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Rev 0 to Inservice Test Program,Vogtle Electric Generating Plant,Unit 1
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1986
Shared Package
ML20203K040 List:
ISI-P-008, ISI-P-8, NUDOCS 8608060114
Download: ML20203K047 (129)






8608060114 060730 P ADOCK 05000424 L_DR PDR

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C. W. Dean 1 i

2 i , 3

J. J. Churchwell 4

! 5 i J. A. Caudill 6 j 3 G. Bockhold, Jr. 7  ;

" s sW. F. Kitchens 8  ;

( C. Belflower 9 K. Seil 10 i R. T. Oedamer 11 i .- J. A. Bailey 12 J. A. Edwards 13 j jl 14 '

l 15  !

l l "e 16 ,

17 l l .


B. R, Quick 18 '


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i REV O I '

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Section Page ,

a J

1 Introduction.......................................... 1-1 <

Pumps................................................. 2-1 Pump Relief Requests.................................. 3-1 Valves................................................ 4-1 Valve Relief Requests................................. 5-1 t

i Valve Cold Shutdown Justifications.................... 6-1 -

t 3


l i

i i

i 1

i I RE" 0 i


fx U

1.1 GENERAL The Inservice Testing Program is written and presented in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations 10 CFR 50.55a(g). This document provides a description of the inservice testing program for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit 1 (VEGP-1), for safety-related ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Class 1, 2, and 3 pumps and valves in accordance with the requirements of subsections IWP and IWV of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, 1983 Edition through the Summer 1983 Addenda. This program is referenced by VEGP-1 plant Technical Specification 4.0.5.


.c This document shall go into effect beginning with baseline testing to establish reference data and shall then remain in effect through the first 120-month interval of commercial operation.


1 s As a minimum, this program will be reviewed and revised as necessary for compliance with the ASME Code in effect 12 months prior to the end of the first 120 months of commercial operation. Similarly, this program will be reviewed and revised for each subsequent 120-month interval. Georgia Power Company reserves the right to submit program revisions which may enhance or improve this pump and valve testing program at any time within the effective period.

1.4 GENERAL PROGRAM CONCEPT The program specifiesSection XI testing requirements for components providing, either by action or position, a safety-related function. By definition, a safety-related function is one that is used in:

a. Mitigating the consequences of an accident.
b. Shutdown of the reactor to the cold shutdown condition.
c. Maintaining the reactor in a safe shutdown condition.

O 1-1 REV O

Section XI requires quarterly testing of all components unless

( it is impractical to do so. This program specifies quarterly testing of pumps and valves unless it has been determined that such testing would:

a. Be impractict.1 due to system or component design.
b. Render a safety-related system inoperable.
c. Cause a reactor or turbine trip.
d. Require significant deviations from normal plant operations.
e. Require entry into inaccessible plant areas.
f. Increase the possibility of an intersystem LOCA.

Each component excluded from quarterly testing has been analyzed to determine when appropriate testing may be performed. If operation of a valve is not practical during plant operation, the Code allows part-stroke exercising during normal plant operation and full-stroke exercising at cold shutdown.

Since the Code accepts cold shutdown testing, this program does not request relief for those valves for which testing is delayed

'N until cold shutdown. The Program does provide a justification for delay of testing until cold shutdown. These justifications are prepared in a format similar to relief requests, and are located behind the Cold Shutdown Justification tab.

Where it has been determined that testing is not practical during plant operation, or at cold shutdown, a specific relief request has been prepared. Each specific relief request provides justification for not performing the Code-specified tests, and provides appropriate alternative testing. In addition to specific relief requests, general relief requests which address specif_ic Code requirements found to be impractical for this site have been prepared. Relief requests are located behind the Relief Requests tab.

! 1.5 DEFINTIONS l Terms below, when used in the Inservice Testing Program, are defined as follows:

Quarterly: An interval of 92 days for testing components which can be tested during normal plant operation.

Cold Shutdown: Testing scheduled for cold shutdown will

-~ commence no later than 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> after entering s

cold shutdown. Testing will continue until all tests are complete or the plant is ready to 1-2 REV 0

1 return to power. Completion of all testing is I'}


not a prerequisite to return to power. Testing not completed at one cold shutdown will be performed during subsequent cold. shutdowns that may occur before the refueling outage. In case of frequent cold shutdowns, valve testing will not be performed more often than once every 3 months. The 48-hour intervai need not hold for planned cold shutdowns when their duration is of sufficient time to accomplish all shutdown testing.

Refueling: Testing scheduled for refueling will be performed during the normal scheduled refueling shutdowns before returning to power operation.

l 1-3 REV O

2.0 PUMPS The following Pump Test List describes the inservice /preservice testing of pumps subject to the requirements of Subsection IWP of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code,Section XI, 1983 Edition through Summer 1983 Addenda. The edition and addenda of Section XI for the inservice testing will be as required by 10 CFR 50.55a. The Pump Test List provides identification of the pumps to be tested, inservice inspection (ISI) class, reference drawings, test requirements, and frequency of the tests. The legends before the Pump Test List describe the alpha coding used in the list.

Relief from the testing requirements of Section XI is requested where full compliance with the requirements of the code is not practical. In such cases the Pump Test List refers to a specific pump relief request (PR) number for the appropriate pump. The relief request provides specific information which identifies the applicable code requirements, the justification for the relief request, and the testing to be used as an alternate.

The baseline testing of pumps will be performed during preoperational testing or during the first surveillance test run. Reference values for subsequent inservice testing will be obtained from these baseline tests.


2-1 REV O



Pump I.D. No. - Unique Pump Identification Number ISI Class - The Classification as Determined for Section XI Project Class - The Classification as Determined by the Vogtle Project P&ID/ Sheet Number - Piping and Instrumentation Diagram on which pump is shown.

Coordinates - Location on P&ID where pump is shown.

Pump Descriptions - Functional name of pump.

Relief Req - Applicable relief request numbers are indicated with a "PR" prefix.

Notes - Notes are located behind the last Pump Test List.

LEGEND FOR PUMP PARAMETERS Pi - Inlet pressure (psig)

Po - Outlet pressure (psig) dP - Differential pressure dP = Po-Pi (psi)

Q - Flowrate (gal / min)

(~~N V - Vibration amplitude (mil)

\ T - Bearing temperature (*F)

LL - Lubricant level or pressure N - Speed (rpm)

PR - Pump Relief Request LEGEND FOR FREQUENCY OF TEST Q - Quarterly A - Annually N/A - Not applicable

- Test deleted, see Relief Request O

2-2 REV O

O O O VECP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Pump Test List System: Nuclear Service Cooling Water - System 1202 Sheet 1 of 1 Measured Pa rameters and Frecuency Pump Class PalD/ Sheet Coo rd i- Pump Pi Po dP Q V T LL M Rollef 1.D. Number 13,1 Pro.l . Number nate1 Desc ri pt ions (psiqi intLLs1 f usil f aomi faill 1*f_1 (NA) f reel Ree. Notes i

1-1202-P4-001 3 313 1X4DB133-1 C-8 NSCW Pumps Q Q Q Q Q N/A N/A N/A

. 1-1202-P4-002 3 313 1X4DB133-2 C-8 NSCW Pumps Q Q Q Q Q N/A N/A N/A j 1-1202-P4-003 3 313 1X4DB133-1 C-5 NSCW Pumps Q Q Q Q Q N/A N/A N/A

} 1-1202-P4-004 3 313 1X4DB133-2 C-5 NSCW Pumps Q Q Q Q Q N/A N/A N/A l 1-1202-P4-005 3 313 1X4DB133-1 C-7 NSCW Pumps Q Q Q Q Q N/A N/A N/A 1-1202-P4-006 3 313 1X4DB133-2 C-7 NSCW Pumps Q Q Q Q Q N/A N/A N/A 1-1202-P4-007 3 313 IX4DB133-1 C-6 NSCW Transfer Pump Q Q Q Q Q N/A N/A N/A 1-1202-P4-008 3 313 IX4DB133-2 C-6 NSCW Transfer Pump Q Q Q Q Q N/A N/A N/A i


l 1


- _ v -- -


! , ( i VECP Unit No.1 008 REV O Pump Test List System: Component Cool ing Wate r - System No. 1203 Sheet 1 of 1 Measured Pa rameters and Frecuency Pump Class P&lD/ Sheet Coo rd i- Pump Pi Po dP Q V T LL N Roller 1.D. Number J_S_1 Pro.l . Number nates Descriptions losia) (pslal (psil (com) (mill f*f) (NA) f rom) _Rea. Notes 1-1203-P4-001 3 313 1X4DB136 H-4 CCW Pumps Q Q Q Q Q -

Q N/A PR-1 1-1203-P4-002 3 313 1X4DB136 D-4 CCW Pumps Q Q Q Q Q -

Q N/A PR-1 1-1203-P4-003 3 313 1X4DB136 C-4 CCW Pumps Q Q Q Q Q -

Q N/A PR-1 1-1203-P4-004 3 313 1X4DB136 C-4 CCW Pumps Q Q Q Q Q -

Q N/A PR-1 1-1203-P4-005 3 313 1X4DB136 F-4 CCW Pumps Q Q Q Q Q -

Q N/A PR-1 1-1203-P4-006 3 313 1X4DB136 B-4 CCW Pumps Q Q Q Q Q -

Q N/A PR-1 l

i i


O O O VECP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Pump Test List System: Safety injection - System No. 1204 Sheet 1 of 1 Wasured Pa rameters and Frecuency Pump Class PhlD/ Sheet Coo rd i- Pump Pi Po dP Q V T LL N Relief 4.D. Number IS1 Pro.l. Number nates Descriptions (psig) (psig) (psil (comi (mill L'El (NAl i rpm) Rea. Notes 1-1204-P6-003 2 212 1X4DB121 E-2 Safety injection Q Q Q Q Q -

Q N/A PR-1 Pumps 1-1204-P6-004 2 212 1X4DB121 C-2 Safety injection Q Q Q Q Q -

Q N/A PR-1 Pumps 4

i i

l I

4 4


. O O i

j VECP Unit No. 1 O'*

  • REV O j Pump Test List

! System: Residual Heat Removal - System No. 1205 Sheet 1 of 1 j Mea su red Pa rameters and Frecuency i Pump Class PalD/ Sheet Coordi- Pump Pi Po dP Q V T LL M Roller I.D. Number 131 Pro.l . Number nates De sc ri pt ions (psia) (psla) (psil (com) in111 (*f) (NA) from) Ree. Notes 1-1205-P6-001 2 212 1X4DB122 F-4 RHR Pumps Q Q Q Q Q -

Q N/A PR-1 I 1-1205-P6-002 2 212 1X4DB122 C-4 RHR Pumps Q Q Q Q Q -

Q N/A PR-1 4

1 i

i i

i s

i i

i i l


. . - -_- - - .u

O i

VECP Unit No. 1 008 REV O

, Pump Test List l System: Containment Spray - System No. 1206 Sheet 1 of 1

! Measured Pa rameters and Freauency

. Pump Class PalD/ Sheet Coo rd i- Pump Pi Po dP Q V T LL N Roller I

1. D. Numbe r 1.1 S Pro.l. Number nates Descriptions (psie) losig) (psil (com) (mill j'El (NA) f rom) Rec. Notes f 1-1206-P6-001 2 212 1Xf4DB131 G-4 CS Pumps Q Q Q Q 0 -

Q N/A PR-1 l

, 1-1206-P6-002 2 212 1XfDB131 4 C-4 CS Pumps Q' Q Q Q Q -

Q N/A PR-1 1

i .

I i

l 1






) VECP Unit No. 1 008 REV O j Pump Test List i System: Chemical and Volume Control - System No. 1208 Sheet 1 of 1 Measured Pa rameters and Freauency

Pump Class P&lD/ Sheet Coo rd i- Pump Pi Po dP Q V T LL M Relief i.D. Number J.S_1 P ro.l . Number nates Desc ri pt ions (pslal (psial (psil (com) ( m i l l j '.fl ( NA) (roel Ree. Notes l 1-1208-P6-002 2 212 1X4DB116-2 G-4 Centrifuga l Cha rg- Q Q Q Q Q -

Q N/A PR-1 ing Pumps 1-1208-P6-003 2 212 1X4DB116-2 C-4 Cent ri fuga l Cha rg- Q Q Q Q Q -

Q N/A PR-1 ing Pumps 4

4 4

1 J

i i

l i

1 I

2-8 l

i VEGP Unit No. 1 008 REV O I Pump Test List

! System: Auxilia ry feedwater - System No. 1302 Sheet 1 of 1 t

l Measured Pa rameters and Freauency i Pump Class P&lD/ Sheet Coo rd i- Pump Pi Po dP Q V T LL N Roller l 1.D. Number 131 Proi. Number nates De sc ri p t i ons (psig) (psial (psil (com) ( m i l l l'f.1 ( NAl f rpal Rea. Notes I

! 1-1302-P4-001 3 313 1X4DB161-2 F-6 AFW Pump (Turbine Q Q Q Q Q -

Q Q PR-1 i

Driven) 1-1302-P4-002 3 313 IX4DB161-2 D-6 AFW Pumps Q Q Q Q Q -

Q N/A PR-1 1-1302-P4-003 3 313 1X4DB161-2 B-6 AFW Pumps Q Q Q Q Q -

Q N/A PR-1 i

I j

l i

1 l 2-9

--. . . . - - . ~. .

i O O VECP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Pump Test List System: Safety-Related (ESF) Chillers - System No. 1592 Sheet 1 of 1 Measured Pa rameters and Freauency Pump Class PhlD/ Sheet Coo rd i- Pump Pi Po dP Q V T LL N Roller i 1.D. Number 1S_1 P ro.l . Number nates De sc ri p t ions (psia) ( ps ia l f os i l (opel f ei l l L*f.1 ( NA) (real Rea. Notes 1-1592-P7-001 3 313 17.'4 DB221 F-5 ESF Chilled Water Q Q Q Q Q -

Q N/A PR-1 Pump l 1-1592-P7-002 3 313 IX4DB221 C-5 ESF Chilled Water Q Q Q Q Q -

Q N/A PR-1

'. Pump 1

l' t

i i

i 4

i I

1 J



j 0030I 2-10

RELIEF REQUEST PR-1 PUMPS: All pumps except the NSCW and NSCW Transfer CLASS: 2 and 3 TEST REQUIREMENTS: IWP-3300 requires a bearing temperature measurement at least once a year.

BASIS FOR RELIEF: Industry experience has shown that bearing temperature changes caused by degrading bearings occur only after major degradation has occurred at the pump. Prior to this, the vibration measurement would provide the necessary information to warn the operator of an impending malfunction.

Therefore, this parameter will not be meaured since its information is after-the-fact.

ALTERNATE TESTING: Vibration amplitude will be measured O quarterly as required by Code.

0177n 1

3-1 REV O I l

4.0 VALVES C(% The following Valve Test List describes the inservice /preservice testing of valves subject to the requirements of Subsection IWV of the ASME Code,Section XI, 1983 Edition with Addenda through Summer 1983. The Valve Test List provides the identification of the valves to be tested, ISI class, valve categories, type, size, and actuator. Also listed are the normal position, fail position, safety position, active or passive, description, test requirements, and frequency of tests. The legends before the Valve Test List describe the alpha coding used in the list.

Relief from the testing requirements of Section XI is requested where full compliance with the requirements of the Code is not practical. In such cases the Valve Test List refers to a specific valve relief request (RR) number for the appropriate valves. The relief request provides specific information which I identifies the applicable code requirements, justification for the relief request, and testing to be used as an alternate.

Valves are full-stroke exercised quarterly, during cold shutdown, or during refueling.' Valves are full-stroke exercised except when valve design or system conditions do not permit it during quarterly or cold shutdown testing. When full-stroke exercising is not performed a basis is provided in the applicable " Relief Request" or " Cold Shutdown Justification".

Partial-stroke exercising is performed when practical on valves


ss where full-stroke exercising is not performed. Valves which receive partial-stroke exercising are addressed in the applicable " Relief Request" or " Cold Shutdown Justification".

l l Each valve, following installation and prior to service, will l

receive a baseline test. These tests will be conducted under conditions similar to those to be experienced during subsequent i inservice tests. Safety and relief valves which will be removed and bench tested during subsequent inservice tests need not be installed prior to the baseline testing.

O 4-1 REV O



V Valve No. - Unique valve identification number.

ISI Class - The classification as determined for Section XI.

Project Class - The classification as determined by the Vogtle Project.


P&ID (coord.) - Piping and Instrumentaton Diagram on which valve is located. Location on P&ID where valve is shown is indicated as the coordinates (Coord.).

Valve Cat. - Category of valve as defined in IWV-2200.

Valve Size - Nominal pipe size diameter of the valve.

Valve Type - Type of valve (i.e., check, globe, gate)

(~- Act Type - Type of valve actuator (i.e., motor,

\ air)

Norm. Position - The normal position of the valve (i.e, open, closed)

Fail Position - The position to which the valve travels upon a loss of actuator power or air.

Safety Position - The postion of the valve when it performs its safety-related function.

Act. or Pass. - Valve function categorized as active

. (act.) or passive (pass.) as defined

' in IWV-2100. Active valves are indicated with an "A". Passive valves are indicated with a "P".

1 Relief Req. or C.S. Just. - Applicable relief request numbers are indicated with a "RR" prefix.

i Applicable cold shutdown justification numbers are indicated with a "CS" prefix.

4-2 REV O

Description - Brief description of valve function (sm)' or location.

Notes - Notes are located behind the last valve test list.

LEGEND OF VALVE TYPE A - Angle Valve B - Butterfly Valve CK - Check Valve D - Diaphragm Valve GA - Gate Valve GL - Globe Valve SR - Safety or Pressure Relief Valve LEGEND OF VALVE ACTUATOR TYPE AO - Air Operated ES - Solenoid H - Hydraulic Operated M - Manual MO - Motor Operated

/~ S - Self Actuating kT/ EH - Electrohydraulic LEGEND OF VALVE POSITIONS:

NORMAL, FAIL, OR SAFETY AI - As Is C - Close 0 - Open N/A - Not Applicable O/C - Open or Close LEGEND FOR FREQUENCY OF TEST Q - Quarterly R - Refueling T - Per table IWV-3510-1 Y - 2 years CS - Cold shutdown PQRM - Partial stroke test exercised quarterly. Valve disassembled during refueling and manual stroke test exercised.

O 4-3 REV O

RM - Valve disassembled during refueling and manually stroke I~T test exercised.

\J PQR - Partial stroke test exercised quarterly and full stroke test exercised during refueling.

PQCS - Partial stroke test exercised quarterly and full stroke test exercised during cold shutdown.

- Test deleted, see Relief Request 4 LEGEND FOR VALVE CATEGORIES Category Description A - Valves for which seat leakage is limited to a specific maximum amount in the closed position for fulfillment of their function.

B - Valves for which seat leakage in the closed position is inconsequential for fulfillment of their function.

C - Valves which are self-actuating in response to some system characteristic.

D - Valves which are actuated by an energy source capable of only one operation, such as rupture discs on explosive-actuated valves. Note: VEGP's design does not include such valves.

AC - Valves which are both Category A and C.

LEGEND FOR VALVE TESTING REQUIREMENTS PI - Position indication verification, every 2 years per IWV-3300.

ET - Exercise test of Category A and B valves, quarterly per IWV-3411. Safety relief valves tested according to I

Table-3510-1 per IWV-3511. Check valve exercise test, quarterly per IWV-3520.

ST - Stroke time of Category and B valves, quarterly per


FSV - Fail-safe verification of Category A and B valves,

. quarterly per IWV-3415.

LT - Leakage rate test of Category A valves per IWV-3420.

1 Valves subject to type C local leak rate testing as j required by Appendix J of 10 CFR 50 are indicated by 1 reference to Note 1. Valves which are RCS pressure

isolation valves and leak rate tested per plant

! Technical Specifications indicated by reference to Note 2.

4-4 REV O l

, O O VEGP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List i System: Reactor Coolant - System No. 1201 Sheet 1 of 3 Relief Yalve Act. Req. or l Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or lests and Frog. C. S. Desc ript ion Number 1SI P ro.l . ( Coo rd . ) Cal li M Jype Iype Norm ra i l SafeJy fass. fl El S_T [SY LI Just. and NotejL HV-0442A 2 212 IX4DB112 B 1.00 CL ES C C O/C A Y CS CS CS RR-1, Reactor Head (H-4) 2,4 Vent to Pres-surizer Relief i Tank l HV-0442B 2 212 IX4DB112 B 1.00 CL ES C C O/C A Y CS CS CS RR-1, Reactor Head

, (G-4) 2,4 Vent to Pres- ,

surizer Relief Tank 5 HV 8000A 1 111 IX4DB112 B 3.00 CA MO O Al O/C A Y Q Q Pressu ri ze r (E-7) Power Rel ier Block Valve HV 80008 1 111 1X4DB112 B 3.00 GA MO O Al O/C A Y Q Q Pressurizer (F-7) Powe r Ro l ler  ;

Block Valve HV 8028 2 212 IX4DB112 A 3.00 D AO O C C A Y Q Q Q R Pressurizer t (G-2) Roller lank o

Water I sola-tion - Pene-tration No. 63 (Note 1)

HV 8033 2 212 1X4DB112 A 1.00 D AO C C C A Y Q Q Q R Pressuri ze r I (H-2) Roller Tank Vent isola-tion - Pene-tra tion No. 62 [

(Note 1) 2 HV 8047 2 212 1X4DB112 A 1.00 D AO C C C A Y Q Q Q R Pressurize r (H-3) Roller Tank

! Vent isola-i' tion - Pene-tration No. 62 i (Note 1) i HV 8095A 1 111 1X4DB114 8 1.00 GL ES C C O/C A Y CS CS CS

  • RR-1, Reactor j (E-5) 2,4 Head
vent i HV 80958 1 111 1X4DB114 B 1.00 CL ES C C O/C A Y CS CS CS RR-1, Heactor

! (E-5) 2.4 elead Vent 1


.1 l

~ -. .. .

O V J VEGP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List System: Reactor Coolant - System No. 1201 Sheet 2 of 3 Relief Valye Act. Req. or Valvo Class P&lD Size Act. Position or Tests and Freq. C. S. Description Number ISl Pro.l. ( Coo rd . ) pal Lja) Jyge Jype No rm f a i l fa rety Pa s s . El fJ fl IEy LI lyjik .and Note.s_

HV 8096A 1 111 IX4DB114 B 1.00 GL ES C C O/C A Y CS CS CS RR-1, Reactor (E-5) 2,4 Ilead Vent HV 80968 1 111 IX4DB114 B 1.00 GL ES C C O/C A Y CS CS CS RR-1, Reactor (E-5) 2,4 Head Vent HV 870lA 1 111 1X4DB122 A 12.00 CA MO C Al O/C A Y CS CS R CS-1 Residual Heat (G-3) RR-1,2 Removal (RHR)

Recircu-lation Line f rom Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Loop 1 (Note 2)

HV 8701B 1 111 1X4DB122 A 12.00 GA MO C Al O/C A Y CS CS R CS-1 RHR Recircu-(G-2) RR-1,2 lation Lino from RCS Loop 1 (Note 2)

HV 8702A 1 111 IX4DB122 A 12.00 GA MO C Al O/C- A Y CS CS R CS-1 RHR Recircu-(D-2) RR-1,2 lation Line From RCS Loop 4 (Note 2)

HV 87028 1 til IX4DB122 A 12.00 CA MO C Al O/C A Y CS CS R CS-1 RHR Rec i rcu-(D-1) R-1,2 lation Line from RCS Loop 4 (Note 2)

LV 0459 1 111 1X4DB114 0 3.00 GL AO O C C A Y CS CS CS CS-2 RCS Lotdown (G-7) R-1,2 Isolation LV 0460 1 111 1X4DB114 8 3.00 GL AO O C C A Y CS CS CS CS-2 RCS Letdown (G-7) R-1,2 Isolation PSV 8010A 1 111 1X4DB112 C 6.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T Pressuri ze r (G-7) Relief PSV 80108 1 111 IX4DB112 C 6.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T P ressu ri ze r (G-6) Relief 4-6

C O 3 VECP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List System: Reactor Coolant - System No. 1201 Sheet 3 or 3 Relier Valve Act. Req. or Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Polition or Te.s.ts and Fren. C. S. Desc ri p t ion Number J S1 Pro.i . ( Coo rd .1 Ca_1 Li M Jype Jype No rm Fa l l Ea rely Pass. H El S1 FSY LI Just. and Notes PSV 80100 1 111 1X4DB112 C 6.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T Pressu rize r (G-6) Relier PV 0455A 1 111 1X4DB112 11 3.00 GL ES C C O/C A Y Q Q Q RR-3 Pressurizer (E-8) Power Rol ler PV 0456A 1 111 IX4DB112 B 3.00 GL ES C C O/C A Y Q Q Q RR-3 P ressu r i ze r (F-8) Powe r Ro l l e r U4 020 2 212 1X4DB112 A 1.00 GL M C N/A C P R Containment

( F- ) Isolation -

Pene t ra t ion No. 63 (Note 1)

U6 112 2 212 IX4DBil2 A 3.00 CK S C N/A C P R Containment (F-2) Isolation -

Pene t ra t ion No. 63 (Note 1) 4-7

O O O VECP Unit No. 1 . 008 REV O Valve Test List System: Nuclear Service Cooling Water - System No. 1202 Sheet 1 of 2 Roller Valve Act. Req. or Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or Tests and Freg. C. S. De sc ri p t i on Numbe_r 111 P ro.l . ( Coo rd . ) Ca_1 Lind Jype Jype Norm fail Safety Pass. PI ET ST FSV LI Just. _and NOLos_

CV 9446 3 313 IX4DB133-1 B 2.00 GL ES O C C A Y Q Q Q Nuc lea r Ser-(B-5) vice Cooling Water (NSCW) to Blowdown isolation CV 9447 3 313 IX4DB133-2 B 2.00 GL ES O C C A Y Q Q Q NSCW to (B-5) Blowdown isolation U4 025 3 313 1X4DB133-1 C 18.00 CK S O N/A O/C A Q NSCW Pump (C-8) ,

Check U4 027 3 313 1X4DB133-2 C 18.00 CK S O N/A O/C A Q NSCW Pump (C-8) Check U4 031 3 313 IX4DB133-1 C 18.00 CK S O N/A O/C A Q NSCW Pump (D-6) Check U4 033 3 313 IX4DB133-2 C 18.00 CK S O N/A O/C A Q NSCW Pump (D-6) Check U4 035 3 313 IX4DB133-1 C 18.00 CK S O N/A O/C A Q NSCW Pump (C-4) Check U4 037 3 313 1X4DB133-2 C 18.00 CK S O N/A O/C A Q NSCW Pump (C-5) Check HV 1668A 3 313 1X4DB133-1 B 24.00 B MO O Al O/C A Y Q Q NSCW lsola-(G-5) tion to NSCW Tower Spray HV 1668B 3 313 1X4DB133-1 B 18.00 B MO C Al O/C A Y Q Q NSCW isola-(F-5) tion to NSCW Towe r Ba s i n HV 1669A 3 313 1X4DB133-2 B 24.00 8 MO O Al O/C A i Q Q NSCW isola-(G-5) tion to NSCW T owe r Sp ray HV 1669B 3 313 1X4DB133-2 B 18.00 B MO C Al O/C A Y Q Q NSCW isola-(F-5) tion to NSCW Towe r Ba s in i

4-8 l

O O O VEGP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List

, System: Nuclear Service Cooling Water - System No. 1202 Sheet 2 of 2 i


. Roller 1

Valve Act. Req. or Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or __ Jests and Fren. C. S. Desc ri pt ion gumbel m Pro.l. ( Coo rd . I o fg {i !M Type Type Notin fa ii Safoty Pa s s . P1 U H T_ fSy LI Just. __and Notes HV 2134 2 212 1X4DB135-1 B 8.00 B MO O Al C A Y Q Q Reactor (C-5) Cavity Cool-ing Coil Supply iso-lation

! HV P135 2 212 1X4DB135-2 B 8.00 B MO O Al C A Y Q Q Reactor (D-7) Cavity Cool-1 ing Coil j Supply Iso-j lation HV 2138 2 212 1X4DB135-1 B 8.00 B MO O Al C A Y Q Q Reactor

! (B-2) Cavity Cool-2 ing Coil

l Return Iso-lation HV 2139 2 212 1X4DB135-2 B 8.00 B MO O Al C A Y Q Q Reactor (D-5) Cavity Cool-ing Coil Return iso-lation U4 463 3 313 1Xf4 DB134 C 8.00 CK S O/C N/A O A Q NSCW To (E-2) CB ESF
Chiller j (Condensor) i U4 465 3 313 IX4DB133-2 C 16.00 CK S O/C N/A O A Q NSCW To 2 (D-1) CCW lleat i Exche nge r 04 469 3 313 1X4DB135-1 C 16.00 CK S O/C N/A O A Q NSCW To (D-7) CCW Heat ,

Exchanger i

U4 474 3 313 IX4DB135-2 C 8.00 CK S O/C N/A O A Q NSCW To (C-8) CNTRL Bldg.

ESF Water Chiller i

j I 4-9 i

i i

O O O.

VECP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List System: Component Cool ing Wa ter - System No. 1203 Sheet 1 or 1 Relier Val e Act. Req. or Valvo Class P&lD Size Act. Position or Tests and Freg. C. S. De sc ri p t ion Number 111 Pro.l. ( Coo rd. ) Cal l h l Iype Iype Norm Fa l l Sa fe_ty Pa s s . El fl

_ SI LSV L1 Just. and piotes U4 030 3 313 IX84DB136 C 14.00 CK S O N/A O/C A Q Component (H-4) Cooling Water (CCh) Pump Out Check U4 032 3 313 IX4DB136 C 116.00 CK S O N/A O/C A Q CCW Pump

( C-14 ) Out Check U4 0314 3 313 1X1DB136 4 C 11.00 4 CK S O N/A O/C A Q CCW Pump (F-4) Out Check U4 055 3 313 1X4DB136 C 14.00 CK S O N/A O/C A Q CCW Pump (D-8) 4 Out Check U4 057 3 313 1X4DB136 C 14.00 CK S O N/A O/C A Q CCW Pump (C-1) 4 Out Check.

U4 059 3 313 1X1DB136 4 C 11.00 4 CK S O N/A O/C A Q CCW Pump

( B-le ) Out Check l

l l 4-10 I __

v C U VEGP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List System: Safety injection - System No. 1204 Sheet 1 of 11 Roller Yalve Act. Req. or Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or Tests and Freg. C. S. Description Number IS1 Pro.1. f Coord.1 Cg iin.1 Jyp_e Jype Norm Fa i i safely fassu

_ El [I ST FSY LI Just. _ a_nd_ffoie s__

HV 0943A 3 313 IX4DB120 8 1.00 GL ES C C O/C A Y Q Q Q Accumulator (E-1) Tank Vent HV 0943B 3 313 1X4DB120 B 1.00 GL ES C C O/C A Y Q Q Q Accumu l a to r (D-!) Tank Vent HV 8801A 2 212 1X4DB119 B 4.00 GA MO C Al O A Y Q Q Bo ron in-(F-5) jection tank (BIT) Dis-cha rgo isolation HV 8801B 2 212 1X4DB119 B 4.00 GA HO C Al O A Y Q Q BIT Dis-(E-5) cha rgo iso-lation HV 8802A 2 212 1X4DB121 B 4.00 GA MO C Al O A Y Q Q RCS Hot (E-5) leg Loop 1/4 Header isolation HV 88020 2 212 1X4DB121 8 4.00 GA MO C Al O A Y Q Q RCS Hot Leg (D-5) loop 2/3 Header I so-lation HV 8806 2 212 1X4DB121 B 8.00 GA NO O Al O/C A Y CS CS CS-3 RWST (E-1) RR-1,2 Isolation HV 8807A 2 212 IX4DB121 B 6.00 GA MO C Al O/C A Y Q Q Chemical (D-2) and Volumo Control System (CVCS)

Connection to Safety injec-tion System (SIS)

HV 8807B 2 212 1X4DB121 B 6.00 GA HO C Al O/C A Y Q Q CVCS Connec-(D-2) tion to SIS i

i I




O O .


VEGP Unit No. 1 008 HEV O Valve Test List System: Safety injection - System No. 1204 Sheet 2 of 11 Relief Yalye Act. Req. or Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or T es ts_a nd Freg. C. S. De sc ri p t ion Number 121 Pro.l. I Coo rd.1 Cjt1 1in.I lype lype Ng.rg FaiI ga_fely Pa ss.

_ P1 M El fjiy M _J3ngm and Notel HV 8809A 2 212 IX4DB121 B 8.00 GA MO O Al O/C A Y CS CS CS-4 RHR T ra in (B-5) RR-1,2 A to SBS Cold Leg 1

Isolation 3

HV 8809B 2 212 1X4DB121 B 8.00 GA MO O Al O/C A Y CS CS CS-4 RHR T ra in A (A-5) RR-1,2 to SIS Cold Leg Isolation HV 8813 2 212 IX4DB121 8 2.00 GL MO O Al C A Y Q Q Si Miniflow (F-5) i' HV 8814 2 212 IX4DB121 B 1.50 GL MO O Al C A Y Q Q Si Miniflow (E-3) i HV 8821A 2 212 1X4DB121 B 4.00 GA MO O Al O/C A Y CS CS CS-5 SIS Cold Leg i

( E-4 ) RR-1,2 Isolation HV 88218 ~2 212 IX4DB121 B 4.00 GA MO O Al O/C A Y CS CS CS-5 SIS Cold Leg (D-4) RR-1,2 Isolation HV 8823 2 212 1X4DB121 B 0.75 GL AO O/C C C A Y Q Q Q Pressure (E-8) Isolation Valve Leak Rate Test

, Valve HV 8824 2 212 1X4DB121 B O.75 GL AO O/C C C A Y Q Q Q Pressu re l (E-8) Isolation Valve Leak l Rate Test j Valve HV 8825 2 212 IX4DB121 B O.75 GL AO O/C C C A Y Q Q Q Pressure 4 (E-8) Isolation l Valve Leak i Rate Test Valve i HV 8835 2 212 IX4DB121 B 4.00 GA MO O Al O/C A Y CS CS CS-5 SIS Cold Leg


(C-5) RR-1,2 Loop in llead-er isolation i

4-12 9

h m


~ -

VEGP' Unit No. 1 ' , 008 REV O ;

  • Valve Test List System: Safety injection - System No. ._1204 Sheet 3 of 11 Heller 9

yalvo Act. Req. or Valvo Class P&lD Size Act. Position ^ or Tests _and Fren. C. S. Desc ri p t ion Number ,111 Pro.l . f Coord.1 Ca3 lin.1 lypf Type . Norm _Faii Sah ty Pa ss i E1 (( ST LSy S LT Jus k and Notes _,

HV 8840 2 212 1X4DB121 B 12.00 GA Ho C Al O/C ' A Y Q Q RHR Sysiem ,'

(C-4) llot leg in- <

jection Crossove r isolation HV 8843 2 212 IX4DB119 B 0.75 GL A0 O/C C C A Y Q Q Q Containment (D-6) Isolation Pene t ra t ion No. 32 HV 8871 N/A 212 1X4DB121 A 0.75 GL AO O/C C C A Y Q Q Q R Test isola-(H-6) tion - Peno-

, tration No. 41 (Note 1)

HV 8875A 2 212 IX4DB120 B 1.00 GL ES C C O/C A Y Q Q Q N i t rogen (H-3) Fill / Vent i

for Accumu-lator Tank HV 8875B 2 212 1X4DB120 B 1.00 CL ES C C O/C A Y Q Q Q Nitrogen (F-3) Fill / Vent for Accumu-lator Tank flV 8875C 2 212 1X4DB120 0 1.00 GL FS C C O/C A Y Q Q Q Nitrogen (D-3) Fill / Vent for Accumu-

. lator lank HV 8875D 2 212 IX4DB120 0 1.00 GL ES C C O/C A Y Q Q Q Nitronen (B-3) Fill / Vent i

fo r Accumu-lator Tank HV 8875E 2 212 IX4DB12'O B 1.00 GL ES C C O/C A Y Q Q Q N i t rogen (G-3) Fill / Vent fo r Accumu-lator lank HV 8875F 2 212 1X4DB120 8 1.00 GL ES C C O/C A Y Q Q Q Nitrogen l (E-3) Fill / Vent for Accumu-

' f ator Tank i

i 4-13 i

_ _ . _ . _ __ _ _...m . . _ . . . . _ _ . . _ . . . _ . . . _ . . .

0\ '

V 1

VEGP Unit No. 1 008 REV O ,

Valve Test List System: Safety injection - System No. 1204 Sheet 4 of 11 j i

Relier Valve Act. Req. or Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or Tests and Freq. C. S. Description Number 1S.l P ro.l . ( Coo rd . ) Ca_t Lin J lyge lype No rm Fa i l Safety Pass. El fl Sl LSY LI Just. and Notes _

HV 8875G 2 212 IX4DB120 B 1.00 GL ES C C O/C A Y Q Q Q Nitrogen j (D-3) Fill / Vent i ror Accumu-1 lator Tank 1 i HV 8875H 2 212 1X4DB120 B 1.00 GL ES C C O/C A Y Q Q Q Nitrogen (B-3) Fill / Vent

. for Accumu-i lator Tank


I HV 8881 2 212 1X4DB121 B 0.75 GL AO O/C C C A Y Q Q Q Containment j (G-6) Isolation Pene t ra t ion-

! No. 33 i

(Note 1) i

. HV 8888 2 212 1X4DB121 A 0.75 GL AO O/C C C A Y Q Q Q R lost isola-(F-5) Lion - Pene-i tration No. 41 (Note 1)

' HV 8890A 2 212 1X4DBI21 B 0.75 GL AO O/C C C A Y Q Q Q Pressure (G-8) Isolation Valve j Leak Rate Test i

Valve i HV 8890B 2 212 IX4DB121 B 0.75 GL AO O/C C C A Y Q Q Q P ressu re i (E-8) isolation Valve Leak Rate Test Valve l

HV 8920 2 212 1X4DB121 B 1.50 CL MO O Al C A Y Q Q Si Minirlow (D-3)

HV 8923A 2 212 1X4DB121 B 6.00 CA MO O Al U/C A Y CS CS CS-6 . Safety in-j (E-2) RR-1,2 jection Pump P6-003 Inlet T ra i n A .

HV 8923B 2 212 1X4DB121 B 6.00 CA 'O H -O Al O/C A Y CS CS CS-6 Safety in-

! (D-2) RR-1,2 jection Pump P6-004 Inlet j T ra i n B HV 6924 2 '212 IX4DB116 B 6.00 GA MO O Al O/C A Y Q Q RWST isolatico (A-7) To CVCS _

4-14 i



+S tP-

. _ . . . - ~ .- - . - -. . - . , . - - .

O O O l VECP Unit No. 1 't 008 REV O 1 Valve Test List System: Safety injection - System No. 1204 Sheet 5 of 11

! s


Roller j Valve Act. Req. or l Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or Tests and Freg. C. S. Desc ri pt i on 4

Number IS1 Pro.l. ( Coo rd .1 Ca1 (in.) Jygg Typg Norm Fail Safety Pa s_s

_ a P_L LL El LS.Y LI Just. and Nolel i

i HV 8964 2 212 1X4DB121 A 0.75 GL A0 O/C C C A Y Q Q Q R Test isola-(H-5) tion - Pene-t ra t ion No. 41 (Note 1)

HV 9017A 2 212 1X4DB131 B 10.00 CA MO O Al O/C A Y Q Q Containment (F-3) Spray (CS) i Pump P6-001 i'

Suction from Ferueling i llater Storage Tank (RWST)

HV 9017B 2 212 1X4DB131 B 10.00 GA MO O Al O/C A Y Q Q CS Pump (E-3) P6-002 Suc-

! tion from RWST HV 10950 2 212 1X40B120 A 0.75 GL ES 0/C C C A Y Q Q Q R Accumulator (C-3) Tank I Local i

Sample isola-tion - Pene-t ra t i on No. 72A (Note 1)

HV 10951 2 212 1X4DB120 A 0.75 CL ES O/C C C A Y Q Q Q R Accumu l a to r
(E-3) Tank 2 Local Sample Iso-t lation - Pene-t ra t i on No. 73A (Note 1) i ,

, HV 10952 2 212 1X4DB120 A 0.75 CL ES 0/C C C A Y Q Q Q R Accumulator (C-3) Tank 3 Local Sample Isola-tion - Pene-t ra t ion No. 72B (Note 1) 1 4-15 4

O O O VEGP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List System: Safety injection - System No. 1204 Sheet 6 of 11 Relief Valye Act. Req. or Valve Class P&lD Sizo Act. Position or Tests and freq. C. S. Description Number 111 Pro.l. ( Coo rd . ) C_at a (in.] Tygg Jyng Norm fail Safety Pass. .P_1 M SI LSX LI Just, and liotes HV 10953 2 212 IX4DB120 A 0.75 GL ES 0/C C C A Y Q Q Q R Accumulator (A-3) lank 4 Local Sample Isola-tion - Pene-t ra t ion No. 73B (Note 1)

HV 10957 2 212 1X4DB121 B 3.00 CA AO O/C C C A Y Q Q Q Sludge mixing (G-3) isolation to RWST HV 10958 2 212 IX4DB121 B 3.00 GA AO O/C C C A Y Q Q Q Sludge mixing (G-3) isolation to RWST U4 016 2 212 1X4DB121 A 0.75 GL M C N/A C P R Dra ln - Pene-(H-5) t ra t ion No. 41 (Note 1)

U4 026 1 111 1X4DB111 C 1.50 CK S C N/A O A R RR-2,5 Boron injec-(D-5) tion Cold teg U4 027 1 111 IX4DB111 C 1.50 CK S C N/A O A R RR-2,5 Bo ron injec-(G-5) tion Cold Leg U4 028 1 111 1X4DB111 C 1.50 CK S C N/A O A R RR-2,5 Boron i nj ec-(G-4) tion Cold Leg U4 029 1 til IX4DB111 C 1.50 CK S C N/A O A R RR-2,5 Boron injec-(D-5) tion Cold Leg U4 093 2 212 IX4DB121 C 1.50 CK S C N/A O/C A Q Si Miniflow (E-3)

U4 094 2 212 1X4DB121 C 1.50 CK S C N/A O/C A Q St Miniflow (D-3)

U4 120 1 111 1X4DB121 AC 2.00 CK S C N/A O/C A R R RR-2,6 SIS Hot Leg (F-6) Loop 1 (Note 2)

U4 121 1 111 IX4DB121 AC 2.00 CK S C N/A O/C A R R RR-2,6 SIS Ilot Leg (F-6) Loop 4 (Note 2) 4-16 5>

O O O VEGP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valvo Test List System: Safety injection - System No. 1204 Sheet 7 of 11 Roller Valve Act. Req. or Valvo Class P&lD Size Act. Position or Tests and f req. C. S. Desc ri p t ion Number ISI P ro.l . ( Coo rd .1 Ca_1 LM lyp_g lyse Norm Fall , Safety Pa s s. El M ST LSY M Just. and Notes U4 122 1 111 1X4DB121 AC 2.00 CK S C N/A O/C A R R RR-2,6 SIS Ilot Leg (F-7) Loop 3 (Note 2)

U4 123 1 111 IX4DB121 AC 2.00 CK S C N/A O/C A R R RR-2,6 SIS Ilot Log l ( F-7 ) Loop 2 j (Note 2)

U4 143 1 111 1 X'4DB121 AC 2.00 CK S C N/A O/C A R R RR-2,6 SIS Cold Leg (B-6) Check Loop 1 (Note 2)

U4 144 1 111 IX4DB121 AC 2.00 CK S C N/A O/C A R R RR-2,6 SIS Cold Leg (B-7) Check Loop 4 j (Note 2) 1 U4 145 1 111 IX4DB121 AC 2.00 CK S C N/A O/C A R R RR-2,6 SIS Cold Leg (B-7) Check Loop 3 (Note 2)

U4 146 1 111 1X4DB121 AC 2.00 CK S C N/A O/C A R R RR-2,6 SIS Cold Leg (B-8) Check Loop 4 (Note 2)

U4 159 2 212 IX4DB120 A 0.75 GL M LC LC LC P R SIS Sample (G-2) Line Contain-ment isola-tion Valve -

Pene t ra t i on No.'72A (Note 1)

U4 160 2 212 1X4D6120 A 0.75 CL M LC LC LC P R SIS Sample (E-2) Line Contain-ment isola-tion Valve -

Pene t ra t ion 1 No. 73A l (Note 1) r 4-17

o i

4 4

4 VECP Uni t No. 1 008 REV O i Valve Test List

! System: Safety injection - System No. 1204 Sheet 8 or 11

, Relief 1 Valve e Act. Req. or-l Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or Testi_and Fregt_ _ C. S. De sc ri p t i on 1 Number 111 Pro.l. ( Coo rd. ) E C U hl Jype Type No rm f a i l Earety Pa s s . P1 El El LSy L1 Just. _and Notes U4 161 2 212 1X4DB120 A 0.75 CL M LC LC LC P R SIS Sample

, (C-2) Line Contain-ment isola-

', tion Valve -

1 Pene t ra t ion l No. 728 (Note 1)

U4 162 2 212 1X4DB120 A 0.75 CL M LC LC LC P R SIS Sample (A-2) Line Con-tainment isolation l Valve - Pene-

t ra t ion

! No. 73B (Note 1)

] U4 178 2 212 1X4DB120 A 0.75 GL M LC LC LC P R D ra i n -

4 ( F-2 ) Pene t ra t ion i No. 72A (hote 1)

U4 181 2 212 1X4DB120 A 0.75 CL M LC LC LC P R D ra i n -

(E-2) renet ra t ion No. 73A

) (Note 1)

U4 183 2 212 1X4DB120 A 0.75 GL M LC LC LC P R Dra in -

l LC-2) Pene t ra t i on


No. 72B j (Note 1)


U4 185 2 212 IX4DB120 A 0.75 CL M LC LC LC P R D ra i n -


, (A-2) Pene t ra t i on 4 No. 73B

! (Note 1)

U4 262 2 212 IX4DB121 C 3.00 CK S O/C N/A C A RM RR-2&22 Sludge Mix-i (G-3) ing isola-

  • Lion to RWST l U4 263 2 212 1X4DB121 C 3.00 CK S O/C N/A C A RM RR-2&22 Sludge Mix-

} (G-3) ing isola-j tion to i

RWST 4-18 I

_ . - _ . ._ . . _ ~. -. .

O Ci

() V [')\

C i


! VLCP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List System: Safety injection - System No. 1204 Sheet 9 of 11 Relief i

i Valve Act. Req. Or s Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or T e s ts_a nd F reg . C. S. Description l Number J.S1 Pro.l . (CooM 1 CM ( i n. ) Jype Type Norm Fail Safety Pa s s . fl ET ST ISY L,1 Just. and Note _s_

U6 013 1 til IX4DB119 C 3.00 CK S C N/A O A R RR-2,5 Boron Injec-

, (E-6) tion i nboa rd Isolation l

< U6 079 1 111 1X4DB120 AC 10.00 CK S C N/A O/C A R R RR-2,7 SIS Accumu-

! (G-8) lator V6-002 J Out Check

] (Note 2)

U6 080 1 111 IX4DB120 AC 10.00 CK S C N/A O/C A R R RR-2,7 SIS Accumula-i (E-8) tor V6-002 Out Check (Note 2)

U6 081 1 111 1X4DR120 AC 10.00 CK S C N/A O/C A R R RR-2,7 SIS Accumula-(C-f) tor V6-004 Out Check

, (Note 2)

U6 082 1 111 IX4DB120 AC 10.00 CK S C N/A O/C A R R RR-2,7 SIS Accumula-(A-8) tor V6-005 Out

. Check (Note 2)

U6 083 1 111 IX4DB111 AC 10.00 CK S C N/A O/C A CS R CS-7 SIS Accumula-

, (B-5) RR-2 tor /RHR to

' Cold Leg i Loop 1 (Note 2)

.; U6 084 1 111 1X4DB111 AC 10.00 CK S C N/A O/C A CS R CS-7 SIS Accumula-( 11-6 ) RR-2 tor /RHR to i Cold Leg

! Loop 2 (Note 2)

U6 085 1 111 IX4DB111 AC 10.00 CK S C N/A O/C A CS R CS-7 SIS Accumula-J ( 11-4 ) RR-2 tor /RilR to Cold Leg Loop 3

,i (Note 2) 4-19

O O O VECP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List System: Safety Injection - System No. 1204 Sheet 10 of 11 Relief J Valve Act. Req. or Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or Tests and Freu. C. S. Description l Number 131 Pro.l. ( Coo rd . ) Cal j h l Type Jype Norm Fall Safely Pa s s . f1 M S1 fR M __Just. .and NoJes_

U6 086 1 111 1X4DB111 AC 10.00 CK S C N/A O/C A CS R CS-7 SIS Accumula-j (B-4) RR-2 tor /RilR to Cold Leg Loop 4 (Note 2)

U6 090 2 212 1F4DB121 C 8.00 CK S C N/A O A PQR RR-2,9 SIS Pump (E-1) Suction from RWST (Note 2) i U6 098 2 212 1X4DB121 C 4.00 CK S C N/A O/C A PQR RR-2,8 SIS Pump (E-4) F6-003 Di scha rge U6 099 2 212 1X4DB121 C 4.00 CK S C N/A O/C A PQR RR-2,8 SIS Pump (D-4) P6-004 Di scha rge U6 124 1 111 IX4DB111 AC 6.00 CK S C N/A O/C A R R RR-2,6 SIS injec-1 (F-5) tion to Hot Leg Loop 2 (Note 2)
U6 125 1 111 1X4DB111 AC 6.00 CK S C N/A O/C A CS R CS-8 SIS injec- .

(0-3) RR-2 tion to Hot Leg Loop 4 (Note 2)

U6 126 1 111 IX4DB111 AC 6.00 CK S C N/A O/C A CS R CS-8 SIS Injec-l (D-6) RR-2 tion to Hot

, Leg Loop 1 l (Note 2)

U6 127 1 111 1X4DB111 AC 6.00 CK S C N/A O/C A R R RR-2,6 SIS Injec-(F-4) tion to Hot Leg Loop 3 (Noto 2)

U6 128 1 111 IX4DB121 AC 8.00 CK S C N/A O/C A CS R CS-8 RHR to Hot (F-6) RR-2 Leg Loop 1 (Note 2) i 1


. . .- ... , ,. - - - . - . _ . . . . - _ ~ . - . . - - . . -


VECP Unit No. 1 008 REV O j Valvo Test List System
Safety injection - System No. 1204 Sheet 11 of 11 i

i Relier yalve s. ' + . Req. or 6 3 Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or Tests and Freg. C. S. Description Number S

.l._Sl P ro.i i ( Coord. ) Ca_1 (in.} Iype Jype_ !(o_Im Fall Safety Pass. PI ET 11 . LI _.Jusim

_ and Notes _.

l U6 129 1 111 1X4DB121 AC 8.00 CK S C N/A O/C A CS R CS-8 RHR to Hot 1 (F-6) RR-2 Leg Loop 4 l (Note 2)  ;

i j U6 147 1 111 1X4DB121 AC 6.00 CK S C N/A O/C A CS R CS-7 RHR to Cold

(B-6) RR-2 Leg Loop 1 (Note 2) 06 148 1 111 1X4DB121 AC 6.00 CK S C N/A O/C A CS R CS-7 RHR to Cold (B-6) RR-2 Leg Loop 2 (Note 2)

U6 149 1 111 1X4DB121 AC 6.00 CK S C N/A O/C A CS R CS-7 RHR 'to Cold

. (A-7) RR-2 Leg Loop 3 (Note 2)  ;


i U6 150 1 111 IX4DB121 AC 6.00 CK S C N/A O/C A CS R CS-7 RHR to Cold (A-7) RR-2 leg Loop 4 (Note 2)

U6 163 2 212 1X4DB122 C 8.00 CK S C N/A O A R RR-2,10 RHR to SIS I (B-8) Pump Suction

X 165 2 212 1X4DB121 A 1.00 GL M C N/A C P R Containment (H-5) Isolation Pene t ra t ion No. 41 (Note 1)

X 444 2 212 1X4DB121 A 0.75 CL M C N/A C P R Containment (H-5) Isolation -

Pene t ra t ion No. 41 (Note 1) i


) 4-21 a

__ . _ _ _ _ _ . . - - . . _ _ - _ _ -.. ~. . . - - . . . . _ _ . _ - . . . . -

i VECP Unit No. 1 008 REV O

] Valve Test List j System: Residua l tieat Remova l - System No. 1205 Sheet 1 of 2

{ Relief J Valve Act. Req. or

) Valve Cla_gs__ P&lD Size Act. Pogition or Tests and Freg. C. S. Desc ri pt ion


Number IS1 Pro.i . I Coo rd .1 Ca_1 (in.1 Iype Jype Roy Faii gafoly Pass. f_I [.I El LEY M JusL_ and Notes _

HV 8716A 2 212 1X4DB122 B 8.00 GA MO O Al O/C A Y Q Q RilR T ra in A (F-7) llo t Leg isolation HV 8716B 2 212 IX4DB122 B 8.00 GA MO O Al O/C A Y Q Q RHR T ra i n B (D-7) Hot Leg isolation HV 8804A 2 212 IX4DB122 B 8.00 GA MO C Al O/C A Y Q Q RilR lleat

, (F-8) fxchanger (llX ) T ra i n A to CVCS i

Chargo Pump Suction HV 8804B 2 212 1X4DB122 B 8.00 CA MO C Al O/C A Y Q Q RilR llX i

(B-8) T ra i n B to j Safety in-Joction Pump Suction l

i HV 8811A 2 212 1X4DB122 B 14. 0Je Cf. MO C Al O/C A - Q Q RR-11 Containment (C-3) , Sump Isola-i tion i

HV 8811B 2 212 1X4DB122 B 14.00 GA MO C Al O/C A - Q Q RR-11 Containment (B-3) Sump Isola-tion HV 8812A 2 212 1X4DB122 B 12.00 GA MO O Al O/C A Y Q Q RHH Pump (F-4) P6-001 Inlet from RWST HV 88128 2 212 1X4DB122 B 12.00 CA MO O Al O'/C A Y Q Q RilR Pump j (C-4) P6-002 in-4 let from RWST f PSV 8708A 2 212 1X4DB122 C 3.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T RHR Pump j (H-3) P6-001

! Inlet l PSV 87088 2 212 1X4DB122 C 3.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T RilR Pump i (H-3) P6-002 Inlet i

4-22 e' .

O O e VECP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List System: Residual lleat Removal - System No. 1205 Sheet 2 of 2 fa' ! i e f Yalve Act. Req. or Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or Tests and freo. C. S. Description number ISJ Pro.l. ( Coo rd .1 Caj . fin.) lygg lyng Norm fail Safely Pa s s . HU SI [#y G Just. _and Notes U4 122 2 212 1X4DB122 C 14.00 CK S C N/A O/C A Q RHR Sump (C-3) Suction (Note 3)

U4 123 2 212 IX4DB122 C 14.00 CK S C N/A O/C A Q RHR Sump (B-3) Suction (Note 3)

U6 001 2 212 1X4DB122 C 12.00 CK S C N/A O A Q RWST to (F-4) RilR Pump Suction U6 002 2 212 1X4DB122 C 12.00 CK S C N/A O A Q RWST to (C-4) RHR Pump Suction U6 009 2 212 1X4DB122 C 8.00 CK S C N/A O/C A Q HHR Pump (G-5) P6-001 Di scha rge Check U6 010 2 212 IX4DB122 C 8.00 CK S C N/A O/C A Q RHR Pump (D-5) P6-002 D i scha rge Check 4-23

! O O O 1

VECP Unit No. 1 008 REV O

, Valve Test List System: Containment Spray - System No. 1206 Sheet 1 of 3

., Relief Valve Act. Req. or Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or losts and Freq. C. S. Description ji!Lmbel IS1 Proi. ( Coo rd .1 C Lind lyng A Jype No rm Fa i l Sa f_e_Ly e Pa s s , P_1 j;I S_I 1SY L1 Just. and hotes j HV 8994A 3 313 1X4DB131 B 3.00 GA MO C Al O A Y Q Q Spray Add i-(D-4) tive Tank i Outlet j

isolation HV 8994B 3 313 IX4DB131 B 3.00 GA MO C Al O A Y Q Q Spray Addi-(D-3) tivo Tank

Outlet isolation

! HV 9001A 2 212 1X4DB131 A 8.00 GA MO C Al O A Y Q Q R CS Pump P6-001 (G-6) to Spray ifea de r (Note 1)

HV 9001B 2 212 IX408131 A 8.00 GA MO C Al O A Y Q Q R CS Pump P6-002 i (C-6) to Spray 3


(Note 1)

HV 9002A 2 212 1X4DB131 B 10.00 CA MO C Al O A - Q Q RR-12 CS Pump (B-6) P6-001 Suc-tion i

HV 9002B 2 212 IX4DB131 B 10.00 CA MO C Al O A - Q Q RR-12 CS Pump (C-6) P6-002 Suc-tion a

f HV 9003A 2 212 1X4DB131 B 10.00 GA MO C Al O A Y Q Q CS Suction (B-5) Isolation HV 9003B 2 212 1X4DB131 B 10.00 CA MO C Al O A Y Q Q CS Suction (C-5) Isolation U6 001 2 212 1X4DB131 C 10.00 CK S C N/A O/C A PQRM RR-2,13 RWST to CS

(F-3) . Pump Check

)< U6 008 2 212 1X4DB131 C 10.00 CK S C N/A O/C A PQRM RR-2,13 RWST to CS (D-3) Pump Check l

d 4-24 l

1 2

- - _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ _ _ . . __ ._ .-, ..___-__.-__.m __ ._ m __ -. ._ _.

O O C c f

3 i i

VEGP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valvo Test List '

System: Conta inment Spray - System No. 1206 Sheet 2 of 3

{ [

Relief i yalve Act. Req. or Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or Tests and Frea. C. S. Description

]; Number M Pro.l. ( Coo rd . ) CM fin.) Type Type Norm Fa l l Earely Pa s s, HG S_1 {Sy M Just. and Motes i

j U6 015 2 212 1X4DB131 AC 8.00 CK S C N/A O/C A RM R RR-2,14 CS I nboa rd

(G-7) Containment

! Check Valve (Note 1) l U6 016 2 212 IX4DB131 AC 8.00 CK S C N/A O/C A RM R RR-2,14 CS I nboa rd

{ (C-7) Containment Check Valve I (Note 1)


U6 037 2 212 1X4DB131 C 3.00 CK S C N/A O/C A Q Spray Add i-

} (F-5) tive lank

to T ra in A ,


4 NaOH Educ-tor Check i U6 038 2 212 1X4DB134 C 3.00 CK S C N/A O/C A Q Spray Addi-l ( E-5 ) tive Tank 1

to T ra i n B l NaOH Educ-j tor Check i

i U4 013 2 212 IX4DB131 A 2.00 CL M C N/A C P R Containment j (H-7) Isolation

Valve-Pene- +

{ t ra t ion No. i 35 (Note 1) j U4 014 2 212 1X4DB131 A 2.00 GL M C N/A C P R Containment I (D-7) Isolation i Valve-Pene-j tration No.

j 34

, (Note 1) i

! 04 046 2 212 1X4DB131 A 0.75 GL M C N/A C P R Containment j

i (C-7) Isolation Valve-Pene-i t ra t ion No.

] 34 j (Note 1) 1 4-25 i.

4 l O VECP Unit No. 1 008 REV 0 Valve Test List i System: Containment Spray - System No. 1206 Sheet 3 of 3 l

Reller Valve Act. Req. or Valve Class PalD Size Act. Position or lests and Frea. C. S. Description i Number J.S1 Pro.i . ( Coo rd . ) Ca1 (in.) Iype Iype Norm f a i l ga[ety, Pass. H L1

_ _ #l LSY LI Just. _and Notes i U4 047 2 212 1X4DB131 A 0.75 GL M C N/A C P R Containment (G-7) Isolation

{ Valve-Pene-( tra tion No.

35 j (Note 1)


i 1

t I

i I

j 1

l 1


l 1

i 4-2s i


O O O VECP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List System: Chemical and Volume Control - System No. 1208 Sheet 1 of 4 Roller Valve Act. Req. or Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or Tests and fre_q. C. S. Description Number 111 Pro.i . ( Coo rd . ) Ca_t (in.1 Type Jype No rm F a l l Saf'ely Pass. El ET ST LSY LI Just. and No1 E HV 0190A 2 212 IX4DB116-2 8 1.00 CL ES C C O A Y Q - -

RR-15 Centrifugal (H-7) Charging Pump (CCP) to Regenera-tive HX HV 0190B 2 212 1X4DB116-2 B 1.00 CL ES C C O A Y Q - -

RR-15 Centrirugal (B-7) Cha rg i ng Pump (CCP) to Regene ra-tive HX HV 8100 2 212 IX4DB114 A 2.00 CA MO O Al C A Y CS CS R CS-9 Reactor (D-2) RR-1,2 Coolant Pump Seal Water I so-lation - Pene-tra tion No. 49 (Note 1)

HV 8105 2 212 1X4DB116-1 A 3.00 CA MO O Al C A Y CS CS R CS-10 Cha rge (C-8) RR-1,2 Pump to RCS isolation -

Penet ra t ion No. 50 (Note 1)

HV 8106 2 212 1X4DB116-1 B 3.00 GA MO O Al C A Y CS CS CS-10 Cha rge (C-7) RR-1,2 Pump to RCS isolation HV 8110 2 212 1X4DB116-2 B 2.00 GL MO O Al C A Y CS CS CS-11 Cha rge Pump (E-7) RR-1,2 Miniflow iso-lation HV 8111A 2 212 1X4DB116-2 B 2.00 GL MO O Al C A Y Q Q Cha rge Pump i' (F-6) Miniflow iso-lation  ;

HV 8111B 2 212 1X4DB116-2 B 2.00 CL MO O Al C A Y Q Q Charge Pump (D-6) Miniflow Iso-lation 4-27


, VECP Unit No. 1 008 REV O

Valve Test List
Chemical and Volume Control - System No. 1208 Sheet 2 of 4 Relief Valve Act. Req. or i Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or Tests _and Freg. C. S. Desc ri pt ion Number m Pro.l. ( Coo rd .1 Ca_t fin.) Type Type No rm Fa i l Safety Pass. H ET ST LSY LI Just. __a nd__l(o t e s

) HV 8112 2 212 1X4DB114 A 2.00 GL MO O Al C A Y CS CS R CS-9 Reactor Cool-


(D-3) RR-1,2 ant Pump Seal Wa ter I sola-tion - Pene-t ra t ion No. 49

(Note 1) l l HV 8116 2 212 1X4DB116-2 B 1.00 GL MO C Al O A Y Q Q CCP to Regen-l (H-8) e ra t i ve HX HV 8152 2 212 1X4DB114 A 3.00 GL AO O C C A Y CS CS CS R CS-12 Letdown

' RR-1,2 (H-2) isolation Outside -

Pene t ra t i on l No. 48

] (Note 1) 1 1 HV 8160 2 212 1X4DB114 A 3.00 GL AO O C C A Y CS CS CS R CS-12 CVCS Letdown l (H-3) HR-1,2 Isolation -

i Pene t ra t ion

} No. 48 (Note 1)

HV 8485A 2 212 IX4DB116-2 B 4.00 CA MO O Al O/C A Y Q Q BIT isolation

! (G-7) i HV 8485B 2 212 1X4DB116-2 B 4.00 GA MO O Al O/C A Y Q Q BIT isolation (C-8)

HV 8508A 2 212 1X4DB116-2 B 2.00 GL MO C Al O/C A Y Q Q Pump Mini-

) (G-6) flow to j RWST l HV 8508B 2 212 1X4DB116-2 8 2.00 GL MO C Al O/C A Y Q Q Pump Mini-i (D-5) flow to RWST


) HV 15214 2 212 1X4DB114 B 3.00 GL AO O C C A Y CS CS CS CS-12 RCS Letdown i (H-4) RR-1,2 1 solation

  • I LV 01128 2 212 IX4DB116-1 B 4.00 CA MO O Al C A Y CS CS CS-13 VCT isola-

{ (F-4) RR-1,2 tion LV 0112C 2 212 1X4DR116-1 B 4.00 GA MO O Al C A Y CS CS CS-13 VCT isola-l HR-1,2 4 (E-4) tion


4 l 4-28 1


%d V O VEGP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List System: Chemical and Volume Control - System No. 1208 Sheet 3 of 4 Relier Valye Act. Req. or Valve Class PalD Size Act. Position or Tests _and F reg. C. S. Description Number IS1 Pro.i. ( Coo rd . ) C U nj Type A Tm Norm Fall Safety Pa sh El El ST LSY LT Justm and Notest.

LV 0112D 2 212 IX4DB116-2 B 8.00 GA MO C Al O A Y CS CS CS-14 RWST isolation RR-1,2 (E-2)

LV 0112E 2 212 IX4DB116-2 B 8.00 CA MO C Al O A Y CS CS CS-14 RWST isolation (D-2) RR-1,2 U4 021 2 212 1X4DB114 AC 0.75 CK S C N/A C P R CVCS Seal (D-3) Backflush Check - Pene- l t ra tion No. 49 (Note 1)

U4 140 2 212 1X4DB116-2 C 2.00 CK S C N/A O A Q CCP Mini-flow (C-6)

U4 147 2 212 IX4DL116-2 C 2.00 CK S C N/A O A Q CCP Mini-flow (C-6) 212 1X4DB114 A 0.75 CL M LC LC LC P R Test Connec-U4 465 2 tion - rene-(C-3) tra tion No. 50 (Note 1) 2 212 1X4DB114 AC 3.00 CK S O N/A C A R R RR-2,16 CVCS to Reg-U6 032 ene ra t i ve i

l (C-3) IlX - Pene- l tration No. 50 (Note 1) 212 1X4DB116-2 C 4.00 CK S C N/A O/C A Q CVCS Pump Out I U6 142 2 Check l (G-6) l 4.00 CK S C N/A O/C A Q CVCS Pump Out l U6 149 2 212 IX4DB116-2 C Check (C-6) 2 212 IX4DB116-2 C 8.00 CK S C N/A O/C A R RR-2,17 RWS1 to CVCS U6 189 Check (E-2) 2 212 1X4DB122 C 8.00 CK S C N/A O/C A R RR-2,17 CVCS Cha rge l U6 436 Pump Suction

( F-8 ) From RiiR l

l l

4-29 l

l l

l j

. . - - - _ . . - - . . . - . - . . ~ . ~ . . . - . ...-- -..-- -_.. --- . - - . . . - . - - ~ - . -

VEGP Unit No. 1 008 REV O ,

i Valve Test List  !

j System: Chemical and Volume Control - System No. 1208 Sheet 4 of 4 ,


Relief ,
yalve Act. Req. or '

Valve Class PhlD Size Act. Position or Tests and Freo. C. S. Description ,

Number 1}1 Pro.i. ( Coo rd . ) pa1 {_[nM Iygg . Type Norm fail gafety Pa s s . f.1 LT SI f}Y 1I Just. and Notes f i

PSV 8510A 2 212 IX4DB116-2 C 1.50 SR S C N/A O/C A T Minirlow r (F-5) Relief to RWST PSV 8510B 2 212 1X4DB116-2 C 1.50 SR S C N/A O/C A T Miniflow '

(E-5) Roller to t RWST  ;

I t

i t

r j . 1 f

I t



l I

E 4-30 t i

_ (

l , t )

( \ \_/

VEGP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List System: Nuclea r baspling-Liquid - System No. 1212 Sheet 1 of 1 Roller Valve Act. Req. or Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or Tests and Freq. C. S. De sc ri p t i on Number 111 Pro.i. ( Coo rd .1 Cal [ int] Iyge Iype Norm Fail Safety Pa s s . El ET ST fey LI _Just. _and Notes _

HV 3502 2 212 IX4DB140 A 0.50 GL A0 0 C C A Y Q Q Q R Hot Leg (D-7) Sample Line -

Pene t ra t ion No. 24 (Note 1)

HV 3507 2 212 1X4DB140 A O.50 GL A0 C C C A Y Q Q Q R Pressurizer (G-7) Steam Space -

Pene t ra t i on No. 678 (Note 1)

HV 3508 2 212 1X4DB6140 A 0.50 CL A0 C C C A Y Q Q Q R Pressurizer (G-7) Steam Space -

Pene t ra t ion No. 678 (Note 1)

HV 3513 2 212 1X4DB140 A U.50 GL AO C C C A Y Q Q Q R Hot Leg (F-7) Sample Line -

Pene t ra t ion No. 67A (Note 1)

HV 3514 2 212 1X4DB140 A 0.50 GL A0 C C C A Y Q Q Q R Hot t og (F-7) Sample Line -

Pene t ra t ion No. 67A (Note 1)

HV 3548 1 212 IX4DB140 A 0.50 GL MO O C C A Y Q Q Q R Reactor Hot (D-8) Leg Sample Line -

Pene t ra t ion No. 24 (Note 1)

HV 8220 2 212 IX4DB140 A 0.50 CL ES C C C A Y Q Q Q R Post-Accident (D-7) Sampling -

Pene t ra t ion No. 24 (Note 1) 4-31

- . . - .. - . - . - _ . . . . . . - -. .. _ . . - . ~ . _ _ . -. . . . - . . . . ~ . - . . . . - . . . . . . _ . - - . - - . - . . . .


a l i

) VECP Uni t No. 1 008 REV O 3

Valve Test List System: Spent Fuel Cooling and Purification - System No. 1213 Sheet 1 of 1 Relier l Yalve Act. Req. or

) Valve Clas1__ PalD Size Act. Position or Tests and Fren. C. S. Desc ript ion

! Number m Pro i, ( Coo rd .1 C_a1 h l Jype Type No rm Fa l l Safety Pass. HH S_I f.Sy M Just. _and Nq1e_s._

1 U6 050 2 212 IX4DB130 A 3.00 D M LC LC LC P R Containment '

! (C-8) Isolation i Valve - .

Pene t ra t i on  !

No. 15 (Note 1) i  :

Containment U6 051 2 212 IX4DB130 A 3.00 D M LC LC LC P R i (H-8) Isolation Valve - ,

Pene t ra t ion  !

No. 15 l (Note 1) [


! I


r r

I 1 1 l  !

l  !

I f

i i

i 4-32 i I


O VEGP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List System: Containment and Auxiliary Building Drains - System No. 1214 Sheet 1 or 1 Relier yalve Act. Req. or Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or Tests and Freg. C. S. De sc ri p t ion Number m Pro.l. I Coo rd . ) C fin.) lyge E Iype No rm f a i l Safety Pass. UM S1 MM Just. and P(otes HV 0780 2 212 IX4DB143 A 3.00 CA AO O C C A Y Q Q Q R Normal Con- '

(G-5) tainment Sump Pump Discha rge - ,

Pene t ra t ion No. 78 .

(Note 1)

HV 0781 2 212 IX4DB143 A 3.00 GA AO O C C A Y Q Q Q R Normal Con-(G-6) tainment Sump Pump i Discha rge -

Pene t ra t i on No. 78 (Note 1) d I

I 1

i i 4-33 t



i i

{ VECP Unit No. 1 008 REV O

= Valve Test List j System: Auxilia ry Component Cooling Water - System No. 1217 Sheet 1 of 2 n

i Relier Valye Act. Req. or Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or Tests and f req. C. S. De sc r i p t i on Mumbe r S LS_[ Pro.i . ( Coo rdi Ca_1 Lih1 Jype Jype ' Norm Lail Safety P1 El SI LSV LI Just. _an(1_lio te s HV 1974 2 212 1X4DB138-2 A 10.00 B MO O Al C A Y CS CS R CS-15 Aux i l i a ry (G-7) RR-1,2 Component ,

j Cooling Water

(ACCW) Return -

i Pene t ra t i on j No. 29 j (Note 1)

HV 1975 2 212 IX4DB138-1 A 10.00 B MO O Al C A Y CS CS R CS-15 ACCW 1 (B-2) RR-1,2 Return - l 1 Pene t ra t ion i No. 29 l (Note 1) i HV 1978 2 212 IX4DB138-2 A 10.00 B MO O Al C A Y CS CS R CS-15 ACCW Supply -

(H-7) RR-1,2 Penetration  !

I No. 28 (Note 1)

HV 1979 2 212 1X4DB138-1 A 10.00 B MO O Al C A Y CS CS R CS-15 ACCW Supply -

l (D-3) RR-1,2 Pene t ra t i on 1 No. 28 f (Note 1)  !


. U4 084 3 313 IX4DB138-2 C 2.50 CK S O N/A C A R RR-2,18 ACCW to '

l (E-6) RCP Thermal ,

Ba rrie r U4 085 3 313 1X4DB138-2 C 2.50 CK S O N/A C A R RR-2,18 ACCW to I (G-6) RCP Thermal  !

Barrier 1

} U4 086 3 313 1X4DB138-2 C 2.50 CK S O N/A C A R RR-2,18 ACCW to  ;

t (B-3) RCP The rma l i l Ba rrie r l U4 087 3 313 1X4DB138-2 C 2.50 CK S O N/A C A R RR-2,18 ACCW to (F-3) RCP T he rma l

. Ba rrie r I

U4 113 2 212 1X4DB138-2 A/C O.75 CK S C N/A C P R ACCW Return - [

(F-3) Pene t ra t i on ,

! No. 29 3 (Note 1) '

i l

! 4-34 i

4 l

l O O O i

4 VEGP Unit No. 1 008 REV O j Valve Test List j System- Main Steam - System 1301 Sheet 1 of 5 8.e l i e f Valve Act. Req. or

? Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or Tests and Freg. C. S. De sc ri pt ion 3 Number 131 Pro.l. _1 Coo rd . ) Cal U M Tyng lyng No rm Fa l l Hafely Pa s s . U f_1 El f_EY L1 Janst. _and Notes

! PV 3000 2 212 1X4DB159-2 B 10.00 GL EH C C O/C A Y CS CS CS CS-17 Main Steam

, (H-2) RR-1,2 Powe r-

! Ope ra ted

- Relief Valve

! HV 3006A 2 212 1X4DB159-2 B 29.50 GA EH O C C A Y PQCS CS CS CS-16 Main Steam 1 (G-6) RR-1,2 Isolation l

Valve (MSIV)

I HV 3006B 2 212 1X4DB159-2 B 28.00 GA EH O C C A Y PQCS CS CS CS-16 MSIV (G-7) RR-1,2


HV 3009 2 212 1X4DB159-2 8 4.00 GA MO O Al C A Y Q Q Steam Gener-I (G-3) ator Outlet j to Auxi l ia ry Turbine PV 3010 2 212 1X4DB159-2 B 10.00 GL EH C C O/C A Y CS CS CS CS-17 Main Steam (F-2) RR-1,2 Power-Ope ra ted Relier Valve HV 3016A 2 212 IX4DB159-2 B 29.50 CA EH O C C A Y PQCS CS CS CS-16 MSIV (F-6) RR-1,2 HV 3016B 2 212 1X4DB159-2 B 28.00 GA EH O C C A Y PQCS CS CS CS-16 MSIV (F-7) RR-1,2 HV 3019 2 212 IX4DB159-2 B 4.00 GA MO O Al C A Y Q Q Steam Gene r-(E-3) ator Outlet to Aux i l i a ry Turbine PV 3020 2 212 1X4DB159-2 B 10.00 GL EH C C O/C A Y CS CS CS CS-17 Main Steam (D-2) RR-1,2 Powe r-Ope ra ted Relief Valve HV 3026A 2 212 1X4DB159-2 B 29.50 GA EH O C C A Y PQCS CS CS CS-16 MSIV (D-6) RR-1,2 4-35

O O O VECP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List System: Main Steam - System 1301 Sheet 2 of 5 Helier Valye Act. Req. or Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Posi11on or Tests and Freq. C. S. Description Numbe r 1}1 Pro.i . (Coord.1 Gal h l lype lyne No rm Fa l l Sa fe ty Pass. H ET ST FSy IT Just. and Notes HV 3026B 2 212 1X4DB159-2 B 28.00 GA EH O C C A Y PQCS CS CS CS-16 MSIV (D-7) RR-1,2 PV 3030 2 212 1X4DB159-2 8 10.00 CL EH C C O/C A Y CS CS GS CS-17 Main Steam (C-2) RR-1,2 Powe r-Ope ra ted Heller Valve HV 3036A 2 212 1X4DB159-2 B 29.50 GA Ell O C C A Y PQCS CS CS CS-16 MSIV

. (B-6) RR-1,2 HV 3036B 2 212 IX4DB159-2 B 28.00 GA EH O C C A Y PQCS CS CS CS-16 MSIV (B-7) RR-1,2 HV 7603A 2 212 1X4DB159-3 B 3.00 GL AO O C C A Y Q Q Q Steam Gener-(F-2) a to r B6-001 Blowdown isolation HV 7603B 2 212 1X4DB159-3 8 3.00 GL AO O C C A Y Q Q Q Steam Gen-(B-2) era tor B6-002 Blowdown isolation HV 7603C 2 212 IX4DB159-1 B 3.00 GL AO O C C A Y Q Q Q Steam Gener-(F-2) ator B6-003 Blowdown isolation HV 7603D 2 212 IX4DB159-1 B 3.00 GL A0 0 C C A Y Q Q Q Steam Gener-(B-2) a tor B6-004 Blowdown isolation HV 9451 2 212 1X4DB159-3 8 0.50 GL ES O C C A Y Q Q Q Steam Gener-(E-3) a tor B6-001 Blowdown Sample 4-36

O O O VEGP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List System: Main Steam - System 1301 Sheet 3 of 5 Relief Yalve Act. Req. or Valve Class PalD Size Act. Pogi ion or Tests and f reg. C. S. Description Numby 1S_L Pro i . ( Coo rd . ) Cat (in.) lyge Iype. Ngra la safety fass a El LI Sl LS3 M Just. and_ Rotes HV 9452 2 212 1X4DB159-3 0 0.50 GL ES O C C A Y Q Q Q Steam Gener-(A-3) a tor B6-002 Blowdown Sample HV 9453 2 212 1X4DB159-1 B 0.50 GL ES O C C A Y Q Q Q Steam Gener-(E-3) ator 86-003 Blowdown Sample HV 9454 2 212 1X4DB159-1 B 0.50 GL ES O C C A Y Q Q Q Steam Genor-(A-3) a tor B6-004 Blowdown Sample HV 13005A 2 212 IX4DB159-2 B 4.00 CL AO O C C A Y Q Q Q MSIV Bypass (G-6) Valve HV 130058 2 212 1X4DB159-2 B 4.00 GL AO O C C A Y Q Q Q MSIV Bypass (G-6) Valve HV 13006A 2 212 1X4DB159-2 8 4.00 GL AO O C C A Y Q Q Q MSIV Bypass (A-6) Valve HV 13006B 2 212 1X4DB159-2 8 4.00 GL AO O C C A Y Q Q Q MSIV Bypass (A-6) Valve HV 13007A 2 212 1X4DB159-2 B 4.00 GL AO O C C A Y Q Q Q MSIV Bypass (E-6) Valve HV 13007B 2 212 IX4DB159-2 B 4.00 GL AO O C C A Y Q Q Q MSIV Bypass (E-6) Valve HV 13008A 2 212 1X4DB159-2 B 4.00 GL AO O C C A Y Q Q Q MSIV Bypass (C-6) Valve HV 13008B 2 212 IX4DB159-2 B 4.00 GL AO O C C A Y Q Q Q MSlV Bypass l (C-6) Valve HV 15212A 2 212 IX4DB159-3 B 3.00 GL A0 0 C C A Y Q Q Q Blowdown (F-4) Isolation HV 152128 2 212 IX4DB159-3 B 3.00 GL AO O C C A Y Q Q Q Blowdown (B-4) isolation 4-37 1

. - . - . _ - _ . - . - - ~ _- - -. - . - - _ _ - _ _ - - . .- . . - . - - -._ - . - _ ~ . -- - -- . . . - . . - .

O O O i

VEGP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List System: Main Steam - System 1301 Sheet 4 of 5 Relief

} Yalve Act. Req. or 1 Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or Tests and Freg. C. S. Description J

Number 111 Prof. ( Coo rd .1 Cn (in.) lype Iype No rm Fa i l Safety Pass.

_ Pl H DJ FW M Just.. and Note 1 t

HV 15212C 2 212 1X4DB159-1 B 3.00 CL AO O C C A Y Q Q Q Blowdown

} (F-3) Isolation ,

l HV 152120 2 212 1X4DB159-1 B 3.00 GL AO O C C A Y Q Q Q Blowdown

{ (B-3) Isolation l HV 15216A 2 212 1X4DB159-3 B 3.00 GL AO O C C A Y Q Q Q Blowdown

! (F-3) Isolation HV 15216B 2 212 1X4DB159-3 B 3.00 GL A0 0 C C A Y Q Q Q Blowdown 1 (B-3) Isolation HV 15216C 2 212 1X4DB159-1 B 3.00 CL AO O C C A Y Q Q Q Blowdown (F-3) Isolation HV 15216D 2 212 1X4DB159-1 B 3.00 GL AO O C C A Y Q Q Q Blowdown

(B-3) Isolation 4

PSV 3001 2 212 1X4DB159-2 C 6.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T Main Steam (C-3) Relief PSV 3002 2 212 IX4DB159-2 C 6.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T Main Steam (G-4) Roller i PSV 3003 2 212 IX4DB159-2 C 6.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T Main Steam (G-4) Heller

! PSV 3004 2 212 1X4DB159-2 C 6.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T Main Steam

{ (G-5) Relier PSV 3005 2 212 IX4DB159-2 C 6.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T Main Steam (G-5) Relief 4 PSV 3011 2 212 1X4DB159-2 C 6.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T Main Steam (F-3) Relief 4 PSV 3012 2 212 1X4DB159-2 C 6.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T Main Steam

( F-4 ) Relief PSV 3013 2 212 1X4DB159-2 C 6.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T Main Steam (F-4) Relief PSV 3014 2 212 1X4DB159-2 C 6.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T Main Steam (F-5) Roller I

j j 4-38 i

J i

e VECP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List System: Main Steam - System 1301 5avet % of 5 Relief Valve Act. Req. or Valve Class PalD Size Act. Pos[ lion or Tests and freq. C. S. De sc ri p t ion Number W Pro.l. ( Coo rd . ) Ca3 LinM Jyge Type Norm Fall Safely Pass t El G ST LSy S M Just. and FjoEjt, PSV 3015 2 212 1X4DB159-2 C 6.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T Main Steam (F-5) Roller PSV 3021 2 212 IX4DB159-2 C 6.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T Main Steam (D-3) -

Relief PSV 3022 2 212 1X4DB159-2 C 6.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T Main Steam (D-4) Relief PSV 3023 2 212 1X4DB159-2 C 6.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T Main Steam (D-4) Relier PSV 3024 2 212 1X4DB159-2 C 6.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T Main Steam (D-5) Relief PSV 3025 2 212 IX4DB159-2 C 6.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T Main Steam (D-5) Roller PSV 3031 2 212 IX4DB159-2 C 6.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T Main Steam (B-5) Relier PSV 3032 2 212 1X4DB159-2 C 6.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T Main Steam (B-4) Roller PSV 3033 2 212 1X4DB159-2 C 6.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T Main Steam (B-4) Reller PSV 3034 2 212 IX4DB159-2 C 6.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T Main Steam (B-5) Heller PSV 3035 2 212 1X4DB159-2 C 6.00 SR S C N/A O/C A T Main Steam (B-5) Relier U4 006 3 313 1X4DB159-2 C 4.00 CK S C N/A O A Q Aux i l ia ry (C-4) feedvater (AFW) Pump Check U4 008 3 313 IX4DB159-2 C 4.00 CK S C N/A O A Q AFW Pump (E-5) Check U4 404 3 313 IX4DB159-2 C 4.00 CK S C N/A O A Q AfW Pump

-(E-5) Check 4-39

I O O O VEGP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List System: Aux i l ia ry Feedwa te r - System No. 1302 Sheet 1 or 5 Relier Valve Act. Req. or Valve Class PaclD Size Act. Position or lests_and Freg. C. S. Description Number IS1 fro.i. ( Coo rd.1[ Ca_t lin.) Iype Iype No rm Fa i l Sa fety Pa s s . El El

_ Sl LS_V LI Just. and Notes HV 5106 3 313 IX4DB161-3 B 4.00 GA MO C Al O A Y Q Q AFW Pump (G-5) Turbine Valve HV 5113 3 313 1X4DBt61-2 B 10.00 B MO C Al O A Y Q Q Condensate (E-8) Storage Tank (CSI) V4-002 to Pump Pl4-001 HV 5118 3 313 IX4DB161-2 B 8.00 B MO C Al O A Y Q Q CST (C-8) Vis-002 to Pump P4-002 HV 5119 3 313 1X4DB161-2 8 8.00 B MO C Al O A Ye_r _l,.S_1 P ro.l . f Coord.1 Ca_t LI M lype_ Jype No rm F a i i Salely Pass. E1 [T ST LSy LJ, Just. and Foles

! HV 2626A 2 212 IX4DB213-1 A 24.00 B MO 0/C Al C A Y CS CS R CS-21 Contai.aent (E-7) RR-1,2 Iluilding (CB)

- Normal Purge i Supply isolation -

Penettation l No. 82 l (Note 1) i HV 2626B 2 212 IX4DB213-1 A 14.00 B A0 O/C C C A Y Q Q Q R CH Noemal t l (D-7) Purge i

! Supply isolat60n -

Pene t t a t ion No. 83 (Note 1)

HV 2627A 2 212 1XfsDB213-1 A 24.00 B MO O/C Al C A Y CS CS R CS-21 CB Normal (E-6) RR-1,2 Pu rgo Supply isolation -

Pene t r a t ion No. 83 (Note 1) l HV 26278 2 212 I Xfs DB213- 1 A 14.00 B AO 0/C C C A Y Q Q Q R CB Nosmal (D-6) Pu rge Surply isolat. ion -

a Penetsation

'l No. 81 j (Note 1) i

'l 4 U4 C01 2 212 IX14DB213-1 A 0.75 CA M LC LC LC P R Containment 5 (E-6) Isolation i lest - Pene-l t ra t i on No. 81 (Note 1)

.i 4

4-50 1 ,.

5 VECP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List System: Containment Ai r Puri fication and Cleanup - System No. 1506 Sheet I of 1 Rolier Valye Act. Req. or Valve Clas t Pael D Size Act. Posiden or Tests and freq. C. S. Desc ri p t ion

. Number ISI P ro.l . JCoo rd . ) Ca3 Lin 1 Type Type Norm Fall Safety Pa ss. El ET ST [Sy G Just. E gLN3tes HV 2628A 2 212 1X4DB213 ~ A 24.00 B MO O/C Al C A Y CS CS R CS-22 CB No r na l (C-7) RR-1,2 Pu rge Exhaust iso-lation inside Reactor Con-tainment -

Penetration No. 814 (Note 1)

HV 2628B 2 212 IX4DB213-1 A 14.00 B A0 O/C C C A Y Q Q Q R CB Normal (B-7) Purge Exhaust iso-lation inside Reactor Con-tainment -

Perie t ra t i on No. 84

, (Note 1) t 3

ilV 2629A 2 212 1X4DB213-1 A 24.00 B MO O/C Al C A Y CS CS R CS-22 CB Norma l (C-6) RR-1,2 Pu rgo Exhaust Iso-lation Out-i side Reactor Containment -

Penetration No. 84 >

(Note 1)

HV 2629B 2 212 1X4DB213-1 A 14.00 B A0 O/C C C A Y Q Q Q R CB Normal (B-6) Pu rge Exhaust Iso-lation Out-side Reactor Containment -

Penotration No. 84 (Note 1)

U4 001 2 212 IX4DB213-1 A O.75 CA M LC LC LC P R Containment (C-6) Isolation lost - Pene-t ra t ion No. 84 l (Note 1) 4-51

C O VEGP Unit No. 1 008 REV 0 Valve Test List System: Containment Air Purification and Cleanup - System No. 1508 Sheet. 1 or 1 Roller Valve Act. Req. or Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or Tests _and freq. C. S. Description Number ,[S_L Pro.i . ( Coo rd .1 Cai Lind Iype Iype No rm Fa l l ga rety fassa f_[ ET SI fSV LI Just. and Notel llV 2624A 2 212 1X4DB213-1 A 4.00 B MO C Al O A Y Q Q R CB Post-Loss-(G-7) of-Coolant Accittent (LOCA) Purgo

. Exhaust isola-4 tion - Pene-tra t ~ on No. '00 (Note 1) 4 HV 2624B 2 212 1X4DB213-1 A 4.00 B MO C Al O A Y Q Q R CB Pnst-LOCA (F-7) Purgo Exhaust isolation -

Peno';ra t ion .

No. 100 (Noto 1)

U4 001 .2 212 1X4DB213-1 A 0.75 GA M LC LC LC P R Containment (G-6) Isolation lest -

Pene ;ra t i on No. 100 (Noto 1) ,

U4 012 2 212 IX4DB213-1 A 4.00 GA M LC LC LC P R Containment (G-6) Isolation Valvo - Pene-t ra t ion i No. 100 (Noto 1) l a


i O O t

l VEGP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List System: Containment Air Purification and Cleanup - System No. 1513 Sheet 1 of 3  !

l Roller Valve Act. Req. or Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or __Ie s t s a nd F reg . C. S. Dcsc ri pt i on Numtie r ISl Pro.i. _LCoo rd . L Ca1 fin.) Iype Iype No rm f a i l Safety Pass.

_ f.1 (( SI LSy LI Just. _ and !Lotes i

HV 2790A 2 212 IX4DB213-2 A 0.75 GL ES C C C P R Con ta i nmen t (E-7) llydrogen Moni-tor Euction -

Pene t ra t ion No. 10A

! (Note 1)

HV 27908 2 212 IX4DB213-2 A 0.75 GL ES C C C P R Con ta i nmen t (D-7) flydrcgen Moni-tor Euction -

Penet ra t ion No. 10A

( No te 1) i l HV 2791A 2 212 1X4DB213-2 A 0.75 CL ES C C C P R llyd rc gen (E-6) Mon i t o r ,

I so la t ion outside Reactor Conta inment -

Penet ra t ion No. 10A

( No tt 1)

HV 27918 2 212 1X4DB213-2 A 0.75 GL ES C C C P R llyd rc gen l (C-6) Mon i t o r 1 Isolation l Outside

' Reactor 1 Cont inment -

Penet ra tion j No. 11A

(Note 1) i HV 2792A 2 212 1X4DB213-2 A 0.75 GL ES C C C P R Hyd r( gen l (D-7) Mon i t o r l

Isoittion insite Re-l actor Con-tainment -

Penet ration No. TIA

(Note 1) i f
4-53 i

. - . . - . _ . _ . - _ _ . . . ~ . - . . .

. . ~ . . - . . - _

j VECP Unit No. 1 008 REV O

! Valve Test List

] System: Containment Air Purification and Cleanup - System No. 1513 Sheet 2 or 3 I

i Roller J Valve ,

Act. Req. or

. Valve Class PalD Size Act. Position or Tests and freq. C. S. Desc ri p t i on Number _l,_SJ S P ro.l . ICoord.) Ca_1 11 M Iyp_e. Jype Norm Fa i l Safety Pass. fI El El LEY L.I Just. and Notes

! HV 27928 2 212 IX4DB213-2 A 0.75 CL ES C C C P R llyd rt gen 1

(C-7) Mon i t o r i Isoittion 1 Insit e Re-actor Con-

]l tainaient -

Pene t.ra t ion

! No. 71A (Noto 1)


i HV 2793A 2 212 1X4DB213-2 A 0.75 CL ES C C C P R Hyd rc gen (B-6) Mon i t o r Isolstion Outside

- Reactor

' Containment -

l Pene t.ra t i on j No. 700 l

(Note 1)

HV 27938 2 212 1X4DB213-2 A 0.75 GL ES C C C P R liyd rogen

(A-6) Mon i t.o r
Isolstion i Outside

! Rea c t.o r Contsiinment -

Pene t.ra t i on

< No. 71B l (Noto 1)


[ U4 001 2 212 1X4DB213-2 A/C 0.75 CK S C N/A C P R Containment i (A-7) Hydrogen Moni-tor I heck -

l Penet;ra t ion No. '0B (Noto 1) 1 U4 002 2 212 1X4DB213-2 A/C 0.75 CK S C N/A C P R Containment j (B-7) Hydrogen Moni-tor I: heck -

i Peneu ra t i on

! No. 71B .

I (Noto 1) a

! 4-54 l



- . . . . - - . _ . . . _ . . _ _ _ . _ , _ = - . - - -.-- -- - - . . . . . . ..-._. ._.- . . - . - . - . . . .- -

i s l

VEGP Unit No. 1 008 REV O 4

Valve lest List

System: Containment Ai r Puri fication and Cleanup - System No. 1513 Sheet 3 of 3 l

Relier j yalve Act. Req. or Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or __Je sts and f req. C. S. Description Humber 111 Pro.l. ( Coo rd . ) Ca1 liik) Iype Jype Norm Fall farety Pass

_ El ET Si S F_S.y LI ju_s.tu and Motes _

4 U4 039 2 212 1X4DB213-2 A 0.75 GL M C N/A C P R Containment

! (B-7) Isolation 4

Test Con-

nection Pene t ra t ion 4 No. 70B I (Note 1)

U4 040 2 212 IX4DB213-2 A 0.75 CL M C N/A C P R Containment (B-7) Isolation "

Test Con- '

I nection

! Pene t ra t i on

! No. llB

' (Note 1) t l


l l

i i

t t

i 4-53 i



l f 1

i VECP Unit No. 1 008 REV O 4 Valve Test List i System: Safety-Related (ESF) Chillers - System No. 1592 Sheet 1 of 1 Relief Valve Act. Req. or Valve Class _ Pflel D Size Act. Position or Tests and f req. C. S. Description Number l}l P ro.l . ( Coo rd . ) Caj ((pj Type Type Norm Fall Safety fam, f.1 LI SI LSy L1 Just. .and Notel

[ U4 186 3 313 IX4DB221 C 6.00 CK S O N/A O/C A Q ESF ChiIled

( F-4 ) Water Cooler Pump Check l

U4 187 3 313 IX4DB221 C 6.00 CK S O N/A O/C A Q ESF Chilled I (C-4) Water Cooler j Pump Check t

I 1

.I 1

1 I

1 s

l l

i i

t i

i 4 ,

L 4

1 4-56 I I

i l

O O O i VECP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List ,

t System: Rad ia t ion Moni tor - System No. 1609 Sheet 1 of 1 Roller Vaive Act. Rcq. or Valve Class P&lD Size . Act. Position or Tests and f reg. C. S. Desc ript ion Numbe r JM Pro.l . ( Coo rd . ) Cal LutJ lype lype Norm fa i l ga fety Pass. HH H [Sy LI Justu and Note _s_

HV 12975 2 212 1X4DB213-2 A 1.00 CL ES O C C A Y Q Q Q R Contsinment (E-3) Air f adiation Moni t or in-let - Pene t ra-tion No. 13A (Note 1)

HV 12976 2 212 1X4DB213-2 A 1.00 GL ES O C C A Y Q Q Q R Conts.inment (E-2) Ai r I:adia tion

. Moni t or in-let - Pene t ra-tion No. 13A (Note 1)

HV 12977 2 212 1X4DB213-2 A 1.00 GL ES O C C A Y Q Q Q R Contiinment (D-2) Ai r I:adiation Monit or in-let - Penetra-tion No. 138 (Note 1) f HV 12978 2 212 1X4DB213-2 A 1.00 GL ES O C C A Y Q Q Q R Contsinment (D-3) Ai r I:adiation Mon i t.o r i n- i let - Penetra-tion No. 138 (Noto 1)

X 001 2 212 IX4DB213-2 A 1.00 CL M LC N/A LC P R Containment (E-3) Isolation Pene!;ra t ion No. ~l 3 A (Notn 1)

X 003 2 212 1X4DB213-2 A 1.00 CL M LC N/A LC P R Containment (D-3) Isolation Pene';ra t i on No. 138 (Notn 1) 1 i

l 4-57

VEGP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List System: Waste Processing System-Liquid - System No. 1901 Sheet 1 of 2 Heller Valve Act. Req. or Valve Class PalD Size Act. Position or Tests and Freg. C. S. Description Number LSl S Pro.l . ._[ Coo rd . ) Cat Rrd Iype Type Norm fail Safety Pass. El _El S_l isy LI Just._, and_ Motes HV 7126 2 212 1X4DB127 A 0.75 D A0 0 C C A Y Q Q Q R Reactor Cool-(G-5) ant Dra in Tank Vent iso-lation - Pene- i tration No. 79

. (Note 1)

  • HV 7136 2 212 IX4DB127 A 3.00 0 A0 0 C C A Y Q Q Q R Reactor Cool-(E-1) ant- Dra in Tank Pump Di scha rgo -

Pene t ra t i on No. 77 (Note 1)

IIV 7150 2 212 1X4DB127 A 0.75 D A0 0 C C A Y Q Q Q R Reac tor Cool-(C-4) ant Drain Tank Vent iso-lation - Pene-tration No. 79 (Note 1)

HV 7699 2 212 IX4DB127 A 3.00 CL A0 0 C C A Y Q Q Q R Reac tor Cool- ,

(D-2) ant Drain Tank Pump Discha rge -

Pene t ra t i on No. 77  !


X 186 2 212 IX4DB127 A 1.00 GL M LC LC LC P R D ra i n - Pene-(D-1) tration No. 77 (Note 1)

X 189 2 212 1X4DB127 A 1.00 GL M LC LC LC P R D ra i n - Pe no-(E-1) tra t ion No. 77 (Note 1)

X 218 2 212 IX4DB127 A 1.00 GL M C N/A C P R Containment (D-1) Isolation -

Pene t ra t i on No. 77 (Note 1) 4-58

.lll:i j! , :L , t I , ; !! , W [ i i I 2

. O t- n f ns n o V o oe eni

. E i t mot )

R 2 to nia 1 pN itr7

- t aat7e


e iri s tl 0 e cn non -

0 h sa oseoN -


D _

r ro.. _

le.Sts .

l q.u -


L R gy eS rL F

d ,

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s .

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-Tl _

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? e 0 f 9 na 1

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. tl 9 o il A 5 N s a / -

oF N 4 _

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s y o N C S

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- Y L _

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zn S aii 1 g


n t i

a s C A s

e _

c o )

r . 7 ,

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ao D1 PC 4-a ( XD W 1(


s o 2 s r 1 aP 2 _

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.i I 2

oL N

t ts ie r nT: ee U m ee lvbm 0 Pvt au 2 Gl s Eay VN 2 VVS X _

, _ _ _ . ._. _ _ __..____ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . __ _ _ _ _ . __ __ . ~ . . . _ .

O VECP Unit No. I 005 REV O Valve Test List System: Fire Protection Water - System No. 2301 Shoot 1 or 1 Relief Yalve Act. Req. or Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or Tests a,nd Freg. C. S. De sc ri p t i on i Number 131 Pro.l. ( Coord. ) C_a_1 11pJ Type Jype Norm Fal; Safety Pass. El El El LSY LI Just. _a ril_fio te s HV 27901 2 212 1X4DB174-4 A 4.00 CA AO O/C C C A Y CS CS CS R CS-23 Fir Protec-(B-7) RR-1,2 tioi ifeader Con ta i nmen t isolation - ,

Pen s t ra t ion j No. 40 (Note 1)

U4 018 2 212 1X4DB174-4 A 1.00 CA M LC LC LC P R firs Protec-(B-7) tioi lleader Con ta i nment i sola tion -  !

Pen t t ra t ion ,

No. 40 ,

( No te 1 ) ,

U4 036 2 212 1X4DB174-4 AC 6.00 CK S C N/A C P R fir 3 Protec-(B-7) tio i licader Con ta i nmen t Isolation -

Pen st ra t ion No. 40 (Note 1) r 1

f f

4-60 I

._ . .. .- . . . . - . - - - - - - -- - - .. _ . _ - . _ - . _ _ = - - . .. . _ - . .. . . . - . . . - -- .. . . - .

i' f )

( V(%

1 i VEGP Unit No. 1 0( 8 REV 0 i Valve Test List System: Service Air - System No. 2401 Sheet 1 of 1 i

i Relier i Valve Act. Req. or j Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or __lests_and Freg. C. S. Desc ription j Number I S.1 P ro.l . ,_[ Coo rd . ) Cal fin.) lype lype No rm f a i l Safety Pass. El El 31 !sy LI _JJush _ard Notes 1

4 HV 9385 2 212 1X4DB186-1 A 4.00 CA AO O/C C C A Y CS CS CS R CS-24 Cor ta inment j (D-3) RR-1,2 Isc lation -

Per e t ra t i on No. 80

! ( Nc te 1) j U4 034 2 212 1X4DB186-1 AC 4.00 CK S C N/A C P R Cor ta inment 3 (D-2) Isc iation -

l Per e t ra t i on No. 80 (Note 1)

I U4 184 2 212 IX4DB186-1 AC 1.50 CK S C N/A C P R Corita i nmen t (C-3) Isolation -

q' Periet ra t i on No. 23 (Note 1) l U4 211 2 212 1X4DB186-1 A 1.50 GA M C N/A C P R Corita i nmen t (C-3) Isolation -

Per.e t ra t ion No. 23

! (N(te 1)

U4 226 2 212 1X4DB186-1 A O.75 GL M C N/A C P R Corita inmen t 1 (C-3) Isolation -

! Per et ra t ion l No. 23 i (Ncte 1) 1 l

U4 228 2 212 IX4DB186-1 A 0.75 GL M C N/A C P R Cor ta inment (D-3) Isc iation - '

I Per e t ra t i on i No. 80 (Nc te 1) 6 j U4 229 2 212 1X4DB186-1 A 0.75 GL M C N/A C P R Cor ta inment j

(D-3) Isc la tion -

Per.e t ra t i on No. 80 (Note 1) l 4-61 1


4 1

i VEGP Unit No. 1 038 REV O i Valve Test List

System: Nitrogen to Accumulator and Steam - System No. 2402 Sheet 1 of 1 Relief i Valve Act. Req. or

! Valve Class P&lD Size Act. Position or __le s t s a nd f req . C. S. Description

! Number JS1 Pro.l. ( Coo rd . ) Cal Ll M Type Type Norm Fall Safety Pa s s.

_ P i LT. Sl LSy Ll Just. !yld NoJ E HV 8880 2 212 IX4DB120 A 1.00 GL AO O/C C C A Y Q Q Q R Accumula to r

-j (G-1) N i t rogen Supply iso-la ; ion -

Penetration 4 No . 42 l (Note 1)

I j U4 013 2 212 IX4DB120 A 0.75 GL M C C C P R Containment

! (G-1) Isolation >

Va ve Test

.i Tap -

j - Pono t ra t i on i Nv. 42 j (Note 1)

U4 017 2 212 IX4DB120 AC 1.00 CK S C N/A C P R Nitrogen (G-1) Supply

) Containment j isolation Vatve -

Pene t ra t ion No 42 (Note 1) l B

1 l

4-62 i

.- - . . - . ~ . - -- - ,- . _ _ _ - . - . - . . . . . - . - . .~ _ -- - .-.. _ _ _ . ._. . _ . . . . . - . .

\, /$


} VEGP Unit No. 1 008 REV O j Valve Test List System. Instrument Ai r - System No. 2420 Shaet 1 of 1

Valve Act. Req. or Valve Class P&lD Si.e Act. Position or Tests and Freg. C. S. De sc ript ion Humbe_r J S1 Pro.l . ( Coo rd . ) Cai fin.) Jyge Jype Norm Fall Safely Pa s s . P_L 1;I $1 {}y LI Just. _!nd Notes._

212 Y CS CS-25

' ItV 9378 2 1h4DB186-2 A 2.00 GL AO O C C A CS CS R C)ntainment (C-3) RR-1,2 I sola tion -

j Pane t ra t ion j N ). 81 1 (tote 1) t 1

U4 049 2 212 IX4DB186-2 AC 2.00 CK S O N/A C A R R RR-2,21 Car.;a i nment

! (C-2) I solation -

P ) net ra t i on i N-) . 81
(tote 1) 1

. U4 256 2 212 IX4DB186-2 A 0.75 CL M C N/A C P R G)ntainment j (C-2) Isolation -

P 3ne t ra t ion N). 81 l

(Note 1) l i



i 1

e t 1


4-63 i

i i

,- _ - . . . - 9

( O O t

VEGP Unit No. 1 008 REV O Valve Test List System: Post-Accident Sampling - System No. 2702 Sheet 1 of 1 Relier Yalve Act. Req. or

, Valve Class P&lD Size Act. l'osition or Tests and Freq. C. S. De sc ript ion Number 1.S I P ro.l . ( Coo rd .1 Cal (in.) lype lyps Norm Fall Safety Pa s s . Pt G. 31 [Ey M _.Just. J!Dd Not.e_s_

HV 8208 2 212 1X4DB110 A 1.00 GL S O C C A Y Q Q Q R Containment (H-8) 1:;olation -

I Pene t ra t i on No. 86C


(Hote 1)

HV 8209 2 212 1X4DB110 A 1.00 GL S O C C A Y Q Q Q R Containment (H-7) Isolation -  !

Ponot ra t ion No. 86C

(:40 te 1)

HV 8211 2 212 1X4DB110 A 0.50 GL S 0 C C A Y Q Q Q R Containment (A-8) l iola tion -

Pone t ra t ion No. 86A (140te 1)

HV 8212 2 212 1X4DB110 A 0.50 GL S O C C A Y Q Q Q R Containment I (A-7) liolation -

J Pono t ra t i on 4 No. 86A l (140te 1) l X 002 2 212 IX4DB110 A 1.00 GL M C LC C P R Containment (F-4) Isolation -

Pone t ra t ion No. 86A


(Hote 1)

X 006 2 212 1X4CB110 A 1.00 GL M C LC C P R Containment (H-7) liolation -

l Pone t ra t ion No. 86C (Note 1) a t

00318 l 4-64


1. Valves included in the Appendix J, type C local leak rate test program. i


2. This is a RCS pressure isolation valve and is leak rate ,

i tested per plant Technical Specifications. -

3. These are Anchor-Darling testable check valves.

4 i

O 4

O Ol79n 4-65 REV O


,c ~

k-s RR-1 SYSTEM: N/A VALVE: Valves Tested During Cold Shutdown CATEGORY: A and B CLASS: 1, 2, and 3 FUNCTION: N/A TEST REQUIREMENT: IWV-3417(a) states that if an increase in stroke time of 25 percent or more from the previous test for valves with stroke times greater than 10 seconds or 50 percent or more for valves with stroke times less than or equal to 10 seconds is observed, test frequency shall be increased to once each month until corrective action is taken.

BASIS FOR RELIEF: Valves that are normally tested during cold shutdown cannot be tested once each month.

(-)S 3 rch'ng these valves during power operation

(_ .

mai piace the plant in an unsafe condition.

ALTERNATE TESTING: The test frequency shall be increased to once each cold shutdown, not to exceed once each month.

5-l ' ,



RR-2 1

SYSTEM: N/A VALVE: Valves Exercised Only During Cold Shutdown Or Refueling CATEGORY: A, B, C, and AC CLASS: 1, 2, and 3 FUNCTION: N/A TEST REQUIREMENT: IWV-3417(b) and IWV-3523 state that when corrective action is required as a result of tests made during cold shutdown, the condition shall be corrected before startup.

BASIS FOR RELIEF: The plant Technical Specifications provide the requirements and plant conditions necessary for plant startup.

ALTERNATE TESTING: The corrective action will be completed prior to the valve being required for plant Os operability as defined in the plant Technical Specifications.

O 5-2 REV. O i



$ SYSTEM: N/A VALVE: Valves With Stroke Times of 2 Seconds And Less 1201-PV-0455A, 1201-PV-0456A

, CATEGORY: A and B j CLASS: 1, 2, and 3 FUNCTION: N/A 4 TEST REQUIREMENT: IWV-3413(b) requires that the stroke time of all power-operated valves shall be measured to the nearest second for stroke times of 10 seconds or less. IWV-3417 requires that on any one test of power-operated valves, an increase in stroke time of 50 percent or more from the previous test for valves with stroke times of 10 seconds or less, the test i frequency shall be increased to once each month until corrective action is taken.

BASIS FOR RELIEF: Accurate measurement of stroke times which are 2 seconds or less is not practical.

ALTERNATE TESTING: These valves will be full-stroke tested. A full-stroke time of 2 seconds will be allowed for these valves. Acceptance of the test will be based only on the stroke time limit and not on the "50 percent" criterion in IWV-3417.

1 I

5-3 x REV. 0

-- - - - . . , . . . - - . - - - ,, ,_,. r~- -- , - - , --,,,-------r--_-t,,-e , , - - - - - - , - ~ - - , , , , - + - , , ec,---,n-- ---,--n--,- g -,

s RELIEF REQUEST RR-4 SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant-System No. 1201 VALVE: 1201-HV0442A, 1201-HV0442B, 1201-HV8095A, 1201-HV8095B, 1201-HV8096A, 1201-HV9096B CATEGORY: B i

CLASS: 1 FUNCTION: Valves open to vent the reactor vessel -

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Exercise, time, and fail BASIS FOR RELIEF: Operability testing of these normally closed i valves when RCS pressure is greater than or equal to 200 psi during cold shutdown or power operation could cause a loss of reactor coolant which could produce unwarranted pressure and level fluctuations in the reactor coolant systen. These valves, which are Target Rock solenoid valves, will open if C'i subjected to a pressure surge. With the RCS pressurized, opening one of these valves could cause a pressure surge across the corresponding valve in series which could open it. This would then allow a flow path from the RCS to the pressurizer relief tank.

a ALTERNATE TESTING: These valves vill be full-stroke exercised and the head vent flow path verified operable l at refueling or at least once every 18 months i as required by the Plant Technical Specifications. In addition, these valves will be exercised at cold shutdown if RCS pressure is less than 200 psi.

4 1

5-4 REV. 0

. . _ __ _ _.. . . . _ _ _ _ - - - - _ . - _ . - - . . . - . - _ _ _ _ _ - - _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ . _ . _ . . _ - . . . - ,

RELIEF REQUEST RR-5 SYSTEM: Safety Injection-System No. 1204 VALVE: 1204-U4 026, 1204-U4 027, 1204-U4 028, 1204-U4 029, 1204-U6 013 CATEGORY: C CLASS: 1 FUNCTION: Valves open to allow cold leg injection from the charging pumps during an accident.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Verify forward flow operability.

BASIS FOR RELIEF: The only possible way to verify full-flow operability of these check valves is by using the CVCS charging pump flow through the boron injection tank into the RCS cold legs. To inject through this flowpath would interrupt normal charging and letdown. Injection of

() CVCS charging pump flow at cold shutdown could result in a low temperature overpressurization of the RCS.

ALTERNATE TESTING: Forward flow operability will be verified at refueling when the reactor vessel head is removed and full CVCS charging pump flow can be used.

1 5-5 -

REV. 0

4 RELIEF REQUEST RR-6 SYSTEM: Safety Injection-System No. 1204 VALVE: 1204-U4 120, 1204-U4 121, 1204-U4 122, 1204-U4 123, 1204-U4 143, 1204-U4 144, 1204-U4 145, 1204-U4 146, 1204-U6 124, 1204-U6 127 i CATEGORY: AC CLASS: 1 FUNCTION: Valves U4 143, U4 144, U4 145 and U4 146 open to allow cold leg injection from the SIS pumps during an accident. Valves U4 120, U4 121, U4 122, U4 123, U6 124, and U6 127, open to allow hot leg injection from the SIS pumps during an accident.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Verify forward flow operability.

BASIS FOR RELIEF: Verification of forward flow operability of these normally closed check valves can be performed cnly by injecting SIS water into


' the reactor coolant system. During normal operation the SIS pumps cannot overcome RCS operating pressure. During cold shutdown, injecting SIS flow into the RCS could cause low temperature overpressurization of the RCS.

ALTERNATE TESTING: Forward flow operability will be verified at refueling when the reactor vessel head is removed and full SIS pump flow can be used.

The ECCS test line subsystem provides the capability for determination of the integrity of the high pressure boundaries. The subsystem is used to verify that each of the series check valves can independently sustain operational differential pressure and is closed. These are required periodic tests performed at each refueling prior to startup after the RCS has been pressurized.

5-6 REV. 0

RELIEF REQUEST RR-7 SYSTEM: Safety Injection-System No. 1204 VALVE: 1204-U6 079, 1204-U6 080, 1204-U6 081, 1204-U6 082 CATEGORY: AC CLASS: 1 FUNCTION: These valves open when the downstream pressure is less than the upstream pressure which allows cold leg injection from the accumulator tanks.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Verify forward flow operability.

BASIS FOR RELIEF: The SIS accumulator tanks are isolated from the RCS by these normally closed check valves. Each accumulator is charged with a nitrogen blanket of 650 psig. This pressure is insufficient during operation to inject into the RCS. If these valves were to be p)

(_ exercised at cold shutdown, the contents of the tank would be dumped into the RCS at the charge pressure of 650 psig which could result in a low temperature overpressurization of the RCS, ALTERNATE TESTING: Forward flow operability will be verified at refueling. Reverse flow closure is verified after each refueling as part of the plant heatup operation. After a differential pressure of 100 psi or more is achieved, each valve is tested for seat leakage and confirmation of disk closure.

f O

5-7 REV. 0


RR-8 SYSTEM: Safety Injection-System No. 1204 VALVE: 1204-U6 098, 1204-U6 099 CATEGORY: C CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: The SIS pump discharge check valves open to allow flow from the pumps for safety injection.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Verify forward flow operability.

BASIS FOR RELIEF: Forward flow operability of these normally closed check valves can be verified only by injecting SIS water into the reactor coolant system. During normal operation the SIS pumps can not overcome RCS operating pressure. During cold shutdown, injecting SIS flow into the RCS could cause low C temperature overpressurization of the RCS.

ALTERNATE TESTING: A partial stroke exercise test will be performed quarterly. Forward flow operability will be verified at refueling when the reactor vessel head is removed and full SIS pump flow can be used.

O 5-8 REV. O



RR-9 SYSTEM: Safety Injection-System No. 1204 VALVE: 1204-U6 090 CATEGORY: C CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: Valve opens to allow SIS pump suction from the RWST QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Verify forward flow.

BASIS FOR RELIEF: The only possible flow test during normal operation is during pump testing using the 3-inch minflow line back to the RWST. Full flow testing using the SI pumps is not possible because the maximum SI pump pressure is less than the RCS operating pressure.

Using the SI pumps to test the valve at cold shutdown could cause low temperature j) overpressurization of the RCS.

ALTERNATE TESTING: Valve will be partial-stroke exercised during quarterly pump testing and full-stroke exercised at refueling.

t l

O 5-9 REV. O

RELIEF REQUEST O(/ RR-10 SYSTEM: Safety Injection-System No. 1204 VALVE: 1204-U6 163 CATEGORY: C CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: Valve opens to allow suction to the safety injection pumps from the RHR system.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Verify forward flow operability.

BASIS FOR RELIEF: To verify forward flow operability requires full flow operation of the SIS injection pump. During normal RCS operation the SIS pumps cannot overcome RCS operating pressure. During cold shutdown injection into the RCS using the SIS pumps could cause fs a low temperature overpressurization of the

'(j RCS.

ALTERNATE TESTING: Forward flow operability will be verified at refueling when the reactor vessel head is removed and full SIS pump flow can be used.

1 l

i l


1 1

O l

5-1d s REV. O

RELIEF REQUEST RR-11 SYSTEM: Residual Heat Removal-System No. 1205 VALVE: 1205-HV-8811A, 1205-HV-8811B CATEGORY: B CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: Valves open after a LOCA to allow RHR suction from the containment emergency sumps.

TEST REQUIREMENT: Valves with remote position indicators shall be observed at least once every 2 years to verify that valve operation is accurately indicated.

BASIS FOR RELIEF: These valves are located in encapsulation vessels. To remove the encapsulation vessel heads for purposes of observing valve operation is unwarranted. The position indicating devices for these valves receive s )g their signals from actual movement of the valve stems and therefore the possibility of the indicators not accurately reflecting the position of these valves is minimal.

ALTERNATE TESTING: These valves will be full-stroke exercised and stroke timed using the installed remote position indicators.

O 5-11 REV. O


SYSTEM: Containment Spray-System No. 1206 VALVE: 1206-HV-9002A, 1206-HV-9002B CATEGORY: B CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: Valves open after a LOCA to allow containment spray suction from the containment emergency sump TEST REQUIREMENT: Valves with remote position indicators shall be observed at least once every 2 years to verify that operation is accurately indicated.

BASIS FOR RELIEF: These valves are located in encapsulation vessels. To remove the encapsulation vessel heads for purposes of observing valve operation is unwarranted. The position indicating devices for these valves receive their signals from actual movement of the valve stems and therefore the possibility of Os the indicators not accurately reflecting the position of these valves is minimal.

ALTERNATE TESTING: These valves will be full-stroke exercised and stroke timed using the installed remote position indicators.

i i

5 - 1$'* ~ . , _ REV. O

RELIEF REQUEST RR-13 SYSTEM: Containment Spray-System No. 1206 VALVE: 1206-U6 001, 1206-U6 008 CATEGORY: C CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: Valves open to allow flow from the RWST to the suction of the containment spray pumps.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Verify forward and reverse flow operability BASIS FOR RELIEF: Forward flow operability can be verified only by operating the containment spray pumps during pump testing. The pump test return line to the refueling water storage tank is only a 2-inch line, which precludes full-flow testing of these 10-inch check valves. The only flow path possible to achieve full flow O., would require initiating spray into the containment. Reverse flow closure verification would require filling the containment sumps and initiating containment spray system recirculation mode operation.

Either of these tests would result in extensive damage to components inside containment.

ALTERNATE TESTING: Partial flow forward testing will be performed quarterly during pump testing. In addition, one of these valves will be disassembled and manually stroked at refueling on a staggered test basis.

e l

1 l

l O

5-13 REV. O


b RR-14 SYSTEM: Containment Spray-System No. 1206 VALVE: 1206-U6 015, 1206-U6 016 CATEGORY: AC CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: Valve opens to allow flow for containment spray. Valve closes to perform containment isolation function.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Verify forward and reverse flow operability.

BASIS FOR RELIEF: Forward flow operability can be verified only by initiating flow through the valves into the containment structure. The initiation of containment spray into the containment would result in extensive damage to equipment inside containment. The only method available to verify reverse flow closure is valve leak testing during appendix J, type C, O3 testing at refueling.

ALTERNATE TESTING: One of these valves will be disassembled and manually stroked at refueling on a staggered test basis. In addition, reverse flow closure will be verified during appendix J, type C, testing at refueling.

l 9

O 5-1d" - .. REV. O


V RR-15 SYSTEM: Chemical and Volume Control-System No. 1208 VALVE: 1208-HVO190A, 1208-HV0190B CATEGORY: B CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: These valves open to allow flow for a safety grade cold shutdown.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Exercise, time, and fail.

BASIS FOR RELIEF: The stroke timing and fail-safe testing of these valves is unnecessary. The controls on these valves are similar to those of control valves. For this reason, stroke-time measurements will not provide meaningful data for determining valve degradation. The safety-related position of these valves is e,)

( open. To fail-safe test these valves to the closed position does not stroke the valve in the direction required to perform a safety-related function. Therefore, a fail-safe test is not necessary.

ALTERNATE TESTING: These valves will be exercised every quarter to ensure that they will perform their safety-related function.

i 5-15 REV. 0


( RR-16 SYSTEM: Chemical and Volume Control-System No. 1208

, VALVE: 1208-U6 032 CATEGORY: AC CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: CVCS to regenerative heat exchanger check valve which closes to perform a containment isolation function.

1 QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Verify reverse flow closure BASIS FOR RELIEF: The only method available to verify reverse flow closure is valve leak testing during appendix J, type C, testing at refueling.

ALTERNATE TESTING: Reverse flow closure will be verified during appendix J, type C, testing at refueling.

O i




, 5 - 16' ~ s REV. O

- - - - - ,- y.ww,- .w- e. r~-g-wymm,,.-- .ww, - - - , - - , , - . - - , ,.,v -- sr a --w-+er-,--ee--w-e =--e

RELIEF REQUEST tm k_) RR-17 SYSTEM: Chemical and Volume Control-System No. 1208 VALVE: 1208-U6 189, 1208-U6 436 CATEGORY: C CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: Valve U6 189 opens to allow flow to the suction of the centrifugal charging pumps from the RWST. Valve U6 436 opens to allow flow to the suction of the centrifugal charging pumps from the RHR system.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Verify forward flow operability.

BASIS FOR RELIEF: To verify full-flow capability requires operation of both centrifugal charging pumps. Operation of the centrifugal charging pumps during either normal operation or cold shutdown would result in overpressurization of the reactor coolant system. Partial O'/ exercising by operating one charging pump would inject refueling or RHR water into the RCS and would affect RCS boron concentration l' .thich could result in a plant shutdown.

ALTERNATE TESTING: Valves will be full-stroke exercised when the reactor vessel head is removed at refueling and both centrifugal charging pumps can be operated.

U 5-17 REV. 0

RELIEF REQUEST RR-18 SYSTEM: Auxiliary Component Cooling Water-System No. 1217 VALVE: 1217-U4-084, 1217-U4-085, 1217-U4-086, 1217-U4-087 CATEGORY: C i

CLASS: 3 EUNCTION: Valves close to prevent reverse flow if a reactor coolant pump thermal barrier ruptures.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Verify reverse flow closure.

BASIS FOR RELIEF: Reverse flow closure can be verified only by disassembling the check valves and observing the disc position.

ALTERNATE TESTING: One of these valves will be disassembled and manually stroked at refueling on a staggered test basis.

i 5-15' -


l RELIEF REQUEST RR-19 SYSTEM: Auxiliary Feedwater-System No. 1302 VALVE: 1302-U4 117, 1302-U4 118, 1302-U4 119, 1302-U4 120 CATEGORY: C CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: These valves close to ensure that AFW flows to the steam generators.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Verify reverse flow closure.

BASIS FOR RELIEF: Reverse flow closure can be verified only by disassembling the check valves and observing the disc position.

ALTERNATE TESTING: One of these valves will be disassembled and manually stroked at refueling on a staggered test basis.

O S-19 REV. 0


) RR-20 SYSTEM: Condensate and Feedwater-System No. 1305 VALVE: 1305-U4 071, 1305-U4 073, 1305-U4 075, 1305-U4 077 CATEGORY: C CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: Valves close to prevent steam generator blowdown following a feedwater line break outside containment.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Verify reverse flow closure.

BASIS FOR RELIEF: Reverse flow closure can be verified only by disassembling the check valves and observing the disc position.

ALTERNATE TESTING: One of these valves will be disassembled and manually stroked at refueling on a staggered

- test basis.

O 5-25 REV. O


RR-21 SYSTEM: Instrument Air-System No. 2420 VALVE: 2420-U4-049 CATEGORY: AC CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: Valve closes to perform a containment isolation function.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Verify reverse flow closure.

BASIS FOR RELIEF: The only method available to verify reverse flow closure is valve leak testing during appendix J, type C, testing at refueling.

ALTERNATE TESTING: Reverse flow closure will be verified during appendix J, type C, testing at refueling.


5-21 REV. 0


, SYSTEM: Safety Injection - System No. 1204 VALVE: 1204-U4-262, 1204-U4-263 CATEGORY: C CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: These valves close to isolate the refueling water storage tank if an upstream line breaks.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Verify reverse flow closure.

1 BASIS FOR RELIEF: Reverse flow closure can be verified only by disassembling the check valves and observing the disk position.

ALTERNATE TESTING: One of these valves will be disassembled and manually stroked at refueling on a staggered test basis.

O t

i 1


i C:)

5-22 REV. O


CS-1 SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant-System No. 1201 VALVE (s): 12Ol-HV-8701A, 1201-HV-8701B, 1201-HV-8702A, 1201-HV-8702B CATEGORY: A CLASS: 1 FUNCTION: These valves open to allow suction to the RHR pumps from the RCS.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Exercise and time COLD SHUTDOWN TEST JUSTIFICATION: These valves isolate the low pressure RHR system from the high pressure RCS. They

are interlocked to prevent opening when i RCS pressure is greater than 425 psig and automatically close before RCS pressure 73 exceeds 750 psig.




'N 6-l REV. O I

COLD SHUTDOWN JUSTIFICATION CS-2 SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant-System No. 1201 VALVE (s): 1201-LV-0459, 1201-LV-0460 CATEGORY: B CLASS: 1 FUNCTION: These valves close during an accident to isolate the normal letdown line.


, TEST JUSTIFICATION: Failure of either of these valves to open after exercising would result in loss of normal chemistry control. In addition, loss of letdown could result in a loss of control of pressurizer water level and

- could cause a plant shutdown. Closing qj either of these valves also thermally shocks the regenerative heat exchanger and associated normal charging lines.


COLD SHUTDOWN JUSTIFICATION CS-3 SYSTEM: Safety Injection-System No. 1204 l

VALVE (s): 1204-HV-8806 CATEGORY: B CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: This valve isolates the refueling water storage tank from the safety injection pumps during post-accident recirculation.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Exercise and time COLD SHUTDOWN TEST JUSTIFICATION: To close this valve for purposes of testing places the plant in an unsafe condition. If this valve did not reopen following testing, it could result in a plant shutdown.


6-3 -



(- CS-4 SYSTEM: Safety Injection-System No. 1204 VALVE (s): 1204-HV-8809A, 1204-HV-8809B CATEGORY: B CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: These valves close to isolate the RHR discharge from the SIS cold leg.


REQUIREMENT: Exercise and time COLD SHUTDOWN TEST JUSTIFICATION: During normal operation these valves are aligned to their accident position which is open. To close these valves for testing purposes unnecessarily places the plant in an unsafe condition. If these valves did not reopen following testing

(_ it could result in a plant shutdown.



'T i


i 6-4 REV. O

COLD SHUTDOWN JUSTIFICATION CS-5 SYSTEM: Safety Injection-System No. 1204 VALVE (s): 1204-HV-8821A, 1204-HV-8821B, 1204-HV-8835 CATEGORY: B CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: These valves close when Safety Injection is aligned from cold leg injection to hot leg injection.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Exercise and time COLD SHUTDOWN TEST JUSTIFICATION: If these valves were tested during cueration to their closed position and failed to reopen, it could place the plant in an unsafe condition. These valves are normally opened during

(~g operation and the safety injection system

(,,1 valves are aligned to provide ECCS if necessary. To misalign systems strictly for valve testing is unwarranted.


6-5 '- REV. 0


(/ CS-6 SYSTEM: Safety Injection-System No. 1204 VALVE (s): 1204-HV-8923A, 1204-HV-8923B CATEGORY: B CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: These valves close to isolate the safety injection pump suction from the RWST.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Exercise and time COLD SHUTDOWN TEST JUSTIFICATION: If these valves were tested during operation to their closed position and failed to reopen, it could place the plant in an unsafe condition. These valves are normally open during operation eS and the safety injection system valves

(_) are aligned to provide ECCS if necessary. To misalign systems strictly for valve testing is unwarranted.


C-6' .


I i.


' CS-7 SYSTEM: Safety Injection-System No. 1204 l

VALVE (s): 1204-U6 083, 1204-U6 084, 1204-U6 085, 1204-U6 086, l 1204-U6 147, 1204-U6 148, 1204-U6 149, 1204-U6 150 CATEGORY: AC CLASS: 1 FUNCTION: These check valves open to allow cold leg injection into the RCS.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Verify forward flow operability.

COLD SHUTDOWN TEST JUSTIFICATION: Forward flow operability of these normally closed check valves can be verified only by injecting RHR water into the RCS. During normal operation the RHR i

pumps cannot overcome RCS operating

\ pressure. The ECCS test line subsystem provides the capability for determination of the integrity of the high pressure boundaries. The subsystem is used to verify that each of the series check valves can independently sustain operational differential pressure and is closed. These are required periodic tests performed at each refueling prior to startup, after the RCS has been pressurized.

I QUARTERLY PARTIAL STROKE TESTING: None COLD SHUTDOWN TESTING: Verify forward flow operability during l

normal RHR system operation.

1 I


6-7 REV. 0

COLD SHUTDOWN JUSTIFICATION CS-8 SYSTEM: Safety Injection-System No. 1204 VALVE (s): 1204-U6-125, 1204-U6-126, 1204-U6-128, 1204-U6-129 CATEGORY: AC

- CLASS: 1 FUNCTION: These valves open to allow hot leg injection into the RCS.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Verify forward flow operability.


! TEST JUSTIFICATION: The only possible way to verify full flow operability of these check valves is by using the RHR pumps to inject into the RCS. During normal operation the RHR pumps cannot overcome RCS operating QUARTERLY PARTIAL STROKE TESTING: None COLD SHUTDOWN TESTING: Verify forward flow operability l

I l

6-8 ._

REV. O l


-,,---e.--- - . - . - - , - , . . - - . *

, , , , _ _ _ _ ,---,,,__--,.,-,..-..--,c., --

COLD SHUTDOWN JUSTIFICATION CS-9 SYSTEM: Chemical and Volume Control-System No. 1208 VALVE (s): 1208-HV-8100, 1208-HV-8112 CATEGORY: A CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: These valves close to isolate containment penetration 49.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Exercise and time COLD SHUTDOWN TEST JUSTIFICATION: These valves isolate seal water flow from the reactor coolant pumps. Closing these valves during normal operation could damage the reactor coolant pump seals, resulting in a plant shutdown.


O 6-9 REV. O


CS-10 SYSTEM: Chemical and Volume Control-System No. 1208 1

VALVE (s): 1208-HV-8105, 1208-HV-8106 CATEGORY: A (HV 8105)

B (HV 8106)

CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: These valves close to isolate the charging pumps from the regenerative heat exchanger.



! COLD SHUTDOWN TEST JUSTIFICATION: Closing either of these valves during operation stops normal charging water flow to the reactor coolant system.

Interruption of normal charging water could result in loss of pressurizer water



' level control and could result in a plant shutdown.


6-10 REV. 0 l


U CS-11 SYSTEM: Chemical and Volume Control-System No. 1208 VALVE (s): 1208-HV-8110 CATEGORY: B CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: This valve closes to isolate the centrifugal charging pumps from the reactor coolant pump seals.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Exercise and time COLD SHUTDOWN TEST JUSTIFICATION: During normal operation one of the centrifugal charging pumps may be operating providing flow to the reactor coolant pump seals. To close this valve while a centrifugal charging pump is l rg providing flow could damage the seals and result in a plant shutdown.




i i

O 6-1 ' REV. 0



!O CS-12 SYSTEM: Chemical and Volume Control-System No. 1208 VALVE (s): 1208-HV-8152, 1208-HV-8160, 1208-HV-15214 1

CATEGORY: A (HV-8152, HV-8160)

B (HV-15214)

CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: These valves close to isolate CVCS Letdown.


Exercise, time, and fail test COLD SHUTDOWN

! TEST JUSTIFICATION: Failure of either of these valves to open after exercising could cause a loss of control of the pressurizer water level.

' Loss of pressurizer water level control could require shutting the plant down.


~ Closing any of these valves at power causes thermal shock to the regenerative

, y, heat exchanger and associated piping.


l l

6-12 REV. 0 l

\ l


SYSTEM: Chemical and Volume Control-System No. 1208 l

VALVE (s): 1208-LV-Oll2B, 1208-LV-0112C

B CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: These valves close to isolate the volume control tank.


! QUARTERLY TEST l REQUIREMENT: Exercise and time i COLD SHUTDOWN i TEST JUSTIFICATION: The volume control tank provides the I normal charging water and seal water flow to the RCS and RCS pumps. Because the

, VCT acts as a head tank for the charging pump an alternate source of water would be required during valve testing.

Injection into the RCS of any available j( alternate source of water would cause ,

i changes in RCS boron concentration and l could result in a plant shutdown.


! COLD SHUTDOWN TESTING: Exercise and time l

l O

6-1S' REV. O t

COLD SHUTDOWN JUSTIFICATION CS-14 SYSTEM: Chemical and Volume Control-System No. 1208 VALVE (s): 1208-LV-0112D, 1208-LV-0112E CATEGORY: B CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: These valves open to allow flow from the RWST to the centrifugal charging pumps.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Exercise and time COLD SHUTDOWN TEST JUSTIFICATION: Exercising these valves during normal operation could introduce refueling water into the RCS through the normally operating charging pump. RCS boron concentration could be adversely affected and could cause a plant shutdown.


l l

i i

l l

i l

6-14 REV. O i


COLD SHUTDOWN JUSTIFICATION CS-15 SYSTEM: Auxiliary Component Cooling Water-System No. 1217 VALVE (s): 1217-HV-1974, 1217-HV-1975, 1217-HV-1978, 1217-HV-1979 CATEGORY: A CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: These valves close to perform a containment isolation function.

1 QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Exercise and time COLD SHUTDOWN TEST JUSTIFICATION: Auxiliary component cooling water is used to maintain cooling of the reactor coolant pump bearing oil coolers and thermal barriers. A loss of cooling water to the thermal barriers could result in a temperature increase of the

() oil and motor bearing metal. Any extended loss of cooling water could result in extensive damage to the reactor coolant pumps.


None i

i COLD SHUTDOWN TESTING: Exercise and time i

1 J

( >

6-1$' REV. O

COLD SHUTDOWN JUSTIFICATION l CS-16 SYSTEM: Main Steam-System No. 1301 VALVE (s): 1301-HV-3006A, 1301-HV-3006B, 1301-HV-3016A, 1301-HV-3016B, 1301-HV-3026A, 1301-HV-3026B, 1301-HV-3036A, 1301-HV-3036B CATEGORY: B CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: These valves close to isolate main steam.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Exercise, time, and fail COLD SHUTDOWN TEST JUSTIFICATION: Exercising these valves during normal operation would cause a severe pressure transient in the main steam lines which would cause a plant shutdown. Reducing power level to perform testing without O,, causing a transient would significantly impact plant operations and power production.

QUARTERLY PARTIAL STROKE TESTING: Partial exercise test (10%) performed quarterly COLD SHUTDOWN TESTING: Exercise, time, and fail O

V 6-16 REV 0


/O CS-17 (s ,/

SYSTEM: Main Steam-System No. 1301 VALVE (s): 1301-PV-3000, 1301-PV-3010, 1301-PV-3020, 1301-PV-3030 CATEGORY: B CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: These main steam power operated relief valves open to perform a safety grade cold shutdown function.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Exercise, time, and fail COLD SHUTDOWN TEST JUSTIFICATION: Exercising these valves during normal operation would cause a decrease in main steam line pressure and would cause a pressure transient. Failure in an open position would result in a plant shutdown due to a mismatch between feedwater and O mainsteam flow.


6-17 REV. O


(~% CS-18


SYSTEM: Auxiliary Feedwater - System No. 1302 VALVE (s): 1302-HV-15196, 1302-HV-15197, 1302-HV-15198, 1302-HV-15199 CATEGORY: B CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: These valves close to stop flow if a feedwater line ruptures.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Exercise, time, and fail COLD SHUTDOWN TEST JUSTIFICATION: Exercising these valves during normal operation partially isolates normal feedwater flow to the steam generators.

This partial isolation of the bypass line could cause a steam generator transient O and is undesirable for normal plant operation.


u> 1 6-18 REV. O l

I l

l COLD SHUTDOWN JUSTIFICATION CS-19 SYSTEM: Auxiliary Feedwater - System No. 1302 VALVE (s): 1302-U4-001, 1302-U4-002, 1302-U4-014, 1302-U4-017, 1302-U4-020, 1302-U4-023, 1302-U4-026, 1302-U4-037, 1302-U4-040, 1302-U4-043, 1302-U4-046, 1302-U4-113, 1302-U4-114, 1302-U4-115, 1302-U4-116, 1302-U4-125, 1302-U4-126, 1302-U4-127, 1302-U4-128 CATEGORY: C CLASS: 2 and 3 FUNCTION: These valves open to allow auxiliary feedwater flow to the steam generators.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Verify forward flow operability COLD SHUTDOWN TEST JUSTIFICATION: The only way to verify forward flow j operability of these valves is by j operating the auxiliary feedwater pumps l

and injecting relatively cold condensate water directly into the steam l

generators. The introduction of cold 4 Water into the hot steam generators I during' operation would result in large thermal shock to the feedwater nozzles and could cause cracking of the nozzles.




1 COLD SHUTDOWN TESTING: Verify forward flow operability i



.i l


6-1$' ~ REV. O


() CS-20 SYSTEM: Condensate and Feedwater - System No. 1305 VALVE (s): 1305-HV-5227, 1305-HV-5228, 1305-HV-5229, 1305-HV-5230 CATEGORY: B CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: These valves close to stop flow if a feedwater line ruptures.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Exercise, time, and fail COLD SHUTDOWN TESI JUSTIFICATION: Exercising these valves during normal operation isolates primary normal feedwater flow to the steam generators.

Isolation of the primary normal feedwater flow would cause a steam generator O transient and could cause a plant shutdown.

QUARTERLY PARTIAL STROKE TESTING: Partial exercise test (10%) performed quarterly COLD SHUTDOWN TESTING: Exercise, time, and fail f

l l

4 lC) t 6-20 REV. O 1


COLD SHUTDOWN JUSTIFICATION CS-21 SYSTEM: Containment Air Purification and Cleanup - System No. 1505 -

VALVE (s): 1505-HV-2626A, 1505-HV-2627A CATEGORY: A CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: These valves close to perform their containment isolation function.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Exercise and time COLD SHUTDOWN TEST JUSTIFICATION: The Plant Technical Specifications preclude opening of these valves during modes 1, 2, 3, and 4.


6 - 21 REV. O


(_) CS-22 SYSTEM: Containment Air Purification and Cleanup Syctem No. 1506 VALVE (s): 1506-HV-2628A, 1506-HV-2629A CATEGORY: A 4

CLASS: 2 EUNCTION: These valves close to perform their containment isolation function.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Exercise and time COLD SHUTDOWN TEST JUSTIFICATION: The Plant Technical Specifications preclude opening of these valves during modes 1, 2, 3, and 4.


6-22 REV. 0

COLD SHUTDOWN JUSTIFICATION CS-23 SYSTEM: Fira Protection Water - System No. 2301 VALVE (s)': 2301-HV-27901 CATEGORY: A .

CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: This valve closes to perform its centainment ,

isolation function.


REQUIREMENT: Exercise, time, and fail test COLD SHUTDOWN .

TEST JUSTIFICATION: This valve is normally closed during power operation. It is opened during refueling and possibly cold shutdown to support fire protection requirements. To open this valve for testing purposes unnecessarily compromises the containment O boundary.


O 6-23 .



CS-24 SYSTEM: Service Air - System No. 2401 VALVE (s): 2401-HV-9385 CATEGORY: A CLASS: 2 This valve closes to perform its containment I FUNCTION:

isolation function. j QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Exercise, time, and fail test COLD SHUTDOWN TEST JUSTIFICATION: This valve is normally closed during power operation. It is opened during refueling and possibly cold shutdown to support service air requirements. To open this valve for testing purposes gy unnecessarily compromises the containment bcundary.

t,g' QUARTERLY PARTIAL STROKE TESTING: None COLD SHUTDOWN TESTING: Exercise, time, and fail test 6-24 REV. 0

r i


, [) CS-25

\s SYSTEM: Instrument Air - System No. 2420 VALVE (s): 2420-HV-9378 CATEGORY: A l

CLASS: 2 FUNCTION: This valve closes to perform its containment isolation function.

QUARTERLY TEST REQUIREMENT: Exercise, time, and fail COLD SHUTDOWN TEST JUSTIFICATION: The operability testing of this valve during normal operation would cause an interruption of instrument air supply to instruments and equipment within containment. Also, a failure in a nonconservative position during a cycling l r~S test would cause a complete loss of l ( ,/

instrument air supply to the containment. The loss of instrument air to containment would cause the letdown isolation valves (1208-HV-15214, 1208-HV-8160 and 1208-HV-8152) to fail closed. These CVC valves are not stroked closed during power operation, as explained in Cold Shutdown Justification CS-12. Therefore, this instrument air isolation valve cannot be stroked closed at power.

QUARTERLY PARTIAL STROKE TESTING: None COLD SHUTDOWN TESTING: Exercise, time, and fail O' 0843n 6-25' REV. 0 1