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Invites Present or Past Site Workers Who Have Made Allegations to Visit Site Under Terms Described in JW Cook .Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 02/24/1983
From: Brunner J
To: Garde B
NUDOCS 8303010077
Download: ML20071B761 (3)



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'83 FEB 28 A11:48 t

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1901 Q Street NW Washington, DC 20009

Dear Ms Garde,

CPCo lawyers, Mr Steve Lewis of Region III, and GAP representatives recently discussed conditions under which an individual who has provided a confidential affidavit to GAP vould visit the Midland jobsite.

Daring the discussica, you indicated that the individual would, in general, agree with the terms set forth in Mr Cook's 12/28/62 letter to Mr Keppler (copy attached). You si;ated that the affiant also requests (1) that the Ccapany not disc 30se his ideutity to the media or general public, (2) that the Company r:ot refer to the fact he had supplied information, which was eventually transmitted to NRC, in any job reference which the Company provides. There was also some discussion regarding the use of the individual's nare in Company memoeanda or communica-


f tions regarding this matter.-

r The Company can, in principle, agree to the two requests made above. More specifically, the Company or Contractor representative attending the affiant's site visit would provide affiant's name only to a small group of employees investigating the matter on behalf of the Company, including necessary management personnel, and to CPCo Counsel (including necessary legal support personnel). The small " control group," thus defined, will abide by the two i

specific requests described above and the other terms set forth in Mr Cook's l

12/28/82 letter.

Changes in the membership of the control group may be made to from time to time as the need arises. The control group would confine its l

use of the affiant's name to communications within the group.

The group would j

l not use the affiant's name in any documentation of the matter, including


formal QA documentation, except documentation available only to members of the group or to the NRC where required. Responses to job reference requests I

addressed to CPCo or Bechtel, Inc will contain no reference to the l

individual's supplying information to GAP or NRC.

Despite the above protective measures, the affiant's identity might be guessed i

or inferred by a co-worker or other person outside the " control group" as a result of the identification, tagging (if necessary), or correction of the identified hardware, or because of the required QA documentation pinpointing the problem.

Certain persons may already have guessed or been told by the affiant of his identity.

Obviously, neither CPCo nor Bechtel is in a position l

to guarantee that further d.'sclosures have not or will not be made by such j

persons, or that they have or will abide by the terms described above.


.. oc0283-40.72a-66-165 l

8303010077 830224 O )r f. 2 U/

i PDR ADOCK 05000329

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to guarantee that further disclosures have not or will not be made by~such persons, or that they have or will abide by the terms described above.

The affiant should also be advised that because intervenors have created a hearing issue out of the undisclosed GAP affidavits, the Company plans to depose all affiants (at some future time).

The Company would not object to reasonable steps to protect this individual's anonymity in that desposition or subsequent hearings on the matter. However, the deposition and subsequent hearing process will cause disclosure of the affiant's identity beyond the

" control group" defined above, (for example, to the Hearing Board) though under such protective terms as are established by the Hearing Board.

On behalf of the Company, I invite ather present or past workers who have made allegations to your organization to visit the Midland Site., under the terms described in Mr Cook's letter and/or extended in this letter. To the extent your organization encourages individuals to take advantage of this oppor-tunity, we appreciate your assistance. Thank you for your cooperation.

Very truly ycurs, O

g James E Brunner CC SLewis, Region III k'Paton, OELD MIMiller, IL&B MHearny OL/0M Service List oc0283-4072a-66-165


?rsch J Ialliy, Zaq Atcmie Safetf & Licens1=g At :crsey General cf the Appeal Panel State:cf Michigan U S Nuclear Regulatory Cc=mr Carole Steinberg, Inq W==hdw-ton,. D C 20555 Assistant Atter=e7 General Inviramal Prctactica Div

.'Mr C'R Stephens-720 Las EnA*'s Chiefs Decketing & Services.

Ia= sing, MI h8913 U S Nuclear Regulatory Comm.

Che of the Secretary Myren M Cherry, Esq

'W==h4,-ton, D C 20555 suite 3700 T.ree First Haticnal Plaza Ms Mary Si= clair 7..ieage, IL 60602 5711 Summerset. Street Midland, MI kS6ko Mr W-dan E Marshall

?JD.10 W4" dma D Paton, Esq Midland... Mr.kS6ko C.3ansel for the NRC' Staff U S Nuclear Raguls: cry Cc=rt


Charles 3echhoefer,. Isq' W==hd S on, D C 20555 l

A-d e Safety & Licensieg l

3 card P uel

.Atemic Safety & Licens1=g l

U S Nuclear Her21stcr;- C:rar.

3 card Puel D a%d gocc.. D C 20555 TT S"fuelear Regulatory Ccan i

W--k'"-ton, D C 20555.

Dr F: ederid ? Ccvan-6152 :r verde T: sil Barbara Stantris Atp 3-127 5795 North River Scad.

3cca; Raten,. FL 33k33 Rt 3 Treeland, MI kS623 Jerry Earbour Atcmie Safety & Licensi=g i

3c'ard Panel l

Carroll 3 Mahane7 U S Nuclear Regulatcry Ccm:n 3ab eck & 'Wilecx W==h4 ston, D C 20555 PO 3c= 1260 L7:chburg, Virg'-da 2k505 Ime L 31 shop Ear =cn & *4eiss James 3 3:- er,. Esq 1725 "I" Street,. :ri #506 Ccusu::ers ?cver Cc=;an7 W==h' gtc=, DC 200C6 212 'tes: Mi+ dgan Ave =ue Jachsen, MI h9201 M I Miller, Iaq Isham, U ec1

& 3eale Mr D 7 Judd

? ree.".ational Plaza 3abecck & *iilecz.

52nd Flcer 70 3cz 1260 Chicago, Il 60603

~.t/nchburg, 7A 2k505 John DeMesszer. Esq 5teve Gadler, Isq Dev Che:sical 311g i 50 Av-=ne Michiga: Ci-isic:

St Paul, 20 55108 Midla=d, :C h66ho 1
