MONTHYEARML17355A3891999-07-20020 July 1999 LER 99-001-00:on 990623,manual Rt from 100% Power Following Multiple Control Rod Drops Was Noted.Caused by Manual Action Taken by Reactor Control Operator.Inspected & Repaired Stationary Gripper Regulating Cards.With 990720 Ltr ML17354B1921998-11-18018 November 1998 LER 98-007-00:on 981020,containment Purge Supply,Valve Opened Wider than TS Limit.Caused by Improper Setting of Mechanical Stops.Incorporated Improved Standard Method of Measuring Angular Valve Position Into Sp.With 981118 Ltr ML17354B1361998-10-16016 October 1998 LER 98-004-00:on 980921,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred. Caused by Inadequate re-correlation of Intermediate Range Neutron Flux Instrumentation Reactor Trip Bistable. Enhanced Applicable Plant Procedures.With 981016 Ltr ML17354B0341998-07-15015 July 1998 LER 98-003-00:on 980619,discovered That Auxiliary Feedwater Sys Was Inoperable Due to Inadequate Inservice Testing of Valves.Caused by Misunderstanding of Testing Criteria.Util Revised Procedures & Verified Operability of Valves ML17354A9841998-06-18018 June 1998 LER 97-007-01:on 970730,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred Due to Closure of B Msiv.Caused by Failed BFD22S Relay.Six Relays on 3A,3B & 3C MSIVs Were Replaced & Implemented Plant Change to Disable Electronic Trip Function on 3 AFW Pumps ML17354A9741998-06-0909 June 1998 LER 98-002-00:on 980513,discovered Potential LOCA-initiated Electrical Fault Which Places ECCS Outside Design Basis. Caused by Inadequate Review of Effect on non-safety Circuit failures.Re-powered PC-*-600A Relays ML17354A8511998-03-24024 March 1998 LER 97-009-01:on 971114,discovered That CR Console Switch for 3B Sgfp Was Not in Start Position.Caused by Inadequate Procedural Guidance.Revised Procedures 3/4-OP-074,informed Personnel of Event & Performed Walkdown of CR ML17354A8441998-03-18018 March 1998 LER 98-001-00:on 980216,manual Reactor Trip Occurred Due to Loss of Turbine Control Oil Pressure W/Steam Leak in Auxiliary Feedwater Steam Supply Piping.Auxiliary Governor Maint Instructions Will Be revised.W/980318 Ltr ML17354A7361997-12-12012 December 1997 LER 97-009-01:on 971114,identified That CR Console Switch for 3B SG Feedwater Pump Was Not in Start Position.Caused by Inadequate Procedural Guidance.Procedures 3/4-OP-074,SGFP Were revised.W/971212 Ltr ML17354A6801997-10-0808 October 1997 LER 97-008-00:on 970909,containment Sump Debris Screens Outside Design Basis Due to Stress Damage Was Discovered. Caused by Inadequate Procedural Guidance & Personnel Error. Discrepancies Found on Screens corrected.W/971008 Ltr ML17354A6121997-08-29029 August 1997 LER 97-007-00:on 970730,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred. Caused by Closure of B Main Steam Isolation Valve.Failed W Relay & Equivalent Relays Were replaced.W/970829 Ltr ML17354A6081997-08-18018 August 1997 LER 97-006-00:on 970722,manual Reactor Trip Occurred Due to Failed Rod Control Power Supplies.Replaced Twelve Power Supplies in Rod Control Logic & Power cabinets.W/970818 Ltr ML17354A5801997-07-14014 July 1997 LER 97-005-00:on 970618,RCP Oil Collection Sys Was Found Outside Design Basis.Caused Because Design Did Not Consider Component Parts to Be Potential Leakage Sources.Entire RCP Oil Collection Sys Was reviewed.W/970714 Ltr ML17354A5141997-05-22022 May 1997 LER 97-002-00:on 970423,automatic Reactor Tripped.Caused by Actuation of Turbine Overspeed Protection Circuit. Administrative Procedures Governing Inadequate Work Controls Will Be Revised to Capture Lessons learned.W/970522 Ltr ML17354A5061997-05-0909 May 1997 LER 97-003-00:on 970410,mode Changed W/O Meeting Requirements of TS 3.0.4 Due to Inadequate Procedural Guidance.Night Order Was Issued to Inform Personnel That S/G Blowdown Keylock Switches Were Left in drain.W/970509 Ltr ML17354A5051997-05-0909 May 1997 LER 97-004-00:on 970411,auxiliary Feedwater Automatic Start Upon Trip of All Main Feedwater Pumps,Occurred.Caused by Mispositioned Valve Closing.Valves Listed as Inappropriately Positioned Were repositioned.W/970509 Ltr ML17354A4781997-04-25025 April 1997 LER 97-001-00:on 970327,ECCS Recirculation Loop Leakage Was Found to Be in Condition Outside Design Basis Due to Gasket Movement During Installation During Spring 1966 Reassembly. Gasket Replaced & Pump tested.W/970425 Ltr ML17354A4581997-03-28028 March 1997 LER 97-002-00:on 970303,manual Reactor Trip Following Rod Control Urgent Failure Alarm Occurred.Caused by Phase Failure Detection on Stationary a Circuits of 2BD Rod Control Cabinet.Air Conditioning replaced.W/970328 Ltr ML17354A4511997-03-26026 March 1997 LER 97-001-00:on 970118,missed Surveillance on CR Position Verification Occurred Due to Inoperable Rod Deviation Monitor.Faulty Circuit Common Connection Was Corrected & Rdm Operability Was restored.W/970326 Ltr ML17354A4061997-02-0303 February 1997 LER 96-004-03:on 970107,identified Three Instances of Inadequate Surveillance Testing.Caused by Inadequate Surveillance Procedures.Surveillance Procedures Revised ML17354A3771996-12-27027 December 1996 LER 96-012-00:on 961204,determined Containment Average Temp Being Determined Based on Only Two Temp Elements Instead of Three as Required by Tss.Caused by Log Only Requiring One Entry.Log revised.W/961227 Ltr ML17354A3261996-11-0606 November 1996 LER 96-011-00:on 961009,potential for Overpressurizing Post Accident Containment Vent Filter Housings Occurred.Caused by Improper Change Mgt.Monitoring Sys Operating Procedures revised.W/961106 Ltr ML17354A3071996-10-22022 October 1996 LER 96-010-00:on 960924,manual Reactor Shutdown Occurred. Caused by Failed Rod Control Sys Regulation Card in 2AC Power cabinet.2AC Power Cabinet DC Power Supplies,Cabling & Connectors checked.W/961022 Ltr ML17353A8711996-08-27027 August 1996 LER 96-009-00:on 960729,failed to Reflect Heavy Load Design Info in Procedural Controls.Caused by Failure to Incorporate 1982 Procedure Changes.Suspended Lifting of Heavy Loads & Took Turbine Bldg Crane OOS.W/960827 Ltr ML17353A7411996-06-18018 June 1996 LER 96-008-00:on 960521,surveillance Method for Testing Emergency Diesel Generators (EDG) Determined Inadequate. Caused by Personnel Error.All Four EDGs Rapid Start Tested & EDG Surveillance Procedures modified.W/960618 Ltr ML17353A7401996-06-18018 June 1996 LER 96-004-02:on 960524,identified Inadequate Surveillance Testing.Caused by Inadequate Surveillance Procedures.Entered Tech Spec Statements,Tested Required Instruments Functions & Revised Plant procedure.W/960618 Ltr ML17353A6901996-05-13013 May 1996 LER 96-004-01:on 960220,identified Potential Tech Spec non-compliance Associated W/Surveillance Testing of AFW Actuation Circuitry on Sg.Caused by Inadequate Surveillance Procedures.Procedures revised.W/960513 Ltr ML17353A6741996-05-0606 May 1996 LER 96-001-00:on 960409,manual Rt Occurred Due to Turbine Governer Control Oil Perturbation.Disassembled & Inspected Governor Valve for Cleanliness & Corrosion products.W/960506 Ltr ML17353A6651996-04-29029 April 1996 LER 96-007-00:on 960329,inadvertent ESF Actuation Occurred During Refueling Outage Due to Cognitive Personnel Error. Personnel Involved Counseled & Integrated Safeguards Test Procedures Being revised.W/960429 Ltr ML17353A6601996-04-25025 April 1996 LER 96-006-00:on 960327,manual Rt Occurred Due to 3C Transformer Lockout & Loss of 3B SG Mfp.Replaced SAM Timer Relay in 3AC16.W/960425 Ltr ML17353A6491996-04-23023 April 1996 LER 96-005-00:on 960326,certain Safety Injection Accumulator Filled Evolutions Resulted in cross-tied Configuration.C/A: Night Order Written & Operations Procedure 3/4-OP-064 revised.W/960423 Ltr ML17353A6051996-03-18018 March 1996 LER 96-003-00:on 960222,two Arpi Inoperable & TS 3.0.3 Entered.Proposed License Amend Submitted to Revise Allowed Misalignment from +/-12 Steps to =/-18 Steps Between Arpi & Dpi at Less than 90% power.W/960318 Ltr ML17353A6041996-03-18018 March 1996 LER 96-004-00:on 960220,surveillance Testing of AFW Actuation Circuitry Was Inadequate.Caused by Inadequate Surveillance Procedures.Tested Untested Portions of Actuation Logic for AFW Automatic Start signal.W/960318 Ltr ML17353A5861996-03-0606 March 1996 LER 96-002-00:on 960209,automatic Turbine Trip/Rt Occurred Due to High SG Level.Caused by Personnel Error.Replaced Both Hinge Pins on B Sgfp Discharge Check valve.W/960306 Ltr ML17353A5761996-03-0101 March 1996 LER 96-001-00:on 960131,intake CWS Flow Rates Found W/ Potential to Be Less than Required by Design Basis.Caused by Influx of Aquatic Grass & Algae Onto Basket Strainers of Icw Flow Path.Mechanically Cleaned strainers.W/960301 Ltr ML17353A4451995-11-0909 November 1995 LER 95-007-00:on 951017,manual Rt Occurred Following Drop of Four Control Rods.Caused by Water Intrusion Into Rod Control Power Cabinet 2BD.Inspected Control Power Cabinet 2BD for Other Water damage.W/951109 Ltr ML17353A4241995-10-12012 October 1995 LER 95-006-00:on 950913,analysis Showed That CCW Exchangers Susceptible to Damage Due to flow-induced Vibration.Ccw Sys Has Been Flow Balanced to Closer tolerances.W/951012 Ltr ML17353A3601995-09-13013 September 1995 LER 95-005-00:on 950818,containment Pressure Testing Procedure Resulted in Inhibiting Both Trains of Containment Pressure from Initiated Esf.Revised Procedure to Require Testing of Each Train separately.W/950913 Ltr ML17353A2951995-07-17017 July 1995 LER 94-005-02:on 941103,both Units Outside Design Basis Due to Design Defect in Safeguards Bus Sequencer Test Logic. Resumed Monthly Manual Testing of Sequencer ML17352B1581995-05-0505 May 1995 LER 95-004-00:on 950407,unit Being Shutdown to Investigate Recurring non-urgent Failure Alarms from Redundant Rod Control Power Supplies.Reactor Manually Tripped.All Four PS-3 Power Supplies replaced.W/950505 Ltr ML17352B1181995-04-0707 April 1995 LER 95-003-00:on 950309,intake Cooling Water Flow Rate Through CCW Heat Exchangers Fell Below Assumed Design Basis. Caused by an Influx of Aquatic Grass & Algae Onto Basket Strainers.Strainers cleaned.W/950407 Ltr ML17352B0701995-03-13013 March 1995 LER 95-002-00:on 950215,inadequate Definition of Loops Filled Resulted in Units in Condition Prohibited by Ts. Issued TS Position Statement to Define Term Loops Filled as Used in TS Ltr ML17352B0321995-02-0909 February 1995 LER 94-005-01:on 941103,design Defect Found in Safeguards Bus Sequencer Test Logic,Placing Facility Outside Design Basis.Design Mods to Eliminate Software Logic Problems Will Be Implemented During Next Refueling outages.W/950209 Ltr ML17352B0101995-01-20020 January 1995 LER 94-006-00:on 941226,C Main Feedwater Control Valve Failed Closed,Causing Reactor & Turbine Trips.Caused by Loose Screw Terminal Connection.I/P Transducers Replaced W/ New Model W/Different Design Wire connection.W/950120 Ltr ML17352A9511994-12-13013 December 1994 LER 94-006-00:on 941130,Unit 4 Tripped Automatically.Caused by Failure of Flexible Link Connection Between Main Generator B Phase Bus & Associated Isolated Phase Bus Bar. All Bolts on Flexible Link checked.W/941213 Ltr ML17352A8871994-11-10010 November 1994 LER 94-005-00:on 941103,design Defect in Safeguards Bus Sequencer Test Logic Places Both Units Outside Design Basis. Caused by 3A Sequencer Failed to Respond as Expected to Opposite Unit SI signal.W/941110 Ltr ML17352A8851994-11-10010 November 1994 LER 94-004-00:on 941103,Unit 3 Outside Design Basis Due to Two of Three Required Safety Injection Pumps Inoperable. Control Switches for 3A & 3B Safety Injection Pumps Immediately Returned to automatic.W/941110 Ltr ML17352A8421994-10-21021 October 1994 LER 94-004-00:on 940923,Unit 4 Tripped Automatically from Rated Power.Caused by Faulty Regulator Transistor.Faulty Backup Power Supply Replaced & Maint History for Power Supplies reviewed.W/941021 Ltr ML17352A8431994-10-20020 October 1994 LER 94-005-00:on 940924,Unit 4 Manually Tripped.Caused by Manual Actuation.Light Bulb & Socket replaced.W/941020 Ltr ML17352B1671994-08-16016 August 1994 LER 94-003-00:on 940720 & 21,util Discovered That Several Required Valve Stroke Time Surveillances Had Not Been Performed.Caused by Personnel Error.Personnel Reassigned & Procedures and Surveillance Tracking Software Enhanced 1999-07-20
[Table view] Category:RO)
MONTHYEARML17355A3891999-07-20020 July 1999 LER 99-001-00:on 990623,manual Rt from 100% Power Following Multiple Control Rod Drops Was Noted.Caused by Manual Action Taken by Reactor Control Operator.Inspected & Repaired Stationary Gripper Regulating Cards.With 990720 Ltr ML17354B1921998-11-18018 November 1998 LER 98-007-00:on 981020,containment Purge Supply,Valve Opened Wider than TS Limit.Caused by Improper Setting of Mechanical Stops.Incorporated Improved Standard Method of Measuring Angular Valve Position Into Sp.With 981118 Ltr ML17354B1361998-10-16016 October 1998 LER 98-004-00:on 980921,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred. Caused by Inadequate re-correlation of Intermediate Range Neutron Flux Instrumentation Reactor Trip Bistable. Enhanced Applicable Plant Procedures.With 981016 Ltr ML17354B0341998-07-15015 July 1998 LER 98-003-00:on 980619,discovered That Auxiliary Feedwater Sys Was Inoperable Due to Inadequate Inservice Testing of Valves.Caused by Misunderstanding of Testing Criteria.Util Revised Procedures & Verified Operability of Valves ML17354A9841998-06-18018 June 1998 LER 97-007-01:on 970730,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred Due to Closure of B Msiv.Caused by Failed BFD22S Relay.Six Relays on 3A,3B & 3C MSIVs Were Replaced & Implemented Plant Change to Disable Electronic Trip Function on 3 AFW Pumps ML17354A9741998-06-0909 June 1998 LER 98-002-00:on 980513,discovered Potential LOCA-initiated Electrical Fault Which Places ECCS Outside Design Basis. Caused by Inadequate Review of Effect on non-safety Circuit failures.Re-powered PC-*-600A Relays ML17354A8511998-03-24024 March 1998 LER 97-009-01:on 971114,discovered That CR Console Switch for 3B Sgfp Was Not in Start Position.Caused by Inadequate Procedural Guidance.Revised Procedures 3/4-OP-074,informed Personnel of Event & Performed Walkdown of CR ML17354A8441998-03-18018 March 1998 LER 98-001-00:on 980216,manual Reactor Trip Occurred Due to Loss of Turbine Control Oil Pressure W/Steam Leak in Auxiliary Feedwater Steam Supply Piping.Auxiliary Governor Maint Instructions Will Be revised.W/980318 Ltr ML17354A7361997-12-12012 December 1997 LER 97-009-01:on 971114,identified That CR Console Switch for 3B SG Feedwater Pump Was Not in Start Position.Caused by Inadequate Procedural Guidance.Procedures 3/4-OP-074,SGFP Were revised.W/971212 Ltr ML17354A6801997-10-0808 October 1997 LER 97-008-00:on 970909,containment Sump Debris Screens Outside Design Basis Due to Stress Damage Was Discovered. Caused by Inadequate Procedural Guidance & Personnel Error. Discrepancies Found on Screens corrected.W/971008 Ltr ML17354A6121997-08-29029 August 1997 LER 97-007-00:on 970730,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred. Caused by Closure of B Main Steam Isolation Valve.Failed W Relay & Equivalent Relays Were replaced.W/970829 Ltr ML17354A6081997-08-18018 August 1997 LER 97-006-00:on 970722,manual Reactor Trip Occurred Due to Failed Rod Control Power Supplies.Replaced Twelve Power Supplies in Rod Control Logic & Power cabinets.W/970818 Ltr ML17354A5801997-07-14014 July 1997 LER 97-005-00:on 970618,RCP Oil Collection Sys Was Found Outside Design Basis.Caused Because Design Did Not Consider Component Parts to Be Potential Leakage Sources.Entire RCP Oil Collection Sys Was reviewed.W/970714 Ltr ML17354A5141997-05-22022 May 1997 LER 97-002-00:on 970423,automatic Reactor Tripped.Caused by Actuation of Turbine Overspeed Protection Circuit. Administrative Procedures Governing Inadequate Work Controls Will Be Revised to Capture Lessons learned.W/970522 Ltr ML17354A5061997-05-0909 May 1997 LER 97-003-00:on 970410,mode Changed W/O Meeting Requirements of TS 3.0.4 Due to Inadequate Procedural Guidance.Night Order Was Issued to Inform Personnel That S/G Blowdown Keylock Switches Were Left in drain.W/970509 Ltr ML17354A5051997-05-0909 May 1997 LER 97-004-00:on 970411,auxiliary Feedwater Automatic Start Upon Trip of All Main Feedwater Pumps,Occurred.Caused by Mispositioned Valve Closing.Valves Listed as Inappropriately Positioned Were repositioned.W/970509 Ltr ML17354A4781997-04-25025 April 1997 LER 97-001-00:on 970327,ECCS Recirculation Loop Leakage Was Found to Be in Condition Outside Design Basis Due to Gasket Movement During Installation During Spring 1966 Reassembly. Gasket Replaced & Pump tested.W/970425 Ltr ML17354A4581997-03-28028 March 1997 LER 97-002-00:on 970303,manual Reactor Trip Following Rod Control Urgent Failure Alarm Occurred.Caused by Phase Failure Detection on Stationary a Circuits of 2BD Rod Control Cabinet.Air Conditioning replaced.W/970328 Ltr ML17354A4511997-03-26026 March 1997 LER 97-001-00:on 970118,missed Surveillance on CR Position Verification Occurred Due to Inoperable Rod Deviation Monitor.Faulty Circuit Common Connection Was Corrected & Rdm Operability Was restored.W/970326 Ltr ML17354A4061997-02-0303 February 1997 LER 96-004-03:on 970107,identified Three Instances of Inadequate Surveillance Testing.Caused by Inadequate Surveillance Procedures.Surveillance Procedures Revised ML17354A3771996-12-27027 December 1996 LER 96-012-00:on 961204,determined Containment Average Temp Being Determined Based on Only Two Temp Elements Instead of Three as Required by Tss.Caused by Log Only Requiring One Entry.Log revised.W/961227 Ltr ML17354A3261996-11-0606 November 1996 LER 96-011-00:on 961009,potential for Overpressurizing Post Accident Containment Vent Filter Housings Occurred.Caused by Improper Change Mgt.Monitoring Sys Operating Procedures revised.W/961106 Ltr ML17354A3071996-10-22022 October 1996 LER 96-010-00:on 960924,manual Reactor Shutdown Occurred. Caused by Failed Rod Control Sys Regulation Card in 2AC Power cabinet.2AC Power Cabinet DC Power Supplies,Cabling & Connectors checked.W/961022 Ltr ML17353A8711996-08-27027 August 1996 LER 96-009-00:on 960729,failed to Reflect Heavy Load Design Info in Procedural Controls.Caused by Failure to Incorporate 1982 Procedure Changes.Suspended Lifting of Heavy Loads & Took Turbine Bldg Crane OOS.W/960827 Ltr ML17353A7411996-06-18018 June 1996 LER 96-008-00:on 960521,surveillance Method for Testing Emergency Diesel Generators (EDG) Determined Inadequate. Caused by Personnel Error.All Four EDGs Rapid Start Tested & EDG Surveillance Procedures modified.W/960618 Ltr ML17353A7401996-06-18018 June 1996 LER 96-004-02:on 960524,identified Inadequate Surveillance Testing.Caused by Inadequate Surveillance Procedures.Entered Tech Spec Statements,Tested Required Instruments Functions & Revised Plant procedure.W/960618 Ltr ML17353A6901996-05-13013 May 1996 LER 96-004-01:on 960220,identified Potential Tech Spec non-compliance Associated W/Surveillance Testing of AFW Actuation Circuitry on Sg.Caused by Inadequate Surveillance Procedures.Procedures revised.W/960513 Ltr ML17353A6741996-05-0606 May 1996 LER 96-001-00:on 960409,manual Rt Occurred Due to Turbine Governer Control Oil Perturbation.Disassembled & Inspected Governor Valve for Cleanliness & Corrosion products.W/960506 Ltr ML17353A6651996-04-29029 April 1996 LER 96-007-00:on 960329,inadvertent ESF Actuation Occurred During Refueling Outage Due to Cognitive Personnel Error. Personnel Involved Counseled & Integrated Safeguards Test Procedures Being revised.W/960429 Ltr ML17353A6601996-04-25025 April 1996 LER 96-006-00:on 960327,manual Rt Occurred Due to 3C Transformer Lockout & Loss of 3B SG Mfp.Replaced SAM Timer Relay in 3AC16.W/960425 Ltr ML17353A6491996-04-23023 April 1996 LER 96-005-00:on 960326,certain Safety Injection Accumulator Filled Evolutions Resulted in cross-tied Configuration.C/A: Night Order Written & Operations Procedure 3/4-OP-064 revised.W/960423 Ltr ML17353A6051996-03-18018 March 1996 LER 96-003-00:on 960222,two Arpi Inoperable & TS 3.0.3 Entered.Proposed License Amend Submitted to Revise Allowed Misalignment from +/-12 Steps to =/-18 Steps Between Arpi & Dpi at Less than 90% power.W/960318 Ltr ML17353A6041996-03-18018 March 1996 LER 96-004-00:on 960220,surveillance Testing of AFW Actuation Circuitry Was Inadequate.Caused by Inadequate Surveillance Procedures.Tested Untested Portions of Actuation Logic for AFW Automatic Start signal.W/960318 Ltr ML17353A5861996-03-0606 March 1996 LER 96-002-00:on 960209,automatic Turbine Trip/Rt Occurred Due to High SG Level.Caused by Personnel Error.Replaced Both Hinge Pins on B Sgfp Discharge Check valve.W/960306 Ltr ML17353A5761996-03-0101 March 1996 LER 96-001-00:on 960131,intake CWS Flow Rates Found W/ Potential to Be Less than Required by Design Basis.Caused by Influx of Aquatic Grass & Algae Onto Basket Strainers of Icw Flow Path.Mechanically Cleaned strainers.W/960301 Ltr ML17353A4451995-11-0909 November 1995 LER 95-007-00:on 951017,manual Rt Occurred Following Drop of Four Control Rods.Caused by Water Intrusion Into Rod Control Power Cabinet 2BD.Inspected Control Power Cabinet 2BD for Other Water damage.W/951109 Ltr ML17353A4241995-10-12012 October 1995 LER 95-006-00:on 950913,analysis Showed That CCW Exchangers Susceptible to Damage Due to flow-induced Vibration.Ccw Sys Has Been Flow Balanced to Closer tolerances.W/951012 Ltr ML17353A3601995-09-13013 September 1995 LER 95-005-00:on 950818,containment Pressure Testing Procedure Resulted in Inhibiting Both Trains of Containment Pressure from Initiated Esf.Revised Procedure to Require Testing of Each Train separately.W/950913 Ltr ML17353A2951995-07-17017 July 1995 LER 94-005-02:on 941103,both Units Outside Design Basis Due to Design Defect in Safeguards Bus Sequencer Test Logic. Resumed Monthly Manual Testing of Sequencer ML17352B1581995-05-0505 May 1995 LER 95-004-00:on 950407,unit Being Shutdown to Investigate Recurring non-urgent Failure Alarms from Redundant Rod Control Power Supplies.Reactor Manually Tripped.All Four PS-3 Power Supplies replaced.W/950505 Ltr ML17352B1181995-04-0707 April 1995 LER 95-003-00:on 950309,intake Cooling Water Flow Rate Through CCW Heat Exchangers Fell Below Assumed Design Basis. Caused by an Influx of Aquatic Grass & Algae Onto Basket Strainers.Strainers cleaned.W/950407 Ltr ML17352B0701995-03-13013 March 1995 LER 95-002-00:on 950215,inadequate Definition of Loops Filled Resulted in Units in Condition Prohibited by Ts. Issued TS Position Statement to Define Term Loops Filled as Used in TS Ltr ML17352B0321995-02-0909 February 1995 LER 94-005-01:on 941103,design Defect Found in Safeguards Bus Sequencer Test Logic,Placing Facility Outside Design Basis.Design Mods to Eliminate Software Logic Problems Will Be Implemented During Next Refueling outages.W/950209 Ltr ML17352B0101995-01-20020 January 1995 LER 94-006-00:on 941226,C Main Feedwater Control Valve Failed Closed,Causing Reactor & Turbine Trips.Caused by Loose Screw Terminal Connection.I/P Transducers Replaced W/ New Model W/Different Design Wire connection.W/950120 Ltr ML17352A9511994-12-13013 December 1994 LER 94-006-00:on 941130,Unit 4 Tripped Automatically.Caused by Failure of Flexible Link Connection Between Main Generator B Phase Bus & Associated Isolated Phase Bus Bar. All Bolts on Flexible Link checked.W/941213 Ltr ML17352A8871994-11-10010 November 1994 LER 94-005-00:on 941103,design Defect in Safeguards Bus Sequencer Test Logic Places Both Units Outside Design Basis. Caused by 3A Sequencer Failed to Respond as Expected to Opposite Unit SI signal.W/941110 Ltr ML17352A8851994-11-10010 November 1994 LER 94-004-00:on 941103,Unit 3 Outside Design Basis Due to Two of Three Required Safety Injection Pumps Inoperable. Control Switches for 3A & 3B Safety Injection Pumps Immediately Returned to automatic.W/941110 Ltr ML17352A8421994-10-21021 October 1994 LER 94-004-00:on 940923,Unit 4 Tripped Automatically from Rated Power.Caused by Faulty Regulator Transistor.Faulty Backup Power Supply Replaced & Maint History for Power Supplies reviewed.W/941021 Ltr ML17352A8431994-10-20020 October 1994 LER 94-005-00:on 940924,Unit 4 Manually Tripped.Caused by Manual Actuation.Light Bulb & Socket replaced.W/941020 Ltr ML17352B1671994-08-16016 August 1994 LER 94-003-00:on 940720 & 21,util Discovered That Several Required Valve Stroke Time Surveillances Had Not Been Performed.Caused by Personnel Error.Personnel Reassigned & Procedures and Surveillance Tracking Software Enhanced 1999-07-20
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEARML20217L9371999-10-20020 October 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Licensee Proposed Alternative from Certain Requirements of ASME Code,Section XI for First 10-Yr Interval Request for Relief for Containment Inservice Insp Program ML17355A4471999-09-30030 September 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1999 for Turkey Point,Units 3 & 4.With 991008 Ltr ML17355A4121999-08-31031 August 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1999 for Turkey Point,Units 3 & 4.With 990909 Ltr ML17355A3981999-07-31031 July 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for July 1999 for Turkey Point,Units 3 & 4.With 990809 Ltr ML17355A3891999-07-20020 July 1999 LER 99-001-00:on 990623,manual Rt from 100% Power Following Multiple Control Rod Drops Was Noted.Caused by Manual Action Taken by Reactor Control Operator.Inspected & Repaired Stationary Gripper Regulating Cards.With 990720 Ltr ML17355A3611999-06-30030 June 1999 Refueling Outage ISI Rept. ML17355A3681999-06-30030 June 1999 Revised Update to Topical QA Rept, Dtd June 1999 ML17355A3841999-06-30030 June 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for June 1999 for Turkey Point,Units 3 & 4.With 990713 Ltr ML17355A3511999-05-31031 May 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for May 1999 for Turkey Point,Units 3 & 4.With 990609 Ltr ML17355A3331999-04-30030 April 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Apr 1999 for Turkey Point,Units 3 & 4.With 990511 Ltr ML20217B9871999-04-0808 April 1999 Changes,Tests & Experiments Made as Allowed by 10CFR50.59 for Period Covering 971014-990408 ML17355A2881999-04-0505 April 1999 COLR for Turkey Point Unit 4 Cycle 18. ML17355A2911999-03-31031 March 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Mar 1999 for Turkey Point,Units 3 & 4.With 990414 Ltr ML17355A2551999-02-28028 February 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Feb 1999 for Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant,Units 3 & 4.With 990315 Ltr ML17355A2261999-01-31031 January 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Jan 1999 for Turkey Point,Units 3 & 4.With 990211 Ltr ML17355A2201999-01-20020 January 1999 Refueling Outage ISI Rept. ML17355A1911998-12-31031 December 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Dec 1998 for Turkey Point,Units 3 & 4.With 990112 Ltr ML18008A0461998-11-30030 November 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Nov 1998 for Turkey Point,Units 3 & 4.With 981209 Ltr ML17354B1921998-11-18018 November 1998 LER 98-007-00:on 981020,containment Purge Supply,Valve Opened Wider than TS Limit.Caused by Improper Setting of Mechanical Stops.Incorporated Improved Standard Method of Measuring Angular Valve Position Into Sp.With 981118 Ltr ML17354B1891998-11-0909 November 1998 Simulatory Certification Update 2. ML17354B1901998-10-31031 October 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Oct 1998 for Turkey Point,Units 3 & 4.With 981112 Ltr 05000250/LER-1998-006-02, :on 981006,unescorted Access Was Granted to Contractor Employee Who Falsified Background Info.Caused by Individual Who Knowingly Provided False Info.Denied Access to Individual on 981006.With1998-10-27027 October 1998
- on 981006,unescorted Access Was Granted to Contractor Employee Who Falsified Background Info.Caused by Individual Who Knowingly Provided False Info.Denied Access to Individual on 981006.With
ML17354B1591998-10-23023 October 1998 COLR for Turkey Point Unit 3 Cycle 17. 05000250/LER-1998-005-02, :on 980924,suspended Safeguards During Severe Weather Due to Personnel Safety.Caused by Severe Weather Associated with Effects of Hurricane Georges.Fully Instituted Compensatory Measure.With1998-10-16016 October 1998
- on 980924,suspended Safeguards During Severe Weather Due to Personnel Safety.Caused by Severe Weather Associated with Effects of Hurricane Georges.Fully Instituted Compensatory Measure.With
ML17354B1361998-10-16016 October 1998 LER 98-004-00:on 980921,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred. Caused by Inadequate re-correlation of Intermediate Range Neutron Flux Instrumentation Reactor Trip Bistable. Enhanced Applicable Plant Procedures.With 981016 Ltr ML17354B1311998-09-30030 September 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1998 for Turkey Point Unit 3 & 4.With 981012 Ltr ML17354B0971998-09-0909 September 1998 Part 21 Rept Re Possible Machining Defect in Certain One Inch Stainless Steel Swagelok Front Ferrules,Part Number SS-1613-1.Caused by Tubing Slipping Out of Fitting at Three Times Working Pressure of Tubing.Notified Affected Utils ML17354B0981998-08-31031 August 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1998 for Turkey Points,Units 3 & 4.With 980915 Ltr ML17354B0771998-07-31031 July 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for July 1998 for Turkey Point,Units 3 & 4.W/980810 Ltr ML17354B0341998-07-15015 July 1998 LER 98-003-00:on 980619,discovered That Auxiliary Feedwater Sys Was Inoperable Due to Inadequate Inservice Testing of Valves.Caused by Misunderstanding of Testing Criteria.Util Revised Procedures & Verified Operability of Valves ML17354B0241998-06-30030 June 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for June 1998 for Turkey Point,Units 3 & 4.W/980709 Ltr ML17354B0171998-06-29029 June 1998 Rev 1 to PTN-FPER-97-013, Evaluation of Turbine Lube Oil Fire. ML17354A9841998-06-18018 June 1998 LER 97-007-01:on 970730,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred Due to Closure of B Msiv.Caused by Failed BFD22S Relay.Six Relays on 3A,3B & 3C MSIVs Were Replaced & Implemented Plant Change to Disable Electronic Trip Function on 3 AFW Pumps ML17354A9741998-06-0909 June 1998 LER 98-002-00:on 980513,discovered Potential LOCA-initiated Electrical Fault Which Places ECCS Outside Design Basis. Caused by Inadequate Review of Effect on non-safety Circuit failures.Re-powered PC-*-600A Relays ML20248F7441998-05-31031 May 1998 Reactor Vessel Working Group,Response to RAI Regarding Reactor Pressure Vessel Integrity ML17354A9711998-05-31031 May 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Turkey Point,Units 3 & 4. W/980611 Ltr ML17354A9231998-04-30030 April 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Apr 1998 for Turkey Point,Units 3 & 4.W/980511 Ltr ML17354A8821998-03-31031 March 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Mar 1998 for Turkey Point,Units 3 & 4.W/980409 Ltr ML17354A8511998-03-24024 March 1998 LER 97-009-01:on 971114,discovered That CR Console Switch for 3B Sgfp Was Not in Start Position.Caused by Inadequate Procedural Guidance.Revised Procedures 3/4-OP-074,informed Personnel of Event & Performed Walkdown of CR ML17354A8441998-03-18018 March 1998 LER 98-001-00:on 980216,manual Reactor Trip Occurred Due to Loss of Turbine Control Oil Pressure W/Steam Leak in Auxiliary Feedwater Steam Supply Piping.Auxiliary Governor Maint Instructions Will Be revised.W/980318 Ltr ML17354B0001998-03-18018 March 1998 Florida Power & Light Topical Quality Asurance Rept, Dtd June 1998 ML17354A8311998-02-28028 February 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Feb 1998 for Turkey Point,Units 3 & 4.W/980311 Ltr ML17354A7871998-01-31031 January 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Jan 1998 for Turkey Point,Units 3 & 4.W/980209 Ltr ML17354A7581997-12-31031 December 1997 Monthly Operating Repts for Dec 1997 for Turkey Point,Unit 3 & 4.W/980112 Ltr ML17354A7361997-12-12012 December 1997 LER 97-009-01:on 971114,identified That CR Console Switch for 3B SG Feedwater Pump Was Not in Start Position.Caused by Inadequate Procedural Guidance.Procedures 3/4-OP-074,SGFP Were revised.W/971212 Ltr ML17354A7381997-11-30030 November 1997 Monthly Operating Repts for Nov 1997 for Turkey Point,Units 3 & 4.W/971215 Ltr ML17354A7211997-10-31031 October 1997 Monthly Operating Repts for Oct 1997 for Turkey Point,Units 3 & 4.W/971114 Ltr ML17354A7491997-10-13013 October 1997 SG Insp Rept. ML17354A8851997-10-13013 October 1997 FPL Units 3 & 4 Changes,Tests & Experiments Made as Allowed by 10CFR50.59 for Period Covering 960408-971013. ML17354A6801997-10-0808 October 1997 LER 97-008-00:on 970909,containment Sump Debris Screens Outside Design Basis Due to Stress Damage Was Discovered. Caused by Inadequate Procedural Guidance & Personnel Error. Discrepancies Found on Screens corrected.W/971008 Ltr 1999-09-30
[Table view] |
ACCESSION NBR:9610290160 DOC.DATE: 96/10/22 NOTARIZED NO DOCKET I FAC'IL:50-250 Turkey Point Plant, Unit 3, Florida Power and Light C 05000250 AUTH. NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION MOWREYiC.L. Florida Power 6 Light Co.
HOVEY,R.J. Florida Power & Light Co.
LER 96-010-00:on 960924,manual reactor shutdown occurred.
Due to multiple ROD drops.2AC power cabinet DC power supplies,CRDMs cabling s connectors,F-12 a K-4 output fuses were checked.W/961022 ltr.
TITLE: 50.73/50.9 I icensee Event Report (LER), Incident Rpt, etc.
tt FPL OCT 2 2199o L-96-264 10 CFR 50.73 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555 Re: Turkey Point Unit 3 Docket No. 50-250 Reportable Event: 96-010 The attached Licensee Event Report 250/96-010 is being provided in accordance with 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i),(A).
If there are any questions, please contact us.
Very truly yours, R.
klJ. Hovey Vice President Turkey Point Plant attachment CC: Stewart D. Ebneter, Regional Administrator, Region II USNRC Thomas P. Johnson, Senior Resident Inspector, Turkey Point Plant, USNRC
9rcri 02'rr0160 961022 PDR ADQCK 05000250 8 PDR an FPL Group company
HON DAY YR SEO P Rl HON DAY YR FACILITY NAHES DOCKET < (S) 09 24 96 96 010 00 10 22 96 OPERATING HODE (9) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(A)
On September 24, 1996, at about 0255, control rod F-12, in Control Bank C Group 2, dropped for no apparent reason. Fifteen minutes later, a second rod in Control Bank C Group 2 dropped (rod K-4).
Power was reduced by ramping down the turbine generator and borating the reactor coolant system. After the unit was off line, unit shutdown was completed by fully inserting all rods.
The cause of the event was a failed Rod Control System regulation card in the 2AC power cabinet. The failure appears to be random.
Plant parameters related to the dropped rods responded as expected; the health and safety of the public was not affected.
The failed card and other suspect cards have been replaced.
Additional cooling in the power cabinets, and in the room, is being evaluated. The set point for the room high temperature alarm will be lowered; the thermostat for the room has been lowered.
The NRC Operations Center was notified at 0352 on September 24, 1996, in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72 (b)(i)(A), Initiation of a Shutdown Required by Technical Specifications.
TURKEY POINT UNIT 3 05000250 96-010-00 2 OF 9 I. DESCRIPTION OF THE EVENT On September 24, 1996, FPL's Turkey Point Unit 3 was operating in Mode 1 at 100%. At about 0255, control rod F-12 [AA:rod], in Control Bank C Group 2, dropped for no apparent reason. Rod F-12 was fully inserted with no indication of binding or ratcheting. No rod movement was in progress at the time.
Fifteen minutes later, while taking action as directed by the off-normal procedure for a dropped rod, a second rod in Control Bank C Group 2 dropped (rod K-4). Rod Position Indication [IU:zi] for Rod K-4 was observed to exhibit some oscillations near 228 steps, then Rod K-4 fell with no observable binding or ratcheting. No alarms were received for this rod drop.
Turkey Point procedures allow the recovery of one or two dropped rods; if three or more rods drop, a reactor trip is required. Since the cause of the two rod drops was not immediately apparent, the decision was made to shut down the unit. Power was reduced by ramping down the turbine generator [TB:tg] and borating the reactor coolant system [AB].
After the unit was off line, unit shutdown was completed by fully inserting all rods.
As power was reduced, two additional problems were noted:
Intermediate range [IG] channel N-36 was observed to be reading low at 10E-11 amps, and Intermediate range channel N-35 was holding at 1-E-5 amps. Both intermediate range channels should have tracked the power reduction to about 10E-10 amps. Both channels were declared out of service.
- 2. Steam flow indication [JB:fi] on the 3A steam generator [SB:sg]
was observed to be very erratic at low load (less than 150 MWe).
3A main feedwater regulating valve [JB;:fcv] oscillations were observed, and the Reactor Control Operator took manual control of the valve earlier than is usually necessary during a unit shutdown.
Unit 3 was stabilized in Mode 3 (Hot Standby) . Unit 3 was returned to service on September 27, 1996. The NRC Operations Center was notified at 0352 on September 24, 1996 as required by 10 CFR 50.72 (b)(i)(A),
Initiation of a Shutdown Required by Technical Specifications.
TURKEY POINT UNIT 3 05000250 96-010-00 3 OF 9 II. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The Rod Cluster Control Assemblies (RCCAs or rods) are. used to add negative reactivity to the reactor core. During reactor startup, RCCAs are withdrawn from the reactor core. To shut down the reactor, RCCAs are inserted into the core. There are 45 RCCAs. In addition to the rods, reactivity is also controlled by controlling the boric acid concentration in the reactor coolant system.
RCCA movement is effected through the use of a Control Rod Drive Mechanism (CRDM) . Each RCCA has an associated CRDM, located on the reactor head. The CRDM is used to position the rod within the core.
The CRDM uses magnetic forces to lift'nd hold the rod. To move the RCCA up or down, one step at a time, the Rod Control System sequentially energizes and de-energizes three coils in the CRDM. The three coils are the stationary gripper, the moveable gripper and the lift coil. To hold the RCCA in place, the system maintains a current through the stationary gripper coil.
The Rod Control System is a solid state electronic control system located in the 3B Motor Control Center (MCC) Room. It consists of four power cabinets, one logic cabinet, and a DC hold cabinet. The logic cabinet generates current regulating signals which are used by the power cabinets, based upon the speed, direction and selected bank control input signals. The power cabinets generate and deliver power to the CRDM coils, based upon the signals received from the logic cabinet. Power to the system is delivered via the Reactor Trip Breakers from the motor-generator sets located in the cable spreading room.
The forty-five CRDMs are divided among the four power cabinets. Each cabinet supports three groups of CRDMs. Only one group may be moved at a time while the other groups are held stationary. Dropped rods F-12 and K-4 belong to Control Bank C group 2, which is powered by the 2AC cabinet. The 2AC cabinet powers 12 rods in all. Four rods are in Control Bank A group 2, four rods are in Shutdown Bank A group 2, and four are in Control Bank C group 2. Only two of the four rods in Control Bank C group 2 dropped.
For a rod to fall, the stationary gripper mechanism must release its grip on the RCCA lead screw. To do this, the magnetic forces generated by the gripper coil must fall below the gripper opening spring force.
The magnetic force generated by the coil is directly proportional to the current in the coil. It is therefore reasonable to assume that the rods dropped because sufficient stationary current was not maintained for rods F-12 and K-4.
TURKEY POINT UNIT 3 05000250 96-010-00 4 OF 9 The stationary current for each rod group is generated in the power cabinet by three Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCRs). These SCRs rectify three phase AC power and supply each CRDM stationary gripper coil with 4.4 amps to hold, or 8 amps to engage (when stepping). The SCRs are gated by the firing card, which is in turn controlled by the phase control card. The phase control card receives an error signal from the regulation card and senses the phase relationship of tge three phase AC input power. The regulation card senses the stationary coil currents and compares these signals to a reference signal developed by the regulated 24 Vdc power supply. The resulting error signal is sent to the phase card, which controls the gating of the SCRs at the proper time in the AC cycle to control the current applied to the stationary coil. Rod groups not selected for movement are held at a minimum current level of 4.4 amps.
III. CAUSE OF THE EVENT The cause of the event has been determined to be a failed Rod Control System regulation card in the 2AC power cabinet. The firing card, regulation card, and phase control cards were returned to Westinghouse for dynamic testing. When subjected to moderate heating (85 F), as would be expected in normal service, the regulation card failed. The failure was isolated to the auctioneering differential amplifier section of the card. This resulted in an error signal of insufficient magnitude. The error signal is used by the phase control card to determine when to gate the SCRs to control the current applied to the stationary gripper coil. A reduced error signal would cause a lower than normal current to be applied to the stationary gripper coil. A sufficiently low stationary current would permit a rod to drop. This failure mode is consistent with the dropped rod scenario in that it resulted in the inability to properly regulate stationary gripper currents.
Testing of the phase control card at the same elevated temperature (85 F) also produced a failure. The failure was present for phase A signals only and was observed on two tests, but did not repeat during the eight subsequent tests. Although this card requires repairs, its failure was not as prevalent as the multiple and repeatable regulation card failures. The contribution from this card to event root cause is considered possible but not probable, based upon the function of the card and the lack of repeatability of the failure.
No observable failures have been documented, during testing of the firing card.
TURKEY POINT UNIT 3 05000250 96-010-00 5 OF 9 The Westinghouse test report provides additional test details.
Westinghouse' design basis document identifies that the rod control system is designed to operate in a temperature environment ranging between 10 C and 40 C with an ambient room temperature of 25 C (77 F).
Ambient room temperature readings in the (Unit 4) 4B MCC room measured 73 F (Unit 4 was operating). Temperature readings taken inside two rod control power cabinets (1AC & 2AC) for Unit 4 measured 98.6'F. The temperature probe was positioned about a quarter of an inch above the center of the rod control card cage. The rack door was closed as much as possible during measurements. Thermography data taken of a regulation card in another Unit 4 power cabinet indicated a nominal temperature of 104 F.
Temperature inside the 1AC rod control power cabinet for Unit 3 measured 107.4 F. Ambient room temperature in the (Unit 3) 3B MCC room measured 75.5 F. There is a control room annunciator associated with MCC room temperature [VI:ta]; its present set point is 102 F.
In May of 1995, it was discovered that the 3B MCC room air conditioning was operating at reduced capacity. The condensing unit was replaced in December, and a Request for Engineering Assistance was generated due to the deteriorating condition of the evaporator unit and its inaccessibility. During the time of reduced air conditioning capacity (about six months), the 3B MCC room temperature approached 80 F. Any adverse consequence of this increased temperature is most likely to result in accelerated aging.
Effects associated with the elevated 3B MCC room temperatures cannot be quantified. In general the effect of elevated temperatures on electronic equipment is accelerated component aging. Electrolytic capacitors and semiconductor devices are especially susceptible.
Failures due to accelerated aging are fairly unpredictable and are random in nature.
This failure is considered a random isolated incident.
Intermediate Ranges N-35 and N-36 N-35 was found to have low resistance between its signal cable center conductor and inner shield. This .was isolated to the detector itself which was replaced on 09/25/96. N-36 required an adjustment of its compensating voltage.
TURKEY POINT UNIT 3 05000250 96-010-00 6 OF 9 3A Steam Generator Steam Flow Erratic Indication The cause of the erratic loop signal appears to have been incompletely filled transmitter sensing lines. Calibration of the sensor loop was checked, and the transmitter sensing lines were refilled. Loop performance was monitored during the subsequent startup, and no problems were noted.
III. ANALYSIS OF THE EVENT Turkey Point's Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) discussed dropped rod(s) as described in the following paragraphs.
A dropped rod event is a Condition II event that is assumed to be initiated by a single electrical or mechanical failure which causes any number and combination of rods from the same group of a given bank to drop to the bottom of the core. The resulting negative reactivity insertion causes nuclear power to rapidly decrease. An increase in the hot channel factor may occur due to the skewed power distribution representative of a dropped rod configuration. The Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB) design basis is met for the combination of power, hot channel factor, and other system conditions which exist following the dropped rod.
Following a dropped rod event in manual rod control (or with automatic rod withdrawal defeated), the plant will establish a new equilibrium condition. The equilibrium process is monotonic, in that, there is no power overshoot without control bank withdrawal. The Turkey Point units have disabled the automatic rod withdrawal capability.
Nuclear models are used to calculate the hot channel factors resulting from the drop of various control rods for a given core design. These values are compared to the maximum allowable hot channel factor described above. If the calculated hot channel factors are less than the allowable, the DNB design basis is met. A dropped rod event is modeled as a negative reactivity insertion corresponding to the reactivity worth of the dropped rod(s) regardless of the actual configuration of the rod(s) that drop. The system transient is calculated by assuming a constant turbine load demand at the initial value (no turbine runback) and no bank withdrawal. A spectrum of dropped rod worths from 50 pcm to 1500 pcm was analyzed. The analysis is presented for typical cases of 300 pcm and 1000 pcm.
TURKEY POINT UNIT 3 05000250 96-010-00 7 OF 9 Nuclear power decreases initially due to the negative reactivity insertion of the dropped rod(s) and then increases due to the effects of moderator and Doppler reactivity feedback. Due to the negative feedback, the core heat flux increases to match the secondary steam load. The heat flux returns to the initial value for a 300 pcm rod drop, since there is no turbine runback and steam flow remains constant at the initial value. For the 1000 pcm case, the RCS cooldown causes a reduction in steam pressure, such that the steam flow is limited by the full opening of the turbine throttle with control valves. Thus, the core secondary load at a power heat flux reaches equilibrium the somewhat below the initial full power value.
A computer analysis of nuclear response was performed which considered all credible combinations of dropped rods rods for Turkey Point. This includes single rods as well as multiple from the same group which are wired through the same control cabinet. In addition, control and shutdown bank drops were analyzed. The results of this analysis show that hot channel factors resulting from these rod drops for the Turkey Point core designs are less than the maximum allowable values determined in the thermal-hydraulic statepoint analysis. Thus, the DNB design basis is met. The results show that the limiting rod worths for these cycles in terms of minimum margin to the allowable hot channel factor occur in the range of 300-600 pcm. Worths in this range correspond to the drop of two or three RCCA's, and are considerably more limiting than the dropped banks.
An analysis of all credible dropped rod events for Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 verifies that the DNB Ratio (DNBR) remains above the limit value for both the standard and optimized fuel types. Therefore FPL has concluded that a dropped rod event would not have an adverse impact on plant safety.
The analysis presented in the UFSAR (Revision 12) is specifically for Unit 3 Cycle 9 and Unit 4 Cycle 10. The RCCA Drop analysis is redone each cycle to ensure that the new cycle results show that a dropped RCCA event does not adversely affect the core and that the DNBR remains above the limit value.
Because the conditions of the actual event were bounded by the assumptions and results of the analysis in the UFSAR, this event did not compromise the health or safety of plant personnel or the general public.
This event is reportable under the requirements of 10 CFR 50.73 (a) (2) (i) (A) .
TURKEY POINT UNIT 3 05000250 96-010-00 8 OF 9 IV. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS The 2AC power cabinet DC power supplies, the CRDMs, cabling and connectors, the F-12 and K-4 output fuses were checked. The 2AC power cabinet components for Control Bank C stationary grippers were inspected for loose connections, foreign material, spread card cage pins, etc. No relevant: problems were found.
- 2. A Control Bank C group 2 stepping test was performed, with satisfactory results.
- 3. The affected firing card, regulation card, and phase control cards were replaced.
- 4. FPL will evaluate the need for additional cooling for the power cabinets in order to lower temperatures in the card cage area of the cabinets.
- 5. Redesign or replacement of the 3B MCC air handler for better maintainability will be evaluated.
- 6. The 3B MCC Hi Temperature Alarm set point will be lowered to provide additional margin for early warning of air conditioning problems. The appropriate plant documentation and procedures will be revised to support the change.
- 7. Intermediate range N-35 detector [IG:det] was replaced.
Intermediate range N-36 required an adjustment of its compensating voltage.
- 8. Calibration of the 3A Steam Generator. steam flow sensor loop was checked, and the transmitter sensing lines were refilled. Loop performance was monitored during the subsequent startup, and no problems were noted.
- 9. Other failures in the Turkey Point rod control system, as well as related industry events are discussed in the next section. These failures were evaluated by the Event Response Team which addressed the failure reported herein; the Team determined that other rod control failures were random in nature, and not limited to any card or component.
TURKEY POINT UNIT 3 05000250 96-010-00 9 OF 9 V. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A. Similar Events: Another utility experienced numerous dropped rods circa 1991, 4 of which resulted in reactor trips. Their personnel performed extensive system testing and determined the root cause of the failures to be the firing cards. They found the firing cards to be a source of extreme, damaging heat. Heat generated by these cards, resulted in poor solder connections, lifting circuit board traces and deteriorating transistors. In addition, they found heat degraded components on the regulation cards which are mounted in close proximity to the firing cards. That utility's solution was the total replacement of the firing cards. FPL has not experienced rod control failures due to overheating by firing cards. Review of other NPRDS events revealed other industry rod control failures to be random in nature, and not limited to any card or component.
B. LER 251/94-004 documented an automatic reactor trip when power failed in the 1AC control cabinet, and 12 rods dropped. The power failure was the result of a combination of a tripped breaker and a faulty power supply internal to the control cabinet.
LER 250/95-004 resulted from an urgent failure alarm on the Unit 3 2AC cabinet when Control bank C movement was demanded. A manual reactor trip signal brought the Unit off line. Power supplies PS 3 and PS 4 in power cabinet 2AC and PS 4 in power cabinet 2BD were found to have degraded to the point of failure.
The power supplies reported in the two LERs described above were replaced with more reliable ones. Their failures were not related to overheating.
LER 250/95-007 was written to report a reactor trip as a result of four dropped rods. The cause of the dropped rods was water intrusion into rod control power cabinet 2BD. The design of an air conditioner evaporator drip pan drain was found to be inadequate for the level of humidity in the room.
C. EIIS Codes are shown in the format [EIIS SYSTEM: IEEE component function identifier, second component identifier (if appropriate)].