IR 05000400/1999009

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Partially Withheld Insp Rept 50-400/99-09 on 990308-12 (Ref 10CFR73.21).No Violations Identified.Major Areas Inspected: Aspects of Licensee Plant Support Re Physical Security Program for Power Reactors
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/09/1999
Shared Package
ML20205Q137 List:
50-400-99-09, 50-400-99-9, NUDOCS 9904210112
Download: ML20205Q140 (2)






Docket No.: 50-400 License No.: NPF-63 Report No.: 50-400/99-09 Licensee: Carolina Power & Light Company Facility: Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 Location: Carolina Power & Light Company Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1 5413 Shearon Harris Road New Hill, NC 27562 Dates: March 8-12,1999 Inspector: David H. Thompson Safeguards inspector Approved by: Geo,ge B. Kuzo, Acting Chief Plant Support Branch Division of Reactor Safety

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. SAFEGUARDS INFORMAT;0N EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1  !

NRC Inspection Report 50-400/99-09 i

This safeguards inspection included aspects of licensee plant support. The report covers a five day period of an announced inspection by a regional safeguard specialist. The specific )

areas evaluated were in the Physical Security Program for Power Reactor I Plant Support I


Based on preliminary review of an Access Authorization (AA) event involving the  !

Corporate Security Office, the inspector identified several program issues including AA ;

documentation accuracy, security event logging timeliness, site access authorization, j and record retention. The inspector noted that these concems would be considered an


unresolved item pending further detailed review of Carolina Power and Light's (CP&L's) !

corporate security records and discussion with corporate management. (Section S1) 1


The licensee was conducting access controls in a manner that protected public health and safety and this portion of the program, as implemented, met the licensee's commitments and NRC requirements. (Section S1)


The excellent engineering and instrumentation and control staffs support were the major contributing factors to continued operability of the detection and assessment equipment resulting in the reduced compensatory hours. (Section S2)

- The Physical Security / Contingency Plan changes did not decrease the effectiveness of the security program. (Section S3)

- Excluding the Access Authorization program, the inspector determined that the licensee appropriately analyzed, tracked, resolved, and documented safeguards events in the  !

security event logs in accordance with regulatory requirements. (Section SS) 1

- Security force members adequately demonstrated that the requisite knowledge necessary to effectively implement the duties and responsibilities associated with their contingency response positions. Licensee's actions to implement NRC Information Notice 98-35," Threat Assessments and Consideration of Heightened Physical Protection Measures," dated September 4,1998, were considered adequat (Section S4)

- Licensee-conducted audits were thorough, complete, and effective in terms of uncovering weaknesses in the security system, procedures, and practices. The audit findings and recommendations were reviewed by management, appropriately assigned, analyzed, and prioritized for corrective action. Corrective actions were technically adaquate and performed in a timely manner. The audit /self-assessment program conunued to be a program strength. (Section S7)


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