0 7 June 7, 1976 f(,;0
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C. Dodd, Jr.
W. E. Childress, Jr.
Construction Project Manager Project Enaineer i
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W. J. Stokes P. L. Bussolini Mechanical Engineer Ouality Assurance BROWN & ROOT, INC.
HOUSTON, TEXAS g 61 g 8 860604 GARDE 86-A-20 PDR my y
's JOB 35-1195 Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Construction Procedure INTERIM CHANGE NOTICE NUMBER 2
This notice applies to Construction Procedure No. 35-1195-MEI-1, Revision 0 The intent of this change will (X) / will not ( ) be incorporated in the next revision to the procedure.
This Change applies:
Until Further Notice ( )
Until the next revision is issued (X)
Only as follows:
Change the procedure as follows:
Chance title to include safety related '
materials. Chance pace 2 under specific work reouirements to include bulk pipe and fittinas.
See attached sheet for additional items and reouirements to be included in 35-1195-MEI-1.
Reason for change:
These materials must be included under a handling procedure for Quality related items.
This change approved by:
husso A @.l
' :'s.'G v' vfl tf DepartmentHea$
Qua'ity Assurance Reviewed By-
//f r
..b a w.< l. 5
/ 5)*AC-fProcedures & Reoorts.
Date DD
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D 35-1195-MEI-1, Rev. O ICN #2 Quality Related Piping ITT Grinnell, P.O. CP-0043A Bulk Q piping or fittings may be received under a variety of conditions i.e.,
crated, boxed, bundled or loose.
Loose items may be placed on pallets or racks for storage via manual labor or, for heavy items, lifting equipment (crane,- cherry picker, or forklift).
Double slings shall be used on all horizontal loads over twelve (12) feet in length when composed of two or more pieces of material.
Note, care must be taken in handling of special material equipment. Without
regard to the manner of the lift, items which are constructed of special metals, e.g. stainless steel, inconel, monel, etc. shall be handled such that the special metal components do not come in direct contact with carbon steel rigging or handling equipment. Non-metallic slings should be used to handle these items. Where carbon steel slings or fork lift trucks are used, pads must be positioned so that the carbon steel equipment does not come in direct contact with the special material piping or fittings.
In all cases, the load to be lifted shall not exceed the lifting capacity of the handling equipment.
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JOB 35-1195 Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Construction Procedure INTERIM CHANGE NOTICE NUMBER 1
This notice applies to Construction Procedure No. 35-1195-MEI-1
, Revision 0 The intent of this change will (X) / will not ( ) be incorporated in the next revision to the procedure.
This Change applies:
Until Further Notice ( )
Until the next revision is issued (X)
Only as follows:
Change the procedure as follows:
Under valve isolation tank oace 3 of 4 add the following tanks to the procedure:
CP2-CTATVT-01 and 02 I
CP2-RHATVT-01 and 02
Reason for change:
Inadvertently omitted from procedure.
This change approved by:
h busso
.2 Department Head
Quality Assurance Reviewed By:
M /? lW Procedures & Reports Date
- ~
35-1195-MEI-1, June 7,1976 REVISION 0, June 7,1976 PAGE 2 of 4 JOB 35-1195 COMANCHE PEAK STEAM ELECTRIC STATION CONSTRUCTION FIELD PROCEDURE 35-1195-MEI-1 This instruction is prepared to set forth specific work requirements for perform-ance of the following construction task:
Handling of the following safety related eauipment:
Valve Isolation Tank CP-0069, CCW Heat Exchangers CP-0049, Chemical Additive Tank CP-0065.
Specifications and/or drawings governing the task to be accomplished by this instruction are as follows:
Shall be detailed under the task discussion.
Engineering and craft disciplines responsible for the work described herein are as follows:
Mechanical Engr. - Determine the handling requirements.
Rigging Dept. - Off-load and handle eauipment.
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m 35-1195-MEI-1, June 7,1976 REVISION 0, June 7,1976 PAGE 3 of 4 COMANCHE PEAK STEAM ELECTRIC STATION Proceed as follows:
CCW Heat Exchanger CP-0049 CP1-CCAHHX - 01 and 02 CP2-CCAHHX - 01 and' 02 Vendor - Struthers Wells Corporation Handling Requirement:
A The gross weight of each unit is 101,000 lbs. The dimensions are 5'-1"d x i
Off-loading will be done with a Manitowoc 4100 crane or similar equipment with minimum rated capacity of 101,000 lbs. The shell material is carbon steel, standard rigging equipment is acceptable. Lifting lugs have been provided on the heat exchanger, these lugs are to be used in lifting the heat exchanger. To make the necessary lifts, two (2) 60 foot, lh inch, four-parted chockers with 50 ton shackles in each lifting lug, should be used as a minimum.
Ref. Struthers Hells Corp. - Installation Operation and Maintenance Instructions For CCW Heat Exchangers For CPSES Valve Isolation Tank CP-0069 CP1-CTATVT - 01 and 02 CP1-RHATVT - 01 and 02 Vendor - Joseph Oat Corporation 9
Handling Requirements The tanks shall be shipped via truck, one tank per truck. The gross weight j
i of each unit is approximately 9,100 lbs. The dimensions are 5'x11'-6" each unit. Off-loading will be done with a minimum 5 ton capacity cherry picker.
3 The vessel material is carbon steel. Standard rigging ecuipment is acceptable however, softeners should be used to protect the vessels. The tanks are to be stored in the as shipped position, store on the shipping skid. Lifting lugs are not provided for lifts in the horizontal position, therefore, a minimum of two (2) properly positioned slings are to be used for horizontal lifts. Lifting lugs have been provided for vertical lifts and should be used for lifts in the vertical position. When using slings, care must be taken that tank appendices are not damaged.
Ref. Applied Engineering Co. - Standard Operating Procedure
y 35-1195-MEI-1, June 7,1976 REVISION 0, June 7,1976 PAGE 4 of 4 Chemical Additive Tank CP-0065 CP-1-CTATCA-01 Vendor - Applied Engineering Co.
Handling Requirements The gross weight of the tank is 7287 lbs. The dimensions are 7'-3"d x 19'-0".
Off-loading will be dcne with a minimum 4 ton capacity " cherry picker". The vessel material is stainless steel, carbon steel rigging eauipment shall not be used in direct contact with the vessel. Four (4) lifting lugs have been provided on the vessel, these lugs are to be used in lifting the vessel. Carbon steel shackles (4 ton capacity) may be used for attaching the chockers to the tank lifting lugs.
I Ref. Joseph Oat Corp. - Valve Isolation Tanks, Assembly and Details.
Vendor Dwg. No. 5699 S
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Mtb,\\b % C A.k*] \\ 0j s i APPENDIX B POTENTIAL ENFORCEMENT FINDINGS As a result of the Construction Appraisal Team (CAT) inspection of January 24 - February 4,1983 and February 14 - March 3,1983, the following items have been referred to NRC Region IV as potential enforcement findings (Section references are to the detailed portion of the Inspection Report). Electricsl and Instrumer.tation Construction 1. Contrary to 10 CFR 50, Appendix'B, Criterion X and FSAR Section 17.1.10, certain inspection activities were not executed to verify installation conformance with procedures including cable spacing in trays, cable band radii, cable fill, cable supports and tray installation hardware (Sections II.B.1.a.b,d,,andII.B.4.b(1)). 2. Contrary to 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI and FSAR Section 17.1.16, the established inspection program did not provide adequate controls to assure that deviations from electrical and electrical / mechanical s2cara-tion criteria as defined in the FSAR were promptly identified and:cor-rected (Sections II.B.1.f. II.B.4.a. and.I-I.4.4.b(2)). t 3. Contrary to 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion V. FSAR Section 17.1.5,.and IEEE Standard 450, procedures to implement inspection activities relative to certain aspects af battery maintenance have not been developed or implemented (Section II.B.3.c.). Mechanical Construction 1. Contrary to 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion V, FSAR Section 17.1.5, and QI-QAP-11.1-28, certain QC accepted ASME pipe suoports/ restraints are not installed in accordance with the design document to which the pipe supports / restraints were inspected (Section III.B.2). 2. Contrary to 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criteria X and XVII, and FSAR Sections 17.1.10 and 17.1.17, an inspection program has not been established to verify and document installation conformance to drawing requirements in regard to. pipe supports / restraints and mechanical equip-ment installations (Section III.B.2 and 3). 3. Contrary to 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criteria V and X, and FSAR Sections 17.1.5 and 17.1.10, installed and QC accepted heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) duct, supports and equipment do not conform to design requirements. In addition,-inspection procedures have not been established or executed to verify conformance of HVAC supports to design drawings (Section III.B.4 ). Od ) rVW B-1
CA T T2-eeore.T \\% Welding and Nondestructive Examination ( Centrary to 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion IX and FSAR Section 17.1.9, certain special processes relative to the HVAC system were not adequately controlled, including improperly qualified procedures; improperly qualified j inspectors; improper certification of NDE personnel (Section IV.B.3). Civil and Structural Constructicn Contrary to 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion V and FSAR Section 15.1.5, civil construction test procedures were inadequate to ensure that mixer uniformity tests as required by the ASME-ACI-359 Code were the prescribed frequency (Section V.B.2). Procurement, Storace and Material Traceability Contrary to 10 CFR 50, Appendix S, Criterion XIII, FSAR Section 17.1.13, l CP-QAP-8.1, Rev. 5, CP-CPM-8.1, Rev. 1, and MCP-10, Rev. 7 storage of certain I safety-related equipment in outside lay-down areas and installed in the plant was not properly controllfed (Section VI.B.2). Ouality Control Insoector Effectiveness 1. Contrary to 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterien II and FSAR Section 3.8,: incividuals were certified to levels of capability without the requisi.te experience described in Regulatory Guide 1.58 '(Section VII.B.2.a.(2)).' 2. Contrary to 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion X and FSAR Section 3.8, inspection records were prepared and accepted by L-I inspectors as the " inspector of record" rather than the required L-II " inspector of record" required by ANSI N45.2.6 (Section VII.B.2.b(1)). Quality Assurance 1. Contrary to 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVIII and. FSAR Section 17.1.18, QA audits have not t,een conducted at a frequency or at sufficient depth to identify and correct significant problems in various areas of construction; i.e., HVAC and electrical separation (Section VIII.B.2.b.(5)(c)). 2. ' Contrary to'10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI and FSAR Section 17.1.16, audit findings related to maintenance instructions identified in 1979, 1981 and 1982 were not resolved in a timely manner (Section VIII.B.2.b.(5)(c)). i 3. Contrary to 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion VI and FSAR Section 17.1.6, drawings with out-of-date revisions and drawings with damaced or unread-able title blocks.were present. in construction work areas (Section VIII.S.2.e.). ( B-2 L.
) ~ j l( VI. PROCUREMENT, STORAGE AND MATERIAL TRACEABILITY A. Objective The objective of this portion of the inspection was to examine on-site procurement, receipt, storage, maintenance and traceability of safety-related equipment and material to determine the adequacy of the licen-see's program relative to these activities. B. Discussion The approach used to perform this part of the inspection was to tour the site and observe construction activities in progress. Various site [ personnel were interviewed and samples from different disciplines at various stages of work were selected. Delivered equipment and material at locations in storage or installed in the plant were also inspected. ' Applicable documentation relative to these activities was also I reviewed. Organizational charts and procedures were reviewed and tliscussed with site personnel. Offices and other site facilities were toured and examined, including temporary offices, warehouses, outside lay.-down areas, and the plant areas of Units 1 and 2. ~ A selection of 71 samples was made for procurement and storage consi-f. deration from mechanical; electrical; civil /s.tructural; instrumentation and control; heating, ventilation and air (HVAC); welding and miscellaneous categories. In addition, 73 samples were selected specifically for material traceability, including 58 weld joints, each involving two materials to be welded with one or more weld filler ' materials. The following describe the results of inspection in the areas listed. 1
- 1. Procurement and Receiving l
A total of 71 purchase order files for safety-related equipment and material were examined. A detailed inspection was made. of 35 samples. Referenced engineering specifications, quality requirements, submittals, approved-vendor status, revisions, and l other aspects were reviewed, l Quality Control'(QC) authorizations to ship from vendors' plants and on-site QC receiving inspection documentation were examined. The l receipt of required material certifications was examined. Records reviewed reflect that procurement and receiving activities were performed in accordance with procedural requirements. It was noted that the computerized system implemented at the site provided adequate centrol of vendor submittals and engineering approval of test reports and data. VI-1 i
- 2. Storace and Maintenance
- a. Storage Facilities General Warehouses and lay-down areas for Class A, B, C, 0 and E storage levels were examined. The Class A storage space requiring temperature and humidity control was found to be within control limits. Discussions with warehouse personnel revealed back-up provisions to maintain control in event of a site power outage.
Weld rod storage areas in Warehouse A and evens in Field Weld Rod Room #2 were examined and found to be maintained within required temperature limits. Storage facilities observed and records reviewed reflected that the identified storage facilities comply with site procedural requirements. However, a lack of control over two unmarked areas apparently f used as scr.ap yards was discovered. These areas and contents therein were as follows: + (1) Numerous piping, valves and other items were identified on the ground in a fenced area with the gate removed on the. East side of the pipe Shop. No signs identifying this area were observed. (2) Numerous cables, motors and other items were found on the ground in an area with no enclosure on the: North side of the Electrical Lay-down Area. No signs identifying this area were observed. The observed lack of control of these two areas does not meet NRC or site procedural requirements for the control of ecuipment and material.
- b. Storage in Warehouse Buildings The storage of equipment and material in storage bins and lay-down areas within warehouse buildings was examined.
Activities observed and records reviewed reflected that storage activities in warehouse buildings were performed in accordance f with site procedural requirements.
- c. Storage in Outside Lay-Dcwn Areas t
The storage of equipment and material in outside lay-down areas was examined. Corrosion, dust and dirt were noted en a number of safety-related items due to the lack of covers and/or protective coatings. For example,128 ITT-Grinnel hanger struts and approximately 400 I VI-2 + .. - ~..~,.-
.L ? i ( NpSI hanger ' struts, with associated bolts and nuts, were noted in 3 outside lay-down areas north of Warehouse A. Nuts, bolts and j bearing pins were noted to be very rusty. Bearings were noted to be corroded and dirty. Specific samples inspected ware: i (1) The nut and threaded portion of the strut was corroded relative to ITT-Grinnel Hanger Strut, Serial No. E3473, ID No. E-TZ-040, Class 2. Bearing pins and retainer rings were corroded. Bearings were dry and corroded. f (2) The bolts, the nuts and the bearing pin for NPSI-Hanger Strut, CP-0046A, ID No. SI 2045418542R,. Class 2 were corroded. The bearing was dry, corroded, and covered with dust. (3) Cot resion was noted on outside of the Joseph Oat Corp. i Automatic Nuclear Strainer, CP-0029A, Serial No. 23080, 1977, j Zurit Tag No. CP2-SWSRAU-02, Zurn Serial No. 6250. Corrosion I i war also noted on similar equipment stored in a nearby location. j These examples, indicate a failure of the licensee to satisfy the FSAR connitments and to properly follow site procedural requirements for protection of ma.terial and equipment in(storage. 1
- d. In-Place Storage of Ecuioment i
l The storage of equipment in place in the CPSES plant was inspec-ted. Corrosien was noted, and some wood, metal and paper trash 4 were notad adjacent to safety-related equipment. Specific i examples noted were: l (1) The Motor Operated Valve Serial No. 43554. Tag No. i ^ GGC302BGMO, Safegua'rds Bldg.-2 Elevation 790 ft. was observed to be without a protective cover. The drive mechanism was noted to be dry. (2) The Auxiliary Feedwater Pump and Motor, Pump CP2-AFAPMD-02, and Motor CP2-AFAPMO-02, were not covered. Corrosion was noted on the base and wood, metal and paper trash were noted i on and around the base. i e [ (3) The intake filter of the Component Cooling Water Pump Motors CPA-CCAPCC-01M, and CPI-CCAPCC-02M were clogged with foreign materials and debris, thus restricting the air flow to the motor. (4) Construction materials were present on the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Pump Motors, T3X-RHApRH-01M and TBX-RHAPRH-02M. h Oil was observed to be dripping from the inside of one RHR } motor casing. The examples of improper storage of installed equipment mentioned j above represent the licensee's failure to satisfy the site storage requirements. t VI-3 h ~
( cq kog II) M3 b I se I g O ,l Gibbs & Hill, Inc. Specification 2323-MS-100 March 1, 1976 Page 4-10 2312 i 4.7.3 All piping shall be installed according to drawings and other 2314 1 instructions from the Engineer so that excessive cr destructive expa nsion forces will not exist either in the cold condition or 2315 under conditions of maximum temperture. 4.7.4 2317 1 After pipe has been brought into position, the pipe and other 2319 material and equipment shall be checked f or ccnformity to desian dimensions, elevations, equipment, location and weld or. gasket 2320 - gap. Held fit-up caps and alignment shall be inspected and fully 2321 documented by the Contractor. 4.7.5 2323 U_nless the joint is being worked on, the pipe ends shall be 2325 covered at all times. If it becomes necessary to place a welding 2326 ground cable clamp in the end cf a pipe, a hole just larae enough 2327 to accept the clamp leg shall be slotted in the cap. 4.7.6 2329 i Final connections to equipment and valve' flan'ges or nozzles shall 2331 be accomplished by adjustment of the piping and supports to provide accurate alignment at these joints without stressing of the pipe, equiprent. or valves. Springing, bending, or localized 2332 heatipq _to align the connection shaTI'" Ye~done accordina to Centractor's procedure approved by The Engineer. During or 2333 irrediately after-the piping ccnnections have been made to motor-driven equipment, the equipment coupling"a.,lignment shall be 2334 y rechecked. If it is determined that ~ strains are beino imposed on 2335 the equipnent, the piping alignment, not the equipment, shall be adjusted to elimina~te that strain. c,oupling alinnment and checks 233G shall be according to specification 2323-MS-101. 4.7.7 (Q) 2338 Piping alignment lugs, straps, braces, preheat and postweld heat 2340 treatnent equipnent are permitted subject to ASME Section III Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Paragraph NB 4231.2 for Class 1, 2341 NC 4231.2 for class 2, and ND 4231.2 for Class 3 piping. F0lA-85-59
~ 1 Gibbs & Hill, Inc. Specification 23 23-MS-100 March 1, 1976 Page 4-18 t 4.13 COLD SPRINGING 2564 4.13.1 i 2566 6 on piping systems requiring cold springing, if any is so ' defined 2568 l by the Engineer, the Contractor shall complete all work to the pcint of the final weld indicated on the. drawings. All hangers
- 2569, shall then be adjusted to the cold pull position as indicated on the drawings, and the of fset and gap of the final joint shall be y
accurately measured and submitted to the Engineer tar approval prior to closing the gap. '4.13.2 2571, After approval of the gap dimension or rework to achieve the 2573 specified gap, the contractor shall adjust and thcroughly check all rigid restraints in the system which are to resist the gap closure forces. Iackle employing laboratory calibrated 2574 dynamometers shall be employed to impose the specified vertical and horizontal forces to close the gap, and should the gap close with less than the specified force or not close completely at the 2575 specified force, the owner shall be notified immediately for resolution of the problem. 3 13.3 2577 Since cold springing is achieved through induced forces, the 2579 possibility of imposing forces of excessive ragnitude on rinid restraints and eq uipment connections must be recognized. Iheref ore, the contractor shall exercis'e caution in measurement 2580-of pipe and equipment nozzle locations and final gap clearances in order that gap closure forces may be determined accurately. Closure ~ force determina tion shall be submitted to the owner for 2581 his approval. 1 13.4 2583 The fina l weld on cold sprung piping shall require the use of 2585 pipe alignment clamps and retaining the closing force tackle in its final position at the time of gap closure to assure that spring forces are retained in the system. After ccepletica.of 2586 the fina l
- weld, the ha nge rs shall he readjusted to the cold design position.
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