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FOIA Request for All Documents Re Application for or Issuing of Regulatory Exemptions,Waivers & Deviations on Const or Operation
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/21/1987
From: Goren J
To: Grimsley D
FOIA-87-51 NUDOCS 8703050169
Download: ML20212F817 (3)


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SulTC 430 WASHINGTON D.C. soooo-uns GAIL McGREEVY H ARMON CLLYN R. W C'$5 T C t.C P H O N C DIANC CURRAN (2028328 3500 DE AN R. TOUSLEY ANDRC A C. F ERSTER January 21, 1987 HAND DELIVERED Donnie H. Grimsley, Director p g g g.7 g . , .,.

Division of Rules and Records office of Administration ACT REQUEST U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 7735 Old Georgetown Road

[Q7A -f 7 ,W Be thesda, MD 20814 kid /-22-f y

Dear Mr. Grimsley:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. Section 5 52, et seq., the New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution ("NECNP")

Fequests that you make available copies of:

1) all documents reflecting the application for or issuing of any regulatory exemptions, waivers, or deviations with respect to the construction or operation of the Seabrook nuclear power plant (Docket Nos. 50-443,444); and
2) all documents concerning any staff review of Seabrook regulatory exemptions or the safety of the Seabrock plant as described in the enclosed article from the Boston Globe (December 23, 1986) that were referred to by Vincent Noonan of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

For each document identified in response to this request, please identify the title and date of the document, the author, the author's title, and the recipient of the document.

Under the statute, your response to this request is due within ten working days. Please note that these documents are highly relevant to a pending application by Public Service Company of New Hampshire for a reduction in the size of the Seabrook emer-gency planning zone. We have made repeated efforts to locate this information on our own; 'iowever, we have found it impossible to identify all of these documents. We would appreciate receiv-ing a timely response so that, we may review these documents in connection with our participation in the proceeding on PSNH's petition.

NECNP is an intervenor in the Seabrook operating license proceed-ing. The organization intends to use this information in the 8703050169 870121 PDR FOIA COREN87-51 PDR


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HARMON & WEISS Dont.1't.H. Grimsley January 21, 1987 page2 licensing of operationhearings to furtherplant.

of the Seabrook the public's interest in the safety Therefore, we request that you waive any copying and search fees pursuant to 10 C .F.R.


Thank you for your prompt attention to this request.

Sin,c rely, p

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Je'nnifer' Goren -

39 Encl.

ces Vincent Noonan Robert G. Perlis Robert A. Backus

_20 !.'mr prm,w; r;te,e, - westuv ,i r ms"c : t t a-n Seabroo ( may need improvements, says

'RC safety official


Iiv I,arry Tye

"., lobe Staff


The Seabrook nuclear power The report lists several areas "% e will co back and re-!ook at mant probably would have to where Seabrook was cranted everything we cranted watsers nake exornstse im; rnsements to " wats ers" from NRC ' require. o n .' Noonan said. "We m:ca.t ts usety systems tr: ore it would ments that it test key safetv sys.


chanca cur mind based on tne r.el oe allowed to shrink its esaeua- tems. It savs the NRC granted the way of cair:;: business tnese ttsts Sc : :cne, a senior federal safety waivers tEcause compitar.ce with are not necessary but they pron-cit..tal said yesterday, the rules "would result in hard. ably wuuld t.e !! you hao a Seat rock m:d last week that it ship cr unusual diffleultles wtth. emercency plannmg zon*. ,1 m n . ca: t,y witn a smai:er evacua- out a comt.ensatin.; inct-ase in Juwr.c tram the NFC,s Jr n zcne bccause tt is safer than the level cf quality and safety." Mit:VT'PCTI 10 '"C640 ' W

  • 9:ntr reacters so "we need to ad- In one case. Seabrcck was al. tr esternive it 54:1 t r...t t 's v . -

cr~.s weere u e n ant this ut:!:ty ta Icued to forco testing weics cn pg w:th testinc requ;*emants.

7 than the averace p. ant." pipes in the contatnment t:at:cmg Yanen would have tr, "r c-v:n s

+a.: 'J ncent Noonan, a to os er- en;:t surreurm tne pant. Or.e rea. s:cmi: cant numoer cf p. ant e-v-q Mornox ufety res tew s at v.n ::.r tr- esemetton tnat the te:n , et,:a:n suff teient rain e --

r.e .'..;ciear he:ulat:;r) Ccmm15- p:;+ :me are r.r.r ma.. . emv m"r.: e.mocrents ara rro*at it~

sen. and are re':u:re-f to f une::en enr, preser. ': esammation c: ther "We probably would ask Sea- :n inc amine:v esent ct a ma v. t comoonents." !t ad::ed ' even brev,x to ca thines ne m:cht r.ot 1%s ,, v.c.unt occiarn! ".r a rna:". alter the r~2esicn ettorts. corr.;.**e cxnect etner piants to 00. he acd- stea- kne crean " tt:e rewt sa:C comt; nance with the prewm' to e : .n an mterview- hat *.hrv heth Gent." man. av ammat:',n r~;uirements t:rson* o

' ocnan said beabrCok already 5:stan ut re.tary r ! e nt r ,;,. m .

(nuPJ n'd te acNeved?

is c aminc uncar he:cntened scru- tn ! we cuestir;n wretre:r testm ) a n ne- soonesman J. r.n r v' t:ro at tre NRC Wause cf its b d raqu: am* nts shou ld be w aived t:r nid iast ntstt that it:a vtes and t.* r dM !!s evacuation zcne f rom syver . ttut w ei!1 tr *.-: tn tr. r tis r ~Jmeme 1t were "I'# i '* 't

G m
.as arcund it.e :iiant I) I es-nt t.: a m r.r acciarr.? t r.e an1 %uate :
  • br* ore t: m w""

n:. I re at::: cat!cn ts % com:.le .h- r e: .r t ..n:cest s ? a ttor.. Irrian~; at:r: r,t her. c m:'m !N *

( a'ed .I wt:1 taxe 6P.t:: tre enc rsi mayte< in.'(nrrers w"" fur' "It-r installatit . t*

,,". ,oncern '-

.; .nuarv just to assemote "a T r: he::*.? ,na n s w;gestion it.a' e;

  • e.. Mu.e ruti:n:nc wnat we have en< t . N s re ucst 17r , ment may ne-1 upcrac::. b. -

, ", sagert t.r re:et t the sub  : . m .. . . r c. n > ;m r.r. r e r , sad "T hat is enorciv sun wu a rn . ;. .. ~ r e said s r.- ,s . '4aur i t.o ! t.t :.  % e 1J'.t na s e t , w an anu e w New lia rn ps hire Yanner. sam tr e ;nant n,.s an r s:raorm ha k! c n'-

w h'cn runs Seacrock, sa.n it was naru, h :n 4 santv of r .nstru-f .re-1 to ask for the zone tion " r+ + tate will 0;re a naciear w re n Gav. l.hkakis of Massart:u- entm~r "t stuov the watver re-utts announced Sept. 20 t.? cuc*ti oatanoj in the .la:V report w',uns not parttetpate in an evacu- aiore witn ott.ers the taant may a:;r,n :an. Dukakis .ald it sould nave tseen c, ranted. Gentleman tr Irnmible to move people ufe- said.

ly a 1 mile zone would exclude Nocnan defended lett:nc Sea-the .a Massachusetts towns brrok out of certain safety' tests.

are part of the current IDmile w.ini.. "Over the years we Just rane. founti snu didn't have to do every-The NRC is rmt l' only one thenc h Ar the regulations ralled criticaly evaluajing Sembrook's for.' waivers u<ually are havd bid. on the hardship of cetting a work-The commonweakh of Mats

  • rnan in thue to run the test."

achusetts, the towns of Ames- tsut the NRC official said that bury. Mass . and Hampton, N il . reasontnq micht chanca now that a.,o two envtrenmental groups - beabrr=s. is claimtnc to h ar the all critics of the plant - yesterday " sagest nocicar power piant in the a smi s ha ftve NH" comm tstioners world." iankee ofiletals sal.1 last in enerwe direttiv the reue.r of wrer, that their containment is so Seabroc k's application. The re- stronc and other safety systems veN normally would be handled ue sn reltable that people out9de lirSt by an agency !! censing board. a I mile radius could not be bart then by the enmmlutoners by radlalmn released alter an ac-Tne Massachusetts Energy rident.

T'nllev Ofhee ako has launched an inredligaten of the plant and is worried atnut a safety evaluation

  • raart t'resqred bv the NRf" In L
