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Rev 2 to 11.000.101, Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant Unit 2 Interfacing Procedure
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/20/1984
From: Agosti F
Shared Package
ML20204F025 List:
11.000.101, NUDOCS 8703260285
Download: ML20204F858 (12)


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11 000.101

, R2v. 2 4



Ferr,1-2 Approved Source Lists i Losson ARMS - INFORMATION SYSTEMS etc. T#4sn , JUN 261984 Dsi w #//7 m ./s/A- '


'JUN 1984 ,

6 6 4 w ,;

P.I.S.1 _

P.I.Se .

APPROVAL KQ'D. TER NO, Approved By: J-4 d .# t[U-Esnaget"- Nuclear Operations Date 100/LS8/2 0 053184 I i kk0300034, DO317 p


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  • Rev. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1

10 Purpose. .....................

1 2.0 References . . . . ................

.' 3.0 Applicability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4.0 General Source List Preparation. . . . . . . . . . 4 5.0 Source List Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6.0 Records Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Q s

Enclosure Materials Source List Action Request . . . . . . . Enclosure 1




11.000.101 R2v. 2

.' Page 1

  • 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to delineate the method for the development and application of Approved Source Lists for material, equipment , parts, items and services (hereafter called material) for Fermi 2. ,

-' 2.0 References -

21 Interfacing Procedure, 11.000.42, " List of Standard Attachments". ]

22 Interfacing Procedure, 11.000.49, " Document control and Records Management".

2.3 Detroit Edison, General Orders 196 Corporate Authority, Approval and Delegations 2.4 Fermi 2 Nuclear Operations Management Plan.

2.4.1 QAPR #4, " Procurement Document Control" 2.4.2 QAPR #7, " Control of Purchased Material, Equipcent and Services" 2.4.3 QAPR fl0, " Inspection" 25 Detroit Edison, Materials Management System, Requisitioners Manual 30 Applicability and Definitions 31 Applicability 3.1 1 This procedure applies to the work of any personnel participating in the procurement of those items and services for use at Permi 2. The extent to which the individual requirements of this procedure shall apply, will depend upon the nature and scope of the work to be performed and the required quality of the items or services purchasad.

32 Definitions 3.2.1 Vice President - Nuclear Operations As used in this procedure, the Responsible Of ficer that has overall approval of the requisitioning process and control of expenditures within Nuclear Operations budge t s.

11.000.101 Rev. 2 Page 2 3.2.2 Director - Nuclear Administration As used in this procedure, the Department Read func-tionally responsible for the activities of Nuclear Procurement.

3.2.3 Nuclear Operations Organization - Nuclear Procurement Organization responsible for commercial and contract-ural matters involving vendors and contractors.

3.2.4 General Purchasing Department with centralized responsibility for procure-ment of equipment, materials, supplies and services.

3.2.5 General Supervisor - Nuclear Procurement Supervisor responsible for all commercial activities involving the placement of contracts and purchase orders for materials, equipment and services required by Termi 2 including warehousing.

3.2.6 Nuclear Quality Assurance Organization responsible for qualifying vendors QA 4 programs, maintaining NQA-ASL, monitoring material o%.

control activities in warehouse jurisdiction, reviewing procurement documents for the inclusion of QA require-ments and performing source and receiving inspections. ,

3.2.7 Supplier Any individual or organization who furnishes items or services. It includes the terms vendor, seller, con-tractor, subcontractor, fabricator, consultant and subtier levels.

3.2.8 Material Equipment, consumables, items, services and parts procured and subsequently received at Fermi 2.

3.2.9 QA Level I (Q - Materials)

Plant systems or portions of systems, structures, equipment and equipment subcomponents whose failure or malfunction could cause a release of radioactivity that could endanger public safety. This category also includes equipment which is vital to a safe shutdown of


11.000 101 R2v. 2 P2se 3 the plant and the removal of decay and sensible heat or equipment which is necessary to mitigate the conse-quences of a postulated accident to the general public.

3210 ASME Material Plant systems, portions of systems, structures and equipment which are covered by the ASME Boiler and

' Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Divisions 1 and 2.

3 2.11 Commercial Quality (CQ) Items safety related material that may be procured as commer-cial grade provided all of the following criteria are met: ,

1 The item does not have unique design or specifica-tion requirements where the item manufacturer must perform a separate or special operation or test to qualify the item for use in facilities licensed by t he NRC. The iten may be available off-the-shelf with generic test documentation for equipment or seismic qualification as part of the manufac-turer's published specification.

2. The item may be used in applications other than facilities of activities licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

3 The item is ordered from the manufacturer, dis-tributor or the retailer solely on the basis of the manuf acturer's published specifications.

3.2.12 NX Material 1

Non-safety related material with special requirements.

3213 Vendor Source List A listing of E.dison approved suppliers capable of pro-viding a given product or service. The source list is structured by commodity codes, maintained on the Material Management System (MMS) and indexed irrespec-tive of Q status.

3 2.14 Nuclear Quality Assurance - Approved Supplier List (NQA-ASL)

A listing of approved suppliers / contractors prepared by Procurement QA for furnishing Q material. ASME Code asterials, and services.

Rsv. 2

~ Page 4 3.2.15 Bidders List A listing of " qualified" suppliers obtained from the Vendor Source List to bid on a particular scope of material.

4.0 General Source List Preparation 4.1 The selection of suppliers shall be based on evaluation of their capability to provide items or services in accordance with the requirements of the procurement documents.

4.2 The NQA-ASL shall be prepared by Procurement Quality Assurance for the purpose of identifying suppliers / contractors who are approved to furnish QA Level I and ASME Code materials and services.

4.2.1 Methods to be utilized in evaluation of supplier sources to prepare the Approved Supplier List shall be documented and may include the following in accordance with QAPR #7.

1. Evaluating the suppliers' history of providing a product which performs satisfactorily in actual use. Information should include:
a. Experience of users of identical or similar products of the prospective supplier.
b. Records that have been accumulato in connee-tion with previous procurement actions and product operating experience.
2. Evaluating audit report (s) supplied by CASE or other means that describe an audit performed by a Lead Auditor qualified in accordance with QAPR #10.
3. Reviewing the suppliers' current quality records supported by documented qualitative and quantits-tive information which can be objectively evalu-ated. Review and avaluation of the following, as appropriate, would be considered:
a. QA Progree
b. Manuals
c. Procedures

p .

. 11.000.101

  • R3v. 2 P:ga 5
4. Evaluating the suppliers technical and quality capability as determined by a direct evaluation of the suppliers' facilities and personnel and the implementation of the Quality Assurance Program.

4.2.2 Suppliers on the NQA-ASL should be reviewed for continued qualification by Procurement QA and Nuclear Procurement:

1. At annual intervals
2. If the appropriate circumstances dictate.

4.2.3 Suppliers may be removed from the NOA-ASL with the approval of the Supervisor - Nuclear Quality Assurance [,

or when requested by the General Supervisor - Nuclear Procurement for the following reasons:

1. Supplier has had no procurement activity during one year review time period and no activity is anticipated in the near future.


2. Supplier has demonstrated poor performance.

4.2.4 Suppliers may be added to the Approved Suppliers List during the interim period of the NQA-ASL scheduled reviews as requested by Nuclear Procurement and approved by Nuclear Quality Assurance.

NOTE: Qualification of suppliers previously recoved f rom the ASL shall be re-evaluated before reactivation to the NQA-ASL.

should be prepared by General Purchasing 4.3 The Vendor Source List i

and Nuclear Procurement delineating the approved sources capable of supplying materials and services to Fermi 2 regardless of the QA level.

4.3.1 To ensure that every commodity category has a suffi-cient number of potential bidders, Nuclear Procurement shall ensure that:

1. A list of potential vendors shall be developed for new materials.
2. Additional suppliers shall be researched.
3. Suppliers who submit their names as possible addi-tions to the Vendor Source List may be added, if needed and approved, to the list.

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11.000.101 Rev. 2 Page 6 4.3.2 Approval at the contract dollar level consistent with the size and capabilities of the supplier must be obtained before any vendor may be included on the Vendor Source List.

4.3.3 A Nuclear Procurement Division member shall submit a Material Source List Action Request (MSLAR) (Enclosure

1) to General Purchasing Materials Management Division,

' to add a supplier to the Vendors' Source List.

1. General Purchasing shall evaluate the MSLAR to status the following: ,
s. The commodity / service codes.
b. The vendor code address.
c. Addition to the vendor source list approval.

2 General Purchasing shall forward a letter to the perspective supplier with notification of pcten-tial vendor status. A questionnaire shall be 1 included requesting pertinent information.

a. The returned questionnaire shall be used by General Purchasing Vendor Administration for final evaluations.
b. The supplier shall be notified by Status Letter of acceptance and addition to the '

Vendors Source List. The Status letter shall N inform the supplier of the assigned commodity service codes and approved maximum dollar level.

3 The MSLAR shall be distributed as follows:

a. Copy 1 shall be filed by General Purchasing -

Vendor Administration.

b. Copy 2 shall be returned to Nuclear Procure-ment buyer.
4. A supplier, previously removed from the Vendor Source List, may not be reinstated for two years _

after the date of removal unless special approval is awarded by General Purchasing and Nuclear Pro-curement organization designates.

4.3 4 Requalification of the dollar level, over a fixed amount in accordance with Interfacing Procedure

R2v. 2 P232 7 11.000.42 for a vendor, say be increased if General Purchasing and the respective requisitioning groups agree on the commodity and dollar limits proposed for a particular vendor.

4.3.5 Removal of a supplier frca the Approved Source List shall meet the approval of the General Supervisor -

Nuclear Procurement and a designee of the requisition-

  • - ing departments.
1. Removal should be based on the following criteria:
a. Unsatisfactory vendor performance. ,
b. Financial insecurity.
c. Unprofessional or unethical behavior.
d. Unresolved disputes or litigation with Edison.

2 Nuclear Procurement shall prepare a report deline-sting the reasons for removal.

a. The prepared report shall ressin on file in the vendor information file.
b. Signature approvals shall be obtained prior to supplier removal in accordance with Inter-facing Procedure 11.000.42.

I' The General Supervisor - Nuclear Procurement c.

or designee shall inform the supplier in writing of removal from the Vendor Source I List.

4.4 The General Supervisor - Nuclear Procurement, Section Heads or their designees shall ensure that the controls identified in this procedure, as appropriate to Source List preparation, shall be l

met by Nuclear procurement personnel.

50 Source List Application 5.1 Suppliers of materials and services denoted as QA Level I or ASME Code III shall be selected from the following:

5.1 1 the QA Approved Supplier List, and 5.1.2 the vendors Source List.


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11.000.101 Rev. 2 Page 8

  • NOTE: All suppliers shall be selected from the Ven-dors Source List without regard to QA Level.

5.2 Suppliers of QA Level I replacement parts may be the original supplier regardless of suppliers ASL status only if the part is classified as CQ (see Section 3 2.11) or special measures are exercised such as source inspection or a limited surveillance.


5 2.1 Any ASL supplier may be used to replace QA Level I parts.

NOTE: Suppliers shall meet the requirements of the Vendors Source List. ,

53 Commercial Quality Items (CQ) may be procured from any manufac- [ '

turer or distributor listed on the Vendor Source List that is willing and able to comply with the List of Standard Attachments in accordance with Interfacing Procedure, 11.000.42.

5.3.1 Cammercial items must meet the criteria described in 3 2.11. _

5.3 2 Replacement items that meet comm=ercial item require-ments may be procured in accordance with paragraphs 5 3 and 5 3.1.

5.4 For all Q, ASME and CQ ite=s, Nuclear Procurement personnel shall meet the requirements as specified for the applicable purchase code when substitution of items, part numbers, or material grade shall be deemed necessary. The purchase codes and respective substitution qualifications are as follows: .,) -

5.4.1 NQ and NX substitutions shall not deviate from func-tional specifications. A "no substitution" attachment may be included if sufficient supporting documentation is provided.

NOTE: Suppliers shall be selected from the Vendors Source List.

5.5 Suppliers, of special case items, not included in the Approved Suppliers List may be temporarily qualified by Nuclear Procure-ment and Procurement QA on case-by-case basis.

551 Written authorization for temporary qualification shall be obtained from Procurement QA.

552 Special or alternate methods of assuring quality will be established such as witness of activities or planned testing after completion of product.

R3v. 2 P282 9 Suppliers may er may not be added to the Appproved 5.5.3

i. Suppliers List.

56 The General Supervisor - Nuclear Procurement Section Heads or designees shall ensure that the controls identified in this pro-cedure, as appropriate to the application of the Source Lists shall be met by procurement personnel.

  • 57 Nuclear Procurement shall utilize the Materials Hansgement Syste=

(MMS) in accordance with the HMS Requisitions Manual to approp-ristely select vendor sources.

58 Nuclear Procurement shall prepare a bidders list for applicable suppliers of each contract based on the following criteria:

5 8.1 The Vendors Source List 5.8 2 Approved Supplier List 5 8.3 Appropriate Jollar limitations 6.0 Records Control The purchase order sh:11 be recorded and controlled in accordance with POM Procedure 11.000.49. ,


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