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Renewed NPDES Permit IL0005037 Issued to Commonwealth Edison Co for Quad Cities,Unit 1 & 2
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/04/1991
From: Mcswiggin T
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ML20091J426 List:
IL0005037-01, IL5037-1, NUDOCS 9201130219
Download: ML20091J428 (13)


. _- .-. - - _ . - - . - _ _ - . - , . . _ - . ._

. NP0t$ Fermit No. !.0005037

' Illinois Environment al Protection agenc y Io.a Oceartrent of Natural Division of Water Pollution Control Resources 2200 Churcht11 toad Envtronmental Protection P.O. Eos 19276 Division foringfield. Illinois 6279a-9276 Wastewater Section 900 (ast Grand Avenue Des Moines. owa 50319 N ATIONat POLLUTANT 0!$CHARCC Ct! MIN ATICN $YSTCH Reissuco (NPOC$1 Permit Capiration Date: June 1 1995 !ssue Date: December 4, 1991 Effective Date: January 3, 1992 Name and Address of Permittee; Fac111ty Name and address:

C ommonwe a l t h ( d t s on C omoany Quad C1ttes Nuclear Power Station

'2 West Adams Street 22710 206 Avenue North Post Office Bon 767 Cordova Illinois Chicago, 1111 nots 60690-0767 (Rock Island Countyl Discnarge Numoer and Name Deceiving Waters: MisS155icp1 G1ver No. 001 and 0o2 Open "vele 01ffusers No. 001( a ) Ocmineralizer Jegenerative waste No. 001( b) Wastewater treatment System No. 001(c ) Sanitary Waste Treatment Plant No. 002(4) Radwaste Treatment System Blowdown In comoltance with the provisions of the 111tnois Environmental Protection Act, $ubtitle C Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Pollution Control Board. Iowa Water Quality Standards Chapter 61-567 lowa Aoninistrative Code, and the FWPCA. the above-named permittee is hereoy authorized to discharge at the above location to the above-named receiving stream in accordance with the standard conditions and attachments herein.

?ermittee is not authortred to discharge after the above expiration date. In order to receive authorization to discharge beyond the espiration date the permittet shall submit the proper application as required by the Illinois Env1ronmental Protection Agency (ICPA) and the Iowa Depar tment of . tural Resources (10NRI not later than 180 days prior to the espiration date, s

J n n _. _e tarry wilson  ! , ,j p Director

'/ . omas 4. Mc5=1ggit., P.E.

111tnois Environmental Protection agency Iowa oepartment of Natural Resources Manager. Permit section by Wayne Farrand. Supervisor Division of Water Pollution Control Wastewater tection Environmental Protection 01v151an l


,m. ,: cnto:

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Page Z NPDES Permit No. IL0005037 Effluent Limitations and Monitoring LOAD LIMliS CONCENTRATION

.. I hlld AL__ __ Lilill5 '"Q/I 30 DAY DAILY 30 DAY DAILY SAMPLE $ AMPLE

, PARAMETER AVG. MAX. AVG. KAX. FREQ1)ENCY TYPE 1 From the ef fective date of this permit until June 1.1995 the ef fluent of the following dischargets) shall be monitored and limited at all times as f ollows:

Outfal1(s): 001 and 002 Open Cycle Olffusers This discharge consists of: Approximate flow Main Condenser Cooling Water 1098 NGO House Service Water 40 MGD Radwaste Treatment System Blowdown

  • 0.022 MG0 Demineralizer Regenerate Waste 0.015 MGD wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent 0.03) MGO Sanitary Waste Treatment Plant Effluent 0.006 NGO House Service Water Strainer Backwash 0.126 MG0 Intake Screen Backwash 0.50b MGD Units I and 2 Oil / Water Separators I nt e rmi t t ent fish Culture facilities I nte rmi t t ent Flow (MGO) Daily 24 hr total pH See Soecial Condition No, 1 1/ Month Grab fotal Residual thlorsne/

fotal Residual Halogen *** 0.2 1/ Week Grab **

Temperature See Special Condition No. 6 Daily Continuous Recording

  • This sub-waste stream discharges only through Outf all 002, all other sub-waste streams are common to both Outfalls 00) and 002.
    • See Special Londition No. 3

See Special Condition No. 16

.'uc 3


. NPots Permit No. It000$037

[f fluent timitations and Monitoring t0A0 t!MITS CONCENTRATION

.' MLca y L18113_mg/1 30 DAY DAltY 30 DAY DAILY 5AMPt[ LAMPt[


1. From the ef f ective date of this permit unt11 June 1 1995. the etfluent of the following cischarges shall be monitored ana limited at all times as follows:

Outfa11(sl: 001(a) Demineralizer pegenerate waste approximate Flow 0.018 (MCD) riow (MGO) 1 Week 24 hr total Total Suspended Solids 15 30 2/Nonth 24 hr composite Outfa11(s): 001(b) Wastewater Treatment System *'

This discharge consists of:** approximate Flow (MGO)

Crtb House Floor Drain tumo 3.029 Auxiliary soiler elowoown 0.0015 Roof and floor crains Intermittent .

Ocmineralizer filter back wash 0.000$ MGD riow (MGO) 1/ Week 24 hr total Total tuspenced Sollds 15 30 1/ Week 8 hr Composite 011 anc Grease 15 20 1/ Week Grab Outfall(s): 001( c ) Sanitary %dste Treatment Plant (DMF 0.06 NGO) Approximate Flow 0.012 (MGO)

Flow (MGO) 2/Honth 24 hr total pH $ce Spec 141 Condition No. I 2/Honth Grab B00, 15 30 30 60 -2/ Month 24 hr Composite recal Caliform See Special Conattien No, 9 2/Honth Gran Total Suspenced Solids 15 30 30 60 2/ Month 24 Sr Composite l

"" Wastewater treatment System ef fluent is routed through an oil / water separator prior to discharge.

""The insted contributory waste streams all pass through an oil / water separator (Unit 1/2 oil / water separator) prior to entering the wastewater treatment plant.

fige 4 NPots Permit No. ILD00LO37 (f fluent Limitations and Monitoring LOAD LIMITS CONCENTRATION Statgar LIMITS mo/1 30 DAY DAILY _ 30 DAY DAILY LAMPLE SAMPLE PARAMtitR AVG, MAX. AVG. MAX. FREQUENCY TYPt 1 From the effective date of this permit until June 1 1995, the effluent of the following discharge (s) sna11 te monitored and limited at all times as f ollows:

Outfallts): 002(a) Radweste Treatment Syst em Blowdown * * * *

  • This discharge consists of: Approximate Flow 0.022 (MGO)

Laundry Wastewater Reactor Water Contaminated Floor crains toutpment Deatns Condensate Demineralizer F titer Backwash neactor Cleanup Demineralizer Filter Backwash Laboratory Wastewater rlow (MGO) Saily ;4 hr total total Suspenced Lolids 15 00 1/ Week Grab when Otscharging 011 ano Grease 15 20 -I Adeek Grab when

$ 01scharging

          • The permittee shall comoly with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Title 10 (10 CFR 0.731 1) regulations for discharge and monitoring of radioactive wastewater discharges. Wastewater is generally batch treated and recycled. therefore the daily average oescharge rate f rom Outf all No. 002(a) does not reflect influent flow rates.

Page 5 NPD($ Permit No. It0005037

!ELLIAl_C2nditions 1 The pH shall be in the range 6,0 to 9.0.

2. Samples taken in compliance with the cf fluent monitortng rcQutrements shall be taken at a potnt representative of the discharge, but prior to entry into the receiving stream.

L a mtntmum of three grab samples shall be taken at approutmately five minute intervals in the discharge bay at the dif f user pipes during the respective sodium bromide injection and/or chlorination period of a generating unit allowing for lag time between the initiation of injection and the potnt of sampling bef ore the first grab sample is taken, the individual values and average (meshi values f or eacn set of samples shall be repot ted including the Unit sampled the times sanoles were collected. the time and duration of the sodtum bromide and/or chlorine cosing period plus the rate and amount (1bs.) of sodiun bromide and/or chlorine applied. For purposes of reporting and determining compliance, the daily discharge shall be the average of all non-zero values measured in a day and the monthly average shall be the average of all daily discharges,

a. Neither total residual chlorine nor total restdual halogen may be discharged f rom any unit f or more than two heurs in any one day.
5. Nothing in this permit affects or abrogates the responsibtitties or commitments of the Permittee haretn as set forth in the agreement entered into by the Permittee in the consolidated cases of Izaak Walton teague of america, et. al. v. Schlesinger. No. 2208-71 and People of the State of Illinois, et, al. v. United States atomic Energy Commission. No.
08-71 (U.S. District Court . District of Columota).
6. Otscharge of wastewater f rom this f acility must not alone or in comptnation with other sources cause the receiving stream to violate the f ollowing thermal limitations at the cage of the mixing zone:
a. Ma x tmum t emper a t, rise above natural temperature must not exceed 5"F.
8. Water temperature at representative locations in the main river shall not exceed the maximum limits in the f ollowing table during more than one (1) percent of the hours in.

the 12-month period ending with any month. Moreover, at no time shall the water temperature at sucn locations exceed the manimum Itmits in the following table by more than 3*F. (Main river temperatures are temperatures of those portions of the river essentially $1mtier to and f ollowing the same thermal regime as the temperatures of the main flow of the river.)

J& h!La H_L !L tiu duat htlX Ag {ggh Qgl,, gg D e c , . .

'F a5 45 57 68 78 85 86 86 85 75 65 52 C. The area of dif fusion of an ef fluent in the receiving water is a mixing rene, and that mixing tone shall not extend:

1) over more than 25 percent of the cross sectional area of volume of riow in the Mississippi River:
11) more than 26 acres of the Mtssissippi River Permittee shall monitor river flow weekly and amDient river temperature (at or upstream of unit intakes) daily. When river flows are greater than 16.000 cf s and ambient temperatures are 5"F or more lower than the monthly ilmtting temperatures, the permittee shall be deened in comoltance with the above temperature limitations, based upon the. temperature monitoring curve.' If river flows are greater than 11.000 cf s and ambient temperatures are within 5*F of the monthly Itmiting temperatures, the permittee may demonstrate como11ance with the above temperature limitations by use of plant load, river flow, and ambtent temperature data and the temperature monttoring curve in iteu of actual measurement of the 500 f eet downstream river cross section temperature. If river flows are less than 11.000 cfs, temperature surveys at the 500 f eet downstream river cross section sna11 be perf ormed once per week during any week that the generating '.ntts discharge heated ef fluent to the river.' In the event that the compliance monitoring shows that the permittee nas caused the monthly limiting temperature to be cucceded, the numoer of hours of such exceedance shall be reported on the permittee's

_ Discharge Monttoring Report. The following data shall_be collected and recorded: _,

'The temperature monitoring curve identified as TMC 1 as shown on p. 31 of the January 1990

" Evaluation of the Quad Cittes Nuclear Generating Station Otffuser Pipe System at tow River Flows.*

' Temperature surveys. shall not be reoutred during pertods wnen ice f onnation renders tne Mississtopi River inaccessible or unsaf e f or mar ine activity.

l Page 6 NPDE$ Permit No. It0005037 lattial tend 111gna 1 Daily continuous recording of the station discharge rate,

2. 04tly continuous recording of the temperature of the station discharge.
3. Weekly determination of 114 river flow rate (daily when river ficws f all below 18.000 cfs).

4 Daily determination of the ambtent temperature of the river.

5. Datly determination of the station load.
6. Daily determination of the induced cross sectional average temperature at the 100 foot downstream cross section in the river.
7. There shall be no discharge of polychlorinated biphenyl cDmpounds f rom any discharge.

S. There shall be no 015 charge of enemicai metal cleaning wastes unless a permit has been obtained f ran IEPA f or the treatment and/or discharge of such wastes.

9. The datly maximum f ecal coliform count esamined twice per month shall not e ceed 300 per iOO ml.
10. Commonwealth Edison Campany's demor.stration f or the Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station in accordarce with Section 316(4) and 316(b) of the Clean Water act was approved by ![PA by letter dated July 28, 1981 and by the towa Department of Environmental Quality t IDEO) by letter dated May 18, 1981. Based on these conclustons the following actions by the permittee are required:

A. The permittee shall monitor fish tmpingement twice per week, year round. Each year's data shall be tabulated and compared to historical fish tmpingement data f or the same period with the results submitted to IEPA Permit Section and Compliance Assurance Section by July 28. each year.

B. The permittee shall monitor water temperatures as described in $pecial Condition 6.

11. A permittee who wishes to establish the affirmative defenst of upset as defined in 40 CFR 122.41(n) shall demonstrate, through properly signed. contempor8ntous operating logs, or other relevant evidence that: An upset occurred and that the permittee tan identif y the cause(s) of the upset; the permitted f acility was at the Line being properly operated; the permittee submitted nottcc of the upset as recuired in standard conditton 12 of this permit; and the permittee complied with any remeGtal measures reautred in standard condition a of this permit.

I2. Discharge is allowed f rom the Unit 1 oil / water separator and the Unit 2 ot1/ water separator in accordance with the $ pill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan ($PCC). If an applicable effluent standard or water quality related effluent limitation is promulgated under Section .

301 and 302 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)-and that effluent or water Quality standard or limitation is more stringent than any effluent or water quality limitations in this permit. or controls a pollutant not limited in this NPDES Permit, the Agency shall revise or modify the permit in accordance with the promulgated standard and shall notify the permittee.

13. The permittee shall record nenitoring results-on Otscharge Monttoring Report Forms using one such form for eacn discharge each month, 14 The completed Discharte Monttoring Report f orms shall be mailed and received by the IEPA na later than the 28th day of the following month, unless otherwise specifted by the permitting authority. Discharge Monttoring Reports snall be mailed to the IEPA at the following address:

Illinois Environmental Prot! '1on Agency Division of Water Pollution ,,ntrol 2200 Chur;n111 Road Springfield. 111tnots 62706 Attentton: Compliance Assurance Section

s Page 7 NPUES Permit No. IL0005037 iltCiti_CQ'idl119ni

15. The permittee shall prepare a plan for blomonitorin9 to evaluate the toxicity of bromine biocides present in the discharge from the main cooiing water condensers and submit the plan to IEPA f or review and approval within 160 days of the ef f ectives date of this Permit. The permittee shall begin biomonitoring studies within 90 days af ter approval of a biomonitoring plan or other such date as contained in the Agency's notification letter. The Agency may waive biomonitoring indefinitely if sufficient data regarding bromine-based biocide toxicity becomes available from other sources.


1. Acute Ioxicity -- St.andard definitive acute toxicity tests shall be run on fathead minnows and the aquatic invertebrate Ceriodaphnia. Testing should be consistent with MtihQdL10r3 A1VEing_Li l e Acute ioxicitv of Ef flugeti_l2 Al v#11LEEganiimilPl t00L4:R$-all, unless substitute tests are approved. The following tests are required:
a. Fish -- 96 hour0.00111 days <br />0.0267 hours <br />1.587302e-4 weeks <br />3.6528e-5 months <br /> flow-through acute bicassay using one to four week old fatFe44 minnows (Pimephales promelas).
b. Invertebrate - 48 hour5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> static renewal LC50 bloassay using (grigdgphnia
2. Testing f requency -- the above tests shall be conducted a minimum of two times.
3. Concurrent with biomonitoring tests the total residual oxidant concentration and the duration of its detection in the effluent shall be monitored and reported. The biomonitoring tests shall be performed at or near the maximum ef fluent TRC concentration allowed by this permit, to the extent practiable.

4 Chemical specific testing -- the effluent shall be analyzed for brominated organics during the discharge of blocide chemicals. All sample collection, preservation and storage times should conform to 40 CFR 136 or other approved procedures. Identification and quantification shall be attempted by a laboratory whose computer data processing programs are capable of comparing the sample mass spectrum to a computerited library of mass spectra, with visual confirmation by an emperienced analyst. Following chemical analysis, an evaluation of.the toxicty properties should be provided for any identified compounds based on available toxicology data bases.

5. Results shall be reported according to LPA 600/4-85-014, Section 10. Report Preparation and shall be submitted to IEPA within one week of becoming available to the permittee.

This permit may be modified to incorporate dif ferent TRC/TRH limitations or restrictions on the use of bromine-based biocides based on the results of the biomonitoring or other bromine tcuicity data which becomes available to the Agency. . Such modification shall follow public notice and opportunity for hearing.

16. The TRC limit of 0.2 mg/l shall apply only when chlorine is used as the sole blocide. If bromine compounds are used alone or in conjunction with chlorine, the TRC/TRH limit shall be 0.16 mg/l as a daily maximum.

The use of bromine-based biocides in condenser cooling water shall not be allowed af ter two years f rom the ef fective date of this permit, unless the permit is modified to allow their use. Such modification shall follow public notice and oppportunity for hearing, and may include a schedule.for comoliance if water quality-based permit limits more restrictive than those in this permit are imposed.

The permittee should confer with IEpA and U$ EPA af ter approximately one year to determine whether the permit will be modified and the proposed final conditions.



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o Co ee 9, i.meesee,s.a ,, e., e. e- e., e , nego, 2,

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-ee ood ~ie,em. o.e.423 .e. e- e.

antw*== Ne % wee aceogr eme pe. ei, isoo ., e tw 2 e.

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'*es me. *e.e tes.a es eerer t te tosin se vie er mem,sectwo og sa

    • meere m *** teamsua s a t.. poems on, teesc poewssas eneca es,

'et 'ee0 Hee e the hPM % 5er8ast eco8(e**ea ihs ane.cossee aww mpe sw o he wa oes pee g . ee. pre a =, is s ao s eem e e' eau pearee r* eaves

  • N pe<amuee ser en, or e< >.*, a ls et 9 4=ct O=

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14eciteQ esteeeero e tri.g pysawl POTW SE Gro terre et s%tweace 04 the poemst di uendor,4 'eewie m st u se .econee en e C tene<ge uen eureg au f a* rwsenet o' was peregeeon seerauste antice thee swawae etermeien eesurt ibuni ce us ir=e eve =w one tweaw, se e%em eaaeuceo cae tae 90TW ene tes an, remeeses waeeri of the <m ee ga me e.eaus, or goea#, es eno,eas

<2s e me we.aeo manaa o em, etev i4ai more, maa :o to esc a*9*e 8'e'a **e P0f W

'erwees e, iae wan e.i eos,.es aoswe,eo .ae, 40 cr a v 34 e, se muet es .a tee s+m.i **e eenwos et e*.s *oa.eoecq O SI W the poema e esued to a puem m +===e er owe =e= seewesee westmeae worts thee to *csanoo e we (e.c svea eae *eponeg vi me esis *e se awn ee t*e* *ctwde sa, am,tpei ssei e* t.en ereet,aens ee,ge ge geme%

soswe eee e we Own e m teoe e req.nemems e em e a at, 3d C re.wiei,ons e, e e m.iei.oe, at

.a.c a . e.,e . ... eg aq ei i se sae.ees owS m to sectea Josteis et the C4ea wei, act ene meenwe*eate tan ase e una c c meen e,ae,e vae ..w epom eq.a ieas sooee wg .a sa t s a 3g spetiteri og me Age *it , e 4*e oge ,49 s

@ ,xic poeies e**%em si4.eces en eweecmem venteen erweas se e' f m eat, tone. h e e,, . e e . t.., 'ne ee ma ee ice . ee., e, swima JOi of me (ep we, eci eq

    • onsemp%ess e eenig e eg, ensgens,e, see,ta e, se*e engdeasatr1 aae suomeien twee te me.vsee eien, ,em J e now, hem eee we we @ *wec uoa saw aueres em eaws ows ect se $.aen lot es we Caea terNHee leredet se ene We efne gatumtteettog & etiesen guemigt ehes AUer Att toe ese ettesome **then % east o' the twas ese egesswesee tecoaiog emee et
    • e teowavenc es f ee ...aea swom.seen pu coatee e asioewer se ll ?1 w ea esseretes tesaava se armeens s rem eseien w vane. Sechem 301stut2itC)
  • e asseme=eme one .ee s es,se one poses as aom omewieace cr=amag eae iDB 10eitue2p or 10 ba t26 eae is onweae tience e or mm setoa e aiese sieci see, eae twees ee it me nom emos eas e see aos teen te .wwe se*eeat **ea ea, emusai traation e me owm e se ceaweet e schisat aet me sanc.eeied twas e e eisee we se toahaus eams tieos teme ai s.eanea invaied e me term me maa ease me pesagn, meetoe et sevenee one w eeeme ce com es are.eas were.cewe e+ #N noacome ere Y% **eewed se sea *a*** to ice enbeN tieases er ina.seien

'neoweg enea me ecmso e e, eso,*euea **ica mo st ce teoonee wee J e now g n el Aa, ewia c araien to eves to the evenn ow west to 35 m Aem ne Coos 309154is meen, esoreonese tv evevence et a ceaestea et me penm.e an, one hreve, e,oest anica sec eeos ea, enweat awaacea e me ee moi H 96 f he poemettee pee act mese e== *ese staiemeat eeernemeien er esmheeien e

.J) ea, sepaceaan *eae .eoen paa se eme, eacweeat two%ttee te me s eeats es v entissa et 3 mesimurn eedy g e<*erge hremessen bp ene et me tre U$4P4 Of f 9Gusee le be spee seceat sediater 98se eerfeid snow iemt meiou e, see Agee, e tas swea se ce eeoonee **the 24 hows t206 he Ceea We+er Act revees mai ea, penee **e voeies e awa=t seasden eione amang $ecmons J01 303 306 307 3ce 318 or act et ene cieen wei,

    • e aqsace *ev me =e tre manea mos== en a tese eview ees e et tee Act es eucece le e ei=e seaeas aos se esseee l10 000 een ee, of twee veienoa even escen mee teen necevoo wane le howes Aae penoa mae eetus, e. aeg peev .oereo pe ma sevetene vacaemenemig del Othee asasemoeiease f *e taae eeoose se ,aveases es Secteae 301 302 30m 307 os 300 et the CmSa Weise act is tweect to e e e of sies sett iesa $2 500 nor mese m a a $25 000 ese es, of .+eten se e, acaromossens e aae .econee vaner eveeucas itinci rei i,e <> ei sae <apasenraeae see ma mere taeaeae ..c en eatm t==e ==miereig ..orn,e ce eieom,nes f *e ecern eau seaue vae Mer*Wsenesi ested e oeregespa li jhei 12 16 f ae Casta Wetes Act erewest test eau sergaa was feeldet les*oert eita er tane.aqi, emeers cue esie v saw aemeer= g aevse e aetwee esowned to me et Other asiderimisemea ***e ene poem vice meesmes e=ene ea si es ee see se me vieewee servies paremeesn e soon conveisen to einsseisaed av e fee et not aio e

$ishp9in eat *eeweat 9ectl in e pe*Init hace stata eie tuorviettee dissereoc t tnen S IC 000 ser **iseinen est av e*ioriocarneas toe eios '=imee **ea 4 a=eastie eer e+ermeema e e sepe etenis sier er

  • Saw esowe to see apac, it snee voeten a tir even prerhetty gweenet such tec's or c' era Steeri 12 23 f *e Ceca we+ eci e<evees met saw pentoa mao saaming , meses one toise 11 31 h eastee se , ten =te a cowns aie, ce Sotomveeev pense eem m e a..

permettee of sies wiens reoreseauien. er eerweiteren e one ee:ee es oteer socwasae tidewmnee er *eess et to me me*Isese teasJer the serates taas eWhahrig com r egoor,e . .e

  • ve e ...a. ee.a.a- .,s....

..eac, e, iseti 30 es,, e eese. ice et e. co.i.oreeice or .nem.e - o a.i.e e.en g co e., se ,,.r, w e ., e, ~. moee ma s io =0 ee. .eeee.i

e. 2 IN D:3904e4 If eaefer esie engpvosee' erit Old foot aubte fPea O wica8Pe per weasessa er og enth tl# Yhe matte retaket e *maffea egreg% eat eerween tae et-etee one ge 12 3) CeSectee etteemg eAwret Netges one emer seast ehoe se enseesee et ei egre germittees geagenewig e specife deve for seengsee v6+serreing ieggnagg,eg, g puiegrige to se erevent eagry et enege eageee ter s hes ia t heda tre essee) ete coweege caus befehty eettroen the eisstent e=1Es ae* ocepineseeg e et estet et the Seeis f he erecer ensinonseessa tier noch esposedease me estowies Icl Ta treni ee Agerty eNI e Win prWw4 ee es eerg hereal eg ee8ereace e Age'1cv eoet an# ace's e** easteeg pe an. nee one vs , p,usnee wee Deratertoe g4 seg eveat to sagg>f, er eeeflDe e9e etesise Ebie ee*iest 8f tae d el th tese ef (OP8turl thetween IP99e storieI69 terahtaeas emel say etter g_. gel aette se aat recewest the b eat'e= = eHechwe ta tee Sete geer,*6eqs e the ee'De*eae ecentoo e tems guerwist the othes gennyteange esies goverg 12%) i'M perventtee thee Cesaoft esf8= e9 edetea 04 las **Giseeraente et Pie serawe e 4 (1el As sneandach aaq toewinertsee mesaq ead g-e.<wnwei eet*ewest Inute meat:4, ime Ageac, se sace se tae, eace e no.e e stoa so neeve eco roose arcas oas et 3% e Ae= Ceee $.ehte C. 5 eide 0 Suo**eI sae se econceoe eroers we me Goes 444 het sat ac hvet, het ectur+ee e me os quer w a th seshoek segwp aa ime Q S) f pe gegi,igerie of IPe De*8FW4 ene towesenes Gao se civ erswetee of that perisief de etchange of ea, Iceg psenstaat <tenignsge eastes bhf hea )) f e5 $hg (igga Yr eQQEgg e49f5$ ge eas et $r% eft e8 ante perfagl Be he4l WiWees $ese refaeW% rig Wesen act wace .e not e m Oe n, .s me. a senerp .e e.<eeg pov.sene as etw sowe een e que teece one ettert me BWlae%t el the 90sioeing eviiitt Joca e ,se ill One eiereroe mir*,ageoems een =te it 00 wg is inew 12 08AI

State of Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Instructions for Completing Discharge Monitoring Reports The purpose of these instructions is to inform l' lit ois NPDES calendar month, calculated as the sum of all daily discharges permittees how Discharge Monitonng Reports (DMR's) should measured during a calender month divided by the number of be completed. Please take the tirne to review these instruc- daily discharges measured dunng thet month.

tions carefully and compete them with procedures currently in use Average Weekly Discherpe Limitstion means the highest allowstde average of daily discharges over a calender week.

Definitions usually Sunday through Saturday, ca'culated as the sum of all daily discharges measured during a calendar week divided by NPDES means the system created under Section 307,402, the number of daily dischsiges measured during that week.

318. and 405 of the Clean Wster Act for administeiing a per- Where a new month starts in the middle of a week, that week-mit program. NPDES stands for National Pollutant Discharge ly everage shall be reported with the month in which the Elimination System. Wednesday of that week falls.

USEPA means the United States Ennronmental Protection Grab Semple means an individual sample of et least 100 Agency. milliliters collected at a randomly selected time over a period not exceeding 16 minutes, iEPA means the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.

Allquot means a sample of specified volume used to make up Agency means IEPA. a total composite sample.

Board means the lilinois Pollution Control Board. 24 Hour Composite Sample means a cornbination of et least 8 sample sliquota of at least 100 milliliters. collected at Dally Discharge means the discharge of a pollutant messured penodic intervale during the operating hours of a facility over during a calendar day or say 24 hout penod that reasonably a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> penod.

represents the calender day for purcosas of sampling. For pollutants with limitations expressed in units of mass tousn- 8 Hour Composite Sample means a combination of atleast 3 tity), the " daily discharge" is calculated as the total mass of sample aliquots of et least 100 milliliters. collected at penodic the pollutant discharged over the day For pollutants with intervals dunng the operstmg hours of a facility over en 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> limitations expressed in other units of measurement, the penod.

" daily discharge"is calculated as the everage measurement of the pollutant over the day. To express the mass discharged Flow Proportioned Composite Sample means a combination use one of the following formules: of sample aliquots of et least 100 milliliters collected at periodic intervals such that a sample aliquot is collected when Pounds per day = concentration (mg/l) x fMw (mgd) x 8.34 a specified amount of flow passes the sampling point or that Kilograms per day = concentration (mg/l) x flow (mgd) x 3.79 when a sample etiquot is collected its volume will be propor-tioned to the flow at that time.

Maximum Daily Discharge Limitation (daily maximum) means the highest allowe514 daily discharge. Included is a copy of a Discharge Monitoring Report with numbers at onous points of data entry. The nurr.ters corres.

Average Monthly Discharge Limitation 00 day everage) pond to the following paragraphs which explain how to enter means the h#ghest allowsble average of daily discharge over a the required data.

Printed on Recycled Paper IL 532 0092 WPC 242 (instr ) 3/89



8. AINJPsAt POttuf Amt DiSCMang stamas,0* Sv5fiM iowwthf 5 DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT 1

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