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Statement on Environ Effects of Testing & Operation of Plant Using Side-Jet Discharge During Apr-Aug 1972
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities, 05000000
Issue date: 08/31/1972
From: Mcdonald D
Shared Package
ML20235B311 List: ... further results
FOIA-87-111 NUDOCS 8709250476
Download: ML20235E088 (33)


{{#Wiki_filter:_ _ - _ - - - _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ i-EXHIBIT 3

                                                                              "'                                     ',                                  Regulatory
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4 **n  ! 4 a / STATEMENT ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS ' OF. TESTING AND OPERATION OF QUAD-CITIES STATION  ; USING THE SIDE-JET DISCHARGE DURING THE PERIOD APRIL - AUGUST,1972 Prepared By , Industrial BIO-TEST Laboratories, Inc. l and < Donald B. Mcdonald, Ph.D. (Consultant) l l 1900l fh 92pg 6 870921 J MENZ87-111 PDR



1 4 { The purpose of this report is to assess the i 1


probable environmental impact of the discharge of heated ]

                                                                                                                                        'l condenser water from the side-jet discharge cans 1 at the Quad-               l Cities Station during reactor testing and subsequent operation prior to the ' completion of the diffuser pipe system. The con-clusions of this report assume initiation of the testing program              !

on April 1,1972 and discontinuance of the side-jet by some date in August, 1972 The side-jet consists of a constricted opening i 35 feet wide at the end of the discharge canal. The exit velocity of water from the jet will be approximately 4.4 feet per second at a discharge rate of 2,300 cfs. )

                                               .                        Table I contains data which lists the average maximum temperatures for Pool 14, representative of the main channel tem-peratures adjacent to the plant, and maximum temperature data measured in 1971 at the islands downstream of the plant on the Illinois Shore. Monthly river flows are listed in Table II.

Conversations with USGS personnel indicate that flows during the I spring of this year are likely t;o be average or slightly above average. Measurements at Clinton, Iowa, on March 24, 1972, indicated a flow of 91,000 cfs. In all likelihood, flows in April of 1972 will peak at approximately 160,000-185-000 cfs. Based on data received from Phillip Light, the Mississippi River is likely to have a 7-day flow in July and August of not less than 26,000 cfs and an average flow above that figure. 1

2 ' This data forms the basis for the conclusions in this report. The plant will not be operated on a continuous- basis during the testing. Periods'in which a heated discharge is re-leased may approach or exceed 96 hours on occasions, but will generally be of shorter durations of 24 hours or less. The probable configuration of the hea.ted plume has been predicted by Dr. John F. Kennedy (Iowa Institute of Hy-draulic Research, University of Iowa) for two flow conditions, 30,000 cfs and 13,500 cfs. The probable configuration of the plume at 30,000 cfs is a much more likely occurrence during the period'in question, when median flows vary between 29,500 cfs and 91,000 cfs, and we have used Dr. Kennedy's plume predictions i for 30,000 cfs as representative of.what will occur. At river , flows of about 30,000 cfs, the discharge plume will be bent by 1 ' the current and flow downstream along the Illinois shore and encompass an area of small islands below the plant (Figures 9a to lod). Thus, it is likely that the waters surrounding these l 1 islands will be at temperatures exceeding 5'F greater than i ambient'when river flows equal or exceed 30,000 cfs and the ' plant is operating above 400 MW. An adequate zone of passage undisturbed by the thermal plume will be available for fish.  ! i I l l

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  • 4 At median rive'r flows, the island area directly 1 below the' discharge canal may experience some environmental impact. . This area of.several small islands on the Illinois side of the river extends from about one-quarter to three-  !

quarters of a mile below the discharge. canal. Sampling by _ BIO-TEST personnel during 1970-1971 indicates that this area > supports large numbers of sport and forage fish and that it may be of importance as a spawning and nursery-ground for some of At flows of about 30,000 crs or greater,.at a '


, these species. { 1 discharge. temperature of 11.5*F over ambient, the area that . would be subjected to temperatures 5'F greater than ambient.  ; i would be about 100 acres, with the size and configuration varying according to river flow. The higher river flow rates would tend i to confine the warmer water to the area closer to the shoreline and islands and to cause it to extend downstream beyond the  ; i island area. 1 Temperatures of 5'F or more above ambient ~ reached during the testing period would be of greatest July and August, if the testing period exten'ds into that month. Until July, the lower' expected ambient water temperatures mean that 1 adverse environmental effects should be minimal. In July and August, depending on ambient temperature, the island area could be subjected to temperatures greater than 91*F, thus approaching the maximum tolerance temperatures of certain species of fish. It is anticipated that this will not result in any significant kills of adult fish, but some of the young of the J

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1 year of walleye, sauger pike, white crappie and black crappie  ! will be killed under these conditions. 'As temperatures approach. the lethal' limit, most e.dults of sensitive species will leave l the area and move into 'similar nearby habitats located near the j Iowa shore. Table III lists some species known to occur in the , island. area which should relocate during periods of high tempera-tures. These include sauger, walleye and northern pike. Other  ; game fish occurring 'in the island area would probably not be displaced. The net result of this would be a shift in the species composition of the community favoring the more tempera-ture-tolerant types (' carp, carpsucker, largemouth bass, bluegill and drum) over those less tolerant (northern pike, crappie, sauger and walleye).- It is very likely that, after the use of the side-jet discharge is discontinued in August, 1972, any displaced species will repopulate the affected area within a relatively { t brief period. } I, The rate of temperature change in the affected area is importe_nt since fish subjected to rising temperatures often do not exhibit escape behavior until the upper lethal limit has  : been exceeded. The maximum pr,edicted rate of increase of 8'F per hour at the point of discharge will only occur infrequently during the testing period, at which time it is unlikely that temperatures will be near the lethal limit for any species. j e

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                            < Cons 1'dering that; most fish 'can. withstand . temperatures of 7                                               .

to :11*F greater than their lethal limit .for brief periods, 4 e k sensitive species will;have a minimum period of approximately- { a j one -hour:in which to relocate in cooler water. Fish have. remarkable abiliti'es to sense and follow thermal gradients,and-a period of this duration should be. adequate for most individuals to' avoid the.. thermal plume, if they desire to do so. Cooling following shut-down will be:almost. instantaneous

during portions of ~ the test-period. This. rapid decrease in tem-
                          !perature 'following plant shut-down is scheduled to occur once at-                                                        H 100% power,j twice at 50% power, once at 75% power and two times                                                          !

at 100% power only during the testing period. At these times, it ) is anticipated that ' temperatures. will be iestored to ambient

                            . levels within 1-3 minutes after shut-down. Fish mortality re-sulting from cold' shock is highly ' improbable for temperature changes of the magnitude predicted,'which range from 4'F to 11.5'F.                                                       !

The heated discharge from the side-jet may influence l spawning behavior of some fishes (largemouth bass, bluegill, white f 1 crappie and black crappie) in the affected area. The rate of l gonadal maturation and the temporal synchronization of spawning l in fish is governed by seasonal changes in temperature and photo- ) period. Elevated water temperature in the discharge area may accelerate sexual maturation of resident fishes. Possible con-sequences of accelerated maturation are: (1) normal spawning at an earlier date than usual; (2) disruption in the maturation


L .. v ( ; , s r i process in- one or both sexes, resulting in inviable zygotes;: [

                                           "and1(F)' selective changes in maturation rates between sexes,
                                             . making spawning impossible due to'incorrent timing.

Other species may undergo goiiadal maturation outside of the heated regions of. the. pool and immigrate into areas - affected by discharge waters.immediately prior to spawning. In' this case, elevated ' temperatures may: (1)' disrupt behavorial  ! 4 patterns associated with spawning; (2) reduce the rate of ferti-

                                                                                                 ,                                   )

lization; (3) increase egg mortality; (4) increase the rate of

                                             . development to a point that hatching occurs at an unfavorable time; and (5) lower viability of larvae.

Since the possibility of these effects is based on biological theory, rather than on actual field studies or i laboratory experiments, it is not possible to predict precisely

                                             -to what extent effects are likely to occur.                    However, it.should      i be noted that the areas and the fish fauna which will be subjected to elevated temperatures are in no way unique to Pool 14, and even a complete failure of reproduction in this region during that test period should have little or no effect on fish population dynamics within the total pool.                Studies indicate that the affected arean          j do not comprise an exclusive habitat for any species of fish and similar habitat supporting the same type of fishery occurs in far Breater abundance in the slough areas on the west side of
                                             'the river below the plant.                                                             ;

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t Frequent field observations during 1971 indicate j I

          .g                                     .thatlthe island area along the Illinois; side of the l                        .                          immediatelyfdownstream from the station is little.used by either (sport . or commercials fishermen. . Conservatively. stated, l                                                   the island ~ area under. discussion accounts for less than 10%-

of the habitat of this nature in Pool 14 below the Quad-Cities. Station. Thus, any changes which may occur in the; biota of ~ this. island area;will be of little significance in the. total ecology of Pool'14..

                                                                    . The. effects of'theidischarge on the benthic communities R

n.: . , . beiow"ths.4uad-Cities Station are expected to be minimal, except 4 in the immediate vicinity of- the discharge where scouring may. prevent the establishment of. bottom forms in a small area. j l At typical' river' flows of about 30,ooo cts or grester, when the heated discharge encompasses the island area, effects

                                    .              on benthic organisms may be detectable,- but-are expected to be of little overall significance.                 Studies conducted by BIO-TEST personnel during 1971 indicate that heat-tolerant aquatic oligochacte worms comprise about 70 percent of the benthic population'in the island area.                   The burrowing mayfly nymph, Hexagenia, accounts for approximately 20 percent of the benthic
                                               . population in the island area and is probably less tolerant of increased temperatures.                 However, these organisms are abundant t .

in the slough areas where previous studies have shown that maximum summer temperatures may be 6*F or more above those I b

        - - - - - - - . -                                    -                                                                               1

L . _g_ I observed in the island area. Although the heated discharge, j

                     .      . may result in lower species diversity in the benthic;popula-
    -                        tion and proportionally more oligochaeta worms in part of the
                                                                                                                    ,I island area during the ' period of side-jet operation,. complete-exclusion of any of the bottom forms presently occurring in                            !

significant numbers in the area is highly unlikely. At low , river flows, the heated discharge will be directed into the channel where it will tend to remain near the river surface l I and.thus have little or no effect'on bottom organisms. 1 Larvae of walleye and sauger will drif t past the station l during the period May-June. Larvae of drum will drift during the period June-August. The effects of condenser passage en these l larval fish and planktonic organisms during the interim operation of the side-jet discharge will, in all probability, not be sig-  ; nificantly different than those occurring when the diffucer becomes operational.

                                                                                                                    < 4 l

Thus, it may be concluded that the anticipated effects j of the interim operation of the side-jet discharge on the total ecology of Pool 14 appear to be minimal and transitory during the  ! l testing period when a d t of 11.5'F will not be exceeded. j After both units have been successfully tested (and (: prior to the completion of the diffuser), it may be necessary  ! I L to operate one or both units up to full capacity in order to i meet power needs during the summer months. The appli;:ntion to 2 h

3 r'5 o .. 1, . i this Board contemplates that'the units.will be

                                                              .          25% of capacity after ' the testing is completed. This will-result in a A t:of about 8*F. 'At average river flows.of 30,000        -

i efs, the environemtal effect of the discharge. will be about. the-same as described for'the testing period. Durird the. months: of July 'and August, it is possible that river flows will be below.30,ooo efs. .For flows of less than 30,000 cfs, the plume will tend-to move further.out into the middle of the river, en-compassing less of the ' Illinois islands, although temperature rises;

                                                                        - of. about' 2*F will occur. there . at a 4 t of 11.5'F. With temperature increases or 11.5*F or less, minimal environmental impact will occur .


                                                                        . if_ river flows approach the seven-day, once-in-ten year low flow (about113,500:cfs), since at these low flows, the discharge will be~. directed into the main river channel where the heate will be
                                                                       .more quickly dispersed. The results indicate that, with a 6 t-of 11,5*F and at a river flow of 13,500 efs, the discharge plume would tend to move across the surface of the river toward the Iowa side. Model studies indicate that, at a river flow of 13,500 cfs, the river temperature at tne surface will be raised approximately 3*F at the north end of Steamboat Slough.        Since most of the heated discharge will remain on the surface of the river at low flows, water temperatures near the bottom of the channel and toward the Iowa side of the river will not be sig-nificantly increased and there will be ample room for a " zone of           i passage" for fish.

4 a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . - _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ - k

i 10 It is anticipated that operation of each unit at a grea.ter than 25 percent of . unit capacity will be necessary 1 1 when maximum temperatures in Chicago exceed 90*F and it is { not possible to meet demand for electricity without the l J generating capacity of the Quad-Cities ~ Station. Temperature i records from Midway Airport indicate that temperatures exceeding f 90*F occur an average of 6.38 days in June, 7.31 days in July l and 6.52 days in August. In general, temperatures in excess of 90*F do not persist for more than three consecutive days. On days when emergency operation of the units is contemplated, they ) i will be brought up to 1000 Nwe, which will result in a ti t of about.16*F. Operation in excess of 1000 Mwe will occur for not  ; more than eight hours each day and operation in excess of 400 Mwe will not occur for 24 consecutive hour'. s l If both units are operated at levels such that the temperature of the discharce water exceeds a 21t of 11.5*F, increased environmental impace is likely. It is not possible to precisely delineate the configuration of the thermal plume from the side-jet for zi t values between 11.5*F and 23*F from model studies conducted at a /it value of 11.5*F due to the differences in the density and viscosity of the water. The plume will be slightly more resistant to mixing with the river water at higher discharge temperatures. Its general shape will, however, be the same, and an extrapolation is sufficiently accurate for our purposes. Assuming full station operation, 4 _ - _ _ _ . ._ - b'

                                     .                                                   {

( 21 t 23*F), temperatures in the ' discharge canal will be 23*F

              ,      ' greater than ambient.      If ambient temperatures were at their maximum of 85'F, then temperatures may reach 108*F in the dis-charge canal. The temperature in the plume at the islands will then be about 16' above ambient.      All fish would probably be   ,

displaced from the island area immediately downstream from the discharge under these conditions. Immature fish (largemouth bass, bluegill, sauger, and channel catfish) which~ would be unable to move out of the area would be killed. Benthic popu-lations in the island area would also be significantly affected. The aquatic oligchaetes would probably be the only benthic forms which could survive in the immediate vicinity of the discharge.

   ..                  The lower reaches of the _ island area would probably support fewer    ;

_ Hexagenia and other insect larvae than previously existed there. i Since the thermal plume from full station operatior. would probably be confined to the surface of the river, it is unlikely that channel-dwelling fish would be significantly affected. , I When discharge temperatures exceed 11.5'F, the possibility that the thermal plume would extend across the channel and affect the slough areas on the west side of the channel is of greatest concern. Although these areas frequently exhibit temperatures significantly higher than those occurring in the channel, due i to solar radiation, significant e.dditional increases in average q

                     , slough temperatures could result in increased periphyton production 4

4 q


                                                                                                        -l and a shift in species composition favoring blue-green algal forms. Increased algal respiration and decomposition of large algal masses could result in a depletion of dissolved oxygen.        l Evidence indicates that these slough areas presently are sub-jected to periods of low oxygen concentra. tion during the summer
                                'mbhths' and'any further decrease in dissolved oxygen could result in fish kills. For episodes of severe oxygen depletion to occur i

in the slou6hs, specific hyd'r ological and climatic conditions would have to occur in conjunction with periods of full plant operation. These deleterious effects are likely only if such increased temperatures occur for a period in excess 'of three days. Since excessive periphyton and blue-green algal growth in the sloughs would be most likely to occur as a result of long-term significant increases in average slough temperatures, it is unlikely that short periods of full plant operation would result in noticeable a1 6al growth and oxygen depletion. Any injury to the fishery is unlikely and repopulation from upstream will, in our opinion, result'in the recovery of the fishery within a period of two to three years if this situation were to occur. l 0 L

                                                                 .       c 1                                                 L i

TABLE I Maximud Ambient Surface Water Temperatures Three Habitats 1 Adjacent to the Quad-cities Station (1971) c: Temperature (*F) Steamboat Main . L Date Slough Channel Island April 13-14 51 56 54 April 27-28 .54 56 . May 10-12 63 64 63 May 24-26 59 64 June 8-10 78 77 75

                                               ,                 . June l'-242                 88'                                             81 July 6-8                  285                80                            79 July 19-21                 =75                                              77 August 2-4                  83                79                            74 August 16-18                 80                                              77 l September 7-9                87               70                            .79 September 20-22              66                                              65 l-1     Surface water temperatures in Steamboat Slough and in the island area on the Illinois side. of the river immediately downstream from the -Quad-Cities plant were measured with a Whitney thermistor-thermometer during fish collections by

, bio-TEST personnel during 1971 Temperature values for L the main channel are those recorded by the Davenport Water Treatment Plant and represent the average maximum tempera-tures for a 9-year period - t

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                                                                                                                           .                                                                   *            '                                   I TABLE II 9;                                                                                                                                                        .

i Mississippi River Flows (cfo) at Clinton, Iowa- . . 7-Day,10-Year Low Flown Median Flow , Month I 22,500  ; Janun ry


15,700 , 25,.500-  ! 15,800 ~ , February

                                                                                                           '                                                               -                      48,000 20,500 Mareh                              ,.

91,500 32,100 4 April .. 63,000 24,000 . . May . . .

57,00.0 i- 19,700 ..

L June . 41,000 17,300 July- , l

                                                                                                                                                                                      -                 29,500                                 ,.


                                                              ~ Augu st                                .             15,700                         -

34,500 l

  • 16',300 -

September - - . 4


27,000 { 15,400 - October .

                                                                                                                                   \                     .                                                      ,

28,500 12,400 November , 25,500 16,100 December .

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e c.J. 4 a.m ir,t: . A. u.. u cto @ -

  • Ficurc 9b. J'ornalized Ter.perat.ure-Bir.c Contours at 2 f t. Below Water-Surface -
                                                                                                 .                                    (Q            =      13,500 crs, side jet) 3                                                          .
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                                                                                                              .                                                  -(o = 13,500 ers, Side ,1ct)                                                                                                                                                                             .

m 3 . . Modified from l'ennedy. - 5' F icotherm cetimated. ' a


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .                                                                                                                                                                                      l 6 ft. Belov Unter-Surface
  • llormidized Temperature-Rice contourn at Ficurc 93.
                                                                                 '                                                                                      (Q3 ::

13,500 cfc, Side,., jet) , I


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a t t >< . * (NVER5fiY OF IOWA . .. a . . .S . .  %. i

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  • j F16 ure 10a. Nornalized Temperature-Rise Contours at Water-Surface (Q = 30,000 ers, Side jet) .
                                                                                                                                               -        3 i



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l-H.FH 2 ne a. .a..uai as. ,t:.. +is..u s . . Nor=alizca Temperhturc-Risc contours at 2 ft. Below Water-Surface;

                                   .                       Fic.ure 10b.                                                                                                         (g=.30,000etc, Side,)ct)                                                                                                                                                    .                         .

Modified fro . Kennedy .. 50 F. Isothorm c.ctir.ated. .

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M ke~pdatch File Cy. 7 asenved w/Ltr Detd ," ~, , '7L

     , EXHIBIT'4:    STATEMENT REGAMDING CONSTRUCTION EFFECTS OF DIFFUSER PIPE We feel that the construction effects of the diffuser pipe insignificant and temporary in nature.                                  The surface area of the bottom which is disturbed would constitute a strip about 200 feet wide and 2000 feet long. This d$sturbed area is about 10 acres and is located in the main channel and a shore area that is devoid of unique f eatures which could
 -     comprise an attractive fish habitat.          This 10. acres also only comprises about 0.1% of the river bottom area in pool 14, or about 0.01% of the area of the Mississippi River bottom bordering Illinois.

All materials dredged from the. river will be deposited on site to. assure that solid dredged materials will not wash back to the river. As the discharge pipes are being installed the trench will be backfilled and capped with 9000 cubic yards of rock rip-rap. Thus, the dredged material will be dredged from the river, stored on the plant site and finally deposited as backfill in the trench. The remaining material removed from the river will remain stored on the site. Suitable rock rip-rap will be purchased. As a point of clarifiention, the depth of the diffuser nozzles in the main channel are set at 18 feet below the sur-face of the water (el. 572'-O'). The current channel depth is guaranteed at nine feet and the agreed to 18-foot depth was requested by the Corps to ensure that no navigational problems would exist now or with possible future channel deepening. D 6.l1J 9 a"s. -' "' , t- :_ , 0ownz G9

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i' E X H I BI_T._3 Reguktory Fh Cy,

            ,                                   AGREDCENT h

The People of the State of Illinois, represented h by the Attorney General, William J. Scott (hereinafter, the

                  " State of Illinois"), The Izaak Walton League of America, the
                . Illinois Division of the Izaak Walton League of America, the Iowa Division of the Izaak Walton League of America, the Daven-port, Iowa Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America, the Clinton, Iowa Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America, the Blackhawk Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America (hereinafter, collectively, the "Izaak Walton League"), the Illinois State United Action Program of the United Automobi.le, Aerocpace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (herein-                                   !

after, the "UAW"), (all of whom, hereinafter, collectively, the

                  " Plaintiffs"), Commonwealth Edison Company, the Iowa Illinois Gas
                  & Electric Company (hereinafter, the " Utilities") are partico to litigation pending in the United States District Court for the Dintrict of Columbia and each is of the view that it is in its bect interest and in the best interest of the public to settle and terminate that litigation on the following terms:
1. Modification of Condenser Cooling Water System.

The Utilities will construct and place in operation within the 40-month period more fully described in Paragraph 7 hereof and in accordance with the procedures described herein, a closed-cycle cooling system for the condenser cooling water discharge from both units of the nuclear electric generating station commonly known as Quad Cities Units 1 and 2 (hereinaf ter,

                  " Quad Citics Station"). The closed-cycle system shall be comprised                                q f

j of a spray canal, having a blowdown discharge to the Mississippi i


River of not more than 50 cubic feet per second annual average i and 125 cubic feet per second instantaneous maximum.  ; ]

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                                                                      ~2 I                   2. The Utilities will reapply to the Iowa Conserva-1          tion Commission for a permit to construct a diffuser discharge pipe (of the design previously submitted to that Commission) in the Mississippi River to be used for the discharge of condenser cooling water, and, if the Utilities obtain all necessary approvals from regulatory. agencies, will construct and place the diffuser -

disch'a rge pipe in operation as soon as feasible after the issuance of the last required permit. The parties anticipate that the con-struction time for the diffuser will not exceed five months.

3. Dismissal of Pending Judicial Proceedings.

The State of Illinois, the Izaak Walton League and the i UAW (who are, collectively, the plaintiffs in the suits des-  ! cribed below) will cause the preliminary injunctions entered in the suits known as Izaak Walton League of America, et al.,

v. Schlesincer, et al. , No. 2207-71; the People of the State of Illinois ex rel Scott, et al., v. United States Atomic Energy Commission, et al. , No. 2208-71, pending in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia (the " District Court -

Cases") to be vacated and will cause those actions to be dismissed with prejudice. Thereafter, Utilities will dismiss their appeals currently pending in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. in the following actions: Izaak Walton League of America, et al., v. James Schlesinger, et al., Nos. 71-2028 and 72-1057; People of the State of Illinois ex rel Scott v. United States Atomic Energy Commission, et al., Nos. l 71-2029 and 72-1058. 4 Further Regulatory Proceedings. k a 1

                           .                                                                                                                  1

r . , t; g 1 i . 3- I A. In view of the demonstrated and immediate need for additional electrical 6cneratin6 capacity within the Utilities service areas and of the particular need to fully test each of the quad Cities units prior to the date of the summer.1972 peak load, the Plaintiffs, when and as requested by the Utilities, will support in any reasonable way the appli-cation of the Utilities for all permits and licenses which are required under the following circumstances:

1. Prior to completion of the diffuser discharge pipei (a) To operate at 50 percent of station capacity; and (b) To operate at capacity levels in excess of 50 percent of station capacity when, after the Utilities have used their best efforts to reduce total demand for electricity by interrupting their 'interruptible customers, such operation is necessary to avoid a reduction in the voltage being supplied either to the Utilities' customers, or to the customers of inter- ,

connected systems, when alternative power sources are not available. To operate after completion of the diffuser dis-2.

   .            charge system, at full station capacity.

Such applications include: (a) Application to the Illinois Pollution Control Board. 1 (b) Application to the Iowa Conservation Commission for permission to construct the diffuser discharge pipe in the bed of the Mississippi River, i l l N

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      ;                                           .     .                                                                                                       (c) Applications for interim and permanent operating licenses from the United States Atomic Energy Commission.

(d) Applications for any permits that may be needed from the United States Army Corps of Engineers. Such support shall include, as the Ut'111 ties may request, written statements to, and oral testimony before, the appropriate regulatory body indicating approval of the authority sought by the Utilities, together with furnishing to the Utilities or the regulatory body of such data or evidence as the Utilities may request, to the extent such data or evidence is reasonably available to the Plaintiffs or any of them. B. In the event that permits allowing construction and operation of the diffuser discharge pipes from the appropriate regulatory agencies acting for the States of Iowa and Illinois and the United States of America are not obtained and Utilities determine to install an alternative condenser cooling water discharge system, Plaintiffs will support the Utilities' applica-tions to install such an alternative condenser cooling water dis-charge system which, having due regard for the energy needs of

    ,                                                  the Utilities and the conservation of the aquatic environment of the Mississippi River, will enable the Utilities to operate the Quad Cities Station at full station capacity, pending completion of the closed-cycle cooling system described in Paragraph I hereof.

Utilities will inform the Plaintiffs of the progress of pending applications to various regulatory bodies and will consult with 4 the Plaintiffs prior to the filing of any substantial amendment of those applications. I

f l ,

5. Condition to Performance of the Agreement.


 ,1                                                                                                                                                                                  Performance of this agreement by the Utilities is conditional upon vacation of the preliminary injunction and dismiscal of the proceedings now pending in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia in the District Court Cases by March 28, 1972.
6. Time of Performance and Force Majeure.

A closed-cycle cooling system having a capacity equal to one-half of the condenser cooling water discharge of the Quad Cities Station shall be installed and placed in operation no later than May 4,1974 and the closed-cycle cooling system for the entire station shall be placed in operation no later than May 4,1975; provided, however, that in the event the completion of such system is delayed either by reason of the failure of any governmental agency asserting jurisdiction over the Quad Cities Station to grant all necessary authority for construction and operation of the closed-cycle cooling system within three months after submission of a request therefor, or by reason of any other event beyond the reasonable control of the Utilities, the time for performance shall be extended for a time equal to such period of. delay. The Utilities will notify the j Plaintiffs no later than ten business days after it becomes aware of any factor which the Utilities claim may be a basis for an extension of time of more than 30 days for performance of the Utilities' obligations described in this paragraph.

7. Operation After Construction of the Closed-Cycle Syctem.

The Utilities shall operate closed-cycle at the Quad Cities Station at all times, except that:

r --. , n , ,.n., . . . . .. L . { i , 1 -

                                                          -6                                                                           I A. The Utilities may utilize the diffuser or other u

alternate coolin6 system and shall not be required to operate closed-cycle when, in the judgment of the Utilities, closed-cycle operation will result in a threat to public health and I safety. In no event, except as provided below, shall the Utilities operate without the closed-cycle cooling system after ' its installation, except to avoid a threat to public health and safety arising from closed-cycle operation. One calendar year after installation of the closed-cycle cooling system, Utilities and Plaintiffs agree to confer regarding the establishment of reasonable criteria, pursuant to which Utilities shall operate the Quad Cities Station thereafter without the closed-cycle cooling syutem to avoid a threat to public health and safety arising from closed-cycle operation. Such reasonable criteria shall be estab-lished within 60 days after the end of the first calendar year of closed-cycle operation. B. Utilities may utilize the diffuser or other alter-nate cooling system whenever (1) a malfunction or other physical impairment, such as freezing, of the closed-cycle cooling system occurs which prevents operation of the Quad Cities Station at its operating capacity, as scheduled from time to time, and (ii) if the Utilities cannot reasonably supply their customers' energy needs by using other sources of energy within their generating system. Utilities agree to correct the malfunction or other physical impairment and restore the closed-cycle cooling system to operation at the earliest practicable date. d' C. In each case in which the Utilities shall operate ether than closed cycle pursuant to subparagraph

3 , A or B, or pursuant to Paracraph 4A.1.(b), shall operate in excess of 50% capacity, they shall within ten business days

                                                                      ,                                                                                 thereafter, furnish notice to the Plaintiffs of all of the circumstances surrounding the use of the diffuser or other cooling system or operation in excess of 50% capacity, in-cluding, as applicable, the nature of the threat to the public health or safety, or the malfunction, or the extent to which operation exceeded 50% of capacity, all action taken in connec-l                                                                                                                                                        tion therewith, and the length of time the closed-cycle cooling system remained inoperative.
8. Disputes.

If any dispute arises between the Utilities and the Plaintiffs, or any of them, concerning the interpretation or performance of this agreement, the parties hereto will first attempt to resolve the same by good faith discussions directed to settlement of the dispute. In the event the parties are l unable to resolve the disputes through good faith negotiations, this agreement will be enforceable by appropriate judicial or administrative bodies.

9. Illinois Commerce Commission, Con.monwealth Edison Company shall file this agree-ment with the Illinois Commerce Commission as part of the record
   .                                                                                                                                                  in its Docket Numbers 56405 and 55149, and the requirement for the construction of a closed-cycle cooling system as described in this agreement shall, subject to the approval of the Com-mission, be incorporated in the Commission's environmental orders a

in those proceedings. 10 Entire Agreement. This agreement and any other writin6 signed by the Parties or their agents or any of them contemporaneously here-with supersede all prior representations, negotiations and _ t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - ~ ~ - - ~ - - - ^ - - - ' - - - - -~ - - - -

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                                                                                  - B-t uno 'estandincs of the parties hereto, whether o-al or written, and coastitute the entire agreement of the parties. This agree-ment shall not be changed or superseded, except in a writing, signed by the duly authorized representatives of the parties hereto.-
11. Notices.

Any notice of information required by this agreement shall be sent registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to a representative of each party as follows: (a) For the Utilities: 1 President Commonwealth Edison Company Post Office Box 767 Chicago, Illinois 60690 (b) For the Plaintiffe in th'e District Court Cases: Hon. William J. Scott Attorney General of Illinois 160 North LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois 60601 Joseph V. Karaganis, Esq. 189 West Madison Street Chicago, Illinois 60602

12. Miscellaneous.

No public announcement or statement regarding this agreement shall be made by any of the parties or their agents a prior to the time the orders referred to in Paragraph 5 have been entered by the District Court. The undersigned represent that they have the requisite authority of their respective organizations to execute this agree-ment on their behalf. This agreement shall be binding upon the representatives, successors and assigns of each s16natory.

                                                      ..p                  :.      =                       '

l . e *

                                                                                                                       .l This agreement is entered into by the Utilities and                              i
  • 1 the State of Illinois, the Izaak Walton League and the UAW to l resolve all controversies, differences and disputes between the '

parties hereto with respect to the licensiv and operation of l l Quad Cities Station Units 1 and 2, including, but not limited ]

                                                                                                                           .1 to, those which have heretofore risen, or might or could have .

i 1 arisen to the date of this agreement. The execution of this 1 document by the Utilities is not intended to and does not consti-tute any admission by the Utilities that the discharge of condenser cooling water other than from a closed-cycle cooling system is , i inadequate, unsafe or results in any way in an adverse effect on  ! the aquatic environment in the Mississippi Rives. Dated: March 27,1972 COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY and IOWA-ILLINOIS CAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY BX: STATE OF ILLINOIS By: Attorney General IZAAK WALTON LEAGUE OF AMERICA ILLINOIS DIVISION OF THE IZAAK WALTON LEAGUE OF AMERICA IOWA DIVISION OF THE IZAAK WALTCN LEAGUE OF AMERICA DAVENPORT IOWA CHAPTER OF THE IZAAK WILTON LEACUE OF AMERICA CLINTON, IOWA CHAPTER OF THE IZAAK WALTON LEAGUE OF AMERICA BLACKHAWK CHAPTER OF THE IZAAK WALTON LEAGUE OF AMERICA By: ILLINOIS STATE UNITED ACTICN FROGRA!: OF THE UNITED AUTOHODILE, AEROSPACI AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORK.EFS OF AMERICA By: 1


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ , a____- -

S .. April 20, 1972 Docket No. 50-254 Dr. Chester P. Siess Chaiman, Advisory Comittee on Beactor Safeguards U. S. Atmic EnerEy Cmmirision 1 Washington, D. C. 20545

Dear Dr. Siess:

copies of the following are transmitted for the NteN information: Latter from Commonwer\th Edison Company dated April 11, s 1972, reporting that during a routina inspection at

  • Quad Cities Unit #1 .saismic restraints and pipe hangerv on the residual heat removal syscam vare found to be damaged.

TWX from Commonwealth Edison Company dated April 14, 1972, reporting that during a startup test on Quad Citico Unit fl, the 1: nit failed to operata because of high crankcasa pressure. I Sincerely, Distribution

                                                                                             " ' " 1" f)y Donald J.

f ovholt fg , "" p["8 Assistant Diractor for Reactor Operations Division of Reactor Licensing


As stated DRL omcE > . . . . . p.. . . . _.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

                                                                  $URNAME>                    ..      ,,$g8,(8,1h, ,, ,,,

DATE > 9,7 . Form AEC-31s (Rev. 9-S3) AECM 0240 u, s. covenmurwT nDmNG OFFICE 1970 0 4 _- h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~- '}}