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Application to Amend License NPF-9 & CPPR-84,consisting of Revision 43 to FSAR & Revision 6 to Evaluation of Effects of Postulated Pipe Failures Outside Containment for McGuire Nuclear Station
Person / Time
Site: McGuire, Mcguire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/01/1982
From: Tucker H
Shared Package
ML20063N577 List:
NUDOCS 8210040273
Download: ML20063N584 (16)




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8210040273 Ee21001 PDR ADOCK 05.)OO K .



i DOCKET NOS. 50-369 and 50-370 1



In the Matter of i DUKE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION FOR LICENSES Duke Power Company (hereinaf ter sometimes referred to as " Applicant")

hereby makes application, pursuant to the provisions of the Atomic Energy

, 20 Act of 1954, as amended, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Rules and Regulations thereunder, for the necessary licenses to own, use and operate -

the utilization facilities hereinafter described as an integral part of a nuclear electric generating station to be located in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, and to be known as the " William B. McGuire Nuclear Station".

l This application has been combined for two proposed generating units pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 50.31. It consists of the following four parts: (a) the general information required by 10 CFR 50.33, which is a set out herein; (b) the technical information and safety analysis report


j required by 10 CFR 50.34, which is set out in a separate document entitled, i

" Duke Power Company, McGuire Nuclear Station, Units 1 & 2, Final Safety Analysis Report", forwarded herewith and made a part hereof; (c) selected material filed

, by Westinghouse Electric Corporation and the Applicant independent of this application but made a part hereof where specifically referenced in Applicant's Amendment 20

Final Safety Analysis Report; and (d) " Applicant's Environmental Report --

Operating License Stage" as required by 10 CFR 50, Appendix D.


a. Name of Applicant Duke Power Company
b. Address of Applicant 69 l P. O. Box 33189 Charlotte, North Carolina 28242
c. Description of Business or Occupation of Applicant Applicant is primarily engaged as a public utility in the production, transmission and sale of electric energy in the central portion of North Carolina and the western portion of South Carolina, comprising the area in both states known as the Piedmont Carolinas. Its service area covers approximately 20,000 square miles and has an estimated population of about 69 4,000,000.

Applicant serves more than a million customers and is the principal supplier of electric energy in 44 of 56 counties located in its service area.

It supplies electric service directly to retail customers in 216 cities, towns and unincorporated communities. It also sells power at wholesale to approximately 55 major wholesale customers, primarily municipal electric systems and rural electric cooperative systems.

Applicant's electric revenues for 1981 totaled $1,908,454,000 of which 26.0% was derived from residential sales, 39.0% from industrial 69 sales, 18.0% from commercial sales and 17.0% from other energy sales and other sources. In the five-year period from 1977 through 1981, Applicant experienced a growth in annual gross electric revenues of 51%. The average kwh sales per residential customer increased from 12,462 to 13,861 kwh during this period.

Amendment 69

The total installed capacity of Applicant's electric utility plant as of December 31, 'l was 13,234,000 kWe, consisting of eight conventional steam 69 electric stations with a capacity of 7,423,000 kWe, four nuclear steam electric riait, with a capacity of 3,760,000 kWe, twenty-five conventional hydroelectric plants with a capacity of 842,000 kWe, a four unit punped storage hydroelectric station with a capacity of 610,000 kWe, and twenty-eight independent combustion turbine and diesel generator peaking units with a capacity

! 69 of 599,000 kWe. Of the total generating capacity, approximately 80% of the steam electric capacity, 60% of the hydroelectric capacity and 100% of the

, independent combustion turbine and diesel generator peaking units have been installed within the past twenty years. The maximum integrated net demand on Applicant's system to date was 11,145,000 kWe on January 11, 1982.

j As of December 31, 1981 Applicant's net electric plant totaled i


$5,998,307,000. For the five-year period preceding 1982, gross property additions totaled $4,000,000,000 and property retirements totaled $800,000,000.


Applicant presently has three nuclear units under construction and four i nuclear units operating. This includes the McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 69 which was placed in commercial operation in 1981. Applicant has received an

extension of the construction permit for McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 2, from the NRC with June 30, 1983 as the latest completion date. McGuire Nuclear i

4 Station's two units will each have a capability of 1,180,000 kWe. Applicant also has received construction permits for the Catawba Nuclear Station from the NRC. The Catawba Nuclear Station is designed for two units of 1,153,000 kWe capability each, with Unit 1 scheduled for operation in 1984 and Unit 2 in 1985. Completion of Applicant's Cherokee Nuclear Station has been deferred indefinitely. All required state and federal permits and licenses have bean i obtained for the construction of Bad Creek Hydroelectric Station, a 4-unit, 4

Amendment 69

1,000,000 kWe pumped storage facility in Oconee County, South Carolina. Site preparation work began in July 1981.

69 Projected construction and nuclear fuel costs for the period 1982 through 1984 are $2.02 billion and $514 million, respectively.

Applicant's transmission lines consist of approximately 10,600 circuit miles of various voltages and types of structures, of which approximately 7,500 miles are lines carrying 100,000 volts or more. Distribution lines consist of approximately 45.100 miles of wood pole lines and 1,000 miles of underground lines.

The Company's transmission system is part of the interconnected grid extending over a large part of the central and eastern portion of the nation.

In 1970, Applicant, Virginia Electric and Power Company, Carolina Power and Light Company and South Carolina Electric and Gas Company formed the Virginia-Carolinas Reliability Group (VACAR), one of several groups within the South-eastern Electric Reliability Council which provides for coordinated planning for reliability among bulk power supply systems in the Southeast. In 1971, VACAR was expanded to include Southeastern Power Administration, South Carolina Public Service Authority and Yadkin, Inc., all of which have generating facilities in the VACAR service area.

d. Organization and Management of Applicant Applicant is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina, and its principal office is located in Charlotte, i North Carolina at the address stated above. It is domesticated and authorized
to transact business as a public utility in the State of South Caroli
n All of Applicant's principal officers and its directors are citizens of l the United States. Their names and addresses are as follow:

1 l

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Amendment 69

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l' DIRECTORS Name Address Naomi G. Albanese Greensboro, North Carolina Douglas W. Booth Charlotte, North Carolina Winston-Salem, North Carolina 69 l Thomas H. Davis Robert C. Edwards Clemson, South Carolina John L. Fraley Cherryville, North Carolina 69 Alester G. Furman III Greenville, South Carolina William H. Grigg Charlotte, North Carolina Paul H. Henson Kansas City, Missouri 69 George H. Herbert Durham, North Carolina John D. Hicks Charlotte, North Carolina William S. Lee Charlotte, North Carolina Buck Mickel Greenville, South Carolina Reece A. Overcash, Jr. Dallas, Texas 69 Warren H. Owen Charlotte, North Carolina Marceo A. Sloan Durham, North Carolina Austin C. Thies Charlotte, North Carolina 33 William L. Watkins Anderson, South Carolina PRINCIPAL OFFICERS W. S. Lee, Chairman of the Board Charlotte, North Carolina and Chief Executive Officer D. W. Booth, President and Chief Operating Charlotte, North Carolina Officer 69 W. H. Grigg, Executive Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina Finance Administration A. C. Thies, Executive Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina Power Operations W. H. Owen, Executive Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina Engineering and Construction Amendment 69

1 John D. Hicks, Senior Vice President, Charlotte,' North Carolina Public Affairs l

Frank A. Jenkins, Senior.Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina Transmission and' Distribution i Steve C. Griffith, Jr., Senior Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina

. General Counsel i

69 Donald H. Denton, Jr. , Senior Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina Marketing and Rates

, Henry L. Cranford, Senior Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina l Division Operations j

John F..Lomax, Vice President, Hickory, North Carolina 4

Western Division 1

Thomas C. Berry, Vice President, Greenville, South Carolina

} Southern Division I

l L. C. Dail, Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina Design Engineering I

t Robert L. Dick, Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina j

Construction i

George W. Ferguson, Jr., Vice President Charlotte, North Carolina and Deputy General Counsel,

Government ' Affairs i

M. Thomas Hatley, Jr., Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina


Rates 69 E. N. Hedgepeth, Jr., Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina i Distribution Samuel T. Lattimore. Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina Finance Administration R. W. Bostian, Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina .

i Production Support H. B. Tucker, Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina Nuclear Production 3

Joe S. Major, Jr. , Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina i Personnel Joseph G. Mann, Vice President, Winston-Salem, North Carolina Northern Division i

i i

Amendment 69

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Paul H. Mann, Jr., Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina Operation Dwight B. Moore, Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina Central Division William O. Parker, Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina Fossil Production Paul G. Martin, Jr. , Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina Eastern Division J. Kenneth Clark, Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina Corporate Communications 69 E. Bruce Shuler, Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina Transmission George E. Stubbins, Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina Information Systems Fred E. West, Jr . , Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina Charlotte Division William R. Stimart, Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina Regulatory Affairs James U. White, Vice President, Charlotte, North Carolina ,

General Services Lewis F. Camp, Jr., Secretary and Charlotte, North Carolina Associate General Counsel Richard J. Osborne, Treasurer Charlotte, North Carolins Amendment 69

i Applicant is not owned, controlled or dominated by any alien, and foreign corporation, or any foreign government. It is making this application in its own behalf and not as agent or representative of any other person.

c. Class and Period of License Applied for and Use to Which Facilities Will Be Put The license hereby applied for is a Class 103 operating license as defined by 10 CFR 50.22. It is requested for a period of forty (40) years. Applicant further requests such additional source, special nuclear, and by-product material licenses as may be necessary or appropriate to the acquisition, con-struction, possession, and operation of the licensed facilities.

The facilities will be used as a part of Applicant's electric utility plant for the generation of electric energy. They will include two pressurized water reactors to be known as " William B. McGuire Nuclear Station Units 1 and 2".

It is expected that each unit will be capable of an output of 3425 mwt (including 14 mwt contribution from reactor coolant pumps) corresponding to a net electrical capability of about 1180 mwe. All physics and core thermal hydraulics informa-tion in the attached Final Safety Analysis Report is based upon the reference core design of 3411 }BTT. Site parameters, Containment, Engineered Safety Features, and the hypothetical accidents are evaluated for a core output of 3579 MWT. The Westinghouse Electric Corporation will supply the design and fabrication for the first core for each of the two nuclear generating units.  ;

f. Financial Qualifications of Applicant The financial qualifications of Applicant to engage in the proposed activities are evidenced by the financial statements, attached hereto as Exhibit I, 69 and as updated by the financial data contained in its annual report to shareholders for the year 1981, copies of which were transmitted to the NRC pursuant to 10 CFR 50.71 by a letter from Mr. Hal B. Tucker dated August 31, 1982.

Consistent with Applicant's prior practice with all types of generating stations, the William B. McGuire Nuclear Station will be designed and constructed by Applicant's personnel in its established engineering and construction departments. The Nuclear Steam Supply System (including reactor, primary loops and steam generators, miscellaneous systems, instrumentation and controls, .

technical assistance in erection of the Nuclear Steam Supply System, and sup-porting technical services) for each unit, as well as initial fuel requirements, will be supplied by the Westinghouse Electric Corporation.

. 69 Amendment 69

B Construction of the William B. McGuire Nuclear Station will be financed as an integral part of Applicant's total construction program. It is estimated 69 that approximately 30% of the funds required for the construction program will be obtained from retained earnings, provisions for depreciation, 69 and other internal sources, and approximately 70% through short-term borrowings and the issuance and sale cf securities.

The types of securities which may be issued in the future cannot now be determined. It is anticipated, however, that both debt and equity securities will be issued periodically in such proportions as indicated by securities market conditions at the times of sales and consistent with the maintenance of desirable capitalization ratios. Applicant's most recent bond issues have been 33 rated A. Through an arrangement with over eighty banks in its service area, Applicant is able to borrow on a short-term basis at the prime commercial interest rate. Applicant also sells commercial paper to obtain funds on a short-term basis.

The estimated annual costs for the first five full years of operation for McGuire Nuclear Station are as follow:

$ 324,192,000 Fixed Charges 31,224,000 Operation and Maintenance 69 86,830,000 Fuel Costs 2,360,000 Insurance The estimated cost of shutting down the station, if and when it may become necessary, is $12,000,000. The estimated annual cost to maintain the facility 69 in a safe shutdown condition is $200,000. This estimate is based on the reactor (with fuel removed) and its associated nuclear service systems remaining essentially in place and being isolated by fencing which would be monitored periodically by guards. The secondary side of the station would be salvaged.

The funds necessary to operate and shut down the facility will be derived from the electrical operating revenues derived from system-wide operation.

Amendment 69

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l Applicant will obtain all required and appropriate property and liability 1

insurance for the William B. McGuire Nuclear Station and its fuel and will j i

advise the Commission accordingly.

g. Deleted
h. Site Location and Completion Dates The William B. McGuire Nuclear Station site is located on the shore of Lake Norman which is impounded by Applicant's Cowan Ford Dam completed in 1963.

The dam, lake, and hydroelectric station are covered by Federal Power Commission license #2232 granted to the Applicant in 1958 for the Catawba-Wateree Project.

That license specifically covers the cooling water intake facility built in '

1961 in anticipation of the future development of the McGuire site for a thermal station, and also covers the use of Lake Norman waters for this cooling purpose.

In addition, three other thermal station sites are provided for around Lake Norman, including the 2,025,000 kW Marshall Steam Station completed in 1970 plus two future sites.

McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 was placed in commercial operation in December of 1981. Construction permit for McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 2, 69 CPPR-84, has recently had the latest completion date for Unit 2 extended from December 31, 1980 to June 30, 1983.

i. Regulatory Agencies and Area Newspapers The applicant is located in the Piedmont section of North and South Carolina. The following regulatory agencies have jurisdiction over the rates and services that would be incident to the McGuire Nuclear Station:

The Public Service Commission of South Carolina Owen Building 1321 Lady Street P. O. Drawer 11649 Columbia, South Carolina 29211 Amendment 69

9 North Carolina Utilities Commission P.O. Box 991 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 69 l Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20426 The following are the news publications which circulate in the area of McGuire Nuclear Station and will be sufficient to give reasonable notice of this application to any municipalities, private utilities, public bodies, and cooperatives which might have a potential interest in the station-MOORESVILLE TRIBUNE P. O. Box 300 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 (Iredell County)

MECKLENBURG GAZETTE P. O. Box 548 Davidson, North Carolina 28036 (Mecklenburg County)


Concord, North Carolina 28205 (Cabarras County)

KANNAPOLIS DAILY INDEPENDENT P. O. Box 147 Kannapolis, North carolina 28081 (Cabarras County)

CHARLOTTE NEWS Knight Publishing Company 69 600 South Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28201 (Mecklenburg County)

CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Knight Publishing Company 69 600 South Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28201 (Mecklenburg County)

CHARLOTTE EAST 1401 East 7th Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28204 (Mecklenburg County)

Amendment 69

CHARLOTTE WEEKLY 1420 East 7th Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28204 (Mecklenburg County)

LINCOLN TIMES-NEWS P. O. Box 40 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28092 (Lincoln County) 1 l

J. Restricted Data '

An agreement limiting access to restricted data as required by 10 CFR 50.37 is attached hereto as Exhibit IV. This application in the form submitted does not contain restricted data or other defense information.

It is requested that all COMMUNICATIONS pertaining to this application be sent t.o :

Mr. Hal B. Tucker, Vice President 69 Nuclear Production Department Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28242 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Duke Power Company has caused its name to be hereunto 69 signed by Hal B. Tucker, its Vice President, this 1st day of October , 1982.


/ BY Notary Public Hal B. Tucker, Vice President My Commission Expires:

69 lbO.l?u.


-c. Je

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Amendment 69


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