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Responds to Concerns Noted in Insp Rept 50-443/88-07.Five Allegations/Concerns Reviewed by Employee Allegation Resolution Program Investigation Determined That Allegations Inaccurate or Unrelated
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/29/1988
From: George Thomas
NYN-88116, NUDOCS 8809080118
Download: ML20153G337 (7)


r-4 George S. Thomas vice Presk$ent Nuclear Production UI Put2c Service of New Hampshire New Hampshire Yankee Division August 29, 1988 3

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Attention: Document Control Desk


a) Facility Operating License NPF-56, Docket No. 50-443 b) USNRC Letter dated July 28, 1988, 'NRC Region I Inspection Report No. 50-443/88-07,' James T. Wiggins to Robert J. Harrison


Response to NRC Region I Inspection No. 50-443/88-07 Gentlemen Reference (b) requested that New Hampshire Yankee (NHY) provide the results of the Employee Allegation Resolution (EAR) program investigation'of five allegations / concerns considered by the NRC to remain open items. New Hampshire Yankee has completed its review and evaluation of these issues and has determined that the allegations are either inaccurate or relate to issues which were identified through NHY quality programs and properly dispositioned.

The enclosure to this letter provides a brief summary of the scope of the review and conclusions reached for each of the five items.

Complete documentation relating to these reviews is available at Seabrook Station and may be provided for your review by contacting Mr. Warren J. Hall at (603) 474-9574, extension 4046.

Very truly yours George homas




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P.O. Box 300. Seabrook, NH 03874 . Telephone (603) 474 9574 l



,Unitsd States Nucicar Regulatory Commission August 29, 1988 Attentio.t: Dreument Control Desk Page 2 cc Mr. William T. Russell Regional Administrator Region I United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 475 Allendale Road s King of Prussia Mr. Victor Herses, Acting Director Project Directorate I-3 Division of Reactor Projects Unite States Nuclear Regulatory Com=1ssion Wa'shington, DC 20555 Mr. Antone C. Cerne NRC Senior Rez'. dent Inspector Seabrook Station Seabrook, NH 03874 P

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The New Hampshire Yankee (NHY) Employee Allegation Resolution (EAR) Program has completed its review and evaluation of allegations identified as open by NRC Region I Inspection Report No. 50-443/88-07 (NRC IR 88-07).

The following is a brief summary of the NHY EAR Program's review and evaluation. They are listed by the NRC IR 88-07 paragraph number.

Paragraph 10 (d)

Uncertified piping material supplied by Boston Pipe (reference: ELP letter dated Tuly 6,1987, to NRC Region I).

Summary.of Review Boston Pipe was a "supplier' of refrigeration tubing, fittings and other standard commercial items to the Seabrook Project. UEEC performed vendor audits of Boston Pipe. The initial supplier approval was granted in February, 1982, and they were re-audited in February and December 1983. Each audit determined the supplier to be adequate for ANSI Standard B31.1 material supply.

As part of the evaluation of this allegation, receiving Nonconformance Reports (NCRs) issued against the purchase order were reviewed. Two receiving NCRs, of a routine nature, were issued against Boston Pipt. An NCR issued in June of 1982 identified various fittings received which were not in accordance with the purchase order. These items were evaluated by Engineering in accordance with existing pror.edures and properly dispositioned.

The second NCR issued in August of 1982, cited brass and copper fittings which did not meet the cleaning procedure requirements of the purchase order and which were received onsite without certification. The disposition of the NCR was to return the material to the supplier. This was done on 12/17/82.

Conclusion Seabrook Station quality programs are in place to preclude inadvertent use of unacceptable material. Material supplied by Boston Pipe was subject to these programs. Boston Pipe material determined to bs without certification was identified during receiving inspection and returned to the supplier. All material provided by Boston Pipe and utilized onsite has the appropriate certification. New Hampshire Yankee considers this item closed.

Paragraph 10 (e) ,

Uncertified electrical equipment supplied by Massachusetts Gas and Electric (reference ELP letter dated July 6, 1987, to NRC Region I).

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Summary of Peview As part of the evaluation of this allegation, NCRs issued againat the purchase order were reviewed. An NCR of a routine nature was issued on four reels of  ;

standard non-safety-related copper wire. The material was rejected during receiving inspection for lack of required standard certification. The disposition required the vendor to obtain the Certificate of Conformance (C of C) which referenced the purchase order to provide traceability to the material received. This was done and the C of C provided. The ELP's charge in their July 6, 1987 letter to Region I that Massachusetts Gas and Electric signed off on equipment inspections when not qualified to do so is incorrect. The vendor is a supplier, not a manufacturer, and as such certifies that the material is undamaged and properly identified and provides, as needed, the manufacturer's C of C (the certifying documentation of acceptability of the material).

Conclusion Seabrook Station quality programs are in place to preclude inadvertent use of unacceptable material. All material supplied by Massachusetts Gas and Electric was subject to these programs. Massachusotts Gas and Electric material, determined to be without proper certification, was properly dispositioned through these programs. All material provided by Massachusetts Gas and Electric and utilized onsite had appropriate certification.

New Hampshire Yankee considers this item closed.

Paragraph 10 (f)

Acceptable level installation of the reactor coolant pumps (reference: ELP meeting with the NRC, as documented in Region I letter dated February 18, 1988).

Summary of Review The final installed condition of 'C' RCP after the support column move satisfied the RCP levelness requirement. The Westinghouse procedure for setting major NSSS components specifies a levelness 'across the 0.D. to within 0.125 inches." The final installed condition of the 'C' RCP is 0.102 inches as measured by the installation contractor. A levelness criteria at hot conditions is not specified and is not typically measured. Westinghouse reviewed and approved the ao-built configuration of all of the RCPs including RCP 'C' after the support column move.

Conclusion Review by NHY Engineering and Westinghouse has concluded that the installation of RCP 'C' and all other RCPs is acceptable. New Hampshire Yankee considers thAs item closed.

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Paragraph 10 (g)

Weldolet in the EFW pump room with wrong taper and counterfeit identification number (reference: ELP meeting with the NRC, as documented in Region I letter, dated February 18, 1988).

Summary of Review The alleger stated that there is a weldolet affixed to an 8'-10' diameter piping elbow in the Emergency Feed Water (EFW) Pump Room that has the wrong taper and a counterfeit identification number scribed on it.

Supports, valves, piping, reducers of various sizes, and other items had been replaced or reworked from the condensate tank to both pumps by an Engineering Change Authorization (ECA) during the months of January through March of 1986. The alleger, however, could have only observed the conditions he cites above during the time frame of May 1982 through January 1983 and July 1983 through February 1984 (his period of employment).

In response to this allegation the NHY Nuclear Quality Group conducted a document search and visual inspection of the EFW Pump Room. All fittings that remotely fit the description contained in the allegation were examined. Tb's examination confirmed that the welds meet ASME code and design requirements.

Hand scribed identification markings were found on two of the fittings examined in addition to stamped identification. In any case, hand scribed markings are not precluded by the Code (ASME Section III NCA 3856.6). The markings were clear, with no alterations or grind marks.

Conclusion The New Hampshire Yankee review and physical inspection has found no substantiation to the allegation. New Hampshire Yankee considers this item closed.

Paragraph 10 - General An Authorized Nuclear Inspector (ANI) performed certain inspections at Seabrook Station which he was not properly certified to perform (reference provided by representatives from the ELP to the State of New Hampshire House of Representatives on January 13, 1988).

Summary of Review The review revealed that this allegation is incorrect and not substantiated.

The following relevant information is provided from the NHY EAR Program files:

0 Kemper Group did have an inspector trainee at the Seabrook site under the direct supervision of qualified nuclear incpectors from May through December, 1985. He was gaining the experience requirements of ANSI N626 as permitted by ASME III, NCA-5300.

0 For the eight months this trainee was on site, he performed his tasks in strict accordance with the restrictions in his training program.

0 On April 16, 1986, while assigned to another Kemper Group client this individual terminated his employment.

Conclusion The New Hampshire Yankee review has determined that the ANI trainee did not perform inspections that he was not certified to perform. New Hampshire Yankee considers this item closed.

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