IR 05000344/1988009

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Insp Rept 50-344/88-09 on 880328-0401.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Emergency Preparedness Program, Including Followup on Previous Insp Findings,Exam of Changes to Emergency Plan & Procedures & Organization & Mgt Control
Person / Time
Site: Trojan File:Portland General Electric icon.png
Issue date: 04/12/1988
From: Brown G, Fish R
Shared Package
ML20151U212 List:
50-344-88-09, NUDOCS 8804290304
Download: ML20151U216 (5)


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t Report N /88-09 Licensee: Portland General Electric Company 121 S.-W. Salmon Street Portland, Oregon 97204 ,

Facility Name: Trojan Nuclear Plant Inspection at: Rainier, Oregon Inspectionconducte/ March 28 - April 1, 1988 Inspector: AfYv W ////adf" .

G'. Al~ Brown, Emergency Preparedness 'Date Analyst '

Approved by: .

N//k R. F. Fish, Chief 'Date  !

Emergency Preparedness Section Summary:

Areas Inspected: Routine unannounced inspection of the licensee's emergency preparedness progra The inspection included followup on previous inspection findings (Inspection Procedure 92701), and examinations of changes to the emergency plan and procedures, organization and management control of the emergenc;/ planning program, training of emergency response personnel, and independent reviews / audits of the emergency preparedness program. These program areas are all included in Inspection Procedure 8270 >

Results: No deficiencies or violations of NRC requirements were identifie ,

A marked improvement in the quality, scope and depth of the annual audit of .

the emergency preparedness program was note ;





I G804290304 880415 PDR ADOCK0500g34

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DETAILS Persons Contacted PGE Personnel:

  • T. Walt, Manager, Nuclear Safety and Regulations Division D. Denfeld, General Clerk, Printing Services
  • N. Dyer, Manager, Radiological Safety Branch L. Erickson, Manager, Quality Assurance D. Harvey, Technician, Administrative Unit, NSRD
  • D. Nordstrom, Compliance Engineer
  • J. Schweitzer, Assistant Manager, Quality Assurance
  • R. Sherman, Engineer, Radiological Safety Branch
  • H. Moomey, Oregon Department of Energy J. DeFrance, Director, Columbia County Office of Emergency Services T. Grice, Fire Chief, Rainier Rural Fire District S. Huntington, Coordinator, Cowlitz County Department of Emergency Management
  • Denotes attendance at the April 1, 1988 exit interview Follow-up On Open Items (Module 92701)

(Closed) Open Item 87-03-09. PGE committed to clarifying the procedures for Emergency Coordinator duties in the Technical Support Center (TSC).

Procedure EP-101, Revision 0, was implemented in July 1987 and addresses the duties of the Emergency Coordinator in the TSC clearly and concisel This item is close (Closed) Open Item 87-03-1 PGE committed to reviewing and revising applicable emergency procedures to incorporate input from drill and exercise evaluations. The inspector reviewed a program in effect which provides for collecting comments from all controllers and players at the conclusion of drills or exercise Comments are evaluated and entered in tracking systems. Each comment is systematically reviewed and resolved by Emergency Preparedness (EP) Branch personnel. This action adequately addresses this commitment. This item is close (Closed) Open Item 87-22-03. Need to improve scope and depth of the annual EP program audits. The inspector reviewed the last annual audit of the EP program, identified as Audit No. LWE-15-87, dated October 9,

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j 1987. The audit consisted of a review of the EP program, the EP ,

organization, training and retraining of EP response personnel, facilities and equipment, procedures, dose assessment, observations of '

the September 1987 integrated drill, and a comprehensive review of the


interfaces with the State and local agencies. The audit resulted in the identification of eight Nonconforming Activity Reports (NCARs) and 19 program improvement items. This action adequately addresses this


concern. This item is closed.

4 (Closed) Open Item No.- 87-22-02. Need to provide capability in the ADP dose assessment program to address changes in meteorology. The inspector reviewed Trojan Memorandum No. NCO-33-87N dated 8/31/87 which addressed this item. The memorandum stated that no models were available to meet Trojan's needs and that, until such time as an improved off-site dose i projection model was available, those dose projections which involved .

changes in meteorology would be made using multiple computer run Since .

this technique would result in a conservative dose projection value the j concern is satisfied and this item is close (Closed) Open Item No. 87-22-04. Need to provide EP- knowledgeable personnel as members of the annual QA EP audit team. QA Audit Report


LWE-15-87 indicated that the regular audit team was augmented by EP specialists from both private contractors and INP This action ,

adequately addresses this concern. This item is close ( Open ) Open Item No. 87-22-01. Need to conduct periodic emergency response staffing and augmentation drill .

Prior to conducting their F first drill, the licensee experienced an actual event, classified as a


"Notification of Unusual Event", in which they identified some problems ,

in their notification process. Corrective actions for those problems l

. required procedure changes, therefore, the licensee is postponing i staffing and augmentation drills until the changes can be implemented and  ;

l personnel trained. This item will remain open pending completion of

licensee's action . Changes to the Emergency Plan and Implementing Procedures (Module 82701) ,

Since the last routine inspection in July 1987, the following procedure changes have occurred:

EP N Revision EP No. Revision

001 2 104 1 002 1 201 1 2 003 1 202 1 j 005 1 203 1 i 100 1 300 1


i 101 1 301 1 i 102 1 305 1

] 103 1


The inspector verified that the changes were reviewed and approved by '

j management in accordance with Section 6.2 of the Emergency Plan. Changes to the procedures were forwarded to the NRC within 30 days, as required, -


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and were determined not to have decreaseo the effectiveness of the emergency preparedness progra In reviewing the program, however, it was noted that several revisions had been submitted to the NRC which had pages missing, indicating a need for stricter quality control of the distribution process. The licensee's response to this issue will be tracked as Open Item No. 88-09-0 No violations or deviations were identified during the review of this program are . Organization and Management Control (Module 82701)

This area was reviewed to determine whether changes made to the emergency response organization or its management control had been properly documented, and that the changes had not adversely affected the emergency pla The inspector noted no significant changes to the emergency response organization or its nanagement contro No violations or deviations were identified in the review of this program are . Independent reviews / Audits (Module 82701)

This area was inspected to determine the licensee's compliance with NRC requirements to provide an independent annual review of the emergency preparedness program and evaluate the adequacy of interfaces with State and local government The inspector reviewed QA Audit No. LWE-15-87, dated October 9, 198 The scope and depth of the audit was thorough and addressed sufficient samples to provide management with an accurate assessment of the progra The audit was conducted in a timely manner, as required, and the audit team was composed of members who had no direct responsibility for implementation of the emergency preparedness program. An evaluation of the adequacy of interfaces with State and local governments was contained in the report and the results were available for State and local agencies as required.


l 7. Drills and Exercises (Module 82701)


The inspector reviewed records of the monthly Radiological Emergency l Response communications tests and the Dedicated Telephone System (DTS)

monthly communication equipment tests. All tests were conducted in a timely manner and applicable corrective actions were promptly institute Annual medical drills were conducted during the Month of October, 1987 at all three medical facilities: St. Johns Hospital, Good Samaritan Hospital, and St. Vincent Hospita In addition, in September 1987, the licensee conducted an integrated drill involving simultaneous participation by all of the emergency response facilities (ERFs). During March 1988, each of the five ERFs participated in indivic' sal facility drill Some drills included participation by the States of Oregon and Washington. The inspector noted that the drills included participation

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by upper management personnel and that drill results were reviewed and l analyzed by PGE managemen >


No violations or deviations were identified'in the review of this program i are . Exit Interview (Module 30703)  !




The scope and findings of the inspection, presented in detail in the body )

of this report, were discussed with the licensee's representatives at an exit interview conducted on April 1, 1988. Those in attendance are



. denoted in Section 1 of this report. Ray Fish, Chief of Emergency ,

Preparedness Section, NRC Region V, was also~in attendenc The licensee


was advised that no violations or deviations were identified during this  ;

inspection. .The licensee did not identify as proprietary information any i of the materials provided to or reviewed by the inspector during the  ;

} inspection. The inspector also commented on improvements in the QA audit h

program and acknowledged the major effort put forth by the licensee to [

completely revise the plan and implementing procedures in a short time '



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