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FOIA Request for Documents Re Plant,Including Records That Contain Discussion of Items Listed
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/07/1989
From: Curran D
To: Grimsley D
FOIA-89-525 NUDOCS 9001250055
Download: ML20006A007 (5)


{{#Wiki_filter:' llARMON, CURRAN & TOUSLEY [ , 2001 S STREET, N W. SUITE 430 WASillNGTON, D.C. 20009 1125 g Gall McGILLEW HALMoN TELEPHONE t ! DLANE CURilAN (202) 328-3500 - DLAN IL TOU51W (AX ANNE SPl!LBtRG (202) 328 6918 MNDRA K PTAU' December 7, 1989 JANNE G GALLAGHER, of counsel

       *No* Admitted in D C.

BY HAND i Donnie H. Grimsley, Director FREED 0t10FlHF02.MiiON Division of Freedom of Information Act ACT E!Q and Publication Services U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission pg 'JESTppg - 7920 Norfolk Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20814 hA h /J.g-pf

  • SUIM ECT: Freedom of Inform'ation Act Req 111gt on behalf of the New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution

("NECNP"), I hereby request make available for inspec- + tion and copying any and all records, including but not limited to letters, reports, notes, telephone logs, and memoranda, that contain any discussion of the following:

1) The application by Public Service Company of New Hamp- ,

shire, et al., for an amendment to the operating license for Seabrook Station which would allow PSNH to cross-connect the plant's Instrument Air System to the Containment Building Com-pressed Air System;

2) The withdrawal of the above-referenced application;
3) Whether and to what extent Seabrook's containment Build-ing Compressed Air System meets NRC regulations and/or regulatory guidance and/or NRC Staff specifications;
4) Whether and to what extent Seabrook's Instrument Air System meets NRC regulations and/or regulatory guidance and/or NRC Staff specifications;
5) Any changes to Seabrook's Containment Building Com-pressed Air System or Instrument Air System which have been under consideration during the last five years or are now under consid-eration, whether or not they are characterized as license amend-monts.

1 The application was noticed in the Federal Register on October 26, 1989. A copy of the notice is attached. 9001250055 891207 PDR FOIA CURRANB9-525 PDR

L llARMON, CURRAN & TOUSLEY Donnie H, Grinsley f page 2 December 7, 1989 [? I In addition, please provide copies of any Staff reviews or evaluations of the above-referenced application or of proposed changes to the above-referenced air systems, including the names and titles of reviewers, dates of reviews, criteria used in the reviews, and the results of the reviews. NECNP is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to providing public education about nuclear energy and safe energy alternatives. NECNP has been an intervenor in the Seabrook nuclear power plant licensing case for over fifteen years. The information sought will be used by NECNP for public education purposes, and to pursue the interest of its members and the gen-eral public in the safe operation of the Seabrook nuclear power plant. Therefore, we request that you waive any searching and/or copying fees that may be assessed. In any event, please inform undersigned counsel of any fees that NRC proposes to assess against NECNP in fulfilling this request. I look forward to receiving your response within ten working days, as provided for by the Freedom of Information Act. Sincerely, f D ane Curran l l i l l-l

          *                                                                 ,                                                                                                                      il                    r
                                                                                                                                                                                  ,                     i                    ,

p i!

       ,43634                        rederal Register / Vcl. S4, N:, 206 / Thursday. Oct: Int 26, 1989 / Notices                                                                                     J                      l e 7                                                                                                                                                                                               J Includin echnicalleformatlon:                           between the Plant Instrument Air                                      Containment P illding Compressed Air                                                l financia ata. such as salaries, and                     System and the Cantainment Ale                                        System is non nfety related and is not relied                                    t personal fonnation concerning                           System.The cross connect would enter                                  WPon for safe shutdown. ne new penetration Individual- associated with the                         the containment building thru an
  • PI ID8 P is dealsned to Quality Croup 3 ,i standards and le subject to testing per 10 CPR proposals. Phese matters are withln existirig contalnment penttration, X-68, pan 60 Appendla J.%e acdvadon of als exemptioni (4) and (6) of $ U.S C. The penettallon will be added to ' ' '"
         $52b(c), Ce , ernment in the Sunshine                   Technical Specification Table 3.0-1                                  I                                                     '

d not o l ss Act. " Secondary Containment Dypass usumes the me Almum possible typue 4 M. Rebecu 1 'inkler, Leakage Paths". Italage. no total contatament Integrated ~ Committee N wogement Oficer. The proposed change would be lealsge as weU u locallealage r,tes, will trnplemet ted in two phases. The first remain within to CrR part 50. Appendia 1. '  ; [FR Doc eNV8 Filed 10469. 6 45 ami limits. nis cros s connect wiu not be used I s w ocootr phase is schedded for completion prior  ; to comroercial operation and would during Modes 1-4. therefore, incomtra , Instrument att wiu not affect containment *

                                                                                                                                                                                                     )t j

_ _ . ~ ~ include the installation of the cross-NUCLEAR r EGULATORY connect piping from the Plant Instrument I"Q'*" ' COM!alSSIO q Air System to the Containment, , ddferent d'd 'c'c nI *n n' I-(Docket No. Ob18656-EA, ASLBP No. 86

                                                                            "                                      "E                previously evaluated. De additional Type Isolation design will mee"t 10 CFR part                              *C" penetrations maximum leshge in                                             3 697-01-E A; (B (product Matettal Ucense
50. Appendix A. General Design Criteria conjunction with the combined le Lage of the l No. 2124472 u 1)) So, Primary Containment Isola tion" by editing Type D" and "C" penetrations wiu 4 and Ucensing Board; utilizing a fail closed air operated valve not exceed the totallenlage allowed by to Atomic Safeti CPR part 60 Appendix ) for bounding
  • a Prehearing C4 nf erence on Nuclear and outside Containment and a check valve radiation doses to within the dose guidetines RadiologicalI naging Physic!ans inside Containment. The att operated valve's automatle open/close function of to CD part 1m during accident condiuona.

Before Admir trative Judges: D. Paul 3.! mire a significant reduction in a 3 will be disarmed and the valve will be snavn of safety no basu for the Technical Cotter. lt.. Cha h van; Dr. llarry Forernan,  : j Member: r R. Kline. administrative!Y controlled in the locked S > cl sed p sition for Modes 1-4. The 1,pecifications indicate that allowable

                                                                                                                                         ,t,,,, will be consister.: with usuniptions 4

O m k r n 1989' second phate of this change will provide made in the offsite dc,se analyses. 1 P! case take r itice that a prehearing the instrumentation arid electrical conference will be held on Tuesday, changes required to make the cross. Therefore, based on the above facts, November 7, at he 52nd District Court, connect operate automatically with the Commission has made a proposed  ! 4 th Division. Ce mcil of Chambers. 500 Containment Air System low pressure determination that the Amendment l l West Big Beave . Troy, Michlgan 48084 and assure post. accident isolation. This request involves no significant hazards c from 11:00 a.m. 13 4.00 p.m. phase is scheduled to be trnplemented consideration. < October 9,1989 Bethesda, Maryland. prior to completJon of the first refueling De Commission la seeking public comments on this proposed, [ I For the Atomic ! afety and !Jtensing Doord, outage. 9 Before issuance of the proposed determination. Any comments recched . B. Paul Cotter. lt. , Chairman. 4dmir drotire/udye. license amendment, the Commission within 30 days after the date of . I ;. will hase made findings required by the publication of this notice will be' , , [G Doc. BM514 Filed to-2S 83; 8 45 am) I awieo coot tsso-Atomic F.rwryy Act of 1954, as amended - considered in rnaking any final, ' .. 4 was (the Act) and the Commission's determ! nation. The Comm!nion will not i ' regulations. +4 . normally rnake a final determination .' ] . [ Docket No. 50-4431 The Commission has (Dade a proposed unless il receives a request for a N ' J J Public Service Company of New

                                                                              * " *              "9"#

amendment involves no r.ignificant * :,' tWritten comments may be sub'mitted NN Hampshite, Seabtock Station; hazards cont!deration. Under the ', by mail to the Regulatory Publications C Consideration of Issuance of Commisalon's regulations in to CFR ' Branch lDivistpn'of Treedom'of '* f Amendment to Facility Operating 50.92, this sceans that operation of the t'..!nformation and Pub!! cations Schices,#. " License and Proposed No Significant i Hararda Consideration Determination facility in accordance with the proposed Office of Adm amendment would not (1) Involve a , Regulatory' Commission, Washington. l 1t j and Opportunity for Hearing .

                                                        ..      significant increase in the probability or                           DC    20555.      6 rid'should    cite theT'   T i"-

The U.S.Nuc'le'ar Regulatory - . censequences of an accident previously$ publicationdate~and'page nurnbIr,.of".9"" I evaluated; or (2) create the possibility of ,, this Tederal Registair'nctice. Written ,7. il-Commission (the Commission)is . considering issuance of an amendment a new or different kind of accident from M1 .a$ u l to Facility Operating Ucense No.NPF TRoom 67 issued to New liampshire Yankee Involve P-223*fhillipsa significant Dull ing. 7,920NI .red  ; I (the licensee) for operation of Scabrook margi,n of safety, 4,,,,g.g.4;,,,, , ,,fromyo,s.pito pts p?m.toples of 4 .Q.yi 4. l Station located in Seabrook. ,. 4 ,< ;,.., New llampshire Yankee has revlewed the Rockingham County, New 1Iainpshire. .' f. proposed change utilisina the criteria ? ,Q .)yritten comrnents

                                                                                                                            ,                                                                           / re The proposed amendment would .lg. . - ' specified in to CR 50.02 and has determined k Room.,the Celm,an Building,'2120 L '6,t.Y'. .
                                                                                                                               '1                          ashington, filing T* .


   ' preclude         the potential of a forced shutdown as a result ofloss of the lant   4 1..1, p! f.-    that
                                                                        . ' t the Involve            proposed a significant  t                     change          of requestswould'not for                f.sg3 *Stre'et.N          F L

Comprsssed AlrO probability of consequenc.ncrease in thees of 7 any acefdent - leav'e7to'In l " ~ l Contalnment Syatem. New If ampsBuildinkirejankee (NifY) proposes'that a back up alt . ,supply j,, .pi%",'h be n,'$3 A",",I"*'i nt e

                                                                                                         -Containment pipy will aflowtheutiltrauon mM27,'i689,            }!k'nYe'e h,of the            '

l plant Instrument Air System to backup the M,. respect'amendmept to"? J". -'


connected to the Containment Building .

      -Compiesied Air System.The back.up .'-Q containment Building Compressed Air n$ t the subje,ct facility operating Ilcense                                                                                     I r
    - alt, supply,would

be a crossyonnectior) :.q[

                                      ~ . , 1: , , ,, J                                          . , .System durtrg
                                                                                                                         ..S'.       N.sModes    d Q.h5M'.       and 6:The M%Q any                               ,
5. N S. % -6..


                                                                                                      ).-                                                      fQ9[     .x, Apt.,%

s  ?- y

            .: y , g.
g. .g.g
                                                                    ; Q &y.,. m g.&;.                                              
                                                                                                                                             .g h ..( ; f !!) t } } .. Q                                                                                                       f.p w.                 %y . ; g .pfb}pQ                 R.4}g l                ,                                                                             .
                                           .                                                                                                       g_

l l


__.__ ~ ~ - - - - - . _ ,_ __

           *v      .                                                                                                                                                                   26, 1989 / Notices                            4p '
                                                                                     ' hd:ral R: gist:r / Vol. 54, No. 200 / hrsday, Octob:r final determinadon will consider all the issus oflaw or fact to be raised or public and State comments received, affected by this proceeding and who                               controverted. in addition, the petitioner fireted                                        wishes to participate as a party in the                                                                                             Should the Commlulon taki this actior
     .euston                                                                                                           shall provide a brief explanation of the                         it will publish a notice of 1:suance and proceeding must file a written peution                            bases of the contention and a concise for leave to inten ene. Request for a                             statement of the atteged facts or expert                         provide for opportunity for a hearing rtoc m                          ~                                                                                                                                                  after issuance. ne Commission expect o4                                              hearing and petitions forleave to                                 oplidon which support the contention                                                                                  i s o sia                                        intervene shall be filed in accordance and on whlch the petitioner latends to                                                      that the need to take' -'"              th!s ac occur very infrequently.

dayF with the Comm!ssion's " Rules of Practice for Dornestic UcensIng ,

                                                                                                                     . rely in proving the contention at the hearing. ne petitioner must also                                     A request for a headng or a petition
     .aied                                            Proceedings"in 10 CFR part 2.                                                                                                      for leave to Intervene must be fi provide referenets to those specific
s. wdl Intertsted persons should consult a the Secretary of the Comtnissfon U.S' i
     .dts J.                                                                                                             sources and documents of which the current copy of to CFR 2.714 which is                              peutioner is to establish those facts or                        Nu. clear Regulatory Commlesio uwd                                                                                                                                                                              Nihington, D C 20555. Attenttoa:,

4 available at the Comminion's PubDe aware and on which the petitioner Document Room, the Celman Dunding. Intends to rely expert opinion. petitioner Docketing and Service, or ma)

     . melt
                                          -            2120 L Street. NW., Washington, DC                                must provide sufDcient information to                           be delivered to the Commission a Pub,. '
     #                                                 20555 and at the Local public Document                            show that a genuine dispute exists with                         Document Roora, the Celman Build ng I Room located at the Exeter Pub!Ic                                 the applicant on a materia!!ssue oflaw                           21201, Street, N W. Washington, D C, I j
      @ P'                                             Ubrary, Founders Park, Exeter, New                                or f act. Contentions shall be limited to the above date. Where peutions are
      '"                                               Hampshire 03833. If a request for a                               matters within the scope of the                                  filed during the last ten (10) days of d l
     *$y$o  f[tl                                       hearing or petition for leave to lntervene amendments under consideration, n~e is filed by the abos e date, the notice period. It is requested thu the contention must be one which,if proven, petitioner promptly so inform the I

Commission or an Atomic Safety and would entide the petitioner to relief. A Commission by a toll. free telephone < , g Ucensing Board, designated by the mdehnes petitioner who fails to file such a . to Western Union at 1-{000) 32Hoo i/ Commission or by the Chairman of the supplement which satisfies these on6uons. in a Atomic Safet and Ucensing Board panel, wiU e ori the request and/or requirements with respect to at least one Mincuri Urdon operator 1-(S00) should340-6700 be given Technical , contention wiU not be permitted to Datagram Identificadon Number 3737 l N' petition and the Secretary or the ' participate as a party. and the following menage addresv d i

      ""E       "'                                       designated Atomic Safety and UcenOng                                   nose permitted to intervene become Doard willissue a not ce of hearing or                                                                                            Richard 11. Wessman, Project Directo parties to the proceeding. subject to any e facts,                                          an appropriate order.                                             L'mitations in the order granting leave to (petitioner's name and telephone As required by 10 CFR 2.M4, a                                                                                              number), date petition was mailed),


                                          -                                                                                 intervene, and have the opportunity to peution for ! cave to Intervene shall set participate fully in the conduct of the .                                               (plant name, and (publication date a nent                                                                                                                                                                                   page number of this Federal Regis forth with particularity the interest of                          bearing, including the opportunity to hazards                                                                                                                                                                              notice). A cery of the petition shoulo the petitioner in the proceeding, and                             present evidence and cross esamine
                                          -               how that interest may be affected by the                           witnesses. . .e                  en-         .

also be sent to the OfDee of the Cern wblic . a." results of the proceedirig. The petition

                                                                                                                                                                              '.;           Counsel, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
                       ..                    .                                                                                     if a hearing is requested, the m should specifically esplain the reasons                                                                         ".1             Comminion, Washington, D C 20555 I

received a Commission will make a final and to nomas Dignan, Esq., Ropes 1 why intervention should be permitted - determination on the issue of no <

  • c f . J ,' ' with particular reference to the signiteant bazards considerations. ne Gray 205 Franklin Street, Boston, +c l se y. ,

I . following' factors: 0)The nature of the final determination will serve to decide Man'achunus 02110,,,'anomy for th ,

      .n will not                            i              petitioner s right under the Act to be .                         when the hearing te held. m t w.u..n IIC'"*  , ' " ' ' # ? ' W -

l to the proceeding:(2) the naUon . " - , If the final determination is that c,. the i. . Nontimely filings of petitions for [ , a 4$

                                             <               made nature anpart[ extent of the petiuoner's ..'. ' request for amendment                                                                      involves
                                                                                                                                                                                            .t6* intervene,            no petitfons, .


              .i 4 *                         /               property, financial, or other interest in' . s!gnificant hazards consideretion,                                                        the N petitions and/or requ supplements!

iubmitted the proceeding; and (3) the ponible e CommInlon'ms'y'inse the' amendment - for bearing will not be ente ( effect of any order which may be@J ', c lications "? entered in the proceeding on the .'i and makq lt effective,*iot~ .withstanding ithe reque ! 3r .. Comm iss o , / Services,t. ,. 6 petitioner's interest. The petition shouldalso identify.the N3% . Atomic specifliSafety"and aspect (s) ofBo ucensing th s M the pitition and/orJ Nucle r - l I hington, N , subject which pctitJhdes in'atter 6f the proceeding kishes to intervene.TW/If as toL,3.J.the Ifo'nls unindment.N3E?'t!2t th'W s'fidaldelsr$InarniEdheniin7olve'sys!

             - "&                         . -                                                                                                                                                              1peciDed in iO CFR 2.f14(a)(
     .nber of 7' s                        $' Any persbiNhiha's filed a petition flklesve to Inteiv'ede or who has be 5,'                                                                             .

Written ',4i "lyj W admittid asTp'artyinay am'end the i:rw.would take'p, Mylace befoieT*FEction,'t the ssuance o N @FcEfurther 11 det9 id t!ie op s with lication for,$hres


red 13,\h. ,

                                                   ? . / prtillofMthout                     uesting lesie 6! the Y 'any                                   'aih'endgent:5),                      day,iprfoito                theMN       ^~

C Boaid up) ' fifteen, NAMeiidmeh.idate September 21,.19 tsryland. Q, crencejchjduled,ta. Issu (he,ap'f e "' ' t 'un 't!J %hichIsLatallable for public Inspec plis ef j fin,t'p'ri,be co si j,t,@n] f heeje ..

                                           !                                           .biit 64ap, amend                                                             antesphang               at the'C6mmlulon's Pub!!c Docum say be .bg -                                       v the proce_                             e specifidit lon,mus _t,
                      .,                  y                                                                                     11 l

thf t ' Roord, the'Oelmatn Buildino,2120 L Document ,%g . e bove; d , , , , , ,

                                                                                                                                                                                             ? Street, N WiWiihingtoh.D.C. 205'

(,,rgqu pep!,remen d@iny,Q,'ub,Wat g w uld re,sp 2120 L .. t f,e,e,,giWday t,d ,

     ' The fil                               j                                                                                     examp                      o      u}d wn of the,gand at the' Local Public Dociini
                                                        .y the,fint
r. Not.prp lwr, hearing to, .
                                                                                                     . cgc                                                    Ion           u e th o~      . located at the Fieter* Public Ub
     ,etitions for g facility schedulpi,lgthe'pgcceding..ypet _qner                                cense m         ,,en
                                                                                                                                                        ,t be                                 Fohndels' Park %eterl NeJHamps sh'all file,a supplement to the petition t,                                                                                                                        - '3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      .;Q ed bilg              g;                                                                                                       expirstfon,3n o the                                                     3

, . license interv,enephichpuit idcIDde a If, f u ! ing with .- thi iontentions ,whic!Pa'fe"ioVshQ "ptdd6dih a no/jfo'n't{*[da.t I oendruent to ' that the, amen en 8

                                                         # litigated In'the niaher. Fach~pontention,                                           "

g license and

     ""I        (         k                                        N                  h"               ,

I O gy

                      .*e h

Osse Federal Regialer / V:1. 54, N:. 206 / nursday. 'Oct:ber 26, 1980 / N:tices E

  • e
                                     'For thehudent Regu! story Commissloa             Uc:nsing Bo:rd. designated by the                                     supplem:nl which satisft:s thena ytetor Neresa, .                                    Commission or by the Chairman of the                                 regulrements with respect to at least one hoject Ma.wpr. hoject Dhwesamte I ,1,               Atomic Safety and Ucensing Board                                     contention wiu not be permhted to                                  6 Dhis/on of Asoctor he/cces 1/l4 oyce of             panel, will rule on the requnt and/or                                participate as a party,
   ;f                             NuclearAeoctorRegulation                             petition: and the Secretary or the                                      nose permitted to Intervene bEcome                            '

(nt Doc. 8845220 Fued 10-:He. 8 48 am) designated Atomic Safety and Ucensing parties to the proceeding, subject to any m me coas ree m .a J1oard willissue a notice of hearing or . imitations In the order granting leave to an appropriate order. , intervene, and have the opportunity to As required by to CFR 2.714, a i f Docket No. 80-3441 petition for leave to intervene shall set participate fullyin the conduct of the " bearing. Including the opportunity to e , forth with parucularity the interest of present evidence and cross examine~T Toledo Ed aon Co, et el4 l

    ,                             Conalderation oflasuance of the petiUoner to the proceeding. and how that Interest may be affected by the witnesses.               #1 M ^ T#

A request for a bearing o'r ipetitidn'

    ;                             Amendment to FacH!ty Operatin9                      results of the proceeding.%e petiUon Uconte and Opportunity for Hearin9                                                                                       for leave to intervene tnust be fued with should specificaHy explain the trasons                               the Secretary of the Commluton, U.S.
                                      %e U.S. Nuclear Regulatory                      wh intervention should be permitted                                  Nuclear Regulatory Commlaston, wit particular reference to the                                      Washington, DC 20555, Commission (the Commission)is                                                                                                                                   ,

considering luvance of so amendment I U *i"8 petiti ner, factunder m 0)The Attention: Docketing and Se'vice r tiranch, -

   .                              to Facility 0 erating Ucense No. NPF-3,                            o right                 the Actnatum to be of the          or may be delivered to the Comm! sfon's issued to Toledo Edison Company and                 made a party to the proceeding: (2) the                              Public Document koom. 2120 L Street, The Cleveland Electric illuminating                 nature and extent of the petitioner's                                NW , Washington. DC , by the abos e ., '

Company (the licensee), for operaUon of pr puty, nnancial w ther interest in date. Where peutions are filed during *, the Davis Besse Nuclear Power Stauon, the

                                                                                      & proceeding:                    and (3lch may bethe                 the possible last ten (10) days of the notice _ ,

Unit 11ocated in Ottawa County, Ohio. ct d an order wh . pulod,it is te uested that the peutloner e proceeding on the promptly so in orm the Commission by a

                                      %e amendment would increase the                 entered         in,e intnut. %e peUUon should response time requirement for the Illgh             pedUonn                                                             ton. free telephone caH to Western                -

Flux / Number of Reactor Coolant Pumps also identify the specific aspect (s) of the Union at 1-800-325-0000 (ir Missouri t-- On (power / pumps) trip function of the Cl 5 "" ' P'0C"d 88' 0 which peu"tioner wishes to intervene. 800-342-6700). The Western Union Reactor Protection System o crator should be given Datagram ' Any person who has filed a petidon for Table 3.3.2 of the Technica[rovided in 1,; ave to intervene or who has been 1[entification Numbe 3737 and the " Specifications from 451 milliseconds to foHowing message addressed to John N. admiued as a party may amend the 031 milliseconds. This amendment llannon: petitioner's name and - - applicadon was dated February 21,1989 U" 9"" th' tele hone number, date petition was ^ and was supplemented byletters dated g;k*t hpref ear ['"co fer ed h nee sche 8.' '[' mal " july 19,1989 and September 1,1989. In the proceedi g. but such an arnended 8',e an[lant name and pMcado Prior to issuance of the proposed Icution must causf the specificity " " " A

  • IF ' E "*

a license amendmen'. the Commission , should also be 'sent to the Office of the . willhave made finewss required by the Tofg* tenda en 1 h I'o Ceneral Counsel, U.S. Nuclear W. M i i Atomic Energy Act of1954, as amended the f rat prehearing conference e " "'##I **'"'#" "" I (the Act) and the Commission's DC 20555, and to Cerald'Chamoff, Esq., .,; w ia acheduled in the Proceedi 8' a P*titioner Shaw, Pittman. Potts & Trowbridge,2300 v -

                                                                                     ' ygg                                                   '

regulations' By Novern ber 27,1989, the licensee lntervene P j e P d N Street, NW. Washington. D 37. EX l

                                .may file a request for a hearing with               the contentions that are sought to be                               ; anomy               f r th,e hunm.%gM Nontimely filings of peuttons Idrlea respect to issuance of the amendmeet to litigated in the teatter. Each contention the subject facility operating license and must consist of a specific statement of-l to Intervene, amended peutions,Mj                                                           . ;o    .  -

any peraon whose interest may be - . . . petitions and/or reques 3 the fasue oflaw or fact to be raisedfor orhearir 3 . supplemndal,D not be entertilhe g,

        !,                       affected by this proceeding and who ,',I            controverted.In a~ddition, the petitionin                                           wt wishes to participate as a party in the ?                                                                     i .abpenta eterminatl6n by                                        fg q proceeding must fue a written request .
                         -       for hearles and a peution forleave to P" shall provide a brief explanadon of the$@-,. Com bases of the contention and a concise statement of the a!!cge'd facts 6r expert officer or prniding Atomic Safety and IJce,,nsing U

4 - intervene. ReqVests for 6 bearing and '. 'opin!qd which s6pp' ort the'ebatenUon' .? aid thaLth,e petition uest .

          ,                                                                                                                                                h'ould befanted base, and/o,rd upon
                              *getitl6ns               forlwith  leave        (dJntervene                            shall be'I    at the -h'" and,on%hichjha peutioHft

led In'a6 corda'nce the W.* ely id%ving the Ententibn , l CFR 2g4 @ p l Commission'i" Rules of Practice fbPN bearing.The petitioner must also, gDomes, tic I.fcensing Proceedings"'In'10 - ece N]Mfii a,2f} 1

                    ,           CFR         part   2/Ihterested        persor.a            should souices'Endfocu.nentibf  y     - provide  which referentes th          ;    *,Comm,  1o           request those'ipecific[8       for     hea,,,,                    g,
cohealt a?cstr'ent oofy of to CFR 2.714 3 'peutl6ner is h'wsre' sad' n,Ghtch the amendme,nt'affeilt corn teleslt >
       ..t M.%y
  • which is available et the Commisston's oW p$t,f.pierpfndsT6 1 6' establish
  • T. Public'CicFmiht Rodm. the Celman'.1 to fa >

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