IR 05000298/1989008

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Insp Rept 50-298/89-08 on 890215-17.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Status of Emergency Preparedness Program,Including Changes to EPIPs & Changes to Emergency Facilities,Equipment & Instrumentation
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/1989
From: Everett R, Terc N
Shared Package
ML20236A716 List:
50-298-89-08, 50-298-89-8, NUDOCS 8903200136
Download: ML20236A719 (4)






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E h NRC Inspection Report: 50-298/89-08 -License: DPR-46


- Docket: ~50-298'

Licensee: -Nebraska Public Power. District (NPPD)

Facility Name: Cooper Nuclear Station-(CNS)

Inspection At: -CNS, Brownville, Nebraska i

Inspection Conduct : Febru y 15-17, 1989 Inspector: fM A'-

NeYen'M. Terc, Emergency Preparedness Specialist N #f Date Security'and Emergency Preparedr ess Section t

Accompanying Personnel: Ronald A. Caldwell,' Security Specialist, NRC Region IV Approved: 2/25/97

.R. J. Everett, Chief Date Security and Emergency Preparedness Section Inspection Summary i Inspection, Conducted February 15-17, 1989 (Report 50-298/89-08)

Areas Inspected: Routine, announced inspection of the operational status of the emergency preparedness program, including changes to the Emergency ~ Plan and implementing procedures, and changes to emergency facilities, equipment, instrumentation and : Jpplies. The inspection also included organization and management control, independent audits of the emergency preparedness program, and; training of emergency response personne .

Results: Within the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified. The inspector concluded, based on the results of this inspection, that the operational status of CNS was adequate. The licensee is actively

. working on corrective actions to eleven weaknesses identified during their 1988. exercis i i


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! . Persons Contacted .

NPPD :l l

  • L.-Bray, Regulatory Compliance-Specialist
  • K. Walden, Licensing Manager-
  • G. Smith, Quality Assurance (QA) Manager i

S. Smalifoot, Shift: Supervisor i M. Bergmani, Control' Room Supervisor R.~ Tandrup,- Control Room Supervisor


  • G. Pick, CNS NRC Resident Inspector
  • Denotes those present at exit intervie The NRC inspector also held discussions with other station and corporate- .

personnel in the areas'of security, health physics, operations,' training,


and emergency respons . Follow-up on Previous Inspection Findings f (Closed) Violation (298/8802-01): Failure to Perform Training of Station Operators - The NRC inspector noted that station operators had been i trained during January 4 8, 1988, or immediately following the annual l


exercise. Since March 1988, the licensee has implemented a new method to ensure that operators receive required emerg~ency preparedness training-prior to their assignment within the operations staff. This consisted of-modifying the training program description for ' operations personnel to incorporate specific emergency preparedness training modules. In addition, a new staff member was added to provide emergency preparedness training who ensures that only qualified personnel are assigned to emergency response positions. The licensee maintains accurate records of individuals requiring trainin (Closed) Violation (298/8802-02): Quality Assurance Audits Not Sent to Offsite.0fficials - The NRC inspector noted .that the licensee took immediate corrective action by sending reports of QA audits to State officials and local governments immediately ' wing the inspection in January 8, 1988. To prevent recurrence of t oversight, the licensee incorporated the requirements of 10 CFR 50.54(t) in a computerized tickler file which alerts the user to send QA audits to State and local governments. In addition, the QA report to the emergency preparedness staff mandates that such reports should be submitted to appropriate offsite authoritie _-____

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(Closed) Deviation (298/8802-03): Failure to Test Mobile Sirens - The l NRC inspector noted that in order to prevent a recurrence of this problem, responsibility for testing mobile sirens has been reassigned from QA to the emergency preparedness staf A computerized preventative maintenance card is now issued quarterly to prompt the testing of sirens according to a schedul (Closed) Violation (298/8811-01): Failure to Follow Procedures - The NRC inspector noted that telephone directories in emergency response facilities were now maintained current. The emergency preparedness specialist at the corporate office is now responsible for verifying that revisions to telephone directories are replaced in a timely manne (Closed) Open Item (298/8307-03): Deficient Dose Assessment Computer Hardware - The NRC inspector noted that the licensee completed installation of a new computerized dose assessment computer and associated software. Using this new method, dose assessment can be performed from the Technical Support Center and the Emergency Operations Facilit . Emergency Plan and Implementing Procedures (82701-02.01)


The NRC inspector noted that two one page revisions to the CNS Emergency Plan were made on January 1, 1988, and May 19, 1988. These were promptly submitted to the NR In addition, the NRC inspector determined that CNS Procedure 0.4,

" Preparation, Review, and Approval of Procedures," mandates submittal to NRC according to 10 CFR 50, Appendix The NRC inspector reviewed the effective dates versus the submittal date of 34 emergency implementing procedure changes during 1988, and found that they had been submitted to the NRC within the required tim No violations or deviations were identified in this program are . Emergency Facilities, Equipment, Instrumentation, and Supplies (82701-02.02)

The NRC Inspector noted that emergency response facilities were equipped in accordance with the licensee's emergency procedures, equipment was in place and operable, and adequate supplies were availabl No violations or deviations were identified in this program are . Organization and Management Control (82701-02.03)

The NRC inspector reviewed the number and qualifications of the emergency 1 preparedness staff and verified that no changes were made to the emergency preparedness staff since the last inspectio No violations or deviations were identified in this program area.

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4 Training (82701-02.04)

The NRC inspector interviewed two teams consisting of Shift Supervisor,

Control Room Supervisor, and Station Operator to determine their .

understanding of emergency preparedness. duties such as responsibilities, limitations to their authority, duties that cannot be delegated,-et In i i

addition, personnel were asked to' classify certain conditions and make


. protective action recommendations, i The NRC inspector noted that both teams performed well, but the. procedure used for making a release rate determination based on drywelll curie content and vent flow rate required a series of calculations which' delayed-


decision-making process. The NRC inspector noted that this procedure could be made more' efficien The interviewees were allowed to use any reference' material that is normally available to the control room staff. Both interviews lasted approximately one hour. The same questions were used for both team One CNS emergency preparedness staff' member witnessed'both interview The following results were noted:

Both ' teams demonstrated an adequate overall knowledge of their duties and responsibilities in the event of Emergency Plan activation, and were able to properly classify plant conditions, by reference to emergency action levels, into.the proper severity level, and to make ade'quate protective action recommendation The NRC inspector provided the teams with data necessary to perform a dose calculation and determined that they performed wel No violations or deviations were identified in this program are . Independent Audits (82701-02.05)

The NRC inspector noted that the QA department conducted one audit from March 1, 1988, to May 23, 1988, and a number of surveillance throughout the year. The licensee stated that during the 1989 audit, QA intends to use additional emergency preparedness expertise to further enhance their audit progra No violations or deviations were identified in this program are . Exit Interview  !

The NRC inspector met with the NRC resident inspector and licensee l representatives in paragraph one on February 17, 1989, and summarized !

the scope and findings of the inspection as presented in this repor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ s