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Partial Response to FOIA Request for Access to Minutes or Records of Special Meetings Between NRC & Toledo Edison Co Representatives Re 850609 Loss of Feedwater Event at Plant. App a Documents Available in PDR
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 11/25/1986
From: Grimsley D
To: Duane White
FOIA-86-787 NUDOCS 8612040531
Download: ML20214Q136 (4)


U.S. NUCLEAR REIULATORY COMMISSION Nac Foia :toutst Nuuse:tsi y' ~ey .

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No agency records subl ect to the request have been located.

No additional ev , records subsect to the request have been located.

Agency records subject to the request that are identified in Appendix _. A 1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC. are already avadable foe public inspection and copying in the NRC Public Document Room.

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Agency records subject to the request that are identified in Appe.wiin Room,1717 H Street, N W., Washington, DC. In a folder under the FOIA number and requester name.are being made avaaabte for public inspecten and copying in the N and coying ,f tary version at theof NRC the pr~~Ws)Public that Document you agreed to accept in a telephone Room,1717 H Street, conversation N W., withWashington, a member of my staff DC. enis in nowabeing fo6 made der Enclosed is informaten on how you may obtain eccess to and the charges for copying records placed in the ,NRC Public Document

. ., Washington, DC. Room,1717 H Agency records subject to the request are enclosed. Any applicable charge for copies of the records provided omments and payment section.

procedures are noted Records subject to the request have been referred to another Federst agencyties) for review and direct response to you.

In view of fGC's ,ew to the request, no further action is being taken on appeal letter dated PART ll.A-INFORMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC D.SCLOSURE Certain informaten in the requested records is being withheld from public disclosure pursuant to the FOIA exemptions descrd*f in tens 8. C, and D. Any released portene of the documents for which only part of the record is being withheld are being made ava3able for public in spectM and copying in the NEC Pubiac Document Room,1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC, in a folder under the FOIA number and requnter name Co . . . .ts i!

8612040531 861125 PDR FOIA


WHITE 86-787 PDR a


aJ,RDS m


., s RC FORM 404 (Part u 88)

, Re: F01A-36-787 i j Appendix A

( R_ecords Maintained Aaong PDR Files


Transcript of I- U.S.

BriefingNuclear by LicenseeRegulatory on Event, Comission June 11,1985. Fact 72-Team, fo/c6 - /,J jps r

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Fact Finding Team, Transcript of tro729o /

,2. Meeting on Davis-Besse Design Features Related to Event, June 11, 1985. g y j,'p U.S. Nuclear. Regulatory Comission Fact Finding Team, Transcript of J, Briefing Conference Tutorial Session, Equipment Status Conference and  !

RIII Report Conference, June 11,1985./.rd ? A'i o W o - Sr oy f

s. l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Fact Finding Team, Transcript of Y. Interview of NRC Region Ill Resident Inspector, June 11,1985. p.( s 3/-i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Fact Finding Team, Transcript of

, 5. Interview of Shift Supervisor, June 12,1985. gfo 72 f o erc,- f 7 ge s U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Fact Finding Team, Transcript of

4 Interview with Assistant Shift Supervisor, June 12,1985. fro 72 9 o 3/3 - /* f <

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Fact Finding Team, Transcript of

7. Meeting on Status of Equipment Which Malfunctioned, June 12,1985.uo 72 Se t s

'* ff'

'U.S. Nuclear. Regulatory'Comission Fact Finding Team Transcript of F. Interview of Operations Superintendent,. June 12,1985, t'Iop.2 po3 a ? - T- r7 U.'s. Nuc1' ear. Regulatory Comission Fact Finding Team. Transcript offIc72. foes T. Interview 6f Operations Reactor Ope'rator (Secondary Side), June 13, 1985. n / /

U.S. Nuelear. Regulatory Co5 mission Fact Findin's Team Transdr'ipt of

/o. Interview of . Reactor Operator (Primary Side).. June 14, 1985. Flc n.9c o 'o - p


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Fact Finding Team, Transcript of


Meetingon,Troubleshootingo.fEqujpment, June 14,1985, f.ro7x10 o67 -//J./

. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Fact Finding Team. Transcript of

/J. Plant Manager and Operations Supervisor, June.15,1985. BTo729o oF5 -E ,


13 U.S. NucTear Heeting on Troubleshoot Regu.1htory{Comm'isiton ng 'of , Equipment, June Jact- Finding Team U.S. Nucl. ear'Regu1'atorykomission fact Find ng Team, Transcript of iy' Meeting Between the NRC. Staff and Edison Comp'any Concerning AFW Systems, June. 19, '19.85.* .gfq5,ea o// - 51 g.r.

- u .

l i


l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Fact Findin

/5. Interview of Shift Technical Advisor, June 18,g Team, Transcript of

, 1985. #,ro 7A p o of3 - Wej g.

i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Fact Finding Team Transcript of '

N June  ? 8 Meeting18,1985on. 7foTroubleshooting

?).90 /!.C for the Main Feedwater Pump Contro p efs -

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Fact Finding Team, Transcript of *  :)

17. Meeting on Troubleshooting for the Nuclear Instrumentation Source Range  !

Channels, June 19,1985. 7Ata/tt - t'/ /y.s U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Fact Finding Team. Transcript offrop,aso2.57i IF. Meeting on Troubleshooting for the Turbine Bypass Valve, June 19, 1985. 3 y U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Fact Finding Team, Transcript of

19. Interview June 19,1985.Ifo of the Shif7A1o/f t Superv'isor / .cr pp.c and Assistant Shift Supervisor, j

40- U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Fact Finding Team, Transcript of Interview of NRC Region 11 Senior Resident Inspector, June 20, 1985. SfoW e'-N to /*p s.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory C6 mission Fact Finding Team. Transcript of

4. Meeting on Troubleshooting for the Auxiliary Feed Pumps Overspeed Trips, June 20,1985. fro 7x9 axs.c Ff gs. '

V. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission. Fact Finding Team, Transcript of /Ic72 fem Interview of Plant Manager and Operations Superintendent, June 21, 1985.gfe j fs U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission' Fact Find'ing Team, Transcript of ~

Meeting on Valves AF 599 and AF 608; Troubleshooting for the AFPT a3- Overspeed Trip Throttle Valve Problem; and Sequence of Events, June 21,1985. 7.fo7A 9 4 A./ f - /ft gf.s . '

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Fact Finding Team, Transcript of g* Interview 6f Administrative Assistant to the Shift Supervisor, June 21, 1985. f.cb72 9etJ 7 -- :n,t ff s :

M* U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission. Fact Finding Te'am Transcript [f E557Af en o <

Interview of NRC Region III, Senior Resident inspector, June ~ 21, 1985. f.r fys.

U.S. Nuclear Regula' tory Comissi'on Fact Finding Team, Transcript of Meeting on Troubleshooting for th'e' Auxiliary Feed Pumps Overspeed Trips,

4. the PORV, Spurious Closure of the MSIVs, and the Startup Feed Yalve SP-7A, June 27,1985. #.rerx 9 a sy7 3,y gg .

U.S. Nuclear. Regulatory .Comissi6n' fact Finding Team, Transcript of a '1, Meeting Between the NRC Fact Finding Team'and Toledo Edison to Discuss .

Additional Information Reque'st, July 9,1985. gr,7,2,y 42 pg yrg.r .

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.s U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Fact Finding Team, Transcript of .

Meeting Between the NRC Fact . Finding Team and Toledo Edison on SFRCS

  • g' Operation and Action Plan to Troubleshoot the 6-9-85 Anomalies, July 9, 1985. fro 7,3. 9 *>d' 7 - y / ps . .

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Fact Finding Team, Transcript of M, - Neeting Between the NRC Fact finding Team and Toledo Edison to Discuss .

Procedures, July 9,1985. ffo7.3 p,, gf ,fp g s . -

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Fact Finding Team, Transcript of Meeting Between the NRC Fact Finding Team and Toledo Edison to Discuss 30.

PORY Controls and Instrumentation, July 9,1985. pro 7.a.po e 7 2 _ /4. g s .

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Fact Finding Team, Transcript of St' Meeting Between the 'NRC Fact Finding Team and Toledo Edison on SFRCS Actuated Equipment and Operations . July 10,1985. pfo72-16 es s - W (75 ,

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Fact Finding Team, Transcript of E Meeting Between the NRC Fact Finding Team and Toledo Edison on sequence of Events, July 10,,1985. # rWPA 9 e 2 9 3 -- s/ fp .

. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Fact Finding Team Transcript' of Meeting Between the NRC Fact Finding Team and Toledo Edison on SFRCS

h. Actuated Equipment and Operations (Continued From July 10,1985), July 11,1985. f.cD 72 9
  • 1.5 / - 7 9',fys . s

. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Fact Finding Team, Transc'ript of

%, Meeting Between the NRC Fact Finding Team and Toledo Edison on SFRCS Training, July 11,1985. /fo/A 9 p 2 g s .

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Fact Finding Team, Transcript of Y. Meeting Between the NRC Fact Finding Team and Toledo Edison on Status

  • l Report on Quarantine Equipment, July 11, 1985. / m 2_ ,o 2 7 > /7 y g ,s .

i' g, . U.S. Nuc1' ear Regulatory Comission fact Finding Team, Transcript of Meeting Between the NRC Fact Finding Team and Toledo Edison on Status Report on Quarantine Equipment (Continued From July 11,1985), July 12, 1985. fypp,y,p.yo r , p s ,

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