IR 05000108/2009014

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Forwards SALP 14 Rept for Plant,Covering Period 950108-0914 & Informs That Subj Rept to Be Discussed W/Licensee at Public Meeting to Be Held at Perry Site on 961105.Conduct of Nuclear Activities at Concluded to Be Good Overall
Person / Time
Site: Perry, 05000108 FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/23/1996
From: Beach A
To: Myers L
Shared Package
ML20129G308 List:
NUDOCS 9610300059
Download: ML20129G302 (10)



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I i

October 23, 1996 h



Mr. Lew,

Vice President - Nuclear

Centerior Service Company P. O. Box 97, A200 j

Perry, OH 44081

Dear Mr. Myers:

Enclosed for your review is the Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance (SALP) 14 Report for the Perry Nuclear Power Plant, covering the period January 8, 1995, through September 14, 1996. This report will be discussed with you at a public meeting to be held at the Perry Site on November 5,1996.

During this meeting you are encouraged to candidly discuss any comments you j

may have regarding our report.

In accordance with Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) policy, I have reviewed the recommendations resulting from the SALP Board assessment and concur with their ratings. The areas of operations, maintenance, engineering, and plant j

support were rated Category 2.

The details of our assessment are provided in j

the enclosed report.

It is my view that conduct of nuclear activities at Perry was good overall, and improved in many aspects, when compared to the last assessment period. Continued management attention may be warranted to sustain the improving trend that occurred through this assessment period.

The improving trend noted in the NRC assessment of Perry performance appears l

to be due to effective management focus and attention to resolving performance weaknesses and implementing improvement initiatives.

While personnel errors continued to result in events, the number and significance of personnel errors has been reduced.

Engineering response to plant demands has improved.

However, improvements in maintenance work planning and scheduling disclosed weaknesses in other areas of maintenance. Additionally, communication deficiencies and some human performance problems impacted the overall effectiveness of improvement initiatives.

Perry management applied significant resources to self assessment activities

l that developed good insights into plant problems.

Problem identification by l

plant staff during routine activities improved. While more problems were identified, corrective actions were not always timely and effective, a problem noted in the last SALP report.

In accordance with Section 2.790 of the NRC's " Rules of Practice," Part 2, i

Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, a copy of this letter and the SALP report will be placed in the NRC's Public Document Room.


i 300016 9610300059 961023 PDR ADOCK 05000440 O










r Should you have any questions concerning'the SALP Report, we would be pleased to discuss.them with you. While no written response is required, if you wish,


you may provide written comments within 30 days of the SALP meeting.


Sincerely, l

l i

Original signed by W. L. Axelson f

l A. Bill Beach

Regional Administrator


Docket No. 50-440 Enclo.cere:

SALP 14 i

Report No. 50-440/96001 i

See attached distribution

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i I

l (See attached concurrence)

g.\\.I n.s p rp t s \\.p owe r.s \\.pe r s l p j'




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NAME Lanksbury/

Clayton Marcus Caldwell/




sn Grobe Axels'on f

l DATE 10/ /96 10/ /96 10/ /96 10/ /96 10/696 j







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. Should you have any questions concerning the SALP Report, we would be pleased to discuss them with you. While no written response is required, if you wish, you may provide written comments within 30 days of the SALP meeting.

Sincerely, A. Bill Beach i

Regional Administrator l

Docket No. 50-440 Enclosure:

SALP 14 l

l Report No. 50-440/96001 See attached distribution i





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l g recetve e copy of this document. Indicate in the boa "C' = Copy without ettech/enci *E" = Copy with attach /enci







ORA NAME [hksbury/

Clayton k Marcusk CalA


Beach /

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DATE 10/19/96 10/18/96 10/ /96 10/[C/96 10/ /96 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY N ym+dum o



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cc w/ encl:

J. P. Stetz, Senior Vice

President - Nuclear L. W. Worley, Director, Nuclear Services Department J. D. Kloosterman, Manager, Regulatory Affairs W. R. Kanda, Director, Perry Nuclear Assurance Department


N. L. Bonner, Director, Perry


Nuclear Engineering Dept.

H. Ray Caldwell, General Superintendent Nuclear Operations R. D. Brandt, General Manager Operations Terry J. Lodge, Esq.

State Liaison Officer, State of Ohio Robert E. Owen, Ohio Department of Health C. A. Glazer, State of Ohio, Public Utilities Commission INP0 l

Chairman Jackson


Commissioner Rogers


Commissioner Dicus l

Commissioner Diaz Commissioner McGaffigan


OED0 J. Lieberman, Director, Office of Enforcement F. J. Miraglia Jr., Acting Director, NRR R. Zimmerman, Associate Director for Projects, NRR A. C. Thadani, Acting Deputy Director, NRR J. W. Roe, Director, Division of Reactor Projects III/IV, NRR R. A. Marcus, Director, Project Directorate III-3, NRR D. L. Gamberoni, SALP Program Manager, NRR (2 copies)

i DRP Division Directors, All Regions I

Docket File w/ encl SRI Perry w/ encl PUBLIC IE-01 w/ encl DRP w/ encl OC/LFDCB w/ enc 1 RIII PRR w/ encl Project Manager, NRR w/ encl CAAl w/ encl (E-mail)

A. B. Beach, w/enci B. L. Burgess, w/ encl W. L. Axelson, w/ encl L. Cox w/ encl D. J. Pechous, w/ enc 1





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