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Notifies That 880524 & 0909 Submittals Provided Acceptable Response to Generic Ltr 88-03.Annunciators on Main Control Board Panel Would Provide Alert to Operators at Preset High Temp Alarm Level
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 10/28/1988
From: Reeves E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Hairston W
GL-88-03, GL-88-3, IEB-85-001, IEB-85-1, TAC-67236, TAC-67237, NUDOCS 8811030177
Download: ML20205M645 (3)


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October 28, 1988 Docket Nos. 50-348 O!STRIBUTION and 50-364 sDocket Filet F Anderson NRC PDR E. Reeves (2) local PDR OGC fir. W. G. Hairston, !!! PO?1 r/f E. Jordan (HiiBB3302)

Senior Vice President 3. Varga (14E4) 8. Grimes (SA2)

Alabama Power Company G. Lainas L. Olshan (1301)

Post Office Box 2641 E. Adensam ACRS (10)

Birmingham, Alabama 35291-0400 Dear Mr. Hairsten.


On February 17, 1988, Generic Letter (GL) 88-03 requested all licensees of operating FWRs to confirm that appropriate procedures are in place, and will be maintained to minimize the occurrence of steam binding of the auxiliary feedwater f AFW) pumps. The procedures require monitoring of fluid conditions within the AFW system each shif t during times when the system is required to be operable, to recognize steam binding of the AFW pump and to restore the AFW system to cperable status should steam binding occur.

By letters dated May 24, and September 9,1988, you responded to GL 88-03 and to concerns expressed to you regarding continuing to maintain the system and procedures that you have had in operation for some time at the Farley site.

You confirmed that the AFW Check Valve Temperature Monitoring System provides AFW fluid temperature conditions also. You noted that annunciators on the main control board parcl would provide an alert for operators at a preset high temperature alarm level. Also, procedures exist for operators to use to recognize and to respond to steam binding.

You have erpressed reluctance to coa >mit to maintaining the existing monitoring system and procedures based on the tuccess found to date with the modified check valve design now installed. Hcwever, as you know, GL 88-03 is the Cornmission's resolution of Generic Safety issue 93, which irplements the recommendations of IE Bulletin 85-01. These recomendations are intended to ensure that the contributions of AFW pump steam binding to the core relt f requency and public risk remains sufficiently Icw.

In closing the issue at this time, we consider that the action you have taken at the Farley site is acceptable. However, 'our statement that changes to procedures or to the mon:toring system may be made under 10 CFR 50.59 at the end of the next cycle of operation for each unit raises concerns.

8811000177 981028 PDR ADOCK 05000348 P Q PNU _

2 W. G. Hairston, III Therefore, prior to your taging such actions, we request that you provide us with sufficient test data, operatino experience data, and your safety analysis, taking into account the concerns nycd in Generic Safety Issue 93 and IE Bulletin 85-01, dated October 29, 1985, to supptrt such actions. No response to this letter is needed at this time.

Sinu rely ,

Edward A. Reeves, Senior Project Manager Project Directorate !!-1 Division of Reactor Projects I/II cc: See next page


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Mr. N. G. Hairston,111

' Alabama Power Company Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant cc:

r Mr. R. P. Mcdonald Resident inspector Executive Vice President U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Alabama Power Company Post Office Box 24 - Route 2 Post Office Box 2641 Columbia, Alabama 36319 Birmingham, Alabama 35291-0400 Mr. Bill M. Guthrie D. Biard MacGuineas Esquire Executive Vice President Volpe, Boskey and Lyons Alabama Power Company 918 16th Street N.W.

Post Office Box 2641 Washingtcn, D.C. 20006 Birmingham, Alah ma 35291-0400 Mr. Louis B. Long, General Manager Charles R. Lowman Southern Company Services, Inc. Alabama Electric Corporation Post Office Box P625 Post Office Box 550 Birmingham, Alabama 35202 Andalusia, Alabama 35420 Chairman Regional Administrator, Region !!

Houston County Commissicn U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Dothan, Alabama 36301 101 Marietta Street, Suite 2900 Ernest L. Blake, Jr. , Esquire Shaw, Pittman, Potts and Trowbridge Claude Earl Fox, M.D.

2300 N Street, N.W. State Health Officer Washington, DC 20037 State Department of Public Health State Office Building Montgomery, Alabama 36130 ,

Robert A. Buettner, Esquire  :'

Balch, Bingham, Baker, Hawthorne, Mr. D. N. Morey Williams and Ward General Manager - Farley Nuclear Plant l Post Office Box 306 Post Office Box 47G Birmingham, Alabama 35201 Ashford, Alabama 36312 '