IR 05000498/1986040

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Insp Repts 50-498/86-40 & 50-499/86-40 on 861128-870130. No Violations or Deviations Identified.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Action on Previous Insp findings,safety- Related Components & 10CFR21 Reporting
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 03/11/1987
From: Constable G, Garrison D, Clay Johnson
Shared Package
ML20207S449 List:
50-498-86-40, 50-499-86-40, NUDOCS 8703190476
Download: ML20207S455 (15)


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NRC~ Inspection Report: 50-498/86-40- Construction Permits: CPPR-128-50-499/86-40- CPPR-129 Dockets: -50-498 50-499 Licensee: Houston Lighting & Power Company (HL&P)

P. O. Box 1700 Houston, Texas. 77001 Facility Name: South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2 (STP)

Inspection At: . STP, Matagorda County, Texas Inspection Conducted: November 28, 1986, through January 30, 1987 Inspectors: ( -

!A7) M////7 C.'E. John /on,SeniorResidentInspector, Dat(

/VProject Section C, Reactor Projects Branch


J Sd 3lbYlY 0.'L.Garripon,ResidentInspector, Project

' "Section C, Reactor Projects Branch Dit/ '

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Approved: m .

I 7/t/99 G. L. Constable', Chief, Project Section C, Dat'e '

l Reactor Projects Branch i

Inspection Summary


Inspection Conducted November 28, 1986, through January 30, 1987 (Report 50-498/86-40; 50-499/86-40)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection including site tours, licensee action on previous inspection findings, licensee action on previously reported items, safety related components, safety-related pipe support and 8703190476 B70316 PDR ADOCK 05000498 G PDR

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restraint systems, safety-related piping, welder qualification,- reactor coolant pressure boundary piping record review, 10 CFR Part 21 reporting, and safety-related structural stee Results: Within the ten areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identifie .




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~ Persons Contacted Principal Licensee Employees

  • S. Head, Licensing Engineer
  • C McIntyre, Project Engineer

, *S. M. Dew, Deputy Project Manager

  • J. T. Westermier, Project Manager
  • J._E. Geiger, General Manager, Nuclear Assurance
  • T.~J. Jordan, Project QA Manager

'*W. Kinsey, Plant Manager, NPOD

  • R. J. Daly, Startup_ Manager
  • T. M. Sobey, Manager, Plant Completion
  • E.'C. Brown, Project Compliance Engineer
  • A. McBurnett, Licensing
  • B. Rodgers, Construction Manager D. W. Gault, Sr., QA Specialist Bechtel Power Corporation (Bechtel)
  • D. Long, Construction Manager
  • R. W. Miller, Deputy Project QA Manager
  • R.' H. Medina, Lead QA Engineer Ebasco Services'Inc. (Ebasco)
  • W. Zaist, Construction Manager
  • A. M. Cutrona, Quality Project Site Manager (QPSM)
  • R. G. Peck,-Deputy QPSM J. Cleere, Sr., QA Specialist D. A. Duthie, QA Engineer K. E. McDaniel, Field Labor Relations Representative F. G. Miller, Welding Supervisor K. W. Silverthorn, Lead Supervisor Technical Services W. H. Urell, Site Personnel Administrator Westinghouse G. Glassburgen, Site Manager
  • Denotes those individuals attending the exit interview conducted on January 30, 198 In addition'to the above, the NRC inspectors also held discussions with other members of the HL&P, Bechtel, Westinghouse, and Ebasco staff ~


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2. Site Tours The NRC resident inspectors made ~ routine site tours in order to observe ongoing work activities and the condition of installed safety-related equipment, and plant status. The following areas were inspected: fuel handling building (FHB), mechanical and electrical auxiliary building (MEAB), diesel generator building (DGB), reactor containment building (RCB), warehouses, and weld test sho .

Within the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identifie . Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings (Closed) Violation 498/8631-01 The Unit 1 "B" component cooling water (CCW) pump and accessories were not adequately protected during the installation of fireproofing. Review by the NRC inspector indicated that the licensee took immediate corrective action to remedy the condition and has instituted programs to prevent a similar conditio (Closed) EA8610/Sub-Item 1.C.2, Reference 8612-12 This item concerned the lack of fastener traceability in vendor supplied equipment. The licensee has taken adequate corrective action in this are (Closed) EA8610/Sub-Item 2.A, Reference 8612-15 This item concerned unmarked bolting used in the field by craft and some unidentified bolting in electrical panel The licensee has corrected all of the deficiencies in this are . Licensee Action on Previously Reported Items (10 CFR 50.55e)

The NRC inspector reviewed the following deficiency evaluation reports (DER) and/or incident review committee (IRC) and determined that no further action is necessar (Closed) IRC-32 This item concerns the reinspection and nondestructive examinations that were performed on the essential cooling water (ECW) lines. The licensee instituted a program which resulted in a complete reexamination by radiography and liquid penetrant testing. The reexamination has satisfied the licensees commitments on the subject line (Closed) DER 85-037 (IRC No. 288)

This item concerned the incorrect installation of safety-related Ruskin fire damper Some of the dampers were installed 180 degrees from the

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supplier's recommended position for air flow direction. A listing'of incorrectly installed dampers was submitted to the manufacturer for an evaluation. Ruskin provided a recommendation as to which dampers could be used "as is" and which required some " repair / rework." Review of the inspection records by the NRC inspector indicated that all rework was complete and QC accepte s 5. Safety-Related Components Procedure Review An assessment of specifications and procedures for safety-related components was performed in order to; (1) determine whether the technical requirements of the Final Safety Analysis Report-(FSAR) are adequately addressed in site specification and procedures and (2) that quality assurance plans and procedures-provide adequate inspection criteri The NRC inspector reviewed the following documents:

. Westinghouse Specification No. G952780, Revision 0, " Auxiliary Heat Exchangers General Specification, ASME, Sections III and VIII."

. FSAR Sections 5 and 6, design parameters and material specification . Specification No. 5A300GS1002, Revision 8, " Storage Requirements for STPEGS Safety-Related Engineered Equipment."

. Standard Site Procedure (SSP) 13, Revision 2, " Material Control."

. SSP 44, Revision 0, " Storage and Maintenance of Permanent' Plant Equipment."

. SSP 52, Revision 1, " Installation, Assembly and Disassembly of Permanent Mechanical Plant Equipment."

. SSP 3, Revision 4, " System Completion and Release for Test."

There are a number of other related procedures and specifications that make up the complete documented programs which govern all site activitie It was concluded that there were ample documents to govern all aspects of the design, engineering, construction, and quality phases for safety-related component No violation or deviations were identifie .p. b. Work-Observation


The NRC inspector inspected the following listing of equipmen The attributes _ inspected are noted at the end of the list:

. Letdown Heat Exchanger - No. 2R171NH-X-103A

. Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Heat Exchangers - Nos. 2R161X1HX101A, B, and C-

. Check Valve - 8-inch No. 2R161XRH0065B

. Bottom Mounted Neutron Detector Loading Device - TGX-RCMENP

. RHR Pump Support - No. 2R161NPA101B

. Pressurizer Safety Valves - Nos. IRC-PSV-3450, 51, and 52

. Pressurizer Discharge Header - Serial No. 39812

. Pressurizer Motor Operated Relief Valves - Nos. IR141XRC0001 A and B

. Pressurizer Power Operated Relief Valves - Nos. IRC-PVC-655 A and 656A

. Spent Fuel Cooling Water Heat Exchanger - No. 3R211NHX1018 -


. Manual Operation Gate Valve - No. 3R211XFC0013D

. Pressurizer Spray Valves and Positioners - Nos. IRC-PCV-655 B and C All attributes of inspection that could be visually inspected were examined;for adequacy of design and completeness of constructio The following were examined: welding, bolting, identification, damage to flanges, alignment, mounting, switches, connections, grounding, flow direction, tagging, clearances, insulation, restraints, and cleanlines No violations or deviations were identifie c. Records The following mechanical equipment records were retrieved from the licensee vault and examined for attributes required of the codes or specifications they were fabricated to. The records were also examined for completeness, legibility and retrievabilit . .

. Pressurizer safety and relief valve discharge manifold -

- Serial No. 39812

- Record Package WNDP1458

. Pressurizer motor operated relief valves -

- ID No. 3GM88FNB (A and B)

- Record Packages WNDP-0219 and 0680

. Pressurizer power operated relief valves -

- ID Nos. 3IS88-RSA (137 and 138)

- Record Package WNDP-1392

. Pressurizer safety valves -

- Nos. IRC-PSV-3450, 3451 and 3452

- Record Packages WNDP 0762 and 0775

. Pressurizer spray valves and positioners -

- Tag Nos. IRC-PCV-655 B and C

- Record Packages WNDP 0989 and 0961

. Bottom mounted neutron detector loading devic ID No. TGX-RCMENP

. Excess letdown heat exchange Tag No. 2R17 INH-X-103A

- Record Package WNDP 0126

. Residual heat removal heat exchangers

- Tag Nos. 2R161NHX101A, B, and C

- Record Package WNDP 0152 -

. Check Valve, 8-inch, class 1

- Tag No. 2R161XRH0065B

- Record Package WNDP 0146

. Residual heat removal pump support

- Tag No. 2R161NPA101B

- Record Package WNDP 0196

. Spent fuel pit heat exchanger

- Tag No. 3R211NHX101B

- Record Package WNDP 0230

. Manual operated gate valve, 10-inch, class 1

- Tag No. 3R211XFC0013D

- Record Package WNDP 0994 During the review of the preceding records, no violations or deviations were identifie . o-

6. Safety-Related Pipe Support and Restraint Systems Review of Procedures / Specifications The NRC inspector reviewed Specification 5L340JS1002, Revision 11,

" Pipe Support Field Fabrication and Installation," and Standard Site Procedure (SSP) 9, Revision 4, " Pipe Support Installation," during this inspection period. SSP 9 and Specification 5L340JS1002 are used for Units 1 and 2. Review of these procedures, by the NRC inspector, indicate that deficiencies noted in NRC Inspection Report 50-498/86-23 and 50-499/86-21 have been addressed in the procedure, thereby enhancing the inspection attributes for spring hanger supports. Review of the procedures indicate that the manufacturer's instructions for fabrication / installation requirements have been incorporated. It was also found that adequate technical acceptance criteria and instructions have been include No violations or deviations were identifie Observation of Work and Work Activities (1) Dynamic Supports The NRC inspector observed the preinstallation activities by craft and engineering personnel on mechanical shock arresters (MSA). During this observation the craft made preinstallation checks for damage, rust, and other conditions that could interfere with proper operation. Craft personnel also made stroke adjustments which the discipline engineers observed. Observation by the NRC inspector indicated that work was accomplished in accordance with procedure The NRC inspector randomly selected 12 MSAs of different load classifications at various degrees of accessibility for a visual examination. The MSlM were inspected for the following attributes: MSAs were free from corrosion and deterioration, support plates, extension raus and connecting joints were not bent, loose, or otherw',e uut of specification; bolts, nuts, washers, locking devicts, and fasteners were tight and torque seal applied to indicate final inspection; correct model and load designation or classification; connecting joints and moving parts were free from foreign material such as fire proofing material, concrete residue, paint, and excessive dust and dirt that could obstruct proper operatio The licensee has provided adequate protection for installed MSA No violations or deviations were identifie .

(2) Small Bore Pipe Supports The NRC inspector performed a visual examination of five small bore pipe supports that were randomly selected from a computer printout. By visual examination, the NRC inspector determined that the following conditions meet the applicable requirements:

. Latest revised drawing and field change request (FCR)

changes were incorporated into the final as-built condition . Gaps between the piping and support appear adequate to allow thermal axial expansio . That the functional restraint direction was in accordance with the design drawing The licensee's work control system appears to be functioning properly and the installation of safety-related pipe supports are in compliance with licensee commitments, and applicable code Supports examined are as follows:

Large Bore (Snubbers) Small Bore (Hangers)

. SB-1201-HL-5015 . CH-1126-HF-5003

. RH-1101-HL-5009 . CH-1129-HF-5001

. CC-9205-HL-5007 . CV-1241-HF-5002

. SB-1401-HL-5012 . CV-1162-HF-5006

. SI-1101-SS-0008 . CV-1044-HF-5001

. CC-1206-HL-5008

. FW-9016-SS-0006

. FW-1031-HL-5003

. SB-1101-HL-5019

. SI-9301-55-0005 No violations or deviations were identifie c. Review of Records The NRC inspector reviewed the records associated with large and small bore pipe supports. The examined records indicated the following:

. Type and classification of pipe support complied with appropriate drawings, FCRs, and specification . Location and critical clearances met the specification requirement /.

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. Welders were qualified to the welding procedure used and symbols corresponded to the welds on the hardwar . The required scope of Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QA/QC)

inspection efforts were me The records review indicated that the licensee is adequately preparing, reviewing, and maintaining a system of quality records which are consistent with established requirement No violations or deviations were identifie d. Nonconformance Reports (NCRs)

The NRC inspector reviewed ten NCRs associated with safety-related pipe supports and restraints in Units 1 and Review of these NCR's indicated the following:

. Records adequately document the current status of NCR's

. Records were legible, complete and reviewed by qualified personnel in a timely manne . NCR's included the status of corrective action and adequate resolution . Records are properly identified, stored, and easily retrievabl NCRs reviewed are listed as follows:

. CS-04400 . SS-04326

. CS-04428 . 85-04291

. CS-04355 . BS-04422

. CS-04252 . CS-04442

. HS-04331 . 55-04369 No violations or deviations were identifie e. Audit Reports The NRC inspector reviewed Ebasco Audit Report No. M17-60 This audit was performed by Ebasco QA to determine the proper implementation of the quality related requirements for the erection of pipe supports and hanger The NRC inspector's review of the audit report revealed that: the required audit was performed in accordance with the schedule,



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findings were reported in sufficient detail for proper assessment and corrective action, and that the licensee / contractor has taken proper followup action on the deficiencies identifie No violations or deviations were identifie . Safety-Related Piping During a routine surveillance inspection of the plant, the NRC inspector observed a 2-inch pipe run (CV-1162-VB2) which appeared to have excessive bend at Support No. CV-1162-HS-5001. This concern was turned over to HL&P/Ebasco for review and technical evaluation. Upon completion of the evaluation, the NRC inspector was informed by Ebasco engineering that the

, piping was within the specification tolerances. Review of the requirements by the NRC inspector indicated that this system was within specification requirement The documents reviewed were:

Drawing N Specification / Procedures 4M369PCV217, Revision 5 SSP 10, Revision 3, CV-9162-HS-5001, Revision 0 " Installation and Field Fabrication of Piping" Specification No. 5A010PS002, Revision 10, " Piping Erection and i

Field Fabrication" No violations or deviations were identifie . Welder Qualification An inspection of three welder performance qualification tests was made in order to verify compliance to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section IX,

" Qualification of Welders and Brazers," as implemented in SSP 31, " Welder Qualification The test specimen preparation and welding by the three craft welders was observed in the craft weld test shop. The characteristics observed were shielding gas flow, current, polarity, technique (rod and torch angle),

progress position, and starting and stopping. All were using the manual tungsten arc welding proces . Welder, code EHC, was qualifying on 6-inch carbon steel pipe, 1-inch wall thicknes . Welder, code PEJ, was qualifying on 2-inch carbon steel pipe of less than three quarters inch wall thicknes . Welder, code PCM, was qualifying on a 2-inch silicon bronze pipe with

, 1.54-inch wall thicknes )



The three weld test specimens were radiographed as the method of testin The NRC inspector reviewed the required documentation which was the record of welder qualification tests and the supporting radiography report and fil No violations or deviations were identifie . Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping Record Review The NRC inspector reviewed the completed records packages for eight circumferential butt welds on the 30-inch reactor coolant loo The records were reviewed for completeness and accuracy. The packages reviewed were for the eight field welds (FW0025 thru FW0032) on Loop No. 4. The individual records reviewed included: liquid penetrant, visual, radiographic and ultrasonic reports, weld process sheets, repair records and other.related process information. The welds are shown on isometric Drawing EFS-G-1018-B, Revision No violations or deviations were identifie t'

10. 10 CFR Part 21 Reporting CFR Part 21 Procedures


An inspection and review of site documents was made in order to verify that the requirements included in 10 CFR Part 21 are transcribed into project documents and that the process functions adequately. The following was noted:

. The basic requirement for posting of Part 21 documents is performed by the' licensee's project engineering; Bechtel also has procedural requirements for the same. A tour of the site

indicated that there was adequate posting. In addition, NRC Form 3 was posted in the same location . SSP 46 is the governing procedure for generating site requisitions; however, the specific requirements for the inclusion of Part 21 requirements into requisitions or purchase orders is outlined in Project Procurement Procedure 3.2, " Bid Requests for Purchase Orders." Purchasing agents also have standard listings of requirements that they are required to verify in preparing the purchase order. Randomly selected safety-related purchase orders were reviewed for inclusion of the statement that rovisions of Part 21 apply. It was also noted that SSP 99, p' Purchase of ' Commercial Grade' Items," has instructions for applying Part 21 requirement . When materials arrive on site, the following procedures are used for guidance:

SSP 8, Nonconformance Reporting

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SQAP-02, Deficiency Reporting WPP/QCI 5.3-1, Guidelines for Reportability GPR 2.19, Reporting Substantial Safety Hazard Defects and Noncompliance-Federal Regulation 10 CFR 21 IP 4.20, Corrective Action System

. The base document that nonconforming items from all of the preceding procedures are evaluated to is PLP-02, " Reporting Design and Construction Deficiencies to NRC." This licensee document contains the requirements for review, evaluation and reporting on any item of nonconformance under the requirements of 10 CFR 50.55(e) and/or 10 CFR Part 2 There are adequate controls to assure that the reporting, disposition, evaluation, and records management are adequate and meet the requirements of the regulations. Nonconformances which meet the criteria for reporting to the NRC are subsequently reviewed by NRC inspectors and documented in NRC inspection report No violations or deviations were identified, Licensee Response and Action The purpose of this review was to verify that the licensee is receiving all Part 21 reports relating to STP. The review was also performed to determine if the licensee has implemented corrective actions where appropriate. The. licensee has received and addressed those Part 21. reports that were applicabl Part 21 No. 8400551 was never received by the licensee. The licensee was reviewed and compared this Part 21 with IE Information Notice (IEN) 83-72, Equipment Environmental Qualification (NEEQ)

Notice No. 19, which appears to be identical. IEN 83-72 does not appear to apply to ST Listed below are the Part 21 reports that were reviewed:

CERGRS N Title 8400551-EQN No. 19-IEN 83-73 Circuit Breaker Failure During IEEE-323 Testing 8604601-IRC 326 Pressure Switch Failure During FW Transient (50R Switches)

  • 8604616-IRC 321 Control Board Valve Handswitches


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8604642-Not reportable Yokogawa AB 40 Voltmeters and Anmeters 8604372-Not reportable Improper Qualification of

  • 8604386-IRC 315 Multi Pin Plug Type Connectors 8604700-Not reportable Atwood/Morrill MSIV Spring Failures (IEN 86-81)

8604325-IRC 172 W. J. Wooley Personnel Air Lock Inflatable 8503137-IRC 239 Core Exit Temperature Measurement System

  • 8401291-IRC 204 NPSI Snubber Rear Brackets Interference
  • 8401756-IRC 236 Rear Bracket to Snubber Interference
  • 8503891-IRC 287 Westinghouse Circuit Breakers in 125 VDC Switchgear
  • Closed by NRC in previous inspection reports under Incident Review Committee reference number No violations or deviations were identifie . Safety-Related Structural Steel (Unit 1) Records Review The NRC inspector selected structural steel records based on observation of completed work in the field. The selection was made from Unit 1 MEAB and the isolation valve cubicle (IVC). The selection consisted of nine structural joints with 30 bolted connection Review of records indicated that the licensee system for preparing, reviewing, and maintaining records is functioning properly, and that selected records reflect work accomplishments consistent with procedure There were no serious problems; however, HL&P records review group identified some deficiencies in the room turnover area for the OGB. The deficiencies were identified in the mapping of the structural steel. There was a lack of direction on whether field engineering or QC was to verify that mapping was complete for turnover, resulting in some connections not being inspected. The deficiencies are being corrected and the structural program enhanced to prevent these deficiencies for future room turnover Documentation reviewed are listed below:



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Inspection Report (IR) N Drawing N B1 3M15-9S-34004, Revision 7 QE 1-0234 14926-6306-03831-CVM QE 1-0270 14926-6026-01285-APB QE 1-0215 3M01-95-4020, Revision 5 3142B1 14926-6306-04406-AVM 3088B1 3M15-95-34007, Revision 5 311281 3445B1 3110B1 QE 1-0273 QE 1-0295 3315B1 QE 1-0293 1-02511 1-02709 1-02607 1-02532 1-02531 1-02512 1-02534 No violations or deviations were identifie Audits The NRC inspector reviewed two audit reports performed by HL&P pertaining to safety-related structural steel activitie The audit reports reviewed were C14-601 and C20-70 The audits were performed by HL&P to verify the programmatic adequacy and proper procedural implementation of quality-related activities dealing with the fabrication and installation of structural stee Review by the NRC inspector indicated that audits were performed as required and deficiencies identified during the audits were corrected and accepted by Q No violations or deviations were identifie . Exit Interview The NRC inspector met with licensee representatives (denoted in paragraph 1) on January 30, 1987, and summarized the scope and findings of the inspectio J