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Errata to 1991 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1991
Shared Package
ML20064L000 List:
NUDOCS 9403250014
Download: ML20064L312 (7)


5.6 Program Modifications-In April of 1991, Donald Waite Dairy Farm was added to the program.

The addition of this farm was not required by the ODCM but was added to ensure that the program has at least two milking stations.

It was determined by Station personnel in 1992 that the shoreline sediment sample was not being taken at the downstream location specified in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) and required by Technical Specifications. Instead of taking the sample at Lock and Dam No. 14, 0-23, the sample was being taken upstream at Hanson's Boat Landing, 0-06. This sample had been collected at the wrong location for approximately 12 years.

It was determined by Station personnel in 1992 that the name in the ODCM for the fish sample location was wrong. The ODCM listed

" Davenport Fish Market (Pool No.14 of Mississippi River)" as the fish sample location. However, Davenport Fish Market had gone out of business in the mid 1970s. The fish were being purchased from a location in Camanche, Iowa. The fish were still being taken from the same location, Pool No. 14 of the Mississippi River, however the name of the location where the fish were purchased had not been updated.

Corrective actions were taken to resolve these problems. The name for the fish sample location was changed to Mississippi River Pool W14 to more accurately reflect the sample location. A new sediment sample location was found 3.3 miles downstream of the plant in Cordova, IL (0-28). A control sediment sample location was established 5.5 miles upstream of the plant in Albany, IL (0-27).

The ODCM was revised to reflect the proper names and locations.

Long term corrective actions were implemented to prevent a recurrence of the above problenm. These corrective actions are: ,,


1. Revision of the administrative procedure governing environmental monitoring to require the following:
a. The cognizant station radiological environmental monitoring program (REMP) individual will verify all sampling location changes and determine acceptability.
b. The cognizant station REMP individual will physically accompany vendor to new locations to verify proper location.
c. The cognizant station REMP individual will initiate ODCM revisions for new sampling locations. ,
d. New sampling locations will have a unique identification number.
e. Sufficient and appropriate detail shall be included in the Annual Environmental Report about deviations and actions to prevent recurrence.

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  • ? *
  • Q-06 Banson's Boat Landing (Dock)

Q-17 Dornbush Dairy Q-18 Musal Dairy Q-19 East Holine Water Works

  • Q-20 Devonport Water Works Q-21 Intake Canal Q-22 Discharge Canal Q-23 Lock & Das #14 Diississippi River)

Q-24 Mississippi River Pool #14 Q-25 Waite Diary 31

. TABLE 5.0-1 -

j Quad Cities Station g Radiological Environmental Monitoring Locations  %

2= u 2a  %


  • 2 . >

R c

5 5 $' $5 2C f. 'e E 2 yO .5 .c. .M d a .o 2'~ ta weg



  • 5 j

a E e 8 t; E a

< sa U C 32 m x 2 m > 0

~~8 0 0 . . . . . . . . . .

Q410nsite No.1 0 0 . . . . . . . . .

Q 92 Onsite No. 2 0 0 . . . . . . . . . .

403 Onsite No. 3 0 0 . . . . , . . . . .

Q-04 Nitrin 0 0 . . . . . . . . .

405 Saddle Club Dairy 0 .  ;

Q06' li.nson's Boat Landing (Dock) 0 0 . . . . . . . .

0 0 . . . . . . . . .

Q47 Clinton 0 0 . . . . . . . . .

Q-08 Sikkema Farm 0 0 . . . . . . . .

Q-09 Erie 0 0 . . . . . . . . . .

Q-10 liillsdale 0 0 . . . . . . . . . .

Q-11 Port Byron 0 0 . . . . . . . . . .

Q-12 Bettendorf 0 0 . . . . . . . . .

Q 13 Princeton 0 'O . . . . . . . .

Q-14 Utica Ridge Road .

0 0 . . . . . . . .

Q 15 DeWitt 0 0 . . . . . . . . . .

Q-16 Low Moor l

. . . . . 0 , . . . .

Q 17 Dornbush Dairy . 0 . . . . . . ,

Q-18 Musal Dairy

. . . . 0 . . . . .

Q 19 East Moline Water Works . . . . 0 . . . . .

Q-20 Davenport Water Works i

. . 0 . . . . . . . . .

Q 21 Intake Canal . . 0 . . . . . . . . ,

Q-22 Discharge Canal . . . . 0 . . .

Q-23' lock and Dam No.14 . . . 0 . . . . . . . ;

Q-24 Missippippi River Pool #14 . 0 . . . . . .

Q-25 Waite Dairy CENSUS .

Dairy Residence Livestock '

t P


  • The ODCM/ Technical Specifications required downstream sediment sample (Q-23) was incorrectly sampled from an upstream location (Q46).

32 ,


TABLE 5.0-2 (continued)


4. PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY Distance Direction Location (miles) (*)

Site Codea 16.0 206 Q-19 East Moline Water Works 219-Davenport Water Works 18.0 Q-20 (C)

5. COOLING WATER Distance Di rection Location (miles)_ (*)

Site Codea Inlet At Station Q-21 (C)

Discharge Q-22

6. FISH Distance Direction Location (miles) (*)

Site Codea 15.0 200 Q-24 Mississippi River Pool #14 .

7. SHORELINE SEDIMENTS _ Distance Di rection Location (miles) (*)

,ite S Code a r Lock and Dam No.14 15.0 '210  ;

Q-23b Hanson's Boat Landing 1.8 340 Q-06b ,

a Control (reference) locations are denoted by a "C" after site code. All other locations are indicators, b The ODCM/ Technical Specifications required downstream sediment sampic (Q-23) was incorrectly sampled from an upstream location (Q-06).

i 1

35  !


TABLE 5.0-2 (continued) .

QUAD CITIES STATICM RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL PONITORING PROGRAM 5A"PLE COLLECTION AND AMALYSES tocation Collection Type of frequency f requency Acalysts of Analysts Remarks Sample Media Codei Site Dornbush Detry Weekly: 1-131 Weekly: On all saeples. LLD: 0.5 pCl/L while

5. Milk Q-17 (C) May through on pasture.

Q-18 Musal Fara May through Waite Dairy Faru October October Q-25 Monthly: 1-131 Monthly: On all samples. LLD: 5.0 pC1/L while tiovember hovember not on pasture through through Apri1 ApriI Weekly Gamma Isot. Monthly On sonthly compostte from each location.

6. Pubitt Water Q-19 East Moline Water Works Q-20 (C) Davenport Water Works os On nottf tcation smples will be provided Inlet Canal Weekl y Gross beta Weekly
7. Cooling Water Q-21 (C) by station personnel.

Q-22 Discharge Canal Mississippi Rtver Semi- Gamma Isot Semi- On edible porttons only; at least two

8. Fish Q-24 annually annually . spec 1es.

Pool #14 b Lock and Dam ho.14 Annually Garma Isot Annually

9. Shoreitne Q-23 5 d iments
a. Enumeration Annually During grazing season.
10. Dairy Census a. Site boundary to 2 miles -

by a door-to-door or equivalent counting technique.

a Control (reference) locations are denom by a "C" in this column. All other locations are indicators.

The OOCW Techreat Spedncatens requred & wnstream se6 ment sample (Q-23) was incorrectly sampled from an upstream locaton (Q-06).



Name of Fachty Ouad Cit ies Nidear Power Staten Docket No. 50-2R 50-265 ,

Location of Faality Rock hhni f thnoi< Reporting Period 3rd Ouarter 1001 (County, State)

Location with liighest Control Numberal Sample Type and Indcator Non-routine locations Ouartert r Mean Locations Type Number of a Results LLD a Mean Mean (Umts) Analyses Mean Imatm Range Range Range Q 06, Itanson's 0.022 (13/13) None 0 Air Particulates Cross Beta 78 0.01 0.020 (78/78) 3 (0.010-0.035) Boat Landings (0.016-0.035)

(pCi/m ) 13 mi @ 340" None O Gamma Spec. 6 0.01 <LLD - -

None 0 Airborne lodme I-131 42 0.10 <LLD -

3 (pCi/m )

Q-11, Port Byron 19.4(1/1) 165(10/10) 0 ,

Gamma Background Gamma Dae 16 30 16.0(6/6) 8.0 mi @ l70* (13.1-19.4)

(TLDs)(mR/Qtr.) (14.4-17.1) b 0

<LLD -

- <LLD Milk I-131 39 5.0 (pCi/L) 4.8 (14/14) 4.8(14/14) 0 Coolmg Water Cross Beta 28 1.0 4.7 (14/14) Q-21 Inlet at (3.14.9) Station (3.6-7.0) (3.6-7.0)


Pubhc Water Gamma Spec. 6 (pCi/L) None O Cs-134 10.0 <LLD - -

None 0 Cs-137 10.0 <LLD - -

None O Other Gammas 20.0 <LLD - -

Shoreline Gamma Spec. I Sediments - d.LD 0 g (pCi/g dry) Cs-134 0.1 None -

Q416, lianson's Boat 0.13 (1/1) 0.13(1/I) 0 Cs-137 0.1 None landing 1.8 mi @340'

- <LLD 0 Other Gammas 0.15 None --

' Mean and ran$e based on detectable measurements only. Fractions indicated in parentheses.

, QUAD us1ES .

s 2.0 LISTING OF MISSED SAMPT FR Expected Collection Location Date Reason Sample Type Q-23 July,1991 This sample was Shoreline Sediment incorrectly sampled from an upstream location (Q-06, Hanson's Boat Landing)

Air Samoline Variances.1 Q-4 01-10-91 Low Sample Volume.

AP+1 Q-5 04-05-91 Filterlight.

AP AP + I Q-8 04-27-91 Meter (timer) Malfunction.

Q-13 05-10-91 Low Sample Volume.

AP + I Q-14 05-10-91 Low Sample Volume.

AP + 1 Q-15 07-12-91 Low Sample Volume.

AP Q-2 10-12-91 Low Sample Volume.

AP + 1 O-16 10-18-91 Low Sample Volume.

AP 1

i 1

I l

i 1 = Air Sampling Variances are samples which have not been missed but indicate unusual '

sample results or factors which contribute to sample anomalies.

AP = Air Particulate (Filter) l I = Iodine (Cartridge) 76 I
