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Forwards Executed Affidavits of Nondisclosure on Behalf of Town of Amesbury, Per ASLB Protective Order Dtd 880217. Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/22/1988
From: Brock M
To: Smith I
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
CON-#188-5681 OL, NUDOCS 8802290177
Download: ML20149M866 (25)


{{#Wiki_filter:. _. m . u _.. ..: ggo</ Shaines & McEachem tL".b m,, ,, a Pniessm! Associador Attomeys W DOC K I EC. 5 ., .. y c F= 4 een. . 118 FEB 24 P3:42 FFICE vi kar,;;J ,

                                                                                  ,. OCMEi+G & Sthvir.f' February 22, 1988            6 RANCH Ivan Smith, Esq. , Chairman Atomic Safety & Licensing Board U.S.        Nuclear Regulatory Commission East West Towers Building 4350 East West Highway Bethesda, MD                  20814 Re:         Public Service Company of New Hampshire, et al Seabrook Station, Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-443-OL 50-444-OL

Dear Judge Smi ch:

Pursuant to the Board's Protective Order dated February 1,7, 1988, enclosed please find executed Affidavits of Non-Disclosure on behalf of the Town of Amesbury: William S. Lord, Selectman, Town of Amesbury Janice L. Ross, Secretary to Shaines & McEachern Stephanie A. Bowles, Secretary to Shaines & McEachern Janet L. Soule, Secretary to Shaines & McEachern The foregoing individuals are submitted to be qualified as "non-lawyer representative (s) of an active party approved by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board" pursuant to page 2 of the Board's Protective Order. At this time, the Town of Amesbury is endeavoring to locate and list other individuals to assist Mr. Lord with his surveys of the various service providers. Since Applicants have advised, however, that the parties will be provided with the protected information in the near future, we wish to submit 'he enclosed affidavits for approval to ensure we can promptly commence our survey research. 8802290177 880222 - gDR ADOCK 05000443 PDR P.O. B:s 360.05 Mapienood AN Portsmouth. Ne= Hampshire 03e01 Telephone 603I436 3110: FAX: 603/436 2993 p


Robert A. Shares. Paul McLaenes John M. McEachern. Duncan A. , McEache n. Grerery Da- W.Thomhil Branch Sanders. Alice K Page. Matthe= T. Broet Desel C. Hevr,e. Pamela D. Eldredre. / - Watino B. Garnble. R. Tiw5 Pnoerus Fred J. Mearitan ireittedi f ef ecunie'. > Rom O'Baen

Shaines & McEachern l'roiessx> rial Awocianon..Artorfiets l l Ivan Smith, Esq., Chairman , l Page Two February 22, 1988 Thank you for your attention in this matter. e truly w


I c v Matthew T. Brock MTB/jlr Enclosures cc: Service List 4 4 4 r i b 4 l 4 I

_. . . ~ - ... . .

  .           1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .i ArrIDAVIT OF NON-DISOMSURE                                                                                                                                                  i Selectman, Town of Amesbury
  • William S. Lord, _, being duly sworn, state:
     ,-                 (-                                                    I, I.'[ .I.. ?C.
1. "Protected inforsation" as used in this Affidavit is ,

A those documents, whether redacted or unredacted, which ,, Or.9:

                          '                             comprise Enclosures'3, 4 and 6 as referenced in a letter                                                                                                                                                                          .
              . c m..                                                                                                                                                                                    1987 to U.S. NRC                                                                             t deno=inated NYN-87149 dated December 30,                                                                                       .
      . 7 ?.Oi
         .        ._.a..

from T. C. Feigenbaum, a copy of which is attached hereto and 99 '.' ~

      -:' T W .
          .-[,[ %ic                                                                   "A".
                        & .,             ' . marked i;,                                 ,
2. . An "authorized person
  • is (1) an a=ployee of the J'XAnh. :n.
     - w:: .e,asi. n = :-:-
                                                               .s . s                                          -

l r y{.9,, Q ;-Q Nuclear Regulatory Consission entitled to access to pr

        --r.vr we: E.3information or (2) an attorney at law appearing                                                     .

An "authorized' as counsel t N:WSi -

       -w  .f.-   n,    c    '---e     m      . n     &

i to this - proceeding. - i


v.:an.7 +-...,;:>, ..c one of the active part es ted and served upon

          ~." r/ @.
                      .              sf c; person" is also a person who has execu t


      %.-.~:.n..n...j....                                                                 counsel for Applicants an Affidavit of Non-Disclosur
                    ,5 Wl
. 7 . . . . (3) a non-lawyer representative of an active party to this
     .1 p -5." 4 2 . .e.
                                                                                                                                            .                                     ~
         .x           w 2, . n.m.      n ~~. .a W2:.1.                                     y proceeding,                                          .- approved                                           by. the                    Atenic                  Safety                           and           Licensin s.w            -
       . .t ..~                                                                                 .-                        -                                                              .
     - .~.                           .m- --(unless prior approval has been valved by counsel for ~ '

U;yifg.3- - - R 4.,W." Applicants) er (4) a technical expert or advisor to a lawyer .' ~ 2....., .i _ .. - i

       ' C ,% Q i.n x-                                                                                                                                                                                                                      --
         --e s +.                            .            ..

or non-lawyer representative of an active party to this - -

.&, proceeding.- -
                                                                                                                                           .:.7  -
                                                                                                                                                                   .                                                                                                                                ~l ww-%'

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                        '  .: 4,**w y,m.                . . ,*. - '
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     %~'.,2'EE                          : .m.; 2 3V-;'.- 3 G I. shall not disclose                                                                                                                                          protected            has informa
                                                                                                                                                     -     s.
. l l that information iFr.F.d,- 7,Jl-gexcept--: an authorized .. . . :

person, un .~ess .

            .n-:..ty m:: e- + m .

W;4tJ,';-lS previously been- disclosed

       @ 4.w .w,, a._~ ,                                 -                                                                       - . - - = .

in' the public record of this- . ysa c t .. I will safeguard protected infernation- -in written . e.g,fMm'g.g proceeding. Y .n .: . -

                                                                                                                                                                                  ~                 . . .

the control . of an

     ?,+& pf@ b :p c.w.;;c ..:.                                                                                                                                                                           d                                                                     ..

y.q,i form soy. that it re- ah at' all times un er

                                                                                                                                    ~              ..            .

I'..t.s*- y-.

s.., . :c .-- - -M- 4s.. ., . . . -.c authorized p=.rson only and is not disclosed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   .- to 4

ow~:n arr at- :. . , .

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4. I will not reproduce any protected info mation by any means without the Ato ic Safety and Licensing Board's ekpress approval or direction. So long as I possess
        ..~..                                 :.
                                         - '         protected infor=ation, I shali continue to take these
                                        -            precautions until further order of the Ato=ic Safety and Licensing Board.
                                    -                                 S.           I shall safeguard and hold in confidence any data,-
                                                    . notes, or copies of protecte d info =ation and all other

papers which contain any protected infc = ation.

          ..u<                        -                                 6.          If I prepare papers containing protected infomation                        ,


    .w 1                                    in order to participate in further proceedings in this case,
s. ; . . ' :, .
   ~ '~ Y,11 I will ensure that any secretary or other individual who =ust
             ~ .' i. ~ receive protected infor=ation in order to help =e prepare

those papers has executed an affidavit in this for= and has < agreed to abide by its ter=s. Copies of any such affidavit

c. .
                    ~[, 'i
   -: . %. :, .n                                          .


-fdijf._'i vill be filed with the Ato ic Safety and Licensing Board and
           . w: ..' O ..                                  served on counsel to active parties before any protected                                             f
        .- M .
f. 7"c' .

TIT /h((l' info =ationisrevealedtoanysuchperson. .

       . ;;c.-Qj;
7. I shall use protected info =ation solely for ' the
                  .m.                             . . .
   . ,M a:: ~_ purpose of participation in proceedings in this case directly '

7.:37q - : . - 1

                                                     - r..y. involving offsite e=ergency planning for Massachusetts h,17.:.0 . co== unities v.ithin the Seabrook Station E=ergency Planning s: . e-t.
:y3;.. e. $. .-,' . Zone and any further proceedings in this case directly
   ; :c.n                                     . v . / .s * .                                ..

r:7-3g.' involving that =atter,' and for no other purposes and

es:. ,
    ~.E s s .c.. specifically shall not use any protected infor=ation to
    .                                    e:                    .-        .
    .- . t ::. ?. f,- - ---p...~....                       7.,e.

CWIJ5.- s. . Q. .:, s i. . ce-- .y < . L'-'3* i; .. "" 2 "" i .ib .M.Ff.,l;.W 'l ,. ?'- *. qt; rV .,j * .

                                                                                            /                                                        .
    ? C-C ,6 Ti f....*c'                                    . .M'.C-} '
     .:;y                                                                                      ,

further the goal of having any person or entity withdraw its stipport of the Seabrook Plan for Massachusetts Cc:= unities.

8. I shall keep a record of all protected infor=ation in my possession and shall account for and deliver that infor=ation to the Atomic Saf ety and Licensing Board or its designee no later than the conclusion of this proceeding.
          -                                                   9.            I will not corroborate the accure.cyor inaccura=y of information obtained outside this proceeding by using l

protected information gained through he hearing process.

               -                                                                                                                 h/h /

y day of

                       .'                                      Subscribed and sworn to before ne this ell-                                                                                                      l Nlho   t               , 1988.

I .. 8 ,

                                                                . ,          s .
  . ~.. .'*:                      -

D h2hjQ , Oss f.) " ii',

                        < L.

_' Note.ry Public (i My Co==ission Expires: ( n

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~MW 44.s* . '

C-E t' p.- L Aew Hamps.'sre Yankee Drv.s. ion h7N-57149 Dece:be r 30, 1957 I United 5:ates Nuclear Regulate:y Co==1ssion Washing:o:, DC 20555 A::en: ion: Docune : Con: o1 Desk (a) Tacill:y Opera:ing License 5??-36, Construe ion

                'Ref erenees:                    Per=i: CPPE-135, Docke: No s . 5 0-44 3 and 5 0-4 t.4 (b) USNRC Let:er dated December 23, 1957, ~5eabrook Plan f or Massachusetts Co=:ranitics - Inforza: ion
                                      -   -      Required f or Tcll Power Keview', V. Nerses :o R. J. Earrison Subjec:: r .

Seabrook Plan for Massachusetts Co=mucities (S?MC); 1= formation Required f or Full Power leviev Cen:le::en: . I In Ref erence (b), New Ea_pshire Tankee (h*ET) was requested to f provide cer:als informa: ion to the NI'1 Staf f necessary to support the ,

          '        full power license review of the S?MC. Subsequently, in dis ==ssic:s                             l with the NRC 5:af f, h3 was advised :o provide thir:y-tvo (32) copies                   Accord-

of this infor=.ation for NIC and TDd.A use in revieving the S?MC. j ingly, e: closed please find thi :y-tvo (32) copies of Additionally, Inclosures 3 hu I

hrough 6 which co::ains the ir.for:a: ion requested.

has provided :ve::y-cine (19) copies of a sv.==ary response [E: losure 1] hTY has also ::ans-

o assis: the hAC in the use of this iuf er=a: ion.
                    =1::ed under separata cover tve:ty-three (23) copf es of the S?MC, to FD'.L/IEC as requested by the h'AC.

i.e., As no:ed in Inclosure 1, certain of the inf or=.ation provided, Inclosures 3, 4, and 6, is confidential and whose disclosure could resul: in the a=varran:ed invasion cf personal privacy of individuals An af fidavi: signed by and argani:atiens eeeded to it:plement tha Flas.

               -     7. C. Teigenbana provided as hcInsure 2, s ets f or:h the basis on which this infor=atics may me withheld from public dis:losure by the Cor.ission and addresses :he considerations listed in 10 CT12.790 paragraph (b)(A).

Accordi gly, h3 requests tha: the 1:f ormation provided in belosures 3, to 10 CTI 2.790. 4, and 6 be withhtld f rom public disclosure pursuas l l l l s 4 P.O. Scx 300 . S4 strook. NH C3574 . Tatapnene (603) 474 9574

                                                                                                          ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ' - - -

j A '.' **/

 &:.J W.


              <                                                                                                              t li4I                                                                                   syy.;7149
1. Uni:ed 5:ates Nuclear Regula:ory Co==ission Page 2 s- /
 /,             A::ention: Do cu=e:: Coc:rol Desk
  • i In addition to providing the iaf or:ation reques:ed by the NRC and TIMA, NHY would like to clarify the record with regards to providing Disse:in- ,

inf er=ation, estsidered to be confiden:ial, to third parties. d through  ; ation of such sa:erial to third par:1es will presusably be handle d if a the* discovery rules governi=g the adjudica:ory process when as an - proper discovery request is =ade and grac:ed. l our Bethesda Licensing Of fice (Mr. R. E. Sweeney) at (301

                                                                                                      -                      )
                                                      '_ Very truly yours,                    ,

fh N T. C. Teigenbaus Enclosures cc: Ate ic Saf ety a:d Licensing Board Service List (Of f si:e E7)* I i


Mr. Victor Nerses, Project Manager

  • Proj ec: D1:ectora:e 1-3 '

Division of Emac:or Projec:s

           '             United Sta:ts Nuclear Regulatory Co==ission             ..

Washi:gton, DC 20555 , j

                      . Mr. Villias T. Russell *              -

l Regional Admi istrator ' Uni:ed 5:stes Nuclear Regula:ory Co==issien , Region I


631 Ps tk Ave =ue l King of Prussia, PA 19406 l i Mr. Antone C. Carne

  • NRO Senior itesident Inspector '

Seabrook S:ation Seabrook, N3 03474 l

                           *E closures 1, 2 and 5 only                                                                       :
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     .1 e


                . . .. :..            ' . f a: '.
                                                                                                                                                                   ..-                    .         . . .                    .          . .                                                                                  P . A. -
                                                                                                                                                                                  -             secretary to Shaines & McEachern,                                                                                                                                     ;
                   .'T..'                                                                               *                                                            .
                                                                                                                                                                                          /                     being duly sworn, state:

c, ,, , .;j I, Janice L. Ross -

                . . :. , - - e :~ . -

1.- "Protected infornation* as used in this Affidavit is

             .'J .P...%.,


                                      , . .M.. .                  ,..'"

l 4; 5 ,; M those documents, whether redacted or unredacted, which

                                                                                                                                                                   .                                                                                                                                                                                                  i comprise Enclosures 3, 4 and 6 as referenced in a letter 1987 to U.S. NRC
                                                           , denominated NYN-87149 dated Deca =ber 30,

U - . - l i 2 . T : .,.. . .

               " ~ '                          i            -         from T. c. Feigenbaum, a copy of which is attached hereto and
              -n ~ w['- ;                                                                                                                                                      .                       .                                          ,

n, . sii ' ~ ., l marked "A". 4

7. ,.,., c . ..


            . .yw. . ..           .f. ,- e. :. .,. C . . , 2 .             .
                                                                                        .                 ~. An. ."., authorized person". . is (1) an a=ployee of the
                                                                                                                                   .,                                             ~ ..
                $ G.,.7,] Nuclear, Regulatory Commission antitled to access to pr
               --s.                 .


               @w                 Es+:        -: - Eq..                                        .information or (2) an . attorney at                                                                                                                                                       Anlaw                appearing as
..,. u ~ .-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                "authorized                                                           ,


                                          .a         ..

s w. h. . .'. person" is also a person who has executed and sarved upon o

3. <~
                            ;;p m.:-?-                                    *                           -

(;L ,V ! 7,; counsel for Applicants an Affidavit of Non-Disclosure and is

. _ ~ : -: ;

n awyer representadve of an active party to this , d i

          ,. ,., 3 .,          , _: ,

4 ,M".@ :g- : <p.-6. roceeding. f.O I 3 3 " ." -

                                                                                                                               ,approvad                 .

by the - .. . Atomic . Safety . and Licens . ng Bo , . p m.n w.. u ,,.~.

           '? T.?..~~1' r (unless prior' approval has been valved by counsel for.~-

r u, , ... i to a lawyer t

              .y-  ': m.:w ,:........'i.- ,.; Applicants) or (4) a technical axpert or adv sor
1. w x.g . - , . .. ,


3. .
               . . m .)m.,, .n..or non-lawyer representative of an active                                                                                                                                                                                                               party to t.his
                                                                                                                                              ' * --~--F :. w.                                                                                          -                _-
               .J.@9...Y.A,                                                                        .sh                   b.f                proceeding.*                                                                              f                                                                                                                                 l f,              h. .. H-                                      .-        .

not disclose protected information to anyone , l 8

               $: .fM..w
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            -                                          /

r . . ; . - - . .: : d person, unless that information has

            .N N M.IT H .axcept. an;                                                                                     authorize                                          .
             . y : n . -;,x . .-                                                                                                                                                                d in the public record of this

! -. e :. . . - . j 4

                   -.M W.                                                                                                                                         .-
m,- .s v.a .  :.f<. previously r ~. .

been disclosep proceeding..,. I

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  • all times undar the control of an 1:

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and is not disclosed to an one else.

            .w.s#IM.         -"--^i.' 9 ' a.uthori, zed o. arson on1                                                                                                                                                                                                *                              ..                                           .
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                                                                                                                             .                  .                                ..                              .                                                                                                                                                     I i
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4. I will not reproduce any protected infor=ation by any means witho'at the Ato=ic Safety and Licensing Board's So long as I possess efpress approval or direction. f .

' #' protected infor=ation, I shall continue to take these precautions until further order of the Ato:ic Safety and Licensing Board.
               ~ '

5. I shall safeguard and hold in confidence any data,-

d all other
                                         . notes, or copies of protected information an                                                                                                                               .

i 5 - papers which contain any protected infor=ation. '

: i
6. If I prepare papers containing protected information
1. 4'. '. z .

i in this case, 5;.. ..r.._ in order to participate in further proceed. ngs - ,

                                                                                     ,                                                                                                                                           t i


          .. h.....-s.
r. .

I will ensure that any secretary or other individual who mus

             =       '

receive protecte d infor=ation in order to help me prepare

                             # E.
       '.R:n..:.~;                                 .

his form and has l

              'f E
  • those papers has executed an affidavit in t {

copies of any such affidavit

       .:. ;T.l..'. , , agreed to abide by its ter=s.
                 .-                 ..                                                ~.               .

g <~: r m. r

      %4tfc42 vill be filed with the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board and                              .
                                                  .                                                                                                                                                                                                                 I
       . .m. .t.- m.. ..Y served on counsel to active parties before any prota=ted i                         ,. ..

J . : ..a.i. -

v. . .s . ~~. ..


       ? ji-$.. .. . ..Y: infor=ation is revealed to any such person.

M ,,' .. ' ,.- 5

;      .         .c -                                                    I shall une prote=ted inferr.ation solely for h e
        -- - .-.n-        i.. . . _~.. _: .:~.g::        . 7.
                                               . .c. .u. .,. .,

fcE( M . , purpose of participation in proceedings in this casa directly

       .,    nr:. ::. t.-                            ..-8                                .

T.,:'j.}.p:ji, involving offsite t=argency planning fer Massachusetts W).C;. :,qx '; - r.:;i. . ,;;p, co=cunities within the Seabrook station I=ergency Planni l i . .

        .      s :. . -                                                                                                                                           his casa directly                                                                     .

d.O$. 5'$$.<N , . ... , 4 x . .;~;,y..;=.w.:.r.:,w..w,ne

                                    .c                                . .    ~                                         and any further proceedings in t i

) qg/gfs. involving that natter, and for no other purposes and '

         .:::.:,;.:. ~ .q ... ; -                                         .

7 4 -M /s g specifically shall not use any protected information to . l

         .-        m e. -r ,u-m2.

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             -                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     l i

i further the goal of having any person or entity withdraw its

                               . support of the Seabrook Plan for Massachusetts Coc= unities.

8. I shall keep a record of all protected information in ny' possession and s; hall account for and deliver that information to the Ato=,ic Safety and Licensing Board or its designee no later than the conclusion of this proceeding.

      ~                 '

9. I wi'11 not cerroborate the accuracy"or inaccuracy of infor=ation obtained outside this proceeding by using 3 , protected infer =ation gained through the hearing process.

      . . .) .
                            . ...                 ~
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                                                           '                                                                       .                                 //?][D          .       .,
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                          '                                     Subscribed and svern to before ne this.#8n.4 day of N a k),,e b , 1988.

J ..

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s,';, l' () & ld :QQtl_* ,

   .%.f.[l : . l__                                                                                                                                       Notary PcDlic                          V                              s                     .

3 My Co ission Depires: & M /.d 3..,

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k. %p W%r1 Acac seMee of New NTidiii New HampsNro Yankee DN.saoa b'fS-87149 De c e:be r 30, 1957 United 5:ates Nuclear tegulatory Co==ission Washing:o=, DC 20555 Document Con:rol Desk
             . Attention:


(a) Tacill:y Operating License h?T-56, Construe: ten Fernit CPF1-135, Decke: Sos. 50-413 a:d 3CW i4 (b) CSh2C Letter dated December 23, 1957, "Seabrook Plan f or Massachuse:ts Co=manities - Inf orma: ion Required f or Tull Power Kariev*, V. Nerses to R. J. Earrison _2 ities (5?MC); Subjec: - Seabrook Plan for M.assachusetts Co

                                   .n    1 forna:4on Required f or Tull Power Eeriev
      ~~                               .                                 ...   .

Cen:lemen:. In Ref erence (b), New Ea_.pshire Tankee (h3) was requested to-J e provide cer:ain infor:a:1on to the h'IC Staf f cecessary to suppor: full power license teriev of the S?MC. Subsequas:17, in dis ==ssiens with the h7C 5:aff, hT vas advised to provide thir:7-tvo (32) copies A::ord-of this infor=.ation for HIC and T_N.A use in revieving the !?MC. logly, e:tiosed please find thir:7-:vo (32) copies ofAdditionally, I: losures 3 h3 l through 6 which co::ains the infor=ation requested. l has provided tve :y-nine (29) copies of a su-- ary response AU has als [E::losure o tra:.s- 1] , to assis: the h'EC in the use of this inferr.atica. i ci::ed under separate cover venty-three (23) copies of the SPMC to ' l TIMA/EAC as requas:e4 by the h1C. As no:ed in Inclosure 1, certain uf the inf er:.ation provided, i.e., Enclosures 3, 4, and 6, is confidential and whose disclosure ce:1d result in the.u=varran:ed invasion cf the personal privscy Plan. As of initriduals af fidavit signed by and organiza io:s needed to implenes: T. C. Teigenbaua provided as Esc.losure 2, sets forth the basis on which this inf or:ation =ay be vi:hheld fro = public dist.losure by the Co ission and addresses the considera:1cas listed in 10 CTI 2.790 paragraph (b)(4). Accordingly, h3 requests that the inf orna:ica provided in T.nclosu:en 3, 4, and 6 be withhe.ld f roe public disclosure pursuant to 10 CTE 2.790. I I l wg4 P.O. S:x 300 . Sestrook. N H C3574 .Telepnene (6C3) 474.S 574


  . .V     .
 .Edb ,                                                                           NY,s-s gt; l

rai:ed 5:a:es Nuclear Regula:ory Co==1ssion Page 2  ; E~ A::es: ion: Docu ent Coc:rol Desk

 /(/                                                         .

In adittien to providing the 1 f or:a: ion requested by the NRC a:d yIy.A, NEY vould like to clarify the record vi:h regards to Disproviding s enin-infor *: ion, considered to be enefiden:ial, to third parties. dled thr: ugh azion of such sacerial to third ptr:tes will presu= ablyh beas han and if a the discovery rules governing theand is =ade adjudicatory granted. process w en proper discovery reques: our Bethesda Licensing Office (Mr.1. E.6100. .- Sweeney) . .

at (3

_ ve ry t ruly yours , ,

                    }                                                      '

fT.6C. 4Peigenbaus E: closures cc:- Ate:ic Saf ety and Licensing Bo trd Service List (Of f site EP)* Mr. Victor Herses, Projee: Manager

  • P roj er: Direc: orate I-3 '

Division of Reactor Projec:s

  • Uni:ed States Nuclear Regula:ory Co ission Washington, DC 20555 Mr. Villias T. Russell * -

Regional Ad inis::a:or United States Nuclear Regula:ory Co ission Region I I 631 Park Ave:ue King of Prussia, PA 19a06  ! l Mr. A=:oce C. Carne

  • NRC Senior Residen Inspe c:o r Seabrook S:ation Seabrook, NE 03874 i I
                          *I: closures 1, 2 and 5 e:17 I

l I i i l

                  . w.;. 2                        , .                     .
            .1 J V ...,' ; .                                                                 ..                                    ATTIDAV!T OF NON-DISCLOSL*RE                                                                             .        .
      - % ,.,- .                       ,s,,,            Nuclear..
                                                           , . . . . .                       Regulatory  . . _ .                  .

Co ... . . -.. .

  .~ ,&h49 infor.mation .or (2). an attorney at law appearing as counsel to' -

5:f'.p m .w. .. .. u. ; .


An "authorized.. MO

  .,        ~.g. E .N~      .:~.N..,.* .one                    . , o f . the active parti as to                                               .

this proceeding. a .n . , - .. . :, ~ c. . ....:. ' OlN.F. S. .~id . . .. C./ 9.. .,. person". is also a person who has execu TN,; m .W co,u'ks'e[ for. Applicants an Affidavit of Non-Disclosure and is

                                                                                                . ^               ..
                               .s.~.                     .m . _ ..
  . ~.. 3 .y.                               .

tive party to this

  .$.sn.5U. . 5[(3)'. a ne'n-lawyer representati ve of an ac
    .- w s c ;::v ; ~ t w :.2 ,                                                                                           .

W.*%. .M. , - We. proce.eding,* 1 approved .

                                                                                                                                                     .n. . . . by       .
                                                                                                                                                                            . _ . the
                                                                                                                                                                                        . . . , ,Ator.ic Safety and Licensing Boa
  $,.- .w
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                     $ .M    $ A - w @4 .,i:nless                                                   n s :.. . prior' approval has been vaived by counsel. for- - ~ 1 a technical expert or advisor to a lawyer
                                                       .    . . w - . <                                                          .

F.. 2;W'.7.".E .w+.-..._......a Applicants)" , or (4) 4y. ,V:$ p.,$ % 'm~non-lawyer representative . , ; ..:. of an act ye party to *gs. or ~ L';Gc.-Eik;  :.

  %wa:;; proceeding.:_.: .n '.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            = ~ = . -
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M ._  :. . disclose protected information to anyone_, , INmm$W;m I *-

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                                                                        .s. W'  ..
                                                                                       ,. n.I.


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hbNd.d.except azi,;, authorized -. g e . . . - - - - . - gon, unless that information has -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   . . e. ,, :=; ,~W.* .

  ;:(. Y@,.@M.u.                           Wt .previously been disclosed                                                                                                    in the public record ofthis*                                                                               .

i n . . . , - .. '

- ' ~

MM5W1h,+be3d. h$c[w.i I will. safeguard protected info

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ed*T. QQ:f'o' - Q.v.&. ..u Ja.-r...r r~.r. ,n a. m.. w.c...:

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                                            .                     authorized person only and is. not disclosed                                                                                                                        to anyone                        e7se.                                        ,.
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                          .                                                                                                                                                       1 1

I I 4. I will not reproduce any protected information by

r. ... ,any .:aans without the Ator.ic Saf ety and Licensing Board's So long as I possess '

eicpress approval or direction.

   ' :4.q ' f. protected infor=ation, I shali continue to take these J.

precautions until further order of the Ato=ic Safety and i Licensing Board.

          ... . }

S. I shall safeguard and hold in confidence any data,-

    -        . ... >u-        -,          .
                                        . notes, or copies of protected information and all other a               ..                                                                                                                                                 r
           '~-.' '. _

papers which contain any protected infor:ation.

            ..%'..:-                                                         If I prepare papers containing protected information
                              '.                                6.

2 . ..

                                         ,in order to participate in further proceedings in this case,
      . .,; q. . .
                   . . I ;, ye c. .

4-1 E.,I will anstre that any secretary or other individual who must

      *-.-e-,.. . . . .; 3.. .
     . ; .' :f-(c ',- receive                                              protected information in order to help me prepare
s. g e,u . . c..
              ,FJ.*)' those papers has executed an affidavit in this form and has Copies of any such affidavit 7,:Jp;.':'?.p. a. .~.~-f agreed to abide by its ter=s.   ,.          -                  .       ..      .

4 M~ .W.' vill be filed with the Atomic Saf ety and Licensing Board and .

  -.:;4 A. .T..'r..t;:.ry        m                    n.. , , ..        '

t cted

   ?, ..J.

L;.c.:.J.,p -.servad on counsel to active parties before any pro e 7, . . . ~ h part;en. .

     .tS..t.i7 F;2 inferration                            - .

is revealed to any suc . I shall use protected information solely for iihe

3. /.r..'.,h
                          . . . . .                        .  .. 7 .                                                                                                        *
: m . ~ , . . . . e ..s . .
        .Ij                            2.. purpose of participation in proceedings in this case directly'
         . w .+ w; s'.

9 ::.'Eill involving offsite e=ergency planning for Massachusetts . ? 2

S .?cm.4:u..
f..s e u.
;.- - , .-
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2...t lL.s.c.. v.  :.4 .a

                                               .:, co== unities v.ithin the Seabrook Station E=ergency Planning
  -sNDDIZ'on,.,I. and any further proceedings in this casa directly .

c.a,.J~ v. .,,n o . ..m- sv.e involving that natter, and for no other purposes and

   ' ytWW@4:    y. u. n.
                                                              -   .s            ,

i to "y ih.,.7.i[sp'acificallyshallnotuseanyprotectedinfor=aton .. .

   -n wa     w. ,

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                                                                                                              -                                                                   i M-.~ar.w-.:          .s                    niv'.hc :. ,n.    . .           .


    ', A+ r.$'"h-IN*Kj.@ '.th.4
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v.9mr=., ,. 4

    ..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    t.

1 i t b s further the coal of having any person or entity withdraw its # support of the Seabrook Plan for Massachusetts Cc== unities.

                               -                                 s.               I shall keep a record of all protected infor=ation                                                                                                                                                                      t h
           -                                 in my possession and shall account for and deliver t at
      ^                - '                   information to the Atomic safety and Licensing Board or its                                                                                                                                                                                                  ,

designes no later than the conclusion of this proceeding.

9. . I will nst corroborate the accuracy"or inaccuracy of

't I information obtained outside this proceeding by using protected infor=ation gained through the hearing process. t .'.'i.--. LIU

                                                                                                                                                       $^ 1ph(t dLL []                              I E1                    r
r. ..%.4
     ..... y .                                     .
                          ,    c day of
         . ;           ' .' .;-/                             ~ subscribed and sworn to before me this N                                                    '
     };$ b>0?u) , , 1988.

i i

               .        3 . .g                                         d-1,
       ;- & . / 7 ., . .. ,- .                                                                                                                                                       ;                                                                            .. .              .

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    'ff. ^Q. . . ;.' '- L.:                                                                                                                                                                                                                         . ...                                                .
                                                                       . . .                                                                                                                                                                                                                             i
                                                                                                                                         ~ ' Notary Public
     ?' :"- - Z' ' ** 2-N@\                               ') / L* , /9??
                                                                                                                         .                       My Co==ission D.pires:
        ,y _ ,...t.......,._.....
    ,.1.b                                                        ~..'....                                                    .
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N ' ~ b,
  • .y At PJ:4c SeMee cd W MTMss hew namosNro Ya.%et Ormon HTS-87149 Dececher 30, 1957 C ited 5:ates Nuclear Regulatory Co ission L'ashingto=, DO 20555 Attention: Docuses: Co:::cl Desk (a) Tacili:7 opera:ing License N?T-56, coss::ve:ica Referen:es: Pe 0??l-136, Docke: Nos . 5C-44 3 and SC-414 (b) USN10 Le::e; dated December 23, 1987, ~5eatrock Plan f or Massachuse::s Co=aucities - It!o::ation  ;

lequired f or Tull Power teriew", V. Ners es to l

1. J. Earrison Seabrook. Plan f or Kassachusetts Cw ani:ies (S?MO);

Subjec:: Inf orna ion Required f or Full Power Laview


Centlemen: In Ref erence (b), New Ez.-pshire Yankee (NET) was requested tothe provide certain info:.ntion :o the NRC Staf f necessary to supper: t full power license revl ev of the S?MO. Subs equently, in discussiens , with the EC S:af f, hE! va.s advised to provide thir:7-tvo (32) copies Ac:ord- l of this inf ormation f or N10 and TF.A use in revieving the S?MO. ) ingly, e: losed please find thirty-tvo (32) copies ofAdd.itionally, bdosures 3NET through 6 which contain.s the inf or:stion requested. has provided tventy-rine (29) copies of a su==ary response lhelosure l} NEY has also ::ans-to assist the NIC in the use of this inf or=ation. ei::ed under separa:e cover twenty-three (23) copies of the S?MC, .to  ; TF.A/ LAC as requanted by the nC. As noted in Inclosure 1, cer:ain of the infor=.ation provided, i.e. , Encloscres 3, 4, and 6, is coe.fidential and whose d.1 closure co.t.ld , result in the c=varranted invasion af personal privary An a.f of individuals fidavit signed by l and organiza:1o:s needed to i=plenett the Plan. T. C. Teigenbaus pr crided as Entlasure 2, sets forth the basis on which i this inf or=.ation way be vi:hheld fro = public disclosure by the Co ission and addresses the considerations listed in 10 CTI 2.790 paragraph (b)(4). Accordingly, NEI requests that the inf or=atica provided in belosu:es 3, 4, and 6 be vi:'.the.ld f ree public disclosure pursuant to 10 CTI 2.790. s g 'I P.O. 5cx 330. Se strook. NH C3874 .Te4sphone W:3)474-9574

O '.

.i W.
    . .t                                                                                        j gw.                                                                            sy3_g 1:9

Cni:ed Sta:es Nu: lear Regula:: 7 Co==ission  ? age 2 A :en:1on: o cu=en: Control Cesk {/ In addi:ica to providing the Laf or=4 tion requested by the NRC and TEMA, NET veuld like to clarify the record with recaris to providingDisse =in-inf or=a:ica, co:sidered to be confide :ial, to third parties. a:'on of such sa:erial to third par:1es will prest: ably be handled througn the discovery rules gover:Ang the adjudica:ory process when as a:d if a proper discovery reques: is =ade and gra::ed. . If yeu require any fur:her clarifica: ions, do not hesitate to contae: our Ee:hesda Licensing Of fice (Mr. R. E. Sweeney) at (301) 656-6100. Very truly yours, hN

7. C. Teigenbaus Esclosu es c:: Saf ety a:d Licensing Beard Se:vice List (Of f site E7)* Mr. Victor . Nerses, Project M4:agere Proj e c: Directorate I-3 Divisien of Reactor Projec:s

  • United States Nuclear Regula:ory Cc==ission Washington, DC 20535 Mr. Willias T. Russell
  • Regional Ad=inistra:or Uni:ed 5:ates Nuclear Regulatory Co==issics Region I 631 P a rk Ave =u e King of Prussia, PA 19406 Mr. A :oze C. Carne
  • NRC Senior Residen: Inape c:o r "

Seab:cok S:ation Seab cok, N3 03874

                    *I clesures 1, 2 a:d 5 c=1y e


  *    .z..


                ,, %.n -
        . e . .; .. : .; . ... ...                                                          ...                     _                          ..

y~;.~.-. ,.; ; - ~ ,- - secretary to Sttaines t. McEachern

               + , . . ...'
                                               . ,                                               ,            c~.,-                          _,         being daly sworn, state:                                                                                                 )
          ; r.:.                  :m.c...;:                       z*        3 e' n e .                                         -
  -- ...[.$.~T.IIG.J i. .' = Protected. inf ormation' as used in this Af fi C.$.E. ~.'t$ose documents, whether redacted m- unredacted, which

[ .h co=prh,seEnclosures3,4and6asreferMncedinaletter

h. ' dbo:inatedNYN-87149datedDece=ber30, 1987 to U.S. NRC
        . .1.

T W 9M T.'C.; Feigenbaum, a copy of~. which is atta:hed hereto and

   , y .: m ,,                             ,        s.-                        .
  .'. ;...,' ~. . g.                                                                         -
               ...~. ..s.          . . ' . - nark ed " A" . "
                                    .                                                               7                  ,

authorized person a is (1) an e=ployee o,

       . u , fr.' -W . s                                            2.         ,-                                   .                    .                              .

h, bb_.h-N.4 . .. r. ~ . . ; An' anuclear Regt$1atory Co==1 3.7ji:.5 M ( intormation c'r (2)an attorney at law appearing as counsel to - e,:n M:w .. . ding. An "authorized

   'J. M#. .,d.                  . " . .. @. . .>i,'
                                              .                           . .. -. -l ...cheoftheactivepartiestothisprocee
   ... . , .p. .' 2                                          . 2.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 !
   ; .% fl.* , e                   .1 P.erson". is also a person who has executed and served upon s

I's. 3,,,..,-.

                . N           ,     Og.             c'ob.salfor.ApplicantsanAffidavitofNeo-Disclosureand                                                                 .

j y

        .D'd:M' ' .u (.3)'.. a. .non-lawyer                               ._                            .

representative of an active party to this r;. s : @.9:?roceeding','~ approved by. the ..Atomic safety and Licensing B .ard i

    #N.s ifI.

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4. I will not reproduce any protected infor=ation by
                          , . any nea:s without the Ato:ic Safety and Licensing Board's So long as I possess ekpress approval or direction.

a,n.u .

                   - ".pretected infor=ation, I shall continue to take these
                            ;, precautions until further order of the Ato:ic Safety and Licensing Board.
5. I shall safeguard and hold in confidenec any data,-

7 . notes, or copies of protected inforsation and all other

     ;. ' . , '                        papers which contain any protected information.
6. . If I prepara papees cente.ining protected infor=ation
     .;             .c M .-; -                                                                     .

g . ~ '.i in order to participate in fu-ther proceedings in this case,

    .: _ . n ;; , I. will ensure that any secretary or other individual who must Ni;5                                                                                                         -

16 c._ receive protected infor ation in order to help es prepara

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2 . . -e.: 7 ,'., 3.. agreed '~ s to abide by its ter=s. . , "

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7jf'dyVf vill be filed with the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board and

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Oc 'f T--Tb infor=ation is revealed to any such person. ,

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further the goal of having any person or entity withdraw its support of the Seabrook Plan for Massachusetts Cor.= unities. A. I shall keep a record of all protected infor=ation  : in my possession and shall account for and deliver that

                                               .Laformation to t.he Ato=ic Safety and Licensing Scard er its 4

designes no later than the conclusion of this proceeding.

9. I will not correcorate the accuracy"or inaccuracy of internation obtained outside th si proceeding by uging
    ' '                                         protected information gained through the, hearing procasu.
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  • t C2. *
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e , PLcac Sem:* ct New h JMis New Hamwsre Yanue Onon h'f9 37149 De cech 30, 1957 United States Nuclear Regulatory Coc=ission Vsshi:g es. DC 20555


Attention: Document Com:rol Desk (a) Tacility Operating License 5?T-56, construe:1es


Pe CPP1-136, Docia: No s . 50-443 and 50--44 4 (b) USnc Le:ter da:ed December 23, 1987, "Seabrock Tian f or Massachusetts Cc=munities - Inf err.ation

                                     -    Required f or Tull Power Eeriev*, V. Ners es to
k. J. Harrison Seabrook Plan f or M.assachusetts Co==2 cities (SPMC);

Subjce:: Infornation itequired f or Full Power Review 1 .. . . C4::lemen: In Rderence (b), New Ea.-pshire Tatkee (hT) was requested to provice cer ain infor=ation to the RC S:aff ce:essaryinto Subsequan:17, support the escussions full power license review of the S?MC. with the nc S:aff En vas advised to provide thirty-two (32) eeptes Accord-of this it.for=ation f or RC and TIMA use in revies-ing the S?MC. ingly, en losed please find thirty-rvo (32) copies of Inclosures Additionally, 3 h3 threcgh 6 which ect:ains the inf otsation requested. ba.s p:orised twenty-eine (29) copiva of a su==.ary h.T hasresponse als o trans-[I::.losure 1] to assist the Rf; 3 a the use of thic inferr.ation. ei:ted under separa:e cover twen:7-three (23) copies of the SPMC,,to F W__AJEAC es reae.ested by the E C. i.e., la r.oted in Enclosure 1, certain of the inf o: ation provided, i Encloacres 3, 4, and 6, is en.fidet:ial and whoes disclosure could result in tha utvarra sed 1::rvasion cf panocal privacy of iniividual.s An affidavit signed by l and organizauces needed to irplopent the ?lan. l L C. Teigenbane providert as Enciosu:e 2, sets forth the basis on which ' this inferr,ation say be withhe'sd f ros public disclosure by the Ce==ission  ; sud a?,dinsse.s the coesiderations 115cs4 in 10 CTI 2.790losures paragraph 3, (b)( A). l

                    .6 teor,*.igly, hM requests that the inf or3stion provided in E=                                      !

l 4, and 6 be t.rittbuld trou E 5 Lie dselosure pursuant to 10 CTr. 2.790. ) l l l l s g 't i P.O. S.:x J00. Sestreck NH C3574.Te4ephone (G') 474-9574  :

               ~                                  -      .


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V. s I p itee 5:ates Nu dtar ?.eg'ala*:r?,CC':215'!*3 ' IO ' A :,sion: M eute

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  • 31 U* S '
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       'f                                 d
  • ion to providig :ht troersation requet:ed tv the NRC c:tt a

yvwg I v$14 like to citrify tha recurd with reca;gs to providig Die s esi n-g it ob-.ation. consieered to be confidential, to third par;1es. 3 3' i f su-* acgrial to third car:&es vill prenc ably be handled throup a

 /       -                    h*e di coverh = rules gover.1.g the adjudica:ory process as and if a                            ,

is cade s.nd g* acted. ps oper dis:ove y reques 18 cu rguire 4:y fur:her claritiestiets, do not hesitz.te F.o contM - e.ur 3eth sda 1.icensing Of fiet (P.r. R. I. Sweeney) at (30 0 616-6100. 1 = (1

  • Ve ry '.ruly yours.

m: ff,- ) N ' T. C. Feigenbaus

                                                                                                                       ;       I' t
        ;                    taeleauras                                                                                         ;

cc: Ateele Saf ety and 1.ievesing toard Service*. (0!! site EP)* y 9

i. ;  !!;. Vie:or Nerses. Project Fanager* . ,y Pr oj e t: Direc: orate 1-3 pivi,gica of Reactor Projec:s Uni:ed States Nuclear Regulatory Cor::issica
v ashi:gcon, DC 20555 /
        ;                           y.r Villias ". Russ ell *                                                       ,

k i ' l Regio?al Ad:1 14'.r170T United 5:ates su: lear Regulatory Cc= issics Region 1 p1 yaric Ave:ue 1 :.g of F ras s t a. P.'. 19 .0 6 y

                                     .gr . A.s v: e C . Ce ra t
  • W C Se:1 Resident Inspectot
                                     $catr.;ci S:ation seabrook, h103874 s!n .len.:es 1. 2 and 5 caly 1
  • m e

met eh .. .

s DX C E C-USWC 10 R5 24 P 3 '42 QERTIFICATE QE SERVICE I, Matthew T. E;ock, one of the attorneys for the h d N I( M Amesbury herein, hereby certify that on February 22, 1988, Eftt.ade service of the foregoing documents, Affidavit of Non-Disclosure of William S. Lord, Affidavit of Non-Disclosure of Bowles, Janice L. Ross, Affidavit of Non-Disclosure of Stephanie A. Affidavit of Non-Disclosure of Janet L. Soule, by depositing copies thereof in the United States Mail, first class postage prepaid for delivery (or, where indicated, by Express Mail, prepaid) addressed to:

        *Ivan Snith, Esq., Chairman                   *Dr. Jerzy Harbour f

Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Atomic Safety & Licensing Board f (Off-Site) (Off-site) U.S. Nuc1 car Regulatory Co==ission U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Conc. l East West Towers Building 1 I East West Towers Building 4350 East West Highway ' l 4350 East West Highway 20814 Bethesda, MD 20814 Bethesda, MD l

  • Judge Gustavo A. Linenberger, Jr.
  • Atomic Safety & Licensing Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Co==.

(Off-Site) Washington, DC 20555 U.S. NLclear Regulatory Commission East Vest Towers Building 4350 East West Highway Bethesda, MD 20814

  • Atomic cafety & Licensing
  • Appeal Board Panel
  • Docketing and Service U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Co==.

j U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Co==ission Washington, DC 20555 Washington, DC 20555

  • Thomas Dignan, Esq.

Philip Ahrens, Esq. Assistant Attorney General George H. Lewald, Esq. Office of the Attorney General Kathryn A. Selleck, Esq. !. Ropes & Gray

state House 225 Frankin Street Stetion 6 Boston, MA 02110 Augusta, ME 04333 Carol S. Eneider, Esq.
          *Eherwin E. Turk, Esq.

Donald S. Bronstein, Esq. Office of the Exec. Legal Dir. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Co==ission Allan R. Tierce, Esq. Te. nth Floor Department of the Atty. General 7735 Cid Gentgetown Road One Ashburton Place Be thesda, MD 20814 Boston, MA 02108

                                     '             -      .--~                 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __

Diane curran, Esq. George Dana Bisbee, Esq. Stephen E. Merrill, Esq. Andrea C. Ferster, Esq. Office of the Attorney General Hermon & Weiss State House Annex  ; 200? S Street, N.W., Suite 430 Concord, NH 03301 Washington, DC 20009-1125 . Robert A. Backus, Esq. Edward A. Thomas Backus, Meyer & Solomon Federal Emergency Mgmt. Agency 111 Lovell Street 442 J.W. McCormack (POCH) Manchester, NH 03105 Boston, MA 02109 Jane Doughty < Mrs. Anne E. Goodman Seacoast Anti-Pollution League Board of Selectmen 5 Market Street 13-15 Newmarket Road Portsmouth, NH 03801 Durham, NH 03824 Rep. Roberta C. Pevear 9 William S. Lord, Selectman Town Hall Drinkvater Road  ! Hampton Falls, NH 03844 Friend Street i Amesbury, MA 01913 Mr. Angie Machiros, Chairman H. Joseph Flynn, Esq. Board of Selectmen Office of General Counsel 01950 Federal Emergency Mgut. Agency Newbury, MA 500 C Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20472 Stanley W. Knovies Richard E. Sullivan Mayor Board of Selectmen City Hall P.O. Pox 710 Newburyport, MA 01950 i I North Hampton, NH 03862  ! J.P. Nadeau, Selectman Alfred V. Sargent, Chairman Selectmen's Office Board of Selectmen Town of Salisbury . 10 Central Road Salisbury, MA 01950 Bye, NH 03870 i Senator Gordon J. Humphrey Senator Gordon J. Humphrey One Eagle Square, Suite 507 U.S. Senate Concord, NH 03301 Washington, DC 20510 Herb Boynton) (Attn: Tom Burack) (Attn: William Armstrong Allen Lampert Civil Defense Director Civil Defense Director 10 Front Street Town of Brentwood 03833 Exeter, NH 03833 Exeter, NH

!                                              2 1l, 1

Richard A. Hampe, Esq. Gary W. Holmes, Esq. Hampe and McNicholas Holmes and Ellis 35 Pleasant Street 47 Winnacunnet Road Concord, NH 03301 Hampton, NH 03842 - Charles P. Graham, Esq. Calvjn A. Craney, City Manager McKay, Murphy & Graham City Hall 100 Main Street 126 Daniel Street Amesbury, b. 01913 Portsmouth, NH 03801 i Sandra Gavutis Brentwood Boatd of Selectmen i Town of Kensington RFD Dalton Road RFD 1, Box 1154 Brentwood, NH 03833 East Kensington, NH 03827 Robert Carrigg, Chairman Mr. Thomas H. Powers, III Board of Selectmen Town Manager Town office Town of Exeter Atlantic Avenue 10 Front Sreet No. Hampton, NH 03862 Exeter, NH 03833 - Judith H. Mitner, Esq.  ; Silvergate, Gertner, Baker, Fine,  ! Good & Mizner l 88 Broad Street Boston, MA 02120 j


D< c os l Matthew T. Brock N (

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