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Forwards Two Repts Supporting Util Conclusion That Kulka & Marathon 1600 Terminal Blocks Qualified for Use at Plant,Per 870404-08 Environ Qualification Insp
Person / Time
Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 06/29/1987
From: Schnell D
To: Forney W
ULNRC-1540, NUDOCS 8707070546
Download: ML20234E350 (24)


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  • 1901 Gratiot Street, St. Louis Q l[3 Donald F. SchneII Vice President June 29, 1987 Mr. W. L. Forney Chief, Reactor Project Branch 1 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region III 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137

Dear Mr. Forney:

ULNRC-1540 DOCKET NUMBER 50-483 CALLAWAY PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIFICATION INSPECTION CLOSEOUT Two unresolved issues which remain from the May 4-8, 1987 Environmental Qualification inspection at Callaway concern Kulka and Marathon 1600 terminal blocks. Provided herewith, as Enclosures 1 and 2, are reports which document the basis for Union Electric's conclusion that Kulka and Marathon terminal blocks are qualified for use at Callaway. We believe all questions which have been raised on these issues are addressed in these reports.

Very truly yours, l

Donald F. Schnell i DS/p1h 8707070546 070629 R ADOCK 05000403 PDR 3

f k YO Maihng Address: P.O. Box 149 St. Louis, MO 63166 i

m30W u________________-._._______ _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ >



Donald F. Schnell, of lawful age, being first duly sworn upon oath says that he is Vice President-Nuclear and an officer of Union Electric Company; that he has read the foregoing document and' knows the content thereof; that he has executed the same for and on behalf of said company with full power and authority to do so; and that the facts therein stated are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information and belief.

By pf I ffonald F. Schnell Vice President Nuclear SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me this 62 day of /


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cc: Tom Alexion Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop 316 7920 Norfolk Avenue Bethesda, MD 20014 Bruce Little Callaway Resident Office U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission RR#1 Steedman, Missouri 65077 I

R 1

bec: 3456-8575 3456-0021.6 Nuclear Date DFS/ Chrono D. F. Schnell l J. E. Birk J. F. McLaughlin A. P. Neuhalfen R. J. Schukai M. A. Stiller G. L. Randolph .

D. E. Shain {

H. Wuertenbaecher D. W. Capone A. C. Passwater R. P. Wendling T. H. McFarland R. D. Affolter D. E. Shafer D. J. Walker 0,. Maynard (WCNOC)

N. P. Goel (Bechtel)

G56.37 (CA-460)

Compliance (J. E. Davis)

NSRB (Sandra Auston)

CFA G. Charnoff 1

1 i




Bunker Ramo Test Reports The qualification of the Kulka terminal blocks is based on Bunker Ramo qualification test reports 123-2222 and 123-2159-18, supplemented by Conax test report IPS-675. The first two reports document the terminal blocks' qualification as part of the Bunker Ramo penetration assembly supplied to the Callaway Plant. The Kulka terminal blocks tested (models 601-JJ and 605-JJ) qualified all the models used in safety-related applications at Callaway:

models 601-JJ, 602-JJ, 604-JJ, and 605-JJ (pages 19 and 41 of Addendum 1 to report 123-2222). All of these Kulka terminal blocks are constructed of the same material (diallyl phthalate) and differ only in the size of terminations. As reported on page 33 of 105 in report 123-2222, the 69#14(T.B.) circuit corresponds to the model 601-JJ block and the 69#14 (RFR/TB) circuit corresponds to the 605-JJ block.

The Bunker Ramo test setup is shown in Figure 1. This figure is included in the vendor's test report 123-2159-18 on page 13 of

76. Figure 2 is a simplified wiring diagram of the same test setup. During the test, the Kulka terminal blocks were energized with 7 amps of current and 600 VAC, 480 VAC, and 370 VAC of electric potential. Between 7 and 64 hours7.407407e-4 days <br />0.0178 hours <br />1.058201e-4 weeks <br />2.4352e-5 months <br /> into the test the blocks were disconnected from the voltage source in order to  !

obtain insulation resistance values. The test report documents extraneous leakage currents during this period which hindered restoration of voltage. At 64 hours7.407407e-4 days <br />0.0178 hours <br />1.058201e-4 weeks <br />2.4352e-5 months <br /> the blocks were successfully reconnected to the voltage source at 370 VAC; at 7 days into the test, voltage was increased to 480 VAC. IR was determined with the use of a megohmmeter (Associated Research) and with a Simpson ohmmeter for irs less than 10 megohms. In addition, a 100mA ammeter, shown as M2 on Figure 1, was wired to a jumper board so that the leakage current of the individual terminal blocks could be determined. The fuses, voltage and current supplies, jumper board, and test specimens all interface at a 20-point terminal strip located outside the LOCA chamber.

As shown in Figures 3, 4, and 5, the test setup included a current-carrying circuit and a voltage circuit. The current-carrying circuit consisted of a power supply (current only, low voltage) and the module conductors in series. The voltage circuit consisted of a low amperage voltage source with one pole connected to a current-carrying circuit and the other pole connected to a voltage conductor which is not carrying any .

current. Therefore, there was a continuous electrical potential I between the current-carrying circuit and the voltage conductor l except during the 7-64 hour period. To measure leakage current between the current-carrying ci: cuit and the voltage conductor, an ammeter was included in the rcuit (see Figure 4). At discrete points during the LOCA test (not continuous) this l ammeter was used to measure leakage currents as reported in the test log / data sheets in Appendix B of report 123-2159-18. During the balance of the LOCA test, except for the 7-64 hour period


- Enclosure 1 ULNRC-1540 -

when the voltage source was disconnected, the 10mA fuses provided the leakage current verification.

The 10 milliamp fuses utilized in the circuit were provided by Bunker Ramo to verify operation of the circuits, protect the ammeter, and to determine if and when leakage currents exceeded 10 milliamps. An assumed 10 milliamp leakage current across the terminal blocks during the first 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> of the LOCA test is bounding in that it includes current leakage in the test leads, splices, and test chamber penetration. Also, the test leads were jumpered in pairs inside the chamber providing multiple current leakage points during the test.

Table V of test report 123-2222, page 33 of 105, identifies low insulation resistance values during the 57 hour6.597222e-4 days <br />0.0158 hours <br />9.424603e-5 weeks <br />2.16885e-5 months <br /> period while the blocks were disconnected from the voltage source. During this time period the 10mA fuses were not in the test circuit (Fig. 5).

Therefore, current leakage during this period is indeterminate.

However, during the first 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> which included two ramps.up to }

340 F and 104 psig, the insulation resistance values (greater than 100 kilohms) are consistent with a leakage current of less 4 than 10 milliamps. After voltage restoration (64 hours7.407407e-4 days <br />0.0178 hours <br />1.058201e-4 weeks <br />2.4352e-5 months <br />) IR l values returned to the 10 kilohm range.

Conax Test Report j To address the 57-hour indeterminate period in the Bunker Ramo test, we have provided CONAX test report IPS-675 to substantiate the leakage current issue discussed above. The Regulations

[10CFR50.49(f)(4)] allow qualification by analysis in combination with partial type test data that supports the analytical assumptions and conclusion. As discussed in more detail in the following paragraphs, Conax performed LOCA testing on unaged and unirradiated terminal blocks. However research performed by the Electric Power Research Institu'ec and Sandia National Laboratories shows aging and radiation are not significant contributors to terminal block degradation.

The CONAX test report discusses 2 test phases. Phase 1 consisted of aging, irradiation, and a seismic simulation on Kulka terminal blocks including a model 604-JJ. Phase 2 consisted of a DBE test on unaged, unirradiated Kulka terminal blocks including models 600-JJ, 602-JJ, and 604-JJ. Leakage currents measured during the Phase 2 testing were extremely low (0.2 milliamp on the model 600-JJ, 0.24 milliamp on the model 602-JJ, and 0.0 milliamp on the model 604-JJ). A review by Bechtel of power and control circuits utilizing Kulka terminal blocks verified the equipment would remain operable and would not spuriously operate with leakage current up to 300 mA. Even though these leakage currents were measured on unaged, unirradiated termina} blocks, the results are still applicable since:

Enclosure 1 ULNRC-1540 o These terminal blocks are made of long glass-fiber-filled diallyl phthalate (military specification Mil-M-14, type GDI-30F). Per the attached excerpts from EPRI NP-1558 and EPRI NP-4172SP, i this material has an activation energy of 1.04 eV based I on thermogravimetric analysis and a lowest threshold dose of 1.8E09 rads before observable effects are seen.

This demonstrates the relative immunity of this material to aging effects.

o As discussed on page 34 of NUREG/CR-3691 (SAND 84-0422) I "An Assessment of Terminal Blocks in the Nuclear Power Industry", Sandia has determined that neither the accelerated aging process nor seismic testing {

significantly affects terminal block performance. {

j o As documented on page 17 of 105 of Bunker Ramo report j 123-2222, IR's on the low voltage control conductors l which included the Kulka terminal blocks exceeded 100 l megohms after thermal aging and irradiation.  !

Based on the above, it is our conclusion that the requirements of 10CFR50.49(d)(5) and 10CFR50.49(f)(4) have teen met (i.e., there are no aging mechanisms which would significantly degrade terminal block performance and gialification requirements are t satisfied by analysis in conjunction with partial type test l data).

During the 30-day Phase 2 testing, two anomalies affected the 3  ;


point, model 604-JJ terminal block. This terminal block blew a 250 milliamp fuse twice during the DBE test (at 150.7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> and at 198.1 hours1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />). Each time the fuse blow, it was replaced with a fuse of equivalent rating. The third fuse remained intact for the remainder of the 30-day test period. CONAX's position with regard to these failures is that they were random test apparatus failures and not terminal block failures. This is substantiated by the following:

o Leakage currents measured before and after these test anomalies indicated zero leakage.

o The anomalies occurred well after.the peak temperature and pressure, and after chemical spray had been terminated. It is during the initial ramp up to peak temperature and pressure, in conjunction with chemical spray, that worst case conditions exist which induce conductive moisture films leading to degraded insulation resistance and increased leakage currents.

This is confirmed in pages 36 and 40 of.the above referenced NUREG/CR-3691.

o The model 600-JJ and 602-JJ terminal blocks did not blow their 250 milliamp fuses during the 30 day DBE test. Given the center-to-center terminal spacings of 3/8 inch, 9/16 inch, and 7/8 inch for the models 600-JJ, 602-JJ, and 604-JJ, respectively, if the

- Enclosure 1 ULNRC-1540 anomalies affecting the 604-JJ terminal blocks were indeed indicative of a common mode failure mechanism, that phenomenon would be even more likely for the 600-JJ and 602-JJ terminal blocks.

o The cracking observed on the 604-JJ terminal block during post-LOCA inspectibn did not. prevent the circuit j from being re-energized from 198.1 hours1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> until the completion of the 30 day test. In addition, the 602-JJ  !

terminal block also exhibited cracking which did not affect performance. It is therefore our position that l

this cracking is not the cause for the fuse anomalies.

o The equivalent post-DBE operability time demonstrated by 150.7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> at a minimum temperature of 265 degrees F is calculated by the Arrhenius Equation to yield more-than 9000 days at 120 degrees F. Our requirement for ]

post-DBE operability is 180 days as stated in FSAR Section 3.11(B).5.2. It is our position that the fuse anomalies are test apparatus problems that, in any event, would not have occurred for 9000 days at i Callaway's post-DBE environment. See the attached calculation. i l

At Callaway, Kulka model 604-JJ terminal blocks are used in the following Class 1E 480-V power applications inside containment (none used in 1E circuits in the steam tunnel):

o BB-PV-8702A,B RHR Shutdown Suction Line Isolation Valves o BB-HV-8037B PRT Emergency Drain Line Isolation Valve o EG-HV-60 RCP CCW Return Containment Isolation Valve BB-PV-8702A,B are LOCA Category C and MSLB Category A. l BB-HV-8037B is Category C for both LOCA and MSLB. j EG-HV-60 is Category A for both LOCA and MSLB.

These categories are listed on the Master List, FSAR Table 3.11(B)-3.

The failure of BB-HV-8037B in any manner after a LOCA or MSLB is inconsequential to plant safety. BB-HV-8037B is one of two PRT emergency drain line isolation valves which drain the PRT to the containment sump. These valves are normally closed and are not required to operate following a LOCA or MSLB. The valves will fail as is in the closed position, which will not create a problem.

As discussed previously, test anomalies occurred at 150.7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> and 198.1 hours1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> (250 mA fuse blew twice) into the test reported in CONAX IPS-675. This has been equated to over 9000 days of post-accident operation using the Arrhenius Equation. However, even using the actual test time of 150.7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> (over 6 days) would allow sufficient time to accomplish the required safety functions of BB-PV-8702A,B and EG-HV-60.

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Enclosure 1 ULNRC-1540 q h

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BB-PV-8702A,B are remote-manually opened after RCS pressure and l various valve interlocks are satisfied (i.e. interlocked with containment recirculation sump isolation valves, RWST isolation 1 valves, RHR to charging pump suction line isolation valve, and ]

RCS wide range pressure). This occurs in the first 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 1 after the MSLB (FSAR Section 15.1.5 analysis based on 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> RHR J initiation). A terminal block failure due to leakage currents exceeding 250 mA at 6 days after a MSLB is inconsequential in l these 480-V power circuits since:

1. The valves will fail as is, in the open position, which is the desired position.
2. For the valves to fail closed, a hot short would be required. This is not a credible failure mode since power is removed from the valves after they cycle open.
3. If required, the auxiliary feedwater system and intact SG PORV's can be used to remove residual heat.

EG-HV-60 receives a phase B containment isolation signal to 1 isolate the component cooling water return line from the RCP's.

This occurs anywhere from 6 secs. to 20 min, after a LOCA or MSLB, depending on break sizes and analysis assumptions (ref:

FSAR Figs. 3.11(B)- 4, 5, 6 at 27.0 psig, the phase B setpoint).

A terminal block failure due to leakage currents exceeding 250 mA at 6 days after a LOCA or MSLB is inconsequential in this 480-V power circuit since-

1. The valve will fail as is, in the closed position, which is the desired position.


2. For the valve to fail open, a hot short would be required. This is not a credible failure mode since power is removed from the valve after it cycles closed.
3. The outboard isolation valve, EG-HV-59, also receives a phase B isolation signal and is unaffected by the containment environment (in the auxiliary building piping penetration room).

This analysis of the applications of Kulka 604-JJ terminal blocks at Callaway shows the equipment would have performed its post-accident function well before the time of the test anomalies.

s Conclusion It is Union Electric's conclusion that the Bunker Ramo test reports, 123-2222 and 123-2159-18, as supplemented by the CONAX report IPS-675, provide the basis for the qualification of the Kulka model 601-JJ, 602-JJ, 604-JJ, and 605-JJ terminal blocks.

CONAX test report IPS-675 has been provided to address the indeterminate status of the Kulka terminal blocks during the

- Enclosure 1 i ULNRC-1540 l l

I period that they were disconnected from the voltage source in the .j Bunker Ramo test. This demonstrates that the Kulka terminal I blocks are qualified for use at the Callaway Plant.  !


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1 l where, t2 = service life simulated post-DBE l t y = test time = 150.7 hrs. - 27.7' hrs. =

l 123 hrs. (note that 27.7 hrs, is the time required for the Callaway containment to return to its normal maximum of 120 F)

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l 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> = 9271 days t2 = 2.22 x 10 Note that for t 2 to equal 180 days, t approximately 2.4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />, corresponding, to would have to 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br /> be into i the DBE test. This is due to the high temperature j profile and high activation energy of glass-filled diallyl phthalate.

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l EA/clarat s / \ ] . '. dD0gr NP-/s*s r ut.Ntc -tr48 i I acuv.auan supe } { 1 M=cerist/ Acnvsnun , Comcunent/De ric:: Enern (eV) Cit: nun Remarks , Capaciten. chlorinated 2.00 566 DC life. Stressed at LOGO volts j dip henyl. 0.5% per mil. See Note L4. { a:cbenzene l Capacirce, chiennated 0.36 L80 Die!=:=ic str= sed with de diphenyl Kaft paper potential. LO6 V/in. See Note t+. Capacitcc. chiccinated L.50 180 Dielecric st: . sed with de j diphenyl K:af: paper potendal. LO6 V/in. See Note L+. ) l with 0.5% arebenzene Capacitoc. chiccinated L93 L80 Die!ectric st = sed' with de diphenyt K:sf: paper pccendal. [06 V/in. See Note L4. with 5.0% a:cbenzene . 1 Capacitet dieleccic, 2.42 717 LO% capacibnen inc:::se. See I' tubufs: pace: Note E4. l


Capacitcc, metalized L32 180 Life deEned as time tec.uired to j page: cegain originaf value cf { capacitance aim: initial ease. ] See Note 14. i Capacitcc, tidnium. 0.09 Hi6 Eccmed by accM tien. Tess titanium dicxide thin. 'with cate of tempe ature cise ap- l Elm. @ 15:C.!C0 C proximately ZW"C/ min. Cheseal(Chcenede Inc.) 1.04 765 Detennined by ther=cgavi. (Silve: E!!ed cenductive .me:ic analysis. Hesting :ste of silicene) 10*C pe: minute.  ; 1 Connec:ca: tnta getc D = 0, exp (w/kT), whe:e D = - 1 (25.!C03) e!ec' cplated chemical interdiffusica ccef. l over cepper base nute:ia! Ecient and D.s 1.5 x 10-' cc:/s. (250*C . 750*C) 1.0Z 433 P:edeminant degadaticn . ( 50*C . 250*C) 0.50 433 mechanism is defect diffusica , s along grain boundaries and I dislocation pipes-dependent  ! upon defect density.

                              . Dacron. Parachute             1.1)           /65   Determined by thermogravi.

mate:ini (polyethylene metric analysis. Heating rate of glycol terephthalate, see 2*C per minute see A. L24% Diallyphthalate, glass 1.04 765 Determined by thermogravi. filled metric analysis.' Heating rate of 10 C per minute. Diodes, Si

                                -general N             A 1.13.Z.77         340                                               ,

Diodes, Si (- 1960) 1.14 340 B.3


                                                                                      &"Ar NP /SST                                                               //LMac -/s4o u.:ckuw 731.

Mart 1n Manet:a Ccrecravan. Lcag Lde As:urance Study !ct Manned Scacecraft Langkle Har: ware. Vclume lit. Long4fe At:urance Studies cf Ccmconents. Cenver. Colcrace; Mar-tin Mar:et:a Ccrecracen. Secremcer 1971 Reccer No. MCR 72169. Nananal Aerc anc Scaca Acmimstration Fe::cr- No. NASA.CF.122907. IEEE Stancarc rest ?mcecure tar 5,atuanan at Systems at in:ulancn 755. \EEE Stc ^59-1974 tcr Scec: airy Tranctctmem. New Ycrx: Tae 'nsntute ct Eec:ncat and Eec:rcmc3 Eng neers. Augus: 197A 1 In. 75". C. L Hanns anc C. J. Hamman. Racianca Efect: Cesigrr Mancccck. 3 \ntarmaticn Sect:ca Canter. l E!ectnc: suiating Materials and Cacacirces. Cclumcus. Chic: Raciaticn 5.'fec:E Re::cr: Nc. N ASA CR-iTST. i 764 Martin Marieca Ccrccraden. L:ng Ufe Assurance Stucy fcr Manned Scacec : ft Long Ufe Hardware. Vciume ll. Lcng.Ufe Assussace Stucles ct EEE Parra anc Pac!< aging. Cenver. Ccieracc: Martin Marteca Ccrecraden, Cecamcer 1972. Re::cr No. MCR-72-t&E Naticnal Aeronautics and Scace Acministraden Reccr: Nc. NASA-CR-1289CE. O TEL Maran Marietta Carpcraden. Long-Ufe Assurance SNcy fcr Manned Scacecraft Long. fe Marun Marcware..Vciume !. Summary of Lcng.Ufe Assurance Guide!ines. Cenver,Ccicraca: Maneca Ccri:craden, Cecamt:er 1972. Recer: Nc. MCR-72-1EE Naticnal Aeronautics and Scace Acministraten Re::cr, Nc. NASA-CR t2SSCS. 763. MIL,STD-167-i (Sr-lFS). Mecnamcat Victaricas cr Shipccard Natal Shic Systems EpuipmencCcmmanc, (Type I-E viren-mental and Type il-intema!!y Etcited). wasning:an, CC:

                                    - .                        Cecar men: of the Navy, May 1974
                                                                                  ~                                                               2. Ale::andria.

769. MILETC-2C2L Test Metncd: fcr and Elec:ncal Ccmpenent Pst: Virginia: Cefense Succly Agency, Camec.n Staticn, April 1971 772. M1LC915L Cadle and Card Eec::ical. !ct Shipocard Use. Genera: Scec:?!ca:lcas !ct, Augus: 1972. Eculpment. T7^.:. MILR 15%:6 (ShlFSi. Nuclear Prcpulsicn C:ncrci and Instrumentarica 1 General Requirements. June 196C. i

  • 79E.

RCA, Sciid Sta:e Civisicn. Accelentted Ufe Testing Effects on CMOS Mictccircuit Charactedsrica. Phas e 11 Interim Recer:. Sen ereille. New Jersay: RCA. Sctid State Creisien, July 1977. Precared ter Gec.rge C. Marshall Spaca Flight Cen:er. 797. ANSI appendix CS7.92. Guide for Lcading Gil!mmersed Cistricution and Power Trans-formers. New York: American Naticnal Standards institute, June 1S62. i EC2. Task Fcree en Aging of Eec:ricalInsulatien of the Conference en Sectrical Insulatica and Cielectric Fhencmena, Ccmmissien en Socio. technical Systems, National Research Coun-cil. Research 'Needs to Assess the Leng. Term Performance of Electrical Insulating Materials and Systems. Washingten, CC: National Academy of Sciences,1977. 832. E. L Brancato. L M. Johnson and F.J. Campbell "A New Navy Classification Criterion for Insulation Ule." In Proceedings of the 13th Electrical / Electronics Insulation Confere , New York:The institute of Sectrical and Electronics Engineers.1977, pp.188-193. lEEE Pub- j i LLation Number 77CH1273 2 El. 838. W. A. Fess!er and G. H. Kaufmann. " Aging and Life. Testing of Transformer Insutation Systems in Polydimethylsiloxane."In Proceedings of the 13th Electrical / Electronics ins R.! l .

 .    ,                                                                                                  enc /-l'tTMME /       I I
   .    .                                                                                                 tilNxc -/syo EfA~ sf                   L/7.2.sp CLAS5: INSULATOR insuia:!cn, resin, glycidyl e t.9er/epo:ty Nava i ac Matertal: Coil                                                    O t.9 e r C n fo rma ti o n" peace-cv                      Radta:icn Oa:2 LTD (racsi 25CJ (rad:) -CJ (rads)                                                                    l l

(LTOR nr/(radsi (E5CJR(Plds'))( nr nr y COR ( rads-)' 1 Van de Vccede , M., .ind Re- l iE3 I.523 sta:, , Selac:1on F3 Guice :: Organic Matar-ials for Nuclear Engin-eering , CERN 72-7, May i 7,1972, p . 67.

                                                          +57. , 6 E3          Cuid.


                                                           .. t 3 , 3,,3 9     Ibid.


                                                          -50%,3E3             [ bid.                                          1 r


                                                          -70%,3.EE3           Eb id .

F3 Share C/'lan de Vccrde , M., f 2.523 +3%,3E3 ' HD 2E3 and Res tat, C. , SeTec-tian Guide :: Gr:anic Materiais for Nucisar Engineering , CERN 72-7, l May T 7, I.972, p. 67.

                                                            -3%,6E3              Ch i d'.


                                                            +0%,TE3              Ibid.                                         f HD a0%,3.523         (bid.                                         ,

HD Oiailyi ph:hala:a Giass filled / Hanks , C. is 1.SE9 ' L., NAS, CR 1737,1971. I 3E3 Ibid. EL



  • Note: Order in which the information appears: Units, i f di f ferent than rads ,

particic(s), k factor / Environmental data / Material data / References. L *7~b = b e w erl Tlre.rb o // b or e.rn ya c:had esp a,- + osch = .bsza A - ps% cL c # cb = bra Aa -

                                                                % cake             in     qc er-DJ p ry rs = wa s ,n gz = e /sy }lm

l ENCLbf/426 / [7:',X /V/'- 4/ 72 J~f 5 ~ O . I CLA52_: Ul : U ' ' ' '

                                                             'N Ma cariai : 0:a1iy! p n : n a l 2 ' 3 . 'i l'2:Fi ' 9 '1 proce- /                             W                                   0Ner [n forma tion" LTD (ric:1        25C~ (r:d:)   CC (r22:l L7R(cctn(^'5C:R:~.c:?(T~R!rac:

gp . , \ ne h- \ nr //;\\Minae ,,, cnance: C: L:.0/, is 1.3E9 / Hamman, s a. .s. . 2 ,. . c. ; L . , a n d 0.J., ,iec etcai, [nsu-la-ing Ma:arial s anc . caaacicac2,Rac:. attan j Effects Design Hanc- I acak, NASA CR-L781,

t. e. . 1 I

Ma:ariai Escxy UrsCatac IEA 3aur, J .F. ,Racia:f on Damage Limi for O f ag-ncs-ic Camcanen 3, Gener1T Accmic Ca., { Juiy, L93L,s.7. 1 T3 LE7 -10$,LE9 ( C ) / Xamsa ,R .E. ,Radia- '. tian' Effec: on HS-350 i Ma: arf ai s , Vol E. , Ma arai Epace Racia-tion ,Rapa rc 7a-37, Hughes Aircraf Ca., l A;rit, L9 7 a , s .5 -9. 7- _ r. n 0 ".. . '. .r i. u~ cd.

                                                                                     .-,                                                                       l
                                                          .: u , , ,. <

2u. .2:c. 2

                  .j                                    _ -.s u ,1 : ...

u ., . s. . F5 - 2 0 ", , L E 3 (C)/ Ar:ma tic Curing Nucisar and l- Acan:/ 55 ace Racia:ian Effac:s on Matarial5, NASA SP-3053, Ju n e .19 70,s . 30. f3 -50%,159 C 'a i d . F5 - 5 0 ", ,1 E 3 (C)/ Alicha tic Curing A g e n t / C 'o i d . 1 l

  • Note: Order in which the informa: ion appears: Units, if diffaren: than rads, particle (s), k factor / Environmental da ta/Ma terial da ta/Re ferences.


         .                                                                                                                                                            Enclosure                                                                                                                                                                        ULNRC-1540 Marathon Series 1600 NUC Terminal Blocks Union Electric has based the qualification of the Marathon 1600 terminal blocks on Wyle Laboratories Test Report 45603-1 which is contained in our EQ documentation file E-028. The Marathon                                                                                                              i 1600's are used at Callaway in 120 VAC and 125 VDC applications                                                                                                           l only.                                      The test report documents that leakage current for these                                                                     j applications is well below the level.that would have caused the                                                                                                           i 12 amp fuse to fail.                                                                                                                                                      )

In order to provide further evidence of qualification for these terminal blocks we have reviewed Limitorque Report B-0119 which also documents the testing of Marathon 1600 terminal blocks. It q I has been determined that the test profile envelopes the environment the terminal blocks would be subjected to in the installed configuration at Callaway. The fact that the blocks ) were not energized during the entire test represents a more l severe condition than if they had been energized. This is due to i the drying out effect that would have been sustained had they been continuously energized, j Leakage currents were determined by direct measurement of insulation resistance (IR) using a megger. Leakage currents are considered to be no greater than 120 milliamps based on a worst  ; case IR value of 1000 ohms for a 120-volt circuit. The circuits in which these terminal blocks were used have been analyzed and it has been determined that this leakage current would not cause any devices to actuate or switch to an improper position. Our review of the Limitorque test report substantiates the previous conclusion reached from the Wyle test report; that is, l the Marathon Series 1600 NUC terminal blocks are qualified for use at Callaway. Subsequent to the testing described in Wyle Report 45603-1, additional testing on the same Marathon 1600 NUC terminal blocks was performed by Wyle Labs. Since the same blocks were used, this latter testing was a High Energy Line Break (HELB) simulation only (Wyle Report 17657) as the blocks had already been aged, irradiated, and subjected to seismic testing. Leakage currents were continuously monitored during the HELB simulation which consisted of environmental conditions of 368 F, 56 psig, 100% R.H, and chemical spray with a pH of 10.5 and 3000 ppm , boron. This envelopes the required conditions since:

a. As shown on FSAR Fig. 3.11(B)-7 and discussed in
                                                                               'ULNRC-1473 dated 3-24-87, for an MSLB the surface temperature of the terminal blocks inside'their Hoffman junction boxes will approximately follow the containment saturation temperature. This behavior is not material-dependent, as condensing heat transfer is l                                                                               more effective than convective heat transfer.

Selecting a bounding temperature of 300 F from FSAR l


       .                                                              l
  • Enclosure 2 ULNRC-1540 Fig.3.11(B)-7 leaves 68 F for margin. Peak LOCA temperature is 308.6 F leaving 59 F for margin.
b. Normal spray pH during the injection phase (less than 1 hour) is 9.5-10.5 and could reach 11.0 for one minute during the initial stage. Assuming a single failure in the containment spray system, this period at pH.= 11.0 could last up to 30 minutes. For the remainder of the recirculation phase (23 hours) the spray pH is 8.0-9.0.

Since the effects of chemical corrosion are related not  ! only to the pH magnitude but also to the duration of , exposure, the testing at pH = 10.5 for 24 hours l adequately demonstrated the corrosive effects that would be imposed on the terminal blocks by the SNUPPS l containment spray system. l l c. The peak leakage current for specimens 1 and 4 (Marathon 1600-NUC) was 290mA as shown on page II-47 of Wyle Report 17657. This was at 120 VAC. See the attachment for an analysis of the effect of this magnitude of leakage current on the affected circuits.

d. Test specimen 3, a Marathon 6000 DJ, exhibited several failures which resulted in datalogger anomalies.

' Figure II-26 of the report shows that a 3A fuse blew on circuit 3 of specimen 3 shortly after 5 hours into the test. Figu re II-28 shows that a 0.1A fuse blew on circuit 4 forty-three minutes into the test and was replaced with a 0.5A fuse that remained intact. Figure II-31 shows that a 0.1A fuse blew on circuit 6 at 6 l minutes into the test, was replaced with a 0.5A fuse l which then blew at 2 1/2 hours, was again replaced with a 0.5A fuse that blew shortly after 7 1/2 hours. The failure of specimen 3 at 6 minutes led to a datalogger overload and subsequent leakage current spike to 4A on circuit 6'of specimen 1. The failures of specimen 3 after 5 hours led to erratic datalogger performance and < eventual failure of the datalogger circuits measuring DC voltage parameters at 18 1/2 hours due to a grounded card. These parameters were subsequently recorded manually. The 4A leakage current spike on circuit 6 of specimen 1 was due to the common power supply with circuit 6 of specimen 3. Note that circuit 6 of specimen 1 had a 0.1A fuse which remained intact. Further, circuits 2 and 3 of specimen 1 had relays which held their contacts closed continuously while l energizing switches were closed, exhibiting leakage l currents of 290mA (120 VAC) and 280mA (135 VDC), l respectively. After removal of circuit 6 in specimen 3 from the test, leakage currents on circuit 6 of specimen 1 the 25mA level and below. Peak leakage currents on specimen 4 were 140mA (120 VAC) and 180mA (135 VDC). Discussions with Commonwealth Edison revealed that specimen 3 was a last minute addition to l l t

                                                    .                                                          Enclosure 2 ULNRC-1540 the test program and that when removed from the test the remaining circuits stabilized. It is our position that these test anomalies were due to the failure of specimen 3, a type of block not used at Callaway, and its degrading influence on the datalogger.

CONCLUSION Union Electric bases the qualification of the Marathon series 1600 NUC terminal blocks on Wyle reports 45603-1 and 17657, as supplemented by Limitorque report B-0119. To address the anomalies in Wyle report 45603-1 in which fuses opened in the 528 l VAC and 264 VAC test specimens, subsequent testing.of the same terminal blocks was performed in Wyle report 17657. The 132 VAC test specimen in Wyle report 45603-1.did not exhibit any fuse anomalies. Limitorque report B-0119 substantiates the leakage current results obtained in Wyle report 17657. The circuits using these terminal blocks have been reviewed and it has been determined that none of the affected safety-related' functions are compromised by the leakage currents demonstrated by Wyle report 17657 and Limitorque report B-0119. Therefore, it is our judgement that Marathon series 1600 NUC terminal blocks are qualified for use in 120 VAC and 125 VDC applications at Callaway Plant. l l

y_ - _ - _ - - - _ - - - - - - - - . - _ - - -

                                                 .                                                                                             I Enclosure 2 ULNRC-1540 l

Attachment l l I


Effects of 300mA leakage current on Class 1E circuits using Marathon 1600 NUC terminal blocks VALVE OPERABILITY INDICATION INTERLOCKS BB-PV-8702A Not affected. Not affected. Stem-mounted limit Note 1. Note 3 switches interface with other MOV's. Note 1. BB-V-8010A,B,C Not affected. 300mA leakage N/A Pressure-operated current could relief valves. result in dim glow of incorrect GE ET-16 lights with correct position light brightly lit. Note 4. BB-PCV-455A,456A Not affected. Not affected. N/A Note 2. Cutler-Hammer indicating lights


will not light on ' 300mA. EJ-HV-8701B Not affected. Not affected. Stem-mounted i Note 1. Note 3 limit switches l interface with other MOV's. Note 1. EP-HV-8808A,B,C,D Not affected. These valves have N/A I Note 1. redundant indicating lights. The Cutler-Hammer lights are not affected since these lights do not interface with Marathon terminal blocks. As discussed above, the GE ET-16 lights could be affected. Notes: 1- Motor-operated valve starter coils require 1.26 amps to operate. 2- Solenoid coil requires a current in terms of amps to operate. 3- These circuits do not interface with Marathon terminal blocks. 4- Safety valve positicq can be determined by pressurizer pressure, RCS temperature, and pressurizer relief tank level, pressure, and temperature. In addition, there are strap-on RTD's on the safety valve cischarge lines. a}}