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Errata to 1990 Quad-Cities Annual Environ Operating Rept
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1990
Shared Package
ML20101L509 List:
NUDOCS 9207070200
Download: ML20101L610 (2)


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ERRATA TO 1990 QUAD CITIES ANNUAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT fME SECT 10N/1 CHAMGE 7 5.1/1 1 Add the following sentence to the end of the first parparaph of section 5.1.

A total of 80 TLD locations measured direct radiation around the station during 1990.

48, 49 Tables 5.0-3 Revise the first column of the listed tables from 50, 51 5.0-4, 5.0-5 Gama Background to read as follows:

5.0-6 Air Sampling Stations Gama Background (TL0s) (mR/Qrt) 48 Table 5.0-3, Add the following information to Table 5.0-3 (first Quarter). This section summarizes the data for the inner and outer ring TLD locations.

Type and LLD Indcator Locabon with Hghest Control Number Sample Number of Locations Quarterty Mean Locabons of Non-Types Analyses Mean Mean routine locabon Mean Range Results Range Range 3.0 13.8 2011 2 17.7 14.0 0 I/O Rinos Gamm Dose Gamma 64 (64/64) 5.0mi @ 223 ' (1/1) (10/10)

Bkg (TLD) (11.2- (11.4-17.7) 15.8)

(mRGt) ,

49 Table 5.0-4, Add the following information to Table 5.0-4 (Second Quarter). This section sumarizes the data for the inner and outer ring TLD locations.

Sample Type and LLD In6cator Location wth H'ghest Control Number Types Number of Locations Quarterty Mean Locations of Non-Analytes Mean Mean routine Location Mean Range Results Range Rarce 3.0 14.0 207 1 17.1 14.1 0 I/O Rirgs Gamm Dese Gamma 64 (64/64) 4.8ml @ 133 * (1/1) (10/10)

Bkg (TLD) (11.8- (11.9-17.1) 16.5)

(mFVOrt) 9207070200 920630 PDR ADOCK 05000010 R PDR page 1 of 4 ZEPSPECS/23 l

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' ERRATA TO 1990 QUA0 CITIES ANNUAL. ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REFORT 2ACtt SIC 11.0!iL1 ClialiGI 50 Table 5.0-5, Add the following information to Table 5.0-5 (Third Quarter). This section sumarizes the data for the inner and outer ring TLD locations.

Location with Hghest Control Number Sample Type and LLD Indicator Quarter 1y Mean Locabons of Non-Types Number of Locabons Mean routne Analyses Mean Locabon Mean Range Results Range Range 17.6 14.6 0 3.0 14.0 212 1 LO Rings Gamm Dose (64/64) 4.8ml @ 242 * (1/1) (1&10)

Gamma 64 (12.8-By (TLD) (11.0-16.2) 17.6)

(mROrt) 51 Table 5.0-6, Add the following information tc Table 5.0-6 (fourth Quarter). This section summarizes the data for the inner and outer ring TLD locations.

Indicator Location wdh Highest Control Number Sample Type and LLO Locations Quarterly Mean Locations of Non-Types Number of Mean Mean toutine Analyses Mean Range Locabon Range Results Range 212 1 18.3 15.5 0 t/O Rings Gamm Dose 3.0 15.1 Gamma 64 (64/64) 4.Bmi @ 242 * (1/1) (10/10)

Bkg (TLD) (12.6- (12.9-18.3) 17.8)

(mR, Ort)

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