ~ifsy "t1~~ ilse:~

~Mi':t ..M* *

'*, t** 1 ,,. *~

\1:0 lD'pT1"'.P.<;* t{a~ ang 0 ot \l'1~:v:;(l'~ *;::~:;:..i~!~ :;1.$ r1r.,r.; t:i::1 .;;Rt- .-1.e:se  :$.,',*** *,o 'f*<,(

t,r,an 3~ ~*~Slf!~j\ '~ tii tl-('~ St~tffq4~ ti;~ b.ti eitt~~l:tl~t, !* t!elC~~

!h~ ~~.~ ~ b-* "*~ *.*

J.!? ,t!{J"...llj}:();l'W,!'.~t--~


.*. "~. *¢ "J.-,._.~{¥.

tJtJ:.s.<i1Z:, , r$,p,, :- ~-i

~L .....sp...,.-te-1,\ ,c).,.,;:lc.~ t *~~~.t. . . ' ~')\,<;I-"~,.'6i,~I'?.

  • p;~-~ -:-~,j: t~.

o.crlf ~,,i..c.-~~$\f:{'f.

\th<£;: dire:~t oit I£0tw,,itctr ,1J.Sl--.!l0:6l t1*M;'.!~1,Htf!J i5;.'iffi. d'e.,~:iti1~ev'i .if[JJ. S,;rt.::--"':. *

£:icD. 4 .. i - Ii or 4., 1 - H., t)l,'.ffer.;4.~uti{JtM} i:;l:mll iue!ti:-.t-tt ti'~~

~"r1tld ti~~ t\'.~><J:. .tWj.&{ceD;t; t-J;:-,z~ \i!'°Gti1.l t:~~* 7-t !_{;.t~Bt ~f:Ht: t;!l:irk~* :i

U;?.Gfil o~ cs::.di side of the ~s~l& ..

P~ SUt~d$ s~~ \S'f~tG~

St:orts-$> R-.~tso- tr.,1e~~ 6ind i""~a.,;:h.e~;s {~tl 1h"t, Cf~~rd.~:Xi i0t ln.-~l11ie~~m\tto,tt ~u;.1(1, -©,!} of e.:hia:.cldx....g ':1I r,;._,..,..,. b-h-'hf'-~b,.,,. =><1,f '-"'1" .,.,..,,,..* ...,,,,,"".;q: .,.,; ...:1~~,,,,;,.-r.- .,,I!. t-?-,.-,,,..-,1.,:* *.-._t-d*

b~e- fa.7.... )5.~(.. -t.=?--{*¥""~ i:.~ ~.~u ~~(~:. '1.::i.*::,.r..;:'lj.~ ~ .... e,,:-.e,~~ ...i .. ~ 1,:lt: \'.~~t'~....:;..~~4F:f;> ,'i'-..C-\-F"'..:--.""'}!;

~to., si ~hi3,ll b~ -e~~o.r,id t:~ :ltAip~;t\'f; ~fr.:ry a,r:0 .fa*ete c;r;,t

  • CU!l.:$ 11 ~Ct.llt-1-- ~t' OK!d.,-tt10fi6 ii

~ *Ii

..... -~-~ 4 .. I .. li A.c:eept~~¢e i:t"!te:rii-i f&.:t in1:1.!ls :lt3r i~i.elu:ieu itii ~ e l Y'roe~\We Qil>-505'~ ~ilt::..\".at p'.'tilld°f.Y"~ Ct~'"t{~'.l" ihM

  • trol..d$ ~slt.ell he ftr~e; liJ,f a.'!.t..i::s;c-* ~.2."~b;f' r;_:,;ir ~,&~tioti ..

4 .. 11. .. ? Y.uittal cmd ~ktCJs 'taale ff. ~g;;clr C\"'.rtripo:ri~nt i}~ vit?ua.lly

i\.n~11ec;~:i" , Si 'l!tC>tfft o~ fs.b,le. *t ~e-l.:.' ?*eo;;..,1J.,;m.t~

wh.e:thr.."l' tl'i;e. t.:.~onent: i~pe.cteil i~ i.11-m~~f.act:~irr ~

W,.\i.tee-~t~vl e ..

..... *n'

.\1 f'AGE- f>f--,-



  • *  ?

I 4..,2 ii'~rfom a. ~~"l~tic in1-ctiele :h1~~ct-ic.n tJf th~ Cl.>rtrpon~tfJ li-t?.te:{

fu *rab1f; 2e (!,/; \'?-all ru3 {U!J GH,k$pe,~t: t';'tC:M fo-tJ.Xld .tfi.n.-i~_g the; :tn.-

  • l?er!P.i:m ~hf;l m,..1.g,e.etic ~t.i.,cl.e. 'ii,.,.t~p~Cti ~..:i.1, ~Ct..o~d-e.p.e,,;z wlth Dard~l :f'~C((m:a. ~er.: m--1..~-))uAWS~ \?..(.,;'lli.$1.0P; °""'

4 .. 2. . . l!. i!rlteria ftrrt *a..u .sit2r.f.~ees shalt r;r,;' ~ l~r::-

. ft.tier,~

. ia ! .k ~ l Pli:"o-c!::.&!tre;,,, ~tz...k--0.,,i?=VSi *}R.e.visi.o-r1 o..

"2..,2 7Ir...d.
c--tnl .. :iJm.d <§.at.~ 5:dbl(,: i cs e~oofi!~t * 'it. ;.!Ji,&.;.~t.2:tt;~

j?f}tt!.c.:':"Jl ~pa-eted.,

  • Ah;-.> ~~ ,:;;,m '.tabl\<.:. 2. v..nde.'(* n ( ~
  • meqt.1/"1 \',fbe.the~ t.!ie
  • cozuporn..-n.t ir~~-ct:&:d is 1,1:.rief-.sia.i:::to;i::.r o~ \/Mi~-e-e-~i:,iahle.,

4 .. J Tho '.1i.t@re.1J U~t~ t.n. 'E~le l ~~ !J"d.YiE @.r Ve.GH::{ni'.'><'l~ ~-nd'_ &-t1,!ct f~9 be

~...ia!J,;.~.J...y it~c(:.~d £(].:: eosff.ng_ if~tegr:tlt.f tM.\>it1$ ~g ?~;o.::::(:,&t.~r.:'.i'! i.r:.

6..pp!}Jl;:.i.5...z. A ..

ff;,,. '1 .. 1 . [~l~2~~ tdt~rl,e,, rJ.h1.tll b.)}. ~s t%>~ ~tu tb:e

t\l A~~,,.~ A ..


Itetleved. By~

  • Att..fu~ht~ents
    • ,-s_,,._


  • of


. e* *-.,

If ff .





~i 3

~FJ'flYIXJ.t *l


l l?ROCWJ""'o:E ft}-R  ?.

l't.r...... i"1.J.,*1., ~T,-1'~"!-~*'F"<*

,.,,~1~Q\*n ,'"<7:- *t1~-:}**sr'i'""

1...i..~l..u,\..l.L~ µ;- .. -SL. b,.r~ ~rn_-z,;~.

\'~'" ,-'i.-, .. l


PP£N01,ic" oR.--~-----~.J;'.Q\-~-~ co:~'tn-5'.:;~sco:'.t;x BOL1'S ~ /,

,?.ti1{Pi'J~ - 'i1\a purpose cf ~rcc.e1J.r.P;!. is- oo cst~bl.izb. e. ewe.tW: af 1..nsf,{!C*""

... I I

l t:f..ou. ,:; a low-=-VQ1t.a.g~,, non-spru-k;lng b.oli<le.y df!!t:ectt.,r devicct t.he co.1..ti,1i 0*d 't-0 '7e..s-r::~..a,-:: m.:1-tetie.J.~ r XNSPEC'!:J

___ *.mi Dfl7.ct

__._.,...__II:"""~~ ......., Use: r..:. ~xrui;.-et:* & l"~tc-r i$~~~1 Ml! Roli.d,2.Y l1e-t~ctor ~h.'tch .[!! fv 7.5,-~ b.attC:r"f t'!S ~ !'l,i;:",IJ.t:C.e. Of ~~s:' 'i:1Hi et,;;-:r~.-t'tt. -.t...s i.~{?tted q01:i the ..r;iur.fzi.c.e F;.r., bra .f.ns p c~cted b;r a meaiw. of a t.~~r;e-cy,pe probe.. a fiJ_-m,'j" l-1 e.a.wrns1 r.:i. fJ.Ci-"5J" <Jf C\.rr-r.:--e-..nt ~o ng1:eiiuud") 1., c,sr.i..1.r!S ~ (.

audihle. souud t:o ire G'~\ittcd {fr*nra tb,,.s. [!.UUU.t.'H;i,ttOl:' 00~~  !*


\ .

~~"'1'.:re~P.:, -= Any :t:T.'1?.1'lh.!.y ~,?li"5:d t:...c,;1:C:u."1~ r,:;t'-...,*1.U. hai;.*e l,,s::~~ .,J:~::$..M :.:*1~ 1.~wit :'Mt i hoV-Es. !;i1~S~(;}~ t.$ ~e~ttn.g.. 01."W- l-t.1.1r.:uft*a15 (?'~r.t:f,):rJt, {J;O{J~). oS:' t.~

m.JYC".f .;ice &re..-:;. t1hlcli i$ p1:gt-si1...c&..Ui 1iu;ct:si-::":U:,.l~ $:,;,, ~J's5r. ::;~it;;_gG

~c~'be fib.ill.. be rihm:J;;ed. ..

~-b~ pt::'..)Ce,luz-.e fv-;r ~B:eci\:>11~ tmd *O'pt'1~M::t,Ji:tg '?.hr.=. w,F:c;,.(1. ~. f3htll l;if!:

aS1 iH.:t fc,-rth ~.u At~.?-:.c1m~nt t. IA t10.t.t:1-n~ e,g,)1':lf: ,, ~nt;;h tiJ-1 tt'v*ol:D-m:1..;;,

UJtr by Oo~ t';oz:*.u.tus: Ca!:-i,Wl:"~.t."t-M. ir:-ir l?hosta V.1.r.i=2(~a hy 1,!;gs:,;t;;.tslZ.n

~d1.k!I" e.h.all be .r:idded to the iiatenr ~u,z;;;,! ~;;;. -;;~~ ~'.:bi:::: ::::r~~e to

.fi.m.h~,ce. tlie ~.ensidtrfty fr.he l,t£::.t:er pro1fod: :$$ JisnrJl.i't.Y..e fg(;PJ.

  • m.:tSt r,hor;,:i,r,a:,-:riidc £.>.ei~~-'ri.~1; l:lg~1c.t~s}" l?i;fL.{l<li..c-.Jj:JJ.:y ir;:~pe:ct

~- tht?- .\:1i"Durw. to ~nsu:1:e. t11.u\: e.he tmit: i.$ ri:\g:tierlr, t¥;".:-m/:t'.tcl~...i;; f::.hi.$

ct.m be l1e<!o.mpllsiled. b1 !SJ.C.<m.c:ton,'llly p~bi!i,r~,g ~*t~ !H:"t,'ll)e (;;,1i i:-.ti

~'n~ diSCD'lltiw.n.t""f o.t" ~ ~O"J:td ed ~ ~-0.~b:::.7. iz1n1£Ll:~t::f.\;"Q\: m:,..,<;~~l iroi""Xi2Ca~ M ~ud:Uilr.! ~ltr;x"'.tal inJJ°':it:"<11.ts?AJ. 8 i;~t°';.i~~ *n.J~)'p 1\Wil .

the: &;f'OO-S~ ~r ~:ndt> ~s:~a; the c~:nie:r (ml:,,, *et"¥ ~ro e,¥>.. ~.:a e:t.1:..s=

pe-exed flaw er

'ITT~ Ii piui"!.o!e .i.f> lo.c.M;£?.-d.ri t.he fl$Sf ghli.l.1 ua ~~:f...{;'f):~&;{lQi 'by .:

~rcl.{~g "'idtl\ 004 tli ~nt'tah1(! 11 ea~i.J~ lteW.XlJ@lra f:.'l-,U.i9,US:n ACCEP-Tk.~CE crn~ -. Any di.scon.timtlr..ies. -aha.U hi(; ~efe:n::t~.. t~ :iQ;si.1l~erlo.g

  • foe e~~Luaei~a ~ d.i&po$iti~.


., I

' '{,1 l~~':...:£1 l?FJ)CWJ?.L f{J-R.

VFJ':.IIT!!U~ t&.-t!U:U!lT (rf RffiSITE VR-SI~

riro:or.1c <~~tu~7.-:iFv1,se,J, * ~

~ - " ' " ""I, .,.,._...,r --.,...-~--~~~----~*

p_TJP.:PDS[ - Tb.e pU1:yose of thli:;: prcce1'.Lf.:l;:: :ts tiQ rastshlis:b. e.t 1;1e.~ af ~:nsp,ac-CiQU &. lo~\l'Olta,g~,,. "X"!}'.., ho.H<l~w detei:t.l~r <levicsx j t.h-e cc.~t:"'t.!'.l.8 appli:e-\i 'co w~*~<:1-*M:x ~ted.&\l .. )


""""" ns{i;: a ~.~\;' t~ ~$~if ~e1 ?1./l .&oli&zy- J).etector: t"i'h.1-cll utru-z:eti a ti~ ;*s-~* bri.ttr.:.y;y as. .a ~o~irr:~.ta. of. 1.:~:w:*~t1t.. 11.t~

c-iJJ:"r~~t. ~ ~{!13.ed. upon. tbe: &;m:-fm.c£: 1/;'.p he 1.nspectE:d t;>f

~Y. m.~ -Of ,Si ,wp£m,s!'):-~tjpe rzob~A /1 £il:m Qi).;f.:..erUti..u!}1 e.o.u£~ e. fl~ ~}f cm.'r"l.nt f;c, l>lg-c<:.uttd~> ~b.1.c-h ,r:.*ause.g. ml l.'416.ibl'l! rioun.d to ~i~ u,.:~Itted f1:om th~ ~.n5,zttdBtor lltJ:S:., J j

i TE.Sf 1:~:tan =-- ,,.rw_y ~,;.~.- t--

~H!J;o. ~i;J;::[fl.i;;_

§°haJ.J:.. fu,c:,.V(?~ 'b-~~ -t'f~£zs.S :r,t* S.J.'~!i.ZI: U;

~ ~ : ' 0 7.... , , , . _

  • ha.~ti::i.'i k-'~iei:t: C'f.r t:\::"[;tirIJJ"-o Ono. to..\tt.rlr.e& pe;r1:JMJf; rHi}J~0,, 1~i thi~ .J t.ul!"..f.8.Ce 11U:~.....a whic.b 1$ pb.jt5iic;sc'.Ur BCCJ!~.:t~~ri'hl.J.s: 'ttt;, ~1m~ ~p, ti'C1:io.e ~';.hii.11 t-:e ~hlfid~~ti .. . .


~(;; t:"~oce-ih.~z.e f1gr ,'JtSn.c.~~"'1.i.;~i t"l4'd .0~1:m;t.J_u.~; "?.h,f!: ~1£0. i gh~:U. 'be .

ru) ~e:t f.i'J'rth in t,t!!*!:'.:;~.t t~ /A we.(:tfa'tf;. 6!.~ttt' 1, ~;;;\c?.Ch ~~ t:'t'e:1~g@t'~.

umn by 5).{.W C.c.i::-:id.u.$ Co.q}O'"C{'t'ti.(.:1i. @i:: l?h.!;r.b.'>> 11'1,~~2-!'}!} .f,y lf/Z\ttC:!e;,.~'"l.

tli}dak" li.iw-1,;~ t;; ;;Jclcd e.o the: ~atsr: *l:*f'!ed it'(',> W'ti't ~ i~parig~ tCll

{f'_,,_"1~C.~ the $.Si'...51.tiv.H:y. {t-h-e: l~'i::ter p*tti>& :!$. D'!

  • tWSt }?b.oi~ogr.&ii1ci.i::: sil.~'.$.,d'.ee.s ~zt'!:.tlcies).. l'!~~i~~::v:::,nl:ty i.rt,Spe.c. t
  • t.hei gi-oun.d l:O e?l.iJU;t{~ \;;he tr.rl,5,t: f.J..'r. fi.:'@per:l~r ~1,.~quo()[(:':dj; 1:.h:l,J t;lm 'ba BC<::Q-i.."'ll:y1...t:;,berl bl' i,SS,~"'llClOr"w!!'.UJ" p,.~e.:fi1i1 ~ s.~*10::*t'.'6: 00 un

('..~'1.ous <liscontil'illicy £;t: .;.'l ~:Jtt..1'.'.tde\1 11 tm~w.::.el.i. 11!crt"lf.fot::tiv@ a~1;;~:j,

.e~fac:~,, All ~u<li:hl~ .,z,if '!:11al in11iC&t;a.r~ s ~rJ.a:e-tr~?,' t'J:.1,iv. . . * ~rn the: t"il({)tJ.g; ~r: t.vni!l 11 ~ii..\~ tfa~ (;:e,rner ~})[yr.

  • t;ft ~1;;:;."I,'..- @m. .;1 i.::,v..s~*

p,ecte,d f 1:?IWa

~-n  !;.'I. pfuh,7-le i? l~~t:~ 11 the fl.G"".J ~b.~11. t.1:~ ~f.tu:P.r[:ad by

~d:i:cllng m'i:h - ~ l~ ~ t1'~1>lt'tr:.bX.~$l et1.~it.1 l:'amov...wLlt ~i':t,.;f;ng ..

ACCf!r,~CE C'Rli.F.RIA -. Any d:i.sco.o.t5..mtltll:1:$. t.hall be .ttaf!C!~ t(.-1< .Ert.Jri.~,duz f fo~ e~~lu.ation ~~ ti.sp,onitiv1i..* f

. *, . *~ .



~!sbt (a) ~, 0r.d~ (Itam 111 m,t-.53C).

itgbt. (8) Cl~~ ~~ (lti:am le. !'H-.53C).

- -- ~

,:,,,,., ,*..,.u,...-.. . . , ~ . c t ~ ~

3o Eight (S) ~1tta {Xtcmi l, 1:I1-S3C)~

ch Tw (2) Cl~i@t~ {tt(n'IJ la ~d 20~ rtlfr.53it) ..

~. rour (4) R~i (ttl.!fll l1t n.1~slu)q 4,. ~c-,.n... 2. l'frat1:&w:h~t s11.1~1:t .., i~f,. !Jii'n. U44a.,..,~...,:in

  • ii'O\:lt (4) e~vtots. Ot~ Z}~
3,~ -



'i~t' (4) Pins (It~

Eight (S} Cuida* BT~c~t~ (It~?& S2) e

    • ~

al!!!<G-,;.,i *1 I !fl

- -------.....*---;.4,t,~

4. Tl.'ial~a {12) Drmeket Fims (It~ Sl)~

6,. teiu1: (bl ~tttdo-n M~t.~~i 1:l'.t~i1l ~) t

'1, fc,ur (~). :lhtil~t'f: .1:?it'J.tQ.~ (tt:.~ n <t

\. ,I


. . . - _ .....,..,........................ t...<;'d,"-'"'"' ...... ,,,.~ ...... -*--,>,-*,*~!.

_ ~,*,,* ,**~*.**~***** "*ho*e"o *'*~* .,.,,.,, ""*~*Md*"*4,'*~****,***:-l-~>r * "'***-* *: "'"~"' ',, ,""~" ~,* * ~*, 1,, -S ' * ' ":'

~ , : .* :.u.,..*.I" ... ,.**..

    • l


~~I;. f

  • 1 1 *

, 3o a. .~c...~tC R_{!~eto\" eioolttnt Pump Slrpf!O'f!: ""' ~! .. D~fh lH';48>>ffl....tJii.

ll.. 'i'h~ £OiJ!.t 'l,r£-l~~if 1~ea (lt~ l"'li O 1JM-SlAj II I

th'i. "W'1ldi ,b~t\.~n. fhiQ l)ip,e,i. ~'il<'! pl!.!S* I

2. "rn~ f~r- J.o-..z-~-e lQ8ill Ut~~ ]...,g~ fM.,.S3A) ia.-t;ludi~fi,

I th~ w~ld$ i,Qt-y;"'f.iOn. th~ pi~'l;l -plui;t~ l I

J. Titt1: f eiur h<n:itontsl t>i'P~ bracoa {It~ 9 ~ ffl-S3f~)

  • I 1

$.t1'.:!ltM".iif.lg th(! W1a.1~ bS:twa~ th~ pipa ,and ~lug~

4,, *-rn~ tour ljrrP!Ji!' s'llrport di(lttilia (:t'tl3~ to~ '.0:{=53A.)

inclu:diai thi;i tbt~o w~ll'.2:!i 'b~t\9~1::n tiiF!?', ~n.d. plug

©fui b,""(i) ~ldij ~ti:i:w~~\.'1. pJ.u~ ~nt! plot~~

- I1 i


s. Th~ euv~tt h~~ ~~il~U~Cl (tt~t:s J,f.>> ~ii 202 fr"M ...,_s;9-.t\;i:

. I

. Th~ !G ... ~ $~,; 12 ¢.w~, inclradinS; !Mi.d ~i-ra,,,,,,w~ ;;$ I Z, !':i O i ~ artd 8 - 'Ffl.... S31i ~11~ e:~il.d.ll 'b~~~~ l)i~r;a and t:rnd pi'i31:;~Q ..

- sw n....-

- I ThG: bso l~t: ~\..""1.}'u--G~ rJi~ulo (!t!G!~ SSr. Jr.M-~:JA) .

. .-~:;'

tnelPJcling ~fl!t'.M1¢ ,. l~Q~Ctl ~ip~ .rmd ~nd irioeam o s;.~.Jtli b!-1 .....$

~.,.,rs.,,...~. !Jrai:1m.n::i.~m.";tt ..-. ~fll * ~1r;~ 1i Utlf.i.,,.tfr!;..*S:<~ ~A ,>>

' 1, lmti'li"~ 1~tra,th -Df "2!ltb ~,:pr>~:tt 'ri)i (~1,,.,.52.A}~

.. 1'> .>, ..... ,._ _

" -~ (),..,,,,?,0,) di,i I



.-1 I


. 2 ...!\c-r.... zt i~-lll~to-t eoo!mlt. PiJ.~. s~~fo~t "':'* P..~E~ tr..t,. H4~f}-,,1'J1...S3J!. . iI

!, The fo~r trz:ri?Q~ t~sa {!ter..t1 1~4~ tiM-S~A) t~elu~tn~

tbra ~(tlia lxll:we<;!n thQ p:l:pe.

  • s:ucl :p:tuij. -~-Ac.u::.11::.smwJOoe1~


- ~~~

e I 1

, ,. Th.,. f' V.?~? atJt,{)Ot'!: 'di.~t~nmu (lt(!?:'l'O. lQ ~ ~i,.,..s3A}

- -- '(--~- I I

I it'ifbr.H.~,t; tl~ tttt'C;~ ~old~ t~~~~ !)$.p<l <?:n<l pliig imd t"fitl ' b~t.~';1 ~ltii ~nd r>lAt~~

--- --- ~~~~"-"""'*""

WQZ. 'W l

I !

I Tn,-a 16 in. !sill, 12 p:i"i'!!!l~ it1ieluding ood pi~c~s~ dct.Q.;lL~ ..........

lt J2- 1-c l' ill ... ?f..1.,,.5lE. O.."'id w~ld.o ootwe.en p5-p--a ~n<l I end pii2c~1.9*


  • Thi;, t~ 1'°'*~ 11Uf?11t~t d!&isi:mn:i.s (it~m ~; . . Pj',~;3,fii

~-~., ...... ~

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lfa.w Xc:.terial - KSC Purchase 0:rder lOl.;-l\-7431-1.J., Ite:.1 1-A I.R. No, JJ.8,3(32)

I.R. No. JJ,8.J(59)

~'.achi::ing ** }7SC Purchase Order lOl+K-5849-4, Ite;n 1 I.R. JJ,8,J(1L;.9)

Heat CJ-:.a'Y't No. - J3E-623


-1 Section J3

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P, O. NO, pr,occ:.r.;vs-i:: HO, I

VASCO S tceJ. 10~~-71; J::-l JJ-l (?:rocu:re~ent Ra.: ?-' 1 1'


17EM l,D, QTY., I!

1 7 VASCO Steel, 8-1/8" X 12-1/4" x 20",

Heat Nu~ber 1971A l 9 VASCO -Steel, 8-1/8" X 12-1/4" :x 20",

Beat Nlli~~er 20~1A lWTES:


1. No deficiencies noted, l 2 . . 'A11 sta;7,?ed ,dth heat nu:T1ber: I I

J,. All fuill test reports received, I

4. Insp~ctccl at 1\XS & DD Co, I

.i 6


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to Sto:-ie & He:":)st0.~ S?ecj_::'..c,-:tio::-. ;-;-cs-2::._1~.*


l. No deficiencies ~oted.
2. Xaterial test ~e?ort received; J, lfateriaJ. at l\"XS & DJ Co,
ecc {j*

Satisfoctory - ?.olc~s~~

  • .:,n *.~ .::,

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.. , ~r 1-Y~-;-'7 *J-\~'--u IA TR03'.:, PA.* i 5650 e


!,c:-*port :Xc:ws Srdp:>ui 1cHng & Dry Dock Cc.7.puny

~cwpo~: ~cws, Virginia 1C!-;~ i'~31 4 Part

.nd: CV:-\ \',JSCo ,'-:ax 350 So1ut'ior: /,nnc.-i1cd Spec_: Storie*& \..'cbstcr NUS 2.)l;"isc.d l\'ovcr.-.ber 27, 1${,8 .

SJ?J; B,\RS \\T£l(i; ff HE/.T Ne,. DA TE SI ;:.P?2D X 12 .. 1/4 11 X 20 11 1S*

  • 2 pcs o 2133-A 1/27/70
  • No.
* * *: T. So Ps 1 1B*-:-'a 3481;00 l B,"\X~-1'{~


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  • Q )oO Annealed Re 29.G Acid Etch - Satisfactory to MIL-STD 4JOs S-2 R-2, 1 & C-2 Gra"in S'ize 6.1 . U1trasonic Inspection .. Satisfactory to Stc-r. & \,'cbstcr Revi~ed Novc1o~cr 27; 1968 Non-Mctc111-ic Rat'ir.a

. A . B C D I E lhin H~avy Thin Heovy Th in H.:;avy Thin Heavy Thfo Heavy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 3/4 0 0 0 0 o* 0 0 0 0. 1~. 0 fracture Toushncss wi11 be reported at a 1atcr date.*

... .. ' / *.: . . ....

t C Si Mn s p An:i.!ysis

. *\V Cr V Mo Co ~. ..

-A .. 012 .o~ ~ 04 0005 .oo4 4.66 11. 83

  • 1E. = .*

Al .. 11 Ti *1 .. 38 B .. 002 Zr .005 Ca .,05 Added

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~SC Purchase Order 104N-7431-4, Item 2 I.R. No. 33.8.3(80), (/+3)

Stress Relieve Heat Chart No. BE-623 Hachining -

l\SC Pu;:-chase Order 101,!~-58(9-4, Item 2 I.R. Ko. 33.8 1 3(138) i I

I1.1I t '

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I I .,:..,;1 QTY, D~SCis.l?TlCt, .;ND INSP:::CTlD:.i R:Z:Mr,r-Xs i.:o.

2 12 .12 Pcs. of. VA.SCO Steel :Blocks to Stor.e & Webster S?ecif:..catio;-1 NUS-ZL/.:' Purchase Orc.:.e:?:* Ejize', 5-l/S" .

x 9-1/4" x 22-1/o" were inspected. Actua.l sizes and he.:,t nu;r,bers a:r.e as :foll ous:

I 3 Pcs" 8-1/8" :>: 9-1/4" X 22*-J./8" I l-Ie2.....~. Kt2m*oe:::- 2027;. i I 6 Pcs. 8-1/8" X 9-1/4" :>: 22-1/4", Jie2.,t .l,t;.,ibe:r 20271. '

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1, He2.t Nu::ibe:rs st2.i':,?cd on each l)i,:;ce.

2, 10:ill t.est :report :receivec..

. 3, lfo defic:i.e:-icies not.en., .

4. Y.ate:r-i&..l a:~ K ,j'\.S, & D.D. Co, I

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1 - i*;:r, n. G. S;:;.levs'.:y/S!::W Re?r. - l~~S lt. DD Co, l .., 1-:r. T,

  • W. Kil-patrick, jr,/jLP/File l Hr, A, :r, Ciarir,ave i/LWW Satisf~cto~y
  • l Er. E, G, J..r..~~.s/S?:.*:

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2 9 VftSCO S'teel 9-1/4" x 8-l/8 11 x 22-1/8" Long 1 Heat Number 21l;7 A NO'IBS:

l. No defects noted, 2, A.ll d:i.e st;:..r.rpcd with heat mmbers.

J, }~terial at N.l:.s, & D.D. Co.

C~:ecc Satisfactory - Rclcc:..s£:ci.

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LA7~0:::, '?/:.. 15650 ANALYSlS :~'.::PORT

~cws Sh'ip:iu11ding & b:-y Dock Co.;-;;:..;,ny l News, Virgin'iD 236D7 !I


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  • CVM V~sco Max 350 So1ut{on A:-in~~1ed Sp.:;c: s-~~:.~ & \./ebstcr NUS 2i4 Ri;;v'is~d ffover.~~er 27, i968 s:z:s BARS W .t.lGET HEAT No.

S-1/8 11 X 9~;/4 11 X 22-1/8 11 ,_,. ,_,,_

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  • -'-- - 6.1
  • U1truson.1c Insp-::;ct'ic.:-1 ~ S;;'dsfoc~ r; -::o Sto:-ie Revised ~.'ove:-;.:);;:r 2 7, No:i Met211 *:c R2.-::~:-i~s 0

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Hc.::.t An::i! No. C Si Mn s p \i/ . Cr V Mo Co .'


.2147-A .013 .03 .05 ~005 " O"'*u--v 4.67 1°1. 81 18. 02 "1

  • 1i Ti 1.41 B c-002 Zr .008 Ca .,05 Add~cl u~ ...,,._')I*

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(Copy of heat chart j_n certification package dated June 12 > 1970,

. File N~. NSC/5073r 104N/171)

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U,TROCE, PA. 15650.

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ANALYSIS REi?ORT storncr: Nuclear Service &. Con:; true 1:ion Co.:.?a.ny II



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~101 Washin 0 ton Avenue

. Newport News, Virginia - 23607 \ I \'...... ""*,

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  • 4/l/70
-., .. :. b_?ncit_:-1dinal Tensile Pro_2ertics Agci..-.~ Tcr:."0. 950° - 3 Ho\\rs
    • ~:-*.': Test 1-~o'" 4T-l*JU 4'i'*-:\~2 3.I;-!-~l

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'_'-*:. Yicld.Strci'lgth PSI 335700 331300 336100 341600

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  • Percent Re due tion 8.0 2.0
  • .: ... :*. . J'c,,,*ccnt Elongation 1.0 LO

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  • ,)*:. . T. 0 0 0 0 0  ;- 0 0 0 3/4 l il.

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.._\ -~ ~:

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Grain Si~e - 6.0

.... . ~ Ultrasonic Inspection Satisfactory to Stone & Webster NUS 214

..:..., ~:**.***. Revised November 27 1 1968

. ~.**: *. -

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. *:* Fracture toughness teot ~esults will be reported ac*a later date *

.. : ~: ...

t Analysis s p w ,~ ,,.

C Si Mn Ci V 1--..1

°A ~014 .03 .o.'.3 eOlO .,094 28.13 Al .,14

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ll;~\SCO U;,~BE, PA. l 5650 LHlAI co~*ur

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. ANALYSIS REPORT 16tomcr: f~cwport Hews Sh,pbutlcling & Dry Dock Comp_any Fracturc*Toughnes~ Results Newport News, Virginia AddHiona1 Informat~on

. .. :: : . ~.  : .~


  • iur Order No. . .. ~

tr Order No.. V-251713 rnd:


  • CVM V.:isco ~-bx 350 So1ut{on Annealed  :: ... :.-.

Spect;iG & Hebster tWS 214 Revised Hovc;r,ber 27, 1968

!* :; SIZE oh t,S . . . * \VElGET  : HEAT l~o. DA TE S!*HP?ED.

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'13th dny of Apr {1, l 970 s

.'- ..... :t~~* a fllOMAS A. l,lclCMi, NDTfiflY ruuuc 1i1 f.l(JNACA oor.ovc,t. DfAV[R COUIITY S0PERVIS0~ - FINISH TESTING LIYC:Oi'.l.!IS~ICl:I f.XPlrl(S JULY~. 1973

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o;ncr: Nuc 1car Service &. Co;;.z truction Co;..;:i:i.ny 4101 Wnohin~ton Avenue

~cwport News, Virzini~ - 23607




'* \...

  • i Order No.* ,. r;*

Order No. V-251713


I d: Consu1,13blc~ \7acuu-;7l f*!cltcd VcSr;co~*t::;,: 350 Solµtio-:1 An-:1c3.lcG o Spec: Stone & \*)2bst,~:::.- 'l\uS 214 Rcv:=.s~d Nove:;.:be:r 2'/ ~ lS,SS_ -:..n-p::,-

SIZE BARS V:'ElGr-iT Hc:\T No. DATr::. s. '" L ;:.:)


  • ,~ 9} 11 x 22-1/8 11

=*:.* *. i ** 4 pieces 1992~ 2171**A 4/1/70

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.*,:~}: *tor,n;it ~url:i.n.::.l Tens :i. lc

    • . . .tCS L\D
  • lB-;'*i:U
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~:'*:*. *-Yield Strcn:;th !'SI 34lf 700

  • 34G3CO .'339000 3316GO

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Sat:i.sfact:ory to Xil-Std 430, S-2, R-2, & C-2

"-:?<*:*crAiu Size .. 6.0


Ultrasonic Inspection - Satisf~ctory to Sto~c &. Wcbst'3.: lm5 214 Revise~ Novc~b~r 27, 1963


  • Fra~ture toughness test results* will be rcportc~ ~ta late~ d~tco An:i.lysis C Si Mn, s p w Cr V Mo Co ~i A. .,021 .,02 c03 .oos .003 4.71 ll.76 28 .47 Al oll Ti l.36 n .003 Zr .003 Ca .05 added n :ind subscribed to before me Certified Correct 2nd cl~y of Aprilt 1970 .

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\ 1* oughness Resu l ts II Nuc 1ear Servkc & Construct{ on Company Fracture I*

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  • ,d-h,t~*-* {i /'1! (_ ,,((~~-_:;._/'__** .

,. ll1lll,,/.S A. l,.cllAN, NOli\11( l'UIJLIC MONACA oonouctt, llE,wrn cuuNrY . ~. .


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. i lOl1N-8 SECTION A Item - VASCO Pins Drawing - 11448-FM-53C, Item 3 No. Pcs. - 8

}~at Nos. 1858A M.S.-592 Heat Nos. 1858A M.S.-610 1975A M. S .-*617 1858A }LS. -603 1975A M,S,-616 1975A l-LS,-614 1858A -H,S.-605 1837A M,S.-597 . .,

  • Raw Material:

Purchase Order No. 104N-7431-4, Item 5 I.R. No, 33.8.3(13) 33.8.3(12) and (18) in Purchase Order No, 104N-5B49-18, Item 2 I.R. 33.8.3(74)A iu*section J of NSC/5016, 104N/1~8

..  :. *.. * .* *1 Machining:

  • . Purchase Order No. lOliN-5849-li 1 Item 3 .

I,R. No. 33,8.3(234) -~.. . *:

. ~


Heat Chart No. B.ll.-698 .. *. .* ~  :.


5 1. VASCO Steel (I*'.achined), 17-5/16" X 20" x 27-5/B"v

.. ~

Heat Number 19SJA

f. "':* .**

.:~ : . l VASCO Steel (Machined), ,17-1/4 11 **x 19-15/:1.6 11 :>: 27-l/2u t i


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  • .* VASCO Steel (Nachined) 1 17-3/8" x*2on x  ;~7-J/16 1\ r
  • .* lieat. Number 18J7 A, and 713;,;x
  • ll I*

_. _5 .  ::** VASCO Steel (1'~ach:5.ned); 17.:. :3/8" x ,.20 11 x 27-.S/8'\

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  • on tuo sides with pDJ..n t
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  • -.* **** *: ** . . *.. . stick marker,
  • Other four cU.e stamped. Heat number eta.mpEKl on block.
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!, . ** * .-: .....  ; -H-DimensioJ1 27-J/16" should* b~ 27-1/l:*" f O.K. for x-o1ec.Se

.... . * -by W, Wel~s *

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TION: Dl6PO&ITIOll Of' Uf,Tl!.fllAb.

!,.~~~/l*:r. H. C:, Solevol:y

. T, W, Kilpatrick, ,JJ*,/JLP/File

. A, F, Ci~nnavci/L\r<< *Satisfactory - Released

, E, G. Ad am:J /SRH

, B*. P. Hill 1 ** ~1r. lJ. R. Graham __ , .LL!.L! ,

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I,R, No, JJ,B.J(74A)

}la.chining to Dir.1, - N.SC Purchc:se Orc_.:,r 104N-*5£V~9-h (Ite:n Ja)

I,R, No. JJ,8,J(179)

At;einc/Eeat 'l'reat .

Heat Chart No, BH-693 Section J

] SHOP JECT P, O. J~O. PROCEDVRC HO, VJ..SCO Steel* 10L;~~-74 31-4 33-1 (Procurer,.ent - :Raw 1-!ateria'.!.s) -*

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1. No deficiencies noted,

. 2. J.:a.tex-ial clie st2_Tjl,ed with heat number.

J. In spec tecl at JfacTavish, *

ecc roour101:, Ol:iPOSlT1011 or 1-1ATt:n1Al.

Stone & Web~ter/Xr, Selcnski

}:acTavish \,:achinc "'. . - ,.,n.r, L , .,. ,.,11e lJ.s l*:r. T. W. KilpJ.trick, Jr./JL?/Filo Satisfactory Released Nr. 13, P. Hill 1 - l*~r. A. F. Cia.!'1nave1 J~r. \1, H. Cr~H\tn l - !fr. '£, C, Adarcs

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1:~~*,*p.ort t::a*.:~, V{;-9*;ni .:i Your Oreb* Nt).

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!:C\,'yOrt ~!cws, Vir£)inia FrDcturu Tou9hness Results 1

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-fructurc roughness. 3D --64.4 1 6~.4, 62.2*

\c 3DM 65.9, 69.2, 71.9 at Analrr.:.s

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  • Si .Mn s p \V Cr . V. Mo Co. ~i I

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Newport News, VirginiJ. 1 l

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  • II>~ 19-3/1111 X 27-1/(11 12/1 [,/69 2 pcs.

fracture Tou9hncss 53 61.1, 6*6.0, 67.9

.5SMX 61.5, 69.0, ~5~6 Kie

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%Eto~gntion 3e5

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Al o 11 Tf 1fl!;. 5 B 0003 Zr 0010 Cri 005 Added Certified Correct Hotury Pu~lfc d c~~----)-0. ._ J ;--.::::.

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j\ 1BX 38.6, 36.2, 37.6 "iC

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