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Insp Repts 50-361/86-25 & 50-362/86-26 on 860922-1003. Violation Noted:Failure to Maintain Fireproofing Matl in Cable Raceway as Required by Design
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 12/17/1986
From: Ashe F, Caldwell C, Chan P, Eli M, Andrew Hon, Kellund G, Jim Melfi, Myers C, Pereira D, Richards S, Royack M, Zimmerman R
Shared Package
ML20212E526 List:
50-361-86-25, 50-362-86-26, IEB-85-003, IEB-85-3, IEIN-86-034, IEIN-86-34, NUDOCS 8701050354
Download: ML20212E553 (39)

See also: IR 05000361/1986025


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Report Nos. 50-361/86-25, 50-362/86-26

Docket Nos.- 50-361 and 50-362 .

License Nos. NPF-10 and NPF-15

Licensee: Southern California Edison Company

P. O. Box 800

2244 Walnut Grove Avenue

Rosemead, Callfornia 91770

Facility Name: San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Units 2 and 3


- Inspection at: ' San Onofre, San Clemente, California

. Inspection conducted: September 22 - October 3, 1986



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S im Melfi( Fjtnetor Inspector Dat( Signed

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Dave Pereira,

  • <-Inspector isIoIes

Date Signed

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Mik'e Ro' ck, Reactor Inspector

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Andrew Hon, Project Inspector Date Signed

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Chris Myers, Resident Inspector


Date Signed

S& M rea-

Chris Caldwell, Project Inspector

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Date Signed

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-Gary Kellund, Resident' Inspector


Date Signed


$ O W Y vo1 s 2 Ia Ist.

Frank Ashe,, Electrical Systems Engineer, Date Signed

NRC Office _of Analysis and Evaluation of

Operational Data (AEOD)

8701050354 861217

PDR ADOCK 05000361


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b')CA- Fort itl11 f 84

Paul Chan, Consultant Lawrence Livermore Date Signed

National Laboratory (LLNL)


bN k F-on._ ' stl0lm

Mark Eli, Consultant, (LLNL) Date Signed

Approved By: bD A- b 12.l n IEl.

Stuart Richards, Chief, Engineering Section Date Signed l


Inspection on September 22 - October 3, 1986 (Report Nos. 50-361/86-25,


Areas Inspected Annual, announced team inspection of the San Onofre Nuclear

Generating Station (SONGS), Units 2 and 3. The inspection focused on the

ability of the plant to safely respond to events that have actually occurred

at similar facilities. Specifically, the Rancho Seco loss of integrated

control system (ICS) power event (NUREG 1195) was reviewed in its entirety for

its applicability to SONGS. Certain findings from the Davis-Besse loss of

main and auxiliary feedwater event (NUREG 1154) and the June, 1986 Catabwa

' depressurization event were also reviewed. The licensee's review of these

events and their implementation of timely preventive corrective action was



The following areas were also reviewed:

1) Industry operational experience review program

2) General plant tour to assess equipment condition

- 3) Maintenance program (preventative and corrective)

4) Information Notice 86-34

, 5) Motor operated valve maintenance program

j- 6)- Facility modifications (temporary & permanent)

! 7) Post trip review process

8) Calibration of pressurizer pressure & level transmitters

9)Bulletin 85-03

To the maximum extent feasible, the effectiveness of these activities were

assessed as they apply to the following plant systems. The systems were

chosen based on Frobabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) studies, historic events

at other sites, and a review of problems at SONGS.

1) Auxiliary Feedwater System (AFWS)


2) Salt Water System (SWS)


3) Component Cooling Water (CCW)

4) Batteries and Inverters

5) Toxic Gas Isolation System (TGIS)

6) Instrument and control Air

7) Radiation Monitors (RM)

8) Shutdown Cooling System

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This inspection was performed by eight NRC Region V inspectors, one NRC staff

engineer from AEOD, and two contractors. Inspection Procedures 30703, 37700,

38701, 40700, 41400, 42700, 61700, 61725, 62700, 62702, 62703, 62704, 62705,

72707, 72710, 72701, 90712, 92700, 92701, 92702, 92703 and 93702 were

applicable to this effort.


Results: Of the areas inspected, one violation of NRC requirements was

identified. (Failure to maintain fire proofing material in a cable raceway as

required by design - paragraph 3.B.)



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1. Persons Contacted



a. San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS)


  • K. Baskin, Vice President Nuclear. Engineering Safety and Licensing
  • H. Ray, Vice President and Site Manager, Nuclear Generation Site


  • M. Wharton, Deputy Station Manager
  • R. Krieger, Operations Manager
  • D. Shull, Maintenance Manager
  • T. Mackey, Compliance Supervisor
  • D. Schone, Manager, Site Quality Assurance
  • D. Nunn, Manager of Nuclear Generation Services

'*H.'Horgan, Station Manager

  • M. Wharton, Deputy Station Manager
  • J. Curran, Nuclear Safety Manager
  • A. Schramm, Supervisor Coordinator, Unit 1~


  • P. Knapp, Health Physics Manager
  • J. Patterson, Maintenance Engineering and Services Manager




W. Lazear, Maintenance / Outage Quality Assurance Supervisor

  • R. Joyce, Asst. Maintenance Manager, Units 2 & 3
  • R. Rosenblum, Quality Assurance Manager
  • W. Marsh, Unit 2's 3 Superintendent


  • D. Pilner, Nuclear Engineering Manager-

. *J. Paterson, Manager, Maintenance Engineering and Services

-*R. Phelps, Supervisor, NSE

! *J.'Albers, Unit 2/3 Health Physics Supervisor

i *D. Peacor, Emergency Preparedness Manager

I' K. Johnson, NSSS Engineer-

  • W. Zinti, Compliance Manager
  • R.' Plappert, Compliance Supervisor
  • C.1Gibson, Compliance Group Lead
  • M. Metz,' Compliance-Engineer


  • M. Freedman,-Compliance Engineer'~


  • M. Zenker,' Compliance Engineer

i <


  • Denotes those attending the final exit meeting on October 3, 1986.

! Various other craft and maintenance personnel were also contacted during

the course,of this-inspection.




General Plant Tour


a. The inspectors toured Units 2 and 3 to gain familiarity with plant

, design and system layouts. In addition, the inspectors evaluated

plant conditions on a sampling basis with regard to the following:

o Equipment condition was observed for indications of system

leakage, improper lubrication, or other conditions that could



! prevent the equipment from fulfilling functional requirements.



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'o* Selected process instruments were observed to determine whether-




indicated values were consistent with expected' readings. Alarm


conditions were evaluated as to the,cause of alarm and whether

' appropriate corrective actions,were being instituted. _


o Plant conditions and material / equipment storage were observed

tol determine the general state of. cleanliness and housekeeping. the radiologically controlled area was

evaluated with_ respect to controlling the spread of surface and



l airborne contamination.



b. .Thefollowingbbservations',notedduringtheplanttours,


indicated that although adequate procedural controls appeared to

exist governing the performance of periodic tours by SONGS

r personnel, including management, greater attentiveness and


aggressiveness on plant rounds and tours is warranted. Findings 7

associated with a detailed walkdown of the auxiliary feedwater


system are documented separately in paragraph 5.

I o During a walkdown of the Unit 2 saltwater cooling system a

mechanical snubber (S2-CS-003-H-011), located about one foot

above the floor in the salt water tunnel,,was observed to be

severely corroded, bringing into question the operability. The

! anubber, which was included in the Technical Specification


anubber program, had apparently been in contact with residual

water in the tunnel for some time since the last visusi


inspection'in April, 1986. The licensee removed the snubber

! and replaced it with a qualified spare. The removed snubber

, was functionally tested and found to be frozen. Nonconformance

! Report 2-1912 was generated, and the associated engineering

i evaluation concluded that due to the minimal thermal movement

! of the 30" pipe to which it was attached, the snubber would


, have remained seismically operable had a design basis

i . earthquake occurred. Nevertheless, the inspector concluded

that the licensee's routine tours of the saltwater tunnel

{ should have identified the degraded snubber.



o A chain fall was observed above the operable "B" Low Pressure

Safety injection Pump discharge check valve. Upon making the


licensee aware of the condition, the chain fall was immediately

l removed. The licensee was unable to determine exactly how long

the chain fall was positioned above the valve, however,

j maintenance supervision indicated it was at least two weeks.

Procedure S0123-I-1.20 Seismic Controls During Maintenance.

Testing and Inspections, addresses the need to minimize the

potential for ladders, lifting devices, and the portable

j< equipment damaging safety-related equipment in a seismic event.

The inspector noted that although the probability for damaging

4 safety equipment may have been small, normal shift rounds could

.- reasonably have been exTected to initiate the steps necessary

i to remove the unused chain fall.




o A minor. leak, indicated by a relatively large boric acid  ;

accumulation, was noted on the Unit 2 "B" LPSI pump casing






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studs. The pump was not running and no moisture was observed.

Although an indication of a minor leak does not affect the ' '

operability of.the system, it should be repaired. A maintenance' ,

work request was not submitted until addressed by the inspector

and, apparently, the licensee's tours failed to identify this


o At an instrument panel, located in the outer periphery of'the

Control Room at Unit 3, an annunciator was lit indicating

component cooling water low flow to the running control element

drive mechanism (CEDM) fan (non-safety related system). The

inspector notified the licensee, who determined the lit

annunciator was due to a malfunctioning flow transmitter. A

maintenance work request was not submitted until addressed by

the inspector.

o During a tour of the Unit 2 North Cable Riser Gallery the

inspector'noted that on a portion of a horizontal running cable

tray (U2IGATA3) a fire blanketing material was laid over the

cables in only a portion of the horizontal run. The inspector

was unable to visually determine a reason which would explain

the rationale for only partially laying a fire barrier, in that

the adjacent cable trays appeared equidistant from the subject

tray for the entire length of run in question. Upon further

investigation by the inspector, with the assistance of the

licensee, it was determined that the entire length of tray

U2IGATA3 required the type 3 fire barrier (one of

Cerabianket) per the Bechtel Raceway Input Data Document -

347.00, Revision 106, dated January 6, 1986. The fire barrier

is required to meet Reg. Guide 1.75 compliance and is not part

of protection provided for. Appendix R safe shutdown compliance.

The licensee initiated Nonconformance Report 2-1915 to rework

the cable tray by installing the required fire blanketing

material. A fire watch was immediately posted. Fallere to

maintain the necessary fire barrier in accordance with plant

installation documents is contrary to 10 CFR 50, Appendix B,

criterion V and is a violation (361/86-25-01).

o Several instances of equipment chained to non-safety related

conduit were observed. Based on discussions with licensee

representatives the inspector learned that although the conduit

was not safety-related, the licensee has been trying to train

personnel not to tie off to any conduit. The licensee was

responsive to the specific cases identified by the NRC, and

expedited proper securing of the equipment.

c. The following plant tour observations were also made by the

inspector during the course of the inspection;

o In various places, the salt water tunnel floor was covered by

several inches of residual water. A sump pump is not located

in the tunnel, requiring the use of portable equipment to

remove water following maintenance activities which require

draining / opening of the salt water system. Pipe support


. 4

baseplates in the tunnel showed evidence of general corrosion.

Similarly, the inspector noted corrosion of some baseplates in

the auxiliary feedwater system.

The problem with corrosion of the pipe supports was previously-

identified by the licensee and a corrosion prevention painting

and monitoring program was implemented. Based on discussions

with licenses personnel,'the inspector concluded that the long

term corrosion concerns were appropriately considered by

licensee management. The inspector noted; however, that the

program was not formally included in a station procedure or

instruction. The licensee committed to formalise the corrosion

monitoring program for the affected portions of the saltwater

cooling and auxiliary feedwater systems for all three units by

January 1, 1987. The procedure describing the program will be

reviewed during a future inspection (361/86-25-02). The

licensee also stated that consideration was being given to

developing a comprehensive corrosion monitoring program for all

systems which showed signs of, or potential for, corrosion.

The inspector considered the licensee's efforts in this area to

date to have exhibited strong initiative and management


o The inspector evaluated component labeling with regard to human

factors considerations to determine whether plant equipment and

plant piping runs could rapidly and accurately be identified by

, plant personnel. The quality of labeling was found to differ

significantly between systems. The licensee informed the

inspector that a major labeling upgrade was underway at all

three units, and was approximately 50% complete. The inspector

considered the enhanced labeling to be a major improvement.

The licensee stated that the label upgrading for the site was

expected to be completed by July, 1987.

o Plant instrumentation was noted to have outdated calibration

stickers affixed. The licensee stated that the use of stickers

had been abandoned, and a computer-assisted tracking method

adopted. The inspector notec that the outdated stickers could

serve as a point of confusion. The licensee stated that

inattunentation and control technicians have been removing the


old stickers when performing routine calibrations and that

i practice would continue. The inspector considered the

! licensee's action acceptable.



o Several instances were observed in the plant where a valve was


found in the open position but not locked; however, the valves


were shown on the controlled piping diagram as' locked open. In

j each case, the valves observed were in the correct position

(open) and agreed with that called for in the appropriate plant


. lineup procedures. The licensee indicated that plant personnel

were in the process of revising the piping diagrams to maintain

i consistency with plant procedures regarding normal valve


positions. Further, the licensee expected to complete the


diagram revisions by January 1, 1987.


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o During a tour of the "B" train safety injection pumps, the

inspector was informed by a licensee representative that yellow

and magenta tape on the floor represented a contaminated area,

which should be construed as an invisible vertical wall, thus

designating all equipment beyond the tape as potentially.

contaminated, not just the floor. The inspector noted that no

signs were posted to indicate that the area was contaminated,

nor was a roped barrier used. The inspector stated that the

red badge refresher retraining he attended did not specifically

address the sole use of tape to designate a contaminated area.

During subsequent discussions with health physics supervision

the inspector was informed that the use of berms had recently

been increased to minimize the spread of radioactive material

and the use of tape was also increased to designate the

contaminated area. -The inspector stated that the visual aid to

the worker notifying him/her of a contaminated area appeared to

be reduced, when a " physical" rope boundary is removed, as well

as the sign stating " contaminated area". Discussions with

about 20 plant workers indicated that several individuals who

periodically work in radiologically controlled areas were not

fully knowledgeable regarding what the floor tape signified.

Specifically, they did not realize that they shouldn't reach

across the floor tape to work on equipment. The inspector

informed licensee management that the berms appeared to be a

good feature; however, consideration should be given to using a

sign and rope to designate contaminated areas as often as

feasible. The licensee acknowledged the inspector's comments.

In addition the licensee stated that health physics refresher

training would be revised to better address the use of tape

boundaries. The licensee also stated their intention to attach

a memorandum to each worker's red badge in the security guard

house to ensure employees are familiar with the increased use

of tape boundaries,

o Portable, non-safety related fans were observed, at Units 2 and

3, providing additional cooling to the core protection

calculator cabinets. A temporary modification for the fans was

in place as a result of the licensee's. concern over the

potential for a spurious plant trip due to high temperature

effects within the cabinets. The licensee stated that the

cooling problem will be evaluated and a permanent modification

to-enhance cabinet cooling is expected to be completed during

cycle 4 reload for each unit.

o. Temporary communication cables were observed attached to the

outside of safety related cable trays in the Control Building.

The licensee previously evaluated the potential effect of the

small diameter cables, and concluded that the low electrical

carrying capacity of the cables, as well as the tray loading

effects were negligible, and did not represent an adverse

safety condition. The licensee stated that a permanent

communication system is expected to be implemented during

cycle 5 reload for each unit.

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j .o (During the inspection period, the licensee-experienced some i

. , , difficulty with noble gas associated with charging pump packing  :

1 '. leakoff.: The leukoff is routed to a the pump'roome



which is vented to the room atmosphere. The licensee' stated

- that a' design change is under review and is being tracked




through Work Request 6614. . The design change would modify the

leakoff piping arrangement to minimize the release of noble

1 gases. '

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It was also~noted that the noble gases were detected in the


. hallway outside the charging. pump room, which would indicate


that a portion'of the air flow was' going from an area of


potentially higher airborne activity to one of lower expected


activity. .The licensee stated that improvements were planned

, in'the near future by sealing.several open penetrations in the

i rooms. Additionally, the licensee expected to improve

, - ventilation flow balancing by the conclusion of the cycle 4





3. Industry operational Experience Review Program


The inspector reviewed the program for evaluation of industry operational

experience by the Independent Safety Engineering Group (ISEG) and

examined a sample of ISEG evaluations. ISEC is responsible for

performing technical evaluations of NRC INPO and vendor supplied

information and is also responsible for conducting surveillances of the

s licensee's Nuclear Operations activities. Following the evaluation, ISEG


'then makes recommendations to plant management to improve plant safety


.and reliability,


The inspector discussed the aspects of the program with the ISEG


supervisor and ISEG engineers and reviewed a sample of five ISEG monthly

reports'and approximately 15 evaluations. The majority of the

evaluations were of a limited scope due to the nature of the information

i evaluated; for examples NRC Information Notices, INPO Significant Event


Reports and Significant Operating Experience Reports. Some of the

! information evaluated; however, was'of a much broader scope, such as the

report on the loss of feedwater event at the Davis-Besse plant on-June 9,

' "

1985 (NUREC 1154). The inspector reviewed the evaluations for technical

adequacy, level of detail, and timeliness. In general, the evaluations

j were adequate with regard to these criteria. However, the inspector


noted that there was no formal requirement in the program that the ISEG

, verify implementation of its recommendations. The inspector observed

1 that ISEG did track and verify implementation as a matter of good

j ' practice, but there appeared to be no procedural requirement to do so. i

4 Licensee representatives stated that they would evaluate this item and

modify the program if considered necessary.




} With regard to the Davis-Besse event, the inspector reviewed the details

of the licensee's evaluation and the recommendations made. The inspector

i noted that certain critical details of this event, that contributed

i significantly to it's severity, were not included in the licensee's

l evaluation or recommendations. These details included the resetting and

i relatching of the auxiliary feedwater pump turbine (AFPT) following an



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4 overspeed trip, as described in the NUREG. At Davis-Besse, operators had



, considerable difficulty performing this action, delaying the recovery of. .



^ ,

the auxiliary feedwater system. NUREG 1154 states " Toledo Edison's


. hypothesis regarding the difficulty that the Control Room operator.




' experienced in regaining AFPT control was directly attributable to the


' '

-inability to relatch the trip-throttle valve linkage properly and the

difficulty and delay in opening the trip-throttle valve." Regarding the [

- equipment operator's difficulty in relatching the trip mechanism the

NUREG states " Toledo Edison stated that these equipment operators now


believe there was no mechanical problem with the mechanism, but rather '


that they did not know how to perform the necessary actions. It is

physically possible to pull the connecting arm sufficiently far to be

able to barely reengage the trip hook at the trip-throttle valve, but not

reset the overspeed trip back at the other end, where the overspeed

tappet and manual trip lever are located. This end of the connecting arm

is behind the governor and is not easy to see." ,


The licensee's review of the Davis-Besse event identified the need to

" review hands-on training for in-plant equipment." Additionally, the

licensee's evaluation of an INPO Significant Operating Experience Report

concerning reliability of auxiliary feedwater systems identified the need

to " expand existing provisions to include demonstration that the turbine-

driven AFW pump can be started manually / locally from the tripped

condition." In neither case do these recommendations specifically

address ~part of the root cause of the AFPT problems experienced at

Davis-Besse, namely, to ensure that the overspeed tappet mechanism is

properly latched when resetting a trip. The inspector recognized that


the licensee's review was still ongoing, but it appeared doubtful that

this item would have been identified.

In investigating this issue to determine if San Onofre is susceptible to <

the same problems experienced at Davis-Besse with regard to resetting the

AFPT, the inspector noted the following:


o Operating procedures did not address the need to verify that the


overspeed trip tappet acchanism is properly engaged when resetting a


o Operator training lesson plans did not discuss this issue.


o Based on a limited sampic, operators were generally not

knowledgeable of the need to .2sure the overspeed tappet mechanism

is properly engaged.

o The overspeed tappet mechanism was covered by a shroud over the area

! that made it dark, making access and observation somewhat difficult.

Taken together, these items indicate a need for attention to reduce the

likelihood of this relatching problem occurring at San Onofre. Licensee

representatives stated that procedures and training would be modified to

address this issue. This will be verified in a future inspection





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- The inspector concluded that, in general, the licensee's program for '

evaluation of operational experience was acceptable.- However, for the ,


' ,

evaluation of-large, complex, multi-faceted events, such~as the

~ ~




Davis-Besse. event, it appeared that certain critical details of an event


' '

may not be evaluated in sufficient detail to identify the underlying


rg cause. The inspector noted that there does not appear to be a clear ,

policy regarding which' licensee group is responsible for extracting and



evaluating very detailed,'and important information-resulting.from

evaluations of major operational events. In the case of resetting the

AFPT overspeed trip, it was not clear whether ISEG or the Operations

division had responsibility for ensuring that significant details, such

. as verifying that the overspeed tappet mechanism is properly engaged,

were considered. Licensee representatives stated they would evaluate

this concern. This item will be followed in a future inspection


No violations or deviations were identified.

4. Walkdown of Rancho Seco Overcooling Event

a. Introduction

On December 26, 1985, the Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station

experienced a severe overcooling event which resulted from a loss of

non-vital power to the integrated control system (ICS). The NRC

conducted an in-depth investigation into the event. The results of

the Incident Investigation Team (IIT) were reported in February,

1986 in NUREG 1195. In addition to plant specific design elements

which contributed to the event, the IIT identified operational

weaknesses in the areas of human factors, procedures, and training

which appeared to have adversely affected the licensee's ability to

adequately deal with the event.

Based on an analysis of the factors identified in NUREG 1195, the

inspector developed a similar scenario of events to determine if

weaknesses similar to those affecting Rancho Seco were evident

within the licensee's program at SONGS 2 and 3. The inspector

interviewed licensed control operators and equipment operators

concerning their response to the postulated events, and walked-down

, _the sequence of actions which would be taken by each.




b. Postulated SONGS 2/3 Scenario



The inspector reviewed the main feedwater, auxiliary feedwater and


main steam control systems with cognizant personnel from the

licensee's technical support and training departments. Due to

( differences between the control design of CE, at SONGS 2/3, and B&W,


at Rancho Seco, the inspector found that an identical sequence of

events resulting from a single failure / loss of non-1E power could

{ not ba developed at SONGS 2/3. However, to challenge the operators

! under a similar sequence of undercooling and overcooling events the


inspector developed a postulated scenario involving the following

multiple failurest






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o loss of non-1E the feedwater control system (FWCS)


o' loss of non-1E p'over to the steam bypass control system (SBCS)

.one failed' open atmospheric dump valve (ADV)



'two failed'open auxiliary feedwater (AFW) valves






' The 1nspector discussed the following postulated scenario with plant -

operators, by walking through the operator responses at the

simulator. -

(1) Loss of non-1E power to the feedwater control system (FWCS)

causes main feedwater (MFW) pumps to slow to minimum speed.

(2). Low steam generator (SG) levels cause a reactor trip / turbine

trip and emergency feedwater actuation system (EFAS)

initiation. With the "B" train motor-driven AFW pump (No.

P141) out of service for maintenance, the "A" train

motor-driven AFW pump (No. P504) and the steam-driven AFW pump

(No. P140) supply emergency feedwater to both steam generators.

(3) Loss of non-1E power to the steam bypass control system (SBCS)

prevents actuation of the steam bypass valves following the

turbine trip, causing main steam safeties to lift.

(4) Control operators fully open the atmospheric dump valves (ADV)

to reseat the main steam safeties.

(5) The ADV for one steam generator (No. E088) jams open causing

low steam generator pressure which actuates the main steam

isolation system (MSIS).

(6) Two auxiliary feedwater valves (HV-4705 and HV-4730) jam open

following MSIS actuation and fail to satomatically close when

SG 1evel has recovered to 30%.

This scenario created an overcooling event requiring the operators

to deal with alternative methods of securing AFW flow to the

affected steam generator. Although this scenario describes events

due to multiple failures of equipment, which is beyond the design

basis of the plant, manual operation of the ADV and AFW valves is a

required mode of system operation in dealing with a shutdown from

outside the Control Room under the licensee's abnormal operating

instruction S023-13-2.

The inspector also walked-down an equipment operator's response to

the postuisted event as directed from the Control Room to manually

operate various valvas. The inspector discussed elements of manual

operation of systems equipment with equipment operators during these


c. Observations

Based on discussions and walkdowns with licensee personnel regarding

the hypothetical sequence of events at SONGS 2/3, the inspector made

the following observations:


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(1) The licensee's symptom related emergency procedures provided

guidance to the operators in dealing with the postulated event.

However, the inspector found the licensee's procedures to

provide limited specific direction to achieve the desired

. control. When attempting to secure AFW flow, an operators

decision to trip an operating APW pump or manually attempt to

isolate the flow.was dictated by the operator's perception of

the urgency of achieving the desired control. The licensee's

procedures did not'contain the detail in prescribing specific

operator actions in light of their priority within the event.

(2) The. operators showed no reluctance to trip an operatin8

AFW pump due to any exaggerated concern for potential problers

in restarting the pump. The operators indicated confidence in

the reliability of the AFW pumps and controls.

(3) Without the capability of remote control of the AFW valves from

the Control Room'to regulate AFW flow to the steam generators.

the initial response of the control operators was directed

toward tripping the AFW pump. However, since this action would ,

also have secured all feedwater to-the unaffected steam

generator (No. 089), the control operators readily dispatched

equipment operators to manually operate the AFW valves rather

than trip the operating AFW pump. The inspector observed that

the' control operators directed operation of manual isolation

valves to secure or throttic the AFW flow when a postulated

difficulty was encountered with the manual operation of the

motor-operated AFW pump discharge valves. The inspector found

that the operational use of the manual isolation valves was not

specifically directed in any licensee procedure, nor was the

operability of,the valves controlled under any licensee

preventative maintenance or surveillance program. This concern

for the operability of equipment in dealing with plant

transients was also emphasized in NRC Information Notice 86-61.

1 (4) To manually initiate both AFW trains in anticipation of a loss


of main feedwater, the control operators pushed four push

buttons to manually actuate the emergency feedwater actuation

system (EFAS) rather than individually start each pump and open

each valve to establish flow. Although the four pushbuttons

were anchored together horizontally on the control board, the

four pushbuttons were grouped with identical pushbuttons for

nanual initiation of the rain steam isolation system (MSIS) and

containment isolation system (CIS). No color coding was used

to distinguish among the pushbuttons in this cluster. The

Irbeling for each pushbutton was descriptive but of relatively

srall style print requiring close inspection to read.

At Davis-Besse, control board layout of pushbuttons was

identified as a contributory human factors design weakness. At

Rancho Seco, the lack of readily identifiable switch position

labeling prevented the operators from quickly restoring ICS

power. In NUREG 1154 the IIT commented that the labeling of

_ _ _ .__ _ .. -_ __ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ __ -. . . _ . _-

. 11


. controls for manually initiating and use of the most important

systems at Davis-Besse should have been unambiguous.

(5) Equipment operator familiarity with manual operation of the ADV

and A W valves was found to vary considerably between.

individuals, suggesting that actual infrequent manual operation

of the equipment did not provide sufficient operator experience

to insure prompt, effective action in response to an event. .

At Rancho Seco, improper manual operation (use of a ' Cheater')


of an AFW control valve caused damage to the valve and


exacerbated the overcooling event.

In NUREG 1154, the IIT concluded: "For plant events involving


!- conditions outside the plant design basis, operator training l

l and operator understanding of systems and equipment are key to l

> the success of mitigating actions taken by the operators. It l

' is not practical to rely on detailed step-by-step procedures i

for such events." I


I  ;


(6) Hanual operation of the atmospheric dump valves required ,

overhead manipulation of the valve handwheel by an equipment

operator from a platform located approximately seven feet below

the handwheel. In addition, the isolation valve for the air

supply to the Bailey positioner was mounted on the ADV

pneumatic operator approximately 13 feet above the platform,

requiring an equipment operator to climb adjacent sumil bore

piping to reach the switch. Based on these observations of the

physical accessibility of the ADV and discussion of its manual

operation with equipment operators, the inspector found that

the human factors elements of valve design would hinder prompt

and effective manual operation of the valve.

(7) The effectiveness of radio communications throughout the plant

appeared to have been substantially improved through the

extensive use of repeater stations. Operators indicated

confidence in the usefulness of radio communications in all

areas of the plant. However, both control operators and

equipment operators complained that it was difficult for the

control operators to understand transmissions from high

background noise areas.

d. Conclusion

When presented with a postulated event based on actual industry

operating experiences involving failure beyond the design bases of

the plant, the inspector found certain common weaknesses to be

evident within the licenuee's program, indicating a need for

improvement in the licensee's readiness for manual operation of

plant equipment. This item as well as the concern associated with

the manual back seating of motor operated (paragraph 8 below) will

be verified in a future inspection report (361/86-25-05).

No violations or deviations were identified.

. _ _ _ ._______ _ - ___ _ _ ______-_ - ____ -__ _


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o 12

5. Auytliary Feedwater System (AFWS) Walkdown

The inspector toured the AFWS pump houses and tank farms for Units 2 and

3 on various occasions during the course of the inspection to assess the

physical condition of the hardware, environmental conditions and general

housekeeping in the areas. The inspector observed the following

deficiencies and identified each to licensee representatives for


a. Two (2) station lights were apparently burned out above the

refueling water storage tanks (RWST) for Unit 2.

b. The open position marker for the yoke mounted scale of the local

valve ponition indicator (VPI) for valve No. 2HV-4712 had been

dislocated off the scale apparently due to unintended interference

with the valve stem mounted pointer.

c. No local valve stem VPI was installed on valve No. 2HV-4705.

Position indication was determined solely from the motor operator

indicating dial.

d. The yoke mounted scale of the local VPI on valve No. 2HV-4714 was

labeled only to show an open direction and did not clearly indicate

a full open or closed position.

e. No local VPI was observed on valve No. 2HV-4713. Operators

indicated that valve position could be identified based on

observation of the adjacent ilmit switches.

f. Valve No. 2HV-4730 was located below the decking level with the

valve motor operator above the steel grate deck. Local valve stem

VPI was not observable from above the grating. Valve position was

determined by observation of the motor operator dial indicator,

g. The motor operator dial position indicator for valve No. 3HV-4715

was observed to read approximately 10% open although the valve was


h. The motor operator dial position indicator for valve No. 3HV-4706

was observed to read less than 0% open when the valve was shut. No

valve stem mounted local VPI was installed. A sign was affixed to

the valve which read " Warning Valve overtravels Do Not Open More

Than 100% Per Indicator". When questioned by the inspector as to

the meaning of the warning sign, several operators were unclear as

to the reason for the posting.

The inspector further observed that the valve was located within a

posted radiation area; however, personnel access to the valve was

not restricted under the controls or any radiological entry permit.

1. The pointer and protective cover for the motor operator position

indicator were not installed on valve no. 3HV-4713. Crude pen

markings were visible on the valve yoke apparently nerving an a

_ _


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  • '

, 13 -


local VPI. As in item h, the valve was also located within a posted

radiation area.- .

j. The stem rounted pointer on the rising stem manual isolation valve,

no. Sg-1305-MU-533 was observed to be midway within a clear plastic .

stem protector cap. The full open or full closed positions were not

labeled on the cap.

k. The solenoid operator conduit for valve no. 3HV-6154 was found to be

loose on the valve and not properly secured. Furthermore, the

conduit was routed in front of the chemical addition flow meter

adjacent to the A N pump which blocked the operator's view of the

flow scale. >

1. The pump bearing packing for A NS pump 2V-140 was found to be

leaking excessively.

m. The motor operator position indication'for valve no. 2HV-4706

indicated less than 0% open when the valve was shut. No other local

VP1 was apparent on the valve.

n. The bearing lubrication fittings for several manual isolation valves

were observed to be painted over exhibiting no evidence of recent


o. The stem mounted open travel stop on valve no. 3HV-4705 was

bent apparently due to overtravel despite a posted warning sign to

limit operation (as described in item h). A station light was

inoperative above the valve and had recently been identified and

tagged for repair by the licensee. However, an 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> emergency

light above the valve had also been tagged by the licensee since

March 6, 1984 and was still inoperable.

Furthermore, the declutching lever on the limitorque operator was

installed backwards. When attempting to operate the valve manually,

an equipment operator must depress the declutch level to disengage

the electric motor and engage the handwheel to operate the valve.

Attempting to depress the lever as indicated with the declutch lever

installed backwards, could damage the mechanism and not allow the

handwheel to be engaged for manual operation.

p. The valve stem nut which secures the pointer for local valve

position indication for A W valves 2HV-2712 and 2HV-4705 interferes

with the valve stem packing retainer nuts. For valve 2HV-2712,'the

stem nut appeared'to have contacted the retainer nuts during valve

closure and deformed the nuts over approximately 1/2 of their

thickness. This 3,nterference was apparently not identified by

maintenance perscruel during repacking of the valve.

In general, the inspector found a lack of attention to detail in the

material condition of A W valve local position indication. The inspector

discussed this weaknes a with licensee personnel who acknowledged that

local position indication of critical motor operated valves was not

included in their current maintenance program. The inspector will review



. 14

the licensee's actions to improve the position indication of critical

motor-operated valves. This item will be followed up in a future

inspection (361/86-25-06).

No violations or deviations were identified.

6. Remote Valve Position Indication

The inspector examined the adequacy of valve position indication in the

Control Room and at the remote shutdown panel with an emphasis on the

operation of controllers and on valves that do not have direct position

feedback in the Control Room.

There are approximately ten valves that do not have direct position

indication in the Control Room except when they are fully open or fully

closed. However, in most cases the process parameter that the valve is

controlling is indicated on the controller such that direct valve

position indication is not necessary. Exceptions to this are the

atmospheric dump valves (ADVs) and the main steam isolation valve bypass

regulator. These valves only indicate a " demanded" position in the

control Room. The inspector reviewed procedure S0123-0-23.1, " Valve

Operation" and discussed operation of these valves with control

operators. The inspector verified that the procedure and operator

training directs operators to use alternate means such as a process

parameter to verify valve position. In addition, the inspector noted

that operators were generally knowledgeable about valves that displayed

demanded position and the need to use alternate means to verify this


The inspector examined controllers to determine if scales were clear and

unambiguous, free of extraneous markingu; whether operator aids were

correct and properly controlled; and established differences between the

Control Room and the remote shutdown panel. No concerns were identified

regarding the scaling of controllers. The inspector noted that procedure

50123-24, " Administrative Control of Operational Aids" appeared to

adequately control the use of operator aids. With regard to differences

between controllers in the Control Room and at the remote shutdown panel,

the only controller in the sample located at the remote shutdown panel is

for the ADVs, and is identical to the Control Room controller.

The inspector interviewed QA and engineering staff to determine if human

factor reviews have been conducted to reduce ambiguities on Control Room

instrunentation and the need for operator aids. The licensee's

engineering organization has reviewed the Control Room panels for human

factors and documented this review in a detailed Control Room

supplemental report dated January 1986 (M37328). The report identifies

human factor concerns and provides solutions and a schedule for

implementation. The licensee's review of human factors for Control Room


panels appeared to satisfactorily in resolve areas of concern.

No violations or deviations were identified.


- 15

7. Licensee Action on IE Bulletins

(Closed) NRC Bulletin 85-03, Motor Operated Valve Common Mode Failures

During Plant Transients Due To Improper Switch Settings

The inspector reviewed the program established in response to NRC

Bulletin 85-03, " Motor-operated Valve Common Mode Failures During

Plant Transients Due To Improper Switch Settings," which was generated as


a result of the Davis-Besse event. The areas inspected included: the

licensee's program for establishing the maximum differential pressure

(dP) expected during operation of safety related valves during normal and

abnormal events; the program for establishing the baseline data used in

determiring switch settings; the program for implementing motor operated

valve testing; procedures for performance of valve testing; and the

licensee's response to the Bulletin.

NRC Bulletin 85-03 specified that a review be performed of the design

basis for the operation of valves required to be tested for operational

readiness per 10 CFR 50.55a (g). These valves are located in the high

pressure safety injection (HPSI) and auxiliary feedwater (AFW) systems.

The licensee elected to perform pressure testing of valves in these and

other systems to determine the actual dPs experienced on all safety

related valves by use of a hydrostatic testing device. This data was

compared to the system design pressure and expected dPs, and the highest

value was selected for use in the analysis of valve forces. The licensee

provided this information along with the valve and actuator

specifications to a local engineering company in order to calculate the

torque and thrust forces to be expected on these valves. With this

methodology, the required switch settings were established.

The inspector reviewed the data packages for the following valves of

various size and types

o 2HV4705, AFW Pump, P-140, discharge to Steam Generator E-088

o 2HV4715. AFW to Steam Generator E-089, isolation valve

o 2HV9303, Containment emergency sump outlet

o 2HV9434, HPSI to reactor coolant loop 2A hotleg

o 2HV9323. HPSI header No. 2 to reactor coolant loop 1A

o 2HV4716, AFW Pump, P-140, turbine stop valve

o 2HV6551, CCW Pump, P-025, minimum flow to loop A

These packages contained the engineering torque and thrust calculations;

the electrical drawing for the valve; the as-found and as-left MOV

testing data reports; and, the field change notice (FCN) that was

prepared to add torque switch and rotor settings to contact development.

The packages also included nonconformance reports (NCRs), when necessary,

if discrepancies were identified.

_ _ _ _ - _



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  • '

,. 16 <


The Bulletin specified that the correct switch settings be established

and maintained for the MOVs. The inspector noted that the information on


switch settings was included on the FCN and the electrical drawing for

the valve. The MOV testing personnel set the torque switches in

accordance with the requirements established by Engineering as a result

of the calculations and pressure testing that was performed. The

licensee set the torque bypass and Itait switches in accordance with the '

settings determined by industry practice with the concurrence of the

MOVATS company. These settings were clearly identified on the electrical

drawing for the valve and the FCN that was used in conjunction with the

maintenance order (MO) that was issued to control testing of the valve.

The inspector observed MOV testing on two valves; 3NV9331, low pressure

safety injection loop injection valve, and 3NV8150, shutdown cooling heat

exchanger E-004 outlet isolation valve. The inspector verified that the

MOV personnel changed the switch settings, when required, in accordance

with the FCN. In addition, QC inspection of the valve rewiring and

as-left conditions was noted.

At the conclusion of the MOV testing on each valve, the valves were

demonstrated operable, under zero dP conditions, to satisfy post-

maintenance testing requirements established by the MO. The Bulletin

requirements for valve testing under maximum dP conditions was satisfied

during the pressure testing phase, previously mentioned.

The inspector reviewed the following procedures used in conjunction with

MOV testings

o 50123-I-6.8, " Actuators - Limitorque Model SMB-0 through SMB-4 and

55-0 through 88-4 Disassembly, Inspection, Repair, and Assembly".

o 80123-I-6.7, "Limitorque Model SMB-000, SMB-00, and 88-00

Disassembly, Inspection, Repair, Assembly, and Adjustment".

o 50123-1-8.313. " Actuators - Motor Operated Valve Analysis and

Testing System M0 VATS".

o 5023-I-9.5, "Limitorque MOV Inspection".

o 5023-I-6.150, " Butterfly Valve Limitorque Actuators".

o Various MOs and FCNs for valves tested with the MOV test equipment.

The inspector verified that these instructions were clearly written and

followed by the MOV testing group. All instructions were reviewed and

approved by responsible licensee personnel. 50123-1-8.313 and the Mos

reviewed specified that torque switches are to be set with the valve in

mid-stroke so that the believille spring is in a relaxed condition.

50123-I-8.313 also required the as-found and as-left switch settings to

be recorded and the MO listed the QC holdpoints to be checked. The

inspector noted that none of the procedures specified whether the limit

and/or torque switch settings are based on stem or disk movement.

However, the MOV testing personnel interviewed, uniformly indicated that

the settings were based on stem movement. If the stem movement differed

from the corresponding disk movement, this would be identified on the


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, v.c , , ...

  • - .sigrature t' race during the MOV . testing of the valve. This is further

' discussed sti paragraph 8.

t .

- .

'ihe inspector's review dfd'not include an assessment of the technical

adequacy of the licensae's initial response to the Bulletin. This will

be performed by 'the 'NER staff. Howevne, the inspector did review the

, ' imples.cntation of the licensed.s program detailed in the response. This

review indiestedsthat the MOV testing personnel were adequately trained

and knowledgeable'of the equipu nt usea in valve testing. In addition,  ;


these perscenelefellowed the procedures that have been developed to check

'and/or O rify the various switch settinr,s. The inspector considered the

licuaset's is.plementation'of the progran: to be acceptable.

This item is closed for all three units; however the NRR staff's-review

and approval of the technical adequacy of the licensee's response to the

4s11etin'is still outstanding.


No violations or deviatioze ware identified.

6. M0_V and A0V Manual Opgatico; and Switch Settinas

The, incorrect' manual operation or inproper setting of torque and bypass

-switches may result in damage to, or inoperability of valves.

The ivspector.exantned the procedute's and training that were provided to

plant personnel to manually operate valves under emergenc.y conditions to

dinermine procedure and training aduquacy. The procedures and training

releting to switch settings were also reviewed. In the systems examined,


most of the valves that cou.1d be operated manually were either anual or

motor cperated valves. There was also a small number of air operated and

electrn-hydraulic valves in the systems.

The inspector reviewed the SONGG 2 and<3 training program for motor and 1

air oprated valves to assess the correlation with vendor supplied

cperating and maintotance procedures. The review included lesson plans

fc,r maintenance and operations, operating and maintenance procedures,

classroom materials including visual aids, mockups, and cutaway models.

Some of the lesson plana reviewed at 50NCS included

o 1.esson # MT-7355 "Limitorque MOV Actuators"

o N VATS 2000 Series (from Vendor)

The SONGS operations and maintenatice lesson plans, procedures and



classroom mater 161s were found to be consistent wf th vendor supplied '

materiet.L The procsdures and training material also reflected the latest

rwistona and updates from vendor and industry operating experiences.

Operations and Maintenance personnel were interviewed for their basic

' operational and nachanirs1/ electrical knowledge of motor and/or air

eterated valve,setuatore. The operations and Maintenance personnel

interviewed extfbited a knowledge of valve operation and maintenance

consistent with the traiett g material provided. However, based on

discussions with plant operttors, the inspector concluded that

. L .- w ----- ----- -- -_-






O 18 '





reinstruction on valve operation procedure S0123-0-23.1 was warranted;  ;

specifically, that " manually seating or backseating an MOV in other than a'x.

, 'the safety-related position may cause it to be unable to overcome the > V!

opening / closing torque of the motor and therefore shall be declared

inoperable until operated electrically". This area will be verified as

part of the rollowup action referenced in paragraph 4.d of this report.

Local valve position indication was discussed with the operators. The

operators indicated that positive local valve position indication was

used when local manual valve repositioning or valve position verification

was required. Operators were able to identify and use local valve

position indication when provided. The inspector noted in walkdowns of '}

some of the systems (e.g. auxiliary feedwater) that some of the valves ,

had local indication problems. Details are provided in paragraph 5.

Operator instructions and operarious personnel were interviewed with

respect to the use of valve wrenches and " cheaters" on valves that are

difficult to operate with standard equipnent. SONGS valve operating

procedure 50123-0-23.1 prohibite the use of " cheaters" on motor,

pneumatic and hydraulic operated valves as well as diaphragm valves. The

procedure also limits the size of the cheater to be utilized to operate

manual valves.

The operators interviewed had a working knowledge of the prohibition to ,

use cheaters on the above valves in safety related systems, and the limit

on the size allowed to be utili=ed on manually operated valves. This

prohibition is also emphasized in classroom instruction and operating


The inspector reviewed training records and compared the records to lists

of equipment operators and maintenance personnel who could be dispatched

to operate or perform repairs on valves during emergency and/or off

normal conditions. The staffing lists indicated that sufficient trained

personnel were available on crews for operation of valves during  !

emergency and/or off normal conditions. .


The inspector interviewed craft and supervisory personnel with respect to

the physical setting of torque and limit switches. The personnel seemed

knowledgeable on the setting of the switches and the use of the

applicable procedures. The licensee's craft personnel also used special

gloves and tools for better manual dexterity when working with the small

parts associated with setting of the switches.

When the craft personnel weta observed changing the switches, the valves

were also evaluated for material condition, environmental qualification

(EQ) and quality control (QC) checks. The actual value for changing the

limit or torque switches came from the NSSS Engineering group and

appeared reasonable. It was noted by the inspector that training was

improved to emphasize the importance of EQ and material condition checks.

The Limitorque MOV inspection procedure S023-I-9.5 now includes

additional text regarding material condition checks and EQ wiring

requirements. It was also noted that for the safety related valves that

were being analyzed, QC personnel documented the as-left condition on ,,


almost every valve. However, the QC personnel had only documented five r



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1, , of these same safety.related valves in the as-found condition. . The.QC

iT < checks in the as-found conditions were, therefore, relying on the craft


personnel. The licensee committed that, in the future, the as-found

condition for analyzed safety related valves will be documented.


The use and training on MOV test equipment was also inspected. The

licensee currently has nine personnel trained to use the test equipment,

eight of whom were trained in June, 1986. The training program was

=E ' analyzed for program content and compliance with vendor recommendations

, 'and appeared' adequate to provide training. The supervision of the MOV

-test personnel in the field also appeared adequate.

The inspector inte'rviewed several MOV test personnel on the signature


traces.. All personnel interviewed appeared knowledgeable on what the

signature trace indicated, and could refer to training material to

evaluate'the' trace. The personnel were aware of when the bypass switches

cut in os out : of possible degradations with the stem or disc, and of

possible degradations with the worm gear.


Several, historical signature traces were also observed by the inspector,


mort..of which appeared normal. An abnormal signature trace was also

observed by the inspector (Pressurizer sample valve, 2HV-0517), which did

not haveian easily recognizable trace. The licensee had developed an

hypolbeses for this signature trace, but did not want to state any cause

for the valve problems until the valve could he repaired. This valve

and similar valves were declared inoperable in both units.

' , . , g


The licensee keeps official records of the valve performance in its


Corporate DocumentNManagement department. The Maintenance department

  • -

7/. ~ kept unofficial records for valve trending to observe for possible valve

degradation.,The calibration data for the MOV test equipment appeared up 1

to,date and traceable to the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) '

, requirements.



9. (Closed) NRC Information Notice 86-34, Improper Assembly, Material


Selection. and Test of Valves and Their Actuators


) Improper assembly of valve actuators on valves can compromise the


- ' structural strength or operability of emergency core cooling system

](ECCS)valvestunder'.ccident. conditions.NRCInformationNoticeNo.-

y 86-34, dated May 13, 1986, describes incidents resulting from improper

material selection and inadequate assembly procedures for safety-related


power actuated valves. This Information Notice is applicable to valves at

the time of initial installation and during post-maintenance reassembly

  • j,, *

or test.


This inspection examined whether SONG's valve actuator assembly program


included sufficient instructions to assure proper assembly of valve


r.ctuatora consistent with vendor instructions. The inspector reviewed

44 '

1 maintenance procedures for ECCS valves'that us. actuator assemblies to

" -

, determine if vendor file recommendations were included; specifically,

4 <



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  • * ' '

., 20 -

valve supplier and' actuator supplier data. The inspector reviewed the

folloing w procedures:

o Maintenance Procedure S023-I-6.150, " Butterfly Valve Limitorque


o Maintenance ProcedEre S023-1-6.31, "WKM Model "M" Gate Valve




o Maintenance Procedure S023-I-6.75, "WKM Model D-2 Gate Valve

Disassembly / Assembly".

o Maintenance Procedure S023-I-6.7, "Limitorque Model SMB-000, LNE-00,

and SB-00 Disassembly, Inspection, Repair, Assembly and Adjustment".

o Maintenance Procedure S0123-I-6.8, " Actuator-Limitorque Models SMB-0

through SMB-4 and SB-0 through SB-4 Disassembly, Inspection, Repair

and Assembly". ,

o Torque Manual (M-37204).

The inspector concluded that the maintenance procedures provided for

resolution of conflicting instructions, specification of both bolting

torque and minimum required bolt thread engagement. The procedures also

specified the valve stem position during bolt torquing when specified in

the vendor manuals.- The inspector reviewed selected work orders which

involved actuator disassembly, bolt removal or replacement.- These

selected work orders specified the correct material certifications for

the replacement bolts, the correct bolt torque instructions, and

identified the QC hold point verification activities. The testing

instructions for the final check out of the valve after repair was

specified. The maintenance procedures required a maintenance data record


form to be completed which provided for the torquing values, restoration,

and post-maintenance testing to be verified as complete. Any test

equipment used was also-specified with the calibration due date recorded.

The licensee's response to NRC Information Notice 86-34 was verified by


the Independent Safety Engineering Group (ISEG) review via ISEG Log

Number 86-ISEG-090 dated June 9, 1986. Their event analysis reported

that no further evaluation was required. Torquing requirements, if not

covered in a procedure, were addressed in SONG's Torque Manual.

It appeared that SONG's valve actuator. assembly program included

sufficient instructions to acsure proper assembly of valve actuators

consistent with vendor instructions.

I' No violations or deviations were identified in this area.





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.. 21

10. Loss of Shutdown Cooling

a. Introduction

The potential significance of loss of shutdown cooling (SDC) or

decay heat removal (DHR) has long been recognized by the industry

and NRC. AEOD Case Study Report C503, dated December, 1985,

indicated that between 1976 and 1983, 130 loss of DHR events were

reported to have occurred during approximately 500 reactor years of

operation, bkny of the events which have occurred thus far may

serve as important precursors to more. serious events, though no


. serious damaEc has resulted from events to date. Two leading causes

identified are inadvertent automatic-closure of suction / isolation

valves and loss of reactor cooling system (RCS) inventory.

On March 26, 1986, while in cold shutdown, SONGS Unit 2 shutdown

cooling system (SDCS) experienced a total loss of flow for a period

of forty-nine minutes (LER 86-07). This occurred while the RCS

level was being reduced to repair a leaking cold leg steam generator

nozzle dam. Using the established level indication, which was later

found to be in error, the RCS was drained to a level where vortexing

occurred in the RCS/SDCS suction connection causing SDCS/LPSI pumps

to eventually become airbound. SDCS flow was reestablished in.


approximately.49 minutes and high pressure safety injection was then

manually initiated to further assure SDCS flow stability. Later

review by the licensee indicated that with a loss of RCS

recirculation, bulk boiling occurred in the core approximately

thirty-eight minutes into_the event. The licensee concluded the

cause of the event was erroneous level indication resulting in the

operators not recognizing the RCS low level condition prior to

complete loss of SDCS flow. A Severity Level IV violation

(50-361/86-11-02) was issued on the improper application of reactor

vessel indication which resulted in inoperability of the SDCS. The

licensee committed to a number of corrective actions with respect to

LER 86-07 and the violation.

The objectives of this inspection were: to evaluate the

susceptibility of SONGS Units 2 and 3 SDCS to a single failure which

could result in inadvertent automatic closure of SDCS purp

suction / isolation valves; and to assess the effectiveness of the

licensee's actions in response to lessons learned from the generic

loss of SDC and LER 86-07.

b. Inspection and Findings

(1) System Configuration and Surveillance Review

The licensee's logic and electrical diagrams were reviewed to

verify that redundant parallel power and control signals were ,

provided for shutdown cooling letdown valves 2/3 HV-9339, 2/3 l

HV-9337, 2/3 HV-9378 and 2/3 HV-9377. These valves were

arranged as two redundant sets of valves in series creating a

one-out-of-two-taken-twice logic for the singic letdown / suction

line. This lineup would preclude a single failure from 1)

. ,

  • *

. , 22



isolating'the letdown / suction line inadvertently or 2) failing

to isolate if above the over pressure protection setpoint. The

licensee's' drawings 30678, 30565, 30677, 30562, 30555, 30564,

30554' and 30563 indicated that ' redundant parallel power and



. control signals were provided for'each of these valves. The

licensee's surveillance procedures for these valves were also-

reviewed. ~From this review, Unit 2/3 letdown / suction line did

not appear to be susceptible to single failure, resulting in a


subsequent loss of SDC.

(2) Licenser's Evaluation of Loss of SDC Events

A number of evaluations of both the industry and Unit 2

loss-of-SDC' events were performed by various licensee groups.

The inspector reviewed the following evaluation reports:

o " Nuclear Safety Organization Independent Evaluation of

Unit 2 Loss of Shutdown Cooling Event" May, 1986.

o " Loss of Shutdown Cooling" San Onofre Nuclear Generation

Station, Station Incident Report No. SO2-86-004, July,


o ISEG Operating Experience Evaluation: SOER 85-04, " Loss

or Degradation of Residual Heat Removal Capability in

PWRs", July, 1986.

o " Shutdown Cooling Incident Experience Review", SCE Nuclear

Training Division, May 1986.

The conclusions and recommendations in these studies appeared

to be consistent and adequate. The inspector reviewed the

implementation of the following specific recommendations and


(3) Reactor Vessel Level Indication

The licensee's post event investigation revealed that during

the March 26, 1986 event the Unit 2 vide range refueling water

level indicator (RWLI) was out of calibration. The detector's

performance was also adversely affected by operation of the RCS

educator. Furthermore, a 2 1/2 inch error in the tygon

manometer reference scale combined with a 10 1/2 inch error

caused by an air bubble that existed in the tygon tubing

resulted in an indicated level of 13 inches higher than actual

level. This resulted in non-conservative level information

which led the operator to believe that the reactor vessel level

was higher than actual, and resulted in reducing the level to

the point of vortexing the SDCS/LPSI pumps.


The centrib+1ng causes to the erroneous level indication were

determined to be:


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o RCS refueling level detectors were classified as

non-safety related, thus, their control was not-as-

formalized as necessary.

o There was no formal control over the installation of the

tygon tubing.

To correct these deficiencies, the licensee-indicated the

following corrective actions were taken:

o The RWLI reference legs were relocated to a different

, pressurizer instrument tap to preclude adverse effects

from educator operation.

o Procedure S023-I-3.43 " Refueling Water Level. Indicator

(RWLI) Tubing Installation and Removal" was issued to

formalize the tygon tubing installation. It included QC

check points to independently verify proper installation.

o Proced'ure S023-3-2.8.1 " Refueling Cavity Draining

_ Operations" was revised to caution operators not to change

RCS level until the RWLI is in service.

o Procedure 5023-3-1.8 " Draining the Reactor Coolant System"


maintain: Heated Junction;Thermocouples

b , was revisedservice

'(HJTC),in' to: until the RWLI and RCS level tygon

tubing:are in service'and' satisfactorily correlated;

include' level correlation data for HJTC; and include a RCS

-level correlation chart;for RWLI, tygon tubing,

pressurizer. level, and HJTC for various plant elevations RCS mid-loop. Furthermore, the procedure directs

the operator not to change RCS level or SDC flow prior to

assuring level is six inches above mid-loop, if the RWLI

and tygen tube differ by more than one inch. The

inspector: reviewed several of these changes and found them

to be satisfactory.

(4) Operating Instructions

Abnormal operating instructions lacked sufficient instructions

for mid-loop operations, such as data on the potential for

vortexing at lower RCS levels. The licensee indicated the

following corrective actions were taken:

o Procedure S023-3-1.8 " Draining the Reactor Coolant System"

was revised to include a new SDC flow vortex curve and

operating window for SDC flow rate for various hot leg

l- levels. The maximum SDC flow was defined to prevent

vortexing and the minimum flow rate was defined to assure

adequate core cooling.

o S023-13-15 " Loss of Shutdown Cooling" was revised to

include steps to check for adequate sub-cooling and

venting the SDC suction.


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The inspector reviewed these corrective actions and found them

to be adequate.



(5). Operator Training

s,: ,-

, , Operator training on SDC was_found to be weak. For example,


the significance of vortexing experienced on the previous shift

! and the method for correcting the abnormal condition was not'



recognized and communicated to the shift involved in the event. ,

, _ [. >

-The operator also did not recognize the onset of core boiling -


/ in 38 minutes after loss of SDC. The operator did not expect < ,'





core boiling to take place in less than an hour because-

Technical Specifications allow the shutdown cooling be.

.' ,



de-energized for'up to one hour provided 1)'no operations are

., , permitted _that would cause dilution of the reactor' coolant-



system boron concentration, and 2) core outlet temperature is

f, '

' - -


maintained at least 10 degrees F below saturation temp'e'rature. 7


, .

However, core outlet temperature was not available~at,the time, 7-




because core exit thermocouples were removed.from service .




and the hot leg temperature reading was not. representative of

the core outlet temperature, once the flow was interrupted.

i~ - The operator's training prior to the event did not focus .

sufficiently on conditions that could lead to a loss of SDC.

!, . '

s For corrective action with regard to training, the licensee

i implemented a major training upgrade to focus on the loss of

. shutdown cooling experience review. This training covered-17

elements and included the factors leading to the event,

, industry statistics for the potential'for a loss of shutdown

cooling, potential consequences of this event, procedures which

address the operation of the shu down e cooling system,

indications available and actions necessary to mitigate the

consequences of this type'of event. _Upon completion of


training for a loss of shutdown cooling event, which was held

during requalification training, the operators were required to

take an examination covering the topics discussed. Other


corrective actions taken by the licensee included pre-shift


briefings and a priority 1 (prior to assuming the shift)

required reading to provide information important to safe


operation of the plant.

The inspector reviewed the supporting documentation to verify


l that the corrective actions had been implemented. These

L documents included training logs, required reading logs,

j experience review reports, lesson plans, and exam results. All

were found to be complete and appeared to be satisfactory to


preclude the occurrence of similar events in the future. In


addition, the inspector interviewed several licensed operators '

whose records were on file, and determined that they were

trained on these events as the records indicated.




Based on the above review, the inspector found the licensee's

corrective action to the March 26, 1986 event, as well as the

g2neric loss of SDC issue, to be responsive and adequate. The


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r a'.

d : #

previous open items'related to the March 26, 1986 event


'50-361/86-11-02, 86-11-03, 86-07-LO are considered closed..

  1. # '

.. J 'No violations or deviations were identified. ,


, s. ,

- ,

+ l11. Review'of Salt Water Heat Exchanger (HX) Backflush Modification ,


. .



' -*-


.As a result of periodic fouling of the salt water.HX, thi licensee



instituted a permanent design modification to allow backflushing of the ^

1 l -

salt, water heat exchangers.. The inspector reviewed the heat. exchanger-

backflush modification to ensure minimum flow requirements are met-both


. .

'+' ,, in the normal flow path and in the backflush mode.  ;

' '

i ,


. .


The review of the design change package (DCP) 6204.15K. indicated no

' t abnormal design problems in installatica, testing, and final operation of-



e the backflush valves and piping. Review-of engineering calculation no.


M-0027-10, "SWCS Flow Requirements", indicated that thei system flow

requirements are adequately met in the backflush mode. The flow curves: i

<- appeared to be consistent between-Units 2 and 3 and their calculated

, points were correctly determined from the calculation. The flow

' "

' indicators (2 FI-6399 and 3 FI-6399) and the local temperature indicators

.(TI-6205 and TI-6235) were in SONG's calibration program and were

currently calibrated.

Review of operating instruction S023-2-8, entitled " Saltwater Cooling

System Operation", dated September 20, 1986, determined that the

backflush mode of operation was explained in detail, describing system

initiation, operation, and securing. The procedure provided the

. prerequisites, precautions, and alarm conditions necessary to perform

backflush of the SWC heat exchangers. The procedure verified'that the

. CCW HK heat removal. criteria was achieved by monitoring SWC flow and CCW

outlet temperature-after the backflush was completed.


The inspector's review of DCP-6204.1SM indicated satisfactory system

operation in the backflush mode. The procedure was^ concise, clear and

! the curves for determining operability were easy to read and use.


i, No violations or deviations were identified.

i 12. . Spurious Engineered Safety Features Actuation Due To The Radiation

Monitoring (RMS) and Toxic Gas Isolation Systems (TGIS)

a. Introduction


Since the operating license was issued:to Unit 2, there had been

a significant number of engineered safety features actuation due to

spurious signals from the RMS and TGIS. These actuations resulted

in the operation of the containment purge isolation system (CPIS),

l control room isolation system (CRIS), control room emergency air


cleanup system (CREACUS) and the fuel handling isolation system

(FHIS). Although these spurious actuations did not directly impact

I plant safety, they tended to distract operators from performing


their safety functions and could hinder their ability to recognize a

j genuine hazard.- The objective of this inspection was to evaluate




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, 26

the' licensee's actions to identify the causes and correct the.



, l*

b. Inspection and Findings-

(1) ' Radiation Monitor System (RMS)

SONGS Units 2 and 3 RMS_ detector inputs to the ESF systems

listed above are single channel, i.e. without coincidence logic

to minimize spurious actuation caused by noise. The licensee

initiated an extensive effort to reduce the electrical noise

- problem-in the RMS. Outside consultants in electromagnetic


shielding; technology were contracted to study the problem and

recommend improvements. DCP 6017 was being implemented for the

following design changes:


o' The mounting assembly of the detector was redesigned to

assure good ground connections.

o The photo multiplier tubes.were being upgraded.


, . .

o The< pre-amp sub-assembly and the high voltage card were

being replaced to enhance the signal.

The licensee is implementing these changes according to the

refueling outage schedule. Eighteen out of the forty four

detectors had been upgraded. The-rest were expected to be

completed within one year. The licensee indicated that no



spurious actuations had occurred from those upgraded detectors.

However, the operational experience of these upgraded detectors

is still too limited to conclude the overall effectivaness. The

inspector reviewed the licensee's study on the spurious noise

spikes on the RMS, and on DCP 6017,.and found the licensee's

actions to be reasonable and adequate.

The inspector also reviewed samples of the surveillance

procedures and found them to be consistent with the current


Technical Specification requirements. The licensee indicated

that the current RMS setpoints were overly conservative low '

and, thus, too close to the background level. The licensee is

in the process of requesting Technical Specification changes


from NRR to raise the setpoints to more realistic levels.

The licensee's RMS instrumentation group was recently

reorganized to be separated from the Instrumentation and

i Control group as a dedicated group on RMS. The technicians had

on the average eight to nine years of experience. The licensee

indicated these technicians were in the process of meeting the

INPO accreditation requirement for technicians. I

Based on these reviews, the inspector found the licensee to be


responsive in resolving the problem of spurious actuations of

i ESF equipment caused by noise in the RMS. The hardware

upgrades appeared to be prudent, though limited operating


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history was not sufficiently long to indicate'the


(2) Toxic Cas Isolation System (TGIS)

In response to the frequent spurious actuation of the TGIS, the

. licensee chartered a task force to determine-the cause and

correct the problem. The following modifications were

implemented as a result of the task force recommendation:

.o Protected the front instrument panel against tampering and

electromagnetic interference.

o Rerouted personnel and equipment traffic in the vicinity

of the unit.

o Added a time delay relay to make the system less

susceptible to noise spikes.

o Relocated the air pumps outside the instrument cabinet to

reduce vibration and interference.

o Added a second gas supply bottle which is checked each


o Added another cooling fan for the instrument cabinet.

o- .Added diagnostic display panel to show the cause of


o Added system trouble alarm in the Control Room.


- The inspector reviewed samples of the change packages to verify

proper design change reviews were made. The inspector also

verified these changes had been implemented by a physical

walkdown of the system. In addition, samples of the

surveillance records for' TGIS were reviewed for Technical

Specification setpoint and response time compliance. They were

found to be satisfactory. From the LERs submitted by the

licensee, it appeared that the number of spurious TGIS

actuations were reduced significantly since the implementation

of the modifications'.

Based on the above review, the inspector found the licensee's

corrective action to be responsive and effective.

There were no violations or deviations identified.

13. Static Inverters

a. Background Information

The San Onofre Units 2 and 3 electrical design was implemented with

nine static inverters per unit. In addition to these, one static


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' * *

. 28

inverter is shared between the two units. Six inverters per unit

are classified as Class 1E and the remaining ones are classified as

. non-Class 1E. Four of the six Class 1E were manufactured by.Cyberex

and the remaining two were manufactured by Elgar. The non-Class 1E

4 inverters were manufactured by Solid State Controls. The rated ,

capacity of the inverters range from 5 KVa to 150 KVa with some

providing single phase outputs and others providing three phase

outputs. Among the electrical loads the inverters power are safety.

j< related electrical equipment and indicators; critical functions

monitoring system; piant monitoring system computer; health physics

computer; backup core operating limit supervisory system and-

security computers; and non-Class IE instrumentation.

I The specific procedures reviewed by the inspector for inverters -


, were:


L ,

- S0123-II-11.163, " Inverter Inspection and Cleaning"


- S023-6-17, " Class IE 120 Vac Vital Bus Power Supply System

Operation" ,


c ..



- S023-II-11.177, "YO12 Inverter and Static Switch

Test / Calibration"


- 'S023-II-11.185, " Vital Bus Inverter Test / Calibration"


. The inspection of the inverters consisted of reviewing system-

descriptions and their electrical diagrams, reviewing instrument and -

test procedures and examining operating instructions and maintenance

records. The physical installation of the inverters and the loading

> increases which occurred was also inspected. Several of the station ,

engineers, test technicians and Operations personnel cognizant of

1 inverters were also interviewed. ,


b. Inspection Findings ,

l As a result of this inspection, the following items were noted by



the inspector:

o Manual Transfer Switch

The four Class 1E Cyberex inverters are equipped with a manual

! transfer switch. One. function of this switch is to transfer

, the power source for a vital bus from the inverter output to an

alternate source.- It was noted that the switch handle provided

to operate the switch is about the size of a human hand and is


physically located near the top of the inverter cabinet in

excess of six feet from the floor. The inspector was informed
by several licensee personnel who had operated the switch that

it was difficult to operate and that hang-ups in the

mid-position had occurred. This apparently is due to the

physical location of the switch relative to the floor and that

a considerable amount of force is required to operate the

! switch smoothly. The inspector expressed concern about smooth

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} . . l. ~ 39




operation of the switch, particularly by physically smaller l

operators following an inverter loss at a. time when power to

the vital bus is needed. The licensee's. engineering staff.

stated that the switch was hard to. rotate and is operated

infrequently, however modification of the switch is not

justifiable. The inspector also noted that depending on the

status of the inverter output conjunction with the

make-before-break feature of the switch, a switch hangup in the -;


' mid-position may result in the loss of the alternate power. ,


source. 'The inspector noted that the licensee did not consider

  • '

the difficulty in switch operation to be a safety concern.,

However, to offset inherent design weaknesses and infrequent

operation of this switch, continued training (to include. i

' '

operator aids) which demonarrr.ces operator proficiency of this ,


< '

switch was suggested by the inspector.



o Monitoring of Temperatures Within Inverter Cabinets

- +

.  :


Each of the four Class IE Cyberex inverters attendant to Unit 3

"," are located in a separate room. The four rooms are adjacent to


,i , each other on one side of a hallway. A battery charger and a 3

L ,

. power distribution panel'are also located in each of the four ,

s  !

rooms. Ventilation to each of these rooms is, ,


overhead duct work. The thermostat which controls the air.

' ~

< temperature within these rooms is located within a switchgear


room. This switchgear room is. located across from the vital ,


.s!' inverter rooms on the other side of the hallway. Access to the

switchgear room and the vital inverter rooms are provided by 3


doors which-are normally cloted. The inspector observed a ,

noticeable increase in the air temperature between the hallway


and inside the vital inverter rooms. In view of this

observation and the thermostat arrangement for the ventilation

system, the inspector expressed concern regarding verification ,

that temperatures within each of the four inverter cabinets

were within the specifications provided by.the manufacturer.

The licensee informed the inspector that design calculations

showed that air temperatures within the switchgear room should

be greater than air temperatures within the vital inverter

rooms. In addition, the licensee informed the inspector that

air temperatures over.the top of one of the inverter cabinets

had been measured; however, a record of this measurement was

not avaitcble at the site. The inspector expressed concern


ebout verifying that internal cabinet temperatures for each

Class 1E inverter was within the specifications provided by the

manufacturer. This item will remain open pending additional

inspector review (361/86-25-07). *

o Loading Increases

The inspector noted that Class IE inverter 3Y002 had a total

calculated connected load of 18.01 KVA in the 1977 design. The

present calculated connected load has increased to 19.8 KVA.


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  • 30


- A review oflthe loads on other vital buses showed similar

increases in load. While it is recognized that calculated

connected load and actual running load are different, the

inspector expressed concern about additional loading increases.

The inspector also expressed concern about the lack of

definition of the inductive portion of the load and its

frequency of operation. The licensee indicated that future ~

load additions would be monitored.

o Design Change


The inspector noted that a design modification resulting in a

' load increase involved the use of a 15 ampere fused circuit

protective device assembly to feed two branch circuits. This

.was noted in inverter supplie'd' pan'ls e 2Y002 circuit 10, and

.3Y002 circuit 10, which power the Engineered Safety Features

Actuation Signal (ESFAS) Auxiliary Relay cabinets. The


, inspector' noted that this is not in accordance with the


ENational Electric Code (NIC) and Underwriter Laboratory (UL)

Standard. It~was also noted that as presently installed, that

the= termination connector which supplies the two branch'


circuits is not in accordance with the UL standard on the use


of electrical materials. Further it was noted that Section

210-22(c) and '384-16(c) of the NEC ruled that the total load on

s .any overcurrent device located in a panelboard shall not exceed

1 3 u80 percent of its rating. UL has a rule that any fuse or


' breaker not marked for continuous load must have its load

limited to 80' percent of its rating. The inspector noted that

each 'of the subject ' circuits have two loads with only a 1200 VA

load c'onnected in parallel with a 480 VA load. This adds up to

a total load of 14 ampere,'and thus exceed the 12 ampere

. maximum load that can be placed on.the circuits in question.

The licensee conferred with its consultant from Bechtel and

i informed the' inspector that the Bechte1~ design was based on an ,

I analysis that the actual load would be less than 1200 and 480 -

VA respectively. The inspector found that these 1200 and 480

VA load ratings were in fact obtained and factored in the

original design and concluded that these load ratings should

have been adhered to in subsequent design modification. This

item further reviewed during a future inspection



o. Formal Training for Test Technicians

The inspector noted that in the past little or no formal

training from inverter manufacturers has been provided to test

technicians who service inverters. This has been recognized by

the licensee and some training of this type is planned. The

inspector emphasized the need for a well structured and well


defined formal training program which included inverter


manufacturers. The licensee appeared receptive to this



o Cleanliness of Class IE Inverter Rooms


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.The inspector noted that all class 1E inverter rooms and

attendant equipment were clean and neatly arranged. In' .

addition, the inspector visually inspected the dirt and dust

filters mounted on the front of.the Class 2E Cyberex inverters.

These filters were also clean.


No violations or deviations were identified.


14'. Station Batteries



's. Inspection Activities ,

The inspector reviewed procedures which. implemented Technical

Specification required surveillances for the Class.1E 125 volt

- safety related batteries. The inspector examined the maintenance

procedures provided for Class 1E and Non-Class 1E batteries. The

. inspection activities also included discussions with licensee

personnel concerning initial and current problems with batteries and

battery chargers. The physical installations of Class 1E and


Non-Class IE batteries were inspected. -The inspector examined


surveillance records for. required performance and service testing of

, Class IE batteries..

h . ~

The inspector reviewed the following procedures used for station

- batteries



-. 5023-I-2.12 " Weekly Inspection of IE Batteries".

- S023-I-2.13, " Quarterly Inspection of Batteries".  !


' - S023-I-2.14,- " Refueling Interval Physical Inspection of

4 Batteries".'

- S023-I-2.15, " Refueling Interval Battery Service Test".

- S023-I-2.16, " Battery Performance".


.S023-I-4.78, " Spare Battery Charger Installation'and

Testing". i

' -

S023-I-9.14, " Battery Charger Inspection, Cleaning and

. Testing".  ? '



.S023-I-9.47, " Battery Weekly Inspection of Non-1E Station

-Batteries". .


S023-I-9.48, " Quarterly Inspection of Non-1E Station

Batteries".>  !


SO23-I-9.49, " Annual Inspection of Non-1E Station' Batteries".


The inspector.also reviewed surveillance records for performance and

t service,te' sting. The performance tests in February 198? (batteries

38008 and 38010) and:the tests from March'1983 (batteries 38007 and

- 38009) ~ were reviewed.: All had battery capacities in excess of 100%


.- (minimum' acceptance is;90%). The service tests on the same

batteries done about the same time also had acceptable results.  ;

b. - Battery Cell Problems During Startup'


initial startup a problem was experienced with a number of





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'- *

,< 32


- Class 1E battery cells. The problem as described-involved

stratification.of the electrolyte contained in the cells. This


problem was attributed to the manner in which these cells were

i stored at the site prior to initial startup. For Unit 2 Class 1E

batteries 28007 and 28008, all of the initial supplied Exide GN-13



cells were replaced with Exide CN-15. cells. Licensee personnel

indicated that following initial startup, recurrence of this problem

had not occurred.


I- c. Battery Performance Testing In Lieu of Service Testing

} Once per sixty months, the Technical Specification permits battery


performance testing in lieu of service testing. Licensee personnel

. indicated that this provision was used for battery testing in May of


this year. This being the case, the inspector expressed concern

. that the more demanding ninety minute service test loading profile

may indicate weaknesses in the battery installation which


performance testing would not. For batteries which this provision


had been used, the inspector suggested that close attention be given

to the results of the next service test. The licensee was receptive

to this concern and suggestion.

, d. Battery Service Test Loading Profiles and Surveillance Records ,


{ k


Design documents providing information on battery service test



loading profiles were examined. These documents revised.the 90

! minute service test loading profiles for Class 1E. batteries 28007,


28008, 28009 and 28010. These documents showed that service testing

t- loading profiles for San Onofre 2 and 3 were established by

, e calculations. No concerns were identified associated with these


' * '


The inspector reviewed surveillance records for required battery "

i service and performance testing. These records showe'd



i ' that the 1982 service and performance test rasults for Class-1E  :


batteries 38007,.38008, 38009 and 38010 were satisfactory. However, +

.', in view of time constraints and the manner in which the records are r

1 arranged at the site, surveillance records providing recent test s


i '


results were not reviewed. This being the case, recent test results



for battery service and performance testing and record availability


will be examined in a future inspection (361/86-25-09). .


e. Battery Maintenance and Surveillance Program ,


The inspector reviewed the battery maintenance and surveillance -


procedures. These procedures satisfied the requirements of the

l Technical Specifications, Regulatory Guide 1.129 "Maintenance,

! Testing and Replacement of Large Load Storage Batteries for Nuclear

Power Plants", IEEE Standard 43C-1980 "IEEE Recommended Practice for

Maintenance, Testing and Replacement of Large Load Storage Batteries  !

s for Generating Stations and Substations" and manufacturer's

technical instructions. In view of this, the inspector concluded

that an adequate surveillance program exists for the San Onofre
Units 2 and 3 batteries.


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  • 3'

33 ,

f. Inspection of Battery Installations

The inspector noted that Class 1E and Non-Class IE battery cells

were clean and intercell connectors were free of particles and

- corrosion. The interceli connectors to battery cell past

connections were well lubricated. The battery rooms were well

. lighted and clear of extraneous equipment. .However, the inspector

'noted that cleanliness of battery room floors and battery. cell

, retaining racks could be improved. The licensee was receptive to

this observation.

No violations or deviations were identified.


15. Control Air System Moisture Buildup

-Industry experience has shown that moisture buildup in air lines can

cause failure of air operated valves, particularly during periods of high

air demand. In July 15, 1981 the Palisades power plant was operating in

the shutdown cooling mode with the primary system level drained-near the

hot-leg centerline for replacement of a reactor coolant pump (RCP) seal

package, when a loss of shutdown cooling capability occurred because of

isolation of the single shutdown heat exchanger outlet control" valve.


The outlet valve malfunctioned because of water accumulation in~its


control air system.


The purpose of this inspection was to determine whether SONGS has'

implemented a program that effectively prevents and/or identifies and

' 4



' corrects moisture accumulation in control air lines. The inspector

m reviewed operating instruction S023-1-1, " Instrument and Service Air

.N System", dated October 2, 1983. This operating instruction described the


normal and abnormal operation of the instrument and service air systems,


provided procedures for removing various system components from service,

1- . and provided a detailed procedure for operating the instrument air-

dryers. This procedure, in paragraph 5.5 " Blowdown of Air System


Drains", provided once-a-shift blowdown of the three air receivers-(E090,

' '

E091 and_E092) and the control air supply line filters (C-001, C-002 and

C-003) by cracking open the drain valve and then reclosing the drain


valve when moisture free air issues from the drain. The inspector ,

witnessed this once-a-shift blowdown. In addition, every refueling, a



check-off list is used to verify that no water has accumulated in the

instrument air lines.

The inspector interviewed air and emergency core cooling system (ECCS)

engineers, and craft, including supervision, to determine if moisture

control problems have been experienced and any corrective actions taken.

The results of the interviews indicated that only in the startup phase of

.the control air system was there a moisture buildup problem. No

equipment history records indicated a problem with moisture accumulation

in the control air. The inspector reviewed the system design of the

control air system, which has two refrigerated type air heaters, and

once-a-shift. blowdown of the air receivers and the control air supply

line filters. In addition, system design features include the use of

copper lines, air compressors that are non-lubricated, air filters that

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are designed to remove particles greater than 5 microns, and air operated


' valves upstream that use a filter.

LThe inspection of the control air system revealed no present day problems.

j with moisture accumulation. The system is blown down daily'and complete



' low point drain blowdown is performed each refueling.

L No violations or deviations were identified in this area.

16. Post Trip Reviews


The. inspector'_ reviewed a total of six post trip review reports _



associated with the most recent reactor trips at_ Units 2 and 3.

purpose of the review was to ensure that: 1) anomalous plant equipment

responses were identified, and corrective actions implemented as .

' '

required. 2) the licensee's evaluation was sufficiently thorough to

, identify the cause of the reactor trip, and potentially generic concerns

were addressed at the other two operating units.- The post trip review

packages evaluated were for the following reactor trip dates:



m July 14,1986 April 13, 1986


August 12, 1986 July 26, 1986

September 13, 1986 September 4, 1986

The inspector found the licensee's reviews to be adequate. The inspector

{ suggested the licensee consider cont' acting the Palo Verde Nuclear

Generating Station (PVNGS) to take advantage of recent program


improvements which had been implemented at that. facility, regarding post

trip review evaluations. ;The licensee: stated that a representative would


contact.PVNGS and request that a sample trip report be sent to SONGS for

j_ their review.

No violations;or. deviations were identified.

17. Temperary Facility ~ Modifications- ',

When~a plant structure, system, or component used to perform its design



function, is in an-other-than-designed condition, a Temporary Facility

i Modification (TFM) would normally be expected to be initiated. The TFMs

were inspected for several of the systems reviewed during this

The use of TFMs was governed by procedure S0123-V-5.10. " Temporary

Facility Modification", and was supported by other procedures including

desk Procedure 3.1-02 for " Configuration control Document Maintenance"


and S023-0-16, " Temporary. Facility Modification Control". The number of

open TFMs at SONGS 2 and 3 was 46, 2 from 1983, 1 from 1984, 9 from 1985

i and 34 in 1986. For Units 2 and 3, their were no current TFMs for the

CCW, SWC, and AFW systems. The timeliness of the TEHs was assessed, and

l the average age of the temporary modifications was determined to be


approximately 6 months. The median age of the TFMs was found to be

approximately 3 months. Safety evaluations (50.59) associated with a





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sampling'of.TFMs were' considered adequate. The implementing procedure

required reevaluation'of existing'TFMs every three months.

No violations' or deviations were identified.

18. Calibration of Pressurizer Pressure and Level Transmitters

Actuation of the Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System (ESFAS)

instrumentation channels depends upon accurate and correctly calibrated

instruments. For this reason, the pressurizer level and pressure

transmitters need special attention in their calibration. The

pressurizer level transmitters need to be calibrated from the lower tap

to the upper tap for the calibration range per the Combustion Engineering

(CE) data sheet. The pressurizer pressure transmitters need to have a

height of water (head) correction removed from its input bistable,

otherwise incorrect ESFAS setpoint actuation occurs.

The inspector reviewed SONG's engineering calculation no. M107-12-3 for

the suppression and span adjustment for pressurizer level transmitters.

This Bechtel calculation had a six level review. The pressure

transmitter head correction calibration was determined by the Instrument

and Control (I&C) group. Both calculations were considered concise,

clear and correct based upon the inspector's review.

No violations or deviations were identified.


19. Testing Time Delay Relays

Time delay relays provide the proper sequencing of emergency core cooling

systems (ECCS) and safety injection (SI) activation systems under

accident conditions. Since these relays provide for the starting of the

ECCS and SI systems, improper or non-existent testing of these relays can

compromise the operability of the ECCS equipment under accident


The Trojan nuclear power plant in September, 1984 experienced a safety

injection actuation signal in which the diesel driven auxiliary feedwater

(AFW) pump failed to start. Failure of the diesel driven AFW pump to

start was attributed to the absence of procedures for the periodic

calibration of time delay relays associated with permissive and

protective functions of the diesel driven AFW pump.

The above incident revealed that failure of testing time delays relays

can compromise the operability of the ECCS equipment. The purpose of

this inspection was to determine if SONG's program of testing time delay

relays ensures ECCS equipment operability.

The inspector reviewed the following procedures: j

o Operating Instruction S02-II-11.1 - Unit 2 Loss of Voltage (LOV) and

Sequencing Relay and Circuit Test,. dated August 1, 1984.


o Operating Instruction S03-II-11.1 - Unit 3 Loss of Voltage (LOV) and  !

Sequencing Relay and Circuit Test, dated August 1, 1984.







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o Operating Instruction S023-3-3.12 - Integrated ESF System Refueling

Test, dated May 9, 1986.

The above procedures provided the mechanism to test the Unit 2 and

Unit 3 individual time delay relays and conduct an integrated engineered

safety feature (ESP) test every 18 months. The inspector's review

determined that SONG's program of testing time delay relays was

acceptable. Tests were included on the surveillance' schedule routinely,

and the recorder wires were permanently run throughout Units 2 and 3 for

easy installation into the various time delay relays.

No violations or deviations were identified.

20. Plant Personnel Interviews

In addition to routine discussion's with licensee individuals to gain

information as part of the normal inspection process, informal interview

were held between the inspector and 28 plant personnel working within

various disciplines having responsibility for safety-related matters.

Discussions were held with both craft and engineering personnel. The

' purpose of the interviews were to determine whether; 1) workers felt they

could bring safety concerns to their supervision, 2) whether schedular

pressures have compromised plant safety and 3) whether the Quality

Assurance Department was effective in carrying out its responsibilities.

No concerns or responses, which could indicate a potential problem, were

brought to the inspector's attention.

No violations or deviations were identified.

21. Exit Meeting

The results of this inspection were discussed with the licensee on

October 3, 1986. The inspector summarized the scope of the inspection

and findings as described in this report.

