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Forwards Author 891013 & Jf Bassett 891020 Ltrs,Refuting Util Representations That Util Cooperating W/ Commonwealth of Ma Emergency Broadcast Sys.Certificate of Svc Encl.Served on 891031
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/25/1989
From: Rowe D
To: Smith I
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
CON-#489-9382 OL, NUDOCS 8911060433
Download: ML19327B709 (17)


-. . . . - . _


1 :22 bccru g; 89 OCT 31 P1 :22 l l

1 October 25, 1989 g ,_


,gg 3 y g Ivan W. Smith, Chairman I Atomic Safety & Licensing Board  !

4350 East West Highway - East Wet,t Tower Building )

Bethesda, MD 20814 l l


Dear Mr. Smith:

l Attached please find my letter of October 13, 1989 to Seabrook as well as a copy of an October 20, 1989 letter to Seabrook from John F. Basett. It is my understanding that Seabrook included, j L in its submission to the NRC, representations that they were  :

I cooperating with the tiassachusetts EBS System. As you can see i I from the enclosed, that is not true. ,

Very truly yours,  !



Douglas J. Rowf, j Co-Chairman '

Massachusetts Emergency ,

Broadcast Systsm l


DJR/ks Encl. I cc: Mr. R. Boyd, Jr.

Performance Services Manager P.O. Box 300 {

Seabrook, NH 03874 8911060433 09102's j "CR ADOCK 05000443 l

PDR l- You're in Gf&at Gompany - Grtat 'Rgdio  !

LWSROmo - ,

.. Great Radio.. ,

I Serving the Ainuent Suburban Market Between Do. .on and Worcester 24 Hours a Day g l Marlboro, Massachusetts 01752

!c -

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e. -

i T .. Grbat Radio.. l P.O. Box $66 e 48 Fitchburg St e Mr 1 boro, Massachuseus 01753 , e , 508)485

( 1470 Dm=q 20 September 1989  ;

"% Mr. Nichael Lewis  !

gg l Emergency Preparedness / Resource Supervisor [

'New Hampshire Yankee  :


Post Office Box 300 l

84l Seabrook, New Hempshire 03874  :

Ilk g


Dear Mr. Lew.s:

j Pursuant to our meeting todcy I, as Co-Chairman i of the Massachusetts Emergency Broadcast System l hereby revoke my letter of 14 September 1987. l t

New Hampshire Yankee has, regretfully, refused  !

to honor the terms and conditions of that letter  :

, of agreement. l It has been two years since the letter was tendered j and the E.B.S. stations of Merrimac Valley have not  !

received the promised cooperation. The limited equipment tastalled has not ful. filled commitments l made, oral or written. 8 l+ Sincerely, j

.e~; '. l o .

l , je " , ,, ,

./ . s,-c i

Douglas.J. Rowe L Co-Chairman Massachusetts Emeregency .

Broadcaat System  !

I l

Enc 1: Agreement 14 September 1987 i l >


l. l


r l

1 5ervng the At%ent Syejcon *, BeNuen BW0n an0 /Jorcester :-Ous D C .-

-,4 . _ . . _ . . . . , _ _ , . . - -__ _

The Messochesetts Emerymcy Broadcast System is Committed to responding to eng emergency that meg offect residents ,

of Messochusetts. The Emergency Orsedcast System is a patenterg i ergenization eethertred bg and created by the Federal l Communications Comunission. Its primorg functest is to alert the public l in the opent of a Presidential Osclaration of Emergeneg; most .

j specificig nuclear attack. But the authority to use the EBS has been j delegoted down to the indimidual licenses which must use its i

" trAlopendent discretion and respensthility ". t l The Mossociwsstts Emergency treedcast System wouW ,

l recognize eng responsible local business or ergenization that meg i be responsible for creating er reporting a lecel emergency, i After reales of New itempshire's Offsite Response 1 l OrgentrHtion and detennining that en incident et New llempshire Venkee could effect Mesnachusetts residents and that activation of i the EBS could mitigets the effects caused by en incident the New  !

Itempshire Yankee Offsite Response Organization is recogenized as a responsible iscal organization within the meaning of the Rules and '

Regulations gewerning the EBS.


With regard 4 the pionning and implementation of the ,

alerting system it is understeed that NilV/0RS will provide certain  :

services and equipment et its empense end that this process of i planning and implementation will bs en engeing one.


The following equipment and services will be initialg j supplied:

L 1. Dedicated telephone line end answertag device with

! cemyetable toping equipment.  !

2. Feu er simNer device for receleing herd copy of eng ,


3. RPU er similar transmit / recelos equipment to enable .

metwges to be sont / received without reliance on telephone. Also,  ;

to enable Ett station to transmit from incident ores or from areas

  • that the incident meg cause en effect.

Coorge S./ Thomas 85 -

o  % -2 .

Douglas J. Rowe Vice President of Production Co. Chairman New Hampshire Yankee Massachusetts Emergency Division of Public Service Broadcast System Company of New Hampshire

  • Agent for the Seabrook l Joint owners V.1/ /. 71 y 4 lY IW7_

Date Date ' /

7 __ _



To activate Emergency Broadcast System as Provided Title 47


U.S.C. 151, 154 (i) and (o), and 303 (r); Chapter 1, Part 73, Subpart G, Federal Communications Commission Rules and Regulations, Radio Broadca'st System (EBS) as pertains to day-to-day emergencv operation and to provide for cooperation and coordination between New Hampshire Yankee's Offsite Response Organization (NHY/ORO) and the canagement of radio station WCGY 93.7 FM, Lawrence, Massachusetts, in the event of an accident / incident at the Seabrook Nuclear Power Station (SNPS) in Seabrook, New Hampshire.

Scope of Activity of WCGY:

The management of WCGY, Lawrence, Massachusetts, (when requested) agrees to activate the Emergency Broadcast System for the Emergency Planning Zone located within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts which constats of the following six (6) communities:

Amesbury, Merrimac, Newbury, Newouryport, Salisbury, and West Newbury.

The management of WCGY further agrees to activate (when r- requested) the tone-activated radios supplied as part of the public notification system and broadcast emergency public information when notified to (.o so'by the Offsite Response Director of the NHY/ORO, using a pre-arranged authentication system.

WCGY further agrees that they have and will maintain a recording capability to record the actual voice of the NHY/ORO Offsite Response Director, and they will broadcast the message, acceptance of/or participation in this plan shall riot be deemed as a relinquishment of program control and shall noc ba deemed to prohibit the licensee from exercising its independent discretie< and responsibility in any given situation.

WCGY further agrees that the NHY/ORO offsite Response Director is authorized (through a pre-arranged authentication procedttre) to activate the Emergency Broadcast System servicing the

  • Seabrook Emergency Planning Zone area in the event that there is an accident and/or incident at the Seabrook Nuclear Power Station with off-site consequences.

The NHY/ORO Offsite Response Director will notify the management of WCGY when to activate the tone-alert radios and when to begin broadcasting Emergency Public Information messages. The context of these messages and the interval at which the messages will be repeated will be supplied by NHY/ORO.

\ This agreement becomes valid when signad by the signatures indicated below. Once valid, it can be termina e1 by either !?HY/ORO or the management of WCGY by written notification ninety (90) days

i* '

.. t

. s-prior to the date'of termination.  !

George Pi Thomas

'T .p Knager Me TV  ?

Vice President of Production VCGY 93.7 FM New Nasipshire Yankee -

Division of Public Service [

Company of New Hampshire i Agent for the Seabrook 6 Joint owners gygg .

oate El$/f /ff? ,

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. N- MMMMMMH N M ll 165 Martell Court, Keme, NH OM31 603/137 0009

) !

November 14, 1988 l l

Mr. Doug Rowe, Esq.  ;

Morse, Morte and Rowe l P.O. Box 617 l Marlboro, Massachusetts 01752 l

Dear Doug,

Fer our discussions, attached is a description of the EBS equipment  !

package A11Comm, Inc. has developed for broadcast stations. l This package was developed based upon research relative to the.EBS I network's current configuration and its operational status. This  !

research specifically' examined these issues for the New England area, i however, our research included discussions with Emergency Management i Agencies in Florida, California, and Tennessee, broadcasters from around the country and officials from FEMA and the FCC.  ;

The basic intent of these efforts was to determine the operational i status of the EBS, network. We needed to know what was broken and

  • what could be done to fix it, if anything. These efforts were all ,

encompassing and not limited to hardware issues. They included other i important areas auch as training of station personnel, development of EBS procedures for each station, and the need for ongoing i preventative' maintenance and surveillance programs for station EBS i hardware packages. -

At the same time we were conducting our review, there were several  :

other efforts underway at a federal level which may have appeared at first to be headed towards the same goal. These efforts, however,  !'

, were directed towards the further development of EBS as a communicatiens link from the President to the public during a time of, an emergency. This of course was the original purpose for which EBS r was conceived.  ;

In contrast to these efforts, the problems facing emergency . i management personnel and broadcasters on a daily basis are quite r different. These problems often require the activation of EBS for rapidly deve4-ping technological incidents that effect several municipalities or a county-wide area. It is for these types of i incidents and regional weather advisories for which EBS is most often Therefore, it is logical to conclude that EBS must be fine-tuned on a station-by-station basis in order to be responsive to

, these types of incidents. Our research and recommendations for creating a responsive functional EBS network are focused along these lines. ,

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I In order to achieve this goal, we have developed a basic generic equipment package to be installed at each station in the operational area. This equipment package is designed to "fix" all of the hardware items that we identified during our research as being inadequate. The package is also designed to facilitate the initial notification to station personnel and to assist personnel with EBS responsibilities once activiated. This " generic" package is then  !

tailored to fit a particular station's needs and management concerns.

Procedures for station personnel are reviewed, revised or developed, and a specially developed training program is initiated. Once installed, the EBS equipment itself is also placed under a ,

preventative maintenance and surveillance program. A training review is conducted on an annual basis and training is provided for new station personnel as required.

' Collectively, these efforts combined with the willing participation of the broadcasters, state, and local authorities create a viable and responsive EBS network.

This program and hardware equipment packages have been in place and i operational in the State of New Hampshire for the Seacoast Operational Area since March of 1987 Several broadcast stations outside of New Hampshire also have installed these equipment packages. If you would like to visit one of these stations, or would prefer a demonstration of the hardware package at your location, please let me know.

Thank you again for your interest in our products and services.

Sincerely, Gary J. Catapano, President GJC/cer Attachments 1


!$3 Mersell Court, Komo, NH 03431 603/337-0009 l


The system utilizes the CPCS-1 station as a " gateway" station i allowing access and control of the operational area. The other i stations in the operational area monitor the gateway station. These stations are termed satellite stations. l 1

The equipment at the satellite stations monitors the CPCS-1 station continuously. The equipment package installed at each station '

consists of the following: the EBS Custom Control Unit, a TFT EBS Receiver. Encoder, Decoder Unit and a specially modified Nakamichi MR-2 Cassette Deck. High power strobe lights are utilized as visual and silent means of notification to personnel in the air studio (s).

When the gateway station transmits an EBS tone, the TFT Decoder i decodes the signal and activates the EBS Control Unit which causes  ;

the following ovents to occur simultaneously:

f 1. The strobe light (s) in the air studio (s) begin to flash.

2. The receiver on the TFT "unmutes" and the emergency message  :

being transmitted by the CPCS-1 becomes audible over the l speaker. A " mute" switch is provided to override this t feature if the equipment is installed in the air studio, t t

3. The cassette deck starts automatically and begins recording i

, the emergency message being broadcast. '

4. The broadcast audio from the CPCS-1 station comes up on h the console on the channel utilized for EBS and the DJ can  ;

select it on " cue" channel in order to monitor it.

The strobe light remains " flashing" until reset by a remote reset button installed on the audio console. However, the remote reset i

l L

button does not stop the tape recorder which continues to run for 10 ,

minutes or until manually reset via a switch on the EBS Control Unit.

When alerted by the flashing strobe light (s), station personnel are  !

trained to select the appropriate channel on the audio board and '

bring up the EBS audio on " cue" to determine if it is a test or an '

actual emergency EBS activiation.

l 4

-r ,--.,-.n.. - , . . - . - . . ,,n , - , . - , - - . - , - . , , - , , - - .

If it is an actual emergency, the station can rebroadcast the message recorded from the CPCS-1. ,

The encoder portion of the TFT Unit is wired to the EBS activation  ;

button installed on the audio board to allow activation from the air '

studio. Should an AM and FM station be co-located, the equipment can ,

be remoted to both air studios. Special audio bridging can be added ,

for simulcasting emergency information. Additional equipment wiring is performed at each station to allow operation of the features described above.

An' outdoor antenna is normally provided with each package. Where necessary, a notch filter or " trap" is also provided to ensure proper operation in the presence of strong R.F. fields.

When complete and installed, the system is placed under a monthly preventative maintenance and surveillance program.

In order to allow integration of the Operational Area with the state-wide EBS Network, the EBS equipment package at the CPCS-1 station is tuned to monitor the State Operational Primary Relay Station.

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SEP894479 '

EP3.0.00.15 New Hsmpshiro Yadee .

. September 29, 1989 Douglas Rove Mass. Energency Broadcast Systen P.O. Bos 566 Marlbo:o, NA 01752 Decr Mr. Rowe, 1

Pursuant to our meeting of September 20, 1989, New Nampshire  :

Yankee would like to outline its commitments with regard to l Public Notification and future Energency Planning participation  !

by the State of Nassachusetts. '

i NNY's commitment concerning Public Notification, as -

negotiated with federal officials, is to issue all residents, [

schools, businesses, public buildings, nursing homes, etc. public i information material. This material outlines the responses the ,

public should follow in the event energency sirens are sounded '

l within the six towns of the Seabrook Energency Planning Zone. In i i

addition, tone alert radios are being distributed to public &

private schools, day care facilities, nursing homes, special -

I needs facilities, hotels, notels, inns, hospitals and businesses.  !

I These radios will activate once an EBS tone is received from WLYT, and then monitor the station for emergency information.

The second issue is the future participation of Nass. in Energency Planning for Seabrook Station. Once the State begins to plan with NNY, we will re-evaluate our broadcasting .

capabilities and requirements, will formulate cost effective i alternatives and implement the selected alternative. If the '

Norrimack Valley EBS Network is utilised, due to prudency considerations, federal and State assistance must be requested, documented and denied prior to a re-evaluation by NHY.  ;

, We hope our position in this matter is clear and appreciate  :

I the support you continue to provide on our behalf. NMY wishes to ,

l continue our relationship with you and the Nass. EBS. If you l have any questions or concerns please call no at (603) 474-9521  :

l Ext. 2417. Thank you for your time and we look forward to your  :

ontinued cooperation.

l Sinc r

  1.>ely,ks R.Boydyr. ,

Performance Services Manager jjg9451 New Hampshire ':ankee Division of Public Service Company of New Hampshire P.O. B x 300

  • Seobrook, NH 03874
  • Telephone (603) 474 9521

"Grbat Radio" P.O. Sox 566 e 48 htchburg St . Madboro, Massachusetts 01752 e (508)485 1470

%* October 13, 1989  :

f b 5 8 Mr. R. Doyd, Jr.

888l Performance Servicos Manager

[ '

\  !

04 P. O. Box 300 t Seabrook, NH 03874 Daar Mr. Boyd:


'. j Your lottor of SopLombor 29 1909, fu not accurato! It '


attempts to describo a mooting hotwoon uu. If you will recall, at the end of that mooting thoro was no spirit of cooperation.

I.said to you that as Co-Chairman of the EDS Systems in Massachusetts, I was going to withdraw my letter of September .

14, 1987. In fact, a copy of the lotter I intended to sand [

you was FAX'D to you on September 20th giving you the further opportunity to review the commitmont modo by Mr. Thomas. i After telephone calls and a roguest by N.ll.Y. to dolay the ]

withdrawal, I agroed. It was understood that the reason ':

for the delay was N.H.Y. was to submd* a revised commitment.

Your plan as submittod to NRC includos t F9S System.

You now say, and I quote, "IF the Merrimac Valley E.B.S.  :

Network is utili::cd . "  !

I still remember the days of N.!!.Y. ast:ing Mr. Dassett of WCGY [

and myself to sign, " quick instant" drawn agreements with the intent of complying with FEMA requirements. My rocc11ection  !

l , was that the FEMA regulations rectuire nuclear plants to l cooperate with and be integrated with the E.B.S. System. As I l tried to tell you at our mooting, thoro was an intent to put t Massachusetts residents on ociual f ooting wi th Now llampshire  !

residents. Mr. Catapano assured mo that ho would install a  ;

l system in the Morrimac Willey containtant with the system

! described lator in the attached l o t. t. o r .

To my disappointment, the CPCS-1 station WCGY "the gateway" to L Massachucetts, has not received the committed equipment or i services, not to mention the other stations of the Merrimoc Valley. Your colection of WLYT as a source to activato spocific i

roccivers is well intentioned and commendahic, but does not activato the C.D ,S. System.

l Sennny the Affluent Suouroon t.4crket Between Boston ono Vocester 24 Hours o Dov

7 n

Your letter indicates a total lack of understanding of the R.n.S.

System. WLYT does NOT triggce a notification to the general public. It triggers only Yo, system. The many radio stations serving the scncral public would receive NO notico. Your idea that the media would decend on your media center is perhaps accurate, but FEMA and the R.B.S. System do not work by press release. FEMA regulations involve agreements with CPCS-1 stations and coordination with state emergency E.B.S. chairmen. I suggest you review the regulations.

My most disappointing thought about your letter is that you say that N.H.Y. 's commitment concerning Public Notification was negotiated. Can you please tell me when, whero and who negotiated away the rights of the iteneral pohlic ?

As you can read from the attached copy, which was previously FAX'D to you, I said that I had reviewod your plans and determined that N.H.Y. was a " recognized responsible" organization. In view of the apparent change in attitude of the operators of N.H.Y., I now formally submit withdrawal authorization, dated September 20, 1989, and I am sending a copy ot' this communication to the CPCS-1 station WCGY.

very truly yours, Q~.

Douglas J Rowe

. hw Co-Chairman Massachusetts Emergency Droadcast System ATTACHMENTSt A. Letter of withdrawal 9/20/89 B. Co-Chairmans EBS letter 9/14/87 C. WCGY letter 9/14/87

. D. All CommSystem Plan & Letter dated 11/14/88 .

E. N.H.Y. letter'9/29/89 cet WCGY l

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October 20, 1989 Mr. B. Boyd, Jr. '

Performanc.e Services Manager P.O. Box 300 i Seabrook, New' Hampshire 03874 i

Dear Mr. Boyd:

Q 3

Yankee from Douglas Rowe.I. have received a tocop; New of the letter of Octobe Hampshire ,

I am in agreement with the facts as stated by Mr. kowe, WCGY has not ceceived the promised equipment or services as outlined in the letter of agreement response between radio station WCGY and New Hampshire Yankee's o orgw.zation.

There is N0 pre-arranged authentification system, there is N0 dedicated receive equipment to the incident area. telephone line m and answer The letter of Ocptember 14, 1987  !

L equipment and services were rendared.was to become valid when signed and the L and services are not forthcoiri- Since you now say that the equipment September 14, 1987 void efft ' consider the CPCS-1/WCGY letter of intend to perpetuate an agre oday. The management of WCGY does not

. hat the public may rely on, when, in fact, to there notify is no agreement, the general public. or more importantly NO E.B.S. system in pl

,Very truly yours, John F. Bassett


WCGY-NHY/0RO Letter 9/14/87 cc: Douglas J. Rowe. Esq.

Leslie,Greer, Esq.

3 FRANKLIN STREET. LAWREtCE MA 01840 (647) 683-7471/ B WCCM & WCCY ' 'lJn/Lowterce. M:pxhusetts W1 EAT & WEAT.FM .

West Polm Beo Lorome. WycrTwy


B PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 0F NEW l Docket No.(s) 50-443/444-OL HAMPSHIRE, ET AL. 1 (Seabrook Station, Units 1 and 2) 1 I

l CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 1 hereby certify that copies of the foregoing LETTER FROM ROWE TO SMITH have been served upon the following persons by U.S. mail, first class, except as otherwise noted and in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR Sec. 2.712.

Administrative Judge Administrative Judge

6. Paul Bollwerk, !!!, Chairman Alan S. Rosenthal Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissten U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Washington, DC 20555 Administrative Judge Howard A. Wilber Administrative Law Judge Atumic Safety and Licensing Appeal Ivan W. Smith, Chairman Board Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Washington, DC 20555 Administrative Juage Administrative Judge Richard F. Cole Kenneth A. McCollom Atomic Safety anc Licensing Board Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission b.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Washington, DC 20555 Administrative Judge Robert R. Pierce, Escuire Jamt3 H. Carosater Atomic Safety and Licensing Board AlteMate Technical Member U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Washington, DC 20555 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Edntr. J. Reis, Esq. Mit: 1 A. Voung Office of the General Counski Attornev U.S. Nuclaar Regulatory Commission 044tce of the General Counsel

.\ Washington. DC 20555 U.S. Nuclear Reculatory Coretssion

[ -

Washington, DC '20555


, . . 'h i ; b / "/ P j n. '

Docket No.(sl50-443/444-OL LETTER FROM R0WE'TO SMITH ,

1 '

Diane Curran, Esq. Thomas 6. Dignan, Jr., Esq.

Harmon, Curran & Tousley Ropes & Gray ,

2001 S Street, N.W., Suite 430 One International Place '

Washinnton, DC 20009 Boston, MA 02110 Robert A. Backus, Esq. Paul McEachern Esq.

Backus, Meyer 6 Solcaen Shatnes 6 McEachern 116 Lowell Street 25 Maplewood Avenue, P.O. Box 360 ,

Manchester, NH 03106 Portsmouth, NH 03601 Bary W. Holmes Esq. Judith H. Mitner Holmes & Ells Silverglate, Gernter, Baker, Fine,

, ^7 Winnacunnet Road Good and Mitzner Hampton, NH 03842 88 Broad Street Boston, MA 02110 Barbara J. Saint Andre Esq. Jane Doherty Kopelman and Paige. P.C. Seacoast Anti-Pollution League 77 Franklin Street 5 Market Street Boston, MA 02110 Portssouth, NH 03801 George W. Watson, Esc.

Ashed N. Asirian, Esq. Federal Emergenc3 Management Agency 376 Main Street 500 C Street, S.W.

Haverhill, MA 01030 Washington, DC 20472 Edward A. Thomas Beerge D. Bisbee, Esc.

Federal Emergency Management Agency Assistant Attorney General 442 J.W. McCormack (POCH) Office of the Attorney General Boston, MA 01109 25 Capitol Street Concord, NH 03301 Suzanne Breiseth John Traficante, Esq.

Board of Selectmen Chief, Nuclear Safety Unit Town of Hampton Falls Office of the Attorney General brinkneter Roao One Ashburton Place. 19th Floor Hampton Falls, NH 03644 Boston, MA 02100

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a - __ _ _ _ _ . _


.. I Docket No.(s)S0-443/444-OL )


'I The Honorable l Peter J. Brann, Esq. Edward J. Markey, Ch61rean j Assistant Attorney General ATTN Linda Correia l Office of the Attorney General Subconsittee on Energy Conservation and State House Station, #6 Power Augusta, ME 04333 House Committee on Energy and Commerce ,

Washingtoi., DC '20515  :

Richard A. Hespe, Esq. J. P. Nadeau L Hampe 6 McNicholas Board of Selectsen 35 Pleasant Street to Central Street Concord, NH C3301 Rye, NH 03870 Allen Lampert William Armstrong Civil Defense Director Civil Defense Director Town of Brentwood Town of Exeter 20 Fra klin Street 10 Front Street Ereter, NH 03833 Exeter, NH 03833 Sandra Savutis, Chairman Calvin A. Canney Board of Belectmen City Manager RFD #1 Box 1154 City Hall ,

Kensington, NH 03027 126 Daniel Street Portsecuth, NH 03801 l

l Anne Goodman, Chairman William S. Lord '

Boaro of Selectmen Board of Selectmen 13-15 Newmarket Road Town Hall - Friend Street Durham, NH 03624 Amesbury, MA 01913 R. Scott Hil .5 -Wi. ~ t ton ,Escui re Michael Santosuosso, Chairman Lagcuits, Hill-Whilt..n & McGuire Board of Selectmen 79 State Street ,

i South Hampton, NH 03027 Newburyport., MA 01950 l

l Stanley W. Knowles, Chairman Norman C. Katner l Board of Selectmen Superintendent of Schools l P.O. Box 710 School Administrative U91t Wo. 21 North Hampton, NH 03862 Alumni Drive Hampton, NH 03642 I

l l

h "

. Docket No.(e)S0-443/444-OL i LETTER FROM R0WE TO SMITH l Sandra F. Mitchell The Honorable i Civil Defense Director lordon J. Huophrey Town of Kaneington ,

ATTN Janet Colt Box 10, RR1 United States Senate East Kingston, NH 03827 Washington, DC- 20510  :

Dated at'Rockville, Md. this '

31 day of October 1989

  • Office of the cretary of the Coemission 7

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