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Revised EPIPS, Including Rev. 31 to EPIP 13.9.1, Rev. 9 to EPIP 13.12.19, Rev. 4 to EPIP 13.12.20 & Rev. 5 to EPIP 13.12.21
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 03/11/2004
From: Morse R
Energy Northwest
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
EPIP 13.12.19, Rev 9, EPIP 13.12.20, Rev 4, EPIP 13.12.21, Rev 5, EPIP 13.9.1, Rev 31
Download: ML040820393 (114)


XENERGY NORTHWEST People- Vision* Solutions INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: March 11, 2004 TO: Distribution -:j2Vy (>IRA FRoM: Procedure Control, Administrative Services, (901A)



The following Procedure(s) have been revised/approved and are to be inserted in your controlled copy of the Manual and the superseded revisions are to be removed and destroyed:

Procedure Rev Title/Comments 13.9.1 31 Environmental Field Monitoring Operations 13.12.19 9 JIC Management 13.12.20 4 Media and Information Management 13.12.21 5 JIC Support Activities To verify receipt or cancellation of the subject Procedure(s), please sign, date and return this receipt to Procedure Control, MD 901A within TEN (10) WORKING DAYS of the date of this IOM.

Energy Northwest Procedure Control (Mail Drop 901A)

PO Box 968 Richland, WA 99352 Date Signature of Manual Holder Controlled Copy Number

  • 13 . 9. 1*





4.0 PROCEDURE ......................... ........................ . 3 4.1 Field Team Coordinator Duties .......... ........................ . 3 4.2 4.3 Field Team Dispatcher Duties ........... .........................

Environmental Field Team Member Duties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6

5.0 ATTACHMENTS ....................... . 12 5.1 Radiation Survey Instruments: Battery and Response Checks, and Operation .... 13 5.2 Radio, Cellular Phone and GPS Operation Instructions .................. 19 5.3 Field Radiation Surveys (General Area and Ground Contamination) .......... 21 5.4 Portable Air Sampling Instructions ............................... 24 5.5 Sample Identification Form (19324) Instructions ....................... 28 5.6 Environmental TLD and Fixed Air Sample Retrieval Instructions ............ 29 5.7 Field Team Coordinator Checklist ................................ 31 5.8 Field Team Briefing Worksheet .................................. 33 5.9 Field Team Kit Replenishment Log ............................... 34 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.9.1 31 1 of 34

1.0 PURPOSE This procedure provides those individuals involved with Environmental Field Team (EFT), or Field Team, operations with instructions for responding to radiological emergencies at Energy Northwest nuclear facilities. The Environmental Field Teams will confirm radiological releases through actual measurements in the field to determine the extent of plume travel and contamination spread. Sampling and field analysis will be conducted following the instructions contained in attachments to this procedure.


2.1 FSAR, Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan, Sections 2, 5 2.2 CI 4.1 1, Trip Directions to TLD Stations 2.3 CI 4.12, Airborne Samples Distribution, Collection and Shipping 2.4 CI 4.13, Trip Directions to Environmental Air Sampler Stations 2.5 PPM, Operation of MG DMC-100 and DMC-2000 Electronic Dosimeters 2.6 PPM 13.2.1, Emergency Exposure Levels/Protective Action Guides 2.7 PPM 13.9.5, Environmental Sample Collection 2.8 PPM 13.9.8, River Evacuation Monitoring 2.9 PPM 13.13.4, After Action Reporting 2.10 PPM 13.14.4, Emergency Equipment 2.11 Sample Identification Form, 19324 2.12 Emergency Response Log, 23895 2.13 Field Team Dispatch and Tracking Worksheet, 25815 2.14 Ten Mile EPZ Field Team Summary Map, 25130 2.15 Field Team Radiation Survey Data, 26097 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.9.1 31 2 of34

3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 3.1 Environmental air sampling should be performed sufficiently downwind and not closer than 1.2 miles from the plant to minimize dose. All field team personnel should be instructed to contact MUDAC prior to entering the plume and should be made aware of expected dose rates. Air sampling should not be conducted in fields greater than 2 rem/hr.

3.2 When driving off-road during the dry summer months, Field Team personnel should be aware of the potential for grass fires started by the vehicle's hot exhaust.

3.3 Due to the potential hazard of explosion or fire, adhere to good safety practices when obtaining environmental air samples by connecting the sampler's positive battery terminal lead first, then connecting the negative lead to a ground away from the battery's negative lead cable post (a ground connection can be any metal object within the vehicle's engine compartment). When completed air sampling, disconnect the negative lead first.

3.4 Field Team personnel need to be aware of the potential for heat stress problems when dressed in protective clothing on a hot summer day. The Field Team Coordinator should request a Safety Representative be called out for advisory purposes if this is perceived to be a potential problem.

4.0 PROCEDURE 4.1 Field Team Coordinator Duties NOTE: The Field Team Coordinator checklist (Attachment 5.7) is provided for guidance.

4.1.1 Provide overall direction of environmental field teams. Coordinate each organization's team activities with the responsible agency for their respective area:

a. Exclusion Area Boundary -- Energy Northwest
b. Hanford Reservation -- Energy Northwest and DOE-RL
c. Outside the Hanford Reservation -- Energy Northwest and Washington State Department of Health
d. Oregon -- Oregon Department of Energy 4.1.2 Assign each field team deployed an identification number for use in communications and reporting (e.g., EN-1, EN-2, DOE-1, DOE-2, etc.).


4.1.3 Interface with the Dose Projection Health Physicist (DPHP) to determine the following:

a. Projected release path.
b. Areas which may require surveys, air sampling, or environmental sampling to verify plume location and deposition.
c. Emergency worker dose correction factor. The REM may need to be consulted for this information.

4.1.4 Determine current year-to-date (YTD) dose of each Energy Northwest field team member. Using a dose projection computer, double click on the "Run Exposure Report" icon. This will download the most recent exposure report to the computer.

a. Double click on the "View Exposure Report" icon. This will display a list of all Energy Northwest personnel and their exposure history. Scroll to the desired name or select "Edit" and use the "Find" option.
b. Close the window when all desired records have been obtained.

4.1.5 Log each field team member's current year-to-date (YTD) dose, available dose, electronic dosimeter number, and the emergency worker dose correction factor in the Emergency Worker Dose Worksheet Section of the Field Team Dispatch and Tracking Worksheet (Form 25815). Available dose is 5000 mrem minus current YTD dose.

  • When a radiological release to the environment has started, and periodically thereafter, request an emergency worker correction factor from the Dose Projectionist Health Physicist.
  • If the dose adjustment factor provided to you by the REM is less than 5, use that factor. If the dose adjustment factor is greater than 5, use 5.

The emergency worker available dose should be divided by the dose adjustment factor to get the corrected available dose.

4.1.6 If necessary, request a support person or additional field team member to assist with recording incoming field team data.

4.1.7 Perform initial briefing of field teams prior to dispatch per Attachment 5.8.

a. Initial briefings should include individual exposures and limits.
b. Obtain field team vehicle license and cell phone numbers, and record them on the briefing guide.

4.1.8 Direct the Field Team Dispatcher in the control and routine briefing of field teams after they are dispatched.


4.1.9 Develop an initial plan of action to detect radiological effluent releases through the use of field teams taking into account computer generated data on current and potential effluent release exposure areas.

CAUTION: Environmental air sampling should be performed sufficiently downwind to minimize dose. All field team personnel should be instructed to contact MUDAC prior to entering the plume and should be made aware of expected dose rates. Air sampling should not be conducted in fields, projected or actual, greater than 2 rem/hr. If it is determined that a dose correction factor is necessary, adjust this 2 rem/hr value accordingly.

4.1.10 During initial deployment, position field teams per the following guidelines:

a. Locate one field team downwind in close proximity to the plant (about

/2 mile depending on wind conditions). Use grid locations rather than GPS coordinates when field teams are close to the plant.

b. Locate the other field teams farther downwind.

4.1.11 When a radioactive release is confirmed:

a. Dispatch field teams to traverse at designated distances (i.e., 1.2, 5, and 10 miles) and verify dose rate levels above 100 microrem/hr.
b. Upon identification of a radioactive plume, commence air sampling activities.
c. Identify plume centerline and boundaries (i.e., 100 microrem/hr).

4.1.12 Direct field teams to contact the Field Team Coordinator for further instructions when they have located the plume boundary and prior to entering the plume for additional readings.

4.1.13 Keep the DPHP informed of field monitoring results.

4.1.14 Reposition field teams as necessary to track the plume's leading edge, the side boundaries and, when the release terminates, the trailing edge.

4.1.15 Consult with the REM to determine when an environmental air sample is necessary to determine specific isotopic content of the plume. If so, direct the field team to enter the plume and obtain the air sample keeping exposures ALARA. Air samples should be taken at least 1.2 miles downwind.

a. Electronic dosimeters for field team members are set to alarm at 500 mrem per hour. Direct field team members to leave the plume and contact you for guidance if their dosimeters go into alarm.


NOTE: Dose limits for emergency workers in excess of 5 rem TEDE must be pre-approved by the Emergency Director.

4.1.16 Periodically request dosimeter readings of field team members to assure personnel do not exceed Energy Northwest guides. The Emergency Worker dose limit is 5 rem TEDE, minus any accumulated dose. Ensure dosimeter readings are logged on the Field Team Dispatch and Tracking Worksheet (Form 25815).

4.1.17 Maintain up-to-date 10 mile and 50 mile MUDAC Field Team display maps, showing field team locations, and showing field team radiological monitoring results. Update Field Team Summary Maps (Form 25130) as needed.

4.1.18 Periodically, or as requested, provide completed Field Team Summary Maps (Form 25130) to the REM.

4.1.19 When directed to assist with river evacuation monitoring, dispatch a field team to implement PPM 13.9.8.

4.1.20 Notify field teams when decisions are made to take KI, or to implement other protective measures.

4.1.21 Arrange for replacement of field team instrumentation or supplies when needed.

4.1.22 Upon shift change, brief your relief on current status of the emergency and field team activities.

4.1.23 Upon shift change or termination of the emergency:

a. Prepare an individual After Action Report. Refer to PPM 13.13.4.
b. Collect Field Team Kit Inventory Sheets and After Action Reports from all field teams.
c. Deliver After Action Reports to the DPHP.

4.2 Field Team Dispatcher Duties 4.2.1 Assign and dispatch field teams as directed and record data on the Field Team Dispatch and Tracking Worksheet (Form 25815).

4.2.2 Maintain radio contact with field teams and enforce radio discipline and good practices.

4.2.3 When significant changes occur during the emergency, complete a Field Team Briefing Worksheet (Attachment 5.8), conduct a roll call of all field teams and provide a radio briefing of worksheet information. Record field team acknowledgment following the briefing.


a. Continue to follow up with any teams that fail to acknowledge the briefing. The Washington field team coordinator should be informed of state teams not receiving the briefing.

4.2.4 When directed, notify field teams of any Protective Action Decisions (PADs) affecting the field teams or the public.

4.2.5 Periodically request dosimetry readings from field team members to ensure they are within limits and notify the Field Team Coordinator of results.

4.2.6 Maintain radio communications capability until all field teams have returned to the Kootenai Building.

4.2.7 Act as Field Team Coordinator when requested.

4.2.8 Upon shift change, brief your relief on the current status of the emergency and field team activities.

4.2.9 Upon shift change or termination of the emergency:

a. Prepare an individual After Action Report. Refer to PPM 13.13.4.
b. Deliver After Action Report, and logs to the Field Team Coordinator.

4.3 Environmental Field Team Member Duties 4.3.1 Upon notification of Alert or higher classification, or as directed, proceed to the Emergency Operations Facility, or if directed, to Energy Northwest Alternate EOF at the ENOC MPF, and report to the Radiological Emergency Manager or Field Team Coordinator.

NOTE: If none of the above personnel are present, proceed with those procedure steps listed for getting field team equipment ready for use. Check back with one of the listed personnel when ready for dispatch.

4.3.2 Sign in on the EOF staffing board designated for listing field team members and obtain a field team identification designator number (i.e., EN-1, EN-2, etc.).

NOTE: Additional field team kits and the River Evacuation and Monitoring Kits are located outside Room 201 of the ENOC MPF. Keys for the cabinet are located in the glass front key box on the wall adjacent to the Room 201 door. Enter the ENOC MPF via the southeast keycard sliding door.

4.3.3 The first team member to arrive at the EOF should retrieve the Field Team Emergency Cabinet keys (key to the First Aid Room for entry to the ambulance bay, and the key to the field team radio cabinet) from the EOF Field Team Supply Cabinet. The key to the EOF Field Team Cabinet is located in the red key box on the side of the cabinet.


4.3.4 Obtain keys for the Energy Northwest designated field team vehicles from the EOF Field Team Supply Cabinet. Field Team vehicles are located at the top of the hill above the ambulance bay.

4.3.5 Obtain keys to the Site One gates located on the River Corridor road between Site One and WNP-4.

4.3.6 Obtain a Field Team case containing the Field Team Document Packet of Maps, Forms, Procedures, a GPS unit, and cell phone from the EOF Field Team Supply Cabinet.

NOTE: The electronic dosimeter dose rate alarm is set to 500 mrem per hour. The dose alarm is set to 1800 mrem. If the dosimeter goes into alarm, immediately leave the area and contact the Field Team Coordinator.

4.3.7 Obtain an electronic dosimeter from the EOF Field Team Cabinet. To activate the dosimeter, press the button on the side. The dosimeter display should change from "Enter" to "d:"

4.3.8 Report to the Ambulance Bay and unlock the following:

a. Field Team Emergency Cabinets #1 through #3 (Kootenai Building Health Physics Center).
b. Radio Charger Cabinet (Kootenai Building, Room 118A, by decon shower).
c. Return the key ring to the EOF Field Team cabinet prior to the last team departing the Ambulance Bay.

4.3.9 Obtain field team equipment from the designated cabinets which includes the following:

NOTE: The combination to the field team kits is 91 1.

a. Protective Clothing Kit
b. Instrumentation Kit
c. Ribboned Stakes for marking sample locations
d. Air Sampling Kit
e. Field Sampling Kit
f. Field Team Portable Radio (1) and Spare Batteries (1) located in the Radio Charging Cabinets in Kootenai Building, Room 118A.

4.3.10 If the inventory seal on any of the kits is broken, inventory the contents of that kit per the PPM 13.14.4 inventory list, located in the Field Team cabinets in the Ambulance Bay, and notify the Field Team Coordinator if anything is missing.


NOTE: The use of gloves is recommended when handling uncoated lead radioactive source shielding containers.

4.3.11 Using the field team radio cabinet key, obtain the source to be used for performing instrument response checks located in the field team source cabinet in Room 118A. The source shall be returned to this cabinet when response checks are complete, and the cabinet locked.

4.3.12 Perform battery and response check, as applicable, on all radiation survey instruments in the instrumentation kit and record the information on the Checklist for Equipment Test, Attachment 5.1, located in the Field Team Document Packet, using the guidance contained in Attachment 5.1 and Attachment 5.2.

4.3.13 After the last Field Team completes instrument checks, return the source to the field team source cabinet.

4.3.14 Return the key ring to the EOF Field Team cabinet prior to the last team departing the Ambulance Bay.

4.3.15 Set up and test air sampler per Attachment 5.4.

NOTE: The field team vehicle radio needs to be turned on for the following step.

NOTE: If your radio is inoperable, establish contact by phone, or by cellular phone from a Field Team vehicle.

4.3.16 When equipment check and vehicle loading is complete, establish radio contact with MUDAC and conduct radio checks, using the vehicle radio and both portable radios. See Attachment 5.2, Radio, Cellular Phone and GPS Operation Instructions, for guidance.

NOTE: It is recommended that the GPS unit be connected to the vehicle's cigarette lighter.

4.3.17 Turn on the GPS unit and verify the following:

a. The page with altitude, clock and position displays. If another page displays, press PAGES and select GROUP A.
b. Batteries are not low. Verify batteries by pressing PAGES, then select STATUS.

4.3.18 Obtain initial deployment assignment from MUDAC, and when directed by the MUDAC Field Team Coordinator, don appropriate protective clothing (PCs), and proceed to assigned location, continuously monitoring radiation levels.


a. Security will open the gate near the treatment pond and leave the gate open as long as the Site One roadblock is in place.

4.3.19 The following Stability Class tables are provided to complement the briefing information received from the Field Team Coordinator.

STABILITY CLASS TABLE Stability Classification NRC Categories l _ _ __ l(Stability)

Extremely unstable A (1)

Moderately unstable B (2)

Slightly unstable C (3)

Neutral D (4)

Slightly stable E (5)

Moderately stable F (6)

Extremely stable G (7) 4.3.20 Notify the Field Team Dispatcher upon arrival at your assigned location.

4.3.21 As directed, perform general area surveys, ground contamination surveys and portable air samples following the instructions contained in Attachments 5.3 through 5.5.

4.3.22 Maintain a chronology of significant inputs, actions, events and their resolutions on an already established log, or on the Emergency Response Log (Form 23895), for attachment to your After Action Report per PPM 13.13.4.

4.3.23 If directed to perform River Evacuation Monitoring refer to PPM 13.9.8.

4.3.24 If directed to retrieve environmental TLDs and/or fixed air samples, refer to Attachment 5.6.

4.3.25 When relieved at shift change, or termination of emergency event:

a. Brief your relief on responsibilities, duties and current status of actions being performed.
b. Report to the Kootenai Building Health Physics Center for survey, and, if necessary, decontamination.
c. Return dosimetry to the EOF Field Team Supply cabinet and request HP to track and appropriately account for your dose, and then to reset the electronic dosimeters to fast entry mode per PPM


d. Prepare an individual After Action Report per PPM 13.13.4.
e. Deliver After Action Reports to the Field Team Coordinator.

4.3.26 When assigned as relief for the on shift Environmental Field Team Members:

a. Report to the Field Team Coordinator in MUDAC.
b. Receive an update on present conditions, and instructions for relieving the on shift team members.
c. Prior to beginning the assignment, obtain electronic dosimetry from the EOF Field Team Cabinet, and report to the Health Physics Center for a complete set of protective clothing.
d. Obtain replacement radio batteries from the radio charging cabinets in the Kootenai Building, Room 118A, if needed.
e. Proceed to the field team location you are relieving, receive briefing and relieve the on shift field team.
f. Perform a battery check on all applicable instrumentation. Complete the Checklist for Equipment Test, Attachment 5. 1.

4.3.27 Upon return of field team equipment:

a. Restore equipment to correct field team kit container and place in designated cabinet.
b. Refer to the field team kit inventories for a list of each kit's contents.

c If kits contain the required items, reseal the kits.

  • If kit supplies need replacement or replenishment, complete the Field Team Kit Replenishment Log located on the inside of the field team cabinet door noting any items used out of the kits.

Include the replenishment log with your After Action Report.

Refer to Attachment 5.9.

c. Prepare an Individual After Action Report per PPM 13.13.4.
d. Deliver all logs, data work sheets, and After Action Reports to the Field Team Coordinator.


5.0 ATTACHMENTS 5.1 Radiation Survey Instruments: Battery and Response Checks 5.2 Radio, Cellular Phone and GPS Operation Instructions 5.3 Field Radiation Surveys (General Area and Ground Contamination) 5.4 Portable Air Sampling Instructions 5.5 Sample Identification Form (19324) Instructions 5.6 Environmental TLD and Fixed Air Sample Retrieval Instructions 5.7 Field Team Coordinator Checklist 5.8 Field Team Briefing Worksheet 5.9 Field Team Kit Replenishment Log PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.9.1 31 12 of 34

RADIATION SURVEY INSTRUMENTS: BATTERY AND RESPONSE CHECKS, and OPERATION Prior to departure from the EOF, all radiation survey instruments should be battery and response checked. The Cesium 137 check source for response checking the instruments is located in the Field Team Source Cabinet inside a lead container. When response checking the instruments you are looking for any indication of an elevated reading.

When response checking the RO-2A (Beta/Gamma Dose Rate Meter) you may need to remove the source from the lead container and check window open in order to see a response. When finished, return the source to its container, and the container to the field team source cabinet. Lock the cabinet to maintain adequate source control, and return the key to the EOF Field Team Supply Cabinet.

1. Ludlum Model 2 Count Rate Meter The Ludlum Model 2 Count rate meter should be used when measuring gamma and beta radiation to determine Beta and Gamma contamination. It is used to take readings on air sample cartridges and filters. It is also used to detect levels of contamination on samples, equipment and on yourself.

The Count rate meter can be used to differentiate between Gamma and Beta radiation by placing a piece of cardboard over the probe. If uncovered readings are higher than covered readings then this is an indication of the presence of Beta radiation. If there is no difference between the readings, you are seeing only Gamma. An indication of Beta would mean you are in the plume. An indication of only Gamma would mean the plume is overhead.

a. Battery Check 1.1.1 Place Selector switch to BAT. The needle should deflect to BAT TEST portion of the scale.
  • If the battery response does not deflect into the BAT TEST portion of the scale, replace the two D cell batteries and repeat the battery check.
  • Place the selector switch to OFF position
  • Check the calibration due date.
b. Response Check 1.2.1 Attach the HP 260 pancake probe to the count rate meter.

1.2.2 Set the Selector switch to XI.

Attachment 5.1 Page 1 of 6 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.9.1 31 13 of 34

1.2.3 Press the RES button to ensure that scale reading goes to zero.

1.2.4 Set the F-S switch to fast. The F-S response toggle switch dampens meter response from 3 seconds (F) to 11 seconds (S).

1.2.5 Set the audio toggle to ON 1.2.6 Slowly pass the probe over the surface of the source at about one centimeter.

1.2.7 If the response check was satisfactory; initial, date and check the SAT block on the checklist.

1.2.8 If the instrument fails the response check, contact the HP in the Health Physics Center for assistance.

2. Ludlum Model 3 Micro R Meter The Ludlum Micro R meter should be used for detection of very low level gamma radiation.

This instrument is used to determine plume boundaries (10 times background or approximately 100 micro R) and to determine dose rates. The Micro R meter has a range of 0 to 3000 Micro R/hr. When levels exceeding 2000 Micro R/hr are detected, the RO-2A should be used.

For initial surveys, the meter should be set to the XI range. The Range selector switch positions for the Micro R meter includes a XO. 1 scale. On the meter this indicates a range of 0 to 3 Micro R/hr. Because background is approximately 10 Micro R/hr, this scale will always be pegged.

a. Battery Check 2.1.1 Place Selector switch to BAT. The needle should deflect to BAT TEST portion of the scale.
  • If the battery response does not deflect into the BAT TEST portion of the scale, replace the two D cell batteries and repeat the battery check.
  • Check the calibration due date.
b. Response Check 2.2.1 Attach the probe to the instrument.

Attachment 5.1 Page 2 of 6 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.9.1 31 14 of 34

2.2.2 Press the RES button to ensure that scale reading goes to zero. The RES button should also be pushed when changing ranges to quickly re-zero the meter.

2.2.3 Set the Selector switch to XI.

2.2.4 Set the F-S switch to fast. The F-S response toggle switch dampens meter response from 3 seconds (F) to 11 seconds (S).

2.2.5 Set the audio toggle to ON.

2.2.6 Slowly pass the probe over the surface of the source at about one centimeter.

2.2.7 If the response check was satisfactory; initial, date and check the SAT block on the checklist.

2.2.8 If the instrument fails the response check, contact the HP in the Health Physics Center for assistance.

3. Eberline Model RO-2A Meter CAUTION: The chamber face of the RO-2A is a Beta window of ultra-thin mylar and is covered by a sliding Beta shield to allow Beta/Gamma differentiation. Caution should be taken not to puncture the mylar screen when the Beta shield is open.

The Eberline Model RO-2A meter should be used once levels of radiation exceed 2000 Micro R/hr detected by the Micro R meter.

The Beta window is moved by first depressing the friction release button located on the side of the instrument case. To slide the window, tilt the case either up or down while depressing the button.

Full instrument response time of the RO-2A is five seconds. This means the meter needle will move from a reading of zero to 90% of full scale in five seconds. To obtain accurate results, the instrument should be moved slowly enough to evaluate the extent of a change in meter reading.

To differentiate between Beta and Gamma radiation, a reading should first be taken with the window open and then with window closed. If there is no difference in readings you are seeing only Gamma. If there is a difference then you are seeing both Gamma and Beta. A reading with both Gamma and Beta detected would indicate that you are in the plume.

Attachment 5.1 Page 3 of 6 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.9.1 31 15 of 34

When calculating beta radiation, a correction factor must be applied to the difference between the beta and gamma readings, and the beta only reading (i.e., the window open and window closed readings). To determine the beta radiation, subtract the window closed reading (gamma) from the window open reading. Multiply the beta correction factor listed on the side of the RO-2A times the difference to determine the corrected beta reading.

a. Battery Check 3.1.1 The RO-2A has two battery checks for each test (one of the 9 volt batteries has been replaced with a 30 volt upgrade). Place the Range Selector switch in each BAT position and verify that the meter indicates above the BATT OK mark.
  • If the battery response does not deflect into the BAT OK portion of the scale, replace the nine volt battery and repeat the battery check.
  • Check the calibration due date.
b. Response Check 3.2.1 Place the Range Selector switch in the ZERO position and adjust ZERO knob until the meter indicates ZERO (0).

3.2.2 Set the Selector Switch to the 0-50 mR/hour position.

3.2.3 With the window open, slowly pass the instrument over the source at about one centimeter. (You may need to remove the source from the lead container to obtain a response.)

3.2.4 If the response check was satisfactory; initial, date and check the SAT block on the checklist.

3.2.5 If the instrument fails the response check, contact the HP in the Health Physics Center for assistance.

Attachment 5.1 Page 4 of 6 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.9.1 31 16 of 34

CHECKLIST FOR EQUIPMENT TEST NOTE: Return the check source to the field team source cabinet and lock the cabinet when done response checking instruments. Return the key to the EOF Field Team Supply Cabinet key box.

Response Battery Instrumentation Serial Cal Due Date Correction Initials/Date Check Check Kit Number Factor & Time

. Sat UnSat Sat UnSat Micro R Meter N/A Beta/Gamma Dose Rate Meter (RO-2A)

Count Rate N/A Meter/Pancake GM Probe (Frisker/Geiger counter)

Portable Radio N/A N/A N/A (Check N/A N/A operability with Field Team Coordinator) _

Verify Cell N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Phone operation Attachment 5.1 Page 5 of 6 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.9.1 31 17 of 34

CHECKLIST FOR EOUIPMENT TEST. con't Instrumentation Serial Cal Due Date Correction Initials/Date Response Battery Kit Number Factor & Time Check Check Sat UnSat Sat UnSat Global N/A N/A N/A N/A Positioning System (GPS)

Unit Check N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Electronic Dosimeters Return Source N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A to field team source cabinet; lock cabinet; return key to the field team cabinet. . . -

Other (Specify)

Initial 10 cu ft Flow Sample Rate Time Air Sampler N/A N/A N/A Operational Check Attachment 5.1 Page 6 of 6 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.9.1 31 18 of 34


1. Radio Operating Procedures
a. Turn on the radio (vehicle radios must be turned on each time the vehicle is turned off and back on).
b. Set the frequency selector to the F-1 channel.
c. Place the speaker toggle switch to normal position (speaker open).
d. Rotate the squelch control counterclockwise until you receive squelch.
e. Adjust the volume to desired level.
f. Rotate the squelch control clockwise until the noise just stops. This is the threshold setting. Do not adjust further. Excessive squelch reduces radio sensitivity. If unable to silence squelch, the battery must be replaced. Contact the Field Team Dispatcher for replacement batteries.
2. Radio Transmitting Instructions NOTE: Continuous transmissions lasting longer than approximately 30 seconds will be automatically interrupted by the repeater.
a. Hold the radio upright with the speaker-microphone grill two or three inches from your mouth.
b. Do not interrupt another user. If you do, someone will not be heard.
c. When preparing to transmit, press the talk switch, and wait approximately one second before talking.
d. Talk in a slow, clear, normal voice, with brief transmissions.
e. When finished transmitting, release the talk switch to receive.
f. State the station you are calling first, then state your identification number (e.g., MUDAC this is EN-2, or EN-2 this is MUDAC).
3. Cellular Phone Instructions
a. To place a call:
  • Enter the phone number you are calling and press the SND key.
  • When the call is complete, press the END key.
b. To receive a call:
  • Press the SND key to answer the call. Your phone will be disconnected when the calling party hangs up. Press the END key.

Attachment 5.2 Page 1 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.9.1 31 19 of 34


1. Start up
a. Attach the cigarette lighter adapter to the GPS unit.
b. Press the PWR button.
2. Obtaining a Position
a. The unit activation requires the unit to lock onto several satellites. Depending upon the length of time since the last activation, this may take three to five minutes.
b. If this information does not display, select PAGES and GROUP A. Press EXIT to close the options window.
3. Satellite Status Screen and Battery Level Indicator
a. Appears each time the unit is turned on until unit locks onto several satellites.
b. Satellite status and a battery level indicator may be viewed at any time by pressing PAGES, and selecting STATUS. Press EXIT to close the OPTIONS window.

Attachment 5.2 Page 2 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.9.1 31 20 of 34

FIELD RADIATION SURVEYS 1.0 General Area Surveys NOTE: Refer to Attachment 5.1 for instructions on instrument operation.

1.1 Before entering an affected area, perform a background measurement using the Micro-R Meter and record background reading and time on the Field Team Radiation Survey form, 26097.

1.2 As directed by MUDAC, proceed toward the plume using the Emergency Zone Map booklet from the Field Team Kit and GPS unit to determine the location of the plume.

1.3 Using the MicroR meter set on the xl scale, search for the edge of the plume (defined as ten times background). Increase scales as radiation levels increase.

1.4 When the Micro-R Meter reads 2000 micro-R/hr (2 mrem/hr) or greater, change to the beta/gamma dose rate instrument, RO-2A.

NOTE: If your electronic dosimeter goes into alarm, immediately leave the area and contact the Field Team Coordinator. The dosimeter will reset when the dose rate returns to a level less than 500 mrem per hour.

1.5 When directed by MUDAC, traverse the plume constantly monitoring radiation levels and record locations, dose rates and other required information for the plume centerline and edges on form 26097 (indicate type of survey by G for general area).

Proceed until the other edge of the plume is identified.

1.6 If the dose rate is greater than 2 mrem/hr (2000 micro-R/hr) use the beta/gamma dose rate instrument to tell if you are in the plume or just seeing plume shine as follows:

NOTE: All open and closed readings must be done in the same location and not from a moving vehicle. Consider ALARA practices in choosing how many readings to take.

a. When first entering the plume, and again at centerline, take open and closed window readings at 3 feet and 6 inches above the ground.
b. If the open and closed window readings are approximately the same, then the plume is probably overhead and has not touched down.
  • When the open and closed window readings are the same, you are seeing gamma shine from the overhead plume. If the open window reading is higher than the closed window reading, you are seeing some beta radiation. When beta readings are detected, you are in the plume.

Attachment 5.3 Page 1 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.9.1 31 21 of 34

C. If the open window reading is higher than the closed window reading, (by approximately 20% or greater) then you are probably in the plume.

d. Record both sets of open and closed window readings.

1.7 If the Micro-R Meter indicates a plume reading of less than 2000 micro-R/hr, you can determine if you are actually in the plume (instead of under it) by repeating Step 1.6 using the Count Rate Meter/GM pancake probe as the instrument, and the cardboard from your notebook as a window.

1.8 Do not stop to report data while in the plume. Report the plume edge and centerline readings and their locations to the Field Team Dispatcher at the earliest possible time.

1.9 Leave the plume area when not taking readings, but leave the instrument turned on at all times for constant monitoring purposes.

1.10 After being in the plume, periodically conduct a survey of yourself and your vehicle using the count rate meter, and if grossly contaminated, advise the Field Team Dispatcher.

Attachment 5.3 Page 2 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.9.1 31 22 of 34

2.0 Ground Contamination Surveys NOTE: Refer to Attachment 5.1 for instructions on instrument operation.

2.1 As directed by the Field Team Dispatcher, perform a ground contamination survey:

a. Select small area of level ground (3' x 3') with minimal vegetation.

NOTE: The detector probe should not be allowed to touch the ground or come in contact with potentially contaminated vegetation.

b. Using the Micro-R Meter and the count rate meter, take readings at ground level (1-2 inches (5 cm) above the surface) and at waist level, approximately 3 feet above the ground.
c. If Micro-R Meter readings are above 2000 micro-R/hr, use the dose rate meter and repeat ground level and waist level readings at the same locations.
d. If ground level reading is higher than waist level reading, assume the ground to be contaminated.

2.2 Record all four readings on the Field Team Radiation Survey Data Form, 26097 (indicate the type of survey by C for contamination).

2.3 Repeat the ground contamination survey in several locations.

2.4 Select the highest set of readings and report them to the Field Team Dispatcher.

Attachment 5.3 Page 3 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.9.1 31 23 of 34

PORTABLE AIR SAMPLING INSTRUCTIONS WARNING: Environmental air sampling should be performed sufficiently downwind to minimize dose. All field team personnel should be instructed to contact MUDAC prior to entering the plume and should be made aware of expected dose rates. Air sampling should not be conducted in fields, projected or actual, greater than 2 rem/hr and closer than 1.2 miles from the plant.

Portable Air Sampler Setup and Operational Test I. Monitor your exposure during performance of this Attachment.

WARNING: Potential hazard of explosion or fire during connection of the sampler's leads to the vehicle's battery terminals exists.

2. Obtain the air sampler, cartridge and particulate filter.
3. If not already marked, mark a charcoal or silver zeolite (AgZ) cartridge with an arrow to indicate the direction of the air flow.
4. Insert the cartridge and a clean two-inch filter paper, (spongy side facing outward), into the air sample head. Refer to the diagram in this Attachment.
5. Connect the sampler's positive lead to the vehicle's battery first, then connect the negative lead to a ground away from the battery's negative terminal. A ground connection can be any metal object within the vehicle's engine compartment. Leave vehicle engine running while operating the air sampler to assure constant voltage.
6. Turn the air sampler on. Determine initial flow rate from the rotometer on the side of the air sampler. Note the flow rate information on the Sample Identification Form 19324 and Attachment 5.1.
7. If the flow rate is less than one or greater than five CFM, the air sampler is inoperable.

Contact the Field Team Coordinator for further instructions, or obtain a new air sampler from the cal lab and retest.

Attachment 5.4 Page 1 of 4 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.9.1 31 24 of 34

8. Based on air sampler flow rate, determine the sample time necessary to obtain a sample of 10 cubic feet. Record the 10 cubic foot sample time on Attachment 5.1.
9. When the air sampling test is complete, disconnect the negative lead first, then the positive lead.

Obtaining an Air Sample NOTE: Air sampler preparation (sample head assembly) and paperwork initiation should be performed outside the plume.

11. When directed by MUDAC, collect an environmental air sample in accordance with the following instructions:
12. Proceed to assigned sample location and locate the plume centerline (highest reading).
13. Obtain window open/window closed readings to ensure that you are in the plume. If the readings are the same, you are seeing only shine from the plume. Air samples should only be taken if you are in the plume.
14. Ensure the following conditions of operation are met:
  • If at all possible, do not place sampler on a known contaminated surface
  • Keep sampler away from vehicle exhaust gases
  • Do not point air sampler inlet toward any object which may restrict air flow
  • Do not stand in front of sampler inlet when running or allow loose clothing to restrict air flow
15. Connect the sampler's positive lead to the vehicle's battery first, then connect the negative lead to a ground away from the battery's negative terminal. A ground connection can be any metal object within the vehicle's engine compartment. Leave vehicle engine running while operating the air sampler to assure constant voltage.
16. Turn the air sampler on.
17. If the flow rate is less than one or greater than five CFM, the air sample will be invalid.

Leave the plume and contact the Field Team Coordinator for further instructions.

18. Perform area dose rate survey for sample location.

Attachment 5.4 Page 2 of 4 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.9.1 31 25 of 34

19. Record start flow rate, sample start time and sample location dose rate on the Sample Identification Form (Form 19324).
20. Upon completion of sampling, note stop flow rate and sample stop time, then turn off and disconnect sampler per step 9.
21. Leave the area of the plume to complete your documentation following the instructions in Attachment 5.5.
22. Label the plastic bags for the filter and charcoal cartridges with the sample identification number, location, date, and time collected.
23. If using charcoal cartridge vs. Silver Zeolite, purge noble gases by reconnecting air sampler to vehicle battery and drawing clean air through filter and cartridge for a minimum of 2 minutes.
24. Disassemble sample head to allow access to the particulate filter and the cartridge.

NOTE: Remove the filter (using tweezers) and the cartridge from sample head to assure appropriate probe geometry when counting.

25. Determine filter and cartridge dose rate or count rate by placing the appropriate instrument detector on the inlet side of the filter or cartridge.
26. Record sample readings on Sample Identification Form (19324). Note particulate and iodine sample readings in the Remarks section separately. Report the results to the Field Team Coordinator.
27. Place the filter and cartridge in separate plastic bags then seal bags.
28. Survey team members for contamination. If contaminated, advise the Field Team Dispatcher.
29. Transport the samples, with Sample Identification Forms, as directed by the Field Team Coordinator. Ensure that particulate filters and the corresponding cartridges are transported together and that Sample Identification Forms accompany the samples.

Attachment 5.4 Page 3 of 4 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.9.1 31 26 of 34

SAMPLE HEAD DIAGRAM Sample Head - Assembled Filter Paper Charcoal or Silver Zeolite Sample Head - Disassembled 0

970713 Nov 1997 Filter Cartridge and Sample Head for High Volume Air Sampling Pumps Model CFH-30 Attachment 5.4 Page 4 of 4 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.9.1 31 27 of 34


1. SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION FORM List one sample per form. For air samples, use one sample form and one sample identification number for both the cartridge and particulate filter. Attach one copy of the form to the cartridge and one to the particulate filter.
2. SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DESIGNATION SAMPLE ID NUMBERS will be in a two segment alpha-numeric code using the following format:

FIELD TEAM SEQUENCE AAO 000 FIELD TEAM CODES SEQUENCE Use a two-letter and Use sequential numbers for single number designator, each team throughout an (e.g., EN-I for Energy event, (e.g., 003 for the Northwest Field Team 1). third sample taken by a given team).

3. SAMPLE TYPE Describe the type of sample being collected-air, soil, vegetation, water, etc.
4. FIELD TEAM SAMPLE LOCATION/DESIGNATION Use sample station numbers where they exist, such as continuous environmental air sampling stations (e.g., Sample Station 3). Where no sample station number exists, as in emergency field samples, enter the GPS location.

Attachment 5.5 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.9.1 31 28 of 34

ENVIRONMENTAL TLD AND FIXED AIR SAMPLE RETRIEVAL INSTRUCTIONS 1.0 ENVIRONMENTAL TLD RETRIEVAL Radiolog~ical Emergencv Manager/Field Team Coordinator Duties 1.1 Consult with the Washington DOH representative at the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) and determine the need for collection and replacement of environmental TLDs during the emergency.

NOTE: If possible, involve the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP)

Supervisor in any nonscheduled collection or deployment of environmental TLDs.

1.2 When collection is determined advisable, dispatch an experienced REMP staff member as part of an Environmental Field Team, to replace the ANNUAL TLD badges at selected locations as described in CI 4.10 and CI 4.11.

REMP Staff Member Duties 1.3 Contact the Energy Northwest TLD Administrator to obtain replacement environmental TLDs for distribution.

1.4 Ensure that the required number of TLDs are provided for each exchange group as directed by the Radiological Emergency Manager (REM).

1.5 Contact the Field Team Coordinator regarding radiological conditions in the field, and follow his/her directions on individual radiation protection measures.

1.6 Proceed to the TLD stations as directed by the Field Team Coordinator.

1.7 Exchange only the ANNUAL TLDs.

1.8 When the TLDs have been exchanged, return to the Health Physics Center and turn them in to the Health Physics Center Staff for processing.

Attachment 5.6 Page 1 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.9.1 31 29 of 34

2.0 FIXED AIR SAMPLE RETRIEVAL Radioloeical Emergency Manager/Field Team Coordinator Duties 2.1 Consult with the Washington DOH representative at the EOF and determine the need for collection of fixed air samples during the emergency.

NOTE: If possible, involve the REMP Supervisor in any nonscheduled collection of fixed air samples.

2.2 If collection is determined advisable, dispatch experienced REMP personnel as part of an Environmental Field Team to collect air samples at selected locations in accordance with CI 4.12 and CI 4.13.

REMP Staff Member Duties 2.3 Contact the Field Team Coordinator regarding radiological conditions in the field and follow his/her directions on radiation protection measures to be taken.

2.4 Proceed to the fixed air sample stations as directed by the Field Team Coordinator.

2.5 Collect the air samples.

NOTE: If the emergency involved a radioactive release, calculations of the volume of air sampled may need to be restricted to the time during which the plume or puff was over the station. Request guidance from the Field Team Coordinator if the fixed air sample was in the path of a release during the sampling period.

2.6 When the air samples have been collected, return to the Health Physics Center and turn them in to the Health Physics Center Staff for processing.

Attachment 5.6 Page 2 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.9.1 31 30 of 34


1. Sign in on board, obtain supply drawer from EOF supply cabinet, and notify the REM of your availability.
2. Brief the field team coordinators from other agencies supplying field teams and reach a consensus about management of their field teams.
3. Determine current year-to-date exposure of Energy Northwest field team members prior to deployment.
4. Assign field team members and a designate team identification number (one HP and one non HP per team, if possible).
5. Ensure field teams have transportation and other equipment.
6. Direct the Field Team Dispatcher(s) to brief the teams approximately each 30 minutes on current radiological projections or other appropriate information about emergency -ongoing-conditions.
7. If necessary, assign an individual to act as field team recorder.
8. Interface with the Dose Projection HP to determine projected -ongoing-plume path and emergency worker dose factor.
9. Communicate emergency worker dose factor to all field teams and confirm information as received.
10. Develop a strategy for assigning Field Teams initially, verifying -ongoing-plume path, and dealing with EOF inaccessibility.
11. Direct field teams to perform field surveys per field team survey -ongoing-instructions contained in this procedure.
12. Provide completed Field Team data summary maps to the Dose Projectionist Health Physicist (DPHP) as new information is developed. During rapidly changing conditions, try to do this at -ongoing-least every 30 minutes.
13. Provide field team air sample data to the Dose Projection -ongoing-Health Physicist (DPHP) for use in calculating dose projections.
14. If requested to assist with river evacuation monitoring, implement PPM 13.9.8 (kits are at ENOC, MPF).

Attachment 5.7 Page 1 of 2

Time Actions Completed Initials

15. Direct the dispatcher to periodically ask for field team dosimetry -ongoing-readings. Keep exposure ALARA.
16. Arrange for field team replacement supplies, as necessary.


17. Provide completed Field Team Summary Maps to the REM.


18. Notify field teams when decision is made to recommend KI.
19. Upon shift change or change to State control, brief replacements.
20. Upon shift change or termination of the emergency:
a. Prepare an individual After Action Report. Refer to PPM 13.13.4.
b. Deliver After Action Report, logs, and all field team work sheets to the REM.

Attachment 5.7 Page 1 of 2


Initial Briefing: 1) Cell Phone: EN-1:_ EN-2: EN-3:  :

2) YTD Exposures:

Safety Concerns:

Emergency Classification:

Release Point: Release Type:

Environmental Release Time: Duration:

Projected Dose/Location:

Weather: Wind Direction From: _ Speed:


PAD for Public:

RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT Expected Conditions: _Hi Rad _Hi Contamination _Hi Airborne Protective Clothing: _None _Single Exposure Limitations: Individual Dose Limits_

Dose/Dose Rate to Notify MUDAC:_

Roll Call/A cknowledgment:


NO. (Time) COMMENTS Attachment 5.8 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.9.1 31 33 of 34

FIELD TEAM KIT REPLENISHMENT LOG Date Team Members FIELD TEAM MEMBERS: List below the items used from each kit during the drill/event so that the kits can be restocked appropriately. Include the completed log with your After Action Report.






Return electronic dosimeters to the EOF Field Team Supply cabinet and contact Radiological Services for TES updates and reset to fast entry mode.

Attachment 5.9 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE I 13.9.1 31 - 34 of 34

-I lI1 II 3 1111 E I I 111

  • 13 .12 . 19*




TABLE OF CONTENTS Paae 1.0 PURPOSE ............

2.0 PROCEDURE.......................... 3 2.1 JIG Activation ........ 3 .

2.2 Responding to the JIC.. 4 .

2.3 JIC Operations ........ 5 .

2.4 Shift Change ......... 7 .

2.5 Event Termination ..... 7 .

3.0 DEFINITIONS ..... .8


..... .8 5.0 ATTACHMENTS .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 5.1 JIC M, inager Duties .................

5.1.1 Preparation of First Energy Northwest I~4ews Release.........15 5.1.2 Joint Information Center Secretary Dutiies ............ 16 5.1.3 Updating Plant Status Line Message . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 17 5.1.4 Energy Northwest Spokesperson .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 5.1.5 Health Physics Spokesperson ...... .. . . . . . . . . . . . 19 ri 1 177,grax? M,~rthi~iY'ct Torbnnir-al 4ZnL-cr%s-cc".r4~-^n

~ ~f.. 1tf fAflt.AA A'  % .. J~ht. A J.  : . . . . . .A .. .fl.A


5.1.7 News Conference Preparation And Presentation.......... 22 5.1.8 Governmental Affairs Activities............... 23 5.2 Assistant JIG Managers Duties .................................. 24 5.2.1 News Release Editor Duties ............................... 29 5.2.2 News Coordination Process ............................... 31 5.3 EOF Public Information Officer Duties ............................. 33 5.3.1 EOF PIO Technical Support ............................... 36 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 --- 9 2of 36

1.0 PURPOSE This procedure describes the Joint Information Center (JIC) and its lead role in providing timely and accurate emergency information to the public and conducting public information and media relations activities.

The procedure section specifies the actions that apply to all Energy Northwest personnel responding to the JIC for activation and operation of the center.

This procedure also describes the news coordination process that will be used by the agencies and jurisdictions reporting to the JIC and the administrative support that will be provided by Energy Northwest. {R-1592}, {R-3455}

2.0 PROCEDURE 2.1 JIC Activation 2.1.1 ERO personnel assigned to the JIC will respond when an Alert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency has been declared. or as directed by the JIC Manager.

2.1.2 The keys to the JIC are located in a keybox next to the south door of the Alternate EOF, to your left upon entering the MPF through the south sliding glass doors. Break the seal to open the box.

Keys to the following cabinets are located in a keybox in the JIC Support Manager's area on the wall to the right of the Support Manager's desk.

  • Key #1 - JIC workstation materials cabinet in JIC Support Manager's area.
  • Key #2 - Computer and Audio/Visual supply cabinet in JIC Support Manager's area.
  • Key#3 - JIC Supply cabinet in Copier/Fax room.
  • Key#4 - Phone Team equipment cabinet in Phone Team room.
  • Key#5 - Brochures and pamphlets cabinet in Phone Team room.

2.1.3 The fitness of ERO personnel responding to the JIC will be assessed prior to personnel engaging in emergency response activities. Refer to PPM 13.4.1 and SWP-FFD-01 for Fitness for Duty criteria and controls for assessing Fitness in an emergency situation.

2.1.4 Until arrival of the designated JIC Manager, the immediate actions of Attachment 5.1 may be performed by any of the following positions:

Assistant JIC Manager, EOF Public Information Officer, or Media Coordinator.


NOTE: If the Shift Manager is the Emergency Director, relay the following information via the Technical Spokesperson over the Information Coordinator Network. If the TSC Manager or EOF Manager is the Emergency Director, you may call them directly or use the Information Coordinator Network.

2.1.5 The JIC Manager or designee should inform the Emergency Director when the following criteria are met for JIC activation:

NOTE: Although option 2.1.4.b allows activation of the JIC without the JIC Manager present, staffing of the JIC Manager position within one hour of classification is necessary to meet the Energy Northwest response requirements.

a. The JIC Manager has reported to the JIC.


b. When the following responsibilities of the JIC can be performed, even though the JIC Manager is not present:
  • Initial news release announcing classification and plant status can be prepared and distributed
  • At least one person is available to respond to phone calls from the media or public NOTE: The JIC Manager may use judgment in determining when personnel are qualified to be assigned to perform tasks other than those normally performed by the position.

NOTE: The JIC Manager has full authority to augment JIC staff with personnel from Energy Northwest or other agencies if additional staff are required to perform the activities of the JIC.

2.2 Responding to the JIC 2.2.1 ERO personnel responding to the JIC:

  • Sign-in for their position on the board located in the JIC Support Manager's office
  • Obtain from the JIC Support Manager's office the identification badge with their name or write their name on a blank badge for their position 2.2.2 JIC personnel reporting to the EOF sign in and obtain their identification badge as directed in Attachment 5.3.


2.2.3 JIC responders set up and check the operability of their assigned equipment and work stations upon arrival. If needed, request support for setup and maintenance from telecommunications and facilities staff via JIC Support Manager.

2.2.4 At shift change or JIC downsizing, departing JIC responders return their badge to the JIC Support Manager's office and remove their name from the JIC sign-in board.

2.3 JIC Operations 2.3.1 Primary function of the JIC:

  • Ensure timely and accurate emergency information regarding the status of the emergency event and protective actions for the public
  • Provide information to the public through news releases and during news conferences and/or briefings
  • Conduct these activities cooperatively with the offsite agency representatives in the JIC {R-4819}

2.3.2 JIC Manager: {R-4602}

  • Through discussion with offsite agency representatives in the JIC, determine when news conferences will be scheduled
  • Identify an Energy Northwest spokesperson and moderator for each conference
  • Ensure agencies present in the JIC designate an agency spokesperson for each scheduled news conference
  • Ensure all news conference participants have the opportunity to participate in a joint session to coordinate news and prepare for the conference {R-9735}

2.3.3 EOF Public Information Officer (P1O): {R-1591}, {R-3291},

{R-3453}, {R-4620}

  • Prepare news releases in consultation with other Energy Northwest staff
  • Transmit approved news releases to the JIC for coordination with agencies present in the JIC and for distribution to the media PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 5 of 36

2.3.4 Emergency Director:

Approve the technical content of each news release prepared by the EOF P10.

2.3.5 Offsite agencies represented in the JIC:

Participate in a news coordination process to review news releases and proposed news conference information prior to distribution to media representatives.

2.3.6 Energy Northwest spokesperson:

Prepare and deliver a brief statement and release only information that has been approved for release by the JIC Manager.

2.3.7 Attached Duty Descriptions:

  • Duty Description items are not necessarily in sequential order of performance. The user should scan the entire list and prioritize activities as appropriate to the situation. JIC personnel should not rely upon these guides alone to determine how to accomplish the items for which they are responsible.
  • JIC Manager and management team have full authority to modify this guidance for Energy Northwest personnel should the situation warrant modification. Such changes should be consistent with Section 2.3.1 of this procedure.

2.3.8 Recording Actions:

JIC responders, other than Technical Spokesperson, phone team members, and distribution team members, should maintain a record of their emergency actions on an Emergency Response Log (Form No. 23895).


2.4 Shift Change 2.4.1 When shift turnover occurs, the oncoming ERO member should sign into the JIC as described in 2.2.1 and 2.2.2.

2.4.2 Oncoming JIC personnel should attend a JIC staff briefing conducted by the departing and oncoming JIC Managers and scheduled for the beginning of each shift.

2.4.3 JIC personnel being relieved should complete an After Action Report, brief their relief on the current status of the emergency and relevant position-related functions being performed, and turn over to their relief all pertinent documents, forms, and supplies.

2.4.4 Oncoming JIC responders should advise their JIC supervisor or manager when turnover briefing is complete and position duties are being assumed.

2.4.5 Oncoming JIC managers should advise the JIC Manager when responsibilities for positions under their supervision have been assumed by oncoming shift.

2.4.6 When turnover of JIC positions is completed, the oncoming JIC Manager should notify the EOF Manager in the EOF.

2.5 Event Termination 2.5.1 When notified that the emergency is being downgraded or terminated, the JIC Manager should determine the minimum staffing necessary to continue JIC operation. The JIC Manager has full authority to augment or downsize JIC staff based on the requirements of the response.

Any decision to downsize or terminate JIC operation should consider media and public pressure for information rather than the operational status of other emergency centers. The Manager, Communications, Marketing and Member Relations should be consulted prior to deactivation of the JIC.

2.5.2 Upon being relieved or dismissed, JIC responders should complete an After Action Report per PPM 13.13.4, attach all logs and pertinent documents, unless these are required for use by the next shift, and deliver the package to the Support Manager.

2.5.3 At termination of JIC activities, all JIC responders should participate in the post-event critique to discuss JIC performance.

2.5.4 Update Plant Status Line per Attachment 5.1.3. Confer with Shift Manager regarding responsibility for future updates of the Plant Status Line.

2.5.5 When the JIC is deactivated, all JIC responders should replenish or identify needed supplies in their work area and return the area to normal work conditions.


3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 Joint Information Center (JIC) - The primary functions of the JIC are to act as a joint news release center and to coordinate among those present the release of official emergency information to the public. Activities in the JIC include regularly scheduled news conferences, interviews with agency and facility spokespersons, coordination of news releases, and phone team response to both public and media inquiries for emergency information.


4.1 FSAR, Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan, Sections 2, 6, and 9 {R-4602}, {R-4620},

{R-4653}, {R-4659},

{R-4819}, {R-4879},

{R-4880}, {R-9735}

4.2 NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-I, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants

{R-3291}, {R-3451), {R-3455}, {R-4646}

4.3 IOCFR50.47 (b)(07) {R-1591}, {R-1592}

4.4 Form No. 23895, Emergency Response Log 4.5 INPO 93-013, Emergency Public Communications Manual 4.6 SWP-FFD-01, Fitness for Duty Program Requirements 4.7 PPM 13.4.1, Emergency Notifications 4.8 PPM 13.7.5, Offsite Assembly Area Operations 4.9 PPM 13.12.20, Information and Media Management 4.10 PPM 13.12.21, JIC Support Activities 4.11 PPM 13.13.4, After Action Reporting PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 8 of 36

5.0 ATTACHMENTS 5.1 JIC Manager Duties 5.1.1 Preparation of First Energy Northwest News Release 5.1.2 Joint Information Center Secretary Duties 5.1.3 Updating Plant Status Line Message Duties 5.1.4 Energy Northwest Spokesperson 5.1.5 Health Physics Spokesperson 5.1.6 Energy Northwest Technical Spokesperson 5.1.7 News Conference Preparation and Presentation 5.1.8 Governmental Affairs Activities 5.2 Assistant JIC Manager Duties 5.2.1 News Release Editor Duties 5.2.2 News Coordination Process 5.3 EOF Public Information Officer Duties 5.3.1 EOF PIO Technical Support PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 9 of 36

Duties: JIC MANAGER Normal Reporting Location: JIC Manager's Office Area {R4602}

Reports To: EOF Manager Personnel Supervised: Assistant JIC Manager, Secretary, Spokesperson, Technical Spokesperson, HP Spokesperson, Media Coordinator, Information Manager, Support Manager, EOF Public Information Officer A. Primary Responsibilities

  • Timely release of accurate information to the public and media on Energy Northwest activities and actions resulting from the emergency event {R-4879}
  • Direct and manage the operation of the JIC for Energy Northwest, Offsite Responding Organizations, and other agencies operating from the JIC
  • Ensure coordination of news releases and statements among the agencies represented in the JIC
  • Serve as spokesperson for Energy Northwest, if appropriate
  • Provide feedback to the EOF Manager and Energy Northwest senior management regarding public concern and media response to the event B. Duties NOTE: Any of the duties of the JIC Manager may be delegated to an Assistant JIC Manager.
1. Immediate Actions
a. Upon notification of an Alert or higher classification, respond to notification, then report to the JIC.

NOTE: The Technical Spokesperson may be used to contact the Control Room in the event that the Shift Manager is still the Emergency Director and is unable to provide a briefing.

b. Contact the Emergency Director to obtain a briefing on the following:
  • Plant conditions and operational status
  • Current response actions
  • Other information as deemed appropriate Attachment 5.1 Page 1 of 5 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 10of36
c. Obtain the JIC Manager procedure handbook from the bookshelf in the JIC Manager's Office area and ensure responsibilities under your position are appropriately assigned:
  • Preparation of First Energy Northwest News Release
  • Energy Northwest Spokesperson
  • Energy Northwest Technical Spokesperson
  • News Conference Preparation and Presentation
  • Governmental Affairs Activities
d. During normal working hours and prior to full JIC operation, request that Communications, Marketing and Member Relations staff record any pertinent inquiries regarding the event and bring them to your attention or forward them to the JIC Media Coordinator.
e. Prepare a first news release or delegate to the Assistant JIC Manager preparation of first news release announcing the classification of an emergency event. The news release should be prepared in accordance with Attachment 5.1. 1, Preparation of First Energy Northwest News Release.
f. Declare the JIC activated when the criteria stated in 2.1.4 of this procedure are satisfied and notify the Emergency Director.
g. Brief the staff on the status of plant operation, the emergency event and other information relevant to JIC operation. If phone team traffic is such that they cannot leave the phone team room, ensure that at least one Phone Team Supervisor attends the briefing.
h. Assign preparation of a news release announcing JIC operation and activation of media and public phone lines.

Attachment 5.1 Page 2 of 5 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 11 of 36

2. Onooini Actions
a. Remind JIC staff that information to be released to the public or media about Energy Northwest activities must be approved by the EOF Manager, EOF Manager's designee, or JIC Manager prior to release. Approval will normally be obtained by the EOF PIO for news releases initiated in the EOF and from the JIC Manager for news releases initiated in the JIC and for briefing statements for press conferences.
b. Receive reports from the EOF Public Information Officer and/or EOF Manager on events at the site and brief Energy Northwest JIC responders regarding plant status and Columbia Generating Station emergency response.
c. Delegate responsibilities to the Assistant JIC Manager in your absence.
d. Determine additional JIC staffing requirements. Especially consider additional staff to support Assistant JIC Manager, Governmental Affairs, Media Coordinator, and Phone Teams.
e. Chair the News Coordination Team, which has representatives from each agency represented in the JIC.
f. When they arrive, brief county, state, and other agency personnel on emergency status and actions and plant status changes.
g. Provide approved and authorized Energy Northwest news releases to the Assistant JIC Manager for the News Release Editor to initiate the review and coordination process.
h. Verbally approve and authorize distribution of all Energy Northwest news releases.
i. Schedule news conferences when there is significant new information to tell the public, or in response to advice from the Media Coordinator that there is sufficient news media interest to warrant holding a news conference.
j. Facilitate preparation for a news conference following the guidance in Attachment 5.1.7, News Conference Preparation and Presentation.
k. Periodically brief the JIC staff, EOF Manager, EOF PlO, and Phone Teams on current status.
1. Brief oncoming JIC personnel at activation and shift change.
m. Assist the Media Coordinator in responding to media requests for interviews or other information.
n. Assist the Information Manager in responding to rumors or misinformation.

Attachment 5.1 Page 3 of 5 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 1 9 12 of 36

o. Coordinate media tours of the EOF with the EOF Public Information Officer and the Media Coordinator.
p. Direct the Secretary or News Release Editor regarding information to be displayed by the Display Generator.
q. Assign someone to deliver late breaking information to the news conference moderator if significant events occur while a news conference is in progress.
3. Special Actions to be Implemented, as Necessary
a. If EOF Manager agrees and media interest warrants, assign additional personnel to the EOF to assist with potential media response near the site.

Personnel dispatched may include those qualified as Assistant JIC Manager, Media Coordinator, Spokesperson, and JIC Manager. Support personnel, such as distribution team or secretaries, should be identified and dispatched as needed to support media relations and activities near the site. Personnel sent to EOF may include current JIC staff or additional call-in support.

b. If there is a possibility of prolonged emergency operations, usually more than eight (8) hours, assign the Support Manager to contact the EOF Site Support Manager regarding assignment and notification of a relief shift.
c. Discuss with the Emergency Director the need to provide an informational message to employees regarding any of the following:
  • Status of plant
  • Need for a relief shift and the number for the ERO to call for relief shift direction
  • Travel considerations due to weather
  • IHow to obtain more information (news stations, KONA, etc.)

Direct update of Plant Status Line per Attachment 5.1.3, as necessary.

Attachment 5.1 Page 4 of 5 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 13 of 36

d. When the emergency is downgraded or terminated and emergency personnel are being dismissed or other emergency centers shut down, appoint a team of JIC management staff to develop a plan for media response during the recovery phase:
  • Determine if sufficient media and public concern exists to continue operation of the JIC
  • Determine an appropriate level of staffing to support expected activities and needs of agencies and jurisdictions continuing to maintain a presence in the JIC
  • When operation of the JIC is terminated, ensure a news release announces termination of JIC operation and identifies where both the public and media can continue to receive information
  • Assign personnel, as appropriate, to cover Energy Northwest recovery operations
  • Notify the EOF Manager or, if EOF is deactivated, the Manager, Corporate and Industry Affairs, when operation of the JIC will be terminated and discuss what support will be available for continued coverage of recovery operations Attachment 5.1 Page 5 of 5 PROCEDURE NUMIBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 14 of 36

Duties: PREPARATION OF FIRST ENERGY NORTHWEST NEWS RELEASE Normal Reporting Location: JIC Manager, Assistant JIC Manager

1. The first news release announces the classification of an emergency event at Columbia Generating Station and is the primary means by which local and regional media are notified of the event.
2. The news release should be prepared following the instructions found in the JIC Manager's resource book.
3. The primary elements of the text of the news release include the following:
  • Date.
  • Time release is distributed (use civilian time).
  • Release Number (should be number 1).
  • Classification and brief summary of what the classification means.
  • Several statements describing the event, plant status, and other information that is readily available regarding response and actions being taken to mitigate event.
  • If an Alert or higher emergency classification, statement that emergency centers are being activated and more information will be provided as it is available. If staff has arrived to support phone calls from the media, include a phone number that should be used, such as Media Phone Team at (509) 372-5100 or Public Phone Team at (509) 372-5011.
4. Contact the Emergency Director for verbal approval of the technical content covered in the release. The first news release should be distributed to local and regional media representatives within approximately one hour of JIC Manager arrival at the JIC. If technical content cannot be obtained within 30 minutes of declaration of the event, the news release announcing classification of the emergency should be used.


5. Use the commercial facsimile equipment in the JIC to distribute the first news release to programmed emergency event Groups 2 and 3. Group 2 is local and regional news media.

Group 3 is key persons who need to be notified of the event. Send to Group 1 (state, county, and DOE) at Alert or higher.

6. At an alert or higher classification, ensure the first news release is distributed as soon as possible to JIC staff, agency representatives, and other emergency centers by the Distribution Team as directed in PPM 13.12.21.

Attachment 5.1.1 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 15 of 36

Duties: JOINT INFORMATION CENTER SECRETARY Normal Reporting Location: JIC Manager's Area Reports To: JIC Manager

1. Initiate recording of significant actions, events, and resolutions on an Emergency Response Log or similar record for the JIC Manager and Assistant JIC Manager. If previously initiated, maintain existing log. Items recorded on the log should emphasize the following:
a. Receipt of notification of changes in emergency classifications.
b. Content of briefing and identity of persons briefed.
c. Significant telephone conversations.
d. Significant decisions made or assignment of action items.
e. Entries requested by the JIC Manager or Assistant JIC Manager.
f. Information posted on the Plant Status Line (6000).

NOTE: Directions on equipment operation can be found in the Display Generator Instruction Manual located in the drawer of the table where the equipment is located.

2. As directed by the JIC Manager or Assistant JIC Manager and with assistance from the Technical Spokesperson, maintain plant and emergency event status information, as provided verbally by the EOF or by Classification Notification Forms, on the JIC Display Generator.

Periodically, record the current information on the status board in the JIC Manager's Office area.

3. As time allows, maintain a hard copy record of information displayed on the Display Generator, specifically noting date and time information was received from the EOF. The hard copy record should be provided to the JIC Manager as information for shift turnover or event termination.
4. If Display Generator is inoperable or will not display on remote television units, provide hardcopy as in Step 3 above to JIC Distribution Team Supervisor for distribution to phone teams and lobby.
5. Answer telephones in the JIC Manager's Area, as requested, by the JIC Manager or Assistant JIC Manager and distribute messages, as appropriate.
6. As directed by the JIC Manager, provide administrative assistance for preparation of news conferences, news releases, and other activities.
7. Ensure that any prepared documentation that is not ready for distribution is clearly marked "DRAFT" before submittal to Distribution Team for copying.

Attachment 5.1.2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 16 of 36

Duties: UPDATING PLANT STATUS LINE MESSAGE Responsibility: JIC Secretary, JIC Support Manager

1. As directed by the JIC Manager, update the 6000# phone message.

NOTE: For drills or exercises, simulate updating the Plant Status Line message.

a. Call 8010.
b. Dial 6900#.
c. Dial 509#.
d. Dial 1.
e. Dial *2.
f. Dial 1 and state message (push
  • then 6 to try over again).
g. At end of message, push
  • then #.

Use the following message format as an example:

[For drills or exercises precede the message with "This is a drill. The following information is a simulation. There is no emergency at Columbia Generating Station. This is a drill."]

This is the Energy Northwest Joint Information Center with the plant status update for Saturday, July 13th.

Columbia Generating Station is at a Site Area Emergency due to failure of two consecutive containment isolation valves coupled with high reactor coolant leakage. ERO Team Alpha is currently on duty.

Team Charlie will be the relief team. Call the emergency response number, 375-6201, after 1500 (3:00 pm) today for instructions on reporting to your emergency center.

[If applicable, list any importantinformationfor emergency response organizationemployees coming to work, i.e., bad road conditions, routing due to radiologicalconcenis, or delays due to security contingency.]

For additional information please listen to KONA or any other local radio or TV station. You may also call this number later. If you have a valid concern about an employee or need to contact an employee who may be involved in the emergency, please call the Public Phone Team at 372-5011. Do not call the plant or any other emergency center.

End of message.

[For drills or exercises, end the message with "This is a drill. The preceding information was a simulation. There is no emergency at Columbia Generating Station. This is a drill."]

h. Record the actual information placed on the message line in the JIC Log.
i. Ask the Technical Spokesperson to notify the Control Room and Emergency Director that the Plant Status Line has been updated by the JIC.

Attachment 5.1.3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 17 of 36

Duties: ENERGY NORTHWEST SPOKESPERSON Normal Reporting Location: JIC Manager's Area Reports To: JIC Manager I. As directed by the JIC Manager, serve as the Energy Northwest spokesperson, providing timely and accurate information during news conferences conducted at the Joint Information Center. {R-1591}, {R-3291}, {R-3453}

NOTE: The Information Network assists emergency centers to quickly communicate needed information. The Network is only one source of official Energy Northwest information or decisions. Persons using the network should neither speculate nor anticipate decisions that have not been officially announced by the Emergency Director. Confer with the Technical Spokesman, JIC Manager, or Assistant JIC Manager before releasing information to others in the JIC or in a news conference.

2. Collaborate with the EOF PIO, HP Spokesperson, and Technical Spokesperson, who communicate with other emergency centers on the JIC Information Network phone link.


3. Prepare for each news conference a brief statement which identifies status of plant conditions and mitigation activities. Review content of this statement with the JIC Manager for approval to release the information.
  • MWritten statement should require no more than two to three minutes to present.
  • Select visuals from the prepared set that will assist the general public and media to understand your message. Prior to the news conference prepare a list of the numbers for the slides you have selected, then provide this list to the Support Manager.
  • If possible, identify questions that may be asked by the media in response to your prepared statement and consider your response.
  • Share contents of statement with representatives of other agencies in the JIC.
4. Be available to provide timely and accurate information in scheduled special media interviews.
5. If requested by the JIC Manager, assist the Information Manager by explaining technical information regarding plant conditions and activities to the Public and Media Phone Teams.
6. If requested by the JIC Manager, assist the Information Manager to track and correct misinformation or rumors regarding Energy Northwest emergency response activities.
7. If requested by the JIC Manager, present a prepared technical statement to the media and respond to questions.

Attachment 5.1.4 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 18 of 36

Duties: HEALTH PHYSICS SPOKESPERSON Normal Reporting Location: JIC Manager's Area Reports To: JIC Manager

1. As directed by JIC Manager, serve as Energy Northwest spokesperson for radiological matters, providing explanations of the effects of radiation exposure or contamination in the context of the actual incident conditions.

NOTE: Radiation data which describes a single dose or dose rate at one location at a specific time is inappropriate for dissemination to the media. Any requests for such information should be handled in the context that it is changing and does not describe the full extent of the effect of the radioactive release.

2. Collaborate with the Spokesperson and Technical Spokesperson on obtaining accurate information regarding actual releases to the environment. Confer with the Washington State Radiation Protection representative, if present.
3. If directed by JIC Manager, prepare for news conferences or media briefings with a brief statement which describes the known radiological conditions and effects. Provide explanations or analogies which will enhance understanding by the media and public. Review content with JIC Manager for approval to release information.
  • Present information so it will be understood by the general public
  • Written statement should require no more than two to three minutes to present
  • Consider potential and known media questions in preparing your response
  • Share contents of statement with other agencies in JIC
4. Be available to provide timely and accurate information in scheduled special media interviews.
5. If requested by the JIC Manager, assist the Information Manager by explaining radiological conditions and effects to the Public and Media Phone Teams.
6. If requested by the JIC Manager, present a special prepared statement to the media and respond to questions.
7. Assist the News Release Editor by reviewing news releases which describe radiological conditions or effects for accuracy and ease of understanding.

Attachment 5.1.5 Page 1 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 19 of 36

If the Offsite Assembly Area at the MPF is required to be activated:

8. Until relieved by another HP-qualified individual, direct activities for set-up and operation of the Offsite Assembly Area monitoring and decontamination activities at the MPF loading bay per PPM 13.7.5.
9. If the situation warrants, request the JIC Support Manager arrange for local law enforcement agency assistance to control evacuees and others at Offsite Assembly Area.

NOTE: If needed, designate a willing evacuee to assist with the following function.

10. Coordinate transportation for evacuees whose vehicles have been impounded for decontamination. Other evacuees may be asked to provide transportation.

Attachment 5.1.5 Page 2 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 20 of 36

Duties: ENERGY NORTHWEST TECHNICAL SPOKESPERSON Normal Reporting Location: JIC Manager's Area Reports To: JIC Manager

1. Activate the Information Network for the JIC. Announce your presence on-line to the other emergency centers. Activate PDIS on your workstation. Use the network as your primary source of information not PDIS.

NOTE: The Information Network assists emergency centers to quickly communicate needed information. The Network is only one source of official Energy Northwest information or decisions. Persons using the network are not to speculate nor anticipate decisions that have not been officially announced by the Emergency Director or confer with the Spokesman, JIC Manager, or Assistant JIC Manager before releasing information to others in the JIC or in a news conference.

2. Use the JIC Information Network telephone link to monitor the status of plant conditions and mitigation activities, or to make inquiries to other emergency centers to clarify or verify information the JIC is considering for release. Record key information on the electronic board for history of plant activities and major decisions.
3. Assist the Energy Northwest Spokesperson and JIC Manager to prepare for each news conference a brief statement which identifies status of plant conditions and mitigation activities.

The content of this statement will be reviewed with the JIC Manager for approval prior to releasing the information.

4. Provide event status information to the Assistant JIC Manager for consideration for input to the Display Generator status board.
5. If requested by the JIC Manager, attend preparation meetings of the News Coordination Team and provide briefing or consultation for explaining accident mitigation activities.
6. Assist in explaining plant status information to phone teams or other groups, if requested.
7. As time permits, research electronic databases and documentation to assist spokesman with technical explanations and pictorial data, such as system diagrams. Internet searches for relevant data may also be considered.
8. If requested by the JIC Manager, present a prepared technical statement to the media and respond to questions.
9. If requested, support the Energy Northwest Spokesperson with technical input at news conferences or interviews.

Attachment 5.1.6 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 21 of 36


1. Announce to the JIC Support Manager, Assistant JIC Manager, Spokesperson, Media Coordinator, News Release Editor, and Information Manager the time scheduled for upcoming news conferences.
2. Meet with the Energy Northwest Spokesperson before the time scheduled for preparation by the News Coordination Team to authorize and approve information to be released by Energy Northwest. Coordinate the information to be released with the EOF Public Information Officer.
3. Act as news conference moderator.
4. Prior to each scheduled news conference, facilitate a meeting with the News Coordination Team including spokespersons from other agencies in the JIC to coordinate the information to be released at the news conference. The purpose of the coordination is to minimize inconsistencies and to prepare all spokespersons to respond to potential questions from media representatives. If JIC noise and activity level is not conducive to a successful meeting, hold the meeting in a nearby conference room before proceeding to the news conference.
5. Review identified rumors or misinformation with the Information Manager and ensure corrections are provided by the news conference moderator at each news conference.
6. Encourage use of visuals by spokespersons presenting at news conferences.
7. Ensure telephone numbers for public and media telephone teams are provided at each news conference if the phone teams are operational.
8. Close news conferences after allowing reasonable time for media questions.
9. If possible and agreed to by spokespersons from other agencies, announce time for next scheduled news conference.
10. Make technical spokespersons available to the media, as required, to respond to questions.
11. JIC Manager should ensure that offsite agencies, where practical, maintain staff in the JIC during news conferences.
12. In the event of a significant change in emergencv status or plant conditions during an ongoing news conference, the JIC Manager should assign someone to deliver appropriate information to the news conference moderator as soon as practical.

Attachment 5.1.7 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 22 of 36

Duties: GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS ACTIVITIES Normal Reporting Location: JIC Manager's Area Reports To: JIC Manager

1. The JIC Manager should notify one of the off-duty JIC Managers or Assistant JIC Managers to serve as the Governmental Affairs contact once it is determined that the situation requires a special response to government officials.
2. The role of the Governmental Affairs contact is to respond to phone calls to the JIC from government officials such as congressmen, senators, state legislators, city and county officials, etc. The contact, after consultation with the JIC Manager, may choose to initiate calls to key government officials so they are informed of the current situation.
3. The phone number to be used by the Governmental Affairs contact should not be published to the media. The phone number to be used should be communicated to the Information Manager once the position is staffed.
4. Phone calls received by the Public or Media Phone teams from government officials should be transferred to the Governmental Affairs contact at the number identified once they have been notified by the JIC Manager that the position is staffed.
5. The Governmental Affairs contact should attend news conference preparation briefings in the JIC, receive copies of all news releases and coordinate the information to be released with other spokespersons during news conference preparation.
6. If the Governmental Affairs contact is not available to receive incoming calls, the Public Phone team should be instructed to take messages and the calls will be returned as soon as possible.

The Governmental Affairs contact should inform the Information Manager when he/she is not available and request messages be taken.

Attachment 5.1.8 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 23 of 36


Normal Reporting Location: JIC Manager's Area Reports To: JIC Manager Personnel Supervised: News Release Editor, Distribution Team Supervisor A. Primary Responsibilities The Assistant JIC Managers are responsible for managing the preparation of Energy Northwest news releases, managing the coordination process for news releases prepared by agencies represented in the JIC, managing the team responsible for distribution of news releases to the media and other emergency centers, providing status board input to the JIC Secretary, and assuming the duties of the JIC Manager, if requested. If the Assistant JIC Manager arrives at the Joint Information Center prior to the JIC Manager, the Assistant JIC Manager will assume the duties of the JIC Manager until his/her arrival.

B. Duties

1. Immediate Actions
a. If notified of an Alert or higher classification report immediately to the JIC.
b. If the JIC Manager has not yet arrived, assume the duties of the JIC Manager as described in Attachment 5.1.
c. If directed by JIC Manager, prepare a news release announcing classification and reason for declaration of emergency event. News release should be prepared in accordance with Attachment 5.1. 1, Preparation of First Energy Northwest News Release.
d. Ensure that technical content of first news release describing plant status and plant staff response is verbally approved by the current Emergency Director.

If the EOF is not activated, contact the Shift Manager or TSC Manager, whomever has emergency direction and control.

Attachment 5.2 Page 1 of 5 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 24 of 36

e. Obtain the Assistant JIC Manager procedure handbook from the JIC book shelf and ensure responsibilities under your position are appropriately assigned:
  • Attachment 5.2.1, News Release Editor Duties
  • Attachment 5.2.2, News Coordination Process
  • Attachment 5.1.7, News Conference Preparation and Presentation
f. Ensure preparation and distribution of news release announcing operation of JIC and telephone teams. This news release does not require approval of the Emergency Director as no technical content should be included. Ensure that a news release describing the initiating event has been sent before a news release announcing activation of the JIC. Hard copy of the boilerplate for this news release and preparation guidance are in the Assistant JIC Manager's resource book.
2. Ongoing Actions - News Release and JIC Support Management
a. Ensure the Distribution Team Supervisor has adequate staff and equipment is operational.
b. Verify with the News Release Editor that computer equipment, including LAN, is operational and contact has been made with the EOF Public Information Officer in the EOF.
c. Request that the News Release Editor and Distribution Team Supervisor attend JIC staff briefings.
d. Manage preparation of Energy Northwest news releases.
  • Edit Energy Northwest news releases, as necessary
  • If directed by JIC Manager, approve release of Energy Northwest news releases
  • Supervise the News Release Editor in final preparation and coordination of Energy Northwest news releases
  • Ensure that any technical content changed after receipt from EOF Public Information Officer is verbally approved by the EOF Manager or designee prior to release Attachment 5.2 Page 2 of 5 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 25 of 36
e. Manage agency coordination and distribution of news releases.
  • Establish contact with offsite agency representatives as they arrive in the JIC and provide them direction on processes used to coordinate and distribute news releases. Provide them copies of Attachment 5.2.2, News Coordination Process, which describes the process for coordination of news releases.
  • Ensure that offsite agency representatives are aware of the equipment and supplies available in the JIC. Note that there are modem lines provided at each offsite agency work station.
  • Review, as directed by JIC Manager, other agency news releases to ensure accuracy if release references Energy Northwest actions or Columbia Generating Station status.
  • Assist resolution of differences between agencies during coordination of news releases.
  • Coordinate relations between agencies, observing and reporting to JIC Manager any disconnects or major conflicts.
  • Monitor coordination of offsite agency news releases and adjust the responsibilities of the News Release Editor, as necessary.
f. Assist the JIC Manager with duties and assume JIC Manager's responsibilities during JIC Manager's absence or when delegated. Duties may include the following:
  • Monitor the Crash phone and other phones in the JIC Manager's area during JIC staff briefings and news conferences conducted by the JIC Manager. If necessary. interrupt the briefing or news conference to inform the JIC Manager or news conference moderator of emergencv classification changes.
  • During news conferences, remain in JIC Manager's Office to serve as lead Energy Northwest contact with EOF Public Information Officer, EOF Manager, and other Energy Northwest emergency centers.
g. Manage the distribution team, which is responsible for distribution of news releases and receipt and distribution of facsimile information sent to the JIC.
  • Provide guidance to the Distribution Team Supervisor
  • Ensure adequate facsimile and copy equipment is available for JIC operations, coordinating with JIC Support Manager to find other equipment in nearby office space, if required Attachment 5.2 Page 3 of 5 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 26 of 36
h. Provide, as time allows, other audiences with timely and accurate information regarding the incident at an Energy Northwest facility. Audiences include the following:
  • Employees in Richland, Satsop, Energy Northwest Visitors Centers, and Packwood. Consider the use of plant status (X6000), PhoneMail, or E-mail distributed to all employees.
  • Executive Board, Full Board, and Members via Legal Department. Provide copies of news releases to Legal designee for transmittal.
i. If the Local Area Network is not operable, guide the News Release Editor and EOF Public Information Officer in selecting an alternate method to transmit draft news releases to the JIC.
j. Ensure that News Release Editor has IS/Graphics support for Internet dissemination of news releases.
k. Request that additional facsimile and/or copy equipment in the MPF be designated to support emergency response distribution and receipt of documents or that telecommunications provide additional equipment to support the needs.
l. Request Information Systems provide additional computer equipment or phone lines to support needs of media or agencies present in the JIC.
m. Act on interview requests forwarded from phone team.
3. Onpoinp Actions - News Conference and Offsite Agency Coordination
a. As offsite agency representatives arrive at the JIC, establish contact with them and perform the following activities:
  • Obtain their name, title, and agency represented
  • Assist them in setting up their operations for producing and distributing news releases, as necessary
  • Respond to any questions they may have regarding the processes, including who is present to implement the coordination processes
  • Refer their logistic, phone, or facilities requests to the JIC Support Manager Attachment 5.2 Page 4 of 5 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 27 of 36
b. If many agencies are present in the JIC, consider requesting additional staffing to support coordination and distribution of news releases.
c. Participate in sessions for spokespersons to prepare for news conferences, providing feedback for potential questions from media representatives, and identifying any conflict in information planned for distribution.
d. Moderate news conferences.
e. Maintain a log of Energy Northwest news releases and press conference statements.

Ensure expectations for regular release of information are achieved.

f. As time allows, provide special audiences with timely and accurate information regarding the incident at an Energy Northwest facility. Consider the following audiences:
  • Finance Community via Chief Financial Officer or designee
  • Congressional delegation, Governors, Legislature, and Tri-Cities community officials Attachment 5.2 Page 5 of 5 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 28 of 36

Duties: NEWS RELEASE EDITOR Normal Reporting Location: Joint Information Center News Release Preparation Area Reports To: Assistant JIC Manager

1. Establish phone contact with the EOF Public Information Officer and coordinate production of draft Energy Northwest news releases.
2. Call in or notify one of the individuals named in the Secretary's Handbook to be on standby for dissemination of news releases on the Energy Northwest external website.
3. Verify operation of the Local Area Network (LAN). If not operable, immediately notify the Assistant JIC Manager or JIC Support Manager.
4. As requested, assist the JIC Manager or Assistant JIC Manager to prepare news releases announcing classification of emergency event and plant status and JIC activation.
5. Attend JIC staff briefings as requested by the Assistant JIC Manager.
6. Complete Energy Northwest news releases prepared by the EOF PIO.
a. Proofread each news release to ensure understanding, correct spelling, etc. If revisions to text or sentence structure are believed to be required, consult with the EOF PIO or Assistant JIC Manager prior to initiating change.
b. Ensure each news release has an Energy Northwest sequence number assigned and correct telephone numbers are listed for the public and media phone teams.
c. Ensure that draft news releases are clearly marked "DRAFT" using a printer-generated watermark or a "draft" stamp.
d. Print news release and provide to the Assistant JIC Manager for review and verbal approval by JIC Manager.
e. Prepare approved Energy Northwest news releases for coordination with agencies present in the JIC. Follow process guidance described in Attachment 5.2.2, News Coordination Process.
f. Following coordination, insert current time in news release prior to printing final copy for Distribution Team Supervisor.
g. If technical content of news release changes because of information received by the JIC Manager or Technical Spokesperson, ensure EOF PIO is informed and requests that the EOF Manager or EOF Manager's designee verbally approves the technical change.
h. Following release to the Distribution Team, send an electronic copy of the news release to Graphics for inclusion on the Energy Northwest external website.

Attachment 5.2.1 Page 1 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 29 of 36

7. Coordinate news releases with offsite agency spokespersons and public information staff present in the JIC.
a. Maintain a chronology of all news releases received for coordination. Periodically provide this information to the Assistant JIC Manager.
b. Prepare cover sheet similar to the one in Attachment 5.2.2, News Coordination Process, for each news release submitted for coordination.

C. Encourage prompt review by offsite representatives. Approximately 10 to 15 minutes should be allowed for review unless scheduled activities do not allow for review, then time should be adjusted.

d. Report conflicts or comments for resolution to the representative submitting the release.
e. Provide final news releases with distribution authorized by the agency representative to the Distribution Team Supervisor for distribution.
f. Report any known unresolved conflicts in news release information to the Assistant JIC Manager.
8. As time permits, relieve the Secretary from updating the Display Generator.

Attachment 5.2.1 Page 2 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 30 of 36

Duties: NEWS COORDINATION PROCESS The Assistant JIC Manager or News Release Editor should provide a copy of the following guidance for news release coordination to each offsite agency represented in the JIC when the representative reports to the JIC and initiates operation.


  • Provide six (6) to eight (8) final draft news release copies to News REPRESENTATIVE Release Editor for distribution to agencies in the JIC.


  • Attach cover sheet and distribute to Agencies.


  • You will be allowed approximately 10 minutes for review of other REPRESENTATIVES agency's news releases. If you believe the information is not consistent or accurate, resolve the differences with the agency preparing the news release.
  • If news release is satisfactory, return it to News Release Editor as soon as possible, but no later than the time noted on cover sheet.


  • If conflicts with news releases are brought to your attention, EDITOR request that those conflicts be resolved with agency preparing release.
  • If conflicts continue, contact the Assistant JIC Manager for assistance.
  • Once time is up and/or differences are resolved, notify the agency preparing the release that final copy should be prepared for distribution.


  • Insert current time, print final copy, then initial authorization for REPRESENTATIVE distribution.
  • Take final copy to News Release Editor who will provide it to the Distribution Team Supervisor.

DISTRIBUTION TEAM . Determine distribution needs of release, record in appropriate log SUPERVISOR and assign duties to Distribution Team Members.

Attachment 5.2.2 Page 1 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 31 of 36

NOTE: The following is the minimum information required on a news release coordination cover sheet, which may be printed on any stock at any size.

NEWS RELEASE COORDINATION COVER SHEET Place a check mark in each space noting who has prepared the news release and who is to review it.

Attach this cover sheet to each release prior to distributing to the agency for review.

AGENCY PREPARING NEWS RELEASE Energy Northwest Benton County Franklin County Washington State Oregon State DOE FEMA

__ NRC Other AGENCY REVIEWING NEWS RELEASE Energy Northwest Benton County Franklin County Washington State Oregon State DOE FEMA NRC

=_ Other Deadline for comments to be resolved with preparing agency or returned to News Release Editor for distribution.


Attachment 5.2.2 Page 2 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 32 of 36


Normal Reporting Location: Emergency Operations Facility Reports To: JIC Manager/EOF Manager A. Primary Responsibilities The EOF Public Information Officer is responsible for preparing news releases, transmitting them to the JIC, and providing advice to the EOF Manager on public relations matters. When requested by the JIC Manager, and approved by the EOF Manager, the PIO may conduct authorized tours of the EOF or scene of emergency events.

B. Duties

1. Immediate Actions
a. If notified of an Alert or higher classification report immediately to the EOF.
b. Sign on the EOF sign-in board and obtain identification badge.
c. Obtain PIO materials from the EOF cabinet and assign task descriptions for positions supervised.
  • Attachment 5.3.1, EOF PIO Technical Support
d. Notify the EOF Manager of your arrival and obtain a briefing on current plant status.
e. Notify the JIC Manager or Assistant JIC Manager of your arrival in the EOF and obtain status of news releases.
f. Verify operation of the Local Area Network (LAN). If not operable, immediately notify the Site Support Manager in the EOF, News Release Editor, and Assistant JIC Manager to discuss resolution and other options.
  • If needed, request that the PDIS Analyst in the EOF assist
g. Notify the EOF Manager and Assistant EOF Manager that the EOF PIO is ready to assume News writing duties.

Attachment 5.3 Page 1 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 33 of 36

2. Ongoing Actions
a. With the assistance of Administrative Support staff, prepare news releases and transmit to the News Release Editor in the JIC for distribution. {R-4880}
  • When practical, use the boilerplate news release information in electronic files on the LAN, hard drive, or backup diskette
  • Ensure boilerplate information is appropriate for current conditions
  • Review each news release to ensure it is complete and accurate
  • Obtain technical approval for all news releases from the EOF Manager or EOF Manager's designee
  • If using the LAN, save the document in a J:\Drive file
  • Contact the News Release Editor to print the release and initiate JIC review and coordination
b. Consider the following questions and guidelines in preparation of news releases.
  • What is the current state of the emergency?
  • Is there any risk to the public?
  • What is being done to correct the problem?
  • How soon will it be safe?
  • Who is in charge?
  • Are there injuries or fatalities?
  • What hazardous materials are involved?
  • Have personnel been evacuated from Site and Exclusion Area?
  • How many have been evacuated?
  • Who is point of contact?
  • Is the situation stable or deteriorating?
  • Why did the accident happen?

Attachment 5.3 Page 2 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 34 of 36

  • Ensure that the news release refers directly to the situation at Columbia Generating Station within the first few sentences and that plant status is described concisely and appropriately for the general population.
  • Only County or State news releases should include protective actions for the public. Do NOT include Protective Action Recommendations provided to the County or State in Energy Northwest news releases unless the State or County has specifically requested a joint news release.
  • News releases should include any pertinent information on confirmed releases of radioactivity from Columbia Generating Station. However, doses or dose rates, whether estimated or measured, should be excluded until the full extent of the release and its affect on the environment have been appropriately analyzed.
c. Periodically discuss event status and news coverage with JIC Spokesperson, Assistant JIC Manager, and JIC Manager.
d. Attend EOF status briefings to collect information on the current situation or anticipated events.
e. Advise the EOF Manager on public relations matters and JIC operation.
f. Consult with the JIC Manager or Assistant JIC Manager to stay informed of JIC activities and to identify needs that can be addressed by the EOF news staff.
g. Coordinate requests for tours of Columbia Generating Station or the emergency site with the Media Coordinator and request approval from the EOF Manager.
h. Refer any calls from the media or public to the appropriate Phone Team.
3. Special Actions to Be Implemented. as Necessary
a. Should conditions require additional public information staff in the EOF or PSF, inform the EOF Manager, contact the EOF Site Support Manager, and request the desired support be provided from those qualified to report to the EOF or JIC.
b. If LAN or computer equipment is inoperable, use other available computer equipment in the PSF office areas.
  • Notify the News Release Editor and Assistant JIC Manager of your location and phone number in the new location
  • Notify the EOF Manager of your new location and request any additional assistance you believe necessary to complete your tasks
  • Use the backup diskette of boilerplate news releases or hard copy in PIO's work station Attachment 5.3 Page 3 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 35 of 36

Duties: EOF PIO TECHNICAL SUPPORT Normal Reporting Location: EOF Reports To: EOF Public Information Officer

1. Obtain latest status information on the emergency event and keep the EOF Public Information Officer (PIO) advised on developments that may be of public or media interest or assist JIC Spokesperson to present Energy Northwest news.
2. Use the resources of the EOF to research questions on technical aspects or licensee requirements for the emergency event.
3. Assist the PIO in explaining plant status and technical information so the general public and media have opportunities to develop accurate understanding of the situation.
4. Review news releases or technical bulletins, as requested, for technical accuracy.
5. Perform other tasks as assigned by the PIO.
6. Attend EOF status briefings.
7. Observe and listen for changing events that should be brought to the PIO's attention.
8. Assist the EOF Engineering Manager, as time permits, with technical issues.

Attachment 5.3.1 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.19 9 36 of 36

  • 13 .12.20*




TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 PURPOSE ......................

2.0 PROCEDURE ...................

2.1 JIC Activation ...............

2.2 Responding to the JIC ..........

2.3 Media and Information Management 2.4 Shift Change ................

2.5 Event Termination ............


........... 6 4.0 ATTACHMENTS ........... 6 4.1 Media Coordinator ................................. 7 4.1.1 JIC Receptionist .................................. 10 4.2 Information Manager ................................. 11 4.2.1 Monitoring News Coverage ............................... 14 4.3 Phone Team Supervisor .................................. 15 4.3.1 Media and Public Phone Team Members ......... .............. 20 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.20 4 2 of 22

1.0 PURPOSE This procedure describes the Media and Information Management process of the Joint Information Center (JIC) and its role in providing timely and accurate emergency information to the public and conducting public information and media relations activities.

2.0 PROCEDURE 2.1 JIC Activation 2.1.1 ERO personnel assigned to the JIC will respond when an Alert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency has been declared, or as directed by the JIC Manager.

2.1.2 The keys to the JIC are located in a keybox next to the south door of the Alternate EOF, to your left upon entering the MPF through the south sliding glass doors. Break the seal to open the box.

Keys to the following cabinets are located in a keybox in the JIC Support Manager's area on the wall to the right of the Support Manager's desk.

  • Key #1 - JIC workstation materials cabinet in JIC Support Manager's area.
  • Key #2 - Computer and Audio/Visual supply cabinet in JIC Support Manager's area.
  • Key#3 - JIC Supply cabinet in Copier/Fax room.
  • Key#4 - Phone Team equipment cabinet in Phone Team room.
  • Key#5 - Brochures and pamphlets cabinet in Phone Team room.

2.1.3 The fitness of ERO personnel responding to the JIC will be assessed prior to personnel engaging in emergency response activities. Refer to PPM 13.4.1 and SWP-FFD-01 for Fitness for Duty criteria and controls for assessing FFD in an emergency situation.

2.1.4 Until arrival of the designated JIC Manager, the immediate actions of PPM 13.12.19, Attachment 5. 1, may be performed by any of the following positions: Assistant JIC Manager, EOF Public Information Officer, or Media Coordinator.

2.2 Responding to the JIC 2.2.1 ERO personnel responding to the JIC:

  • Sign in for their position on the board located in the JIC Support Manager's office PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.20 4 3 of 22
  • Obtain from the JIC Support Manager's office the identification badge with their name or write their name on a blank badge for their position 2.2.2 JIC responders set up and check the operability of their assigned equipment and work stations upon arrival. Request support for setup and maintenance from telecommunications and facilities staff via the JIC Support Manager.

2.2.3 At shift change or JIC downsizing, departing JIC responders return their badge to the JIC Support Manager's office and remove their name from the JIC sign-in board.

2.3 Media and Information Management 2.3.1 Public and Media Phone Teams

  • Activate the phone lines as directed by the Phone Team Supervisor
  • Respond to inquiries for information about actions of Energy Northwest and offsite agencies represented in the JIC
  • Remain operational for the duration of the event or until the media and public inquiry rate may be handled by Communications, Marketing and Member Relations. {R4882}

2.3.2 Information Manager {R4650}

  • Identify, monitor, and track rumors and misinformation, using feedback from the Media Coordinator, both phone teams, and monitoring of actual radio, television, and print coverage
  • Make corrections to misinformation or rumors by providing correct information for news conferences or news releases 2.3.3 Media Coordinator {R-1591}, {R-3291}, {R-3453}, {R-4651}
  • Identify and communicate issues raised by media who report to JIC
  • Provide timely information to assembled media as approved by JIC Manager 2.3.4 Attached Duty Descriptions
  • Duty Description items are not necessarily in sequential order of performance. The user should scan the entire list and prioritize activities as appropriate to the situation. JIC personnel should not rely upon these guides alone to determine how to accomplish the items for which they are responsible.


  • JIC Manager and management team have full authority to modify this guidance for Energy Northwest personnel should the situation warrant modification. Such changes should be consistent with Section 2.3.1 of PPM 13.12.19.

2.3.5 Recording Actions

  • JIC responders other than distribution team members should maintain a record of the emergency actions on an Emergency Response Log (Form No. 23895).
  • Phone team members should log all incoming and outgoing phone calls on Form No. 23895, Emergency Response Log, except for calls that require others to act, such as rumors or employee messages. For those calls, use Form No. 26057, the Emergency Phone Response Log.

2.4 Shift Change 2.4.1 When shift turnover occurs, the oncoming ERO member should sign into the JIC as described in 2.2.1 and 2.2.2.

2.4.2 Oncoming JIC personnel should attend a JIC staff briefing conducted by the departing and oncoming JIC Managers and scheduled for the beginning of each shift.

2.4.3 JIC personnel being relieved should complete an After Action Report, brief their relief on the current status of the emergency and relevant position-related functions being performed, and turn over to their relief all pertinent documents, forms, and supplies.

2.4.4 Oncoming JIC responders should advise their JIC supervisor or manager when turnover briefing is complete and position duties are being assumed.

2.4.5 Oncoming JIC managers should advise the JIC Manager when responsibilities for positions under their supervision have been assumed by oncoming shift.

2.5 Event Termination 2.5.1 Upon being relieved or dismissed, JIC responders should complete an After Action Report per PPM 13.13.4, attach all logs and pertinent documents, unless these are required for use by the next shift, and deliver the package to the Support Manager.

2.5.2 At termination of JIC activities, all JIC responders should participate in the post-event critique to discuss JIC performance.


2.5.3 When the JIC is deactivated, all JIC responders should replenish or identify needed supplies in their work area and return the area to normal work conditions.


3.1 FSAR, Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan, Sections 2, 6, and 9 {R-4650}, {R-4651},

{R-4655}, {R-4882},


3.2 NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants

{R-3291}, {R-3453}, {R-3488}, {R-3491]

3.3 IOCFR50.47 (b)(07) {R-1591}

3.4 Form No. 23895, Emergency Response Log 3.5 Form No. 26057, Emergency Phone Response Log 3.6 Form No. 26060, JIC Media Representatives Log 3.7 INPO 93-013, Emergency Public Communications Manual 3.8 SWP-FD-01, Fitness for Duty Program Requirements 3.9 PPM 13.4.1, Emergency Notifications 3.10 PPM 13.12.19, JIC Management 3.11 PPM 13.12.21, JIC Support Activities 3.12 PPM 13.13.4, After Action Reporting 4.0 ATTACHMENTS 4.1 Media Coordinator 4.1.1 JIC Receptionist 4.2 Information Manager 4.2.1 Monitoring News Coverage 4.3 Phone Team Supervisor 4.3.1 Media and Public Phone Team Members PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.20 1 4 6 of 22

Duties: MEDIA COORDINATOR Normal Reporting Location: JIC Area/MPF Lobby Reports To: JIC Manager Personnel Supervised: Receptionist, any additional staff called out to support functions A. Primary Responsibilities The JIC Media Coordinator is responsible for addressing the information needs of media representatives who report to the Energy Northwest media area (MPF lobby). Duties include coordinating initial response to local/regional media representatives prior to their arrival on-site, managing the on-site relations with the media representatives present in the MPF, managing the process to update news media on-site, coordinating media interviews with Spokespersons or other designated persons, and serving as the key liaison between media representatives and JIC Manager. If requested, serve as moderator for news conferences and conduct tours of Columbia Generating Station or site of emergency event.

B. Duties

1. Immediate Actions
a. Obtain the Media Coordinator's materials from the cabinet in the JIC Support Manager's office and ensure task responsibilities under your position are appropriately assigned:
  • Attachment 4.1.1, JIC Receptionist
  • Form No. 26060, JIC Media Representatives Log
b. Provide direction as needed to Energy Northwest staff responsible for MPF lobby setup for JIC activities.
c. Request that JIC Manager provide you with update of media inquiries received since declaration of event, then respond as needed.
d. Ensure first news release is being prepared or has been transmitted by facsimile to media.
e. Ensure video monitor in MPF lobby for plant status information is operational.

If not, record plant status information on the whiteboard located in the lobby.

f. If time allows, contact local media and other key persons as followup to news releases issued prior to full operation of the JIC. Current phone numbers may be found in your resource handbook.
g. Determine if additional staff is required to support media response. If so, request the JIC Support Manager provide additional staff.

Attachment 4.1 Page 1 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.20 4 7 of 22

2. Ongoing Actions
a. Manage the on-site relations with the media representatives present in the MPF.
  • Coordinate hospitality activities for arriving media and agency representatives
  • Greet media and assist with sign-in, badging, and other setup, as necessary
  • Respond to media requests for support or local information as possible and reasonable
  • Distribute media kits to arriving media
  • Brief arriving media and provide them with copies of issued news releases
  • Notify JIC Support Manager of time of scheduled news conferences
  • Assist JIC Support Manager to provide adequate equipment and support for media during press conferences
  • Request that on-site media be seated in the auditorium several minutes prior to scheduled news conference
  • Assist media representatives, as required, to set up their cameras or other equipment used to cover the news conference
b. Manage process to update news media on-site.
  • Update media on emergency event and respond to questions.

Information you provide should be limited to that officially released by agencies represented in the JIC or found in the Media Coordinator's resource book.

  • Ensure update of MPF lobby status board using information provided by JIC Secretary if video monitor is not operable.
  • Announce and post scheduled times for news conferences.
  • Operate the media microphone or assign someone to operate it during news conferences.
  • Record open items and commitments made to media during press conferences for use by JIC Manager and other spokespersons.

Attachment 4.1 Page 2 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.20 4 8 of 22

c. Coordinate media interviews with Spokespersons or other designated persons.
  • Inform spokespersons of requests for interviews, then schedule as possible
  • Host interviews of any spokesperson with media
  • Arrange, if requested by the JIC Manager, interviews or statements from Energy Northwest senior management
  • As possible and desired, assist spokespersons to prepare for media interview
d. Serve as liaison between media representatives and JIC Manager.
  • Report media concerns and needs to JIC Manager
  • Report misinformation and/or rumors to Information Manager
  • Dispel rumors or other misinformation
  • Periodically update JIC Manager on media questions, concerns and perceptions
  • Arrange with the EOF Public Information Officer tours of EOF or event site, as approved by EOF Manager
3. Special Actions to Be Implemented. As Necessary
a. If requested by the JIC Manager, conditions allow, and there is sufficient media interest, report to the EOF/PSF to coordinate interviews of agency spokespersons and conduct facility tours.
b. If requested by the JIC Manager, report to the EOF to assist the EOF Public Information Officer.
c. Obtain concurrence of JIC Manager and request JIC Support Manager call additional help for media management function.
d. If observing or notified by others that crowds in and around MPF have become unmanageable, contact the JIC Support Manager for additional security or local law enforcement assistance.

Attachment 4.1 Page 3 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.20 4 9 of 22

Duties: JIC RECEPTIONIST Normal Reporting Location: JIC Area/MPF Lobby Reports To: Media Coordinator

1. If necessary, assist with setup of JIC receptionist's work station.
a. Move telephone from MPF receptionist's desk to JIC receptionist's desk.
b. Set up baskets for news releases or other information.
2. Greet public information staff from counties, states, or other agencies reporting to the JIC.

Direct public information staff from counties, states, or other agencies to JIC Support Managers's office.

3. Greet and badge media representatives and request they sign-in on Form No. 26060, JIC Media Representatives Log, or similar sheet.
4. Assist Media Coordinator with distribution of materials, including media kits and previously distributed news releases, to media present in the JIC.
5. Refer media requests for event information to the Media Coordinator.
6. Answer the phone and direct calls as guided by the Media Coordinator.
a. Direct calls requesting interviews to the Media Coordinator.
b. Transfer calls of concern from the public to the Public Phone Team at X501 1.
c. Direct calls from the media with general questions about the event to the Media Phone Team at X5100.
d. Record calls for JIC staff as messages and deliver to the Media Coordinator for distribution. If message is urgent, contact the Media Coordinator for response.
e. Calls should not be transferred to Energy Northwest employees or ERO responders in other emergency centers or Energy Northwest facilities. If message is urgent, contact the Media Coordinator for response.
7. If Display Generator does not display on MPF Lobby Television, obtain hardcopy from JIC Secretary and transfer information to status board in Lobby.
8. Advise the Media Coordinator if crowds outside or inside the MPF are becoming a control issue.
9. Perform other tasks as assigned by the Media Coordinator.

Attachment 4.1.1 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.20 l 4 10 of 22

Duties: INFORMATION MANAGER Normal Reporting Location: JIC Office Area Reports To: JIC Manager Personnel Supervised: Phone Team Supervisors A. Primary Responsibilities The Information Manager is responsible for addressing the information needs of Media and Public Phone Teams, tracking rumors and misinformation, and ensuring, if possible, that corrections are made. The Information Manager may also assist, as requested by the JIC Manager, in preparation for news conferences or interviews of spokespersons with media representatives.

B. Duties

1. Immediate Actions
a. Ensure video monitor in phone team room is operational prior to declaring phone teams activated. If not operable, provide Phone Team Supervisors status information to record on whiteboard or flip charts.
b. As necessary, assist the Phone Team Supervisors to ensure phones are operational.
c. Review with JIC Manager and Media Coordinator, media calls that have been received by Public Affairs or JIC staff prior to phone team activation.

Respond, as appropriate, contacting each by phone, if necessary.

d. Review guidance under special actions to determine if arrangements need to be made for additional staff to monitor media coverage of the event on radio and television.
e. Assist, if requested by JIC Manager, in preparations for initial JIC staff briefing.
f. Inform JIC Manager when phone teams are set up and operational.

Attachment 4.2 Page 1 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.20 4 11 of 22

2. Ongoing Actions
a. Address information needs of Media and Public Phone teams.
  • Provide updated information to phone teams on plant status and public response information.
  • Observe news conferences and record key information from all spokespersons that should be provided to phone teams for release.
  • Respond to breakdowns in phone team operation, i.e., information not flowing, phone team members or supervisors experiencing extra stress, potential conflicts and disagreements.
  • Following notification by the County that evacuation of the general public has been ordered, periodically check in with the Red Cross or the Emergency Worker/Assistance Center to determine how many people have registered at any center. Provide this information to the Spokesperson and Phone Team Supervisor.
b. Track rumors and misinformation and ensure, if possible, that corrections are made. {R-3491}
  • Receive rumors or misinformation from phone teams and media coordinator for resolution.
  • Research correct information for rumors or misinformation using resources such as Technical Spokesperson, EOF staff, and offsite agency public information staff.
  • Report correct information for reported rumors to JIC Manager, agency public information staff in JIC, and Phone Team Supervisors.
  • Record rumors and their corrections, if any, for shift turnover.
  • As necessary, provide guidance for monitoring news coverage to personnel assigned to monitor media coverage. Use Attachment 4.2.1, Monitoring News Coverage, as guidance to those monitoring news coverage.

Attachment 4.2 Page 2 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.20 4 12 of 22

3. Special Actions to Be Implemented. As Necessary
a. Assess anticipated media coverage and, as necessary, request additional staff be called out to monitor radio and television broadcasts. Request that equipment be set up to support desired effort. Consider the following actions:
  • Request that telecommunications staff assist to set up additional television monitors and videotape setups for monitoring of television coverage
  • Dispatch personnel to homes or local motels/hotels to assess local television or radio coverage
b. If necessary, assist the JIC Support Manager to recruit other Energy Northwest staff to monitor media coverage of event.

Attachment 4.2 Page 3 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.20 4 13 of 22

Duties: MONITORING NEWS COVERAGE Assigned To: Phone Teams NOTE: Information Manager may choose to use personnel who are at home to provide the monitoring and call in with the results.

1. Report to the JIC Office Area, sign-in on the JIC sign-in board and notify the Information Manager or Phone Team Supervisor of your arrival.
2. Report to a location designated by the Information Manager or Phone Team Supervisor to monitor news coverage. If not already operating, turn on television and radio receivers per instructions posted at monitoring station.
3. On an Emergency Response Log, Form No. 23895, record the following information for both television and radio news coverage of the Columbia Generating Station event:
a. Date and exact time of news coverage.
b. Station and call letters.
c. Name of reporter broadcasting the information.
d. Location of station.
e. Key points reported, particularly emphasizing instructions which are being reported for public health and safety.
f. Other facts, such as injuries, location of emergency event, names of decision makers, actions being taken by the facility.
4. At the end of the news item, compare your notes to the information provided by the Phone Team Supervisor for media accuracy.
5. Record rumors or misinformation on Emergency Phone Response Log, Form No. 26057, and give to Phone Team Supervisor. Play back videotaped broadcast of rumors or misleading information, if requested.
6. If requested by the Information Manager, review subsequent news coverage for correction of errors previously identified to the station.

Attachment 4.2.1 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.20 4 14 of 22

Duties: PHONE TEAM SUPERVISOR {R-46551 Normal Reporting Location: MPF Room 1-205 Reports To: Information Manager Personnel Supervised: Phone Team Members A. Primary Responsibilities The Phone Team Supervisor is responsible for directing the operation of the telephone lines established to respond to media and public inquiries regarding an emergency event. Duties include ensuring preparation of the phone team work area, relaying inquiries that should be answered to the Information Manager, supervising phone team members and ensuring they have information from news releases, news conferences, and interviews or statements by spokespersons of agencies represented in the JIC, and assisting the Media Coordinator. The primary functions of Energy Northwest phone team members are to represent to the media and public the Energy Northwest response to the emergency and to clarify questions regarding protective actions.

B. Duties Common to Supervision of Both Phone Teams

1. Immediate Actions
a. Initiate setup of the phone team area with supplies and equipment stored in the Phone Team Cabinets.
  • Test phone system as instructed in job aid in your resource book.
  • Set up video monitor for Character Generator status information and news conferences. Remote control is in cabinet in Support Manager's office.
  • Arrange resource books, materials, and phone log books for use by team members.
  • Contact the Support Manager for additional supplies or for need for support from telecommunications or facilities staff.

NOTE: Two Phone Team Supervisors are assigned to each ERO team.

The second Phone Team Supervisor may assist the Media Coordinator once the phone teams are set up.

  • Verify operation of the EBS radio in the phone team room.

Attachment 4.3 Page 1 of 5 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.20 4 15 of 22

b. If not already done by Support Manager, change the ABC switch positions on the two Digital Cell Recorders on the Support Manager's desk to Message Number 2. Dial 5100 and 5011 to verify that the message requests callers to stay on the line.
c. Assign team members to phone positions and provide copies of Attachment 4.3.1, Phone Team Member.
d. Ensure that as many phone team members as possible participate in the initial JIC staff briefing as scheduled by the JIC Manager or provided by speaker phone. If members cannot participate, provide them a briefing of the information covered.
e. Ensure that copies of news releases that have been issued are available to phone team members.

NOTE: Activation of phone lines should occur as soon as possible after distribution of first news release, broadcast of EBS messages, and receipt of information of potential interest to the public and media. The Phone Team Supervisor should notify the JIC Manager as soon as one or more team members is ready to receive calls.

f. When several team members have reported and operation is set up, activate phone lines, then report activation to the Information Manager.
g. Assign one or two members to monitor TV and radio broadcasts. See B.2.f.

See also Attachment 4.2.1.

2. Ongoing Actions CAUTION: Do NOT display Protective Action Recommendations to the Phone Team. Display only Protective Action Decisions.
a. Record on white board key information from news conferences, Emergency Alerting System messages, or other official sources needed by team members to respond to phone inquiries, then, as necessary, provide hard copy to phone team members. Avoid details that should not be included in Phone Team responses. Ensure all times are in civilian, not military, format.
b. When possible, observe and evaluate TV or radio news broadcasts for misinformation and promptly report misinformation to Information Manager, giving station, time, and newscaster.
c. Conduct team member briefings whenever events change or new information has developed. If desired, deactivate all but one phone for short periods of time to conduct the briefing.

Attachment 4.3 Page 2 of 5 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.20 4 16 of 22

d. Promptly log and report to the Information Manager any rumors or misinformation that team members detect from incoming calls, then record information provided to dispel rumor or correct misinformation.
e. Maintain a log of significant events for briefing your or a team member's replacement.
f. Obtain concurrence of JIC Manager and request JIC Support Manager call in additional qualified personnel to perform phone team duties, including broadcast media monitoring.
g. Periodically monitor Emergency Response Logs for trends in questions that team members may not have information to answer or that the public may need to hear from a news conference or briefing. Report trends to the Information Manager with a request, as necessary, for written clarification.
h. Designate a person to act as supervisor when it is necessary to leave team area.
i. Monitor phone team operation to identify difficulties obtaining correct or adequate information or personnel needs, including additional staffing requirements.
j. Coordinate additional phone team staffing and equipment needs or failures with Support Manager.
k. Observe phone team members for evidence of undesired stress or conflict.

Discuss need for break or relief.

1. Provide phone team members with breaks, as necessary, to ensure effective performance.
m. Periodically ensure video monitor with plant and emergency response status is operational and up-to-date. If video monitor is not operational, record plant status and emergency response information as provided by Information Manager on plant status board in phone team room.
n. If messages for agency representatives or employees are taken by phone team members, contact JIC staff member or agency representative and relay the message. If for an Energy Northwest employee in another emergency center or work area, contact the Manpower Scheduler in the EOF and relay the message.

O. Maintain copies of news releases and hard copy of news conference information for use by team members.

Attachment 4.3 Page 3 of 5 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.20 4 17 of 22

p. Review requests from media to provide information by facsimile. If necessary, confer with Information Manager on whether such information is appropriate (if it has already been sent to other media, it is appropriate). Forward request to distribution team.
q. If calls are received requesting information regarding the response by Washington, Oregon, or other agencies instruct the phone team to provide the agency's phone number to the caller, or, if the agency is represented in the JIC, to request assistance from the appropriate representative, if the information requested is not already available to the phone team.
r. Assist Media Coordinator, as needed, in monitoring activities of Media assembled at the MPF.
s. If the Governmental Affairs position is staffed, provide this fact and the Governmental Affairs phone number to the team.
t. Identify any Spanish-speaking phone team members to the rest of the team.

C. Specific Duties - Media Phone Team Supervision

1. Instruct Phone Team members to announce calls requesting interviews and to request assistance, if needed. Provide assistance to interviewee or request another phone team member to handle the interview, as appropriate. Refer media requests to interview corporate management to JIC Manager or Assistant JIC Manager.
2. Instruct phone team members to commit to return calls to media only if questions are being asked that require consultation and research before they can be answered. If necessary, request that difficult calls be transferred to an appropriate representative on the phone team or to the supervisor.

D. Specific Duties - Public Phone Team Supervision

1. When team members notify you that offers of assistance are made to (or from) callers, coordinate the action to be taken with the appropriate individual or organization.

Request Support Manager assistance, if appropriate.

2. Inform team members that inquiries about the status of individuals who may have been evacuated should be referred to the caller's local American Red Cross (ARC) office.

Current phone numbers are in the phone team resource handbook.

3. Inform team members that inquiries from family members or others regarding the location or welfare of Energy Northwest employees should be relayed to the EOF Manpower Scheduler. Instruct phone team members to take the caller's name and phone number.

Attachment 4.3 Page 4 of 5 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.20 4 18 of 22

4. Instruct phone team members to not commit to return calls to public. If necessary, request that difficult calls be transferred to an appropriate representative on the phone team or to the supervisor or provide the phone team member's name so the caller can contact the same person later.

E. Termination

1. Ensure that all phones have been deactivated. Test by calling 5100 and 5011.

Deactivate any phones that continue to ring.

2. Ensure that the ABC switches on the Digital Call Recorders on the Support Manager's desk are set to Message Number 1. Call both numbers in Step E. 1 to verify that the message says there is no emergency.

Attachment 4.3 Page 5 of 5 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.20 4 19 of 22

Duties: MEDIA AND PUBLIC PHONE TEAM MEMBERS Normal Reporting Location: MPF Room 1-205 Reports To: Phone Team Supervisor A. Duties Common to Media and Public Phone Teams

1. After sign-in and badging, report to the appropriate Phone Team Supervisor and assist with setup. If the Supervisor is not present, initiate setup and immediate actions identified in Attachment 4.3, Phone Team Supervisor.
2. Man the phone position assigned and respond to media inquiries or public calls as directed.
3. Working from status information, news releases, chronologies, fact sheets, news conference notes, and other written materials that may be available from offsite response agencies, respond to calls from the media or public as follows: {R-4883}
a. Make a log entry for each call on Form No. 23895, Emergency Response Log, and note the name of the caller, the information the caller requested, and the information you provided.
b. Provide only information that you know to be accurate from news releases, Emergency Alerting System messages, resource books, or news conferences notes.
c. Address all questions and correct misinformation to the extent possible.
d. For calls requesting information regarding the response by Washington, Oregon, or other agencies, only respond to the question if the answer can be found in news releases previously distributed to the media, or if an agency representative present in the JIC can provide the answer, otherwise provide the caller with the agency's phone number as listed in the appropriate news release.
e. For calls involving the following situations, make a brief reference on the Emergency Response Log, then place the appropriate information on Form No. 26057, Emergency Phone Response Log, and give the top copy to a Supervisor:
  • Rumors
  • Misinformation
  • Requests to interview JIC or corporate management
  • Questions about specific Energy Northwest employees or other emergency workers
  • Messages from employee or other emergency worker families
  • Questions requiring research, consultation, or which cannot be answered until a later time Attachment 4.3.1 Page 1 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.20 4 20 of 22
f. If the caller asks to speak with an Energy Northwest employee or an offsite agency representative, note it in the Emergency Phone Response log, advise the caller you will relay the message. Give the original copy of the message to the Phone Team Supervisor.
4. When practical, observe news conferences televised into your room and record notes that will assist you to answer questions from the media.
5. Participate in JIC staff or team briefings and assist other phone team members, when practical, to obtain answers for questions and respond to media queries.
6. If the Governmental Affairs position is staffed and the phone number has been provided, transfer calls from local, state, and national government officials to that contact.

B. Specific Duties - Media Phone Team

1. Agree to return a call only if questions being asked can be researched and answered.

If desired, also provide your name and phone number so the caller can contact you again for additional information.

2. If requested to provide a live or recorded interview:
a. Refer request to supervisor if you do not feel confident in ability to answer live questions.
b. Ask the caller to summarize the questions before going live or starting recording.
c. Notify supervisor when you start the interview.
3. If called by the public, transfer the call to the Public Phone Team at X501 1 or request caller use 509-372-5011.
4. Relay media requests for faxed information to supervisor.

Attachment 4.3.1 Page 2 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.20 4 21 of 22

C. Specific Duties - Public Phone Team

1. Do not agree or volunteer to return a call, but refer the caller to the Emergency Alerting System and their local radio and television stations. If desired, provide your name and number so the caller can contact you again for additional information.
2. Inquiries about the status of individuals who may have been evacuated should be referred to the caller's local American Red Cross (ARC) office. Current phone numbers for the Tri-Cities area are in the phone team resource handbook.
3. When you make an offer to provide assistance to a caller, complete an Emergency Phone Response log entry of the assistance need and give the original to the Team Supervisor.
4. If the caller is having an emergency where life may be endangered or immediate assistance is deemed necessary, keep the caller on the line and contact the Team Supervisor for assistance.
5. Refer all Spanish-speaking callers to a county or Energy Northwest Spanish-speaking representative, when present.
6. If called by a media representative, transfer the call to the media phone team or provide the caller with the media phone team number.
7. Refer calls to the County EOC when caller requests assistance with evacuation or other emergency or has an agricultural question or other question which is not covered by the information in the Resource Book. In most cases, the answer may be obtained by asking the Supervisor to contact the County representative in the JIC.

D. Termination

1. Deactivate phones in accordance with the instructions on the sticker attached to the front face of the phone. Turn off headsets, if used.
2. Return materials to storage. Remove any messages, news releases, etc., inserted in Resource Book.

Attachment 4.3.1 Page 3 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.20 4 22 of 22

I-I i*13. 12.21* l i I EIN ERGY se CURRENT EVoSIoN



TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 PURPOSE ............ .3 2.0 PROCEDURE .............. 3 2.1 JIC Activation ..... . .. .. 3 2.2 Responding to the JIC ..... 3.

3 2.3 JIC Operations ..... ..... 44.

2.4 Shift Change ...... ....... 4 2.5 Event Termination . . ....... 5


......... .5 4.0 ATTACHMENTS ............ 6 4.1 Distribution Team Supervisor . ............. .

4.1.1 Duplicating Documents . . . . . . . . . ............ . 9 4.1.2 Distributing Documents . . . . . . . . . ............ .

4.1.3 Facsimile Services ... . . . . . . . . . ............ .

4.2 JIC Support Manager ...... . . . . . . . . . ............ 13 4.2.1 Audio-visual Team ... . . . . . . . . . ............ .

4.2.2 Facilities Setup ..... . . . . . . . . . ............ .

4.2.3 JIC Security Staff .... . . . . . . . . . ............ .

4.3 Joint Information Center Organization Chart ............. ............ .

4.4 Offsite Agency Responders ........................ ............ 20 4.5 Typical Joint Information Center (JIG) Arrangement ........ ....... ..... 21 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.21 5 2 of 21

1.0 PURPOSE This procedure describes administrative and facility support for the Joint Information Center (JIG) and its lead role in providing timely and accurate emergency information to the public and conducting public information and media relations activities.

2.0 PROCEDURE 2.1 JIC Activation 2.1.1 ERO personnel assigned to the JIC will respond when an Alert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency has been declared, or as directed by the JIC Manager.

2.1.2 The keys to the JIC are located in a keybox next to the south door of the Alternate EOF, to your left upon entering the MPF through the south sliding glass doors. Break the seal to open the box.

Keys to the following cabinets are located in a keybox in the JIC Support Manager's area on the wall to the right of the Support Manager's desk.

  • Key #1 - JIC workstation materials cabinet in JIC Support Manager's area.
  • Key #2 - Computer and Audio/Visual supply cabinet in JIC Support Manager's area.
  • Key#3 - JIC Supply cabinet in Copier/Fax room.
  • Key#4 - Phone Team equipment cabinet in Phone Team room.
  • Key#5 - Brochures and pamphlets cabinet in Phone Team room.

2.1.3 The fitness of ERO personnel responding to the JIC will be assessed prior to personnel engaging in emergency response activities. Refer to PPM 13.4.1 and SWP-FFD-01 for Fitness for Duty criteria and controls for assessing FFD in an emergency situation.

2.2 Responding to the JIC 2.2.1 ERO personnel responding to the JIC:

  • Sign in for their position on the board located in the JIC Support Manager's office
  • Obtain from the JIC Support Manager's office the identification badge with their name or write their name on a blank badge for their position PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.21 5 3 of 21

2.2.2 JIC responders set up and check the operability of their assigned equipment and work stations upon arrival. Request support for setup and maintenance from telecommunications and facilities staff via JIC Support Manager.

2.2.3 At shift change or JIC downsizing, departing JIC responders return their badge to the JIC Support Manager's office and remove their name from the JIC sign-in board.

2.3 JIG Operations 2.3.1 Attached Duty Description

  • Duty description items are not necessarily in sequential order of performance. The user should scan the entire list and prioritize activities as appropriate to the situation. JIC personnel should not rely upon these guides alone to determine how to accomplish the items for which they are responsible.
  • JIC Manager and management team have full authority to modify this guidance for Energy Northwest personnel should the situation warrant modification. Such changes should be consistent with Section 2.3.1 of PPM 13.12.19.

2.3.2 Recording Action JIC responders, other than distribution team members, should maintain a record of their emergency actions on an Emergency Response Log (Form No. 23895).

2.4 Shift Change 2.4.1 When shift turnover occurs, the oncoming ERO member should log into the JIC as described in 2.2.1 and 2.2.2.

2.4.2 Oncoming JIC personnel should attend a JIC staff briefing conducted by the departing and oncoming JIC Managers and scheduled for the beginning of each shift.

2.4.3 JIC personnel being relieved should complete an After Action Report, brief their relief on the current status of the emergency and relevant position-related functions being performed, and turn over to their relief all pertinent documents, forms, and supplies.

2.4.4 Oncoming JIC responders should advise their JIC supervisor or manager when turnover briefing is complete and position duties are being assumed.


2.4.5 Oncoming JIC managers should advise the JIC Manager when responsibilities for positions under their supervision have been assumed by oncoming shift.

2.5 Event Termination 2.5.1 Upon being relieved or dismissed, JIC responders should complete an After Action Report per PPM 13.13.4, attach all logs and pertinent documents, unless these are required for use by the next shift, and deliver the package to the Support Manager.

2.5.2 At termination of JIC activities, all JIC responders should participate in the post-event critique to discuss JIC performance.

2.5.3 When the JIC is deactivated, all JIC responders should replenish supplies in their work area and return the area to normal work conditions.


3.1 Form No. 26058, JIC Distribution Team Document Log 3.2 Form No. 23895, Emergency Response Log 3.3 FSAR, Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan, Sections 2, 6, and 9 3.4 INPO 93-013, Emergency Public Communications Manual 3.5 NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants 3.6 SWP-FFD-01, Fitness for Duty Program Requirements 3.7 PPM 13.4.1, Emergency Notifications 3.8 PPM 13.10.8, EOP Security Manager Duties 3.9 PPM 13.12.19, JIC Management 3.10 PPM 13.12.20, Media and Information Management 3.11 PPM 13.13.4, After Action Reporting PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.21 5 5 of 21

4.0 ATTACHMENTS 4.1 Distribution Team Supervisor 4.1.1 Duplicating Documents 4.1.2 Distributing Documents 4.1.3 Facsimile Services 4.2 JIC Support Manager 4.2.1 Audio-Visual Team 4.2.2 Facilities Setup 4.2.3 JIC Security Staff 4.3 Joint Information Center Organization Chart 4.4 Offsite Agency Responders 4.5 Typical Joint Information Center (JIG) Arrangement PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.21 5 6 of 21

Duties: DISTRIBUTION TEAM SUPERVISOR Normal Reporting Location: JIC Distribution Team Supervisor's Office Reports To: Assistant JIC Manager Personnel Supervised: Distribution Team Members (FAX operators, duplicating clerks, runners)

A. Primary Responsibilities The Distribution Team Supervisor is responsible for managing the duplication and distribution of incoming and outgoing documents required to support timely and accurate information for emergency communications efforts. The Supervisor directs the work and assigns tasks to Distribution Team Members.

B. Duties

1. Immediate Actions
a. If notified of an Alert or higher classification report immediately to the JIC.
b. Obtain the Distribution Team procedure handbook from the cabinet in the facsimile room and ensure that task responsibilities under your position are appropriately assigned:
  • Attachment 4.1.1, Duplicating Documents
  • Attachment 4.1.2, Distributing Documents
  • Attachment 4.1.3, Facsimile Services
c. Verify that Distribution team equipment, including facsimile and copy machine(s), is operable. If necessary, request the JIC Support Manager have Facilities move a higher capacity/capability copier from another Energy Northwest office in the MPF.
d. Deliver any facsimile documents received prior to JIC activation to the Assistant JIC Manager for distribution instructions.
e. Establish log using Form No. 26058, JIC Distribution Team Document Log, to record both incoming and outgoing documents.
f. Review distribution team procedures and instructions with distribution team members.

Attachment 4.1 Page 1 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.21 5 7 of 21

2. Ongoing Actions
a. Attend JIC staff briefings as requested by the Assistant JIC Manager.
b. Manage the timely distribution of news releases.
  • Receive approved and coordinated news releases from the News Release Editor.
  • Assign a sequential JIC number and record time document was received and distributed on Document Log.
  • Direct the duplication and distribution of documents in accordance with Attachment 4.1. 1, Duplicating Documents and Attachment 4.1.2, Distributing Documents. Retain original for JIC files.
c. Manage the timely distribution of incoming documents received via facsimile to those present in the JIC.
  • Review Energy Northwest's incoming documents to determine which representatives in the JIC should receive copies.
  • Ensure that a letter has been assigned and record time document was received, duplicated, and distributed on Document Log. Retain the original document for JIC files.
  • Direct the distribution of incoming documents.
3. Special Actions to Be Implemented, As Necessary
a. Identify additional equipment needs to the JIC Support Manager as soon as needs are known.
b. If additional distribution team staffing is required, request that the JIC Support Manager have additional personnel called out.
c. If facsimile and/or copy equipment is inoperable, request that the Assistant JIC Manager notify agency representatives in the JIC and, if possible, request the JIC Support Manager provide them with a backup system.

Attachment 4.1 Page 2 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.21 5 8 of 21

Duties: DUPLICATING DOCUMENTS Assigned To: Distribution Team Member

1. Report to the Distribution Team Supervisor for instructions.
2. Provide duplicating services in accordance with the following instructions:
a. Distribution Team Supervisor will provide a numbered or lettered original and indicate how many copies will be needed of that document.
b. Reduce anything duplicated to an 8.5" X 11" size (e.g., an 8.5" X 14" document should be reduced to 74%).
c. Documents of more than one page should be collated and stapled.
d. Prior to copying for distribution, provide two copies of the prepared document to the facsimile team member for facsimile distribution.
e. Duplicate the number of copies requested by the Distribution Team Supervisor. For copies to be provided to the media or to be faxed outside Energy Northwest, cover the sequential number or letter before copying.
f. Return duplicated documents as well as the original to the Distribution Team Supervisor.
3. Provide copies of procedures as requested by JIC personnel. Use a controlled copy as the source.

Attachment 4.1.1 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.21 5 9 of 21

Duties: DISTRIBUTING DOCUMENTS Assigned To: Distribution Team Member

1. Report to the Distribution Team Supervisor for instructions.
2. Provide distribution services in accordance with the following instructions:
a. Receive from the Distribution Team Supervisor documents to be distributed.
b. Distribute documents to locations as noted in the Distribution Team Supervisor's handbook and provided to you for each event. Ensure that copies provided for the media do not show JIC sequential number or letter.
c. When distributing to Phone Teams, ensure that Phone Team Supervisor is aware that new material has been delivered.
d. Report to the Distribution Team Supervisor upon your return to establish a completion time for log.

Attachment 4.1.2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.21 5 10 of21l

Duties: FACSIMILE SERVICES Assigned To: Distribution Team Member

1. Report to the Distribution Team Supervisor for instructions.
2. Receive facsimile documents in accordance with the following instructions:

NOTE: All documents addressed to Energy Northwest received by facsimile will be given to the Distribution Team Supervisor who will determine their distribution.

  • Assign a JIC sequential letter to the first page of each incoming document
  • Make one copy of document
  • Give original to Distribution Team Supervisor and file copy For documents NOT addressed to Energy Northwest:
  • Assign a JIC sequential letter to the first page of each incoming document
  • Make one copy of document for file NOTE: If the addressee determines that no copy should be made, make a note in the log, e.g., "Fax to Oregon State Rep. in JIC, no copy made per their direction."
  • Give original facsimile to addressee (person/agency)
3. Distribute by facsimile in accordance with the following instructions:
a. For final news releases for drills and exercises:
  • Receive two copies of the final news release from duplicating team member for simultaneous use on facsimile equipment.
  • Send one facsimile copy to each of the following agencies: Energy Northwest EOF, Department of Energy (DOE), Benton and Franklin County EOCs, and Washington State. Use the dedicated facsimile (222) located in the distribution team work area. This equipment is preprogrammed for the noted destinations (Group I button). Current facsimile phone numbers are in the Distribution Team Supervisor's handbook.

Attachment 4.1.3 Page 1 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.21 5 11 of 21

  • For Oregon State and Washington ingestion counties (Yakima, Walla Walla, Grant, and Adams), use the JIC commercial equipment (x5816) in the distribution team area. (Group 1 button on commercial facsimile machine.)

Send one facsimile copy to each county or state listed.

  • File the copies, including any applicable completion sheets stapled to them.
  • Notify Distribution Team Supervisor upon completion for log time.
b. For news releases for an actual event:
  • Distribute to the EOF, states, and counties as for drills and exercises (per 3.a above)
  • Obtain two cover sheets which list Group 2, Media, and Group 3, Other Audiences, from the Distribution Team Supervisor's handbook
  • Copy the cover sheets for use in sending facsimile copies
  • Prepare three copies of final news releases
  • Using the outgoing commercial facsimile equipment in the JIC, distribute final news releases to preprogrammed Groups 2 and 3
4. If time allows and does not interfere with distribution of final news releases, draft documents or other information may be transmitted to the EOF, states and counties, and media by facsimile.
a. Require that the requester address the document noting who it is being sent to and who it is from.
b. Transmit using the dedicated emergency facsimile equipment or, if necessary, the commercial facsimile equipment.
5. If equipment fails, immediately notify the Distribution Team Supervisor or JIC Support Manager. Consult the Energy Northwest phone directory to locate other facsimile equipment in MPF or other ENOC buildings.

Attachment 4.1.3 Page 2 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.21 5 12 of 21

Duties: JIC SUPPORT MANAGER Normal Reporting Location: JIC Office Area Reports To: JIC Manager Personnel Supervised: AV Team, and as necessary: Security Staff, Telecommunications Staff, and Facilities Staff A. Primary Responsibilities The JIC Support Manager is responsible for the administrative, staffing, and logistical support functions required to operate the JIC. This person may have to work closely with the Site Support Manager and other support staff in the EOF to ensure adequate equipment and facilities are provided in the JIC.

B. Duties

1. Immediate Actions
a. If notified of an Alert or higher classification report immediately to the MPF.

Upon arrival at the MPF, immediately contact facilities staff for assistance in setting up the JIC.

b. Upon arrival, change the ABC switches on the two Digital Call Recorders on the Support Manager's desk to Message number 2. Dial 5100 to verify that the Media message requests callers to stay on the line. Do the same for the Public phone line, 5011.
c. Ensure Dialogic report printer is ON.
d. Obtain JIC materials from emergency cabinet, set up office area, and post signs.
e. Call Control Room or EOF to obtain correct time, then synchronize JIC clocks (digital and analog in JIC horseshoe area, offsite agency work area, and Phone Team room).
f. Ensure arriving staff are recording their name on the sign-in board in the Support Manager's office and obtaining their name badge or preparing a badge with their name and position.
g. Two Security Officers will be dispatched to the JIC by Security. If JIC Security has not been established within one hour of declaration of an emergency, ensure that EOF Security Manager has dispatched at least two Security Officers, per PPM 13.10.8, to assist in JIC access control. When officers report, review their duties in Attachment 4.2.3, JIC Security Staff.

Attachment 4.2 Page 1 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.21 5 13 of 21

h. If required, request that Telecommunications dispatch a technician to support setup of phones and FAX equipment.
i. Determine if ERO personnel have been notified for all JIC positions:
  • Obtain Dialogic printout, when available, in Room 1-203.
  • Compare the list of individuals indicating they are responding to the positions listed on the JIC Organization Chart (Attachment 4.3). If all positions are responding, inform the JIC Manager that personnel have been notified and have indicated that they will respond.
  • For unfilled positions, obtain a copy of the Emergency Phone Directory and begin contacting qualified responders for the open positions. Notify the JIC Manager of any positions which cannot be contacted. (The Emergency Phone Directory copy assigned to the JIC Support Manager is the only copy in the JIC containing home and cell phone numbers.)
j. Ensure that duties under your responsibility are assigned:
  • Attachment 4.2.1, Audio-Visual Team
  • Attachment 4.2.2, Facilities Setup
  • Attachment 4.2.3, JIC Security Staff
k. Guide facility staff and AV team members in setup of auditorium and other JIC facilities.
1. Contact each JIC manager and supervisor to verify that equipment is operational and needed materials and supplies are available.
m. Ensure pager for Audio Visual team is operable and provided to team.
n. Assist other JIC staff or offsite agencies to obtain necessary supplies to set up their work areas or to connect telephones in emergency cabinet or work area.

O. Using Attachments 4.3 and 4.4, prepare a JIC staff roster of those reporting to the JIC and fax copies to the EOF Manpower Scheduler. Provide copies to offsite representatives and all supervisors and managers in the JIC.

Attachment 4.2 Page 2 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.21 5 14 of 21

2. Ongoing Actions
a. Arrange, as needed, facility and logistical support for JIC staff, responding offsite agency representatives and media. Contact Site Support Manager in EOF to authorize payment for services delivered by vendor, such as food or supplies.
b. As directed by the JIC Manager, coordinate the assignment of a relief shift with the EOF Site Support Manager.
c. Ensure setup of the news conference area for each news conference.
  • As soon as notified of time scheduled for news conferences, inform AV team members so they have sufficient time to prepare.
  • Report readiness of AV Team and auditorium setup to Assistant JIC Manager.
  • Report to the JIC Manager any problems that occur that may delay a scheduled news conference.
  • Secure doors to the auditorium once the news conference has begun and post sign, "News Conference in Progress, ENTER THROUGH REAR DOORS."
  • Assign a security officer to auditorium doors. Once news conference has begun, restrict front entry to only JIC staff who may have an urgent update to report. Ask Security to direct all others through the rear doors of the auditorium.
d. If requested by Media Coordinator and with concurrence of JIC Manager, request additional support from Security if MPF crowd control exceeds ability of two officers to handle. Request assistance from Richland Police Department for control of crowds outside of MPF.
e. If offsite agency representatives cannot login to their desktop computers, provide login ID's and passwords from backup envelope in Support Manager's desk drawer.
3. Termination
a. With assistance from the A/V Team and Facilities, ensure that all equipment and signs set up in the lobby and auditorium are returned to storage.
b. Ensure that the ABC switches on the Digital Call Recorders on the Support Manager's desk are returned to Message 1. Call 5100 and 5011 to verify that all Phone Team phones are deactivated and that the message says there is no emergency.
c. If any Phone Team phones ring while testing per Step 3.b. above, locate and deactivate these phones and then retest.

Attachment 4.2 Page 3 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.21 5 15 of 21

Duties: AUDIO-VISUAL TEAM Normal Reporting Location: JIC/MPF Auditorium Reports To: JIC Support Manager

1. After sign-in and badging, obtain pager from JIC Support Manager.
2. Set up auditorium with necessary equipment and lighting for conduct and video-taping of news conferences.
3. Set up auditorium with random access slide projector, carousel with emergency event slides, overhead projector, and microphones for spokespersons use. Test microphones and other equipment used for news conferences.
4. Set up television monitors in JIC office area, MPF lobby, and Phone Team Room. Test the microphone and other equipment used for news conferences.
5. If equipment is not operable, notify the JIC Support Manager for assistance and, as necessary, request the JIC Support Manager contact Telecommunications staff.
6. Notify the Support Manager when equipment for video monitors and news conferences is set up and operable.
7. Respond to other requests for audio-visual support as directed by the JIC Support Manager.
8. Provide copies of any video tapes or photographs taken of JIC activities to the JIC Support Manager.
9. Coordinate with agency spokespersons any slides that will be required for use in a news conference.
10. Upon termination of JIC operation, take down audio-visual equipment and return to its normal location.

Attachment 4.2.1 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.21 5 16 of 21

Duties: FACILITIES SETUP Assigned To: Called Out Facilities staff

1. Using the facility setup guidance provided by the JIC Support Manager, set up rooms in the following sequence:
a. Lobby of the MPF - refer to Attachment 4.5.
  • Set up one table/desk from the lobby area for the JIC receptionist or use the existing receptionist counter.
  • Set up work stations for media representatives as directed by the JIC Support Manager. Each workstation should have one table and two chairs and one telephone connection (telephones are stored in Elevator Room, MPF 1-107).

Set up two electrical cords (in Elevator Room) with three-four plugs on each near tables. Request JIC Support Manager call in Telecommunications to assist with telephone setup, if necessary.

  • Move display boards and other items as directed by the JIC Support Manager.
b. Media Briefing/News Conference Area in the MPF Auditorium Arrange podium and four tables in front of the room. Arrange curtains, stored in room behind auditorium, around tables. Place two chairs at each table.
2. Assist with other setup as directed by the JIC Support Manager.

Attachment 4.2.2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.21 - 5 17 of 21

Duties: JIC SECURITY STAFF Assigned To: Called Out Security Staff

1. Upon arriving at the MPF, report to the JIC Support Manager for instructions.
2. Control access to areas within the MPF as specified below:
a. All persons entering the JIC will be required to sign-in with the JIC Support Manager and obtain a badge. Energy Northwest personnel should be allowed to enter upon showing a standard Energy Northwest badge. Direct offsite responders to the JIC Support Manager's office.
b. The only areas open to the media and public are the MPF lobby and auditorium.

Restrict access to all other areas to properly badged or escorted personnel. This includes areas occupied by building tenants, who are badged.

c. Post a security guard at the main lobby entrance to the JIC Office area and the Port of Benton entrance lobby.
d. The media and public may use the restroom facilities located in the northwest corner of the Lobby.
3. Provide assistance to control media or public behavior that is disruptive to JIC operations or threatens the safety of the public or employees.
4. Restrain disruptive persons and report their actions to the JIC Support Manager who will determine if local law enforcement assistance is required.
5. Advise the JIC Support Manager periodically on the status of your access control activities.

Attachment 4.2.3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.21 5 18 of 21

C (C (

0 0






10 2 2 2

t'j 3 3 3

4 4 _

940298 JAN 199

OFF-SITE AGENCY RE SPONDERS Benton County Franklin County Washington Oregon -

Department of Energy USNRC EMM Other:

Attachment 4.4 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.21 5 20 of 21


Multipurpose Facility First Floor Typical Arrangement Legend:

Sign No. Title

  • Lan NesRd sseNo Is P= Energy Northwest Mtdla Work Area Ea No Media Access Joint Information Center Drill In Progress (Use easl) g Tenant
  • Next Press Cont. Scheduled for: No media Access
  • Public intormsUton 372-S0o11 (On podium)
  • This Is An Exercise or drill (On podium) Mounted Washington State Maps - (10)

Distribute to Media Work Area In Lobby Joint Inrormstion Center 1 News Conrerence In Progress Extra Signs:

M Current Plant Status is ... 6en Medl Work Area IM media: Please see JIC Receptionist... I ea Joint Information Center IM TV Monitor DRILL sign (Drills Only) 9010011 SAW 0n 200D Attachment 4.5 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.12.21 5 21 of 21