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( Page U. Revision Page Revision l- CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT. 9A.6-26 TRM REV 15 COLR 7, Revision 0- -9A.6-27 3 9A.6-28 3 Notati'on Page
.1 0 l 2 0 3 <
0 4' O 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0
'9 0 10 0 11- 0
- 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 .0 FIRE' PROTECTION LIMITING
. 5 9A.6-4 5 9A.6-5 TRM REV 17 9A.6-6 TRM REV 17 9A.6-7 TRM REV 17 9A.6-8 6 9A.6-9 TRM REV 17
' 9A'. 6-10 6a l 9A.6-11 6a 9A.6-12 6 9A.6-13 6 9A.6-14 3 9A.6-15 3.
'9A.6-16 3 9A.6-17 3 l 9A.6-18 3 9A.6-19 6 9A.6-20. 3-
-9A.6 TRM REV 7
.9A.6 3 9A.6-23 TRM REV 8 i' .! -9A.6-24 TRM REV 8 t A~ ' 9A.6-25 TRM REV 15
.TRM.Vol.-I LEP-2 REV 25 10/98 s
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I 4
,Y TRM - TABLE 3.3.1-2 l
{v _(UFSAR TABLE 7.2-4)
- 1. Intermediate Range Monitors:
- a. Neutron Flux - High NA
- j. b. Inoperative NA
- 2. . Average Power Range Monitor *:
- a. Neutron Flux - Upscale, Setdown NA
- b. Simulated Thermal Power - Upscale NA
- c. Neutron Flux - Upscale HA
- d. Inoperative NA e; 2-out-of-4 Trip Voters s0.05*
- 3. Reactor Vessel Steam Dome Pressure - High s 0.55'
- 4. Reactor Vessel Low Water Level - Level _3 s 1.05'
- 5. Main Steam Line Isolation ~ Valve - Closure s 0.06
- 6. ~ Main Steam Line Radiation - High NA
- 7. Drywell Pressure - High NA
.p-i 8.
w V Scram Discharge Volume Water Level - High
'a. Float Switch NA
- b. Level Transmitter NA
- 9. Turbine Stop Valve - Closure s 0.06
- 10. Turbine Control Valve Fast Closure s 0.08***
- 11. Reactor Mode Switch Shutdown Position NA
-12. Manual Scram NA
- 13. Deleted
- Neutron detectors, APRM channel and 2-out-of-4 Trip Voter digital electronics are exempt from response time testing. Response time measured from activation of the 2-out-of-4 Trip Voter output relay.
- Measured from deenergization of K-37 relay which inputs the turbine control valve closure signal to the RPS.
- .The sensor response time need not be measured and may be assumed to be the design sensor response time. Prior to return to service of a new transmitter or.following refurbishment of a transmitter (e.g.,
sensor cell or variable damping components), a hydraulic response time test will be performed to determine an initial sensor-specific
.t'~N response time value.
TRM Vol. I 3/4 3-2 REV 25 10/98