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Addresses Physical Fitness Evaluation of Security Personnel. Util After Reviewing Alternative Methods Has Substituted Previous Portions of Test Deemed Unsafe W/Simulated Testing Using Devices Such as Treadmills & Stair Climbers
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/31/1996
From: James Fisicaro
W3F1-96-0118, W3F1-96-118, NUDOCS 9608060045
Download: ML20116E580 (7)


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Killona. LA 70066 Tel 504 739 6242 mes J. Fisicato l C'ad*" W3F1-96-0118 A4.05  ; PR July 31,1996 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 l l


Waterford 3 SES Docket No. 50-382 License No. NPF-38 Physical Fitness Evaluation of Security Personnel Gentlemen: < 1 Waterford 3 has determined that parts of its initial and annual security personnel physical fitness qualifications test as specified in the Security Force Training and

           - Qualification Plan pose a safety concern. Specifically, the parts of the physical                   j fitness qualification test that require individuals to ascend and descend a 40 foot                  i ladder in 45 seconds and ascend and descend 6 flights of stairs in 80 seconds have                   )

been determined by the Waterford 3 Safety Department to be a safety hazard. In  ! addition, other activities such as running a distance within a specified time is considered an unsafe method of testing as it is very difficult to monitor an individual while he is performing this task. Because of the industrial safety concerns associated with these aspects of the test they were no longer performed at Waterford 3 as of June 19,1996. As communicated to Waterford 3's Senior Resident inspector on June 20,1996, and the Region IV Security inspector on July 1,1996, Waterford 3 would pursue other and safer means of testing which provide the same level of physical fitness proficiency determination. After reviewing alternative testing methods, Waterford 3, as of July 25,1996, has now substituted the previous portions of the test deemed unsafe with simulated testing using devices such as treadmills and stair climbers. j This test method, as described in the attached Heath and Fitness Manual, provides

an acceptable means to determine physical fitness and is used at other nuclear site l facilities. The change will allow individuals to be monitored while performing the physical fitness test; test results will be quantifiable; test method will be reproducible 07/

7 i and test results can be trended. l 050000 ~ 9600060045 960731 I f PDR ADOCK050003y2 F

i t . l l Physical Fitness Evaluation of Security Personnel W3F1-96-0118 Page 2 July 31,1996 Accordingly, the Waterford 3 Security Force Training and Qualification Plan is currently being revised to reflect the new training method. This revision shall be forwarded to you within 60 days of approval as required by 10CFR50.54(p). l Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Eddy Beckendorf at (504) 739-6340.

             . Very truly yours, d

l rN V JTF J.J. Fisicaro I Director Nuclear Safety JJF/GCS/tjs Attachment I (w/ Attachment) cc: L.J Callan, NRC Region IV (2 copies) l (w/o Attachment) cc: C.P. Patel, NRC-NRR N.S. Reynolds R.B. McGehee NRC Resident inspectors Office t 4 d I

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l* . l 1 l . ABSTRACT 1 i l The code of federal regulations creates a mandate regarding physical examination of individuals working within certain categories in commercial nuclear generating stations. This code specifically l mentions such job categories as control room operators, security force, respirator users, etc. Various consensus standards have been used to ! satisfy the requirements under these codes. In spite of these standards l l i there is little, if any, uniformity in the use, documentation, or interpretation of discretionary testing modalities. The physicians in NRC Region V have extensively consulted and created a level of understanding and uniformity regarding these exams. This is not l meant to be an all encompassing comprehensive approach to regulatory l exams, but rather helps to clarify areas which are not thoroughly addressed in the consensus standards that have been applied.  ; , l l l l l j l k

I , l SECURITY PERSONNEL EXAMINATIONS 10 CFR 73. APPENDIX B I I B b (1) Vision: Glaucoma shall be disqualifying unless controlled by acceptable medical or surgical means. Although the regulations only state tat glaucoma unless controlled,is a disqualifying condition, this has been widely interpreted to mean that tonometry measurements are a required aspect cf the physical examination. Unfortunately, pressure screening test I only evaluates one of many risk factors needed to make a diagnosis of glaucoma and i l l therefore may give either false positive or false negative results. The history of familial glaucoma, a history of increased pressure in either eye, history of any ocular trauma or inflammation, and an abnormal or non-symetric trical cup to disk ratio should raise suspicion. At a minimum, testing for glaucoma should consist of a history, peripheral vision assesstsent and a fundoscopic examination. Tonometric measurements will also satisfy screening requirements. Anyone with pressure measurement greater than or equal to 25, should be referred to an ophthalmologist. If the examining physician has any question about the presence of glaucoma, the individual should be referred to an ophthalmologist for further evaluation. l l Page 7

I l . t . l 1 1 I O ... guards, armed response personnel, armed escorts and other armed security force members shall demonstrate physical fitness for assigned security job duties by performing a practical physical exercise program within a specific time period. Prior to this physical fitness test, the examining physician is required to provide written certification that there are no medical contraindications for participation in I this test. Due to many factors, such as difficulty in standardization and potential safety hazards, field testing is being replaced by laboratory testing which is more controlled and much safer. It has been shown that field environments can be readily simulated in the laboratory and laboratory testing produces similar results that would be found in the field. (2). Strength and stamina can be tested in a variety of ways. Upper body strength can be tested by a required number of push-ups or chin-ups in a given time period. Other eercises can be used to test other areas of body strength and fitness. As discussed pruiously, stamina testing can be done using a variety of methods. Minimum level of passing should be the same as operators or at least an " average" classification of cardiopulmonary fitness according to Table !. Stair and ladder climbing and running are typically part of the practical test. If a treadmill is available, these tasks can be easily simulated. A vest with 15 pounds of weight can simulate the weight of safety and security equipment. Running 3.5 mph at a 25% grade for 30 seconds on the treadmill simulates a 48 ft stair climb. Running 5.5 mph at a 25% t { Page 8 i

4 < s- . ., grade for 15 seconds simulates a 30 ft ladder climb. And finally, running 6.8 mph at 0% grade for 1 minute indicates the ability to run 200 yards in one minute or less.}}