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Rev 4 to Spec 2323-SS-10, Reinforcing Steel. Related Info Encl.W/One Uncodeable Drawing
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Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 03/02/1979
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FOIA-85-59 05210, 2323-SS-10, 5210, NUDOCS 8512020128
Download: ML20137G052 (65)



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r-m.-~~~ m .J..' s g r, ei3 3 c,, G % t.. ': ... c...-.: COMANCHE PEAK STEAM ELECTPIC SIATICN g UNITS NOS. 162 ISSl!ED FOR F0F:9FRCEgg EN8! NEE!N8 sSE 9!U e m w'Q h l, barqgg bhE SPECIFICATION NO. 2323-SS-10 MENEPCING STEEL k .i -MARCH-207-1994- -REVISION-Ner-4---FEEBUAFY-277-4975 1 8 -REVISIGN-NG3-2---AEGEST-7 -4375-7 ? -REV E SIGN-Ne r-3--Fg sp u ny ;,, g 7 k REVISICN NO. 4 C8 2, FT1 [* g AFFEC10 d nCSI I*y.,sg4 CHANGES m ,.. ~ * * *,. ls Dl 'f, f

6E '7 j,,

! ' F S 3OC'WEr ,i% gdll%. 45 i ' y' " "w m c~ nretCTE3 3y DES G\\ C-ANGE l GIEES S HILL, INC. ENGINEEFS, CESIGNERS, CCNSIRCCTCPS NEK YCRK, NEW YCPF 8512O20128 851106 j PDR FOIA ppg GARDE 85-59

Gibbs & Hill, Inc. Specification 2323-SS-10 Revision 4 Page i REINFORCING STEEL TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE SYCTICN E

1. 0 SCOPE 1
2. 0 -


3. 0.




9 Gibbs & Hill, Inc. Specification 2323-SS-10 Revision 4 Page 11 SECTION TITLE PAGE 6.0 FABRICATICN ANC INSTALLATION 7 6.1 BINDING CF REINFORCING EARS 7






Gibbs S Bill, Inc. Specification 2323-S5-10 Revision 4 March 2, 1979 Page 1 REINFORCING STEE1 i

1. 0 SCOPE l

This specification covers the Contractor's requirements for the furnishing of all labor and saterial necessary when supplying, detailing, fabricating, placing and testing all reinforcing bars, and welding to reinforcing bars as shcwn en engineering drawings. The.ters. Engineer as used in this Specification shall mean Gibbs 5 Hill, Inc. 2.0 STANDARCS 2.1 GENERAL Unless othe rwise stated in this specification, all Ccdes and Standards refer to the latest issue in force at Purchase Crder date. a. American Concrete Iastitute and Concrete Feinfcrcing Steel Institute Publications All materials,

placing, workranship and tests,

unless ctherwise shown on the Drawings cr described

herein, shall ccnform to the Standards of the American Cencrete Institure (ACI) and of the Ccncrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CPSI) as listed below:

ACI 318 Euilding Code Requirerents for Peinforced Concrete. ACI 301 specifications for structural Concrete for Euildings. ACI 315 Manual of standard Practice for cetailing Reinforced Concrete structures. 4 CPSI Placing Reinforcing Bars. b. Cadweld Connectors for Reinforcing Steel Gibbs Hill Specificatlon No. 2323-55-11. j l l I I.

Giths C Hill, Inc. Specification 2323-SS-10 Revision 4 March 2, 1979 Page 2 c. American Scciety for Testing and Materials specifications ASTM A-185 kelded Steel Eire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement. ASTM A-615 Standard Specification for Ceformed and Plain Billet Steel Ears for Concrete Feinforcement. ASTM A-370 Standard Methods and cefinitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products. ASTM A-572 High-Strength Iow-Alloy Columbium-vanadium Steels of Structural Quality. Rev.4 d. American Welding Scciety Specifications AES D12.1 Pecommended Practices for Welding ~ Reinforcing

Steel, Metal Inserts and i

Connections in Feinforced Concrete Construction. e. Acerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), SA 537 Specification for Carbo-Manganese-Silicon Steel Plates Beat Treated for Pressure Vessels. f. American National Standards Institute AFSI N45.2-1971 Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants AFSI N45.2.9 Requirements for Collection, Storage and Eraft 11, Maintenance of Quality Assurance Peccrds ] Pevision 0 for Fuclear Pcwer Plants. p,y*4 Eated Jan. 17, 1973 AFSI N45'.2.10 Quality Assurance Terms and Definitiens Eraft Dated, 1973 AFSI N45.2.11 Quality Assurance Pequirerents for the Craft 2, Design of Nuclear Power Plants Pevision 2 Cated, May 1973

a t Gibbs & Bill, Inc. Specification 2323-55-10 Revision 4 March 2, 1979 Page 3 i j ANSI N45.2.12 Requirements for Auditing of Quality i Eraft 3, Assurance Programs fcr Nuclear Power Pevision 0 Plants Eated May 2, 1973 ANSI N45.2.13 Quality Assurance Pequirements for NRC Extract Control of Procurement of Iters and traft Dated Services for Nuclear-Power Plants Rev.4 May 31, 1973 g. Nuclear Pegulatory Commission Standards 10 CFR 50 Quality Assurance For Uuclear Appendix B Power Plants 3.0 MATERIALS l 3.1 PEINFORCING l a. Peinforcing steel for all structures except material in Secticn 3.4 and 3.5 of this specification shall conform to the requirements of the Standard Specification fer Cefcrmed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Peinforcement, (ASTM A615) for deformed Grade 60 Bars (60,000 pounds per square inch minimur yield strength). b. Peinforcing Steel ASTM A615 Grade 60 requiring welding (excluding mechanical spi 1ces) shall require chemical control as outlined in Section 5.3 of this specification. 3.2 CACKElD SPLICES Mechanical splices (cther than lapped), shall be provided by means of the Cadweld process employing i and B series connectors designed to develop the specified tensile strength of the reinforcing steel, as manufactured by Ericc

Products, Inc.

of Cleveland, Chio and shall ccnform to Specification No. 2323-SS-11, "Cadweld Connections for Peinforcing Steel". - 3. 3 PEINFORCING EAP CIAMEIERS To facilitate proper fitting of a No. 14 or a No. 18 reinforcing har into a mechanic 51 ccnnector, the reinforcing har diarecer including deformations shall not be greater than the reinforcing har ncminal diaceter increased by 15 percent.

Gibbs & Bill, Inc. Specification 2323-SS-10 Revision 4 March 2, 1979 Page 4

3. 4 PECTANGULAP STIEL BARS Fectangular steel bars welded to controlled chemistry reinforcing bars shall be ASME SA 537 Class 2 (minimus yield 60,000 psi),

or Welding material shall conform to ASME SFAl Rev.4 ASTM A572 Grade 60. 5.1 cr ASME SFA 5.5.

3. 5 EELDED EIRE FAEBIC Ehere welded wire fabric is indicated, it shall ccnform to the requirerents of the specification for Kelded Steel Eire Fabric fcr Concrete Feinforcement (ASTM A 18 5),

except that welded intersections shall be spaced -not farther apart than 12 in. in the-direction cf the principal reinforcement. 3.6 MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFIED MATEFIALS TEST FIPCRTS The ranuf acturer of materials, including welding raterials, shall certify that all requirements of the material specifications that are to be fulfilled by the manufacturer of the materials have been met. The Materials Manufacturer's certified Materials Test Report for reinforcing systems materials including welding materials shall include: a. Certified reports of the actual results of all required chemical

analyses, physical
tests, mechanical test examinations (including radiographic film where applicable) and other tests.

h. A report of repair welds that are required to be radicgraphed. c. A statenent listing any heat treatrents, examinations, and cther tests required by this Specification. which have not teen performed. I d. A statement giving the manner in which the material is identified, including specific marking.

I, Gibbs S 'ill, Inc. specification 2323-SS-10 Revision 4 March 2, 1979 Page 5 4.0 MATERIAL ICENTIFICATICN Reinforcing materials shall be bundled, tagged or marked, and shipped according to size and corresponding heat numbe rs. Mill certificates shall be furnished for all materials, and shall state the complete physical and chemical characteristics in accordance with applicable specifications. Tagging or marking shall be done in such a ranner as to ensure traceability to the Certified Materials Test Report during production, and while in transit and storage. CMTR is not required for welded wire fabric. ~~ 5.0 - MATERIAL TESTIFG 5.1 PEINFORCING EAFS (ASTM A615 Grade 60) 5.1.1 TEN.SILE TESTS a. Cne full diameter tensile test har frer each bar size shall be tested for each 50 tens or fraction

thereof, of reinforcing bars produced frcm each heat of steel.

The tensile test procedures shall be in accordance with ASTM A615. b. The acceptance standards shall be in accordance with ASTM A615. 5.1.2 EEND TESTS a. Fumber of Tests Pequired and Testing Procedures 1. Eend tests en bar sizes No. 3 through No.11 shall be performed in accordance with ASTM A615. 2. Eend tests on har sizes No. 14 and 18 shall be conducted at the rate of one test bar for each har size frem each heat. The bend tests shall be conducted at a temperature of at least 60 F. The test bars shall be bent in the unnachined condition over a ten har diareter pin through 90 degrees. ,. ~.,, .-n.

l Gibbs S Hill, Inc. Specification 2323-SS-10 Revision 4 March 2, 1979 Page 6 ] b. Acceptance Standards 1. The acceptance standards for har sizes 3 through 11 shall be in accordance with ASTM A615. 2. For har sizes No. 14 and No.18 the acceptance standards shall be in an absence of cracks on the outside of the hand portion. Materials from heats meeting this criterion may te hent during construction. 5.1.3 DEFORMATICN INEPECTIONS ceformations in the reinforcing bars shall be inspected to assure their ccepliance witn ASTM AE15 and with Section 3.3 of this Specification. 1 i 5.2 STEEL RECTANGCLAR BARS (SA 537 CLASS 2 CP A572 GRADE 60l j


a. Number of Tests Required l cne test har for each 50 tons or fraction thezeof from each heat of steel. h. Acceptance Standards The acceptance standards shall be in accordance with SA 537 Class 2, or A572 Grade 60. o 1

.~ Gibbs S Hill, Inc. Specification 2323-SF-10 Revision 4' March 2, 1979 Page 7 5.3 SPECIAL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS 5.3.1 GENERAL ASTM A615 Grade 60 sinfcrcing bars which are to be welded to rectangular steel bars (SA 537 Class 2, or AS72 Grade 60), as shown on engineering drawings, shall meet the criteria set forth in secticn 5.3.1.a of this specification. A special cherical analysis shall be performed on each heat of the ASTM A615 Grade 60 reinforcing har which is to be so welded. a. The chemical analysis shall be as follows: .. Carbon 0.325 Maximus Manganese 1.301 Maximum Sulfur 0.05% Maximus Phosphorous 0.055 Maximum Silicen 0.155 to 0.30% An analysis for the folicwing residual elements shall also be performed: Coppet Molyhdenum Fickel Vanadium Chrerium b. The results of the chemical analysis shall be used to compute the Carbon Equivalent in accordance with Section 6.3i of this Specification. 6.0 FAERICATICN ANr INSTALIATICN 6.1 EENDING CF REINFCRCING EARS a. Standard hooks shall be in accordance with Section 7.1.1 of ACI 318. 0

t l Gibbs & Bill, Inc. Specification 2323-SS-10 Revision 4 March 2, 1979 Page 8 b. Minimum bend diameter shall be in accordance with section 7.1. 2 of ACI 318. c. stirrup and tie books and bends etner than standard hooks shall be in accordance with section 7.1.3 of ACI 318. d. Ehen bending is

required, it shall preferentially be performed prior to embedding the bars in the concrete.

In such cases, all bars shall be bent cold. e. Eending or straightening of bars partially embedded in set concrete shall not be permitted except in isclated cases where corrective action or a field change is required and is specifically approved by the Engineer. The bend diameters ~~ shall ccnform to the requirements of Table 7.1.2 in ACI 318. In addition the beginning of the bend shall not be closer to the existing concrete surface than the mininur diameter of tend given in-Table 7.1.2 in ACI 318. The folicwing requirement shall te adhered to for individual bar sizes: 1. Har Nos. 3 through 5 may be cold bent once. Preheating in accordance with section 6.1f cf this specification is required for subsequent straightening cr bending. 2. Ear Nos. 6 and larger shall be preheated in accordance with section 6.1f of this specification for bending or straightening. f. Preheating prior to bending or straightening, when required, j shall be in accordance with the following rules: 1. Preheating may be applied by any rethod which does not harm the bar raterial or cause damage to the concrete. 2. The preheat shall be applied to a length of bar equal to 5 bar diameters each way from the center of the

tend, except that the preheat shall not extend below the surface of the concrete.

The temperature of the bar at the concrete interface shall not exceed 500 F. 3. The preheat terperature shall be 1100 - 1200 F. 4. The preheat temperature shall be maintained until bending (or straightening) is complete. e

Gibbs & Hill, Inc. Specification 2323-SS-10 Revision 4 March 2, 1979 Page 9 5. The preheat temperature shall be measured by temperature-measurement crayons, or contact pyrcreter. g. The bent (or straightened) surf aces of bars shall be visually examined for indicaticn cf cracks: 1. Bars exhibiting transverse cracks er fissures shall be

rejected, or, if partially
embedded, the bent or straightened section shall be removed and replaced using a

splice in accordance with. Section 6.2 cf this Specification. 2. The presence of longitudinal surface seams shall not be cause for rejection or removal. 6.2, SPLICING CF REINFCRCING BARS 6.2.1 LAP SPLICES lap splices shall conform to Section 7.5 of ACI 318. 6.2.2 MECHANICAL SPLICES a. Mechanical splices shall be made in conformance with Gibbs & Hill Specificaticn 2323-SS-11. b. To minimize trimming of the ends of reinforcing bars that are to be mechanically spliced, the gap between these ends shall he in accordance with Gibbs & Hill Specification 2323-SS-11. 6.3 ARC-EELDEC JCIFTS a. The only arc-welded jcints shall be at the base of the containment structure ecnnecting the diagonal rectangular steel bars (SA-537, Class 2 or AS72 Grade 60) to the vertical reinforcing bars (ASTM A615). These jcints are permissible provided a chemical analysis of the heat of ASTM A615 bars has teen obtained in acccrdance with Section 5.3 of this Specification. .The carbon equivalent shall be established from the analysis and used to ccepute the necessary preheat in accordance with Secticn 6.3i of this Specification. b. Arc-welded joints shall develop a rinimum single tensile strength of 75,000 psi. l ,~

Gibbs 6 Hill, Inc. Specification 2323-ss-10 Revision 4 March 2, 1979 Page 10 c. The weld joint design shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. d. Cperators making arc-welded joints shall be qualified in accordance with section 7.0 of this specification. e. The arc-welding processes to be used shall be restricted to nanual shielded retal arc-welding in accordance with AES D.12.1. Kelding materials shall ecnform to ASMI SFA 5.1 cr SFA 5.5. Rev.4 ~ f. The. Contractor shall obtain from the manufacturer certification that the' welding electrodes meet the ~~ requirement of the classification specified. g. The Contractor shall subnit a ecmplete written descriptien of the welding qualification procedures and electrodes to be used for the approval cf the Engineer. h. Kelding electrodes (low hydrogen) shall be selected so that specified yield and tensile strengths are not less than the connected parts. i. The carbon equivalent of the heat of reinforcing. har shall be computed from the special Chemical Analysis given in section 5.3 of this specification using the following forzula: %Mn %Cu %Ni SCr %Mo XV CI = %C + + + + 6 40 2C 10 50 10 __,,,-_m,.-,,, m,,,..n ,,,e.c...7w_-

Gibbs S Hill, Inc. Specification 2323-ss-10 Revision 4 March 2, 1979 Page 11 the CE value, the following preheat temperatures shall Based on te utilized: a. CE not greater than 0.30: (1) No preheat required if arbient temperature is 32 F or above. (2) When ambient temperature is below 32 F,. preheat to 150 F min. b. CE between 0.31 and 0.55: -- (1) No preheat required if ambient temperature is 32 F or above and har size is No.10 or less. (2) When anbient temperature is below 32 Y or bar size is No.11 or higher, preheat to 150 F min. Arc-welding is prohibited on bars with carben equivalent greater than 0.55. Because of the chemical conposition specified in section 5.3.1a cf this specification required for the reinfcrcing bars referred to in section 5.3.1 of this specification, - low-hydrogen electrodes shall be used. These low-hydrogen electrodes shall be purchased in hermetically sealed containers er shall be dried for at least two hours at a temperature between 450 and 500 F before they are used. Electrode s shall be dried prior to use if the hermetically sealed container shows evidence of darage. Imrediately after removal frem the herretically sealed container or from drying ovens, electrcdes shall be stored in evens held at a temperature of at least 250 F. E 70 electrodes that are not used within four hours after removal from hermetically sealed drying or storage even shall be containers or removal frog a redried before use. Electrodes that have been wet shall not be used. e 6.4 PLACING PEINF0FCEMENT 6.4.1 GENERAL Feinforcement shall be accurately placed in accordance with the drawings and adequately suppcrted befcre concrete is placed and shall be secured against displacement beyond permitted tolerances. Eelding cf crossing bars shall not be permitted.

t, Gibbs 5 Hill, Inc. Specification 2323-S3-10 Revision 4 March 2, 1979 Page 12 / Cnless otherwise indicated en the drawings, the number, type and spacing cf supports shall conform to the CBSI Publication Placing Eeinforcing Ears. Ears shall be installed in as long lengths as practical. 6.4.2 TCLERANCIS Fabricating and placing tolerances shall ccnform to Section 5.4 of ACI 301-72 except that fabricaticn tolerances of plus or rinus cne bar diameter for sheared length and bends for #14 and

  1. 18 bars are acceptable provided that the bars as placed reet all 3,y*4 cther requirements of this specification including concrete cover, tolerances, length of embedment and anchorage, and details at cadweld splices.

Ehere'necessary to avcid interference with 6ther' reinforcing steel, conduits or embedded itens, location of ~ bars may vary from that shown on the drawings. If this location varies by more than one har diameter, or encugh to exceed the above tolerances, the resulting arrangerent of bars shall be subject to approval by the Ergineer.

6. 4. 3 CLEAKANCES a.

The clear distance between parallel bars in a layer shall be t not less than the nceinal diameter of the

bars, nor 1-1/3 times the maximum size of cearse aggregats, nor 1 inch.

Khere parallel reinforcement is placed in two or Kore layers, { the bars in the upper layers shall be placed directly above those in the bottom layer with the clear distance between layers not less than 1 inch. b. The clear distance limitation between bars shall also apply to the clear distance between a contact (lap) splice and adjacent splices or bars.

6. 4. 4 SURFACE CCNCITION Feinforcing bars at the time concrete is placed shall be free a.

from mud, cil, ice, snow or other nonnetallic coatings that adversely affect bcnding. b. Peinforcing bar's with rust, mill scale, or a ccrbination of both shall be considered satisfactory, provided the minimur dimensions, including height of deferraticn and weight of a hand wire-brushed test specimen, are not less than ASTM A615 requirements. m

Gibbs & Bill, Inc. Specification 2323-SS-10 Revision 4 March 2, 1979 Page 13 6.4.5 TACE WEIDING No tack welding to reinfcrcing bars shall be permitted at any location, except by written permission of the Engineer. 6.4.6 CCNCRETE PRCTECTION FCR REINFCRCEMENT The following rinimum concrete cover shall be provided for reinforcing bars. For har bundles, the sinimum cover shall equal the equivalent diameter of the bundle but need not be more that 2 inches or the tabulated mininum, whichever is greater. Minirum cover fin.) a. Containment Structure Cast against and perranently exposed to earth 3 Exposed to earth or weather No. 6 through No. 18 bars 2 No. 5 bars, 5/8-inch wire and smaller 1-1/2 Not exposed to weather or in contact with ground Principal reinforcement, ties and stirrups 1-1/2 Cther reinforcement 1 b. All Cther Structures In accordance with ACI-318 unless otherwise noted on Rev.4 the drawings. 6.4.7 ELECTRICAL INTERCONNECTICNS Feinforcing steel and all embedded items shall be electrically interconnected to provide an electrically continuous system. Connections and details shall be as shckn on the engineering drawings. .~

..__.-......___u~. t t Gibbs S Bill, Inc. Specification 2323-SS-10 Revision 4 March 2, 1979 Page 14 7.0 EXAMINATICN CF ARC-WEICED JCINTS Arc-welded joints shall be examined by testing in acccrdance with the folicwing paragraphs. 7.1 INITIAL QUALIFICATION PEQUIFEMENTS Prior to production welding cf bars each welder shall prepare two joints for each of the positions to be used en construction work. The bars used shall be of the same grades as those which will be joined during ccnstruction. The two test pieces shall be tensile tested and shall both develop their specified einimum tensile strength. (75,000 psi). Each qualified welder shall be assigned an identification symbol which also shall be applied to his pi6 duction work. 7.2 CONTINUING QUALIFICATICN DURING CCNSTRUCTICN 7.2.1 QUALIFICATICN In crder that each operator be qualified on a continuous basis, tensile tests shall be rade en production jcints according to the fc11 cuing prcgram: a. Cne tensile test out of the first 10 joints. i b. Cne tensile test out of the next 40 joints. c. Cne tensile test out of the next 100 joints. d. Cne tensile test out of each 150 joints through completion. 7.2.2 FREQUENCY The first five tensile test pieces shall be made by cutting cut randerly selected production joints. Thereafter, at least one of every 40 tensile tests shall be made from randomly selected production joints. The remainder of the required tensile tests say be made frca 18 inch long test bars (companion joints) joined in sequence with and in an ctherwise identical manner as the production jcints. 7.3 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA The rinimum joint tensile strength shall be in accordance with Section 6.3b of this specification. --,e _y, .7_ .,y -,,-,7 my-- ..y,

  • r


Gibbs S Bill, Inc. Specification 2323-SS-10 Revision 4 March 2, 1979 Page 15 7.4 REIESTS If any of the tensile test specimens fail to meet the requirements of Section 6.3b, of this specification two production joints made by that operator from the same lot represented by the test which failed shall be cut out and tensile tested. If both ratests meet the rinimur single jcint tensile strength of 75,000 psi, all cf the joints in that lot shall be considered satisfactory. If one or bcth of the retests fail to meet the rinimus single joint tensile strength of 75,000 psi, the entire lot of joints represented by the cut-out centrol joints shall be rejected. The operator shall then be requalified in accordance with Section 7.1.of this specification and the joints remade and continuously requalified. 7.5 VISUA1 EXAMINAIICN In

addition, all completed arc-welded joints shall be visually examined for the. presence of cracks, undercuts, inadequate
size, and other visible defects.

Respliced or repaired joints resulting from correction of visible defects shall be radiographically examined.


~ In addition to continued qualification tests required in Section 7.2 cf this specificaticn, one joint selected at random out of i each 25 production joints made by an operator shall be radicgraphec. Welds that are shown by radiography to have any of the fc11cwing type discentinuities are unacceptable: a. Any type of crack b. Any other elongated indication which has a greater length than 1/8 inch for bar sizes No. 10 and sea 11er, 3/16 inch for i har sizes No. 11 and No. 14 bars or 1/4 inch for bar size No. 18 bars. c. Any group of indicaticns in line that total more in sum of their longest dimensions than 3/16 inch for bar sizes No. 9 and smaller, 1/4 inch for bar sizes Nc.10 and No. 11, 5/16 inch for har size Nc. 14 bars or 7/16 inch for bar size No. 18 bars. I t l ~ v ,--.-,,-n

Gibbs 5 Hill, Inc. specification 2323-SS-10 Revision 4 March 2, 1979 Page 16 7.7 REEXAMINATICN l a. If any of the radiographs indicate unacceptable joints, the joints shall be replaced and reexamined by radiography. 4 tnacceptable are welded joints connecting diagonal rectangular steel bars tc vertical reinforcing bars may be

repaired, subject to the approval of the Engineer, provided there is no grinding or cutting into the
rebars, and reexamined by radiography.-

Two additional jcints, one on either side of the unacceptable joint, shall also be subject to radiographic exarination.- If both reexaminations reet the acceptance criteria, all of the remaining joints out of that -- group of 25 shall be considered acceptable subject to continucus requalificaticn tests, and the operator shall be permitted to weld the next 25 jcints. b. If either of the reexaminations does not meet the radicgraphic acceptance criteria, 25 percent of the balance cf that group of 25 jcints shall be radiographed. The two radiographically pocrest joints shall be removed and tensile tested to demonstrate their ability to satisfy the strength requirenents. If either of the two jcints fail to meet the rinimum single joint tensile strength of 75,000 psi, all 25 joints of that group shall be rejected. The op'erator shall then be requalified in accordance with section 7.1 of this Specification and the joints remade and continucusly requalified. The cperator shall be permitted to weld the next 25 joints if both of the joints satisfy the minimur single jcint tensile strength of 75,000 psi. 4 c. Fadiographic examination of welds shall he in accordance with Fondestructive Examination Methods Appendix IX of this Specification. ) 8.0 SHOP DRAEINGS The Contractor shall be responsible for preparation of the ' reinforcing list, har bending schedules and placing diagrams for reinforcenent and shall submit them to the Engineer for approval er waiver of approval prior to fabrication. This approval does not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for accuracy of detailing. i

~ Gibbs & Bill, Inc. Specification 2323-SS-10 Revision 4 March 2, 1979 Page 17 9.0 QUALITY ASSURAECE The Contractor shall establish and implement a cuality Assurance Program which conforms to the applicable rules and standards as Rev.4 imposed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission,

10CFR50, Appendix E, ANSI N45.2-1971, ANSI N45.2.9 (Craft 11, Pev. C-January 17, 1973),

ANSI N45.2.10 (Draft dated 1973), (Craft 3,lRev.4 ANSI N45.2.11 (Draft 2, Rev. 2-May 1973), AESI N#5.2.12 dated Fev. C-May 2, 1973), ANSI E45.2.13-NRC Extract (Draft May 31, 1973) and Section 2 cf this specification. The prograr shall include pertinent aspects of procurement, fabrication, site erection, inspection, testing, handling,

shipping, storing and cleaning..

The-Contractor shall submit all fabrication, installation and testing procedures to TUSI fcr review and ccament pricr to their use. This right of review and comment shall also extend to any changes made to the Contracter's quality assurance program and procedures during the course of work. The Contractor shall provide for Right of Access tc his plant, facilities and records for inspection or audit purposes by

TUSI, TUSI's designated representative, or other authorized parties such as regulatory agencies.

These provisions also apply to the Contractor's suppliers and subcontractors. Centractor agrees to stop work and/or withhold shipment at request of TUSI or its representative until resolution of any major quality assurance or quality centrol deficiencies. The Contractor shall establish procedures to assure that all inspection tools, instruments, gages and other reasuring and testing devices are in a calibration and control system traceable to the National Bureau of Standards where such standards exist. When inspecticn and testing equipment is found to be out of calibration, all items inspected, tested or reasured with that equipment since the latest valid calibration shall be considered unacceptable. Resolution of these cases shall be determined on a case basis. 9 ---.-r y. ,,,y-w e-n ,,------w--,e

Gibbs S Bill, Inc. Specification 2323-SS-10 ~ Revision 4 March 2, 1979 Page 18 10.0 INSPECTICN Eefore depositing the concrete, care must be taken that the bars are positioned according to the design. The bars shall be inspected by the Contracter's Quality Centrol Inspector as to confermance with the drawings and specifications. 11.0 STORAGE Feinfor.cerent shall be secred off the grcund and segregated by size in separate piles or racks, in a manner to prevent distertion and corrosion. O e i l l


APPENDIX IX NONDESTR CTIVE EXAMINATION METHODS ARTICLE IX-1000 INTRODUCTION a IX.1100 SCOPE Tlsis Appendix 1ncludes the requirements for ncn. destuctive examinstion niethods and the qualification of nondestructive examination procedures. ARTICLE IX-3000 NONDESTRUCTIVE METHODS OF EXAMINATION specist cunditions to the ssme extent that applicab:e normal techniques as :ncluded in IX 3000 would re. ;lt IX 3100 GENERA!. REQUIREMENTS in detci tien of discontinuities under normst con:nions. Such special p oeednies sha!! be submiticd to the IX 3!!O MET!!ODS AND PROCEDURES 10 llE Manufacturer's and/or Instsilen Autht.rired Iss; cetion EMP!OYED Agenej in written form for acceptsu.:e and adoped /a) This!udes methods for performing as part of the Msnuf acturer's andt... In.:: Hen A sur. nondestructive exsmination used to detect sur face. and snee I'veram Quality 6r:=sh+ri. internal disenetinuities when these methods are ref. crenced in this Code. Standards for acceptsnce are stated in the applicsble Subsection of this Code.The ax.330a n ADIO011 APHIC I.XAMINATION OF wt:Lc ;in r) nr:thods as des.ribed ere appliesbic to most ecometrie - coniquratio n and nutetists encountered in fabri.atian and sha:I be applied for no: mal conditions. lloweser. IX 3310 CENERAL.REQUIREMiiN1S specis! cen'.ip: rations and materisis may be encountered Radio;rsphic exsatination methods of wc!d:ss that require modified methods and techniques.Where described in this Subsrtic!c shall he employed when such specia! tonditions are encountered the Manu. specified in this Code and tl:e requirements of IX.3100 facturer and/or in= taller shall Jevelop special proecdures of this Appendix shallapply. equivalent or superior to the methods and techniques desciibed in 1.kt000 and espable of pioducing meanin IX 3320 EQW.W AND MAWIA!.S fut examination iesults under th: special ermdations. Ib) Such +vist p.wedures may be modifications W321 Nisti n.',ources or et,mbin.nium ot methods described in IX 3000 srid sha'l be pioven by demonstratioa to result in an cAsm-Radiation souices may be either X.rsy equipment or i:s.itic.n capable of detectin; di> continuities i.t; der the radioacti-c isotopes. 323 .e

IL3334 SECTION 111 - DIVISION,2 (PROPOSED) IX.3322 an Intensity that may cause renection on the radic. IL3322 Films Stapide film. Equipment used to view flims for ratio. SE 94, Type I or 2 mms shall be used. graphic interpretstion shall provide a high intensity light source sufficient for the specified density range su:h that IL3323 Screens the proper penetrameter and hole for the specMed Intensifying screens may be used.except the fluor- . quality Icvel shall be readily visible for the specified den. sity range.The exttancouslight from the illuminator esent type screens shall not be used. shall be masked. Densitometers or comparison step wedge Gims shall be provided for assuring compliance with Glm IX 3324 Filters "" ". "'. wedge film' shall p '*S **"I** Objectionsb!c scatter radiation shall be reduced by . I ** " " " '"'N**'"" suitsble Gtration. are used. IX 3325 Penetrameters renetrameters for radiography shall be fabricated IX-3330 TECHN!QUE FOR RADIOGRAPHIC EXAM-from materist that is either radiographica!!y similar to or INATION OF WELDED JOINTS radiographically less denu than the material and/or the weld rnetal en which they are used. For example, carbon-and most s!!oy stects are considered to he radiographica!!y IL3331 Preparatiori cf Weld Surface similgt materialt but radiographica!Iy less dense than, g, materals such as ecpper or rnekel bsse alloys.PeneusT m or weld surface irregularities,on both the inside and out.

  • " *** D *"Y 5" U * * ** *h*"I'*I '* * * * '" #

E . 33251 orIXU325 2 a egree that the resolung r::diographic imsEe due to th ek s required in i with the additenst reqeirement that penetrameters 5.7, inegularkie: cann t m.isk or be ennfused with the image and to shall sho unntain a slit 1/4 in. long by 0.010 in. '"Y "" * ** E

      • "'I""UY' wid: as indiested m Fig. !X 33251.The dimensions shall norms!!y cunform to those given in SE.142 with to!ct-IX.3332 Regnited Scusitivity of Radiographic ances as specified in Tsble IL3325 3 below;however, lenrth and width may be varied Io suit special applications.

Radiography shs!1 he performed with a technique which will have sufGeient sensitivity to indieste the features in IX 3334.5 of a penetrameter of the thickng; specified for the thickness of the weld being examined,as 2cwn in Tabic IX 33251 or IL3325 2. C""~2 1 IX 3333 Radio;rsphic Technique for Sma!! Di: meter Butt Welds FIG. IXb32M ALTERNATE SLIT t.CCATtONS In the esse of sms!1. diameter butt we!ds, such as noule attachments,pipmg and spreartenances,where the source is on the outside and the film is on the op-IL3325.1 Penetrameter Identification. Penetram. eiers shall be identified b> permanently sitsched lead posite surface,only that pettion et the weld adycent to the film and readsble et th !ta shall be considered numbers :t least 3/32 in. high.The m;mbers shsil to have been examined and the per..iramenter thick. indicate the penetrameter thick:iessin scentdsnee with ness shni! be based on the sirgic*all thickness. Single Table IL33251 or IL3325 2.Esch penetrameter wall radiography s! nil be used when pnctics!. shall be iurther id:ntified by marking its metal or princips! siloy composition into the surfsee of the pene. IX 3334 Use of Penetrameters to Check Radiographic trameter in a suitshfe manner. Penetrameters shs!! be Techni, ue uwd n icquired by thr> Appendix. As a check on the radio;rsphic technique eruployed. 1L3326 Fihn Viewhg Facilities penetrameters, as herein desetibed. shsU be used as stip-u!ated in the fo lowing subrstagtsphs to deteinune Viewing fsedit'es sould be constructcJ ss to pro. side subdued lighting sud exc!ude backgmund li;hting of whether the requnement> src hemg met. 324 n w

U. e. ....t e e SECTION 111 - D:V!S!O.N 2 (PRol'OSED) TADI.E IX.33251 TAuLE IX.33251 THICKNESS AND IDENTIPICATION OF PENETRAMETER$ REQUIRED FOR CivEN WELO THio Sewree. Side Film. sic;e Penetronister renetteme ter Thicknees Penettemetoe Thickness Penettemeter Thickness Range linJ Designation (en.) Oesignet.on Up to 1/4 inch inctwssee 04050 5 0.0050 Over 1/4 inch theough 3/8 0.0075 7 04050 5 Our 3/8 thrc,wg% 1/2 0.0100 10 04050 5 Over 1/2 throven 5/8 0.0125 12 04050 5 Ovec 5/8 throwgh 3/4 0.0150 15 0.0070 7 Over 3/4 theough 7/8 04175 17 0.0100 10 Over 7/8 throwsh 1 0.0200 20 0.0100 to Over 1 throwgh 1 1/4 0A250 25 0.0150 15 Over 11/4 theough 11/2 0.0300 30 0.0170 17 Over 11/2 theough 2 0.0350 35 0.0200 . 'O 23 Over 2 theough 21/2 0.0400 40 0.0200 Over 21/2 throwgh 3 0.0450 45 0.0250 21 Over 3 through 4 0.0500 50 0.0300 30 Over 4 theough C 0.0600 60 OA350 35 ~ Over 6 throven 8 0.0000 80 04450 45 Over 8 theowgh 10 0.1000 100 CD600 60 Ov-r 10 theough 12 0.1200 120 0.0G00 60 06or 12 theouch 16 0.1600-1GO 0.0600 30 Ower 16 throwth 20 0.2000 200 0.0300 80 NOTE - Tor any material thicknets tsage. the uw of a penetrameter detienation or thidness than li ted in Table IX.33251 for that raner mitt al.o be accept 4bic riouded all the other le-rv irc:nsnts for radiography a:e enet. For welds, the thickr. css la the un-fe wal! theeLucas intNdmg reinferee:nent. TABLE IX.3325 2 PENET11AMETER REQUIREMENTS EOR 81ADICCRAPHY OF CIRCUMFERENTIAL SUTT WELDS IN ITEMS SUCH AS PfPE. FITTING 3.TUSING AND N0ZZLES Peneteameter Essential Hole Single-Wall ' Thickness Range Thicknees Diameter List.) Designation (inJ Designetien (in) Otoo.375 to 0.0100 4T. 0.040 Over o.375 to o.625 12 0.012 4T 0.043 Over 0.625 to 0.875 15 0.015 47 0.000 Over 0.875 to 1.00 17 0.017 47 0.008

  • Over 1.00 to 1.50 25 0.025 2T 0.050 Over 1.50 to 2.50 30 0.030 2T.

0.0"A Over 2.531o 3.00 35 0.035 2T D.070 Over 3.00 to 4.00 40 0.040 27 0.030 Over 4.00 to G CC 50 0.050 2T 0.100 TA8LE IX.3325 3 OlMENSION AL TOLEf1ANCES Tote *ences (I) Dimension 1,54 ench Lerw;th end Wedt%. 10% Nom. net Th.ekness 10% Hole Nunnnal 0*arneter 1/04 incts Mc,fe Location 6 D$

s t ~ SECTION 111 - DIV!SION 2(PROPOSED) IX 3335.4 Ix.3334.] IX.3334,I Evaluation of Radiographic Quality.The Penetrameters 5,7 and 10, either the 2T hole or the slit shall appear. In the iemaining penettsmeters, and radiographic quality shall be evaluated by the image of a for all film side penetrameters, at least one hole, the properly located penetrameter. 2T,or a sma!!ct hole, shall appear. IX.3334.2 Iscation of Penetrameter. A standard (b) Where more than one film per exposure is used, source. side penetrameter of the thickness shown in Table, a penetrameter image shall appear on each filn3 except, IX.3325.1 or IX.3325.2 shall be placed on the side when the source is placed on the axis of the object and nearest the radiation source.Where it is impractical to do the complete circumference is radiographed with a this,a film. side penetrameter shall be pleced on the fi!m single exposure, at least three uniformly spseed pene. side of the joint,its thickness shall conforn to Table trameters shall be employed.When an array of objects IX 3325.1. and a lead letter **f" at least as high as the in a circle are raciographed, at least one penetrameter identification numbers placed adjacent to the pene-shall be shown on each object image. trameter. IX.33343 Number of Penetrameters To Be Used. IX-3335 Additional Requirements for Rrdiography Except as required in IX.3334.5(b), one renetrameter of Greumferential Ilutt Weld shall be used for each exposure, to be placed so that the plane of the penetrameter is normal to the radi: tion beam. IX.3335.1 Single Wal! Viewing. Except as permitted Each penetrameter sha!! represent an area of essentially in IX.33353 below and in Table IX 3325.2 radio-unifo m radiographic density comparison strips,or a graphic examination of citamferential butt wr!ds in ddisitometer. lf the film density through the disgnostic items such as pipe, tubing. fittings, and noules shs!! be area varies by more than minus 15% or plus 3lT7.from performed with single. wall viewing only.The radiation the density through the penetrameter, then an additional may pm 11@ me We ddme h somee penetrameter is required for the exceptions! area or is located outside, a minimum of four exposares. areas.lf the requirements ofIX.3334.5 are met by two separated by 90* is required for single wall vic sing. penetrameters, one penetrameter appearing in the lightest arcs of a film and the other in the darkest, IX.3335.2 Film Side Penetrameter.Where radiation passes throut one or two walls and it is impr,etical to~ h the interveninf, densities on the film shall 1,e considered acceptable. It is not necessary that these additional place the penetrameter nside the cylinder,the pene-penetrameters be norms: to the radiation source at their trameter may be placed on the film side,except re-locations.The film density through the wc!d metal shall quired in IX.3335.3. be 2.0 minimum for single viewing.and 2.6 minimum .#**"E ""EE'E' for compositc viewing of double film exposures, each . '" I * * ** "' # " **I ~ f!!m of a composite set o have a minimum density of radiographed u>ing a techmque.m which radiation g 3, passes through two walls and the weld in botit wa!!s is IX.3334.4 riscement of Penetrameters/the penetram. viewed for acceptance on the s:me film.The penetram-eter shall be p!sced on the source sid:.The ande of eter sha'l be placed adycent to the weid sesm except offset of the radiation beam from the plan of the weld in instances when the weld metalis net radiographically centestine shall be the minimum required to Sepsrate similar to the base material or the geometric configu. the images of the sourc6 side and film side portions ration mskesit impracties!,in which case the pene. of the weld so that there is no overlsp of the areas to be trameter may be p; aced over the weld metal.The shim thickness shall t,e seiceted so that the total thickness I"Ipreted. A minimum of t vo expesures taken at 91 to each other shsli be nude for each weld joint. being radior.rapind under the penetrameter is the same Wlycrc the ratio of outside dsm:eter to inside diameter as the total weld thickncss, and backing strip i: fused is 3 to I, or greater, the we:d may bc :adiographed with and not temoved. the radiatica beam loested such that the images of both 1X.3334.5 Images W!dch She,!! Appear en Radio-walls are superimpo>cd,in which case ai tesst three ex. graphs Posures shall be made at 60* to each other. (a) Except as permitted in IX.33353 and in Table IX.3335.4 Penetrameter Thiel. ness. Penetrsmeter IX.3325.7, the images of the identifying numbers, the thickneu and cuentis! hole,,ize requiiements for it.e penetrameter optime,and of the 2 Thole are alles. radiographic tr6hniques desenbed in IX.3335.1, sentialindexes ofimage quality on the radiograph,and IX 3335.2,and IX 33353 a:e presented in Table they shan appest on the rediogt:ph except that for IX.3325.2. ~ 326

.- ~..---..... h g,.. IX.3350(a) SECTION !!!- DIVISION 2 (PROl'OSED) IX.3336 n2ximum of 0.020 in. for materist thickness up to 4 in., 1X.3336 Film Quality, Proccasing, and Identification and 0.050in. maximum for thicker material. In special e ses, such as for some piping.when geometriest liinita. IX 3336.1 Film Qusiity Requirements. AD radio.. graphs shall be free from mechanical, chemical, or tions make it impractics!, ihe procedures submitted ] 7 _. --

  • v:3!$shallindieste the other processing defects that could interfere with f

proper interpretation of the radiograph,such as: . attainable. Under no circumstances will an unsharpness (af Fogging. eseceding 0.070 in, be acceptsble. Geometriest unsharp. (b) Proerssing defects such as streaking, water marks, ness exceeding 0.070 in. be acceptsble. Cenmetries! J or chemical s sins. unsharpness equah source size times thickness over ob. (c) Scratches, finger marks, crimps, dirtiness, static tmurec dim g. marks, smudges, or tears. f4 =y, /d/ less of d: tail due o poor film con-tact, false indications due to defective screens, or arti-whers . facts caused by defective film. F source size, inches [the maximum effective dim. IX.3336.2 Film Processing. A!! films sha!! be pro. ension (diamercr) of the indisting source (or fues! spot) cessed in accordance with SE 94," Recommended Prae-b the plant of the dusner D from the weld], tice for Radiographic Testing D = distance in m, ehes from source of radiation to weld or other object being radiographed, IX.3336.3 Filen Identification t = thickness in inches of the wcld or other object (a) 1Aation markers, the images of which will sp-t<ingtadiopsphed. assumm;the filtu is aptinst the ~ pear on the film, shallbe pisced adj.seent to the weld weld or object;otherwise it i: the thickness of the on the part,not on the film or film holder.and their

  • 'Id cbject plus the space between the film and locations shall be marked on the surface near the the weld or object.

weld,in such a msuner that a defect sppearing on a IX.3337.3 Object. Film Distance.The object.:o. radiocreph may be securately loested and in such a film distance shall be the nunimum possible, si.d when manner that it is evident on the film that complete coverage of the we!J has been obtained. practical, the film shall be shaped to the centour of the (b) The dste, job number, the vessel,the scam,or object. part and mar.ufacturer's identification symbol or name shall be pisinly and permanently indicated on each film. g Prior to presenting film to the !nspector for sc. IX.3337 Source of Radiation, Film, and Object ceptance, the radiopsphs shall be exammed and inter. - Distances preted by the Manufseturer to assure compliance with IX.3337.1 Selection of Source of Radiation.The this Code, this Appeadix,snd the radiopsphie pro-maximum voltage of the sourec of radisuon or selection cedure described in IX.33R and shst! be so cernfied of nucient redistion souice to be used shall be in ac-when presented.The Mam facturer shall record on a re. co dance with Fig. IX.33371,.2,or 3,as applicable, view form the interrretaticn and disposition of each or, for materisis other than those included therein, fibn. All final radiopaphic films are subject tu reyww . thc kilovolt;;;e shall1,-e such that the thickness of by the inspector and shsll N se:ompanied by the re-material being radiopsphed shs!! be no less thart two ,g,, fog,, tin.cs the sceend half.value thickness. When it is im. practicalin perform radiopsphy within the vehage IX 3350 PROCEDURER?QUIREMENT , specified for the thickness involved ss with a fixed vo!tage linear accelerator,or when a radioactive Ra i paplu. examinati n shall be performed in isotope sm:rce is to oc us:d to radiograph thickness

    • " I' ' d* * ~ b

"""'*#I"'" less than the minimum indicated by the fi;ures,a 5 2U (" Yl e pWedme n in seemdance un separate piecedur: slull be piepared and proven by

  • I
  • *# "I* "

"U5 *I I' *d"'" " actus! c'em mstration on the minimum thickness to bc pr cedure used shall be availsble for the interpretation radiopaphed.This procedure shall meet the require. m ny an be suWumed tgemei wuh @ ments of IX 3300. sadiopsphs. Esch procedure shan include at ! the IX.3337.2 Source of Fihn Distance. Radiopsphy informatiun stipubicJ in the (ci!owing sut pmirapus: sha!! be perfomhed with a geumetrical unsharp.wss of a (af The type et nut' rial tu be rad,ugtsphed. 377 I

9. Q F1C. IX.3337.1 1 SECTION!!!- DIVISION 2 (PROPOSED) , COSALT 60 l l l l-l, n iw l u l 1 00. BS 'l, Ir-IO2

  1. ,r I {

ll <O l l 0.10.15 0.2 0.30.4 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 to 15 20 30 t 20 If IS 10 ,j i 9 -~ o i 8 .t i i. 7 j g i i i 6 j j i g g W 5 ll 1 Il /) l I 2 4 I / I 3 / 2~ .i MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE VOLTAGE l i MEV, ..(SEE IX-3337.1) I I 900 'l l f, 000 \\ 700 I Y II 600 /[ ll i I l l 500 I

  • 400 b

)/ 0 > 300 O / / 2 / 200 150 10 0 __ _ - 0.10.15 0.2 0.30.4 0.6 0.B t.0 if 2 3 4 5 67810 15 20 T111CKNE.CS GNCl{TS) *!r-192 Groken line indientes marginal sensitivity, ne rneximun l thielness for the use of radioactive i otopes is primarily dictateri by esposure time, j therefore, the qiper limits indicated by solid lines are not tonedutory. l ein.s.~. 333/.11 #AXIMUM KILOVCLTAGC Oft flA0tOACTIVE LI42HGY PkRMiiTCD rota MINIMUM S CEL THICKNESS l

? e.. e s SECTION 111 -DIVISIOC (PROPOSED) FIC. IX.3337.I.2 l l ll lCOS ALT 60. _,. ; 'i II'I 89 l 'l l-i Iw 0 0. - ch ' l I I f'- 19 2 y l lt ,l 8 t (o a 8 i l lIi il D I rl ll la 0.30.4 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 l's 10 15 20 7 i 30 i iliI' ijt! i 20 l s i 15 l ) 10 9 3 r s .s + y / 4 i '8 i. l. l [ 6 \\, g j 6 l l b .2 \\ f l 4 l \\ 3 l 2 MAXIMUM PERMISSIDLE (SEE IX-3337.I) l VOLTAGE IMEV i if. t I 6 I 900 ,fi , i j s' i 7 i

; ]

l 800 i 7 i i 700 / I 600 500 j i e1 / 1 p 400 J O $300 ~

8 at 200

/ 150 i 7 I ~ 10 0 0.30.4 1.52 3 ~4 567810 15 20 Til!CKSESS UNCllES) *1i.192 Droken line indicates mar;;ina' sensitivity. 71 e maximum thithr.ess for the usc of radioactive isotopes is primarily dietnied by crpasure time. therefore, the upper limits indicated by Mlid lines,are not mandatory. MAxtMUM VOLTACC OR RADICACTivE LNCRGY PERatiTTED SOgt.alNtMUV. THICKNESS OF ALLOYS l fig. lX.3337.12 OF CQf'PER ANC/OR lilGH %CKEL

~. ~' . 'e, o,. " (i e *. a 3.- SECTIO. !!!-DIVISION 2(PROPOSED) y

  • FIG,. IX.3337.13 1

l_ e Iw C o. I t'- 19 4 6$ 7;- m-a,= o,, 4 0 'il l E 9 'O.I0.15 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 to 1.5 2, 3 4 5 6 7'8 to 15 20 ._tMEV / i i 900 / 4 4 800 - / i 1 -700 / l i .i

I ll 600 i

l l / / 500 400 ,l p. I o > 300 MAXIMUM PERMISSISLE ,i 3 VOLTAGE g (SEE I X - 3337. !) 200 ( / 15 0 / I'00 0.30.4 1.52 3 4 5678 13 15 20 SPECIMEN THICKNESS (INCHES) FIG. I'X.3337.1 3 MAXtMUM VOLTAGE PERMITTED FOR MINIMUM ALUTAtNUM THI m I 4 l 4 330

(b', ga eq j 4 IX.-3350(b) SECTION !!! - DIVISION 2(PROPOSED) IX 3433 ^ (b/ The material thickness ranges to be radio. 3430 ilASICCALlBRATIO.}S. P&d. (cf The type of radiation source, effective focal

  • IX-31 Basic Calibration Refleefors spot or effective source size, X ray equipment voltage

~ D ed holes shall be used as basic calibration r rating, and equipment insnufacturer. Where the equip. g, g , ment manufacturer's certification is not ava!!able, the kt and to construct a distance rquip effective source size shall be measured on a radiograph \\ve n the rective >roducti nhn. These holes shall b made by the pinhole method. Details on source size sterial or in a basic calibration b cl. or determination by the pinhole method are meluded in

    1. f M

c ch I

  • as roduct on n a eri 3

(d) Film brand a.n'd type, and number of films in

X3432 Bs e fibration B!vek cassette. For multipic film techniques, state whether g

viewing wi!! be done with superimposed films. ' If a basic c 'ibration block is used,it, s!! have a l (e) Type and thickness ofintensifying screens and hJckness relata elo the production m.' rial thickness l rdters. is shown by Fig IX 34321.Where tw or more thick- //J Blocking or masking techniques.If used. sesses are involve.The calibration th' kness sha!! be (g/ Minimum source to film distance. ictermined by th thi:kness of the oduction to which ...(h/ Exposure conditions: voltage, distance of film .he search unit is a, lied. to object, geometric arrantements for the radiographs \\ (sketch), orientation of loestion markers, description IX 3432.1 Calibr$ ion !!!acks or Circumferential of the manner in which internal markers locate areas Welds \\ ofinterest. (s) For examinatio. of cire inferential welds on (if Descriptio:i o(the welding procedure. ' ressels with contact-sure.ce ei aiores greater than 20 nch diameter.ibt basickhb iiion block or blods of RECORDS rssentially the same curysy as the part to be exam-I "'I '"' dat and rad og a bs n ing revi se curved for vessel con t. rface curvatures le:s than forms including ir ".. tation sno.. mition shall / 20 inch diameter. A sin eu ed baste cabbrauen be maia' m accordance with requireme jo > lock may be used to ibrate he examination cm ressel contact surfaceyn the ra. -e of curvature from 7/10 to 1 1/2 times tv: basic esh ration block diameter'. 3400 ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF W S For example, the 8 ch diameter utved block may be ased to calibrate 11 examinstion i vessel contact IX 34 CENERAL REQUIREMENTS

urfaces in the tai of curvature f m 7.2 to 12 in.

l The cho ultrasonic method as d cribed herein 94 in. to 20 in. diameter.The cupsture range from sht!1 be em .ed when ultrasonic exa nation of welds diameter requir six block curvature s indicated in Is specified in

s. Code and the requ' ements ofIX 3100 Fig, f x.3432.1. ) 1.

\\ of this Appendi DU apply. \\ / IX.3432. Calibistion Blocks for L2: titudi.t:1 i IX 3420 APPL.! CATI g Welds. The asic est.bration block for eU ninstion of longitudin, welds shall be of the same um inal Jiametc The.princips: objective the methods given herein is the descetion,locatic and 'aluation of defects with. p the ps,r' to be examined, except that fo't. i.m eters in the wc!d and heat.ieeted zo? The welds shall greater i an 20 in., flat blocks may be used, be exarnined by tb angle beam me. od where practical. In the exan.inat a of weldments whe. cemetry or gx.3 3 Basic Calibration Hofe I the conditioni escribed in IX 3443 does t allow i beam eram ion from both sides of the b d from a e basic calibration hele as shown m. Fi;t.1,Q3432 I sha' be drilled painliel to the contact surface of we s:ngle sur.he or a combination of surfaces, e'it a ra combi ion of angle beam and straight beam ora sight Ip.c calibistion block of the pieduction mate:i.kEr bear /in tveo directiens at 90* to each other shall be ,1.ation, depth, and diameter of this hule shall b.1 ud [, ven in the table in Fig._lX 3432 I. l' h j338

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I -. _ _.. ~. - -.

~ j spec,FH.E A F.S.LEH,TUGC0 j Figure 2.4-1 Page 1 of 1 ARMS COMANCHE PEAK STEAM ELECTRIC STATION DESIGN CHANGE AUTHORIZATION bb-b DATT (WILL) (W(1%)NOT) BE INCORPORATED AUTHORIZATION NO. 3910 IN DESIGN DOCUMENTS SAFETY RELATED DOCUMENT X YES NO 1. DESCRIPTION: DESIGN CHANGE X YES NO l A. APPLICABLE SPEC /M EODEUMENT 2323-SS-10 3 REV. 1 B. OETAILS Chance Paragraoh 3.6 "Manuf acturer's Certified Materials Test Reoorts" introduction to read as follows: "The Sucolier of the materials, includina weldine materials, shall certifv that Manufacturers of the materials have full-filled ail' reouirements of the s oeci fi cations. The materials sucolier's Carti#4ad Mata*is1s Test Recort for rein #orcino systems materials. 4-1.a4-- ,.ta4 -2 4,1,,es.31 4.,c 1 w.. " .b O f*!*rn - bh- [b-J G li G,q w a 2,,. L 2. SUPPORTING COCUMENTATION ~ uat a,u 3. SIGNATURES: CRH:eh 3-1-7 A. APPROVED BY: M f .7-/-ff G&H Representat:ye Date B. APPROVED BY: k 3-l-D Responsioie Engineer Date 4. STANDARD DISTRIBUTION: B&R Field (Original)'(1) G&H-New York (1) JCB NO. 351195 TUGC0 Site QA (1) = p', I V E B&R Site QA 'i -3 y ' ';p 3-...., -}%- FSDG Site G&H-Dallas (1) i-e U 3 7 EcE8VE L

      • Demm e

==* e ,r e-w v -,y,wr-vr w T - - -w ,siw-w----w w1-T- -www-w-----r


g (FDCR)
g,y 9, FDCR NO.

0080 FDCR DATE: 7/15/75 FDCR ORIGINATOR G. N. Charr.berlain ~ I T0: C. H. Gatchell - TUSI SITE REPRESENTATIVE e P l SPEC./DWG. NO.: 2323-55-10 REVISION: 1 i SPEC./DMG. TITLE: Reinforcino steel t '. 'r ]i $g".p' j.t e n. n omW

f. I l' SPEC./CWG. NO.:

REVIS10fb r. W 3W 10 I SPEC./0WG. TITLE: I U8' " ' * ~ h" 'n;,; L d ?'" ? REASON FOR CHANGE: Q#eyeM y_ M rr _giiugliid1EEEMBfHh f% awfu6fttR6etigggmig,a3 ' Z.n. g m i m ~~ ~~ -m Ol;7 ff/ITO:sALs._ - ;r,sg/ f' ~ -* @gg % j senu PROPOSED CHANGE: Change 6.4.3.a as shown below: g 6.4.3 Clearances %/ a.) "In joists, beam and girders where parallel reinforcement is two or more layers,..... "placed in v Examination of CRSI's " Placing Reinforcing Bars", page 85 and page 129 indicate the requirement to place layers of bars directly above one another 7 is to avoid potential concrete void situations. i This problem does not apply to slabs unless the reinforcing was spaced extremely close together. 9" 8 9" Y 9" ~ .m' ' q s a s. ~ { f [' F \\ s_, a N TOP Ct MAT I i c q g.- g'. g g .O O I s \\: g-9 9 9 9 .lg '- ,g i I 1 1 Example of allowable placement of layered __q. $' y /l'] p m, bars in slabs and mats. M? Ij FDCR PD 'E v-flAND REF. TUSI REPLY: // [# 1 ; / ~ TUSI REPLY REVIEWED BY AnG iM$ld$ -~ ,RPROJECTENG[i"EER DATE: 7 -- / - 9 5'~ DATE: f-/ 3 '?C- %Mi WhfE@5 17.h500?. HEAD




.ene w agf?Wi Qt, i d a:

qnf75 cot.lm. 35-1195 TP - o 9/17/76 6I524 076 INTEROFFICE MEM0 IM-5649 September 17, 1976 T0: Distribution ..s. s FROM: R. O. Taylor [.';, - L.4


' FDCRfg0if.f},$430 and FDCR-107/FPAR-42 Affecting 2323-55-10 L '.

I; rg., !;d.;. ~ ' The Document Control Center has been informed by the TUSI Project T.-33 Office that due to confusion created by their original design change forms, kJJ.';a,s which have since been revised, the above referenced design changes have been MB erroneously listed as approved. PTp?. f;'l}r.h Therefore, we ask that the referenced design changes be crossed off n the design change block and that you discard all copies of the design change gj{yr documentation. ' $g.-

a If you have any questions, please contact DCC.

6 7' ew s. e \\. g+ s..


( -r G% 25, Randall 0. Taylor DCC Systems Coordinator

,jf ROT /sdc m

gha 'S.?? Distribution: 1.T?b Xi:3 All Site Copyholders of SS-10

6. C!

Ed Hotko .'.'~3' c' f t ,aA." +% ?$Nk) $uw.m 5555 SG5 a.. 3 TY'N Wl.*~. **. ,5.%.0: ~ .~ v ?.S ?,' '$'?S ^ 7.&4 m.Us, . ~ _

~~ .r'. l Page 1 of 1 file, arms, hah,tugco CCMANCHE PEAK STEANI ELECTRIC STATION DESIGN CHANGE ALTTHORIZATION ARMS ) l INDEXED (WILL) SE13;%)CQ1 BE INCORPORATED AIIIHdl&fATION hD. 5536-REV.1 IN DESIGN DOCLSENIS .i SAFETY RElATED DOClLDT X iTS hD ~ 1. DESCRIPTION: A. APPLICABLEX32CC/DWG/IMEU 2323-S2-0505 REV. 5 NorE: THIS DOCUMEhT SUPERSEDES AND VOIDS DCA-5536-Rev.0. B. DETAILS In lieu of shear reinforcement above elevation 997'-6" as shown on the design drawing, additional shear i reinforcement has been placed as follows: Four rows of #6 C at approximate elevation [997'-8") elevation 998'-0", elevation 998'-11" t 1 I [ and elevation 999'-10" spaced at O'-11" v horizontally. ) SOLUTION: Shear reinforcement as placed above (exceed the design requirements and is therefore acceptable. 2. SUPPORTING DCC[hETATION ,r-FNanucen.4,2? J10 -" "- w m a u b g yp;;_ y 3. SIGNATURFS: CRH/ss 9-10-79 A. APPROVED BY: N A M h/O - 7 9 GF.H~ Representative Date B. APPE0VED BY: 00 7-/d-73 Originating tngin-er Date 4. STANDARD DISTRIBUTION: JOB NO. 35-1193 PECEIVE9 BSR Field (Original) (1) h f [ s i G5H New York (1) $"Pk 'EP 12 l979 S i GG1 Dallas (1) TUCCO Site QA (1) B \\\\ E C E 1 V E ->h FSDG Site (1) i

b . ~ 5,,

g. 3g 23, Projact Guida S5s'4 FC/


]73..R IM0RMR0H BWl.Y,scppg rev. 2 Glbbe B Hill. Inc. 4l; rw. c. 8.e>.ll'?G. a.SEEi.... l ....T. K,.t.wp,k. New Yomst ,,.,...i...,. 1 a.. a ci~u n o u a n w ~si ~ ci = ewa <. ~.'.2.. J' h1 o mr.g ..,,,,, i. .Til5J.. *....QO.W J NM F-#.T....WeA L........... i sis.:. c '..i. i....'............................................, ..m. g,, o O c.:.. fo.. 4. K4........xcag. ;..fy..e.. e..ssi........................ ng e.4 .. A S.M E.-f. 4 C I. 45 9....'.. '. ~. ~....... Jl........................................... r....#EC..3..8.................................................................... ..E.I.RLP..r. c. A...eilr.. 5.53.G..R E%.L.M.IED.3P.7 Jo, J9.t?.@QR Y. W.cuSED). a. . FI E..L D T H..X....I.13. 9.4... D.. A.T..E.D.. A.U. g 2.8.,.19. 7.3.. {, *.o..P. Y...E. M C.I qS.E D). RESULTS ~ ~ _ _.... CSJECT! s Rows of Addl. 4 G shw.r bars a.3 she wn lo s/ ,,/. ./ ~ deg. # 2323-s2- 050s eiv.s hel. EL. 993'- IV2 crn d d' 55 G 9Y2. N exe. and.tred, n % .Ge Ld. " " ~~' I . This be.came k no wn. afl4.r con crek, / b cz.s oo ar(d u.p b 997 G (Rtfe TWx-Il39). Add'(.. $ G 2 EL. ,shcar bcws cd cleser SpacCngr wer e a,dc{ ctbove., EL. 99 7'. G". TkJS Shown k clekall en, endosed FieL:1 DCA

  1. 553 G Rdv.I daleci Sept.Io, is79.

.m ts b ckhrvn' ru, { &'s AS ;balf,t cortch'4in Wibah cx.ddi'oncd lilu / bd we,cn, EL. 953'- Y# CLn c 99C-Sh' W O. CC a.O 2 coMCLU$ldN : As built condib'on U, ct cc e[ctbl. idh t addkkoncd, siwar hes baiuten EL. 393'- IYj' an d / ...,.Sge, d e4 a't L cal.Calxkons on EL. 99[C'- 9)d' 4 23'4 M.2 te bcgt5jfE Ia=::3;.16r. %1 -h w w.. v c7s P K 6 c.;-;7. n, % /,,,

1 K 9/11ln 2. o.EV.2 c: O.. 6Ee r... l?.7.?. Gibbe 2 Hill. Inc. $2 Q >.iiii,'e..<.S25.-I2.6.1 rm.. e .,..R K B........ ...~.S...o........ ~s ~ua cu~s. cc~s~~s New Yoast cht'd/A M..,v..*....*.. J G & H J.4 N.. 2.3. 2. 3 4.. e~ o h, ..TOSI.:.. CON.T,.. W R LL. O N I.T.2............... t .. m...................... ,...............................,.... ns g n o ch M.a.d.i.e................. ......e.N..g................4 i i... 0 0).. M...7. )....e 1.. y.i.h. t.. . e .S..E.E...P..A.G.E y Oth.e R.La....................................................................................... b.................................................................... A. mpe .s... 'p AREA AREA RESULTS iny. F,0VIDED / in-O O O O O El. loco!C 4 0 0012 .cogg O O O O o 'f c't 999'lo" int PolNT 9G /= O O O O O / '.a EL. 997!G' O O O O O A CousT.JouT _O _ O _ Q_ O _O i 0 00095 0 003 , u k i n.' In EL. 997 i'da Polu T 95 j'. (, 'i tt ' 99010'/ " 2 a O -- 0 0 00002 0o009 /fe tv / l *N b / w / EL. 994'.0/$ I n EL.seiL O L 0 1 0 9

0. owls o.oco9

'W PoluT 94 L 22 - ) l-a. M'-2 PS O O O'


/ Tis (T YP.') f n EL.390L4 h-I O O P0luT 92 h I i FART ELEVATl 04 0F MALL W A1.L SH OWING As-BUILT 6ECTio)J S4E AR 'EE(NFORCEMENT m (?EFER,,Dc/PDeth55515) / ccA IF 55 i 3 i\\'E V, & TWx - 113 8~4 ~ g, j .n1-Y C 1 lb7?l

~' REV.2 ~ m.S.S.?T.. lb.73.. Gibbe 8 Hill. Inc. rm.c.SR5.lf.%.G.. s Ce4. my.... ENG4htt AS. Qt S3GNE AS. CONSTRUCTC AS New Yoast 3 sh.e No. ...or....... eks*4/Apeed. my.l.Y..." h sf }) c s n 2ss n.. & h~. W.I. e...I W.I. /...QOM.7X l N M E.N7... NA l.L.. 9.4.3 D.,h. $ y ,.m...................... _. p.;. c.. u.....,.. x :: = x x......:............................. m. g '~o a ....................... m. b.f............................................ .. 96.Q. p.aliL9,. 9.. z..dnby................... . f.E.Q....%. S E..-


n f. e s Ref. FSAfu....................................................................................... Othee Ref.a. <...................................................................................... .. 6 EE.. 3 E L Aes.mpeten RESULTS ~ Three. dgevent m.o atds ar e. Invest @cde cl 4 % ana.L sJ,5 c' A conta.inrnent sh.e LL 3 ynodsh asswmts 5 diff.rsof dr3rre 6} concede Crctck'$ng. %dt.L 1 Complb$. knCracKeb GSssnu-s y 6eck[on. Moek. 9. Q.SSi4 mes oh[j Vt.rEJCd Cr ctCI(5 9# M beb ad A nm i& enrtcy an vi7 h eiitin F 8e (W4.(teiF4=ek,-uA@fva ed by -A wperiks ~~7 cec 3 y,} { r'obar onh, htj ediny 54Cgne <f Conerde. g gj., Modd 3 a 6s une,

both, verkcd and fortsoofcd cra.c4 tkrgmh. Strucks ; &

sb*gnn eg" con.ceds v., Lgn ored 'a bow direcMoos, G% enly proech'ugvc6ar con sJclered. ' ovipncd clesJ n, % wpwn!- In h y -9r worst condlJon occaring in any rnoc!d ms conser- -Vah'veh consLderselEar deslyn. } Skt av v el.nfect.m tn b. Howe.vt.r, & rchrements h Modt(s I ctn d 2 4,re hot relevaof p cltsign y 5 hear n Jnfv>t d tb locallon in, p.e.sCon. Th b is .e,sHaine J in % followinj [>a.32. /

EE Y2 o ..S.C.P.T...\\37D Gibbe 8 Hi!1. Inc. rm..c. $?5.d 2.2 C.. e ......? X B...... ... sit............ i~maua5msm~w5 cmaarm 4}4 2 ewuso. 9*.' 7.j,, if ~ ~ re - g 9,g ~a s n s.s n. 2 .T.u.5.I.:...Cc.v.T.s...W At L.....l ?N. lT. 2........ u 1.. J...................... T r n.;. c .. A...e ....................... :f..................,..,......, y a g,.o O .................... 4 n. 5...b................... .Q.E..E...P. A.q.E...*.3..?. r. 4.. fi.. T ....... H. 1 9*I C.2 .................l........................... 8.FSA.:. A..mee.l RESULTS ~ M admun rctdi al skar acbs clariny T ~. a.ccid ent pn tssars and -leQecabare. condillon. _. In EJs can, & rnagrabdes 6f cu nd bn skns ~~~~~~Up and M e assocsa.W m.omeds M4 a'nd M e ctre, . __ hb.. con.csde, wlLL cr a.cK, L 6ith vwticoA a.nd ~ kdzontat J ' red;cns io, cdl M odds (Modd 1, Mau ad uoda3). g p Tket;%, for de.sjn kurhases, it A '.n aoprona.4e, la consLckr rnaxJ nwm valau be-t d radich skar Models.L and 2. As sack, a Conba.t n rncot Wcdl StcIJon 4ehpun EL. 3s3 - 192 a.rd 9s G'- 9ff ' Lj LLL bo c A c. c E t. d [gr-rna omwyn. ca.did ,5 kt,a.r occu. ring in M ode.L 3 on[ 7 kis udll be, p.rb Congsemed E % %owig baps by be.'rp rnJng Ccd cdc.{t en.s to a.sce.rlain, h va.McIl4y. Cempldd.j CracKtd Suciion ~ tn botAt v t.dJccd, arick,. It i.s % be nded na! 6dow & i nns Linc 't U \\ EL. locolG, radid S(uar frces 'Q' o ccar in & ccn aEnnunt O AS A resu.'d o} cks'3n loulEngs, clue. to clisconSnalky ' b ch n u.n. % a ll and sgg elo m t, m p' Re v.2. /,

c. 2./71 ft6sgy.19 7/11

R. E v. 2 h rm., c.SR6..122C... o. $.E.P.T....I.S.O Gibbs 8 Hill. inc. ...s............ c......Tx3...... i~c>~uas. oisc~<as. co~ s-croas E z v... -.....q.x..?.j, 1 a.,ji a,,u.,...n n - c.c. t.. .-.. TusI. :...c. as 7....W a 1, L......u v. t I. 2... c ~ ' 1 '...................... i! c.c.......,...................o............................*<=/~oa .................r .. @.E..G.... P.A..q E....'y. J.h.......................[. 7// /.. fX6 9..87-7# c Z 7 I R.4. C ..e A L TSARS.............................=*....................................................... I' Oth.e R.Ls.................................................................~...................... A. pu t.... E.E.. 3E f..Q W.................................................. RESULTS RADIAL


[crllowEng tcr blasS 1 A,1B$1C shoW ma.x E Thu Vo.l.u,t.s f racit o.1 Shea.y a.c.f,J n 3 on bhu Cont. bdwtt.n E L. 990 - O' " o n d 100 o '- G. fk<. rnax @ 2 rac}ld Shca.y Q cdong W 0-W ass octad a d' d -tenstons and moments in meridiond and cirettmirinfial ~ diredions (ny,Mh,1Jo and h)are oblalned +ran Comp 4er odptd. Boo lc 4 57 a - 97 P o.nci S R S - 99 P - FarWe ener e, -tL, tahs # 2A,2BI2C show tb Corresb, andJ%.Mco imw.rn vdu.cs d v a s al. J k r,. (sWc: e.c,mia,me,et as so cccc s o c cu.Y[n a d urt0 q Condd..en n ' -9wd NG 1 Ro safc -snu.1 u'fn ea we 6.W wini ,,a.uc.,ac';+ p e ns aee a vt w:hdh 'nPn ' W

  • GCih;dt Q. C SD; F 66tf-odwr-e

'IwGkcb.donkcMrivenh .., l n mw.~ L vs.r. ve p r e.m tnis.w +. ~ ~- - M odels I&2 shtar .Q p.g# ) wrd e.y %d condChion. U. L.s s th.a.n. Act AcA

c. -

U Yecpt,rtd h M ocl d 3 under ac c J dd pytssure o,nd t&nd erctim. condC4 tm as is w'Ad a th [-obW{ng, i

F: 3V. 2 h rsu.. e.<A@.6.. lA Z.G.. a 2 7,P.Tr.'.IR73.. Gibbe S Hill. Inc. 4/p 2 ... 6...o........ e .. W B........ 5acia= c'5'cata5 coastac'oa5 New Yoma f awen <..r. f..%. 9. 6'1 g,,j,3pi a a u s. n.2.M.-?.9 !. .T.V.SI :..Co N L. 9A L f. 7...Oh4 f.T..$......... f. '.. - i G' aO 'l RJe.'4L.,...............................................,a.i..v S k. ............................ D..... W s............................. i ............g.u,.,3..'.i................................. .....7. R88. Cod s. ......v c 2 7/I7D ..S..E..E....P.A..G.E. l. .f..f..l R.i.rsan. Oth.rR.8.a....................................................................................... h.... A. mpel.a.s.... 1 MAXM. RADIAL SHEAR WITH ACC. PRESS. $ TEMP. (Q) RMLU LoAplNG CoMSl4ATim CL 4f o

  • U = D+ T, + 1 5 Pg + To, F. S. A.R.

/ S 3 f.,L43 o : y = D+ Twf 1 5 Po AIdc. 3 8.l-32.2& 6n --/ : p. 72 t gd.-(5 pr yn.g. s-c. pe.4/r m TABLE 1A ~ 2 _. _. _ ~ _ p_g_ l 2 5.y,2 l Via n> . atom Loapsuc ylin) C~M Oy NO-gO Martora Pbruf Q,yjin) N9-CC M B. ,.a~ 8'

92. ' -l.7 '

44 4' 270' G '7. G 348 CL 43o ?17-79 8' 94 ' -2 29 44 5 ( 90 ' CG C 334 CL 430 $f,g,7 (" 8' 95' -2 9 ' 44 7 86-GG. 9 3IG CL 430 ' 8' 96' -3 45 44.s' -42 G9 4~ 294-CL 43o I TABLE 15 MODEL-2 14 room Pomrl Q M6 M6 hJe Me c$$"* 1 S 92 ' l -2.o9' 3G. 9' 19 0

  • 57.o' G3' Ct. 4 30 '

6' 94 - l -2.sG' 3G. 7' 97' 5G. 8

  • C3 CL 430 8'


  • l -3. og 3c. 4

- Is - 57.o' G3 CL430 8' 9G ' l -3 47* 3G 2' -14G' 57 8 C3 CL 450 ' I EG1C[55NER. P55 {/zsioiGci,7 sod EV*1 CE V. 2 y ,, y g. g,,9 g .),7.y), M o D E L-3 i Mmpu Po tier Q, Md kib N s. MG 'TA l 8' 92' -l.04

52. G llo 55 0 I24 CL 430

\\ E!.. coo'-s!4 l G' 94' - l.s 3G. 7 -\\o9' 5 7. G ' - 51 M 4t o I E 2e3'. e" G-95 ' -2 05-3G. 5 -\\ 8t - SG. G - 5f Cl 4t o 5 9n.'s%" 6' IA~ -2. G l 35 9 - 2 75' SG. 6 - Sl ' CL4lO fe.tocold G' SG I.hs l 32 4 50' S33 l24 CLA30' ].95'.9'l

R e vc 2 h rm eu. S.T!5.-!.2.2. C. o. 6EPT... l0D.. Gibbo 8 Hill. Inc. e..... R S....... i~c~ias. oism~< as. c= ~c=4 ', 2, .....J..o,....... ,n r... e a, ..,.u.. g..,n g I r,..,,,,,,.. eses. x.1 u.m.t,.;.. un.u.2.............;g,:'; ':',................ e-.. 4- .w =..............................................., R.i.... y c [,. o ......w. e .............. w#.. J J,r p '.... ? *.......................................;-s .ex.9..c..s..vMu.................. R.-.. A.L FSAR.................... n............ ..T. 1)UR. LNG.SME SHUTDOWl4 EARTHQUAKE

g O.h R.8.a..l....................

4. ...$ gg..g gg g y.... A O WITHOUT A CCIDENT M....SSLIEE S.. ACC.TW R i... .) ..................y M AXM.12A DI A L 54EA2.i wl??!00T 4 CGPRESGeEMMR $f RESULTS ,v v DTs,, E$E[ / LCApiN1 COMB. T-3 reFEL 1:.S.A R. CL 713 : U CL 731 U = P 4 L + (E't + E'v))

  1. C'*3 5 I 3 2N usts 2A M O D E L-l' HotspiAu kWT.

N[) MM" N d["' MY" $9/% 8' 92' \\ - 0 53 + t. 8 ' 527/ 53-355-GL 731 8' 94 -0 G8 4 l. G ' 3o4' 54 3 51 CL 731 8' 95' - o. 95 ' l.5 ' 2 7G ' -52 34G CL 73l i 5 96' - c. 95' I. 5 ' 24; ' 45' 339 CL 7sl 1 (No7E l'F'ofL245ND OF TERMS, 'SEE pAqE 4/23 Nr-2 E '/. 2. m TMLF 2'S W ----- ~ ??6 M O D E L -2 l 9,i7,7p Msgrorm kr Q, l Mc M4 AJ e Me c 3@NG Q..,.. ^ 8' .92, -0.G3

f. 8 '

2i7 ' 4 o' C2-CL 731 l 8' 94' - o. 7i l.7' l92' 3 9' G2 CL 731 8* 95' - o.78 l-5' IG3' -3. G G2* CL 73l 3.o cr cc 731 l 8' 96 -o.83!

l. 4 '

(32 NE ER. FM5 4/.22 No.t LOCATION EU V 2-TABLE 2C u t.- M E.R.l pI A M S_5 An o S_ h.U 0-H p su. M O DE L - 3 MERf DIAN Poinr1 Q. Mc M6 Me Mo E!M* : 8

92. '

o 17 -70 - Si 40 -Si CL 7l3 8' 94 ' o.27 - G. 5' -A'3 A.G - 51 CL 713 ' 8 95'

o. 4 '

- c. o'I -3r ' 51 -Si ct 713 ' I 8' 9G o.54 - 5. r' -f3'; 55 - sl cL 7: 3 I o e--e e w v-w v r-

  • r v----

r w- -.-w-- .-vcyw w .w-+--

~ R E V. 2 .See n. )M.... Gibbs S Hill. Inc. nu..c.<.S.CSd?.2.C. c ...? X B........ Eaua5 =5=as =~5= coa r .u 6........... 8 . vo.. ewu,+. e ?Z. 7. l':l% 2-3.5. 0. 9.cj. ... TUSI :.. con.B.. B.ML.....V.9.8.T.. #.........!'f' I" ' :a s n s.. u....2'.',,..... ......................................ud'oa c ..... p................. R e -....,f .....h.. ,,,h. .... A, 3 ~.................. R.f. FfAna........................ O h.r R.I.a. .h..... As. sap.s.:... p EADIAL SHEAR.* (FACTORED toADINT *, DLTIMATE STEENGTH) (4) 76f NT 9G ' (EL.1000' Gf Q =. - 2. GI K]'n / M ODEL 3 CL4 to ^- Np = 35 9 c}{n / SEE Taste LC on h.3 e, .;4/3v~jK6 ,- 7 9 M y = -7 76 Ki o c,2-Qi = 2 0 098 kl'in 207. il.Ar. Low -7/'g/] 7 No - 56 8 fc/tr) / core.sxd ses-lis F: ~ # 0-j 10 LOADifK,' FL2, Mop. 3 M9= -51 vin /in' Meel.L. Paar 73 !o 5 Q. = -2 GI - o I = (-) 2 71 K/In. ~ Ay N&f-] e ' Check W4ETHEE', E4 TIRE SECTION IM TENSION

  • 44 =,35 3 and M 4 = (-. f 7 5 '

) Te.nsEon acEng oh.TOsid face / 'O O/A Min.9 dtpib /.50c&n = 4 3 /"4 IS (Li'")r L 8 6 0 = 4L r = ggu / (. REfe'f Fit.Q TranSinhl # CPPA 2793 cia 4.ed 4 ~ sea, n eg. Aqih = d = s2'- G = 4c V '~~ n) d t/1 = 44 5 4 8 - 2 c, = 20 in ~ -= /. Mos = g-W4 (ci +A,) = Es-355 x fo = c-> $3 %iri/in. Sans Mus becornes qdive, enh'vc sec%o is [yt hy)[on 'n veri. E6v"(Cb Of).' t mA + Mus = Mom tnt ctci'.ny 't W@ is a.ssamocl b 2 t OC E QUkro' c[ bOSi.o n r t$n e 73

Rev.2 . 5.eet. Jw.. eisbr, e uiti. inc. rm.....5es-12.G.. c .,....T K B..... . acan omc~us co~=c= d .h .R.,o,....... Chh*4/Apped..y. C & H J.h N.. h,. :...C.W.L..WA M... M ET.2............. g'gy.,',W,,,,..,,,,,,,,, ................................,..... - af.. a . ~.. ...p.4........... ...w ..@.EE.,, tag,E.. y,s.,, f R.e. c.4.... R.L FSAR....................... -............................................................ Oth.e R.f.s...................................................................................... E..SELO.9................................................................... As.emeti.e.s... Simi\\arly, kle=sd.S M e = -Si ' 'Ttnsion is p tompare cl la en ornen t, 4 Enldre., Soc.Kon in itdon in korz. d t re. cMn. Cott,cy t be, kcts C M c Kecl tn I:o%. ch r e chi,onS, [. Mocleb 3 R hpb[tS. (. / Cl-{ E C K A LL ok/A R E CON CE.E7E SHEAE STE E SS

  • dbw.

Conc. She,ctr S E'r tSS = Uc ASF15-ACI

  • 359 J'N 0 002 y

~ I4 C. C. 34fl 4.i. C C c 43 / (-) 3590o 0*** co U = 2 )4000 14 c gy,, c = 1 x 63 2 (I - l 58 Restdt i19e = ynt U oc 0' o. Simbriy, in % o%c 'd(n elion, s]g., sc. s - o / 19e =0 Con.crdo ha.5 cra.chcl in bon divedJons. ,o l. mom J epkts.. g,h.1TfgN1 NOTE *, .~-~-~ m _ For anot, hey % _!cbcenw, c, that h concedt, c t 2 oyproach, To A a.s cv j

RE%Z - c.$.E.RT:.l9.7R.. Gibbe 8 Hill. Inc., nns..c.<. SE R.lA A G <~a'~uat on'c~ut w~uax= ....l.Q.o,....... c..... E K a...... 4 10 2 ,,,,,,,,, g,3g 3,_,qp, u..,vo." ca.u, 0.2..?g d/7 ....T.05 I. :.. C.9N I.. N 0.L.L..:.. RNJ.T. #............ ...................................... v u g u o a .............c.2.7./n.[......................

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c. x. slain 0 85 bl

'O'obXIX AG' pi N%'1-19 ocA4 ss56 isv.i As be, FCelel rj 4 G [ Sfu.ctr betrs novbcled @ ll V 8 #. / / / Ifu x 5

  • h' G 9 317: 11 x Il = g, j.4 in Aq%*

2-( = / C0000 < J / 1 At to. hoviclect : I /p G bay Ar t,a = 0 44. s'0 O. K. , PVa A LTERMATE CALCOLATIOM SEE SEETCH cs FAGEM 4 /

R 1111 tpin

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Res 2. g o... SEFI 121@

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'CT. Gibbs S HIII. Ino. 4/fz PK.R 5"**'"* # ,,,c.,,,,,3. c 3,c,..... cc,,, mere y 2


^2 9dh? ~ wc 1 a s n s..u. 2 h.D - w T.O3.2 ' G.Qt.JT-H B.h.\\, ' Q.b! LT %

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  • Mp = 3 G,3l M p = - ISi '. '. Tension en Insicle -Eci.

/ / s d = 52 - G - 4 c t - s2* SLncs Tens 6o is largs cornparal W wment, EC W Secfd en in 4 tnsk n in Vtri. cbcl4n. / / S u. d.n arly M e = sG. c, M e = -si N

  • EnMrs St cGon in kt nsion 'In horz. Nic.

. ', Concyde h5 Crctchd in bofh chection.s M o dt.l 3 appkts. - C4Ecic ALL OWABLE COMCEETE SHEAE Srf< ESSES : .H 3G3 h[er&=LCulchM3 .pl9 9 .. ig 379j ?KS.s1-73 e.%. cct dont on . '. l9c = o '/ 7/ He = 5G G \\9 c = 0 i concrd e has cx acre d in lo% che. / 2 6'd 9 i7-79 Mgt( 3 a P[yS. c.u7/n/;j = e. +/II / Rad She ar Q ak tu,997's"(sa Pag 2 24 Klt n >= . '. 6 buss = u 2 24 x too o , 5 7,,9,( u 085xlX4G .\\

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  1. c bay (o-44,'rf.ak. 4t W

=. - - ' ~ ~~~" ALT E R. N ATE CA L CUL AT ION (SEE. SRETCf.1 ONPACE h j' 4 A'rt 95 ir7 finch.a 64 chr. 37 29x ix I .o dS.= le D O O O / /' o.44 c,._.. ..... e p,,gg = o,oo3 I2 75 g.59-i 7,-73 ,. e. i. pg;g 4fil

  • R.ackL Slwar Q, cd $L. 993'-Idf (Su P q3fg)<= l.95 K/in y M 49.'87 fSL Ow =

195 x loo o oo =

o. 85 x I x 4 G $%,,7,7,,,4 Rtft SVthcA on h3

=22 #and h = 2l.75 ..AuW'= 49 87 x 22x 2i.7s, 0 40 ;n. t Goooo-y Arm. provi.ded : I-4 C bor(o.44 in'2. f'4/ch:r'i6 o.g.y 4 LTE EN AT E CAL CUL ATIOM : (SEE SKE T CH C4 'PAGE[ ' " Tr ~ A 40'8b'X'

74. =


0. ooo 8 in'2[ inch in be ds 4

= J h

  • Pr.of ck j =-

O*44 = 0 0009 22.x 2175 -

E E n 2. f$1,9/M i SR2.h !9.19 e.n. M :.q f=a. o gygg, g gygg, gn,, gmeanttAS. Ots Gat 85.CCNST AuCTGA8 lp / Sat... N. 6. C.4.. e, dI

    1. !//!D New Yonst

,,,,,2 @ 2,3,0 01,. c. pg.yg g _ j T R.S.C G2M.IJ_4.4. LL : D d I T,,,,2 ,,,,5,6,9/,,',f,,,,,c,,,;,,_,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ ..... 5.......l.....' m er' o :. l _.......-e, FAGE M n[ W 03,f,2.f.,-hi $ y E.,E 7l,h,2, 1 c,. - r. ...J SFE B E L,,9,,W,, 2 RESULTS I _..,C- ) 70f NT 94 ('E_L. 993 9)# L ~ I / %r. ' Low _ Q = - l' 5 ', g3 Q =. d o of1(An Mop.3, Mai.4 ha M&

  • 3G 7 ' CL 4to -

SoR # sgs-n c Pr - ~ - - -- M4 = -los /Taste.l.c7 9'6 n 73 eg,,jg/ 9 L o a ra s 7't 2 i ou a / WG = 57. G 734, gge a h = -l.5-o.og = - p,'n M G = -5l' 0/A deh(fh ( St c&n E :- 4 4 s52 8

  • 5" Fag c

<gf793 9,,7,7, c,3,p, e.f L Total T aEat Sfwar at' st. 394'-c!qu (bth. feMs 35 494,)* M b ' i } Q. = l 58 + (2.l5 - I 58) x 3 5 l G3 K/in = A D 5' i N oTE - Si.nce. si c) a.nd M e art aplrrox. sa= e & aoinb.95, Ak fs*ng conclus' ens can bs dr wn : Con t.Y tte. Mas Cra.c mci in bo% ch./ ' r. j M odel 3 applas. / / S b a r S E v t.55 - 19 I G3 X IDo o - 4f.69 pd g =. (d - 5[.c'. 4 g r) ' 0' 85

  • I X 4 G' s=

22", s= 22"

t EV. 2. C,f*/11 f.f.6d-. WT I9D-- ...~.A g g g y, g y,,,, y,,, f.f-. .,..,,,,,,, f. t 94./ 7 ' mo..... w co,. roc 1c= gp z a.. ~. - - -- d.e.7 .7.K.B. a== vaac c. a,.....GU..oo.!.. Tus.r : Co.LW. va.LL

  • LT. L

% 9.t.N.2.1 : = =- - -.-.-- - ~' ,... it.2: -d 4.m .. w.s,..r,,, ;. gl,p -- ~...

f. 5 L en n g L ;j p v.2

........ ) S.EI M Lo bl / / / RESULTS

41. G9 X 22 x '22 hu


== 0 33 G In,. .o Rttl 6,0000/ / / Art.a. i:n ov$Jeci. 1 - A c bec Art, = o 44 io3 0 K'y .(SEE. SRETCH ON PA(E(3 b .<G !" p I.73 A L TE Rot A7"E. C4 LC UL ATI e4 *, O'MV j ls/ 2 A(9 4'I. 69X IX l 0- 00 0 G.9 inf. k n t tegj. = nc bain =- G O ooo/ u 1 g,,, / ./' d 0 44 N r w id td ' s g g,g g g, =- 0 000.0) CMGCK 10l4T 94 VOR, MEE1DI AH 8.' c' L 7/mM Q =

l. 4 9

Wop,3 9' 6 U1 ct, Mp b; bos h.,T,t.csco p: 32 4' CL 430 7 iS 4CES On C hbSi$t [*.C t fConceb N Mp: Co' TAst.g f 'Re bers o n ou.f.s'6 d t face : l ON A 's h Q 2 k ISY.6 s2"- 0 33s inikE %.t, N= 33 u Y G i 9 e y* m s e 5 IO VI.Yb. @ ll s 0.JC4 inlin l 1 i a .. c. G [ nL es porn otet.sodi pe : E f 1 4 %x v 33s @.u. c.s) + o.3 d4 xIs y.7 % 4,'3 -c){ 2x % x o.2 qc 4 c.ce7- =n 52' 2 & a}}(su ryahi?:).ssf ~ 9*3 I". E8 de Mb =D 522 9 3 = 42: 7 n-fi'6 . ~. i %l7-7y I63^l000 ., dbar 5(rest (9u. = bd

  • o.'ssx sx42 7 :44[9opn"

'"2 9/.;/~ = 9 b%Q. = 0 00075 inYin..'n both ds*r. l =

2 Ef, 2. '[! h $:;; 0 SE.2.r. 1.91.2 u.. M %.%-- gyyy, g y;yy,,,,_ 'PKS .. u...#,d.C~.f.;f..-. ,,,..,,u,,,,,,,,,,,,co,,,,,uc1...,4l,Ib c..., 7- ,,,,,,,,g,y,gg. aj__, c.2 9/n h 8 u w v.a 't.t2 5 1 ' rnB T: H9.LL ' Ll.NLT. Z v 'th.d?L.. rs, ..t.i,?,dM.... m tr/ ....c........., A a w?-I1~~13 M 1ItM .e.. h 6.5E PAC 16 ' q .... ru ,....,,,) 6Pc 6EL9.W a. RESULTS NOTE * .Tf Conced e, clots not

cracx, Modd J.

cu t to b e, fs % Concrch Shr,cw prCts bs rtot Cxa.e k'ed, Co n crt b t, b g.r A [wk ca.hach f 2 ((c' = 12G prt / Shror we g.n.v c., 9/,,A' C. 'o Mociet 1,[at point SE M ar.g 2'a1. ob Pap d6 = 3 45I//n (Soc, Tabk 1 A M Effwhh ckph cl - 4 G in. .$..0<$!, R'p;m 7 1 Con cv th S 54y( cnlira SIsor :c re;i.,f...y c< ;e,. ; [ eo umw. Q. 3 45 x too o 2 Yu - - 8g. 2 f.,#' = 085bc( 0 8J A 1x 4 C r ,... y , -- $..,_4.,f@.( k. NOTE: anAu Atcoaes i,4o poi usas wna uc. s p,. f.. 3 f HC'bt' If % SEc.d ks as jally S[(g,,gcj 3, p..g. h " f ' E,S 45 noi, hRc(yto q.;tn.Forcid4L3 '7 h 'Ornyvhdton, Sea pay 4/gg Un \\ y e. g --,, y m. y. m.,-- ., _+,,

BcCK S R 9 \\" *. C ?"GGA Y g h l7* [ [ N E[Cf @og (

I Page 1 of _

1 9fdQl)$k) O rf j c. 2 flj,j,j CORN 0!Il PEAK SITE! 11ECTRIC STATION DESIGN O!ANGE AUlHORIZATICI (WILL) HWi%rctg EE 1.\\T:0RIVRATED IN DESIGN DOCINF\\TS Mfil!0RIZATION NO. 5536-REV.1 SAFETY RE$TED DOCINE.\\T _ X YES NO 1. DESCRIPTION: A. APPLICABLE)32EENdG/DCEEEI 2323-S2-0505 REY. _ 5 NOTE: THIS DOCERT SUPERANR AND VOIDS DCA-5536-Rev.0. B. DETAILS In lieu of shear reinforcement above elevation 997'-6" as shown on the design drawing, additional shear reinforcenient has been placed as follows: k Four rows of #6 C at approximate elevation [997'-8" elevation 993 '-0". elevation 998 '-11" f and elevation 999 '-10" spaced at_ 0 '-11" horitontally. ) . SOLUTION: Shear reinforcement as placed above hxceo.1)the design requirements and 'is therefore acceptable. P-2. SUPPORTING DOCSBTATION djg b}~ T2n 0] _ h 3. SIGNATURES: CRH/ss 9-10-79 M A. APPIGTD BY: .h s & d $.fo. W G4H Representative Iute B. APPROVED BY: hf.,00h 9-/4 ')$ l Uriginating tngt:1eer fbte ~


I B4R Field (Original) (1) G41! New York (1) C4ilIhllas (1)

7: ~2. sc, -_4.:,


e.m,.,, 3 c.r,,m.4.p.g,. _ _ _ _9 R..,.;.. _ _g-... _, _ .y ,g-g:g - M.-. : - --e r ~- @ ?l/h 1 /dO C s. I

jg ;.

~:.. _T. 6. N i St IN G NY - W' ' f ' ' % M. TuGN... -sRSE o ,.,\\.. AUGUST. 2,fl979 7 s. Tiate 11, 35 4

6 AT1Ns N. R. 70 m/M.'. BERM Af e p i

PPBs RIACTO R.,BUIL EIN Ge '1811 T #S,- j IX TERT 0 R G&L REIN 79 RCM B6 T - ,REF: 2323 52-8595 2/ I'** t f-ADEI T10N AL #6 St EAR T1 ES AT ' 1 *= 18" VIRT! CA m C l'- 18" APP MATE HQ P!ZON *i&' LTE3tl ATE -4f11HM AtN 5H EAR. BARS BEGINNIN G AT IL. 99 3'- 141/ 2" A8 E Bf LING AT h-yy,.-T41/ 2" H AVE NO T BEIN l EACED. 18^ et IAR BIIN FO R CBG BI T N AS BEBf E ACED IN ACO3RDM CE [' W 1H *1N E DES! 98 DRAVIN G. -CONCRETE NAS BIBf R ACED IN ACCORDM CZ 1ETN'98E CE!!GN DRAVING. CONCRITE AS BIBI E ACED '10 APPROXIN ATE. EL. 99 T '- 4". ~ RE8UEST Bf GIN EERIN 9 EVAUAT10ff.O F 1H E 1H fiC 9*I T. TEE PO V 0 F St EAR 11 ES AT E. 99 3 '- 141/ 2", 99 4'- 1141/ B't At D 99 6'-9 41/ 2" FC R ACCEPT-At CE 10 USE-AS-1 S. C ACE: TION A SNEAR REINFO RC2M Bf 7 CAI BE EACED BETVEDI N AIN REINFO RCE- ~ 'NINE.alr99tT1N419 ATA59PS3NFIN UIN G 10 Ut AT-IVER ELEVATION I 5 REGUIREE. n CDN CRETE & ACBtBf T TO E.. 1990'-6" 1 S TDf ATI VB.Y SOtEDtLED 70R 8 19 . & ACIN Bf T WILL BE N ELE UN TIL RESOLUTION 0 F ~1NI 5 EIF1 CZ IN Cf. R. E. H E!M/ C. R. H0010N CPSES JO BSI TE RDt/ CT*t/J G, 91 IN G NY ~ f 4. I O C g 4 / n

c. : n.

l. C .c g, .7 _.._,v.-..- ,,,,,,.,,,,m--, _....~e., wee.

TEY.P EU* 4 a..a N.... I* ..C.... D.. g gg g k* .1 c gnoingga s. o g saca t a s, con sinucto AS N d.L 0 // MQ Naw ou ,, g,,,,,, f,],g,j,,,g,,g,,/,,,, g.. g3,,,,,,, T DS.I

  • C.9.B.I Blo.b.L *

%.!.7 l. m / uo a c... c 4..... ........,n...... e.. _'.) ( SU FAG &_f/l ~,. c. f ,m A mp.a.n RESULTS i T o I N T S G : (~t t.. Io o o L sQ *, (coursNueo reoM PAgG 4/s): cu e ct< WHeritee conceers pas cRAcxe O.* ( ALTERNATE APPROX. METHOD) ~ k Up = 35 9 K{in Mope t. 3 ct 4to l Mp = - 275 IGn/n Table.i C oa & e 4/g 3 4 kam.ogt.neeu con.crbe. SecMon a.nd hS s unt. ipere W e.gec6, y vanfarconcnf. o/A U. deyk (V@ b kill S tchten = 5.2 in. Ow QC 4/6 0 /- f Y +My 35.extooo y 275xuoco, s2 V A I 52 x t-Y2 X I X(52h / / [= G90 2 GIo / [my = I300 fst (T tnsioQ r ( M[O = bo A f)Mt00 - enn sese n to scan aa Con.crde. bs c racreJ v I i

REV 2 S T. I9.1.9 a... ><.. MM....U2.C.... Ef a.... y y y,,y f.KH 2O s=.ia.. N S-..---- - c.i.. =,

=oiouas. ois.c~u s. consuucica.

h/lh9 Mm Wz g, g,,,,,J,),,y,$,7,,g,g,f,,,,, c.I c,..,,,,...,, T US E 1 C.O.h!.E.: h!.BLL 1 .U 9 LI. 2.. m V ~o a c,......e............. .,,....,s....,...... ~ v.....J $.E3 E.6.$.E 4./I n.r. c. . _.n. rian, ......I S EE B..G.O.1:) / 4. RESULTS I ' :" ALTERMATE APh207. METR 09 (CCMTIMUEO P2Cwi %E4flG,) Anoike ahpvoack is (b pd Whah Wonld be. % ~.bWAr S{.r es.s la C o n c e t k t}. % SlesL kla.s

^ ~ ~ p% sheusod b co xs' evut

% ag & ~- 3s 'nol LUcdy to-Aappen :.- 95(EL. 3s?'b IW) AMD %T 94 (EL 99NI h I 9 - -- $cd,3g -Io2 K/in MopEL 2, CL 430 _[ _ W Q g4 = -2.hG:/[n TA u e .I. s, Paqs4ja j ~ Q=t v. o7 yjin y Lod,E*l' PLkl. Load,%egsze,. ;gcn 3 L2 > Ided.2, Mui.1, Tolots P 7I#G8 7 Q ak 95 : 3 02 + 0 07 = 3.o9 / .7 Q ak 94 = 2 5 cro.o, = 2.c3 ' Afil tr Y Ck on 3 To6cd. E,adtcd 5har a.! lEL, 995'- Jo}fe; ktf"dd ~ bd. 95 $ 9-Q (3.os-2. ca) x 2s.s / / Q.=

2. G3 +

2.g a xl,. \\ = n go.s ...... ff cch'w' dqih sech'en. = 4'c in Csu. a.y. sja)

REV.2 NL% NE- '"'" # = # C"" c - Gibbe e Hist. ine. 4 21 Shut N. 4.p/ PKg-- = 2 - - gNGiN41As QtssGNEAS.CcN5f AvC'QAg .4 n om. w,,, G 2-T.NI!'? a s n s.. N..D..? c T.U.3 I

  • C.9 M T-blo.L L Q N.LT 2

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7.2 ATTACHMENTS NOTE: This document has been completely retyped for convenience in issuing Revision 8. Vertical lines (change bars) appearing in the margins indicate what information was actually changed, added, or deleted by Revision 8. b '"* 'I **M '

1 'r,. '.s .I5 "' -.,.. :, . ;b JOB 35-1195 N Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Construction Procedure DOCUMENT CHANGE NOTICE NUMBER 1 Sheet 1 of 2 This notice applies to Construction Procedure No. 35-1195-ACP-3 Revision 9 This change will be incorporated in the next revision of the procedure. Change the procedure as follows: REPLACE THE F01. LOWING PAGE WITH THE ATTACHED: 9 of 28 Reason for change: Clarification This change approved by: Reviewed by: ' W/Ik/ dt'Ufl % G' Y/ phi f Otrginator Cate Brown & Roo*. Quality Assurance Cate Reviewed by: #w .6-/J-#/ May 14, 1981 Construct 1on Project Manager Date Effect1ve Cate



l I 1.1 PURPOSE 1.1.1 To establish the program for riceiving, handling. storage, issuance and pertinent inspections of plant items. : 1.2 SCOPE 1.2.1 This procedure applies to all Q and Non-Q ites to be received, handled, and stored by Brcwn & Root. 1.3 RESPONSIBILITIES 1.3.1 B&R Engineering - To provide technical assistance to construc-tion and to perform receipt inspections of Non-Q ites. 1.3.2 Chief Warehouseman - The B&R Chief Warehouseman is responsible for the administrative activities associated with receiving and storage of items. 1.3.3 Brown & Root QC Department - For "Q" items only, the QC department is responsible to perform receiving inspection, apply status tags (as applicable), verify and check the complete-ness of pertinent documentation package necessary to receive quality related items. 2.0 DEFINITION OF TERMS 2.1 Engineering - Refers to CPSES Project Engineering 2.2 QC Department - BAR Quality Control Department 2.3 Equipment - Refers to items which are detailed on the G&H equipment list, e.g., tanks, pumps, domineralizers, packaged systems, switchgear, motors, control cabinets, etc. 2.4 Materials - Refers to bulk items, e. g., pipe fittings, hangers, valves, cables, etc. 2.5 Items - To denote reference to equipment and materials. 2.6 "Q" - Quality related items as defined in the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). i

v. 4 PROCEDURE EFFECTIVE SROWN & ROOT, !E. N M ER REY!5!0N DATE PAGE CPSE3 J08 35-11H ACP-3 8 4/18/80 3 of 28 2.7 Warehouse - Any building or open area where an its is kept in storage from the time it is received at the construction site until issued to construction. Warehouses are classified by storage environmental requirements - Type A, 8. C, D, or E, as defined in Appendix 1 (Attachent 13). 2.8 In Place Storage - Storage cf an its at its intended permanent location, rather than in a warehouse area. 2.9 Receiving - From a warehousing standpoint " Receiving" involves two activities, one physical and the other administrative. Material or equipment itms may be physically delivered to the warehouse and offloaded, but the shipment is not necessarily " received" until required inspections and associated administra-i tive work are completed or at least initiated. ETE: Titles', when used in this procedure. signify either the person or his designee. 3.0 SPECIAL ITEMS AND OPERATIONS 3.1 Vendor Owned Itas - Vendor owned itms or tools which are not part of the permanent plant equipment shall be considered as part of the equipment package for receiving purposes. Return of these ites shall be per Paragraph 5.S. 3.2 Bulk earth material will be stockpiled on the ground at" selected locations at, or near the construction activity for which they are to be used. Concrete batching material will be received and handled in accordance with 35-1195-CCP-10. 3.3 Subcontractor materials will be directed to assigned subcontractor areas and record keeping will be a subcontractor responsibility unless specific arrangements are made between Brown & Root and the subcontractor. 3.4 If the item is to be delivered directly to a construction activity (after first stopping at the warehouse receiving office), a NtR and a material requisition shall be prepared, as soon as practicable, to close warehouse records on the item. THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK M_

i . + :;. :.y 4,h :;:D.-Q;.;.g;. PROCEDURE EFFECT!YE OR0lfl & ROOT, IfC. ESSER AtV!5 ION 04TE PAGE CPSES I

  1. 8 38"1188 ACP-3 8

4/18/80 4 of 28 & Gi::: '3. 5 Vendor manuals which address instructions for storage, handling, Installation, etc. should be on-site prior to equipment arriva' v,.. however, additional or supplemental manuals and/or vender instruc- .~ ._~ tions may accompany the shipment. All manuals or instruction packages shall be transmitted to the Occument Control Center for logging and distribution to the cognizant engineer. 4.0 GENERAL 4.1 Warehouse personnel must distinguish between "Q" and "Non-Q" items. For items, except pipe and fittings, either the purchase order (P.O.), quality release (QR), or 4&H equipment list shall be used to determine classification. For pipe and fittings the following breakdown shall be used for receiving classification . purposes. 1. ITT-Grinnell piping classifications shall be identified by the following prefixes to the vendor identification number: PH - Non-Nuclear Piping Unit I and Comon PI - Nuclear Piping Unit 1 and Comon ' P3 - Non-Nuclear Piping Unit 2 PK - Nuclear Piping Unit 2 2. Brown & Root supplied piping shall be identified by the P.O. 3. All other piping which may be supplied or an'sociated with a particular piece of equipment shall be considered the same classification as the equipment unless otherwise specified by the QR or P.O. 4.2 Documentation necessary to receive items (supplied by W,, G&H. TUSI. & S&R) 1. Appropriate P.O. 2. Documentation package including QR (W suoplied item)/QAR (G&H/TUSI supplied item)/ Certificate of Compliance "CC" (if required by BAR P.O.) ASME Code Data Forms, etc. as appropriate. . 3. Specifications and drawings as applicable. ,-.--,-----------w- - -~ --~*"v' '~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~

m PROCEDURE EFFECTIVE . BROWN & ROOT.. !)C. y g.., N M ER REVISION DATE PAGE CPSE3 JOB 35-1195 ACP-3 8 4/18/80 5 of 28 t. ,s 5.0 PROCEDURE " 5.1 RECE!VING 1 5.1.1 Receiving Check ' Prior to off-loading: 1. Verify packing list against the P.O. 2. Obtain handling and storage instructions. 3. Notify QC of the arrival of all "Q" itens and Engineering of the arrival of "Non-Q" ites. 10TE: The communication medium for notifying QC personnel is the shipment packing Itst. The statement: "QC notified will be placed on the packing list and a QC representative will sign and date the list. 4. Check for evidence of load shifting, humping or other ship-ping damage, and, as appropriate, document and process Over, Short and Damage (OS&D) Report. 5.1.2 For all items arriving on site, a Material Rece"1ved Record (MR - Attachment 9) shall be initiated. For "Non-Q" it es, the "QC Check By" block shall be marked N/A (not applicable), along with the initials of the warehouse personnel receiving the item. The MR for any "Q" material will, in the "QC Check By" block, be marked with an "X". Upon being presented with the MR, QC shall sign in the QC block indicating receipt of the NRR. 5.1.3 Inventory or count, heat number verification, and documentation package receipt, etc. shall be verified. Document discrepancies shall be noted on the MR. 5.1.4 R&R QC shall perform detailed receiving inspection in accord-ance with the provisions of this procedure and supplementary instructions and document the results of the inspection on the QC Receiving Inspection Repert (RIA - Attachment 11). The RIR's shall be numbered sequentially and the numbers shall be controlled by the QC Receiving Supervisor. %i s. 94

'^ - PROCEDURE EFFECTIVE ~ Wlonel 4 2007, IIC, It#SER REY!$!0N DATE PAGE CPSE5 l ACP-3 8 4/18/80 8 of 28 - 5.1.5 Inspection Methods: Quality instructions shall be used to perform the inspection of "Q" materials. These documents shall form the basis for the l inspection. The results of the inspection shall be documented on the RIR (Attachment 11). Attachments shall be used as neces-sary to explain in detail the condition of the its at receipt. For TU5!, G&H and R&R procured items that do not receive a final inspection release by these agencies, S&R QC personnel shall per-form a receipt inspection using checklists prepared by 8&R for the applicable item. Similarly, checklists shall be used to complete individual inspections waived by these agencies. All such checklists will be filed with the RIR in the Permanent Plant Records Vault.' Site Engineering shall perform receipt inspections of "Non-Q" items using Attachment 8. A complete inspection will be performed to assure compliance to code, standards, specifications, procedures and the purchase order for all itms which will be code stamped by 8&R. If the iten has a previous code stamp, then the itms should be in-spected for obvious damage and adequate documentation. On all piping (1, G6H. TUSI, R&R supplied piping), warehousing shall check the heat numbers against the Mill Test Report as applicable. 84R Engineering will check the Mi1J Test Reports for compliance to the material specification requirments as applicable for Non "Q" piping. For piping which has undergone I shop surveillance by TUSI, site engineering will perform a receiving check for conformance to the material specification. } is a wall thickness data chart which is to be used in evaluation of pipe thickness acceptability for receiving inspection only. Attachnent 8 will be utilized for documenting the check. All "Q" related piping and documentation shall be checked by QC. 's THIS SPACE LEFT INTENTI0lnLLY BLANK O g_ b c y e 1

j.}* '. ? - - -((, ' PROCEDURE EFFECTIVE %g[ a e' s . BROWN & R007. ! E.t.W.' v NLDSER REVISION DATE PAGE CPSES ,e JOB 35-1195 ACP-3 8 4/18/80 7 of 28 l t, Valve inspection - valves may be received under various ship +, c ping conditions, i.e., crated, boxed, strapped to pallets or loose..The f.vpection shall include a visual check of the Gi ~7 valve, operator. :rore parts (e.g., pressure gauges), name plate "3 data against the packirs list and/or QR and P.O. The receiving inspection should be as extensive as practical considering the use of shippers packaging for. long term storage. For long term storage the integrity of the shippers packaging should be main-tained. The contents of all damaged cartons must be examined. I . Miscellaneous loose itms such as pressure gauges, solenoid operated valves, etc. shall be removed from open crates then packed in storage boxes. These boxes marked with the P.O. number and the appropriate item identification number, such as the valve number. The box shall then be sealed, stored, and the location noted on the MtR. h.1.5.7 Items which cannot be receipt inspected: a. If items cannot be rece!st inspected due to cleanliness or environmental / corrosion protection packaging or other rea-sons, a " Receiving hold" tag shall be applied. No Noncon-formance Report (NCR) is required for "Q" itens. b. The RIR and data packages shall be maintained in the QC receiving office, The " Receiving Hold'" tags may be removed only'under the c. following condition: The item is put in a condition whereby receipt inspection can be performed satisfactorily. An example would be if the item was previously not opened for internal inspection but at the first maintenance cycle, it was opened for desic-cant change, the required inspection would be performed, and if all else was satisfactory, the hold tag would be removed and the RIR and data package would be transmitted to the QA records vault. e* THIS SPACE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK .w.. 'l P a

f v 7 ,,. m J.:- PROCEDURE EFFECTIVE . BROWN & ROOT, lit...-- 8RSSER REY!5!0N 04TE PAGE ,+ CPSD ....',y J08 35-1195 ACP-3 -4 4/18/80 8 of 28 ,A, 4 sJil.1.6 hetification to the Authorized Nuclear Inspector:.(AN!) =The 7 Ng,;... ' ' receiving Inspector shall notify the AN! of a11' receipts of 6 r.p;<g materials to be used in the fabrication of items to be code ~ ~' ' p' i stamped by 8&R..This notification shall be by any means conven- ~' -6FC % 1ent; the method shall be documented on the RIR. If the ANI wives inspection of the item received, the inspector shall complete the ANI portion of the RIR by checking the waived J, section and dating. Should the ANI exercise his option to s. y,. w' .r inspect the item, he shall sign the ANI portion of the RIR to indicate satisfactory or unsatisfactory results. I 5.1.7 The Material / Equipment Receiving Log (Attachment 12) shall be used by QC to record all receipt inspections. A copy shall be sent to the QA records vault for filing when all ites appearing on the log have been released for construction. - 5.1.8 Its and Pertinent Documentation Package Status The documentation packages for the items received shall be reviewed against the table of contents and P.O./ Specification for completeness. If any of the following items exist: 1. A Quality Release (QR) did not accompany the W furnished item, or if the @t w s available but had a "C" (Contingency) entered thereon for any attribute that had not been resolved by an attached QR supplement. 2. A Quality Assurance Release (Q4R) did not accompany the G&H/ TUSI furnished item which required source inspection, or if the QAR was available but had a "C" entered thereon which had . not been resolved. QNR L.;,;;, y a THIS SPACE LEFT INTENTIONALLY 8 LANK . c. :y .}.fi, .n. + ~. u. ,.; b ~!: . s.) :l : :,y '..,; 1- ? : 4 y .e'g g g

y PROCEDURE EFFECT!yf l OROWN & ROOT, INC. MjM8tR REV!5!0N DATE f PAGE C95ES ' I J08 35-1198 ACP-3 8 4/18/80 ! af 28 @ i@ W '. 3. A "CC" (Conformance Certificate) did not accompany the ita .; D when required by BAR P.O. 's ' &.;c j "[

4. ' The review of the documentation package reveals incomplete-

~ ', '.,., ness in documentation. Then the following action shall be taken: a. The its shall be tagged " Receiving Mold", b. W/G&H-TU5!/86R Purchasing or Site Vendor Surveillance as ap-propriate, and TUGC0 QA shall be notified via a copy of the k!R with a notation for appropriate follow-up action. c. The item and documentation package shall be maintained in the QC receiving area. The QR/QAR/CC, when received, or cleared in the case of a contingency, shall be trans- { mitted to the QA vault along with the RIR package for final processing and filing. If the Gt/QAR/CC has a "W" (Waiver) entered thereon for any attribute, the appropriate W specifications /G4H checklist - waiver letter /84R P.O. shalT be checked to determine the re-guir ments and perform waived inspections. They shall be documented on the RIR. { If a CC is not required by the P.O. S&R QC shali perform receipt inspection to verify compliance to P.O. requirments. Items received damaged or in violation of the specification: i s. Upon discovery of damage or nonconformance to the specifi-cation, the QC Inspector shall tag the its with an appro-priate " Receiving Mold" tag and initiate a NCR (if "Q" it es) in accordance with CP-QAP-16.1. For Non "Q" items., the BAR engineer shall initiate an engineering report and the item shall be placed in a hold status. b. "Q" itms so tagged shall be noted on Attachent 12. ' Color Coding - Sulk piping materials shall be color coded e . p'. prior to release for construction in accordance with draw-ing FSM-00101. The color coding shall be applied by ware-house personnel. For "Q" materials, the color coding will be applied af ter QC has completed its receiving inspection I Uk I ACP 3, CN#1 4/14/s1 Sheet 2 ef 2

" i '. ~ pit 0CEDURE EFFECTIVE BROWN & A007, !!C. NUPEER, REY!5 ION DATE PAGE CPSLS T ~ JOB 35-11H ^ ACP-3 8 10 of 28 4/18/80 and found the material to be acceptable. The QC Receiving Supervisor shall complete and forwrd the " Authorization to i (G " # 9 3 Color Code" form (Attachment 4) to the Chief Warehousanan. lN MM The form signifies the material is acceptable and lacks only ~ { 1,

r the color coding for construction release. The QC Receiv-t"-

ing Department will then inspect the color coding for correct- . ness and clarity and release the material if acceptable. : Any dis- ~ crepancies in the color coding.shall be resolved by the Chief Ware-housman and the QC Receiving Supervisor. For "Non-Q" materials, the color coding will be verified by Engineering. Tagging - All nonconforming itms shall be appropriately ident-ified, pending required action. For "Q" itms tags / stickers shall be used to visually reflect the inspection status of re-q ceived items in accordance with Q4P-15.1. In the case of bulk I k fittings, studs, nuts, flanges, etc., a status tag / sticker ap-L plied to bins, boxes, or other containers is acceptable in lieu o of tagging each piece, l The "Q" its which has a nonconformance may be issued to construc-tion provided a cognizant and responsible construction person ini-t1ates the Toporary Waiver Request and that it has been processed and granted in accordance with the provisions of CP-QAP-16.1. l i The "Q" its with " Receiving Hold" for documentation only may be l 1ssued for in-place storage under the following conditions: 1. No further processing will take place, e.g, boltina, weldiig, grouting, electrical / instrumentation connections, et. 2. Appropriate discipline engineer shall initiate a 3 part memo on which QC concurrence for the item release shall be obtained. The copy of this memo shall be distributed to appropriate QC Enginwe, Warehouse office and to the departments responsible for activities pertaining to storage and main-tenance. 3. Warehouse office shall prepare and fila a relocation card. 4. The item shall be stored in-place with the " Receiving Hold" tag on it. e 5.2 STORAGE AND HANDLING , 5.2.1 Within each of the storags areas (type A through E as delineated in' Appendix 1) "Q" items should be physically separatad from "Non-Q" items, and identified. Where segregation is not prac-tical, due to size, configuration, or specific storage require-ments, etc., positive identification shall be maintained which clearly identdfies the material. Mi

r 4 n 2, PROCEDLRE EFFECTIVE NLMER REY!5IGN 04TE PAGE BASWN & 4007.-18C. - CpSES JOS 35-1195 ACP-3 8 4/18/80 11 of 28 .,1 .5.2.2 Itas in storage which are to become a part of toporary er .x permanent faci ities shall be clearly identified by Purchase Order numbers with the exception of bulk ites such as pipe. fittings. pipe hangers, valves, etc., which will be stored and identified by either their piece numbers, category number, size, or generic number for valves. 5.2.3 All ites shall be handled and stored carefully in accordance with good construction practice. The following are some " good practice"l considerations. For additionel requirments, see CCP-24. a. Suitable handling and spacing in storage to prevent damage by collision, chaffing. or the presence of one item against another. This is especially important for protection of threaded surfaces, machined or painted surfaces, pipe coatings and fragile protrusions, such as gauges, valve stas and electrical connections, b. Avoid,1erky movements or dropping. c. Hoist, crane, or cherry picker rigging only by qualified

rigger, d.

All handling equipment in safe working condition, e. Equipment openings capped or plugged if required to prevent entrance of foreign matter. f. Openings kept open if required for ventilation. g. Protective coating or lubricant if required on machined surfaces and threads, h. Shelving, dunnage, storage bins, etc.. suitable for size and weight of item. 1. Stainless steel materials separated from carbon ~ teel materials. s 5.2.4 With the exception of stockpiled earth materials, all ites shall be stored on dunnage or by other suitable means such as on racks in bins, on clean concrete floors, etc. 5.2.5 All storage areas shall be kept clean and neat. W

IT. PROCEDutt EFFECTIVE 'l BROWN & ROOT.\\!E. i speER REY!$10N DATE PAGE gpsgg JOS 35-11H ' c w - ACP-3,' 8 4/18/80 12 of 28 l l -l.2.6 With the exception of uniformed Security Guards and Brown & Root personnel assigned as Security Supervisors. N, 'L personnel not assigned to specific warehouse responsibil-7 ities shall not enter a storage area unless accompanied by a person who is so assigned. Signs to this effect should be posted in all warehouse areas. .5.2.7 The location of every stored item shall be clearly noted on the MtR for the ita. Any time a stored item is moved to a new location, a " Relocation Record" (Attachment 10) shall be made. The relocation record shall be filed with the warehouse copy of the MtR. 5.2.s Within the warehouse areas. " hold" areas will be established and identified as such for storage of nonconforming "Q" items. NOTE: As a guideline, control of nonconforming items by tagging, marking or other means of identi-fication is acceptable where physical segrega-tion is not practical, although physical seg-regation is preferred. 5.2.g Following is a listing of miscellaneous n.aterials and their respective storage classification requirements. 1. Bagged bulk cement. lime, sand, etc. "C" storage or better. 2. Concrete admixture "C" storage or better. 3. All cadweld materials except powder "C" storage or better. 4 Cadweld powder "C" storage.1solated for fire safety. 5. Carbon steel rod, plate, angle, robar etc. "E" storage or better. 4. Carbon steel small hardware such as nuts, bolts, washers in-cluding fasteners conforming to ASTM-A-193.194. 307. 325 and 490. "C" storage or better in appropriate bins or shelves for handling convenience. 7. Stainless steel stored in accordance with applicable storage 6nd maintenance instructions or type "E" storage.

8. ' Reference 351195-WCP-5 for storage of welding materials.

5.2.10 For any given item or material not cited elsewhere in this procedure the type of, storage level shall be specified per 35-1195-MCP-10. j-

I r ] o :. " y.;. g 7,, w 4 }, . ~ PROCEDURE EFFECTIVE OROWN 4 R007. IIC. NUISER REY!$!0N DATE PAGE ~: CPSES JOB 35-1195 ACP-3 8 4/18/80 13 of 28 5.3 ISSUANCE OF ITEM 5.3.1 All itms shall be issued by means of Material Requisition Fom (MR) (Attachent 5). QC concurrence by means of the initial on the ,, m 2 Form shall be required (for "Q" ites) except for the building 1: department stock material, such as bolts, nuts. Richond Screw Anchors. Hilti-Kwik tolts, etc. The QC Inspector concurring the material or equipment issuance shall determine from available re-cords the status of the items. When the determination has been made that the its is cleared for installation, the inspector shall initial and date the m in a legible manner. Itas for pipe fab shop (PFS) use only may be issued in bulk quantities utilizing an M and the INTE)CED USE block shall be noted "FOR TE PFS". 5.3.2 For all ites, the properly prepared requisition will be authorized by the appropriate department craft superintendent, or supervisor. Upon release from the warehouse, the person accepting delivery shall sign the requisition showing both name and badge number. 5.3.3 The applicable information required o$ the material requisition is 'i self-explanatory. As a minimum it should have the P.O. number and the following information: a. Piping Materials - Quantity, description, heat no., (if appli-cable), pipe category, specification, color code or stock no, code class and, for field use other than the pipe feb shop, the draw-ing that material is to be used for. b. Piping Sub-assembly - Subassembly number. c. Valves - Quantity, size, generic number serial number, and drawing (s) on which valve (s) are shown, d. Equipment - Equipment number and description. l e. Instrumentation Tubing & Fittings - Quantity, description and heat no. (if appli-cable). No drawing number or location is re-quired as all tubing and fittings are Q and are traceable through the marking on the fittings or the heat number / color coding of the tubing as indicated on the Manufacturing Record Sheet for the particular installation. Warehouse receiving will issue fittings and tubing to the instrumentation warehouse on a bulk material MR for storage and distri. a c.q 9. v.*t";."..- bution to the field with no additional m i required. .7-"---w-'s-iowem t-+e--wwwwe--wwww---y--e-e g ___yyy wwg----,__ ---yw -w yw'-

n. .~ ~ t..,..,, ~ PROCEDWtt EFFECT!YE OROWN & ROOT, !IC. IMSSER, REY!$!0N QATE PAGE ..;CPSE3 J08 38-1198 ACP-3 4 4/18/80 14 of 28 5.3.4 The information Itsted will be used as a means of maintaining trace-ability of listorials and equipment. Any deviation from the original a intended use or location should be so noted on the material requist-69 Ob", tion by the craft installing the ite(s), and verified by QC as being , w;N.,g9*,c. acceptable for use in the new location. Unless otherwise provided for X; in applicable site procedures, the MR shall be presented to the QC inspector for verification of acceptance of the ite(s) and also for 4 + ' g, its comparison to the P0t. The requisitioner should retain the ori-d ginal copy of the material requisition for making copies as required. Any discrepancies regarding the PEL or the issued material should be brought to the attention of the inspector who processed the pet. 5.3.5 The same sequence of issue is to be fc11 owed by the fabrication shops een material is issued directly from the fabrication shop to the field for installation. 5.4 RETURN TO WAREHOUSE 5.4.1 Itas which have been withdrawn from the warehouse and are not needed or which have been fabricated by BAR construction and are to be re-turned to the warehouse for later installation shall be trans-mitted ta the warehouse by the " Material Return to Warehouse" form (Attacha ent 2). The responsible craft superintendent shall initiate the forir. Each form shall have a unique number. The warehouse will treat these similar to the MRR's and enter the quantities returned on the Material Control Cards (Similar to Attachnent 1) when app 11-cable. The traceability markings on all "Q" items must be legible. For those items which are not traceable they shall be placed in "Non-Q" stock. QC shall verify acceptance of the matbrial for "Q" ites. 5.5 0FF-SITE SHIPMENTS 5.5.1 Written request and authorization shall be required for the its to be shipped off-site. The form shown as Attachnent 3 will be utilized when possible. A copy of the shipping record shall be transmitted to Quality Assurance for "Q" items. 6.0 RECORD 5 6.1 Warehouse records shall be prepared and maintained by warehousing per-sonnel. They shall be accessible only to personnel authorized by the B&R Project Manager, Aeiinistration Manager, or Chief Warehouseman. 6.2 The key indexing number in the warehouse filing syste will be the purchase order (P.O.) number. All warenouse records, such as MRR's. 05&D's, equipment maintenance records, correspondence, etc., shall be retrievable by reference to the P.O. number. 6.3 Distribution schedules for copies of warehouse records shall be es. tablished by the SAR Manager of Administration. Reproduction and control of distribution shall be coordinated with the 84R DCC.

p, n. .w PROCEDURE EFFECTIVE 8A0681 & ROOT. IIC. N M IR . REV!$!0N 04TE PAst CPSU J08 36-11N 'ACP-3 8 4/18/80 15 of 28 e N _6.4 On all "Q" ites, a copy'he original documentation package of the istR will be directed to the . N M+ QC Receiving Section. will be sent with this pglA copy. ... 49 > ;..; wg ; ;,,..

u 1

-p . 6. 5 Documentation Package for "Non-Q" itas shall be delivered to the Completions Group Office. 6.6 A carden file systs will be used to maintain log records of mechanical equipment, bulk piping, pipe spools, valves and pipe hangers. Attactment 1 illustrates a typical format for these cards. 6.7 The S&R QC Receiving Supervisor shall maintain a RIR file for each its received. A fila (RIR) shall also be maintained in the MR QA records vault. The QC copy of the MRR shall be filed in the Q4 records vault for cross referencing with the RIR. -- 7.0 $UPPORTINE INFORMATION


1. Brown & Root Construction Procedure No. 35-1196-CCP-10 " Concrete Batch Plant Operations" 1 2. Brown & Root Construction Procedure No. 35-1195-MCP-10 "$torage & Storage Mqaintenance of Mechanical & Electrical Equipment". 3. Brown & Root Construction Procedure 35-1195-DCP-1 "The Document Control Center's General Procedures" 4. MH Piping Erection Specification 2323-MS-100. 5. G4H Mechanical Erection Specification 2323-MS-101. 6. Quality Control Procedure CP4P-15.1. " Field Control of i' Inspection Status of Itas & Materials." 7. Quality Control Procedure CP4P-16'I. " Control of Deficiencies and Non-Conforming !tes" e 4. MR Construction Procedure No. 35-1195-CCP-24. " Rigging". 9. MR Construction Procedure No. 35-1195 CPM 6.gC, " Material Identification". 1

10. MR Construction Procedure No. 25-1195 WCP 5, " control of Weld Filler Material".

'f PROCEDURE EFFICTIVE 8ROWN & ROOT. !IC. 80SER. . AfV!$!0N DATE PAGE CPSE3 JOB 35-11H ACP.3 8 4/18/80 16 of 28 ^

11. Quality Control Procedure CP-QAP-8.1, "QC Receiving Inspection" ATTACmtNTS 1.

Valve Log 2. Rsterial Return to Warehouse Report 3. Return Goods Authorisaticn 4. Authorisation to Color Code 5. Material Requisition (from Warehouse) 6. Minimum Accepta'ble Wall Thickness Chart 7. (DELETED FROM PROCEDURE) 8. Receiving Checklist for Non-Q Items g. Material Received Record

10. Relocation Record
11. Receiving Inspection Report
12. Material /toutpoent Receiving Log
13. Appendix 1 D

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~ AUTHORIZATION TO COLOR CODE The following material has been checked by QC Receiving and found to be acceptable. Color Coding may be applied by BAR Receiving. P. D. ImA Exceptions: QC Engineer / Inspector F O e e c e 0 e

r PROCEDURE EFFECTIVE 3 ROW & ROOT. '!E. . NL8SR REY!5 ION DATE PAGE r CPSE3 JOB 35-1195 ACP-3 8 4/18/80 21 of 28 ATTAC MENT 5 BROWN & ROOT, INC. "- uma m CummTY OtsCmPTION & TAG NUWGER "IO # M QC g ,.T. _ o. EW. U l W l

'r Mt0CEDimE EFFECTIVE IROW 4 2007. Ilt. . ietseER REVISION DATE WE CP5E5 Jos 35-1195 ACP.3 8 4f33fgo 22 of 28 ATTACMENT 6 O sessisusnmasu mamassomsr* im li sa no se e ise em i u su em se so so a 1 e ss a as a as I e e is.nse a m us in tu rnas we.e 1 - l - l - .se i.sse l - i.en -l- - I.or ! - l - l - .arr r.:n i.m - l - l

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RECEIVING CHECK LIST s ... o,1 -r 'd I.k,%, M4fic u. 'NDN-Q PIPE. SP00L5 & FITTIES -7 '~ 1 - / i i Inte Received: .P.O. f: i 9/L f: Perfem og 3 : 7 1 e-2 ht 1 si= l Schedule Actus) Hall Thick Nta. til Documentation AsiW/Asti best i NFS. ) straightness i Sys11ty Meeswed 10/00 Settet C.wjage UnMun Physical Damage ' ' ' U Markings level tad Prop. - s. Comments

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...7.__. I REPORT NO. OUAUTY ASSI'tANCE RECEIVtse6 INSPECT 100s REPORT j erst gemoement ,;,4, P O. aseR .MAAACTERISTIC INSP..TIOe83 GCI 8.l=- SAT. WIISAT. IICS segL3 Tag APPARENT RESPCseSIGILITY FOR UN.ATISPACTORY ITEMS: O = ===='ia n .AT... ....T.I..LO... stem eft ogsca Pflosungssaasts a TYP! CAL I i d ~: l ,t ) i ro AWTMO# TIE. NW. LEAR teeSPt. TOR NOTIFICATIOes: 9478. WIBE. 11984: N/A IWi?. I Aael wlTNESS6 GA f.

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t n _r z <. '. i - c,--y 4 . s PROCEDURE EFFECT!YE .a BROWN & R00T.'!E..,. - s0MBER REV!5!0N DATE PAGE CPSES JOB 35-11H ACP-3 8 4/18/80 28 of 28 ATTACWENT 13 ,13 i APPENDIX-1 Storage Environmental Conditions for ites: 1. Type A A fire-resistant, tear resistant, weathertight and well ventilated building or equivalent enclosure which is further equipped for t aperature and humidity control and filtered air ventilation. 2. Type 8 A fire resistant, tear resistant, weathertight, and well ventiTated building or equivalent enclosure. The floor will be paved or equal and well drained. The building shall be temperature controlled between 4CFF-140"F. 3. Type C A fire resistant, tear resistant, weathertight and well ventilated building or equivalent enclosure which does not require temperature and humidity control. 4 Type D Outdoor storage in an area which is well drained and reasonably remnved from the actual construction area and traffic. Itas shall be on cribbing or equivalent and protected from the weather with weather-proof coverings. 5. Type E Outdoor storage in an area which is well drained and reasonably removed from the actual construction area and traffic. Itens shall be on cribbing or the equiv-alent. i e

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4) ,r , INTEROFFICE MEMO - '1/71!W 25214 March 14.~1953 e x _.c ' ' L.j{TO : Occument Control Center ~ iFROM: W.E. Baker' . 'r l >


-Recall of Welding Procedure Specifications t

Brown & Roct Welding Engineering is recalling selected Welding Procedure Specifications because they are no longer needed for production or their , range of uses is covered by other Welding Procedure Specifications tha; are remaining active. Those Welding Procedure Specifications being recalled at this time are: WPS 10031 Rev.3 WPS 10055 Rev.0 WPS 11211 Rev.0 WPS 12011 Rev.1 WPS 15010 Pev.3 WPS 19010 Rev.0 WPS 99020 Rev.6 WPS 99026 Rev.3 WPS 99027 Rev.5 WPS 99028 Rev.4 WPS 99030 Rev.1 WPS 99031 Rev.1 .'I' WPS 99032 Rev.1 WPS 99033 Rev.0 h & 4:fA/ W.E. Baker Sr. Project Weidir; En;. (WE8/pam cc: ~ 'e [ s-l .t 'e i S


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Texas util.ities services, Inc. P.O. Bax 1002 Glen Rose, Texas 76043 Attontion Mr. J. T. P:erritt Sc.trj ectz - B&R Welding Procedure i Specification WPS-10011, Rev. 3 Referwncrr BRF-10810

Dear. Mr-Herritt:

The subjectr Weldir.g Procedura specification is " Approved for arrangement only. Proceed. with fabrication subject to'com-pliance witfr all. contract requirements, drawings and speci-ficationa c, 4 ..,7 sincerely, CISBS.'s HITJ., INC. Nddel v64-R. C. Barber Senior Welding Engineer RCE/ps - ce: 5 5:. Ballard-G&H-NY 'Pt te F. Say-4'USI-CPSIS R. Xissengec -TUSI-CPSES M. E. Baker-BbR weIding Engc. S CPSES O I ' % i 4 e. b 5.. e e' 'i -n. s a}}