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n o %,\
        +        ,                              UNITED STATES
[                g              NUCLE AR REGULATORY COMMISSION
  ,. 5                                        WASHING TON. D. C. 20555
      %,.....jl                                        November 21, 1988 Docket No.        50-369 Mr. H. B. Tucker, Vice President
,            Nuclear Production Department Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28242
==Dear Mr. Tucker:==
By letter dated November 11,19M, you requested and supported relief from the hydrostatic pressure testing r quirement of Section XI of the ASME Boiler end Pressurc Vessel Code, 1980 Edition through Winter 1980 Addenda, Article IWA-4000, Paragraph IWA-4210, Article IWA-5000, and Article IWC-5000. The                        ,
request (No. 88-09) is associated with construction interference encountered during implementation of changes in the primary temperature detection (RTD) system for McGuire, Unit I which was authorized by License Amendment 84 During implementation of the RTD modification, about 6 feet of the 1.5 inch                        '
safety injection (HI) branch line which supplies ECCS water from the centrifugal charging pumps to the cold leg of RCS Loop 1B was found to interfere with the modification and was removed. The affected portion is upstrear of check valves INI-17 and 1NI-347 which prevent t,ack flow from the RCS. Upon cor:pletion of the RTD modification, the NI line will be reinstalled using socket-welded full couplings resulting in focr welds. The NI piping is 1.5 inch schedule 160, SA376, type 304 and the couplings are 1.5 inch 6000 pounds, SA 182, type 304. In lieu of hydrostatic pressure testing, you                            ,
propose to perform a liquid penetrant test on all root passes and final                            .
passes of the four welds, followed by a visual examination. ''ou also will      .
perfurm a system inservice leak test at system operating pressure and temperature.                                                                                      !
You have concluded that hydrostatic pressure testing of teese four welds is impractical. There is po isolation valve between the welcs and the Rr5 cold                        .
leg, and thus the NI line containing the welds can not be isolated for such testing. You consid ~' various alternate methods to achieve isolation, but                        !
5 S811230414 DR            881121 p        ADOCK 05000369 PDC d(p
Mr. H. B. Tucker                                      November 21, 1988 found these to be impractical because of technical difficulties.
Specifically, modifying the existing Kerotest check valve to contain pressure in the opposite direction would result in se6t damage, with no assurance of success; installing a manual isolation valve in the NI line would introduce new welds subject to the tame ' solation problem; and use of a freeze plug in                '
the NI line would be ineffective at the test pressure involved and could damage other welds in the area. Concurrent pressurization of the RC3 and NI line would expose these systems to an undesirable stress cycle and thus reduce the limited number of available cycles provided in the design. These alternatives were also found to result in substantial hardships in the form of additional work force expenditure, additionL1 personnel radiation exposure and delays to plant start-up. Therefore, you have proposed the alternate testing and examinations discussed above.
The staff has evaluated your relief request. We conclude that the ASME Code requirerrent is impractical to perform at the McGuire Nuclear Station, and that              ,
the alternative tests provide an acceptable level of structural integrity.                    !
Compliance with the specific ASME Lode requirements would result in hardship without a compensating increate in the level of quality and safety.
A:cordingly, relief from the hydrostatic test requirements is granted for McGuire Unit 1 as requested, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(i). This relief                  !
is authorized by law and will not endanger life or property or the common                    .
defense and security and is otherwise in the public interest given due                      l consideration to the burden upon the licensee that could result if the                        !
requirements were imposed or. the facility.
Sin erely, Wu                              \'
David B. Matthews, Director Project Directorate 11-3                          '
Division of Peactor Projects - I/II Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation              ;
See next page                                                                                ,
l j                              .                                                                  :
I i
  .      Mr. ii. B. Tucker                                                November 21, 1988 found these to be impractical because of technical difficulties.
Specifically, modifying the exieting Kerotest check valve to contain prassure in the opposite direction would result in sa t damage, with no assurance of success; installing a manual isolation valve in the HI line would introduce                i new welds subject to the same isolation problem; and use of a freeza plug in              i the HI line would be ineffective at the test pressu e involved and could damage other welds in the area. Concurrent pressurization of the RCS and NI line                  I would expose these systems to an undesirable stress cycle and thus reduce the limited nunber of available cycles provided in the design. These alternatives were also found to result in substantial hardships in the form of additional work force expenditure, additional personnel radiation exposure and delays to              :
plant start-up. Therefore, you have proposed the alternate testing and exeminations discussed above.
The staff has evaluated your relief request. We conclude that the ASPE Code requirement is impractical to perform at the McGuire Nuclear Station, and that the alternative tests provide an acceptable level of structural integrity.                j Com311ance with the specific ASME Code requirements would result in hardship wit 1out a compensating increase in the level of quality and safsty.
Accordingly, relief fro:, the hydrostatic test requirements is granted for McGuire Unit 1 as rcquested, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(i). This relief is authorized by law and will not endanger life or property or the' common defense and security and is otherivise in the public interest given due consideration to the burden upon the licensee that could result if the requirements were imposed on the facility.
Sincerely M
David . Matthews, Director Project Directorate 11-3 Division of Reactor Projects - I/11 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation cc See next page DISTRIBUTION:
Docket File              EJordan      PH3B-3302            GPA/PA local PDR                EGrtues      9-A-2                ARM /L Fi'B NRC PDR                  ACRS (10)                          OGC        15-B-18 RDil-3 Reading            Ti'u rley /Sneize k 12-G-18        GJohnson SVArga          14-E-4    DCrutchfield      12-G-18        GFreund, SAIC Glainas        14-H-3    ERossi            11-E-4          CYCheng    9-H-1.5 l        itRood                    TBarnhart (a) P1-315                          p Th! -                PDII-3            thN            WNL OGC                  11-3 DMatthews
* MRood                  DHood:ls          CYCheng 11/3/88              11/p,/88          11/[/88        11/g/88          11/3/88
          .      ~
Mr. H. B. Tucker Duke Power Company                                      McGuire Nuclear Station CC:
Mr. A.V. Carr, Esq.                                      Dr. John M. Barry                                                        :
Duke Power Company                                      Department of Environmental Health P. O. Box 33189                                          Mecklenburg County 422 South Church Street                                  1200 Blythe Boulevard Charlotte, Norti ?.arolina 28242                        Charlotte, North Caroling 28203                                          r County Manager of Mecklenburg County                    Mr. Dayne W. Brown, Chief 720 East Fourth Street                                  Radiation Protection Branch Charlotte, NoJth Carolina 2820?                          Division of facility Services Department of Human Resources 701 Barbour Drive Mr. Robert Gill                                          Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-2008
    .        Duke Power Company Nuclear Production Department
* _          P. O. Fox 33189                                                                                                                    ;
Charlotte, North Carolina 28242                                                                                                    :
J. Michael McGarry, !!!, Esq.                                                                                                      I Bishop Liberman, Cook, Purcell atid Reynolds                                                                                                                      ,
1200 Seventeenth Street, N.W.
Washington, D. C. 20036 Senior Resident Inspector c/o U.S. Nuclear Reguletory Commission                                                                                            !
Route 4 Box 529                                                                                                                    l Hunterytlle, North Carolina 2EC78                                                                                                  l Regional Administrator, Region II U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conmissien                        -
101 Marietta Street, N.W., Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323                                                                                                            ,
S. S. Kilborn Area Manager, Mid-Scuth Area ESSD Projects                                                                                                                  t Westinghouse Electric Corporation
* MNC West Tower - Bay 239                                                                                                          i P. O. Box 355                                                                                                                      l Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230                                                                                                    ;
i l
t j                                                                                                                                              !
,                                                                                                                                                f
_ _ _ .}}

Revision as of 11:06, 16 December 2020

Grants Relief Request 88-09 from ASME Code Requirements Due to Interference on Safety Injection Branch Line During Primary Temp Detection Mod
Person / Time
Site: McGuire Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/21/1988
From: Matthews D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Tucker H
TAC-71140, NUDOCS 8811230414
Download: ML20195G489 (4)



n o %,\



,. 5 WASHING TON. D. C. 20555

%,.....jl November 21, 1988 Docket No. 50-369 Mr. H. B. Tucker, Vice President

, Nuclear Production Department Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28242

Dear Mr. Tucker:



By letter dated November 11,19M, you requested and supported relief from the hydrostatic pressure testing r quirement of Section XI of the ASME Boiler end Pressurc Vessel Code, 1980 Edition through Winter 1980 Addenda, Article IWA-4000, Paragraph IWA-4210, Article IWA-5000, and Article IWC-5000. The ,

request (No. 88-09) is associated with construction interference encountered during implementation of changes in the primary temperature detection (RTD) system for McGuire, Unit I which was authorized by License Amendment 84 During implementation of the RTD modification, about 6 feet of the 1.5 inch '

safety injection (HI) branch line which supplies ECCS water from the centrifugal charging pumps to the cold leg of RCS Loop 1B was found to interfere with the modification and was removed. The affected portion is upstrear of check valves INI-17 and 1NI-347 which prevent t,ack flow from the RCS. Upon cor:pletion of the RTD modification, the NI line will be reinstalled using socket-welded full couplings resulting in focr welds. The NI piping is 1.5 inch schedule 160, SA376, type 304 and the couplings are 1.5 inch 6000 pounds, SA 182, type 304. In lieu of hydrostatic pressure testing, you ,

propose to perform a liquid penetrant test on all root passes and final .

passes of the four welds, followed by a visual examination. ou also will .

perfurm a system inservice leak test at system operating pressure and temperature.  !

You have concluded that hydrostatic pressure testing of teese four welds is impractical. There is po isolation valve between the welcs and the Rr5 cold .

leg, and thus the NI line containing the welds can not be isolated for such testing. You consid ~' various alternate methods to achieve isolation, but  !

5 S811230414 DR 881121 p ADOCK 05000369 PDC d(p

Mr. H. B. Tucker November 21, 1988 found these to be impractical because of technical difficulties.

Specifically, modifying the existing Kerotest check valve to contain pressure in the opposite direction would result in se6t damage, with no assurance of success; installing a manual isolation valve in the NI line would introduce new welds subject to the tame ' solation problem; and use of a freeze plug in '

the NI line would be ineffective at the test pressure involved and could damage other welds in the area. Concurrent pressurization of the RC3 and NI line would expose these systems to an undesirable stress cycle and thus reduce the limited number of available cycles provided in the design. These alternatives were also found to result in substantial hardships in the form of additional work force expenditure, additionL1 personnel radiation exposure and delays to plant start-up. Therefore, you have proposed the alternate testing and examinations discussed above.

The staff has evaluated your relief request. We conclude that the ASME Code requirerrent is impractical to perform at the McGuire Nuclear Station, and that ,

the alternative tests provide an acceptable level of structural integrity.  !

Compliance with the specific ASME Lode requirements would result in hardship without a compensating increate in the level of quality and safety.

A:cordingly, relief from the hydrostatic test requirements is granted for McGuire Unit 1 as requested, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(i). This relief  !

is authorized by law and will not endanger life or property or the common .

defense and security and is otherwise in the public interest given due l consideration to the burden upon the licensee that could result if the  !

requirements were imposed or. the facility.

Sin erely, Wu \'

David B. Matthews, Director Project Directorate 11-3 '

Division of Peactor Projects - I/II Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation  ;


See next page ,

l j .  :

I i

. Mr. ii. B. Tucker November 21, 1988 found these to be impractical because of technical difficulties.

Specifically, modifying the exieting Kerotest check valve to contain prassure in the opposite direction would result in sa t damage, with no assurance of success; installing a manual isolation valve in the HI line would introduce i new welds subject to the same isolation problem; and use of a freeza plug in i the HI line would be ineffective at the test pressu e involved and could damage other welds in the area. Concurrent pressurization of the RCS and NI line I would expose these systems to an undesirable stress cycle and thus reduce the limited nunber of available cycles provided in the design. These alternatives were also found to result in substantial hardships in the form of additional work force expenditure, additional personnel radiation exposure and delays to  :

plant start-up. Therefore, you have proposed the alternate testing and exeminations discussed above.

The staff has evaluated your relief request. We conclude that the ASPE Code requirement is impractical to perform at the McGuire Nuclear Station, and that the alternative tests provide an acceptable level of structural integrity. j Com311ance with the specific ASME Code requirements would result in hardship wit 1out a compensating increase in the level of quality and safsty.

Accordingly, relief fro:, the hydrostatic test requirements is granted for McGuire Unit 1 as rcquested, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(i). This relief is authorized by law and will not endanger life or property or the' common defense and security and is otherivise in the public interest given due consideration to the burden upon the licensee that could result if the requirements were imposed on the facility.

Sincerely M

David . Matthews, Director Project Directorate 11-3 Division of Reactor Projects - I/11 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation cc See next page DISTRIBUTION:

Docket File EJordan PH3B-3302 GPA/PA local PDR EGrtues 9-A-2 ARM /L Fi'B NRC PDR ACRS (10) OGC 15-B-18 RDil-3 Reading Ti'u rley /Sneize k 12-G-18 GJohnson SVArga 14-E-4 DCrutchfield 12-G-18 GFreund, SAIC Glainas 14-H-3 ERossi 11-E-4 CYCheng 9-H-1.5 l itRood TBarnhart (a) P1-315 p Th! - PDII-3 thN WNL OGC 11-3 DMatthews

  • MRood DHood:ls CYCheng 11/3/88 11/p,/88 11/[/88 11/g/88 11/3/88

. ~

Mr. H. B. Tucker Duke Power Company McGuire Nuclear Station CC:

Mr. A.V. Carr, Esq. Dr. John M. Barry  :

Duke Power Company Department of Environmental Health P. O. Box 33189 Mecklenburg County 422 South Church Street 1200 Blythe Boulevard Charlotte, Norti ?.arolina 28242 Charlotte, North Caroling 28203 r County Manager of Mecklenburg County Mr. Dayne W. Brown, Chief 720 East Fourth Street Radiation Protection Branch Charlotte, NoJth Carolina 2820? Division of facility Services Department of Human Resources 701 Barbour Drive Mr. Robert Gill Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-2008

. Duke Power Company Nuclear Production Department

  • _ P. O. Fox 33189  ;

Charlotte, North Carolina 28242  :

J. Michael McGarry, !!!, Esq. I Bishop Liberman, Cook, Purcell atid Reynolds ,

1200 Seventeenth Street, N.W.

Washington, D. C. 20036 Senior Resident Inspector c/o U.S. Nuclear Reguletory Commission  !

Route 4 Box 529 l Hunterytlle, North Carolina 2EC78 l Regional Administrator, Region II U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conmissien -

101 Marietta Street, N.W., Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 ,

S. S. Kilborn Area Manager, Mid-Scuth Area ESSD Projects t Westinghouse Electric Corporation

  • MNC West Tower - Bay 239 i P. O. Box 355 l Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230  ;

i l

t j  !


, f

_ _ _ .