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Responds to Violation Noted in Insp Rept 50-482/86-32. Corrective Actions:Personnel Responsible Counseled & Review of Calculations Performed for Surveillance Procedure Determined That Average Specific Gravity Incorrectly Listed
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 03/13/1987
From: Withers B
WM-87-0078, WM-87-78, NUDOCS 8703170152
Download: ML20207R361 (3)


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NAE NUCLEAR OPERATING CORPORATION March 13, 1987 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comnission ATTN: Doctanent Control Desk washington, D. C. 20555 Letter: WM 87-0078 Re: Docket No. 50-482 Ref: Letter dated 2/11/87 from JEGagliardo, NRC, to Bart D. Withers, WCNOC Subj: Response to Inspection Report STN 50-482/86-32 Gentlemen:

This letter is written in reponse to the Reference which transmitted Inspection Report 50-482/86-32. As requested, the violation (482/8632-01) identified in the Inspection Report is being addressed in four parts.

(a) The reason for the violation if admitted; (b) The corrective steps which have been taken and the results achieved; (c) Corrective steps which will be taken to avoid further violations; and (d) The date when full compliance will be achieved.

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If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me or Mr.

0. L. Maynard of my staf f.

Very truly yours, f?)

l Bart D. Withers President and Chief Executive Officer BDN:jad

! Attachment I

cc: Paul O'Connor JCummins pfg RMartin PO. Box 411/ Burkngton. KS 66339 : Phone- (316! 364-8831 8703170152 870313 An Equal oppo<iun<iy Empever u r sc VET PDR ADOCK 05000482 J PT63 __

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Attachment to NM.87-0078

' Page - 1 Violation ~(482/8632-01): Failure Of lost-Test Review to Identify An'Out-Of-Specification Value And Institute Proper Corrective Action Finding:

Wolf Creek Generating Station (NCGS) TS 6.8.1 requires that, " Written procedures shall be established, implemented, and maintained covering . . ..

a. The applicable procedures reconnended in Appendix A of Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 2, February 1978."

Section 8.b.of Appendix A to Regulatory Guide 1.33 requires that specific procedures for surveillance tests, inspections, and calibrations are to~be provided.

Plant Adninistrative Procedure (ADM)02-300, . Revision 8, " Surveillance Testing," has been established and inplemented in accordance with these requirements.

Step 5.6.~2 requires that each test reviewer shall ensure that, " Test data shall be compared to the acceptance criteria to determine test acceptability."

Contrary to the above, during the post-test review of STS MT-019, dated October 16, 1985, the reviewers failed to identify and take appropriate corrective action to restore the "as listed" out-of-specification value of the average specific gravity to within limits.

Reason For Violation If A&nitted:

Failure to identify and take appropriate corrective action to restore the "as-listed" out-of-specification value of the average specific gravity to within limits was due to failure to follow adminstrative procedure ADM 02-300, " Surveillance Testing". Step 5.6.2 of this procedure requires that post test reviewers conpare test data to the acceptance criteria to determine test acceptability.

Corrective Steps Which Have Been Taken and Results Achieved:

The personnel who failed to identify and take corrective actions during the post test review have been counseled on the inportance of the reviews they perform. In addition, a review of the calculations performed for the surveillance procedure determined that the average specific gravity was incorrectly listed on pages 7 and 11 of STS MT-019. A Supplemental Correction Report has been conpleted and vaulted to correct the data on pages 7 and 11 of the surveillance test procedure.


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Attachment to DM 87-0078 Page 2 Corrective Steps Which Will Be Taken To Avoid Further Violations:

'lhe Superintendent' of Maintenance evaluated the review process for conpleted surveillances by the maintenance organization as a result of the failure to properly sign off a conpleted surveillance 3 by the test performer, supervisor, and the QC supervisor / lead respectively, (Notice of Violation 86/28-01), as well as this occurrence. As a result of that evaluation the Superintendent of Maintenance has.. issued written direction which requires an additional post ~ test review be performM by a Maintenance Engineer, for conpleteness and- to ensure all data is within acceptable limits prior to

. routingjtbe conpleted procedure to the operations surveillance coordinator.

response and written direction have been


Additionally, this 'violat4n,

\ placed in the Maintenance DM;artment required reading to ensure maintenance personnel are cognizant of the requirement for following procedures and the .

importance of attention to detail.


h The Date When Full Conpliance Will Be Achieved:

Full compliance has been achieved.

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