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Requests That Wide Range Neutron Monitoring Sys (Wrnms) Amend for Unit 2 Not Be Issued Earlier than 980901,in Order to Preclude Confusion Between Effective Date for Unit 2 Wrnms Amend That May Effect Same TS Pages.Ts Pages,Encl
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/22/1997
From: Hunger G
Shared Package
ML20211F390 List:
NUDOCS 9710010043
Download: ML20211F385 (2)


Station Support Department y,

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+=.y PECO NUCLEAR n w e-A Unit of PECO Energy N((rUS$rI7 September 22.1997 Docket Nos. 50 277 50 278 License Nos. DPR-44 DPR 56 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington DC 20555 l


Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3 Facility Operating License Change Request 9318

Dear Sir:

By letter dated January 17,1995, PECO Energy Company submitted License Change Request (LCR) 9318 requesting changes to Appendix A of the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (PBAPS) Facility Operating Licenses. The proposed changes were submitted to support PBAPS Modification P00271, I

which will replace the Source Range and Intermediate Range Monitors with a new Wide Range Neutron Monitonng System (WRNMS). LCR 93-18 requested that the Technical Specification (TS) changes be approved by June 1,1996 to allow for installation of the modification during the Fall 1996 refueling outage.

Because of delays, Modification P00271 is presently scheduled to be installed on Unit 3 during the Fall 1997 refueling outage, and on Unit 2 during the Fall 1998 refueling outage, in order to preclude confusion between the effective date for the Unit 2 WRNMS amendment and any subsequent amendment requests that might affect the same TS pages, we rec uest that the WRNMS amendment for Unit 2 not be issued earlier than Septem aer 1,1998.

Attached are the TS pages requested for Unit 3 only, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Very truly yours, 4 Q. AL



p G. A. Hunger, Jr.

Director - Licensing


Affidavit, Attachment cc:

H. J. Miller, Administrator, Region I, USNRC R. S. Barkley, Senior Resident inspector, PBAPS, USNRC e^h}ty[o010043970922R. R. Janati, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

, Nhh 97 gDR ADOCK0500g27;

COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA SS COUNTY OF YORK T. N. Mitchell, being first duly sworn, deposes and says:

That he is Vice President of PECO Energy Company, the Applicant herein; that he has read the letter transmitting the attached Technical Specifications pages for changes to the Peach Bottom Facility Operating License DPR 50, and knows the

- contents thereof; and that the statements and matters set forth therein are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information and belief.

Y'I Y Y Y Vice President Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of

. September, 1997.

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