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Integrated Inspection Report 05000498/2019004 and 05000499/2019004
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 01/29/2020
From: Jeffrey Josey
To: Gerry Powell
South Texas
IR 2019004
Download: ML20029F018 (40)

See also: IR 05000498/2019004







January 29, 2020

Mr. G. T. Powell

President and CEO

STP Nuclear Operating Company

P.O. Box 289

Wadsworth, TX 77483



AND 05000499/2019004

Dear Mr. Powell:

On December 31, 2019, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) completed an

inspection at South Texas Project Electric Generating Station, Units 1 and 2. On

January 23, 2020, the NRC inspectors discussed the results of this inspection with

Ms. K. Harshaw, Vice President Regulatory Affairs and General Counsel, and other members of

your staff. The results of this inspection are documented in the enclosed report.

Four findings of very low safety significance (Green) are documented in this report. Four of

these findings involved violations of NRC requirements. One Severity Level IV violation without

an associated finding is documented in this report. We are treating these violations as non-cited

violations (NCVs) consistent with Section 2.3.2 of the Enforcement Policy.

If you contest the violations or the significance or severity of the violations documented in this

inspection report, you should provide a response within 30 days of the date of this inspection

report, with the basis for your denial, to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,

ATTN: Document Control Desk, Washington, DC 20555-0001; with copies to the Regional

Administrator, Region IV; the Director, Office of Enforcement; and the NRC Resident Inspector

at South Texas Project Electric Generating Station, Units 1 and 2.

If you disagree with a cross-cutting aspect assignment in this report, you should provide a

response within 30 days of the date of this inspection report, with the basis for your

disagreement, to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN: Document Control Desk,

Washington, DC 20555-0001; with copies to the Regional Administrator, Region IV; and the

NRC Resident Inspector at South Texas Project Electric Generating Station, Units 1 and 2.


Inspection Report

Docket Numbers: 05000498 and 05000499

License Numbers: NPF-76 and NPF-80

Report Numbers: 05000498/2019004 and 05000499/2019004

Enterprise Identifier: 1-2019-004-0004

Licensee: STP Nuclear Operating Company

Facility: South Texas Project Electric Generating Station, Units 1 and 2

Location: Wadsworth, TX 77483

Inspection Dates: October 1, 2019, to December 31, 2019

Inspectors: B. Baca, Health Physicist

J. Choate, Resident Inspector

K. Clayton, Senior Operations Engineer

R. Kopriva, Senior Reactor Inspector

J. O'Donnell, Health Physicist

A. Sanchez, Senior Resident Inspector

Approved By: Jeffrey E. Josey, Chief

Reactor Projects Branch A

Division of Reactor Projects


G. Powell 2

This letter, its enclosure, and your response (if any) will be made available for public inspection

and copying at and at the NRC Public Document

Room in accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations 2.390, "Public

Inspections, Exemptions, Requests for Withholding."


Jeffrey E. Josey, Chief

Reactor Projects Branch A

Division of Reactor Projects

Docket Nos. 05000498 and 05000499

License Nos. NPF-76 and NPF-80


As stated

cc w/ encl: Distribution via LISTSERV


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) continued monitoring the licensee's

performance by conducting an integrated inspection at South Texas Project Electric Generating

Station, Units 1 and 2, in accordance with the Reactor Oversight Process. The Reactor

Oversight Process is the NRC's program for overseeing the safe operation of commercial

nuclear power reactors. Refer to for more


List of Findings and Violations

Failure to Report a Chanqe in Medical Condition of a Licensed Operator

Cornerstone Significance Cross-Cutting Report

Aspect Section

Not Applicable NCV 05000499,05000498/2019004-01 Not Applicable 71111.11 B


The inspectors identified a Severity Level IV non-cited violation of 10 CFR 55.25,

"Incapacitation Because of Disability or Illness," for the licensee's failure to notify the NRC

within 30 days of a chanqe in a licensed operator's medical condition.

Failure to Perform a Risk Assessment Prior to Performing Maintenance

Cornerstone Significance Cross-Cutting Report

Aspect Section

Initiating Events Green [H.5] -Work 71152

NCV 05000498/2019004-02 Management


The inspectors identified a Green finding and associated non-cited violation of

10 CFR 50.65(a)(4) when the licensee failed to perform a risk assessment prior to performing

maintenance. Specifically, inspectors identified breaker relay calibrations being performed on

protected equipment in Unit 1 during the 345kV North bus outage.

Inadequate Work Instruction Results in Loss of Spent Fuel Pool Cooling

Cornerstone Significance Cross-Cutting Report

Aspect Section

Barrier Integrity Green [H.8] - 71152

NCV 05000499/2019004-03 Procedure

Open/Closed Adherence

A self-revealed Green finding and associated non-cited violation of Technical

Specification 6.8.1.a, Regulatory Guide 1.33, Section 9, was identified for the failure to

provide adequate work instruction for maintenance associated with an emergency diesel

generator sequencer and resulted in a loss of spent fuel pool cooling. Specifically, the

licensee failed to identify the correct replacement part for the train C sequencer and once

installed, resulted in a loss of all train C electrical loads, including the operating train of spent

fuel pool cooling.

Inadequate Work Instructions Result in Reactor Coolant System Leaks

Cornerstone Significance Cross-Cutting Report

Aspect Section

Initiating Events Green [H.5] -Work 71152

NCV 05000499,05000498/2019004-04 Management


I Open/Closed I I

A self-revealed Green finding and associated non-cited violation of Technical

Specification 6.8.1.a was identified for the failure to provide adequate work instruction for

compression fitting connections that resulted in reactor coolant system leakage. Specifically,

the licensee failed to provide adequate work instructions for reconnecting high-pressure RCS

instrument tubing compression fittings. This resulted in RCS leaks which required a

temporary modification and a high-risk work activity to stop the leaks that threatened stable

plant operations.

Failure to Follow Procedure Results in Two Inoperable Emergency Diesel Generators

Cornerstone Significance Cross-Cutting Report

Aspect Section

Mitigating Green [H.11] - 71152

Systems NCV 05000499,05000498/2019004-05 Challenge the

Open/Closed Unknown

A self-revealed Green finding and associated non-cited violation of Technical

Specification 6.8.1.a, Regulatory Guide 1.33, Section 3.s.2.a, was identified for the failure to

follow an emergency diesel generator (EOG) testing procedure, which resulted in two EDGs

becoming inoperable at the same time. Specifically, the licensee failed to follow

Procedure OPOP02-DG-0001, "Emergency Diesel Generator 11 (21 ), " Checklist 1,

"DG Standby Operation Checklist," Revision 70, Step 29.2, such that the train B EOG became

inoperable while the train A EOG was inoperable.

Additional Tracking Items




Unit 1 operated at or near rated thermal power for the entire period.

Unit 2 began the inspection period at 98 percent thermal power due to coast down operations.

On October 4, 2019, Unit 2 commenced rector shutdown to being refueling outage 2RE20 and

entered Mode 3. Unit 2 entered Mode 1 on November 4, 2019, and reached rated thermal

power on November 7, 2019. Unit 2 operated at or near rated power for the rest of the period.


Inspections were conducted using the appropriate portions of the inspection procedures (IPs) in

effect at the beginning of the inspection unless otherwise noted. Currently approved IPs with

their attached revision histories are located on the public website at

rm/doc-collections/insp-manual/inspection-procedure/index.html. Samples were declared

complete when the IP requirements most appropriate to the inspection activity were met

consistent with Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 2515, "Light-Water Reactor Inspection

Program - Operations Phase." The inspectors performed plant status activities described in

IMC 2515, Appendix D, "Plant Status," and conducted routine reviews using IP 71152, "Problem

Identification and Resolution." The inspectors reviewed selected procedures and records,

observed activities, and interviewed personnel to assess licensee performance and compliance

with Commission rules and regulations, license conditions, site procedures, and standards.


71111.01 - Adverse Weather Protection

External Flooding Sample (IP Section 03.04) (1 Sample)

(1) The inspectors evaluated readiness to cope with external flooding for the following


  • Units 1 and 2 flood panels for component cooling water heat exchangers
  • Unit 1 reactor containment building
  • Electrical auxiliary building flood doors
  • Essential cooling water intake structure

71111.040 - Equipment Alignment

Partial Walkdown Sample (IP Section 03.01 ) (3 Samples)

The inspectors evaluated system configurations during partial walkdowns of the following


(1) Unit 1, train B essential chilled water system while train C was out of service for

planned maintenance on December 16, 2019

(2) Unit 1, condenser air removal pumps 11 and 13 while condenser air removal

pump 12 was out of service due to emergent maintenance on December 17, 2019

(3) Unit 2, train A component cooling water while train B was out of service for planned

maintenance on December 18, 2019


71111.04S - Equipment Alignment

Com plete Walkdown Sam ple (IP Section 03.02) (1 Sample)

(1) The inspectors evaluated system configurations during a complete walkdown of the

Unit 2, train C component cooling water, with train B out of service, while train C was

relied upon for decay heat removal during the refueling outage on October 17, 2019.

71111.050 - Fire Protection

Quarterly Inspection (IP Section 03.01 ) (5 Samples)

The inspectors evaluated fire protection program implementation in the following selected


(1) Unit 2, reactor containment building, Fire Area 63, on October 18, 2019

(2) Unit 2, train A essential cooling water intake structure, Fire Area 58, on

December 30, 2019 I

(3} Unit 1, train A component cooling water, Fire Area 02 and 20, on December 30, 2019

(4} Unit 1, train A essential cooling water intake structure, Fire Area 58, on

December 31, 2019

(5} Unit 2, train A component cooling water, Fire Area 02 and 20, on December 31, 2019

71111.06 - Flood Protection Measures

Inspection Activities - Internal Flooding (I P Section 02.02a. ) (1 Sample)

The inspectors evaluated internal flooding mitigation protections in the:

(1) The inspectors evaluated internal flooding mitigation protections in Unit 2, train 8,

4160 volt switchgear room on November 20, 2019

71111.08P - lnservice Inspection Activities (PWR)

PWR lnservice Inspection Activities Sample (I P Section 03.01 ) (1 Sample)

(1} The inspectors verified that the reactor coolant system boundary, steam generator

tubes, reactor vessel internals, risk-significant piping system boundaries, and

containment boundary are appropriately monitored for degradation and that repairs

and replacements were appropriately fabricated, examined and accepted by

reviewing the following activities from October 15 to 28, 2019:

03.01.a - Nondestructive Examination and Welding Activities.

  • 1 - Magnetic Particle Examination
  • 2 - Dye Penetrant Examinations
  • 6 - Ultrasonic Examinations
  • 1 - Visual Examination


On October 16, 2019, during Unit 2 refueling outage 2RE20, inservice inspections

of the pressurizer 2A upper head safety nozzle N4C (nozzle designation

per ISi Figure A-PRZ-1; see Attachment B) to shell weld discovered one ultrasonic

testing (UT) indication. The subject indication was processed in accordance with

Addendum 2 of Procedure OPGP04-ZE-0304 "lnservice Inspection Program for

Welds and Component Supports." The indication was determined to be a '

subsurface flaw and subsequently characterized within Ultrasonic Examination

Reports UT-2019-031 and UT-2019-032. Article IWB-3000 of Section XI contains the

criteria for the acceptance of flaws or other relevant conditions found during

examination with the Acceptance Standards summarized within Table IWB-3410-1

"Acceptance Standards." For this particular location, this weld falls into Examination

Category B-D (full penetration and welded nozzles in vessels); therefore, IWB-3512

acceptance standards apply. Using the flaw dimensions summarized above, and the

Allowable Flaws given in Table IWB-3512-1, the flaw does not meet the acceptance

standards for the aspect ratio calculated. Given this, the indication requires the use

of IWB-3132.3 requiring an analytical evaluation per IWB-3600. Indications that are

rejectable based on IWB-3500 can be evaluated per a detailed fracture

mechanics evaluation based on IWB-3600 to demonstrate flaw acceptability.

By Letter LTR-SDA-19-095-P, Westinghouse has performed a detailed fracture

mechanics evaluation in accordance with IWB-3612 and Non-Mandatory Appendix A,

"Analysis of Flaws," and has shown that the indication found during 2RE20 inservice


inspections is acceptable for at least 36 months (two full fuel cycles).

One gas tungsten arc welding activity was observed (control volume and chemical

control system valve replacement under Work Orders 96017307 and 598944 for Weld

Nos. RW0027 and FW0028).

03.01.b - Pressurized-Water Reactor Vessel Upper Head Penetration Examination

Activities .

  • The bare metal visual inspection of the reactor vessel upper head

penetrations was required to be performed during this outage, 2RE20. The

inspector reviewed the following reactor head penetration visual

examinations: penetration nozzles 1-9, 14-23, 25-27, 29-61, 66, 68, 70, 72,

75-78, including vent pipe and general head area. Also, a direct visual was

performed in those areas that had limitations for the crawler. No concerns

were identified.

  • The bare metal visual inspection of the bottom mounted instrumentation

nozzles was performed during this outage, 2RE20. The inspector reviewed

the following reactor head penetration visual examinations: Penetration

nozzles 1-58. No concerns were identified.

03.01.c - Pressurized-Water Reactor Boric Acid Corrosion Control Activities.

  • The inspector reviewed the following documents associated with boric acid

leaks and evaluations:

  • Evaluations: 17-18419-2, 18-11258-2, 18-6471, 19-7578-3, 19-7950


  • Corrective Actions: 19-10796, 19-10798, 19-11061, 19-11062, 19-11065,

19-11066, 19-11067, 19-11072, 19-11074, 19-11075, 19-11076,

19-11111, 19-11112, 19-11113, 19-11114, 19-11160, 19-11161,

19-11163, 19-11202, 19-11219, 19-11220, 19-11221, 19-11222,

19-11223,19-11224, 19-11225

03.01.d - Mechanical Stress Improvement Process used on Reactor Vessel Hot and

Cold Leg Nozzle to Safe-End Welds.

  • During the 2019 Refueling Outage for Unit 2, 2RE20, the inspector witnessed

the license's performance of mechanical stress improvement on the reactor

vessel hot and cold leg nozzle to safe-end, dissimilar metal welds. This

mechanical process helps prevent and mitigate primary water stress

corrosion cracking in piping by minimally contracting the pipe on one side of

the weldment, replacing residual tensile stresses with compressive stresses.

This removal of as-welded tensile stresses is an effective and permanent

means to prevent or mitigate primary water stress corrosion cracking.

71111.11 B - Licensed Operator Requalification Program and Licensed Operator Performance

Licensed Operator Requalification Program (IP Section 03.04) (1 Sample)

(1) Biennial Requalification Written Examinations

The inspectors evaluated the quality of the licensed operator biennial requalification

written examination administered on August 5, 2019.

Annual Requalification Operating Tests

The inspectors evaluated the adequacy of the facility licensee's annual requalification

operating test.

Administration of an Annual Requalification Operating Test

The inspectors evaluated the effectiveness of the facility licensee in administering

requalification operating tests required by 10 CFR 55.59(a)(2) and that the facility

licensee is effectively evaluating their licensed operators for mastery of training


Requalification Examination Security

The inspectors evaluated the ability of the facility licensee to safeguard examination

material, such that the examination is not compromised.

Remedial Training and Re-examinations

The inspectors evaluated the effectiveness of remedial training conducted by the

licensee, and reviewed the adequacy of re-examinations for licensed operators who

did not pass a required requalification examination.


Operator License Conditions

The inspectors evaluated the licensee's program for ensuring that licensed operators

meet the conditions of their licenses.

Control Room Simulator

The inspectors evaluated the adequacy of the facility licensee's control room

simulator in modeling the actual plant, and for meeting the requirements contained in

10 CFR 55.46.

Problem Identification and Resolution

The inspectors evaluated the licensee's ability to identify and resolve problems

associated with licensed operator performance.

Licensed Operator Requalification Training/Examinations (IP Section 03.02) (1 Sample)

(1) The inspectors observed and evaluated an operating crew annual exam on

November 26, 2019.

71111.11 Q - Licensed Operator Requalification Program and Licensed Operator Performance

Licensed Operator Performance in the Actual Plant/Main Control Room (IP Section 03.01 )

(1 Sample)

( 1) The inspectors observed a evaluated the performance of a Unit 1 operating crew

while in an alternate 13.BkV bus alignment due to an emergent issue with the main

generator output breaker preventing automatic trip of that breaker on

December 11, 2019.

The inspectors observed and evaluated the performance of a Unit 1 operating crew

during a high risk evolution to replace two power supplies in the train R solid state

protection system on December 18, 2019.

71111.12 - Maintenance Effectiveness

Routine Maintenance Effectiveness Inspection (IP Section 02.01 } (3 Samples)

The inspectors evaluated the effectiveness of routine maintenance activities associated with

the following equipment and/or safety significant functions:

(1) Units 1 and 2, essential cooling water systems on November 30, 2019

(2) Units 1 and 2, component cooling water system on December 30, 2019

(3) Units 1 and 2, emergency safeguards sequencer on December 30, 2019


71111.13 - Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work Control

Risk Assessment and Management Sample (IP Section 03.01 ) (4 Sam ples}

The inspectors evaluated the risk assessments for the following planned and emergent work


(1) Unit 2, planned risk due to train C essential cooling water, essential chilled water,

emergency core cooling, containment spray, and emergency diesel generator

maintenance the week of October 1, 2019

(2) Unit 2, emergent risk due to train C engineered safety feature load sequencer

requiring a card replacement on October 28, 2019

(3) Unit 2, emergent risk due to train A engineered safety feature load sequencer failure

during a large train B work week and resulted in the use of the Configuration Risk

Management Program on November 20, 2019

(4) Units 1 and 2, planned risk due to the maintenance on the 345kV south bus and

Unit 2, standby transformer and use of the Configuration Risk Management Program

the week of December 4, 2019

71111.15 - Operability Determinations and Functionality Assessments

Operability Determination or Functionality Assessment (I P Section 02.02) (6 Sam ples}

The inspectors evaluated the following operability determinations and functionality


(1) Unit 2, turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater governor stem nut missing on

October 21, 2019

(2) Unit 1, train A essential chilled water due to a degraded temperature control module

that failed to keep the output temperature less than 48 degrees Fahrenheit on

November 8, 2019

(3) Unit 2, damaged control room envelope door on November 11, 2019

(4) Unit 2, train B emergency diesel generator jacket water leak on November 14, 2019

(5) Unit 1, train A essential cooling water due to a through wall indication on

flange EW-1006 due to aluminum bronze dealloying phenomenon on

November 20, 2019

(6) Unit 2, train C high head safety injection pump bearing oil level indicator installed

upside down following motor replacement on November 27, 2019

71111.18 - Plant Modifications

Temporary Modifications and/or Permanent Modifications (IP Section 03.01 and/or 03.02 )

(3 Samples}

The inspectors evaluated the following temporary or permanent modifications:

(1) Units 1 and 2, temporary diesel-driven fire pump during repair and replacement of

diesel-driven fire pump components on April 15, 2019

(2) Unit 2, temporary modification to power spent fuel pool cooling pump 2A during

refueling outage 2RE20 on October 18, 2019


(3) Units 1 and 2, permanent modification to install a quick exhaust valve to reduce the

time required to close the valve on a main steam actuation signal on

December 31, 2019

71111.19 - Post-Maintenance Testing

Post-Maintenance Test Sam ple (I P Section 03.01 ) (4 Sam ples)

The inspectors evaluated the following post maintenance tests:

( 1) Unit 2, local leak rate test of the auxiliary containment airlock following maintenance

on the sealing surfaces on October 24, 2019 .

(2) Unit 2, local leak rate test of the normal containment purge exhaust isolation damper,

2-HC-9, following emergent maintenance following a failed local leak rate test on

October 27, 2019

(3) Unit 2, nuclear instrumentation Nl-35 following the replacement of the log amplifier

module on November 3, 2019

(4) Unit 1, reactor coolant system leak check and flow transmitter FT-0419 following the

replacement of the reactor coolant system instrument tubing due to an increasing

leak on December 6, 2019

71111.20 - Refueling and Other Outage Activities

Refueling/Other Outage Sam ple {IP Section 03.01 ) (1 Sam ple)

( 1) The inspectors evaluated refueling outage 2RE20 activities from October 4 through

November 5, 2019.

71111.22 - Surveillance Testing

The inspectors evaluated the following surveillance tests:

Surveillance Tests (other) (IP Section 03.01 ) (3 Sam ples)

(1) Unit 1, train C essential cooling water pump surveillance test on December 14, 2019

(2) Unit 1, train C emergency diesel generator monthly surveillance test on

December 17, 2019

(3) Unit 1, train C auxiliary feedwater pump surveillance test on December 18, 2019

FLEX Testing (IP Section 03.02) ( 1 Sam ple)

(1) Unit 1, FLEX diesel generator surveillance test on December 12, 2019

71114.04 - Emergency Action Level and Emergency Plan Changes

Inspection Review (I P Section 02.01-02.03 ) (1 Sample}

(1) The licensee submitted "South Texas Project Emergency Plan," Revision ICN 20-21,

as well as a copy of Revision ICN 20-22, to the NRC on August 8, 2019. The

inspectors conducted an in-office review of the changes from November 13 to

November 25, 2019. This evaluation does not constitute NRC approval.



71124.01 - Radiological Hazard Assessment and Exposure Controls

Radiological Hazard Assessment (IP Section 02.01 ) (1 Sample)

The inspectors evaluated radiological hazards assessments and controls.

(1} The inspectors reviewed the following :

Radiological Surveys

  • Spent Fuel Pool Cell Inventory
  • Concentrate Transfer Pump 1B
  • Fuel Transfer Tube Access
  • Radwaste Truck Bay
  • Reactor Cavity Walkway

Risk Significant Radiological Work Activities

  • In-Core (Thimble Tube)
  • Head Lift
  • Lift Rig

Air Sample Survey Records

  • 22373
  • 21434
  • 21441
  • 21468
  • 21505

Instructions to Workers (IP Section 02.02 ) (1 Sample)

The inspectors evaluated instructions to workers including radiation work permits used to

access high radiation areas.

(1) The inspectors reviewed the following:

Radiation Work Packages

  • 2019-2-0165, 2RE20 - Maintenance and Support Work - Room 307 (LHRA)
  • 2019-2-0173, 2RE20 - Maintenance on N2CVPSV3100 (LHRA)
  • 2019-2-0158, 2RE20 - Reactor Head Lift Activities (LHRA)

Electronic Alarming Dosimeter Alarms

  • Dose Rate Alarm - 18-04050
  • Dose Rate Alarm -18-04757
  • Dose Rate Alarm - 18-11562
  • Dose Rate Alarm -18-12585


Labeling of Containers

  • Box 300437
  • Radwaste Bags
  • 55 Gallon Barrel
  • Box #20-2466
  • OSSC#26

Contamination and Radioactive Material Control (I P Section 02.03) (1 Sample)

The inspectors evaluated licensee processes for monitoring and controlling contamination

and radioactive material.

(1) The inspectors verified the following sealed sources are accounted for and are intact:

  • MS-0042
  • MS-0132
  • NAM-1335
  • NCF-0604
  • NCS-0008

Radiological Hazards Control and Work Coverage (IP Section 02.04) (1 Sample)

The inspectors evaluated in-plant radiological conditions during facility walkdowns and

observation of radiological work activities.

(1) The inspectors also reviewed the following radiological work package for areas with

airborne radioactivity:

  • Unanticipated airborne radioactivity during 2RE20 flood-up

o RWP 2019-2-0158, 2RE20- Reactor Head Lift Activities (LHRA)

o ALARA Review Package 19-3165-7, 2RE20 Non-Rapid Refuel

o DAC-hr Assessment for Condition Report 19-11442

High Radiation Area and Very High Radiation Area Controls (IP Section 02.05 ) (1 Sam ple )

(1) The inspectors evaluated risk-significant high radiation area and very high radiation

area controls.

Radiation Worker Performance and Radiation Protection Technician Proficiency (IP

Section 02.06) (1 Sample)

(1) The inspectors evaluated radiation worker performance and radiation protection

technician proficiency.

71124.03 - In-Plant Airborne Radioactivity Control and Mitigation

Engineering Controls (IP Section 02.01 ) (1 Sample)

The inspectors evaluated airborne controls and radioactive monitoring .


( 1) The inspectors reviewed the following :

Installed Ventilation Systems

Temporary Ventilation System Setups

  • Radwaste sorting vent hoods and associated HEPA units
  • Reactor head HEPA units

Portable or Installed Monitoring Systems

  • Room specific AMS-4 units: Radwaste sorting room and seal table (thimble)


  • General containment monitoring with AMS-4
  • Low volume filter air samples covering reactor head, cavity, and thimble work

Use of Respiratory Protection Devices (IP Section 02.02) (1 Sample)

The inspectors evaluated the licensee's use of respiratory protection devices by:

( 1) Observing in-field applications; verifying the licensee validated the level of protection

provided by the devices; inspecting the material condition of devices, reviewing

records and certification of devices issued for use; reviewing the qualifications of

workers that use the devices; and observing workers' donning, doffing and testing


Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus for Emergency Use (IP Section 02.03) (1 Sample)

The inspectors evaluated self-contained breathing apparatus program implementation.

(1) The inspectors reviewed the following :

Status and Surveillance Records for Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus

Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Fit for On-Shift Operators

The inspectors selected two on-shift Unit 2 reactor operators for verification of fit

testing, medical approval, donning/doffing practical, and bottle change out protocol.

Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Maintenance Check



71151 - Performance Indicator Verification

The inspectors verified licensee performance indicators submittals listed below:

MS09: Residual Heat Removal Systems (IP Section 02.08) (2 Sam ples )

(1) Unit 1, October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019

(2) Unit 2, October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019

MS10: Cooling Water Support Systems (IP Section 02.09) (2 Sam ples )

(1) Unit 1, October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019

(2) Unit 2, October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019

OR01: Occu pational Exposure Control Effectiveness Sam ple (IP Section 02.15) (1 Sample)

(1) January 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019

PR01: Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications/Offsite Dose Calculation Manual

Radiological Effluent Occurrences (RETS/ODCM ) Radiological Effluent Occurrences Sam ple

(IP Section 02.16 ) (1 Sam ple)

(1) January 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019

71152 - Problem Identification and Resolution

Semiannual Trend Review (IP Section 02.02) (1 Sample)

( 1) The inspectors reviewed the licensee's corrective action program for potential

adverse trends that might be indicative of a more significant safety issue.

Annual Follow-up of Selected Issues (IP Section 02.03) (4 Sam ples)

The inspectors reviewed the licensee's implementation of its corrective action program

related to the following issues:

(1) The increase in the number of reactor coolant system leaks for high pressure

compression fitting leading to reactor coolant system loop flow transmitters in Units 1

and 2

(2) The failure to assess risk prior to performing maintenance on protected 13.8kV supply

breaker to the train B 4.16kV switchgear while the 345kV North bus and the Unit 1

standby transformer were out of service for planned maintenance

(3) Inadequate work instruction on Unit 2, train C engineered safety feature load

sequencer results in the loss of spent fuel pool cooling

(4) The Unit 1, train B emergency diesel generator was rendered inoperable by a human

performance error



Failure to Report a Change in Medical Condition of a Licensed Operator

Cornerstone Severity Cross-Cutting Report

Aspect Section

Not Severity Level IV Not 71111.11 B

Applicable NCV 05000499,05000498/2019004-01 Applicable


The inspectors identified a Severity Level IV non-cited violation of 10 CFR 55.25,

"Incapacitation Because of Disability or Illness," for the licensee's failure to notify the NRC

within 30 days of a change in a licensed operator's medical condition .

Description: On June 19, 2014, a senior reactor operator self-reported to the site medical

department the diagnosis of a new medical condition. The licensee recorded the new

medical condition in the operator's site medical record and drafted a new NRC Form 396 to

report a "no solo". condition was being added on the license. The new Form 396 was lost in

the review and approval process on site, and at the time there was not a tracking mechanism

in place to ensure the review and approval process was completed. As a result, the new

Form 396 was never provided to the NRC.

While reviewing a license renewal application, an inspector identified that a "no solo"

restriction that had not previously been reported to the NRC was included on the NRC

Form 396 that was submitted with the license renewal application. The NRC notified the

licensee of the discrepancy on October 8, 2019. The licensee confirmed that site records

reflected a "no solo" condition had been added for the individual. The licensee determined

that the senior reactor operator had not been on shift since the condition was reported

in 2014.

Corrective Actions: On October 17, 2019, the South Texas Project Nuclear Operating

Company submitted a letter to the NRC with a revised NRC Form 396, "Certification of

Medical Examination by Facility Licensee," that prohibited solo operation of the controls. The

"no solo" condition was required for fitness-for-duty reasons in accordance with the American

National Standards Institute (ANSl)-3.4-1983, "Medical Certification and Monitoring of

Personnel Requiring Operator Licenses for Nuclear Power Plants,"

Corrective Action References: Condition Report 2019-11414

Performance Assessment: The inspectors determined this violation was associated with a

minor performance deficiency.

Enforcement: The ROP's significance determination process does not specifically consider

the regulatory process impact in its assessment of licensee performance. Therefore, it is

necessary to address this violation which impedes the NRC's ability to regulate using

traditional enforcement to adequ~tely deter non-compliance.

Severity: The inspectors determined the violation to be a Severity Level IV violation, similar

to Example 6.4.d.1.b in the NRC Enforcement Policy because it was a nonwillful compromise

of an examination required by 10 CFR Part 55. Specifically, the licensee nonwillfully failed to

inform the NRC of a change in an operator's medical condition. The individual did not

perform the functions of a senior reactor operation while having a disqualifying medical



Violation: Title 10 CFR 55.25 requires, in part, that if a licensed senior reactor operator

develops a permanent physical condition that causes the licensee to fail to meet the

requirements of 10 CFR 55.21, the facility shall notify the Commission within 30 days of

learning of the diagnosis. For conditions where a license condition is required, the facility

licensee must provide medical certification on NRC Form 396, "Certification of Medical

Examination by Facility Licensee." Contrary to the above from June 9, 2014, to

October 17, 2019, the licensee failed to notify the Commission, within 30 days of learning the

diagnosis of a change in medical condition of a licensed senior reactor operator that

developed a permanent physical condition that caused the licensed senior reactor operator to

fail to meet the requirements of 10 CFR 55.21. Specifically, on June 9, 2014, a senior reactor

operator self-reported a new medical condition, the medical department determined that the

individual required a "no solo" condition on his license, but the NRC did not receive the

revised NRC Form 396 until October 17, 2019.

Enforcement Action: This violation is being treated as a non-cited violation, consistent with

Section 2.3.2 of the Enforcement Policy.

Failure to Perform a Risk Assessment Prior to Performinq Maintenance

Cornerstone Significance Cross-Cutting Report

Aspect Section

Initiating Events Green [H.5]-Work 71152

NCV 05000498/2019004-02 Management


The inspectors identified a Green finding and associated non-cited violation

of 10 CFR 50.65(a)(4) when the licensee failed to perform a risk assessment prior to

performing maintenance. Specifically, inspectors identified breaker relay calibrations being

performed on protected equipment in Unit 1 during the 345kV North bus and Unit 1 standby

transformer planned maintenance.

Descri ption: The South Texas Project 345kV switchyard consists of two 345kV buses, North

and South. Each of the buses in the switchyard supplies offsite power to the Units 1 and 2

standby transformers. These transformers constitute an offsite power source. On

April 30, 2018, while the North bus and the Unit 1 standby transformer were out of service for

planned maintenance activities, which placed the station in the configuration risk

management program, the inspectors performed a walkdown of the protected equipment due

to the maintenance. Specifically, the inspectors walked down all protected electrical power

supplies, including the 13.8kV Standby bus in Unit 1. There, inspectors discovered

two electricians performing relay calibrations on the 13.8kV standby bus 1G to the

4.16kV Aux EAB XFMR E 1B breaker. The inspectors determined that the work could have

resulted in a trip of the breaker and would present a loss of offsite power to the train B 4.

16kV switchgear which would result in an auto start signal to the train B emergency diesel

generator. The inspectors observed the work activity for a while to ensure the activity was

being performed with quality before heading to the work start desk to inquire why the work

was allowed to take place.

The inspector asked if the work start personnel were aware of the current plant condition and

the heightened level of awareness for protected equipment due to the maintenance and why

the observed relay work was approved. The work start personnel stated that it was in the

approved work schedule, so permission was granted. The inspector then spoke with the

work week coordinator and presented the situation observed. The work week coordinator

stated that the work should not have been given permission to start and that the work activity


should not be on the schedule. It had somehow been missed in the work schedule scrub for

the work week for the given plant condition. The work week coordinator initiated Condition

Report 2018-6019.

The licensee determined that the relay calibration for the supply breaker should not have

been allowed and should not have been on the schedule. The work planning schedule

reviews (multiple reviews) by maintenance, engineering, planning, and operations failed to

identify and remove the activity from the schedule.

Corrective Actions: The licensee held discussions with work control specifically to inform

them of the condition report, the NRC observation, and stressed the need to thoroughly

review work during the work planning process.

Corrective Action References: Condition Report 2018-6019

Performance Assessment:

Performance Deficiency: The failure to perform a risk assessment prior to performing

maintenance activities was a performance deficiency. Specifically, the licensee failed to

perform a risk assessment prior to allowing relay work on the Unit 1 13.8kV standby bus 1G

to 4.16kV Aux EAB XFMR E1 B (train B 4.16kV switchgear) while these components were

protected for 345kV North bus and Unit 1 standby transformer planned maintenance.

Screening: The inspectors determined the performance deficiency was more than minor

because it was associated with the human performance attribute of the Initiating Events

cornerstone and adversely affected the cornerstone objective to limit the likelihood of events

that upset plant stability and challenge critical safety functions during shutdown as well as

power operations. Specifically, the failure to perform a risk assessment on the relay

calibration activity prevented proper controls to be implemented if the work activity was

deemed necessary, as such the licensee unknowingly increased the likelihood of upsetting

the stability of the plant.

Significance: The inspectors assessed the significance of the finding using Appendix K,

"Maintenance Risk Assessment and Risk Management SDP." In accordance with Step 4.1.1,

"Licensee Evaluation of Risk," the inspectors reviewed the licensee's risk evaluation that

indicated no additional numerical risk as a result of the additional maintenance activity

because the activity was not intended to open the associated breaker. The licensee's risk

assessment tools do not include an increase in the probability that equipment being worked

on will be lost from a postulated maintenance error. Given this notable limitation with the

licensee's configuration risk assessment tool, the inspectors requested the regional senior

reactor analyst to independently evaluate the risk. The analyst evaluated the bounding risk

related to a loss of offsite power to Bus E1 B. The analyst determined this failure would not

result in a plant transient and would not affect the other two Unit 1 trains being supplied by

offsite power. The analysis indicated that the availability of other redundant trains,

emergency onsite power, and the short period of time that offsite power would have been

unavailable given a maintenance error, resulted in a very low risk deficit (incremental core

damage probability). Therefore, this finding is of very low safety significance (Green).

Cross-Cutting Aspect: H.5 - Work Management: The organization implements a process of

planning, controlling, and executing work activities such that nuclear safety is the overriding

priority. The work process includes the identification and management of risk commensurate

to the work and the need for coordination with different groups or job activities. Specifically,


the licensee failed to implement the process of planning, controlling and executing work

activities such that nuclear safety is the overriding priority. The work control process did not

identify and manage the risk for the 13.8kV standby bus 1G breaker to the 4.16kV Aux EAB

XFMR EIB relay work activity.


Violation: Title 10 CFR 50.65 (a)(4) states, in part, "before performing maintenance activities,

the licensee shall assess and manage the increase in risk that may result from the proposed

maintenance activiti~s ... " Contrary to the above, on April 30, 2018, before performing

maintenance, the licensee failed to assess and manage the increase in risk that may result

from proposed maintenance activities. Specifically, the inspectors discovered that the

licensee performed relay calibration maintenance activities on the Unit 1, 13.8kV standby bus

1G to 4.16kV Aux EAB XFM R E 1B (train B 4.16kV switchgear) without a risk assessment as

required by 10 CFR 50.65(a)(4).

Enforcement Action: This violation is being treated as a non-cited violation, consistent with

Section 2.3.2 of the Enforcement Policy.

Inadequate Work Instruction Results in Loss of Soent Fuel Pool Cooling

Cornerstone Significance Cross-Cutting Report

Aspect Section

Barrier Integrity Green [H .8] - 71152

NCV 05000499/2019004-03 Procedure

Ooen/Closed Adherence ,

A self-revealed Green finding and associated non-cited violation of Technical Specification 6.8.1.a, Regulatory Guide 1.33, Section 9, was identified for the failure to

provide adequate work instruction for maintenance associated with an engineered safety

feature load sequencer and resulted in a loss of spent fuel pool cooling. Specifically, the

licensee failed to identify the correct replacement part for the train C engineered safety

feature load sequencer, and once installed resulted in a loss of all train C electrical loads,

includinq the operatinq train of spent fuel pool coolinq.

Description: On October 24, 2019, Unit 2 was in Mode 6 coming out of the refueling outage

with the core reloaded and one of two trains of spent fuel pool cooling in service when an

annunciator in the control room indicated an issue with the train C engineered safety feature

load sequencer. Work Planning developed a work order to remove and replace opto-isolators

in the sequencer as part of troubleshooting. Work Planning wrote the work order procedure

and ordered the parts from the warehouse to be delivered to the craft in their shop but used

the wrong stock code. Per the vendor drawings, opto-isolator model 0DC-24A was

supposed to be used (stock code 596-849). Instead, the work order and parts order

referenced stock code 596-775 which is for opto-isolator model ODC-24. While the two

models appear very similar, 0DC-24A allows an output of 125VDC while the ODC-24 allows

only 24VDC.

Instrumentation and control technicians went to the sequencer to replace the opto-isolators

as part of troubleshooting. When they removed the original opto-isolators (0DC-24A), the

technicians noted the "A" on the original components which were not present on their

replacements (ODC-24). Neither of the technicians could recall what the "A" represented,

and the work order did not explicitly provide the opto-isolator model (0DC-24A vs. ODC-24),

only the stock code which is not printed on the actual parts. The technicians installed the

replacement opto-isolator into the enqineered safety feature load sequencer and the


sequencer immediately shed all electrical loads from the train C electrical bus. With the train

C EDG in pull-to-stop for the sequencer troubleshooting, all train C electrical loads were lost

including the single train of spent fuel pool cooling that was in operation at the time.

Annunciators in the control room alerted operators the loads on the train C electrical bus were

lost, and one of those loads was spent fuel pool cooling. Operators restored spent fuel pool

cooling within 30 minutes with no rise in spent fuel pool water temperature. Operators took

the train C EDG out of pull-to-stop the EDG automatically started and loaded the bus without

issue. The core never lost residual heat removal as trains A and B were in service at this

time. The licensee made an 8-hour report to the NRG on October 25, 2019, at 3:24 a.m. for a

valid engineered safety feature actuation signal (Event Notification 54351 ).

The licensee initiated Condition Report 2019-12401 to investigate the event. The apparent

cause determined that work control failed to provide adequate work instruction by identifying

the wrong part to be installed jn the Unit 2, train C engineered safety feature load sequencer.

The licensee determined that the planners failed to use a reference Procedure, WCG-0003,

"Planner's Guide," Revision 39, that would have required this issue to be elevated to an

emergent issue requiring multiple stakeholders to meet to review the planned work.

Furthermore, the cause evaluation determined that maintenance technicians failed to follow

the maintenance conduct of operations procedure and compare parts and stop work if there

are any discrepancies.

Corrective Actions: The licensee counseled the technicians and work planners involved and

a lessons learned document was written and discussed with planning and maintenance. The

licensee has also included this event as a case study for their mechanical maintenance

training with an emphasis on verifying like-for-like parts.

Corrective Action References: Condition Reports 2019-12372 and 2019-12401

Performance Assessment:

Performance Deficiency: The failure to provide adequate work instruction for maintenance

associated with an engineered safety feature load sequencer, which resulted in a loss of

spent fuel pool cooling, was a performance deficiency. Specifically, the licensee failed to

identify and incorporate accurate component information when planning work on the train C

engineered safety feature load sequencer.

Screening: The inspectors determined the performance deficiency was more than minor

because it was associated with the SSC performance attribute of the Barrier Integrity

cornerstone and adversely affected the cornerstone objective to provide reasonable

assurance that physical design barriers protect the public from radionuclide releases caused

by accidents or events. Specifically, the failure to properly pre-plan and perform maintenance

on the train C engineered safety feature load sequencer caused a loss of all electrical loads

associated with the train C electrical bus. As a result, the single operating train of spent fuel

pool cooling was lost.

Significance: The inspectors assessed the significance of the finding using Appendix A, "The

Significance Determination Process (SDP) for Findings At-Power." Specifically, the finding

did not cause the spent fuel pool (SFP) temperature to exceed its maximum analyzed

temperature limit, did not result in a detectible release of radionuclides, did not result in a loss

of SFP water inventory below the SFP's minimum analvzed level limit, and did not affect the


SFP neutron absorber, fuel bundle loading pattern, or soluble boron concentration; therefore,

the findings were determined to be of very low safety significance, Green .

Cross-Cutting Aspect: H.8 - Procedure Adherence: Individuals follow processes, procedures,

and work instructions. Specifically, work planning failed to follow appropriate procedures to

ensure multi-discipline participation to determine a proper plan of action and in assembling

adequate work instructions to repair the Unit 2, train C engineered safety feature load

sequencer without challenqing the plant equipment.


Violation: Technical Specification 6.8.1.a, requires, in part, that written procedures shall be

established, implemented, and maintained in accordance with Appendix A of Regulatory

Guide 1.33, Revision 2, February 1978. Section 9 of Appendix A to Regulatory Guide 1.33,

Revision 2, requires that "maintenance that can affect the performance of safety-related

equipment should be properly pre-planned and performed in accordance with written

procedures, documented instructions, or drawings appropriate to the circumstances."

Contrary to the above on October 24, 2019, the licensee failed to properly pre-plan

maintenance that can affect the performance of safety-related equipment. Specifically, the

licensee failed to identify and request the correct replacement parts for the Unit 2, train C

engineered safety feature load sequencer. As a result, Unit 2, lost all train C electrical loads,

including the single operating train of spent fuel pool cooling.

Enforcement Action: This violation is being treated as a non-cited violation, consistent with

Section 2.3.2 of the Enforcement Policy.

Inadequate Work Instructions Result in Reactor Coolant System Leaks

Cornerstone Significance Cross-Cutting Report

Aspect Section

Initiating Events Green [H.5] -Work 71152

NCV 05000499,05000498/2019004-04 Management


A self-revealed Green finding and associated non-cited violation of Technical Specification 6.8.1.a was identified for the failure to provide adequate work instruction for compression

fitting connections that resulted in reactor coolant system (RCS) leakage. Specifically, the

licensee failed to provide adequate work instructions for reconnecting high-pressure RCS

instrument tubing compression fittings. This resulted in RCS leaks which required a

temporary modification and a high-risk work activity to stop the leaks that threatened stable

plant operations.

Descri ption: At South Texas Project, each RCS primary loop has three independent flow

transmitters that would input into the reactor protection system to trip the reactor if 2 out of 3

flow transmitters in a single loop were to read less than 92 percent. Per Technical Specification 3.3.1, each channel could be bypassed for up to 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> then the channel

would have to be restored or placed into a "Trip" condition.

On August 29, 2018, Unit 2, field operators inside containment identified an active RCS leak

at RCS flow transmitter RC-FT-0428 (loop B flow transmitter). Specifically, the leak was

almost a steady stream of fluid, apparently emanating from a tubing fitting. Condition

Report 2018-10183 was written to note the deficiency. Later that year, a temporary

modification was installed to encapsulate the leaking tube fitting and injected with leak stop

until the leak was arrested. Operations installed a camera to periodically monitor the leak for


degradation. The modification was planned to be removed, and tubing and fittings replaced

during the next Unit 2, refueling outage in October 2019.

On November 14, 2018, Unit 1 field operators inside containment identified an active RCS

leak at RCS flow transmitter RC-FT-0419 (loop A flow transmitter). Specifically, the leak was

approximately a two-foot steam plume. Condition Report 2018-13993 was written to note the

deficiency. The licensee gained alignment to tighten the tubing connection, which was a

high-risk work activity. The tubing connection was successfully tightened, which reduced the

steam plume to several milliliters per minute leak. Operations installed a camera to

periodically monitor the leak for degradation. In addition, operations collected actual leak

rates from this tube connection. Due to the tubing configuration, a temporary modification to

install an encapsulating box as was done for the loop B flow transmitter was not feasible and

would have to be repaired in the next Unit 1, refueling outage in March 2020. However, prior

to the refueling outage, the leak began to get worse and engineering was tasked with

developing a repair solution. On December 6, 2019 the licensee successfully replaced the

leaking connection and tubing while at 100 percent power without perturbating the Unit. This

was a high-risk evolution that could have resulted in a reactor trip.

On November 24, 2018, Unit 1 operators identified that RCS flow transmitter RC-FT-0449

(loop D flow transmitter) would periodically exceed its three percent channel checks with the

other two loop D flow transmitters, RC-FT-0447 and RC-FT-0448. Condition

Report 2018-14266 was written to document the deficiency. It was determined that the flow

transmitter RC-FT-0449 was over ranged following a repair of a fitting leak identified at the

end of the refueling outage, while in Mode 3. This issue would have to be addressed in the

next Unit 1, refueling outage in March 2020.

The licensee initiated Condition Report 2018-14369 to evaluate the current trend of RCS

tubing compression fitting leaks as well as search for tubing leaks for the last four refueling

outages. The licensee's evaluation identified approximately 44 compression fitting issues

dating back to 2015. The common cause concluded that the leaks were a result of improper

assembly of Parker CPI compression fittings due to inadequate guidance in

procedure OPGP03-ZE-0056, "Instrumentation Installation," Addendum 7, "Installation

Instructions for Compression Fittings." In addition, the licensee determined that there was

inconsistent work instruction rigor for re-making these fittings in maintenance packages and

some relied on skill of the craft. It was also determined that the procedure did not incorporate

vendor recommendations on reassembly and did not use proper gages and other reassembly


Corrective Actions: The licensee enhanced procedure OPGP03-ZE-0056, 'Tubing and

Instrumentation" to reflect vendor recommendations for reassembly and the use of proper

tools. Training was identified and implemented to those maintenance workers who have this

certification. Lastly, the licensee revised portions of the procedure to "in-hand" use to ensure


Corrective Action References: Condition Reports 2018-10183, 2018-13993, 2018-14266,

and 2018-14369.


Performance Assessment:

Performance Deficiency: The failure to provide adequate work instruction for reassembly of

tubing compression fittings was a performance deficiency. Specifically, maintenance

activities of installing and reinstalling Parker tubing compression fittings without adequate

guidance resulted in repetitive RCS tubing leaks, which challenged stable plant operations.

Screening: The performance deficiency was determined to be more than minor because it

was associated with the equipment performance attribute of the Initiating Events cornerstone

and affected the cornerstone objective to limit the likelihood of events that upset plant stability

and challenge critical safety functions during shutdown as well as power operations.

Specifically, the failure to provide adequate work instructions to repair, remake, replace

Parker tubing compression fittings, resulted in RCS tubing leaks and instrument inaccuracies

that unduly challenged stable plant operations and high risk work evolutions to mitigate and

repair during the operational cycle.

Significance: The inspectors assessed the significance of the finding using Appendix A, "The

Significance Determination Process (SOP) for Findings At-Power." Specifically, the finding

(1 )could not result in exceeding RCS leak rate for a small LOCA; (2) could not have affected

other systems used to mitigate a LOCA (LOCA Initiator); and (3) did not cause a reactor trip

and the loss of mitigating equipment relied upon to transition the plant from the onset of the

trip to a stable shutdown condition (Transient Initiators), therefore, the finding was determined

to be of very low safety significance, Green.

Cross-Cutting Aspect: H.5 - Work Management: The organization implements a process of

planning, controlling, and executing work activities such that nuclear safety is the overriding

priority. The work process includes the identification and management of risk commensurate

to the work and the need for coordination with different groups or job activities. Specifically,

the work planning organization failed to ensure that quality work instruction products were

provided to the workforce to execute activities such that nuclear safety was the overriding



Violation: Technical Specification 6.8.1.a, requires in part, that written procedures shall be

established, implemented, and maintained in accordance with Appendix A of Regulatory

Guide 1.33, Revision 2, February 1978. Section 9, "Procedures for Performing Maintenance,"

of Appendix A to Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 2, requires, in part, that maintenance that

can affect the performance of safety-related equipment should be properly pre planned and

performed in accordance with written procedures, documented instructions, or drawings

appropriate to the circumstances. The licensee established procedure OPGP03-ZE-0056,

"Instrumentation Installation," Addendum 7, "Installation Instructions for Compression

Fittings," to meet that requirement for installing compression fitting on safety-related, reactor

coolant system tubing connections. Contrary to the above, from March 23, 2015 to August

14, 2019, the licensee failed provide adequate work instructions to properly install

compression fittings on safety-related reactor coolant system tubing connections. As a result,

multiple leaks were discovered on both units which challenged stable plant operations.

Enforcement Action: This violation is being treated as a non-cited violation, consistent with

Section 2.3.2 of the Enforcement Policy.


Failure to Follow Procedure Results in Two Inoperable Emerqencv Diesel Generators

Cornerstone Significance Cross-Cutting Report

Aspect Section

Mitigating Green [H.11]- 71152

Systems NCV 05000499,05000498/2019004-05 Challenge the

Open/Closed Unknown

A self-revealed Green finding and associated non-cited violation of Technical Specification 6.8.1.a, Regulatory Guide 1.33, Section 3.s.2.a, was identified for the failure to

follow an emergency diesel generator (EOG) testing procedure, which resulted in two EDGs

becoming inoperable at the same time. Specifically, the licensee failed to follow procedure

OPOP02-DG-0001, "Emergency Diesel Generator 11(21)," Checklist 1, "DG Standby

Operation Checklist," Revision 70, Step 29.2, such that the train B EOG became inoperable

while the train A, EOG was inoperable.

Description: Unit 1 at South Texas Project has three trains of EDGs. On May 23, 2019,

operations personnel began restoring the train A, EDG following planned maintenance using

OPOP02-DG-0001, "Emergency Diesel Generator 11 (21 )," Checklist 1, "DG Standby

Operation Checklist," Revision 70. A non-licensed operator was sent to the train A, EOG

local panel to perform step 29.2, which states "DEPRESS both 'EMERGENCY STOP

CIRCUIT' RESET pushbuttons." However, the non-licensed operator inadvertently went to

the train B, EOG local panel, depressed the "STOP" pushbuttons after depressing the

"RESET" pushbuttons, and did not receive an expected response. The control room

immediately received unexpected alarms indicating a malfunction with the starting circuit for

the train B, EDG and causing the EOG to become inoperable. With both the trains A and B,

EDGs inoperable, Unit 1 entered Technical Specification with a 24-hour LCO action

statement to restore at least one inoperable EOG to operable status, or apply the

requirements of the Configuration Risk Management Program, or be in at least hot standby

within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

The control room staff immediately investigated the unexpected alarms and identified that the

issue with the starting circuit for the train B EOG was the result of human error. Another non-

licensed operator restored the starting circuit for the train B EOG. The control room declared

the train operable within 30 minutes of the train being made inoperable, exiting the 24-hour

LCO action statement.

Corrective Actions: Operations counseled the non-licensed operator and issued a site wide

Lessons Learned emphasizing the importance of taking the correct action on the correct train.

Corrective Action References: Condition Report 2019-5842

Performance Assessment:

Performance Deficiency: The failure to implement maintenance procedures involving safety-

related equipment was a performance deficiency. Specifically, a non-licensed operator failed

to implement procedure OPOP02-DG-0001, "Emergency Diesel Generator 11 (21 )," on the

correct EOG train and failed to manipulate the correct pushbuttons on the EOG local panel.

Screening: The inspectors determined the performance deficiency was more than minor

because it was associated with the equipment performance attribute of the Mitigating

Systems cornerstone and adversely affected the cornerstone objective to ensure the

availability, reliability, and capability of systems that respond to initiating events to prevent

undesirable conseauences. Specificallv, the failure to implement maintenance procedures


involving the emergency diesel generators caused a second train of EOG to be made

inoperable. As a result, on May 23, 2019, Unit 1 entered into an unplanned 24-hour shutdown

action statement for both train A and B emergency diesel generators being inoperable.

Significance: The inspectors assessed the significance of the finding using Appendix A, "The

Significance Determination Process (SOP) for Findings At-Power." Specifically, the finding

did not cause an actual loss of function of at least a single train for greater than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

The train B emergency diesel generator was restored to operable within 30 minutes.

Cross-Cutting Aspect: H.11 - Challenge the Unknown: Individuals stop when faced with

uncertain conditions. Risks are evaluated and managed before proceeding. Specifically, the

non-licensed operator failed to stop after depressing the "RESET pushbuttons on the

emergency diesel generator local panel and not receiving an expected response. Operations

also failed to evaluate and manage the risk of sending a newly qualified non-licensed

operator to perform a first-time evolution without supervision or assistance.


Violation: Technical Specification 6.8.1.a, requires, in part, that written procedures shall be

established, implemented, and maintained in accordance with Appendix A of Regulatory

Guide 1.33, Revision 2, February 1978. Section 3.s.2.a of Appendix A to Regulatory

Guide 1.33, Revision 2, requires, in part, that instructions for energizing, startup, shutdown,

and changing modes of operation should be prepared for emergency power sources (e.g.,

diesel generators). The licensee established OPOP02-DG-0001, "Emergency Diesel

Generator 11 (21 }," Revision 70, to meet the Regulatory Guide 1.33 requirement. Checklist 1,

"DG Standby Operation Checklist," step 29.2 of the OPOP02-DG-0001 procedure states,

"DEPRESS both 'EMERGENCY STOP CIRCUIT' RESET pushbuttons." Contrary to the

above, on May 23, 2019, a non-licensed operator depressed both "EMERGENCY STOP

CIRCUIT" RESET pushbuttons for the incorrect EOG train and depressed an additional set of

pushbuttons after not receiving the expected response from the RESET pushbuttons.

Specifically, the licensee depressed the RESET and STOP pushbuttons for the Unit 1, train B

EOG. As a result, the train B, EOG was made inoperable during a time period where train A,

EOG was inoperable for maintenance, and operations made an unplanned entry into

Technical Specification, a 24-hour shutdown action statement.

Enforcement Action: This violation is being treated as a non-cited violation, consistent with

Section 2.3.2 of the Enforcement Policy.

Observation: Semi-annual Trend Review I 71152

The inspectors reviewed the licensee's corrective action program entries, maintenance

activities, emergent maintenance issues, plant health reports, outage performance reviews,

NRC generated condition reports, and NRC inspector walk downs.

The inspectors noted and documented the following issues and trends:

  • There are site wide issues with procedure use and adherence. Inspectors have

identified numerous issues while performing inspections (minor violations). Some of

these include signing work order steps complete before the step was complete,

equipment for risk significant work requiring entry into the Configuration Risk

Management Program were not properly protected, inadequate independent

verification of procedure steps, and failure to construct scaffolding in accordance with

orocedural quidance. In addition to these observations, the licensee identified similar


issues as illustrated in the South Texas Project 2019 mid-cycle review. The licensee

completed a common cause evaluation and is in the process of implementing

corrective actions.

  • There have been several nuclear instrumentation issues and challenges, especially

during the last few outages. These issues have resulted in issuance of a Licensee

Event Report; an NRG-identified technical specification violation; and several

emergent issues that have challenged operations (making technical specification

calls), maintenance resources, and outage schedule delays and changes. The

licensee has entered the issues into the corrective action program to perform an

analysis and prescribe corrective actions, which is scheduled for completion in

February 2020.

  • The licensee has recently experienced several issues involving engineered safety

feature load sequencers. A13art from one self-revealed technical specification violation

(documented in this report in Section 71152), the licensee.handled each issue

appropriately and without issue. In conjunction with the inspector observations, the

licensee had also identified a possible trend and entered the issue into the corrective

action program for analysis. The analysis is scheduled for completion in

February 2020.


The inspectors verified no proprietary information was retained or documented in this report.

inspection results to Ms. K. Harshaw, Vice President Regulatory Affairs and General

Counsel, and other members of the licensee staff.

  • On October 28, 2019, the inspectors presented the in service inspection results to

Mr. J. Connolly, Executive Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer, and other members

of the licensee staff.

  • On November 25, 2019, the inspectors presented the Emergency Plan In-Office Review

inspection results to Mr. J. Enoch, Manager, Emergency Response, and other members

of the licensee staff.

  • On December 17, 2019, the inspectors presented the failure to report a change in

medical condition of a licensed operator inspection results to Mr. L. Sterling, Regulatory

Affairs Manager, and other members of the licensee staff.

  • On December 19, 2019, the inspectors presented the biennial operator requalification

inspection results to Mr. D. Breland, Supervisor, Operations Training, and other

members of the licensee staff.

  • On January 23, 2020, the inspectors presented the integrated inspection results to

Ms. K. Harshaw, Vice President Regulatory Affairs and General Counsel, and other

members of the licensee staff.



Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

71111.040 Drawings 5R209F05017#2 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Component Colling 20

Water System

5R289F05038#1 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Essential Cooling Water 20

System Train 1B

5V119V10001#1 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Essential Chilled Water 35


8T219F00031#1 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Condenser Air Removal 26

Procedures OPOP02-CC-OOO 1 Component CoolinQ Water 51

OPOP02-CH-OOO 1 Essential Chilled Water System 57

OPOP02-CR-OOO 1 Main Condenser Air Removal 71

71111.04S Corrective Action CR-YYYY-NNNN 2019-11970 2019-12022 2019-11969 2019-12023


Drawings 5R209F05019#2 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Component Cooling 18

Water System

5R209F05020#2 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Component Cooling 17

Water System

71111.05A Procedures OMAB02-FP-0128 Fire Preplan Mechanical Auxiliary Building CCW Pump and 4

Chiller, Train A

OMAB20-FP-0129 Fire Preplan Mechanical Auxiliary Building Non-Radioactive 3

Pipe Chase

OMAB27-FP-0142 Fire Preplan Mechanical Auxiliary Building CCW Heat 3


1ECW53-FP- Fire Preplan Essential Cooling Water Intake Structure Pump 5

0600 Room Train A

71111.050 Procedures OMAB02-FP-O 128 Fire Preplan Mechanical Auxiliary Building CCW Pump and 4

Chiller, Train A

OMAB20-FP-O 129 Fire Preplan Mechanical Auxiliary Building Non-Radioactive 3

Pipe Class

ORCB63-FP-0211 Fire Preplan Reactor Containment Building SW Peripheral 3


ORCB63-FP-0212 Fire Preplan Reactor Containment Building NW Peripheral 3



Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

ORCB63-FP-0213 Fire Preplan Reactor Containment Building NE Peripheral 3


2ECW58-FP- Fire Preplan Essential Cooling Water Intake Structure Pump 5

0605 Room Train A

71111.06 Calculations NC9701 Flooding Analysis: Electrical Auxiliary Building 5

Drawings 6M-18-9-N-5039 Mechanical & Electrical Auxiliary Building Section C-C Area 2


6M18-9-N-5023 Mechanical Electrical Auxiliary Building Plan @ EL. 35'-0" 6

Area H

6M189N05024 Mechanical Electrical Auxiliary Building Plan@ EL. 35'-0", 6

Area J

9M-06-9-B-0155 Plumbing - M.E.A.B. Floor Plan EL. 35'-0" Area 18 & 19 6

9M131A01030 Mechanical and Electrical Auxiliary Floor Plan EL. 1O' -0" Unit 17


9M131A01033 Mechanical and Electrical Auxiliary Building Floor Plan at 17

Elev. 35'-0" and 41'-0

71111.08P Corrective Action CR -YYYY-NNNN 2015-20733, 2017-13869, 2017-18341, 2018-6845,

Documents 2019-6008, 2019-7950, 2019-11368, 2019-11675,

2019-11865, 2019-12194, 2019-12243, 2019-12291,


Drawings E10025E58 South Texas Units 1 & 2 Closure Head General Assembly 4

Interface Inf. for RRVCH

SB-9406-HL5007 Snubber and Mountinc::i Supports 2

Miscellaneous South Texas Project, Units 1 AND 2 -Request for Relief RR- 04/05/2011

ENG-3-02 from ASME Code Requirements for Reactor

Pressure Vessel Insert Non-Destructive Examination {TAC

NOS. ME4764 AND ME4765)

South Texas Project, Unit 2 - Request for Relief NO. RR- 06/30/2016

ENG-3-20 for Extension of the Inspection Frequency of the

Reactor Vessel Cold-Leg Nozzle to Safe-End Welds with

Flaw Analysis (CAC NO. MF7428)

AE-NOC- South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2 - Request for Relief RR- 09/10/2012

12002347 ENG-3-04 to Apply Alternative to the American Society of

Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code


Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

Section XI Requirements for Examination of Class 1 and

Class 2 Piping Welds (TAC NOS. ME70SS AND ME70S6)

MRP-058 Materials Reliability Program: Boric Acid Corrosion 2

Guidebook, Revision 2: Managing Boric Acid Corrosion

Issues at PWR Power Stations

PQR-003 Procedure Qualification Record 0

PQR-016 Procedure Qualification Record. P8-T-Ag-1 0

PQR-035 Procedure Qualification Record for P8-T-Aq. 2

PQR-037 Procedure Qualification Record for WPS P8-T-Ag, P8-A, P8- 09/05/1989


PQR-040 Procedure Qualification Record for WPS P1-A/P1 -A-LLh/P1- 11/17/1989


PQR-046 Procedure Qualification Record for WPS P8-T-Ag and P8- 01/24/1990


PQR-087A Procedure Qualification Record for WPS P1-AT-Lh (CVN ) 10/28/1991

PQR-126 Procedure Qualification Record for WPS P1-T (CVN ) 03/16/1995

PQR-127 Procedure Qualification Record for WPS P1-T (CVN ) 03/16/1995

PQR-197 Procedure Qualification Record for WPS P8-T-Ao 04/10/2003

PQR-199 Procedure Qualification Record for WPS P1-A-Lh 10/14/2003

WPS P1-A-Lh ASME Welding Procedure Specification (WPS). Single and Revision 8

Double Welded Groove, Fillet Welds Socket Welds, and

other joint designs specified

In WPS WJD (Weld Joint Desiqn).

WPS P1-T ASME Welding Procedure Specification (WPS). Single and Revision 9

Double Welded Groove, Fillet Welds, Socket Welds, and

other joint designs specified

In WPS WJD (Weld Joint Desiqn).

NOE Reports MT-2019-030 Closure Head Bolting/ Closure Stud 1B through 368 10/18/2019

through MT-2019-


PT-2019-049 eves Low Pressure Letdown ORC Isolation Test Valve. 10/16/2019

FW0027 (Pipe to VLV CV0391 ).

PT-2019-052 eves Low Pressure Letdown ORC Isolation Test Valve. 10/16/2019

FW0028 (Pipe to Elbow)


Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

PT-2019-054 CVCS Low Pressure Letdown ORC Isolation Valve CV- 10/18/2019

0391. FW0009.

PT-2019-057 Flange to Upper Case I SIAPLH-2AOPCW1 / Pum p 2A 10/21/2019

PT-2019-059 Upper Case to Lower Case I SIAPLH-2A-PCW2 / Pump 2 10/20/2019

PT-2019-060 Lower Case Seam Weld / SIAPLH-2A-PCW5 / Pum p 2A 10/20/2019

PT-2019-061 Nozzle to Upper Case I SIAPLH-2A-PCW4 / Pump 2A 10/21/2019

UT-2019-031 PRZ-2-N4C/Safety Nozzle to Shell 10/16/2019

UT-2019-042 PRZ-2-N4A/Relief Nozzle to Shell 10/19/2019

UT-2019-043 PRZ-2-N2/Spray Nozzle to Shell 10/19/2019

UT~2019-044 PRZ-2-N3/Safety Nozzle to Shell 10/19/2019

UT-2019-048 RSG-2A-T1 / Tube plate to Lower Shell Barrel A 10/22/2019

VCT-2019-041 EW-2188-HL5001 / U-Strap Support 10/24/2019

VE-2019-001 BMI Penetration/ No. 1-58 10/07/2019

VE-2019-002 Reactor Vessel Closure Head/Bare Metal Visual Penetration 10/15/2019

Nozzles, 1-9, 14-23, 25-27, 29-61, 66, 68, 70, 72, 75-78,

including vent pipe and general head area.

VE-2019-003 Reactor Vessel Closure Head/Bare Metal Visual Penetration 10/16/2019

Nozzles, 1-9, 14-23, 25-27, 29-61, 66, 68, 70, 72, 75-78,

including vent pipe and general head area.

VE-2019-004 Reactor Vessel Closure Head/Bare Metal Visual Penetration 10/17/2019

Nozzles, 1-9, 14-23, 25-27, 29-61, 66, 68, 70, 72, 75-78,

including vent pipe and general head area.

VE-2019-005 Reactor Vessel Closure Head/Bare Metal Visual Penetration 10/18/2019

Nozzles, 1-9, 14-23, 25-27, 29-61, 66, 68, 70, 72, 75-78,

including vent pipe and general head area.

VT1/3-2019-094 Lower Case to Bottom Head/ SIAPLH-2A-PCW3 / Pum p 2A 10/21/2019

Procedures OPEP1 O-ZA-0004 General Ultrasonic Examination 8

OPEP10-ZA-0010 Liquid Penetrant Examination (Color Contrast Solvent 6


OPEP1 O-ZA-0019 Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Examination For ASME 4

Section XI PSI/ISi

OPEP1 O-ZA-0024 ASME XI Examination for VT-1 and VT-3 5

OPEP1 O-ZA-0054 ASME Section XI VE Visual Examinations 2

OPGP03-ZE-0033 RCS Pressure Boundary Inspection for Boric Acid Leaks 13


Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

OPGP03-ZE-0133 Boric Acid Corrosion Control Program 12

OPM02-ZW-0005 Control of Postweld Heat Treat 5

OPMP02-0001 C AWS-HVAC Weldinq Re.quirements 1

OPMP02-ZW- General Welding Requirements 12


OPMP02-ZW- ASME Repair Replacement Welding Requirements 2


OPMP02-ZW- ASME-ANSI B31.1 Welding Requirements 2


OPMP02-ZW- Welding Documentation Requirements 2


OPMP02-ZW- Welding procedure Specification Preparation and 8

0002 Qualification

OPMP02-ZW- Welder Qualification and Certification 11


OPMP02-ZW- Control of Filler Materials 19


OPMP02-ZW- Arc Wire Thermal Spray Coatings 2


Self-Assessments CR 14-10410 Risk-Informed ISi Periodic Evaluation for South Texas 06/24/2014

Project Electric

Generating Station Units 1 & 2 in Conjunction with End of

the Third Interval, First Period.

Work Orders w.o. 96011721 (1MB) LOOP 2 RCS Flow Transmitter FT-0429 ISOL VLV 0

w.o. 96011791 eves Letdown Orifice Header Isolation Valve 0

W .O. 96013680 Main Steam Isolation Valve 2D Above Seat Drain Isolation 0

W.0.576310 CentrifuQal Charqinq Pump 2A DischarQe Vent Valve 0

71111.118 Corrective Action 2019-10407 MSIV Operability Surveillance Procedure not followed 09/20/2019

Documents 2019-10562 Totalizer Event on 9/22/2019 09/24/2019

2019-4962 Train A CRE/HVAC Inoperable 05/02/2019

2019-8301 Inoperable Reactor Head Vent Valves 08/01/2019

2019-9357 Inadequate Control Room Loq entries 08/29/2019

Miscellaneous None Simulator Differences List 09/10/2019

None 2019 Biennial NRC Written Exams weeks 1 and 3 11/18/2019


Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

None NRC Annual Operatinq Tests Weeks 1 and 3 11/18/2019

TT01 Simulator Transient Test 01 Manual Reactor Trip 11/04/2019

TT02 Simulator Transient Test 2 Trip of all Main Feed Pumps 11/04/2019

Procedures OPOP01-ZA-0014 Licensed Operator License Maintenance Revision 30

OPGP03-ZA- Medical Exams-NRG Regulated Revision 0


OPGP03-ZT-0132 Licensed Operator Requalification Revision 13

OPNT01-TQ-1001 Examination Security Revision 1

OPNT01-ZA-0037 Simulator Confiquration Control Revision 13

LOR-GL-0001 LOR Training Program Guidelines Revision 35

LOR-GL-0002 Licensed Operator Requal Annual/Biennial Evaluation Revision 28


LOR-GL-0006 LOR Conduct of Simulator Training Guidelines Revision 32

71111.110 Corrective Action CR-YYYY-NNNN 2019-14056 2014-12615 1995-13955 2004-4336


Miscellaneous Maintenance Rule Expert Panel Meeting Minutes, March,

May, June, July, August, Se,ptember November 2019

17-YU-003, 2017 Essential Cooling Pond (ECP) Seepage Calculations 0

MC-6498 Essential Coolinq Pond Thermal Performance Analysis 1

VTD-R 165-0029 Instruction Manual for Essential Cooling Water Pump Motor 1

VTD-STP1-0001 Rotating Equipment Oil Level Limits and Labels 4

VTD-W 120-0108 Lame AC Motors - Lice Line D Vertical Induction Motors 5

Procedures OPMP04-EW- Essential Cooling Water Pump Maintenance 30


OPMP05-EW- Essential Cooling Water Pump Motor Inspection 13


OPSP04-ZE-0313 Maintenance Rule Proqram 9

SEG-0009 Maintenance Rule Basis Document Guideline 6

Work Orders Work 574254 592053 585021 612238



71111.12 Corrective Action CR-YYYY-NNNN 2019-1762, 2019-2357, 2019-2393, 2019-4652,

Documents 2019-9269, 2019-8512, 2019-13994, 2019-4359,


Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

2019-13709, 2019-8052

71111.13 Calculations RA RICTCal 3505

Corrective Action CR-YYYY-NNNN 2019-14338


Procedures OPGP03-Z0-0055 Protected Components 13

OPOP01-Z0-0006 Risk Management Actions (RMAs) 27

71111.15 Corrective Action CR-YYYY-NNNN 2019-12034, 2019-13137, 2019-13079, 2009-18939

Documents 2019-8731, 2014-8012, 2019-7580, 2019-5498

2019-13150, 2018-6459, 2019-13477

Drawings 50159F22540#2 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Standby Diesel Jacket 22


Miscellaneous VTD-T147-0001 Terry Steam Turbine Manual 2

VTD-T147-0008 Terry Turbine Maintenance Guide, Auxiliary Feedwater AFW 7


VTD-W290-0029 Installation and Operation Manual Overspeed Trip Test 0

Device for PG Governors

Procedures OPGP03-AZ-0133 Fluid Leak Management Program 6

OPGP03-ZA-0514 Controlled System or Barrier Impairment 17

OPGP03-ZE-0030 Control Room Envelope Habitability Program 4

OPGP03-Z0-0046 RCS Leakage Monitoring 11

OPMP04-AF-0002 Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Turbine and Governor Valve 42



OPOP02-HE-0001 Electrical Auxiliary Buildinq HVAC System 40

Work Orders Work 556056 489463



71111.18 Corrective Action CR-YYYY-NNNN 2019-11901 2019-4165 2019-11971


Drawinqs 5R219F05028#2 Spent Fuel Pool Coolinq and Cleanu p System 31

Procedures OPMP09-PM- Temporary Configuration Changes to Support Class 1E 0

OOOB Train B MCC Outages

71111.19 Corrective Action CR-YYYY-NNNN 2019-11348, 2019-11348


Procedures OPEP07-ZE-0002 LLRT Rig Operation 10


Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

OPEP07-ZE-0003 Normal/Suoolementarv Purge Valve Failure/Troubleshooting 7

OPEP07-ZE-0003 Normal/Suoolementarv Purae Valve Failure/Troubleshooting 7

OPMP04-ZG-0093 Fisher Butterfly 12 and 48 in. Valve Maintenance 6

OPSP05-RC- RCS Flow Transmitter Calibration 13


OPSP11-HC-0001 LLRT M-41 Normal Containment Purge Exhaust 17

OPSP11-HC-0001 LLRT M-41 Normal Containment Purge Exhaust 17

OPSP11-XC-0004 LLRT Penetration: M-91 Auxiliary Airlock Door Seals 16

Work Orders Work 523127, 550267, 548433, 601368, 548433



71111.20 Miscellaneous 2RE20 Shutdown Risk Assessment Report 08/27/2019

Procedures OPOP02-RC-0003 Filling and Ventina the Reactor Coolant System 45

OPOP03-ZG-0006 Plant Shutdown from 100% to Hot Standby 74

OPOP03-ZG-0007 Plant Cooldown 88

OPOP03-ZG-0007 Plant Cooldown 80

OPOP03-ZG-0010 Refuelinci Operations 81

OPOP08-FH-0001 Refueling Machine Operating Instruction 53

OPOP08-FH-0009 Core Refuelina 50

71111.22 Corrective Action CR-YYYY-NNNN 2019-9708 2019-14780 2019-3044


Drawings 00009EODJM#1 Single Line Diagram 125VDC Class IE Distribution SWBD. 20

E1A11 (Channel 1) (E.A.B.) Sheet 01

Procedures OPOP07-FR-0006 FLEX Diesel Generator Performance Test 12

OPOP07-FR-0006 FLEX Diesel Generator Performance Test 12

OPSP03-AF-0003 Auxiliarv Feedwater Pump 13(23) lnservice Test 43

OPSP03-DG-0003 Standbv Diesel 13(23) Ooerability Test 64

OPSP03-EW- Essential Cooling Water System Train C Testing 56


71114.04 Corrective Action CR-YYYY-NNNN 2019-14047


Miscellaneous NOC-AE- South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2; Docket Nos. STN 50- 8/8/2019

19003676 498; STN 50-499; Supplement to Changes to the South


Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

Texas Project Emergency Plan

NOC-AE- South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2; Docket Nos. STN 50- 8/8/2019

19003678 498; STN 50-499; Changes to the South Texas Project

Emergency Plan

Procedures OERP01-ZV-IN10 Administration of Potassium Iodide 0

71124.01 Corrective Action CR-YYYY-NNNN 2018-03911, 2018-03912, 2018-04050, 2018-04527,

Documents 2018-04528, 2018-04757, 2018-04761, 2018-04933,

2018-06016, 2018-08247, 2018-09871, 2018-11562,

2018-11664, 2018-12157, 2018-12381, 2018-12559,

2018-12585, 2018-13229, 2018-14735, 2019-01215,

2019-03426, 2019-03573, 2019-07939, 2019-11659,


Miscellaneous Stand Fast WB Count Report - .(reportinQ in nCi) 10/23/2019

18-12339 Ag-110 in CVCS during 1RE21 10/16/2018

19-11442-1 DAC-hr Assessment for Condition Report 19-11442 10/18/2019

19-3165-7 ALARA Review Package - 2RE20 Non-Rapid Refuel 10/01/2019

19-3165-9 ALARA Review Package - 2RE20 Room 003 Activities 10/01/2019

Procedures OPEP02-ZM-0009 Spent Fuel Pool Storage and Work 10

OPGP03-ZR-0048 Personnel Dosimetry Program 21

OPGP03-ZR-0050 Radiation Protection Program 14

OPGP03-ZR-0051 Radiological Access Controls/Standards 43

OPRP01-ZA-0010 Radiation Protection Task Schedule 16

OPRP01-ZA-0042 Job Coverage 1

OPRP04-ZR-OO 13 Radiological Survey Program 39

OPRP04-ZR-0015 Radiological Postings and Warning Devices 37

OPRP04-ZR-0019 High Radiation Area Access Controls 0

OPRP07-ZR-0016 Lockdown and Posting for Transfer of Spent Fuel/Irradiated 10

Material ThrouQh Transfer Tube

Radiation 21434 Air Sample Data Sheet - Room 4 B/C Enclosure - Change 04/06/2018

Surveys Out Filter

21441 Air Sample Data Sheet - B/C HEPA Enclosure Pre-Filter 04/07/2018

ChanQe Out

21468 Air Sample Data Sheet - Reactor Cavity Decontamination 04/14/2018

21498 Air Sample Data Sheet - "B" S/G Platform - Job CoveraQe of 04/19/2018


Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

Nozzle Dams

21505 Air Sample Data Sheet - "B" SIG Platform - Job Coverage of 04/19/2018

Nozzle Dams

22373 Air Sample Data Sheet - Near S. Stairwell - Verify 10/01/2019


Survey# 97442, 98130, 99286, 99321, 102863, 104598, 105041,

105049, 105646, 105785, 105796, 105992, 106223,

106234, 106258, 106397, 106565, 106797, 106801,

106824, 106862

Radiation Work 2019-2-0145 2RE20 - Maintenance Support for Work In and Around 0

Permits (RWPs) Reactor Cavity, Spent Fuel Pool, and Transfer Canal (HRA)

2019-2-0158 2RE20 - Reactor Head Lift Activities (LHRA) 0

2019-2-0164 2RE20 - Retract/ Re-Insert Thimble Tubes (LHRA) 0

2019"'.2-0165 2RE20 - Maintenance and Support Work - Room 307 0


2019-2-0167 2RE20 - Mechanical Stress Improvement Process (MSIP) 0

Work Activities (HRA)

2019-2-0173 2RE20 - Maintenance on N2CVPSV3100 (LHRA} 0

Self-Assessments 18-10431 Self-Assessment: FT-0428 Radiological Surveys 10/07/2018

18-11300-1 Self-Assessment: 1RE21 Survey Snapshot 10/18/2018

19-02643 RP ProQram Formal Self-Assessment 06/06/2019

71124.03 Corrective Action CR-YYYY-NNNN 2017-13657, 2017-13733, 2017-15060, 2017-16403,

Documents 2017-16501, 2017-17137, 2017-17894, 2017-19406,

2017-20490, 2017-24212, 2017-24235, 2018-01438,

2018-01607, 2018-01824, 2018-01837, 2018-04227,

2018-06620, 2018-08647, 2018-10747, 2019-05126,


Corrective Action CR-YYYY-NNNN 2019-12240, 2019-12368


Resulting from


Miscellaneous AirHawk SCBA Personnel Fit Test, Medical, and Respiratory

Training dates for cost centers 87, 840, 841, 842, and 843

MSA CARE Certification for Darryl Malone (Vallen Freeport) 06/08/2018


Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

000107 Vallen Freeport: Bauer Compressor Air Quality from

February 1, 2018- October 23, 2019

2019, 03 Department of Transoortation Audit: Vallen Freeport 09/23/2019

Respirator 453, 537, 569, 574, 606,

Review 1210, 3709, 3715, 3716, 3718,

3721, 3725, 3727, 3733, 3736

Procedures OPEP05-ZH-0005 Non-Safety Related Filter Airflow Test 8

OPEP05-ZH-0008 MAB, TSC and RCB HV AC In-Place* HEPA Filter Leak Test 9

OPG03-ZE-0004 Plant Surveillance Program 29

OPGP-ZR-0050 Radiation Protection Proaram 14

OPGP03-Zl-0015 Control and Use of Industrial Com pressed Air and Gases 6

OPGP03-ZR-0054 Respiratorv Protection Proaram 17

OPRP04-ZR-OO 16 Radioloaical Air Samplina and Analysis 32

OPRP05-RA-0007 Grab Sample Collection of the (PIG) Continuous 16

Atmospheric Monitors

OPRP05-ZR-0030 Portable Air Monitor Instruments (AMS-4) 24

OPRP06-ZR-0002 Respiratorv Protection Eauipment Issue and Return 27

OPRP06-ZR-0004 Cleanina and Sanitizina of Respiratory Protection Equipment 9

OPRP06-ZR-0005 Maintenance, Inspection, and Storage of Respiratory 16

Protection Eauioment

OPRP06-ZR-0008 Air Quality Evaluation for Compressors or Pressurized Gas 5


OPRP06-ZR-0013 Resoirator Fit Testina 9

OPRP06-ZR-0016 Charginq Breathinq Air Cylinders 7

OPSP11-HE-0001 Control Room Envelop Filter Airflow Capacity Test 12

OPSP11-HF-0001 FHB Exhaust Filter Airflow Capacity Test 13

OPSP11-ZH-0008 CRE and FHB HVAC In-Place HEPA Falter Leak Test 21

Radiation 21434 Air Sample Data Sheet: Chanqe Out of HEPA Pre-filter 04/11/2018

Surveys 21441 Air Samele Data Sheet - Pre-filter Chanqe Out 04/11/2018

21468 Air Sample Data Sheet - Cavitv Decontamination 04/14/2018

21498 Air Sam ele Data Sheet - Nozzle Dam Job Coverage 04/22/2018

21505 Air Sample Data Sheet - Nozzle Dam Job Coverage 05/03/2018

21669 Air Sample Data Sheet - Routine Unit 1 Radwaste Truck Bav 08/28/2018


Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date


21882 Air Sample Data Sheet- Unit 1 Reactor Cavity 11/01/2018

21884 Air Sample Data Sheet- Unit 1 Reactor Cavity 11/01/2018

22338 Air Sample Data Sheet- RT-8011 Particulate Channel Alarm 09/23/2019

22373 Air Sample Data Sheet - FT-0419 Leaking Transmitter 10/02/2019

22476 Air Sample Data Sheet - Unit 2 Reactor Building 68' Grab 10/10/2019


22482 Air Sample Data Sheet - Unit 2 Reactor Building 68' Grab 10/10/2019


Radiation Work 2018-0-0159 Preventative Maintenance and Repair of Equipment in the 3

Permits *(RWPs) FHB Fuel Transfer Canal including RP Surveys and


2019-2-0115 2RE20 - Mini Decontamination of Reactor Cavity and Initial 0

LISA and Tilt Pit Decontamination (LHRA)

2019-2-0117 2RE20 - Major Decontamination of Reactor Cavity and LISA 0


2019-2-0151 2RE20 - Perform Maintenance and Inspection in RCB/FHB 0

Fuel Transfer Canals (LHRA)

2019-2-0155 2RE20 - Refuel - Inspect/Clean/Measure Upper/Lower 0- 0

rina Gro_

oves (LHRA)

2019-2-0158 2RE20 - Reactor Head Lift Activities (LHRA) 0

2019-2-0163 2RE20 - Disconnect/Reconnect Seal Table (LHRA) 0

2019-2-0171 2RE20 - Remove/Reinstall Reactor Cavity Stairwell (HRA) 0

Self-Assessments Assessment/Benchmark Report: Respiratory Program 2018 08/29/2018

MN-17-1-105942 Quality Monitoring Report: Radiological 04/02/2017

Instrumentation/Protective Equipment

MN-18-1-107276 Quality Monitoring Report: Radiological Surveys 10/23/2018

Work Orders WAN 546352 EAB and FHB HVAC In-Place Adsorber Leak Test: Unit 2 - 09/24/2019

CRE TRN "A" Clean Up Filter 21A/ 3V112VXV001

WAN 546353 EAB and FHB HVAC In-Place Adsorber Leak Test: Unit 2 09/24/2019

CRE TRN "A" Clean Up Filter 21A / 3V112VXV001

71151 Procedures OPGP05-ZN-0007 Preparation and Submittal of NRC Performance Indicators 9

Chaptijr 23 Conduct of Operations for Radiation Protection: Radiation 0

Protection Performance Improvement Guideline


Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

71152 Corrective Action CR-YYYY-NNNN 2010-13994, 2019-13709, 2019-8052, 2019-4359,

Documents 2017-1786, 2017-17817, 2018-1529, 2018-3276,

2018-14380, 2019-9018, 2019-9019, 2019-7971,

2019-7483, 2019-12401, 2019-6155, 2019-5150,

2019-376, 2019-13709, 2019-8062, 2019-8052,

2019-4359, 2019-14697, 2019-13386, 2019-13436,

2019-14208, 2019-14736, 2019-14208, 2019-14743,

2019-13614, 2019-13950, 2019-14279, 2019-12597,

2019-9119, 2019-10504, 2019-11054, 2018-11855,

2018-3518, 2018-3559, 2019-7508, 2015-18703,

2017-15034, 2019-10837, 2019-2558, 2019-4575