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#REDIRECT [[IR 05000382/1988009]]
| number = ML20153E309
| issue date = 04/26/1988
| title = Insp Rept 50-382/88-09 on 880404-08.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Surveillance Procedures & Records & Verification of RCS Leak Rates
| author name = Bundy H, Mckernon T, Seidle W
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation =
| docket = 05000382
| license number =
| contact person =
| document report number = 50-382-88-09, 50-382-88-9, NUDOCS 8805090454
| package number = ML20153E295
| page count = 8
See also: [[see also::IR 05000382/1988009]]
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  .                        NRC Inspection Report:              50-382/88-09              Operating' License: NPF-38
                            Docket:    50-3f12                                                                                                          l
                            ' Licensee': -Louisiana Po'wer & Light Company (LP&L)                                                        -
                                            317~Baronne Street
                                            New Orlean's, Louisiana 70160
                        ' Facility Name: Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 (W3)
                            Inspection At: W3, Taft, Louisiana                                    ,                                                    ;
                            Inspection Conducted: ' April 4-8, 1988
                            Inspectors:          [@                    ~'
                                        f 7 T. O. McKernon, Reatitor Inspector, Test
                                                      Programs Section, Division of Reactor Safety _
                                                  H FT Eundy, Reactor Inspector, Test Programs
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                                                      Section, Division of Reactor Safety                                                                ,
                            Accompanied                                                                                                                ,
                                By:              W. C. Seidle, Chief, Test Programs Section                                                            ;
                                                  Division of Reactor Safety on April 7-8, 1988
                            Approved:                                -
                                                                                -                                                    ANT
                                                  7.~C. SeidT % Chief, Test Programs Section                                    Date
                                                  Division of Keactor Safety                                                                            ,
                            Inspection Summa _ry
    .                                                                                                                                                  r
                            Inspection Conducted April 4-8, 1988 (Report 50-382/88-09)                                                                i
                            Areas Inspected:          Routine, unannounced inspection of the licensee's
                            surveillance procedures and records and verification of reactor coolant
                            system (RCS) leak rates.                                                                                                    l
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                      Results: The procedures and records reviewed in the areas of inservice
                      inspection of components and inservice testing of pumps and valves pursuant to
                      10 CFR 50.55a(g) and ASME Section XI appeared to satisfy all requirements. -The
                      procedures and records related to Technical Specifications required              .
                      surveillances appeared to satisfy ~ all requirements. However, an area of
                      confusion relating to anomalies in calibration and control of measuring and
                      test equipment was identified (paragraph 2). The NRC inspectors verified the
      se ~
                      adequacy of the licensee's calculating technique 3 for determining RCS leak
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                    1.    Persons'Contactjd
          ..                LP&L
                            R. Barkhurst, ' lice President, Nuclear / Site Director
                          *N. Carns, Plant Manager
                          *P. Backes, Special Assistant to Vice President
                          *P. Prasankumar, Plant Technical Services Manager                                                    j
                          *S. Allenan, Quality Assurance Manager                                                          ,
                            R. Starkey, Operations Superintendent
                          *T. Smith, Plant Engineering Superintendent
                          *G.  Wuller, Operational Licensing S_upervisor
                          +0.  Schultr, Operations Shift Technical Aovisor Supervisor
                            G. Koehler, Operations Quality Assurance Supervisor
                          *D. Baker, Event Analysis and Response Supervisor
                            L. Bass, Technical Support Supervisor
                          *G. Robin, Inservice Inspection Coordinator
                          *A. Harris, Shift Technical Advisor
                            C. DeDeaux. Technical Specifications Coordinstor
                            NRC                                                                            ,
  y~ '                    *W.  Smith, Senior Resident Inspector
                            T. Staker, Resident Inspector
                          *E. Tomlinson, Nuclear Reactor Regulation                                .
                          *W.  C. Seidle, Chief, Test Programs Section, Division of Reactor Safety
                            The NRC-inspectors also interviewed other licensee personnel during the
                          * Denotes those attending the exit interview on April 8, 1988.
                    2.                    e
                            Surveillanc_efroceduresandRecords                      (61700)
                            The purpose of this part of the inspection was to ascertain whether the
                            surveillance of safety-related systems and components was being conducted
                            in accordance with approved procedures as required by the licensee's
                            Technical Specifications (TS) Inservice Inspection (ISI) Plan, and
                            InserviceTesting(IST) Plan. Pursuant to this ob.iective, the NRC
                            inspectors reviewed the following licensee documents:
                            *        10 Year Inservice Inspection Program, Revision 3 (ISI Plan)
                            *        W3 LP&L Pump and Valve Inservice Test Plan, Revision 5 (IST Plan)
                            The NRC inspectors then selected certain TS surveillance requirements and
                            components listed in the ISI and IST Plans and reviewed the associated
                            licentea test procec'ures and an appropriate number of test results records
                    -        .
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              *  ',                                                                      ,
                        for each procedure. The TS surveillance requirements of ISI or IST
                        components together with the associated test procedures reviewed by the
                        NRC inspectors are tabulated in the attachment.
                        The NRC inspectors determined that the required tests were being scheduled
                        and performed as required in accordance with approved procedures.
                        Acceptance criteria were specified in the procedures, and the records
                        st0ted satisfaction of acceptance criteria. Appropriate instructions for
                        returning equipment to service following testing were given. Also,
                        selected test personnel were verified to have appropriate certifications.
                        All requiren nts appeared to have been satisfied. However, anomalies in
                        calibration tnd control of measuring and test equipment (M&TE) discovered
                        in one test record are discussed below.
                        During a review of records pertaining to Surveillance Procedure MI-3-305,
                        Revision 3. "Instrumentation Loop Check," dated October 24, 1986, for
                        Bistable SG-IL 1113C, it was noted that Task Card No. 1, Note 1 indicated
                        that one of the test equipment maters was out of tolerance. In particular,
                        the record stated, ". . . as found data for SG-ILEI-1113C, TBB 19 and 20
                        is out of tolerance due to bad (out of tolerance) test equipment. No
                        adjustments were made. As left data was taken with good test equipment."
                        The NRC inspectors noted that five M&TE items were listed on the test
                        record; Decade Bcx, MIET 124.006; Transmation 1040, MIET 76.022; Keithley,
                        MIET 41.010; Fluka 8600. MIET 20.100; and Transmatien 1040, MIET 76.028.
                    ' During subsequent inspection, the NRC inspectors found that only two of
                        the five test meters could have been suspect; these were Keithley MIET 41.010
                        and the Fluke 8600, MIET 20.100 meters. Through discussions with the M&TE
                        supervisor, it was determined that no records of Condition Identified (CIs)
                        or Nonconformance E(aluation Reports had been generated. The licensee's
                        administrative procedures required the M&TE user to report suspect "out of
                        tolerance" test equipment to the facility meter issue personnel.
                        When a suspect "out cf tolerance" test equipi.,ent item is identified, a CI
                        and a Nonconformance rvaluation Report are generated.              In this manner a
                        formal review of other test data taken with the suspect test equipment can
                        be performed and an evaluation for safety-related concerns made. Since
                        none of the M&TE equipment listed on the test record had CIs or
                        Nonconfonnance Evaluation Reports generated during or af ter the usage
                        period, it appeared M&TE calibration was in-tolerance. Further, although
                        the as-found data were recorded using the suspect M&TE, the suspect M&TE
                        was not identified on the test record.
                        Through discussions with the licensee, it was postulated that the involved
                        technician recorded the "as-found" data with an out-of-tolerance test
                        meter and then turned the suspect meter into the facility meter issue
                          personnel. Upon receiving a good meter from the issue facility, the
                          technician took and recorded the "6s-left" data and the instrument identity
                          on the task card. The technician did not record the identity of the test
                          instrument with which the "as-found" data was measured. The licensee's
                          Administrative Procedure MD-1-021. Revision 1, "M&TE Accountability,"
                          required the MATE user to record the M&TE identity on the task card.
                                                      --. .--,.    -
                                                                          - - . - - _ - .        _
                                                                                                      .- -  -.- . ---.
    . _-        _ - - _ _ _ .___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _- - _ ___ ___ ____ _ _ ___ _ _ __ __ __-_ - ____________                                                                    _ _ _ __ _ _ - _ __ _ _ _ _                            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
          ... . .
                                                                                  However, Adminsitrative Procedure MD-1-021 Revision 0, the procedure in
                                                                                  effect during the surveillance, did not specifically require the recording                                                                                            ,
                                                                                  of M&TE identity on the task card. The licensee stated that the general
;                                                                                  practice used by the 18C technicians is to record the identity of the M&TE
                                                                                  upon completion of the procedure. If during the procedure, a suspect
                                                                                    instrument is identified, the instrument is returned to the issue
            i                                                                      facility, and a good meter checked out. The procedure is then reperformed,
                                                                                    in toto, using the in-tolerance instrument and the M&TE identity is
                                                                                  recorded on the task card.                                                                                                                                          t
  .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .
                                                                                  From the above discussion, there appears to be no safety significence in
                                                                                    that the licensee took and recorded the as-left data with an in-tolerance
                                                                                meter. No adjustments were made to system instrumentation and the
                                                                                    identity of the good M&TE was recorded on the task card.
                                                                                  However, it is significant to note that the licensee's procedures for M&TE
                                                                                  accountability do not relate with the same specificity, in writing, as
                                                                                  fenerally practiced. Revision 1 of the M&TE accountability procedure
                                                                                  specifies that the identity of M&TE be recorded on the task card.
                                                                                  However, the implementation of this procedure is left to the
                                                                                  inttepretation of the M&TE user. M&TE traceability is vital to a
                                                                                  comprahensive M&TE program. If a general work practice is acceptable and
                                                                                  has shown success in its effectuation, then confusion and errors can be
                                                                                  avoided by incorporating the practice into the licensee's procedure. The
                                                                                  NRC inspectors concluded that the licensee should consider a revision to
                                                                                  the existing procedure to include more delineated guidance,
f                                                                                Within tha scope of this inspection, no violations or deviations were
                                3.                                                Verification of Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Leak Rates                          (61728)
                                                                                  During this inspection, the NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's
                                                                                  procedure for RCS inventory leakage calculation. The following records
                                                                                  for RCS inventory accountability were reviewed:
                                                                                  *                        OP-903-024, Revision 6, dated March 30, 1988, 0445 hours
                                                                                                            OP-903-024, Revision 6, dated March 30, 1988, 0710 hours
                                                                                  *                        OP-903-024, Revision 6, dated March 30, 1988, 1640 hours
*                                                                                  *                      OP-903-024, Revision 6, dated March 30, 1988, 1758 hours
                                                                                    *                      OP-903-024, Revision 6, dated March 31, 1988, 0005 hours
                                                                                  The NRC inspectors verified that the licensee's calculating technique for
                                                                                  determining RCS leak rates was satisfactory. By utilizing the licensee's
                                                                                    RCS data und inputting this data into the NRC's RCSLK9 program, the NRC
                                                                                    inspectors verified the correctness of the licensee's calculated
                                                                                    identified and unidentified leak rates. For those leak rate results
                                                                                    outside the limiting conditions for operation, the NRC inspectors reviewed
.l                                                                                  the licensee's response and timeliness in identifying, isolating, and
              -              --a-mn                                                                                e.e-y          ? 4m'- y- yeryy-v -w-y, w mq- -
                                                                                                                                                                    w e amy,-m                            =*+-y - - - - * = - - - - -
                                                _ .,    ,    . . _  . _ .            -              ___ . _ ~ - _                    __ _.        _
        %                      e
      -t    * 'e            e o
                                                                                                  _6                                                                          ,
I                                                reporting the incident to the NRC. In addition, the NRC inspectors
                                                verified that post-event leak rates were within the acceptable limits of                                                      ;
                                                  the Technical Specifications.
                                                                                                            i            <
                                                Within the scope of this inspection, no violations or deviations were                                                        i
                                4.                Exit Interview
                                                  The NRC inspectors met with licenseo representatives denoted in Saction 1
                                                on April 8, 1988, and summarized the scope and findings of the insoection.
                                                The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials trovided
                                                  to or reviewed by the inspectors during the inspection.
!                                                                                                                                                                            t
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!                                                                                                                                                                              ,
      .. .-._ _ _- _ _ ..__.._, _ _. -._.._. _                                _ . . . , _ . _ - . . , . _ . _ . _ _ , _ _ _ , . . - _ .      , . _ .  _ . _ . . _ _ - - _ .
                                                  ___    _______                        - _ _ _ . _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _
    . . ..  ;  .
                                    PROCEDURES AND RECORDS REVIEWED
            Requirement /
,            Component                            Description                                                                                                      -Test Procedures
            TS      Verify correct actuation of auto valves                                                                                                  OP-903-029 R4
                              in boron injection flow path on SIAS
            TS      Verify drop times-for full-length CEAs                                                                                                  NE-02-020. R0
            TS,      Containment. spray (CSAS) containment                                                                                                  MI-3-201, R4
            Table 4.3-2,      pressure high-high channel calibration                                                                                                  OP-903-107, R3
            Item 2.b
            TS,      SG level low and delta P high emergency                                                                                                MI-3-305,.R3
            Table 4.3-2,      feedwater(EFAS)tripchannel                                                                                                              MI-3-306, R4
            Item 7.b          calibration                                                                                                                            MI-3-201, R4
            TS    Verify pressurizer heaters are                                                                                                          OP-903-028. R2
                and b        automatically shed from emergency power
                              sources on SIAS and verify heaters can
                              be energized from control room
            TS 4.4.6          Verify dissolved oxygen, chlorine, and                                                                                                  CE-2-006, R5
                              fluorine are within limits
            TS 4.5.1d        Verify SI tank isolation valves open                                                                                                    OP-903-025, R1
                              when RCS pressure exceeds 535 psia and                                                                                                  OP-903-029, R3                          '
                              upon receipt of SI test signal                                                                                                                                                  ;
            TS 4.5.2e1        Verify each auto valve in ECCS subsystem                                                                                                OP-903-029, R3                          i
                              actuates to correct position on SIAS and                                                                                                OP-903-091, R2
            TS      Verify only one door in each containment                                                                                                PE-5-024. R2                        ' ,
                              air lock can be opened at a time                                                                                                        OP-903-113, R0
            TS      Verify that each containment cooling fan                                                                                                OP-903-029, R3                          -
                              group starts automatically on SIAS and
                              verify cooling water flow g,1325 gpm
            TS 4.7.3b        Verify each CCW/ACCW valve servicing                                                                                                    OP-903-029, R3
'                              safety-related equipment actuates to                                                                                                    OP-903-036, R4
                              correct position on SIAS and CSAS test                                                                                                                                          ,
<                              signals
          ,    -m-      y _ -          a__. ._,y        _ , . , _ . . _ - , - _ _ - - - -                                  - - - - - , . _ _ . - , - . _                        - - - - - - -
                                                                                                                                                                                                , , _ , ,
                      3,                            ,-      s
                                                                                  -              -
      ...,    ' ,;
      . . . . . . . -                                            ,
                Requirement /
                Component                              Description                    Test Procedures
                TS        -Verify 125 VDC battery capacity is        '
                                                                                        ME-3-230. R5
                TS        Perform functional test of fire                  OPa903-056, R5        *
                                      sup3ression water system by verifying            OP-903-077 R2
                                      eac1 pump delivers 2000 gpm at 100 psid,                                '
                                      cycling each valve in flow path not
                                      testable during plant operation, and                                    ,
                                      sequential pump start to maintain system
                                      pressure at 96.5 psig-
                TS        Inspection of diesel fire pumps 12 V              ME-3-100, R2
                                      starting batteries
                IST/ Charging        Test CVCS charging pump                          00-903-003, R6
                Pump A                                                                                        -
                IST/ Valve            Test valve in safety injection system            OP-903-032, R5
                ISI                  Mministrative procedure for controlling            N0EP-251, RO
                ISI/ Class 1 RCS      Perform RCS leak check prior to startup          QI-009-003,R1-
                Pressure Boundary
                IS7/ Weld 04-012      Perform UT inspection of weld                    WTR-ISI-47, R0
                ISI/ Weld 17-039      Perform UT inspection of weld                    WTR-ISI-206, R0
                (SI)                                                                                          .
                ISI/ Weld 42-022      Perform UT inspection of weld                    WTR-ISI-E06, R0,
                                      Perform UT inspection of weld                    WTR-ISI-206, RO,
                ISI/ Weld 48-001
                                      Perform PT inspection of weld                    WTR-ISI-11, R0
                ISI/ Weld 58-002
                                      Perform visual inspection of restraint            WTR-IST4, R0
                ISI/ Restraint
                ACR-462 (AC)                                                                                  ,
                  ISI/ Spring Hanger Perform visual checks of spring hanger              WTR-ISI-8, R0
, '
          -              . . . - . .. .-. -.-      -    -  .    - - -. .- . -    - - - , _ _          - .

Latest revision as of 01:11, 18 December 2020

Insp Rept 50-382/88-09 on 880404-08.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Surveillance Procedures & Records & Verification of RCS Leak Rates
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/26/1988
From: Bundy H, Mckernon T, Seidle W
Shared Package
ML20153E295 List:
50-382-88-09, 50-382-88-9, NUDOCS 8805090454
Download: ML20153E309 (8)

See also: IR 05000382/1988009


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  • '

. NRC Inspection Report: 50-382/88-09 Operating' License: NPF-38

Docket: 50-3f12 l


' Licensee': -Louisiana Po'wer & Light Company (LP&L) -




317~Baronne Street

New Orlean's, Louisiana 70160


' Facility Name: Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 (W3)


Inspection At: W3, Taft, Louisiana ,  ;

Inspection Conducted: ' April 4-8, 1988




Inspectors: [@ ~'


f 7 T. O. McKernon, Reatitor Inspector, Test




Programs Section, Division of Reactor Safety _






H FT Eundy, Reactor Inspector, Test Programs

9 fan.ygg

Date i

Section, Division of Reactor Safety ,

Accompanied ,

By: W. C. Seidle, Chief, Test Programs Section  ;

Division of Reactor Safety on April 7-8, 1988




Approved: -


7.~C. SeidT % Chief, Test Programs Section Date

Division of Keactor Safety ,


Inspection Summa _ry

. r

Inspection Conducted April 4-8, 1988 (Report 50-382/88-09) i

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of the licensee's

surveillance procedures and records and verification of reactor coolant

system (RCS) leak rates. l


8805090454 880505

PDR ADOCK 05000382

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Results: The procedures and records reviewed in the areas of inservice

inspection of components and inservice testing of pumps and valves pursuant to

10 CFR 50.55a(g) and ASME Section XI appeared to satisfy all requirements. -The

procedures and records related to Technical Specifications required .

surveillances appeared to satisfy ~ all requirements. However, an area of

confusion relating to anomalies in calibration and control of measuring and

test equipment was identified (paragraph 2). The NRC inspectors verified the

se ~


adequacy of the licensee's calculating technique 3 for determining RCS leak













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1. Persons'Contactjd

.. LP&L


R. Barkhurst, ' lice President, Nuclear / Site Director

  • N. Carns, Plant Manager
  • P. Backes, Special Assistant to Vice President
  • P. Prasankumar, Plant Technical Services Manager j
  • S. Allenan, Quality Assurance Manager ,

R. Starkey, Operations Superintendent

  • T. Smith, Plant Engineering Superintendent
  • G. Wuller, Operational Licensing S_upervisor

+0. Schultr, Operations Shift Technical Aovisor Supervisor

G. Koehler, Operations Quality Assurance Supervisor

  • D. Baker, Event Analysis and Response Supervisor

L. Bass, Technical Support Supervisor

  • G. Robin, Inservice Inspection Coordinator
  • A. Harris, Shift Technical Advisor

C. DeDeaux. Technical Specifications Coordinstor




y~ ' *W. Smith, Senior Resident Inspector

T. Staker, Resident Inspector

  • E. Tomlinson, Nuclear Reactor Regulation .
  • W. C. Seidle, Chief, Test Programs Section, Division of Reactor Safety

The NRC-inspectors also interviewed other licensee personnel during the


  • Denotes those attending the exit interview on April 8, 1988.

2. e

Surveillanc_efroceduresandRecords (61700)

The purpose of this part of the inspection was to ascertain whether the

surveillance of safety-related systems and components was being conducted

in accordance with approved procedures as required by the licensee's

Technical Specifications (TS) Inservice Inspection (ISI) Plan, and


InserviceTesting(IST) Plan. Pursuant to this ob.iective, the NRC


inspectors reviewed the following licensee documents:

  • 10 Year Inservice Inspection Program, Revision 3 (ISI Plan)
  • W3 LP&L Pump and Valve Inservice Test Plan, Revision 5 (IST Plan)

The NRC inspectors then selected certain TS surveillance requirements and

components listed in the ISI and IST Plans and reviewed the associated

licentea test procec'ures and an appropriate number of test results records

- .

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for each procedure. The TS surveillance requirements of ISI or IST

components together with the associated test procedures reviewed by the

NRC inspectors are tabulated in the attachment.

The NRC inspectors determined that the required tests were being scheduled

and performed as required in accordance with approved procedures.

Acceptance criteria were specified in the procedures, and the records

st0ted satisfaction of acceptance criteria. Appropriate instructions for

returning equipment to service following testing were given. Also,

selected test personnel were verified to have appropriate certifications.

All requiren nts appeared to have been satisfied. However, anomalies in

calibration tnd control of measuring and test equipment (M&TE) discovered

in one test record are discussed below.

During a review of records pertaining to Surveillance Procedure MI-3-305,

Revision 3. "Instrumentation Loop Check," dated October 24, 1986, for

Bistable SG-IL 1113C, it was noted that Task Card No. 1, Note 1 indicated

that one of the test equipment maters was out of tolerance. In particular,

the record stated, ". . . as found data for SG-ILEI-1113C, TBB 19 and 20

is out of tolerance due to bad (out of tolerance) test equipment. No

adjustments were made. As left data was taken with good test equipment."

The NRC inspectors noted that five M&TE items were listed on the test

record; Decade Bcx, MIET 124.006; Transmation 1040, MIET 76.022; Keithley,

MIET 41.010; Fluka 8600. MIET 20.100; and Transmatien 1040, MIET 76.028.

' During subsequent inspection, the NRC inspectors found that only two of

the five test meters could have been suspect; these were Keithley MIET 41.010

and the Fluke 8600, MIET 20.100 meters. Through discussions with the M&TE

supervisor, it was determined that no records of Condition Identified (CIs)

or Nonconformance E(aluation Reports had been generated. The licensee's

administrative procedures required the M&TE user to report suspect "out of

tolerance" test equipment to the facility meter issue personnel.

When a suspect "out cf tolerance" test equipi.,ent item is identified, a CI

and a Nonconformance rvaluation Report are generated. In this manner a

formal review of other test data taken with the suspect test equipment can

be performed and an evaluation for safety-related concerns made. Since

none of the M&TE equipment listed on the test record had CIs or

Nonconfonnance Evaluation Reports generated during or af ter the usage

period, it appeared M&TE calibration was in-tolerance. Further, although

the as-found data were recorded using the suspect M&TE, the suspect M&TE

was not identified on the test record.

Through discussions with the licensee, it was postulated that the involved

technician recorded the "as-found" data with an out-of-tolerance test

meter and then turned the suspect meter into the facility meter issue

personnel. Upon receiving a good meter from the issue facility, the

technician took and recorded the "6s-left" data and the instrument identity

on the task card. The technician did not record the identity of the test

instrument with which the "as-found" data was measured. The licensee's

Administrative Procedure MD-1-021. Revision 1, "M&TE Accountability,"

required the MATE user to record the M&TE identity on the task card.

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... . .




However, Adminsitrative Procedure MD-1-021 Revision 0, the procedure in


effect during the surveillance, did not specifically require the recording ,

of M&TE identity on the task card. The licensee stated that the general

practice used by the 18C technicians is to record the identity of the M&TE


upon completion of the procedure. If during the procedure, a suspect


instrument is identified, the instrument is returned to the issue

i facility, and a good meter checked out. The procedure is then reperformed,

in toto, using the in-tolerance instrument and the M&TE identity is

recorded on the task card. t

. .

From the above discussion, there appears to be no safety significence in

that the licensee took and recorded the as-left data with an in-tolerance

meter. No adjustments were made to system instrumentation and the

identity of the good M&TE was recorded on the task card.

However, it is significant to note that the licensee's procedures for M&TE

accountability do not relate with the same specificity, in writing, as

fenerally practiced. Revision 1 of the M&TE accountability procedure

specifies that the identity of M&TE be recorded on the task card.

However, the implementation of this procedure is left to the

inttepretation of the M&TE user. M&TE traceability is vital to a

comprahensive M&TE program. If a general work practice is acceptable and

has shown success in its effectuation, then confusion and errors can be

avoided by incorporating the practice into the licensee's procedure. The

NRC inspectors concluded that the licensee should consider a revision to


the existing procedure to include more delineated guidance,

f Within tha scope of this inspection, no violations or deviations were


3. Verification of Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Leak Rates (61728)

During this inspection, the NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's

procedure for RCS inventory leakage calculation. The following records

for RCS inventory accountability were reviewed:


  • OP-903-024, Revision 6, dated March 30, 1988, 0445 hours0.00515 days <br />0.124 hours <br />7.357804e-4 weeks <br />1.693225e-4 months <br />

OP-903-024, Revision 6, dated March 30, 1988, 0710 hours0.00822 days <br />0.197 hours <br />0.00117 weeks <br />2.70155e-4 months <br />

  • OP-903-024, Revision 6, dated March 30, 1988, 1640 hours0.019 days <br />0.456 hours <br />0.00271 weeks <br />6.2402e-4 months <br />
  • * OP-903-024, Revision 6, dated March 30, 1988, 1758 hours0.0203 days <br />0.488 hours <br />0.00291 weeks <br />6.68919e-4 months <br />
  • OP-903-024, Revision 6, dated March 31, 1988, 0005 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />

The NRC inspectors verified that the licensee's calculating technique for

determining RCS leak rates was satisfactory. By utilizing the licensee's

RCS data und inputting this data into the NRC's RCSLK9 program, the NRC

inspectors verified the correctness of the licensee's calculated


identified and unidentified leak rates. For those leak rate results

outside the limiting conditions for operation, the NRC inspectors reviewed

.l the licensee's response and timeliness in identifying, isolating, and



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I reporting the incident to the NRC. In addition, the NRC inspectors

verified that post-event leak rates were within the acceptable limits of  ;

the Technical Specifications.


i <

Within the scope of this inspection, no violations or deviations were i



4. Exit Interview




The NRC inspectors met with licenseo representatives denoted in Saction 1

on April 8, 1988, and summarized the scope and findings of the insoection.

The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials trovided

to or reviewed by the inspectors during the inspection.











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Requirement /

, Component Description -Test Procedures

TS Verify correct actuation of auto valves OP-903-029 R4

in boron injection flow path on SIAS


TS Verify drop times-for full-length CEAs NE-02-020. R0

TS, Containment. spray (CSAS) containment MI-3-201, R4

Table 4.3-2, pressure high-high channel calibration OP-903-107, R3

Item 2.b

TS, SG level low and delta P high emergency MI-3-305,.R3

Table 4.3-2, feedwater(EFAS)tripchannel MI-3-306, R4

Item 7.b calibration MI-3-201, R4


TS Verify pressurizer heaters are OP-903-028. R2

and b automatically shed from emergency power

sources on SIAS and verify heaters can

be energized from control room

TS 4.4.6 Verify dissolved oxygen, chlorine, and CE-2-006, R5

fluorine are within limits

TS 4.5.1d Verify SI tank isolation valves open OP-903-025, R1

when RCS pressure exceeds 535 psia and OP-903-029, R3 '

upon receipt of SI test signal  ;

TS 4.5.2e1 Verify each auto valve in ECCS subsystem OP-903-029, R3 i

actuates to correct position on SIAS and OP-903-091, R2


TS Verify only one door in each containment PE-5-024. R2 ' ,

air lock can be opened at a time OP-903-113, R0

TS Verify that each containment cooling fan OP-903-029, R3 -

group starts automatically on SIAS and


verify cooling water flow g,1325 gpm


TS 4.7.3b Verify each CCW/ACCW valve servicing OP-903-029, R3

' safety-related equipment actuates to OP-903-036, R4

correct position on SIAS and CSAS test ,

< signals



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. . . . . . . - ,





Requirement /

Component Description Test Procedures


TS -Verify 125 VDC battery capacity is '

ME-3-230. R5


TS Perform functional test of fire OPa903-056, R5 *

sup3ression water system by verifying OP-903-077 R2

eac1 pump delivers 2000 gpm at 100 psid, '

cycling each valve in flow path not

testable during plant operation, and ,

sequential pump start to maintain system

pressure at 96.5 psig-

TS Inspection of diesel fire pumps 12 V ME-3-100, R2

starting batteries



IST/ Charging Test CVCS charging pump 00-903-003, R6

Pump A -

IST/ Valve Test valve in safety injection system OP-903-032, R5


ISI Mministrative procedure for controlling N0EP-251, RO



ISI/ Class 1 RCS Perform RCS leak check prior to startup QI-009-003,R1-

Pressure Boundary

IS7/ Weld 04-012 Perform UT inspection of weld WTR-ISI-47, R0


ISI/ Weld 17-039 Perform UT inspection of weld WTR-ISI-206, R0

(SI) .



ISI/ Weld 42-022 Perform UT inspection of weld WTR-ISI-E06, R0,



Perform UT inspection of weld WTR-ISI-206, RO,

ISI/ Weld 48-001



Perform PT inspection of weld WTR-ISI-11, R0

ISI/ Weld 58-002


Perform visual inspection of restraint WTR-IST4, R0

ISI/ Restraint

ACR-462 (AC) ,

ISI/ Spring Hanger Perform visual checks of spring hanger WTR-ISI-8, R0

, '


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