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Intervenor Exhibit I-ROREM-229,consisting of 830511 Memo to Site Contractors Re Reinsp Program of non-NDE Personnel.Plan for Each Contractor Described
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/04/1986
From: Cosaro R
OL-I-ROREM-229, NUDOCS 8705200631
Download: ML20214C268 (10)


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TO: Site Contractors' ,

FRCH: R. Cosaro .-,


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DATE: May 11,1983 3UBJECT: Re-Inspection Program of Non-NDE Personnel  ;

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ID_9t#er .aamura_.the 4dequacy_.of neevi an= 1==a--+4aa. *h.

followina clan _abqvitLbg._imolemented as_ described for_ ameh centra,q-toe. Thenunw re-inpsestion this nian will ytrity..the adequacy gf.

SmRt Oum11tv Cqn,qpl Tnneactor trainine/eertifiention nemetites.

In some cases initial inspections are in progress, or have recently been completed, therefore, no additional inspections are required.

Phillies, Getschow t A re-inspection must be perfomed. The re-inspection is to be conducted on a sample size established as follows:

1 From a chronolonical listing based on date of certifi-cation of each quality control inspector who has been certified since the beginning of the project, every fifth inspector beginning with the fifth will be select-ed and each inspection perfomred during the inspectors


first three (3) months will be re-inspected, where ac-cessible. Inaccessible shall be defined as; condition where dismantling would be required to gain access, or condition where the process was an event which cannet be recreated. If an inspector is selected who has no l 1 inspections accessible, the next succeeding inspector 1 is to be selected.

l 1

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'The 4

acceptable quality level (i.e. maximum percent rejections) is established as follows: -

N) I h For attributes which are objective in nature and i therefore have a higher Aggree of repestability N g 1' the acceptable quality level will be 5%. For at-4 \ 2 tributes which are subjective in nature and

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therefore have a lower degree of repeatability the acceptable quality level will be 10%. Re-inspection 535 E55 - rejections on attributes which are subjective in nature g@d $5I ,5E1  !

will be evaluated by independent third party inspectors to establish true rejectability; additionally re-l I

ga inspection rejections on attributes which are objective go h j in nature will be evaluated by independent third party 4


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inspectors to establish true rejectability if trends and quantities appear to require evaluation.

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  1. .* 8705200631 B61204 6 NPc00035 DR ADOCK 0500

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. The sample' size. expansion will be established as follows:

Where true rejectability is greater than 105 for .

subjective attributes or greater than 55 for objective attributes for an individual inspector, then an additional three (3) sonths of inspection ,

work will be re-inspected, where accessible, for that individual for the type of inspection attri-bute exceeding the acceptable quality lev,el. ,

If the rejections continue to ex-coed the acceptable quality level after the completion of the additional three (3) sonth period for that inidvidual, then all the individual in-spections, of that attribute, performed by that inspector for the remainder of his work will be re-inpsected, where accessible; and the original


sample size of inspectors being reviewed will be increased by 50%.



Inaccessible - condition where dismantling would be required to gain access; examples:

embedded or buried piping, internal diameter alignment of piping and fit-tings, fit-up gap piping and fittings, et. al., note: the requirement to remove fireproofing and insulation will not classify an item as inaces-sible.

- condition where process was an event which can not be recreated; examples:

post-weld heat treatment, interpass temperature, element has been rework-ed as a result of revision or other cause, receipt inspections,

Objective Insoection Attribute - feature which by its pnysical nature nas a nign degree of repeatability; examples: material size, shape, traceability, dimen-- .

sional configuration, examination reporting,



( '

Subjective Inspection Attribute - feature which by its

- nacure nas a lower degree of repeatability due to its dependence upon human sensory qualities; examples:

visual weld evamination,

g  !. K. Comstock/E. C. Ernst A re-inspection must be perfonned. The re-inspection is to be conducted on a sample size established as follows:

From a chronoloaical listing based on date of certifi-cation of each quality contml inspector who has been certified since beginning of the project, every fifth /

insnector berinnine with the fifth-will be molected and each individual insoection Derformed durint the

  • inanector's riest three f31 manthe vill be re insnected. l l vhere seemsnible. Ynmeremmih1e shall be defined ast enndi tinn uhece di emmntt ine unn1d be venniend te rein secomm. er enndition wheen necemme van an event which can not be recreated. If an insnector is selected who ,

han no inanectiens necessible. the next succeedine f inane en ut,, he mei e te.

( '

The acceptable quality level (i.e. maximum percent rejections) will be established as follows:. g i ,

Ine re-inspection shall be accomplished utilizing the inspection criteria applicable to the initial

inspection period.y ter attm nnte= uraen are on-te: Live in nature and therefore have a hieher derree nr venemenm419 tv the merenemhie num14 tv level will he M. For attributes which are subiective in nature mnd therefnee have a l e Joe desceo er renantah g the meeentabl e eunlity level util be 1Q%. Re-inspection rejections on .attributes which are

, subjective in nature will be evaluated by independent third party inspectors to establish true rejectability; ,

additionally re-insoection reiections on attributes which are obiective in nature will be evaluated by indenendent thied ogg;1y AnspactQrn te es_ 6 5 M pat __ i veiectability if trends and cuantities acoear to re-4 nnico evaluatien.

i The sample size expansion win be established as follows:

i Where true rejectability is greater than 10% for

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I 1;R000C37 1


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k subiective attributes or greater than M for ob-

. iactive attributes for an :,ndividual insnector.

then an additional three (3) 'nanths of inenection wor}c Will be re-insoected. where_ accessible that indiv%,m1 rne the evne ar in n=r+4a= me

.for4 hi,*.

exceedinr the accentahle niin11tv inval_ Te the ee. '

iactions continue to exceed the necentable cuality

_ level yter the ccmnletion_of__tha_ additional three r11 innn t h nacind ene that individiini *h-a sti th. .

individttal insnections. of that attribute. nerform-ed by taht insnector fee the Pomm4nder of__312 Verk will he re in=nected. where mees ==1hle. and the ori rin al =-1. =49 e r i n-ete=_, haine eggigggd_

u411 ha 4 ne.=me e md hs. $fW APPENDIX: ,


Inaccessible - condition where dismantling would ,,.

be required to gain access; examples: -

embedded duct runs, cable splices,

(', note: the requirement to

\ remove fireproofing and insulation will not classify an ites as inac-cessible.

- condition where process was an event which can not be recreated; examples:

cable pulling, handling of equipment, receiving inspection, calibration.

Objective Inscection Attribute - feature which by its pnysical nature nas a nign degree of repeatability; examples: material size, shape, traceability, dimen-sional configuration, exqmination reporting,

Subjective Insoection Attribute - feature which by its nature nas a lower oegree of repeatability due to its dependence upon human sensory qualities; examples:'

visual weld examination,

Pullman - HVAC Installation No additional action required. Complete your current inspection program utilizing the established, expanded, inspection require-

[ ments.

., HP.'30CC8

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Midway Coating Contractor, Field finish coating work has been overview inspected by Ceco OAD. The overview inspection consists of a check of ambient conditions, inspection of surface preparation, batch mixing, '

film thickness measurements and visual examination of finich coating and stored materials. Due to the comprehensiveness of overview inspections no additional action is required.

Pittsburgh Testing Laboratories - Independent Testing Laboratories An additional sampling re-inspection will be performed. The sample size will be established as follows:

From a chronological listing based on date of certifi-cation of esca quality control inspector who has been certified .since beginning of project, every fifth inspector beginning with the fifth will De selected and each individual inspection performed during the inspec-tor's first three (3) months will be re-inspected, where accessible. Inaccessible shall be defined as: '

C' condition where dismantling would be required to gain access, or condition where process was an event which can not be recreated. If an inspector is selected who has no inspections accessible, the next succeeding in-spector will be selected.

The acceptable quality level (i.e. partmum percent rejections) will be established as follows:

The re-inspection shall be accomplished utilizing the inspection criteria applicable to the initial inspec-tion period. For attributes which are objective in 2ature and therefore havg a higher degree of repeata-bility the acceptable quality level will be 5%. For attributes which are subjective in nature and therefore have a lower degree of repeatability the acceptable quality level will be 10%. Re-inspection rejections on attributes which are subjective in nature will be evaluated by independent third party inspectors to esta-blish true rejectability if trends and quantities appear to require evaluation.

. The sample size expansion will be established as follows:

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l Where true.rejectability is greater than 10% for sub- i

. jective attributes or greater than 55 for objective

. attributes for an individual inspector, then an ad . l ditional'three (3) months of inspection work will be re-inspected, where accessible, for that individual for the type inspection attribute exceeding the ac- .

i ceptable quality level after the completion of the additional three (3) month period for that individual, then all the individual inspections, of that attribute.

performed by that inspector for the remainder of the job will be re-1/ispected, where accessible; and the original sample size of inspectors being reviewed will be increased by 50%.


Definitions: .

Inaccessible - condition where dismantling would be required to gain access; examples:

sabedded structural bolts, note: the requirement to remove fireproofing and insulation will not classify an ites

( -

as inaccessible.

- condition where process was an e' vent which can not be recreated; examples:

concrete placement, in process exam-inations of welds, electrical cable

- pulling, calibrations, receipt inspec-tions.

Objective Insoection Attribute - feature which by its pnysical nature nas a nign oegree of repeatability; examples: torque checks (turn of the nut method).

Subjective Insoection Attribute - feature which by its nature nas a lower degree of repeatability due to its dependence upon human sensory qualities; examples- l visual weld examination,

NISCO - NSSS Assembly l

1 An additional sampling re-inspection will be performed. The sample i size will be established as follows:

lihC30r.10 l


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k From a chronological listing based on date of certifi-

- cation of each quality control inspector who has been certified since beginning of project, every fifth in-spector M54 aains with the fifth will be selected and each individual inspection perfo ined during the inspec-tors first three (3) months will be re-inspected, where

  • accessible. Inaccessible shall be defined as: condition where dismantling would be required.togain access, or condition where process was an event which can not be re- .

created. If an inspector is selected who has no inspections accessible, the next succeeding inspector will be selected.

The acceptable quality level (i.e. maximum percent rejections) will be established as follows:

The re-inspection shall be accomplished utilizing the inspection criteria applicable to the initial inspection.

period. For attributes which are objective in nature and therefore have a higher degree of repeatability the .

acceptable quality level will be 5%. For attributes which are subjective in nature and therefore have a lower degree of repeatability the acceptable quality level vill be.10%. Re-inspection rejections on attributes which are -

subjective in nature will be evaluated by independent

(. third party inspectors to. establish true rejectability; additionally re-inspection rejections on attributes which are objective in nature will be evaluated by independent third party inspectors to establish true rejectability if trends and quantities appear to require evaluation.

The sample size expansion will be established as follows:

Where true rejaccability is greater than 10% for sub-jective attributes or greater than 5% for objective attributes for an individual inspector, then an ad-ditional three (3) nonths of inspection work will be re-inspected, where acceqsible, for that individual for the type inspection attribute exceeding the acceptable

. quality level after the rejections continue to exceed the acceptable quality level after the completion of i

the additional three (3) month period for that indivi-

! dual, then all the individual inspections, of that ,

attribute, performed by that inspector for the remain-der of the job will be re-inspected, where accessible; ,

and the original sample size of inspectors being review- i ed will be increased by 50%. l APPENDIX:

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( Definitionsi Inaccessible '- condition where diamantling would be required to gain access; examples:

components and assemblies contained within reactor vessel shroud,,

the requirement to remove fire-note:

proofing and insulation will not classify an ites as inaccessible.

- condition where process Was an event which can not be recreated; exa=ples: interpass temperature, element has been reworked as a result of revision or other cause,

Objective Insoection Attribute - feature which by its pnysica), nature nas a nign negree of repeatability; ex- .

amples: material size, shape, traceability, dimensional configuration, examination reporting,

Subjective Inspection' Attribute - feature which by its nature has a lower degree of repeatability due to its

[ dependence upon human sensory qualities; examples: visual -

weld examination,

i G. K. Newberg - Welding .

No additional action is required at this time.

Re-inspection of structural steel connections will be completed in accordance with Ceco 50.55(e) report 82-10. Sample re-inspection is to be completed in accordance with the Quality Control Struc-tural Steel Review (OCSSR). ..

Wallgren - Block Walls No additional action is required.

J l

Napoleon - Post-Tensioning, Interior /Exteri'or Containment Steel, Rebar 1lR00CC12 e

e-. ,- , . e. - , , - - - - - ,. - - - - - - - - - - . , - - , - - , . - . , , , , , , , , - , - - - - , -

. *;*. , I. . .

l No additional a.ction is required. Sample re-inspection is to be completed in accordance with the Quality Control' Structural Steel

' Review (0CSSR).

Pittsburgh - Des Moines - Stainless Steel Tanks ,

All inspectors were certifeid to SNT-TC-1 A. No additional action is required.

H. H. Robertson - Shear Studs, Metal Decking No additional action is required.

9 Reliance Truck - Equipment Setting No additional action required.

(.. Mcartin & Mcaliff - Piping Systems Below 330' No additional action required.

Johnson Controls -

HVAC Control Line and Instrumentation i

No action required. Work accomplished in accordance with Phillips, Getschow,Company program.

Mid City - Gallery & Miscell'aneous Structural Steel No additional action is required. Sample re-inspection is to be completed in accordance with the Quality Control Structural Steel Review (0CSSR).

American Bridge - Structural Steel 1



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k No additional action is required. Sample re-inspection is to be

. completed in accordance with the Quality Control Structural Steel Review (OCSSR). .

l Any questions concerning this directive please call L. J. Tapella  !

at extension 374. Additionally, please provide a tabulation of the total number of inspectors that require re-verification and i establish a punchlist of items requiring re-inspections.

l A./

R. Cosaro Project Superintendent RC/IJT/dak cca M. Wallace/L. Tapella C. Hennecke G. Groth C. Gray


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