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Tsunami Info Re Proposed Nuclear Power Plant Site,Pg&E at Bodega Head,Ca
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 05/06/1964
From: Wiegel R
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709240246
Download: ML20235B839 (25)


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    '                                                                                       6 May 1964 Berkeley, California 8709240246 851217 PDR     FOIA FIRESTOBS-665                             PDR                                                                                                 '

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                                            -GENERATION OF TSUNAMIS                                         .


  • The term " tidal wave", which is often used for the water Gravity waves  ; l associated with submarine seismic disturbances, is now seldom used in the technical literature as the waves are not related to the tides. The Japanese word " tsunami" is usually used instead.

l Tsunamis can be generated by several mechanisms. It is known that the explosion of an un'derwater volcano can cause one, or an island explodin6, such as Krakatoa. Explosion of atomic bombs underwater can also cause them. Most tsunamis i are associated with earthquakes occurrin6 under the ' ocean. The exact mechanism, or mechanisms are not known for sure, but large underwater landslides could cause them. . It is more likely that the major cause is an abmpt tectonic displacement of the ocean bottom, either fault displacement or more general displacements of the ocean o bottom as apparently was the. case in the Alaskan earthquake and tsunami of 27 March 1964.

]                       Most earthquakes that occur are of small enough ma6nitude that no noticeable tsunamis accompany them. In addition, the focal depth of the earthquake must be relatively shallow. Iida's 1963a results for tsunamis in Japan are shown in Figure 1.

To the left of line A, no tsunamis of any appreciable height have been observed. The data between lines A and B are important to areas in which the elevations are in the range of 2 to about 10 feet above the normal sea level at the time of the tsunami. The tsunamis des 16nated by symbols (m) 2 and 3, which are to the r16ht of line B,are major, with water running up to 20 feet. above the normal sea level at the time of the l tsunami for m = 2, and up to 39 feet for m = 3 (see Table 1 for relationships among I tsunami ma6nitude, m, tsunami energy and maximum tsunami run-up elevation). Except l under exceptional circumstances, a stmeture located at an elevation of Greater than 20 feet above the normal sea level at the time of the tsunami vould be affected only l by tsunamis of magnitude, m, Greater than 2 Referring to Figure 1, this means that

  )          the earthquake (occurrin6 under the ocean) would have to be greater than a Richter scale             ;

i l I


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f 4 TABLE 1 , MAONrrUDs, ENsROY, AND RUN-UP ELEVAnoN OF TsUNMes IN JAPAN l (after lida,19634 Tsunami - magnitude Tsunami energy Maximum run-up elevation Classi8 cation (m) eres (ft-lb) (meten) (ft) 5 25.6 x 1088 18.9 x lois > 32 > 105 l 4.5 - 12.8 I 9.4 . 24-32 79-10$

                                                  4 .                6.4                                 4.7                    16-24             52.5-79
                                                   ' 3.5               3.2 '                               2.4                    12-16             39.2-52.5 3                 1.6                                 1.2                     8-12             26.2-39.2                     ,

2.5 0.8 0.59 6-8 19.7-26.2 2 0.4 0.29 4-6 13.1-19.7 1.5 0.2 0.15 3-4 9.9-13.1

                                                 .1                    0.1                                0.074                    2-3               6.6-9.9 0.5                0.05-                              0.037                  1.5-2               4.9-6.6 0                  0.025                              0.018                    1-1.5             3.2-4.9
                                                -0.5                   0.0125                             0.0092               0.75-1                2.5-3.2 0.006                              0.0044               0.50-0.75             1.6-2.5
                                                - 1.5                  0.003                              0.0022               0.30-0.50             1.0-1.6
                                                -2                     0.0015                             0.0011                   <0.30               < 1.0 4

t w TABIE 2 TscNun ENEROY (after Ilda,1968) l76 5 4) . r Eartbquake energy Tsunami energy Tsunami energy te TsM earthquake energy (erss) (ft !b) (ergs) (ft-lb)

1. Mar. 3,1933 - Sanriku 20.0 x 1028 14.7 x 10:e 17 x 1088 12.5 x 1028 0.085
               , 2.             Nov. 3,1936 -            Fukushima         2.2                         1.6              0.2               0.15                        0.0091
               ' 3.             May 23,1938              Fukushima         0.28                      0.21               0.04              0.03                        0.011
4. Nov. 5,1938 Fukushima 2.2 1.6 0.2 0.15 0.0091
5. . Dec. 7,1944 ' Tonankal 6.4 4.7 7.9 5.8 0.12 1
6. Feb.10,1945 Fukushima 0.56- ' O.41 0.04 0.03 0.007 )
7. Dec. 21,1946 Nankaido 9.0 6.6 8.0 5.9 0.098
8. Mar. 2,1952 Tokachi 9.0 6.6 8.0 5.9 0.098
9. Nov. 4,1952 Kamch,'ca 13.0 9.6 15 - 11 0.11 -
             ,10.             Nov. 25,1953               Boso              1.0                       0.7                0.7               0.5                         0.07 l                                                                                                                              -


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t c magnitude, M, Breater than about 7 75, even for very shallow focal depths, and for focal depths greater than about 60 kilometers the earthquakes would have to have a magnitude greater than about 8.25 The relationship between the magnitude of the tsunami, m, and the magnitude of the earthquake, M, is shown in Fig. 2. This comes from data of the type shown in Table 2, which relates tsuna=1 energy to earthquake energy. It can be seen from the - data in Table 2 that the tsunamis have from less than 1% to about 12% as much energy ,I as the associated ec.rtnquake, with the tsunamis associated with the larger earthquakes having a Greater percentage, of the energy than is.the case for the smaller earthquakes. In order to understand some of the characteristics of the tsunamis, it is enlightening to see the relationship between the aftershock area and the ma6nitude, M, of the earthquake which cause tsunamis and the relationship between the length of the

         " fault" with the earthquake magnitude. These are shown in Fiss. 3 and 4. The length of the actual displacement as a function of earthquake ma6nitude is shown in Fig. 5 The amount of energy of a tsunami depends upon the size of the generating area, and the vertical comnonent of the displacement; unfortunately, little information is avail-able of the vertical component, and this is probably largely responsible for the large scatter in the data relating tsunami energy to earthquake energy. A final variable is the effect of the depth of water in which earthquake occurred. Iida (1963a) has found that the deeper the water the greater the ma6nitude of the tsuna=1, as can be seen in                           .

Fig. 6. A tsunami rarely consists of one wave, it usually is a series of waves with crests and troughs. The troughs are often very noticeable, with the water level retracting to a position far below the lowest tides in an area. The amount of run-up of a wave at a particular place, especially in a bay, depends upon the period of the tsuna~.d and the various natural periods of a bay, or cf a continental shelf, etc. As can be seen in tPe work of Iida (1936b), shown in Fig. 7, the wave period increases with increasin6 carthquake ma6nitude.

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                                 $                                                              A ASSAM,1NDIA 1897                 OATA FROM E                                                            V. YAKUTAT, ALASKA,1899            OAVISON,89 36                                        V j                                                                  e SAN FRANCISCO, CALF.,1906 Y 10                                                             O TANGO, JAPAN ,1927 o? o                                  ,

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 .                                                                                  F10. 5 TREND OF DEPENDENCE OF MAXIMUM RESULTANT GROUND DISPLACEMENT ON EARTHQUAKE MAGNITUDE.

(from Wilson, Webb and Hendrickson, 1962) 9

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[. TSUNAMI HEIGHT AT THE SHORE I i m It is generally a6 reed that in the open ocean tsunamis are very long and low; kJ lJ

        .for example, of the order of 50 miles in length and less than 2 feet in height. They travel at the speed of ~J/gh ft/sec, where g is the acceleration due to gravity 2

(32.2ft/sec)andhis.thewaterdepth(infeet). In the open ocean, with a water , dipth of the order of 16,000 feet, they travel at a speed of ~l/~gE = '//32.2 x 16,000 = , l 720ft/sec=490milesperhour. Because of the effect of the water depth on the speed of the wave, the wave bends in water of varying depth. This process is known as

       , refraction.

In the case of large tsunamis the origin is more like a line source than a point source, so that the wave moves out as a spreading ellipse rather than as a spreading circle as would be the case for the waves generated by throwing a rock in a pool. If the ocean vere of uniform depth the caximum vave heights would lie nearly along a great circle route drawn normal to the source line, but modified slightly by the Coriolis force. Refraction modifies this, but it sti11 is an approximation to the real solution. Using this concept one'can easily explain the great damage along the coast of Hokkaido in Japan due to the 22 May 1960 tsunami which originated off Chile (see Fig. 8 for the source). If one takes the ' preliminary data from the 28 March 1964 earthquake epicenters in. Alaska (Fig. 9) and draws a possible causative fault through the epicenters, and then places this line on a terrestrial globe and draws a great circle normal to the line, from the center of the source line, it' can ba seen that it heads nearly to the northern California and southern Oregon area; this vould explain the relatively low vaves in Hawaii atd Japan, and the relatively high vaves at Crescent City. The effect of refraction in the near vicinity of~the coastline can be seen c1carly,in Fig. 10 for the island of Hawaii. The orthogonals (lines perpendicular to - the vave fronts) converge in some areas to cause an increase in wave height, and diverge ') i ______-__-_____Q

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The largest earthquakes recorded have '. '- magnitudes o out 8 .


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Earthquake Area of Chile Showing Magnitudes (Richter Scale).

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                                                       .e PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND EARTHQUAKE OF MARCH 28,1964 AND AFTERSHOCKS
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h W h h h d k $ N N # $ e L I d! M EbsW G N Ns*1TN E M Eb d[2T SIM @ h MA N 2 $2 $ $5 b .[ D h 2 b q I ) in others, with the resulting decrease in vave height. In general, an underwater ridge t I

      -.)                               running into the direction of the advancing wave vould cause convergence (note                  i St. George's Reef off Crescent City), and a submerged canyon would cause a diverge n.e of wave energy density in the immediate area. In comparing the details shown by the          .

refraction drawing for Hawaii with the details of the tsunami height along the shore it I must be cautioned that other effects such as diffraction and bottom slopes play an ) l important part also, and greatly affect the run-up heights.  ! 1 As a wave moves into more and more shallow water, it becomes shorter ana higher. Thus, a wave 2 feet high in 16,000 feet of water vill become nearly 9 feet high when it moves into water h0 feet deep, just because of the decrease in depth. It doesn't continue to do this indefinitely, of course, or it would become " infinitely" high'in water of approximate zero depth. Its characteristics at a shoreline are understood only in the crudest fem at the present t'me. i Sometimes the wave moves , upward in a manner similar to a rapidly moving tide, while at other times it forms a bore which behaves somewhat like a breaker on a beach. Some areas, such as Hilo, Hawaii, act as a wave trap. The tsunami vaves from the 1960 Chilean earthquake probably reflected from the cliffs along the vest side of the be.y, then because of the local hydrography, refracted in such a manner that they turned aroand, and headed towards the town of Hilo, rather than reflecting back out to sea. In the 1 April 1960 tsunami from the Aleutians the main waves apparently reflected as a Mach-stem (Wiegel, 19'63), locking onto the vest cliff in a non-linear manner, and swinging right into the town of Hilo. In some areas resonance apparently phys an it:portant part, but because of the large frictional losses that must occur in come areas, such as Bodega Bay (because of its narrow entrance and very shallow water), it is not always important. Because of this lack of knowledge' of the behrtvior of tsunamis at the present


I 1 l time, it is necessary to rely upon empirical data, terpered by our small amount of l j f kpovled6 e of the physics of the phenomenon. 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ l

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Let us look at the maximum elevations to which tsuna is rose along a coast O for the case of tsunamis which originated far away, but which hit the coast " head-on". One exagle is the 1 April 1946 tsunami which originated in the Aleutian Trench. It - can be seen that the run-up in the Hawaiian Islands was high throughout the exposed i crea, and appreciable even in the lee areas (see Fig. 10b). (It must be cautioned here 1 that diffraction, which cannot be discussed in a report of this limited extent, plays i c.n important part in the height of run up on an island.) The same tsunami was not nearly as high along the California Coast because of the glancing incidence of the waves with respect to the coast of California, although it certainly was appreciable and caused some damage. Glancing incidence, together with refraction, causes the wave cntrgy to spread out over a greater area, thus causing a decrease in wave energy density, on the average. The same thing was true with respect to the tsunami resulting from ths Chilean earthquake of 22 May 1960. The t.suna=1 from the 28 Parch 1964 Alaskan carthquake was directed towards the coast of California, rather than Havati, and very little run-up occurred in the Hawaiian Islands. The reason that the run-up along the coast of California was as low as it was'vas due to the glancing incidence (look at a terrestrial globe to see this), even though the tsunami vas apparently directed towards tha Oregon-California area. The discussion presented above has emphasized the run-up height of tsunamis. It must be remembered that tsunamis are waves, and at the shore they have a dravdown which is usually at lest as great as the run-up, when measured from the nomal tide level at the time of, the tsunami. For exag le, the maximum dravdown at Avila, in southern California, was about 11 feet below the normal tide level at the time in the 27 March 196k tsunami, and this van greater than the maximum run-up. (U.S. Coast.and Geodetic Survey, 1964) These dravdowns may be of importance in regard to some structures such as cooling j vater intakes, and should be considered in their design. It may also be inertant in s

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                               .the design of bulkheads,vith fill behind them. The earth may become saturated if the tsunami overtops the bulkhead, and then may fail when the water retreats to a level much lowsr than was taken into consideration when desi6ning the bulkhead.

TSUNAMIS ALONG THE COAST OF CALIFORNIA  ? Nearly all tsunamis recorded along the coast of California originated elsewhere, and traveled across the ocean to California. On, occasion they have done extensive damage in particular locations to buildings and facilities in relatively lov areas. For exar:;ple, the 1s.rge amont of damage which occurred' in Crescent City. due to the ' tsunami

                            .of T March 1964 was it ,ortions of the city. adjacent to the vnter's edge, and lying at      ,

an elevation of less than 20 feet above the normal tide level at the time of the tsunami. Some regions seem to be subject to relatively low wave run-up, while other areas have relatively hi;h run-up. Bodega Bay seet:s to be subjected to relatively lov _vave run-up, as can be ceen in Tatle 3 One could say, on the basis of past records, N

              > that the wave run-up inside the harbor proper would be less than about 3 feet above                                                 .

the normal tide level at the time of the tsunani, and probably less than about 5 feet just a little ways insie the entrance. This statement refers only to tsunamis originating many thousands of miles from Bodega Bay, i {


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                                                      't TABLE 3.'    TSUNAMI HEINT AT BODEGA BAY, CALIFORNIA                            . .


                                       , - Source of.             Tsunami Height                                                _

Tsunami Date - Information- feet Remarks 'o

1 April 19k6 Bascom, 1946 3)feetabovetide DustyRhodes(wharfowner).

level at th'e time. Moving boats at time of-L


Height at ent,rance wave and n'oticed ten knot to bay. current through piling. Crab traps rolled and , skiff nearly capsized. Other persons along water saw nothing. Fish boat-n,oticed very stzesg current - flowing in between jetties 22 Nay 1960 'Magoon, 1962- About 1 foot above No effects observed at '

                                                                                          " Tides Dock" tide' level at the time.

T 28 March 1964 Joslin,' 1964 About 2 feet above Concensus vas that the

     "                                                         tide' level at the      water level in the time.                   harbor would vary from 2 feet to-h feet every 20 to ,40 minutes..

There was no' evidence of the water level at the harbor ever exceeding the normal high tide or receding much below a cormal lov tide. e 4 e e t D 4

NLEeS S S U:.b5"h h. D ? ? 5*Y 3?O h? $ $ $ W ' WN ##N*W?$5 d ' '"Q. b . p ,. [ , A detailed list of tsunamis and their clwations is not available for the . coast of California (telephone conversation between R. L. Wiegel and Dr. William Van Dorn of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography on h May 1964, and between R. L. Wiegel and Mr. B. Zetler of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey on 5 May 1964). There are probably only two areas for which such detailed lists have been prepared, these being Japan and Hawaii. The compilation of the world vide distribution of tsunamis by Heck (1947) ' rafars to tsunamis in 1812,1855,1885,1903, and '1923 (his list is only up to 1934). The tsuna=1 of 21 December 1812 apparently originated someplace near Santa Barbara and was reported to have done some damage to the harbor of Refugio, vest of the Santa Barbara ,

       - Mission (Gutenberg and Richter,1949). u Gutenberg and Richter also report that a s=all tsunami was generated by the earthquake off Point Arguello on 4 November 1927                                                                    The othsrs reported in Heck's list, which must be far from co=plete, originated elsewhere.

The list of tsuna=is arriving at Hilo, Hawaii (and oth'er areas in Hawaii), I which was prepared by professor Doak Cox of the University of Hawaii, is probably the most complete list that has been compiled for a specific area (Cox, 1962). This is of . considerable icportance in regard to the coast of Celifornia as it lists the origins of the tsunc=is, where known. As Hilo, Hawaii is particularly sensitive to tsancmis, it makes a good reference point. The list is for the interval of 1837 - 1962, and is reproduced in Table k. It shows that only one tsunami originated in California (or Oregon or Washington, for that =atter) during that interval. This is in arreement with the work of Gutenberg and Richter, who list only the 21 December 1812 and the'  ! k November 1927 tsunamis as originating off the coast of California. The reason for the it;portance of the small nu=ber of tsunamis originating off the California Coast is that the heights of tsunamis are larger close to the source f.han they are far from the source, all other things being equal. Thus the design of a structure along the coast of California, which can be made using probabilities of events

 )        occurring, must be related to this infDr=ation. . These probabilities are in the field a

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N Me Tstnmaa RsAODNO TMs HAWADAN ! awes: Rtm UP AND DAMAQs AT Hao, HAWAE (aAer Cox,1962) Period of Maximum initial wave run-up Earthquake Damage Year Date Bource (minutes) (feet) magnitude (dollars) . ..

                      .                                       1837 Nov. 7 Chile                                  7              207                   Many houses destroyed 1841 May 17 Kamchatka '                            ?       .        3 1854 Dec.23 Japan                                 No record at Hilo 1868 Apr. 2           Hawaii             '
                                                                                                                 ?              10                             Minor 1868 Aug.13 Perst, Chile                           ?              15                             Small
                                                          . 1869 July 25 Pom,Chue                               No recon! at Hilo e                                                      .

1872 Aug.23 Hawaii ? 6 4 1877 May 10 Chile .  ? 16 Moderate (14,000) 1878 Jan.20 Chile 7-  ? . . 1883 Aug. 27 Krakatoa erttption 1896 June 15 Japan 6?- 8 7.6 1901 Aug. 9 Jagan 7 4 7.7 1906 Jan.31 Colombia < 30 3 8.6 1906 Aug.16 Chile 7 5 8.4 1913 Oct.11 New Guinea No record at Hilo 1914 May 26 New Guinea . No record at Hilo 7.9 1917 May i Kermadoc h. No record at Hilo 8 1917 June 25 Samoa If, No record at Hilo 8.3

                                                 .          1918    :

Aug.15 Philippine Is. No record at Hilo B.3 1918 Sept.7 Kurile k. 7 5 8.3 1919 Apr. 30 Tonga h.  ? 2 , 8.3 1922 Nov. I1 Chile 7 7 8.3 .

    )                                                       1923 Feb.3 19 3 Apr.13 Kamchatka Kamchatka                    ?              20             8.3         Considerable        '

7 Small wa# 7.2 , 1927 Nov. 4 California 20 1.5 7.3 1927 Dec.28 Kamchatka 25 0.2 7.3 1928 June 17 Mexico 22 0.8 7.8 1929 Mar. 6 Aleutian Is. 15 0.6 8.1 '! 1931 Oct. 3 Solomon If, 13 0.3 7.9

                                                            ~1932 . June 3         Mexico                      18                0.6           8.1 1932 June 18 Mexico                                 7               0.1           7.8 1932 June 22 Mexico                     '           ?                             6.9 1933 Mar. 2 Japan                                  7                2            8.3 1938 No .10 Alaska                                 No record at Hilo              8.3 1943 Apr. 6           Chile                        No fecord at Hilo              7.9 1944 Dec. 7           Japan                        No record at Hilo              8.0 1946 Apr.1            Aleutian Is.                  ?              27             7.4       Orcat (26,006,000) i946 Dec.20 Japan                                  No record at Hilo              8.2 1948 Sept.8 Tonga b.                               No record at Hilo              7.8 1951       Aug. 21 Hawaii                         12                0.2      6.9-7.0
                                                           .1952        Mar. '8. Japan                       16                0.2 '         8.2 1952 Nov. 4 Kamchatka                             18               12             8.3 ~   Moderate (300,000) 1953 Sept.14 FUI                                                    0.2           6.8 1956 Mar. 30 Kamchatka                             No record at Hilo 1957 Mar. 9 Aleutian Is.                          18               14             8.0     Moderate (400,000) 1957 Oct. 31               7 1958 Nov. 6 Kurile h.                             20                0.6           8.3      .

1959 May 4 Kamchatka 22 0.5 8.2 , 1960 May 23 Chile , 34 . 35 8.5 Great (22,000,000)

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bNh[I)bkbf. .bb b. b$ kdbb bbI AM N$$$$_ Nk U b p ' .7, ,

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417 O of an expert seismologist, as there is much more information 'on earthquakes of magnitude



     -greater than 7 75 on.the Richter scale than there is on tsunamis- .      Some feeling for this J

can be obtained by looking at the distribution of shallow earthquakes (shallow being dsfined for the purpose of this figure as focal depths of less than 60 kilometers) as shown in Figure 11 for earthquakes of magnitudes between 7 and 7 7 and of 7 75 and over. Detz.ils of the Pacific Coast of the U.S. can be seen in Figure 12, which can be corgpared with details for the coastal area of Alaska whicIl is shown in Figure 13 It'is recommended I that a table similar to the one prepared by Housner (1952) (see Table 5) be prepared 1 vith respect to earthquakes occurring off the coast of California, with particular attention being civen to the region of the Mendocino Escarpment. TABLE 5 EXPECTED NUMBER OF CAIJFORNIA EARTHQUAKES (from Housner,1952) '

     .                Of Magnitude Greater Than                   Per Period of Years 2J,       0
                                                        - ),0,   100     200 l~                          6.0                    25      50 -    99     198                                                                      .

6.2 16 36 73 146 6.4 13 26 53 106 6.6 93 19 37 74 6.8' 6.4 13 26 51 70 43 8.6 17 34 72 2.6 52 10 21 74 17 34 67 13 76 97 19 39 78 78 51 1.0 2.0 4.1 8.0 .28 56 1.1 2.2 8.2 .13 .26 51 1.0 ls 8.4 .nk .08 .17 34


Table 5 shows that an earthquake of magnitude 8.2 (San Francisco,1906) or greater can be expected to occur in California on the average of once every 200 years. An earthquake of magnitude 6 7 (El Centro,1940) or greater can be expected to occur in California on the average 63 times during a 200-year interval. Shocks of magnitude 6.25 (Long Beach,' March 10,1933) or greater can be expected on the' average 138 times during a 200-year interval. . l i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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DESIGN OF STRUCTURES TO WITHETAND DAMAGE FROM TSUNAMIS . 1 /] A study of the report on the structural dama6e in Hilo, Hawaii, from the x/ 1960 Chilean tsunami by Matlock, Reese and Matlock for the Defense Atomic' Support ' Agsney (1961) reveals that although all light frame buildin6s and most hean iimber structures were demolished, good standard reinforced concrete structures withstood the' force of the tsunami. It was further found that the reinforced concrete buildings tsnded to shield weaker structures in their lee. Such structures should be designed a with " shear valls", and in the absence of further information they should be desi6ned to withstand a dyna:::ic loading of at least 1,000 lbs/ft2 , and preferably 1,900 lbs/ft2 . Much additional evidence of structural strength vill undoubtedly be forthcoming from a study of the damage in Crescent City, California, and in Seward, Kodiak, etc., Alaska. This evif.snee should be examined to see if the loads given above should be modified. j It appears even at this early date (5 May 1964) that the building must be tied into the foundation, and that this foundation must be tied into rock. This is to prevent the 3

 / building from floating off its foundation, and to prevent the securing of soil fzom under a foundation by the action of the currents associated with a tsuna i.             (See also Horikava,1961 and Ivasaki and Horikava,1960.)                                                                                  ;

l As was mentioned in a previous section, the dravdowns may be of ir.;portance l l to.some structures such as cooling v.ater intakes. Appropriate devices must be installed l to insure shut-down of a plant if the dravdown is so great that adequate cooling vater l cannot be obtained. As ten knot currents have been observed in Bodega Bay (see Ta"e 3), ) the cooling water intake foundation must be p ctected from scouring to prevent a possible l structural failure of the intake. If any bulkheads are to ber used, they must be designed to stand .under the condition of no hydrostatic backpressure from the bay, in the case of a major dravdown, and must'have adequate drainage. n j _________________m_

y o- , . . , { c ..

                  ,                                                                                            .>i hanuGRCES
1. Bascom, W. N., Effect of seismic sea vave on California Coast (1 April 1946),

University of California, Institute of Engineering Research, Tech. Rept. No. 3-204, i 16 April 1946 (unpublished).

2. Cox, Doak, Tsunami records at Hilo, Hawaii, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics 1962 (unpublished). (

l i 3 Gutenberg, B and C. F. Richter, Seismicity of the Earth, Princeton University Press, I 1949 l

4. Heck, N.H., List of seismic sea waves, Doc. S'cient. Comm. Raz de Maree, IUGG,1947 1

5 Horikawa, Kiyoshi, Tsunami phenomenon in the light of engineering viewpoint, The Chilean Tsunami of May 24, 1960, The Committee for Field Investigations of the Chilean Tsunami of 1960, pp 136-150, December 1961. l

6. Housner, G.W., Spectrum of intensities of strong-motion earthquakes, Proc. I Syqposium on Earthquake and Blast Effects on Structures, Earthquake Research Institute, pp 20-36, June 1952.

7 Iida, Kumizi, Magnitude, energy, and generation mechanisms of tsunamis and a catalog i of earthquakes associated with tsunamis, Tsunami Meetings Associated with the  ! Tenth Pacific Science Congress, Monograph No. 24, IUGG, pp 7-18, July,'1963 (a). ,

8. Iida, Kumizi, On the estimation of tsunami energy, Proc. Tsunami Meetings . Associated
 ,T       with the Tenth Pacific Science Congress, Monograph No. 24, IUGG, pp 167-173, July 1963 (b).

9 Ivasaki, Toshio and Kiyoshi Horikawa, Tsunami caused by Chile earthquake in May,1960 and outline of disasters in northeastern coasts of Japan, Coastal Engineering Lab., University of Tokyo, July 1960 (unpublished).

10. Joslin, C.E., Tidal wave action at Bodega Head, Letter to Joe Pirtz, Jr., Pacific Gas

and Ele 6tric Co., (GM 150836) (2)),31 March 1964. -

11. Magoon, Orville T., The tsunami of May 1960 as it affected northern California, Presented at the American Society of Civil Engineers Hydraulic Division Conference, Davis, California, 17 August 1962.
12. Matlock, Hudson, Lyman C. Reese and Robert B. Matlock, Analysis of structural damage from the 1960 tsunami at Hilo, Hawaif . prepared for the Defense Atomic Support Agency, Contract DA 49-146-XZ-028, University of Texas, 2 October 1961.

13 Saint-Amand, Pierre, Los Terremotos de Mayo - Chile 1960, U.S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake, California, Tech. Article 14, NOTS TP 2701, August 1961.

14. Shepard, F.P., G. A. MacDonald and D.C. Cox, The tsuna=1 of April 1,1946, Bull., Scrippo Institution of Oceanography, University of California, Vol. 5, No. 6, f pP 391-928, 19p0.'

) i;%;;;5. app-~w;3g::, n, ,erh;% >- w g w w ;;;, ww-w.aa-~ we.. g =;rn;;e y ,,2 j,5;u. yin n y u ge= . x n= -e~ m L gigi _ w n,5;c';;9rc

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15 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Preliminary report, Prince William Sound, Alaskan earthquakes, March-April 1964, 17 April 1964. ("}16. N Wiegel, R.L'., Research related to tsunamis' performed at the Hydraulic I4boratory, University of California, Berkeley, Proc. Tsunami Meetings Associated _vith the Tenth Pacific Science Congress, Monograph No. 24, IUGG, pp 174-197, July 1963 17 Wilson, Basil W., Lois M. Webb and James A. Hendrickson, The nature of tsunamis, their generation and dispersion in water of finite depth, Contract with the U.S. ' Coast' and Geodetic Survey (CGS - 801 (2k42)), National Engineering Science - Company, Tech. Dept. No. SN 57-2, August 1962. '


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