IR 05000445/1979017

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IE Insp Repts 50-445/79-17 & 50-446/79-17 on 790709-31.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas inspected:safety-related Activities Including Installation & Welding of Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping Sys
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 08/20/1979
From: Crossman W, Renee Taylor
Shared Package
ML19254B337 List:
50-445-79-17, 50-446-79-17, NUDOCS 7909270338
Download: ML19254B344 (3)




Report No. 50-445/79-17; 50-446/79-17 Docket Nc. 50-445; 50-446 Category A2 Licensee: Te::ss Utilities Generating Company 2001 3ryan Tower Dniina, Texas 75201 Facility Ne a:

Cor = che Peak, Units 1 & 2 Inspect 1:n at:

Cocanche Peak Steam Electric Station, Glen Rose, Texas Inspection cenducted: July 9-31, 1979 Inspector: h, N N 4 b c/b F /d o/> 7

[dR.G. Taylor,ResidentReactorInspector,ProjectsSt.ction Date Approved:

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8 3C[79 W. A. Crossman, Chief, Projects Section Date Inspection Sutraq:

inspection of July 1979 (Report No. 50-445/79-17; 50-446/79-17)

Areas Inspected: Routine inspection by the Resident Reactor Inspector (RRI) of safety-related activities including installation and welding of Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary piping systems and follow up of licensee actions to resolve other identified areas of concern. The inspection involved thirty-one inspector-hours by the RkI.

Results: No items of noncompliance were identified.

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Pcrsons Contacted

  • R. G. Tolson, TUGCO, Site QA Supervisor
  • J. V. Hawkins, TUGCO/G&H, Product Assurance Supervisor
  • J. B. George, TUSI, Project General Manager The 2RI also interviewed other licensce and contractor employees including me=ners of the QA/QC engineering staffs.
  • Denntes those persc=s with whom the RRI held on-site manage. ment ir.terviews.


A -d~n on Previous Inspection Findings (Cicsed) Unresolved Item (50-445/79-01):

Construction Deficiency Report (10CFR 50.55(e)) Regarding Inclusions in Reactor Vessel Safe-end Weld.

Persennel of Co=bustion Engineering, the vessel manufacturer, removed the indications by grinding and refilled the resulting cavity by welding. The RRI reviewed the weld procedure and welder qualification records and found them to be consistent with the requirements of ASME,Section IX.

Examination of finished joint radiographs revealed that the previously identified linear indicativns had been removed and that the weld now met Section III require-ments. Discussions with licensee personnel indicate that the indications, originally the subject of the potential construction deficiency report, were slag inclusions clearly separated from each other and thus allowable under Section III. Th'e licensee notified RIV by letter, dated July 2,1979, that the matter was considered formally reportable in accordance with 10 CFR 50.55(e). The RRI had no further questions on this matter.


Site Tours The RRI toured or.e or more plant areas several times during the inspection period to observa the progress of construction and the practitas involved.

One of the tours was mado during a portion of the labor force second shift.

No ite=s of noncompliance or deviations were identified.


Reactor Vessel Installation and Maintenance The Unit i vessel and vessel internals continued to be well protected and maintained during the inspection period.

The RRI reviewed documentation and interviewed cognizant personnel involved in the handling, alignment and setting of the Unit 2 reactor vessal and observed the vescal pro cetion during a portion of the total process. All actions appeared to have te.en accomplished in accordance with the NSSS vendor's (Westinghouse) recommen-dations.


No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.

-2-1046 0133




Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping Installation and Wolding the RRI observed weldar AFP performing an in-process repa.'r on Reactor Coolant Loop weld FW-21 utilizing qualified Welding Procedure 88025, Revis'.on 2.

This Procedure is for manually performed gas tungsten arc valdi...g. The repair, which was authorized by Weld Data Repair Card 015a2, was being made with ER-308 filler metal issued and flag.agged as Heat Nu=ber 462747. Sandvik, Inc. Certified Material Test Report for Eeat Nu=ber 462747 indicated that all material properties were con-sisrent with ASME,Section II, SEA 5.9.

The RRI verified that welder AIP had been qualified in accordance with the requirements of ASME, See d&= II.

The ERI also observed a partion of the welding of W-2 in line 12-RH-1 002-1501 as shcwa c= FSAR, Figure 5.4-6 and as detailed on Isometric Eua._ng EPP-RE-1-R3-002.

The weld filler metal issued and being utilized was Sandvik Eeat Nu=ber 963870 which was subsequently verified as meeting ASSE, Saction II, SFA 5.9.

The Welding Procedure 99025 and welders, AXB and AID, were found to be qualified in accordance with ASME Code require-ments.

The RRI also reviewed documentation on the components being joined by the weld. These were ITT-Grinnell pipe spool RH-1-RB-002-1 and Westinghouse supplied vtive 1-8702B. The vendor furnished data, including a radiograph set for the single weld joint in the pipe spool indicated both co=ponents satisfied ASME,Section III, Subsection NB requirementc.

No ite=s of noncompliance or deviations were identified.


Management Interviews The RRI met with licensee representatives denoted in paragraph 1 on July 13 and 16,1979, to discuss inspection findings and two major actions by the licensee to resolve concerns expressed by URC personnel which were not, per se, compliance matters.

These items were:

The licensee's Project General bbnager reviewed with the RRI the a.

program by which the field welds in selected ASME, Class 3 piping systems will be radiographed.

See Inspection Report 50-445/79-12 for further discussion of this matter.


The licensee representatives outlined a series of actions aimed at i= proving the overall morate of the work force at tn-Ceranche Pr sk sire, a concern expressed in Inspection Report 50-445/79-15 c.nd discessed in Inspection Report 50-445/79-16. The licensee has directed Brown & Root to provide off-site training for key manage-cent personnel in elements of supervision and management.

In addition, the licensee has directed thz.c all first line supervision (foremen) be.pravided on-site training in techniques o# supervision and personnel relations. The licensee also briefly discussed his plans for an expanded labor crew audit function aimed at identifying, among other things, events which cause low morale among the crew personnel.

-3-1046 084