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Rev 4 to Procedure QI-QAP-11.1-39, Mechanical Equipment Installation Insp
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak, 05000000
Issue date: 06/11/1984
Shared Package
ML17192A346 List:
FOIA-85-313, FOIA-85-59, FOIA-86-A-20 QI-QAP-11.1-39, NUDOCS 8606120531
Download: ML20199A613 (14)


{{#Wiki_filter:__ ~f~'3 l '- - ) ~ I sR0m a ROOT, Inc. ISSUE CPSES NLM8ER REVISION DATE PAGE J08 35-1195 JUN 111984 1 of 12 QI-QAP-11.1-39 4 TITLE: ORIGINATOR: /d M b d //-8d DATE Mb REV m ED BY: A MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT DATE INSTALLATION INSPECTION &} d M/hf APPROVED BY: Site QA Manager DATE


1-A 2323-MS-101, " Mechanical Erection Specification" 2.0 GENERAL F* c 0 1 Ni, 0 H K ~' 0'Y O h i. U 2.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE This Instruction delineates the requirements and crit'eria to be used when perfonnirg/ documenting installation inspection of the pennanent plant 'Q' equipment as designated by G & H Equipment List except piping components e.g., val ves,

orifices, strainers, dampe rs,


filters, instrumentation equipments, etc.

22 RESPONSIBILITY The Quali ty Control Group (QCG) Supe rvi so r shall be responsible for the installation inspection of permanent plant equipaent. 2.3 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION QC Inspectors (QCI) pe rfo mechanical equi pme nt - installation inspection shall be trained, qualified and certified in accordance with requirenents of QI-QAP-2.1-5. 3.0 _I,NSTRUCTION 3.1 COATINGS AND PRESERVATIVES During ins talla tion, tempo rary coatings and preserva tives applied to equipment for protection during shipment and temporary storage shall be removed unless otherwi se specified on the Operation Traveler (OT). 6 p 2 860604 QARDE86-A-go pyg

.~ BROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE 1 CPSES NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE JOB 35-1195 QI-QAP-11.1-39 4 JUN 111984 2 of 12 3.2 EQUIPMENT FOUNDATIONS QCI shall verify: a. Structu ral steel foundations are cleaned and deburred at punched holes and sheared edges to provide snooth and level bearing surfaces, b. The top of the concrete foundations are free of oil, grease and foreign material. 3.3 SHIMS QCI shall verify that all shims are located adjacent to anchor bolts and at sufficient intermediate points to ~ assure complete alignment of the equipment. Except where otherwise specified by the equipment manufacturer, shim stock material shall be as follows: below the grout line, all shim stock shall be carbon steel; above the grout line all shim material shall be carbon steel except when shim material is thinner than 0.032 inches, in which case stainless steel shim ma terial will be used. Total thickness of shim material shall not exceed 1/8 inch between the pump and/or motor casings and their respective supports or bases. The addition of shims in excess of 1/8" shall have Owner's approval. The Owner's approval shall be documented on the OT or a memo from the Owner attached to the OT. The addi tion of shims shall not jeopardize the i equipment elevation requirements. ( 3.4 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION All mec:1anical equipment will be installed at the specified location, elevation and orientation in accordance with i Engineering app _ roved and released for const.ruction drawings. The equipment installation shall be done irt accordance with the instructions on the OT. OT's are initiated to closely follow the requirements and directions of the equipment manuf actu rer. QCI hold points, as applicable, shall be established on the OT(Reference QI-QAP-11.1-26 Paragraph 3.5.2). Where vendor instructions conflict wi th the requirement of Reference 1-A, Engineering shall request clarification from the Owner. sss= j __ " - ~ _ _ _ '

CROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE J08 35-1195 QI-QAP-11.1-39 4 JUN 111984 3 of 12 3.4.1 Equipment Setthg QCI shall verify that equipment is positioned, oriented and set to elevation as shown on Level / Location / Elevation / Orientation Record (Attachment 1). Major nozzle locations e.g., inlet / outlet nozzles, shall be used to determine proper equipment eleva tion. For la teral location, verification shall be made by using theoretical column lines. 3.4.2 Leveling of Equipment Leveling of Rotating Equipment Base pla tes shall be checked for levelness in lengthwise and crosswise directio6. High end of the base plate shall be determined and subsequent leveling shall proceed. For equipment setting requiring grout, a minimum grout space of one inch shall be provided at the point of minimum clearance be tween the equipment bases and the concrete foundation. Leveling shall be achieved by use of the taper wedges, by adding or removing the shims or by adjusting leveling nuts. Base plates shall be shimmed and leveled to three thousandths of an inch per foot using machinists level or optical levels on available leveling surfaces. If no leveling surface is furnished, rotating equipment may be leveled to 1/8 inch end-to-end. Leveling of Non-Rotating Equipment a. Heat exchangers shall be leveled to 1/4 inch end-to-end, using optical levels from the bottom of the shell. Side to side leveling may be performed using a carpenter's level placed on the base. It shall be shimmed so that the bubble is contained between the two closest lines l on the level. b. All equipment excluding rotating equipment and Leat exchangers may be set using a carpenter's level placed on the base or machined surface, as appropriate. The equipment shall be shimmed so that the bubble is contained between the two closest lines on the level. NOTE: For a and b above, equipment setting requiring grout, a minimum grout space of one inch shall be provided at the point of minimum clearance between the equipment bases and concrete foundation.

BROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE JOB 35-1195 4 of 12 QI-QAP-11.1-39 4 yg 3.4.3 Anchoring of Equipment Upon completion of the leveling, the anchor nuts shall be snug tight or shall be torqued per manufacturer's recommendations. Tightening of anchor nut shall be performed in such a way that it does not disturb the leveling of the equipment. Recheck the level of base plate af ter tightening the anchor bolts. QCI shall verify that anchor bolt threads are not damaged prior to and during the setting of equipment. Af ter recheck alignment, locking nuts or double nuts shall be installed on all anchor bolts for rotating equipment unless othemise specified by the engineer. Installation of locking nuts or double nuts shall be documented on the OT. For anchor bolts with locking nut installed, nut as a minimum must be flush with the top of anchor bolt. Themal Expansion Anchored Equipments For equipment that may require a slidir.g end to allow for themal expansion as shown on the vendor design or the engineers's design drawings, nuts on anchor bolts shall be brought to a hand tight condition. Anchor bolt location on sliding end shall be in the center of the slotted hole unless othemise specified by Engineer. Anchor bolts on equipment that requires a siding end shall also have double l nuts or locking nuts installed if sufficient bolt projection exists. If sufficient anchor bolt length is not available j for the installation of the double or locking nut, the threads of the anchor bolt shall be upset or the bolt l staked accordingly. Half nuts shalI be considered adequate for locking or double nut. Providing locking' nut or double nut is not installed, a minimum bolt = projection of one and one-half threads past the top of the anchor bolt nut shall be required to provide adequa te space for upsetting of anchor bolt threads or staking of the anchor bolt. 3.5 ALIGNMENT OF ROTATING EQUIPMENT l Pump and motor are joined directly by rigid flange coupling I or by a flexible coupling. A flexible coupling is not a universal joint and must be aligned with the same care and accuracy as a rigid coupling. Misalignment will cause l noise, shaft vibration, hot bearings, and rapid wear of j bearings, bushings, wearing rings and seal (or packing) and -r sss-

a BROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE J08 35-1195 QI-QAP-11.1-39 4 JUN 111984 5 of 12 I may cause rotating element to seize. To assure satisfactory working of pump-motor units, it is necessary that units are aligned accurately within the manuf actu rer's recommended tolerances. Equipment alignment shall be accomplished as per the instructions on the OT. 3.5.1 Preliminary Alienment Prior to starting any alignment, the following shall be checked, as applicable. I a. All machine feet must be checked to assure that they are finnly supported by the base. If one of the supports is shorter than the. others (a condition called a "sof t foot"), it must be shimmed to the same height as others. b. Assure that shaft run-out of the equipment is within the limits prescribed on Rotating Equipment Alignment Card on the OT. Only one of the machines, usually the driver (motor), c. is adjusted to align with the other (i.e., pump). Therefore the driver must be set slightly low so that it can be raised into position with shims. d. The end gap between driver (motor) and driven unit (pump) shaf ts is maintained per manufacturer's recommendation, e. The indicator brackets are of rigid construction and finnly attached to the couplings to minimize sag. The indicator bracket sag must be known and this sag nust be taken into consideration in aligning the equipment. QCI shall docunent the bracket sag on Rotating Equipment Alignment Record, Attachment 2. Indicator bracket sag shall be subtracted from the bottom 0.D. reading only. f. Prior to rotating tne

units, the presence of lubricating oil / grease shall be checked in pump / motor bearing housing. Preliminary alignment shall be completed prior to grouting. The most commonly used tools are straight edges and feeler gauges. Calipers or inside micrameters can be used instead of the feeler gauges if the end gap is large. The acceptance criteria for this alignment shall be as fc11c1

S BROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE QI-QAP-11.1-39 4 JUN 111984 6 of 12 a. Straight Edges - should have solid fla t contact on both coupling halves, or b. Bubble Level - the bubble should be wi thin the two closest lines on the level indicator, or c. Feeler Gauges - the coupling gap shall be set with a 10.020 of an inch tolerance - face to face. 3.5.2 Grouting Equipment shall be grouted (if required) after it is set I to proper orientation / location / elevation / leveled, securely fastened to foundation and preliminary alignment has been completed and accepted. QCI shall sign and date the Equipment Lev el / Lo ca ti o n/ El ev a t i o n/0 r i e nta ti o n Record (Attachment 1) after verifying that the equipment is at predetermined position as indicated on design drawing. QCI shall verify that minimum grout space of one inch is provided at the points of minimum clearance between the concrete foundation and foundation base plates. 3.5.3 Fine Alignment i Fine alignment shall be completed after the base plates are grouted and bolted down but prior to piping / duct connections are made. For typical dial indicator set-up for shaf t alignment see Rotating Equipment Alignment Record Sheet (Attachment 2). The total indicator reading shall be within the manufacturcr's recommendation and as reflected on Rotating Equipment Alignment Record Sheet. The maximun l amount of shims added shall be up to 1/8 inch between the i pump and/or motor casing and their respective supports or bases. Use of additional shl.ns i.e. in excess.of 1/8" shall be allowed wi_th Owner's approval. Owner's approval shal l I be documented on the OT or a memo from the Owner attached to the OT. Fine alignrent shall be made by one of the following methods, a. Face and rim method: The mounting of dial indicators and sequence of operation is as detailed on Attachment 2. If recommended by the manufacturer, the bracket shall be mounted on the other coupling and alignment readings verified to assu re that alignment is satisfactory.

BROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE J08 35-1195 7 f 12 QI-QAP-11.1-39 4 JUN 111981 b. Reverse alignment method: When reverse alignment method is initiated on the OT, the OT shall have Reverse Alignment Verification Graph (Attachment 3) attached to it along wi th Rotating Equipment. Alignment Record (Attachment 2). The alignment reading shall be taken from pump to motor and motor to pump coupling and be plotted on the Reverse Alignment Verification Graph. The shims shall be adjusted under the motor feet. The final alignment reading shall be wi thih the alignment tolerance recommended by the manufacturer and as indicated on OT. The dial indicator's "M&TE Number" and "Due Date of Calibration" recorded on the Reverse Alignment Verification Graph. 3.5.4 Pennanent Connections After satisfactory completion of fine alignment of equipment, suction and discharge piping connection shall be made in accordance with applicable installation procedure. Pemanent hangers and supports shall be installed and adjusted to the cold position as indicated on the drawings prior to pipe connection beirig made to rotating equipment. When permanent supports cannot be installed, temporary hard supports may be used with written approval from Engineering. l l Fit-up of pipe to equipment shal1 be accomplished by adjusting l the pipe and supports to provide accurate alignment without I stressing the pipe or equipment. The rotating equipment coupling alignment is to be monitored l during the pipe fit-up and weld out (or bolt up) to ensure that the equipment is not being moved and that the coupling alignment is maintained with the desired limits. _ If temporary supports were used as pennitted above, and the i suction and discharge was connected to the equipment, special care shall be exercised when removing the temporary supports and installing the pennanent supports. 3.5.5 Recheck Alignment l The recheck alignment shall be perfo nned during or after the connection of the suction and discharge piping or ducting. The coupling alignment shall be monitored to l y

i BROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE QI-QAP-11.1-39 4 8 of 12 detennine if excessive strain has not been imposed on the equipment. If piping or ducting causes the misalignment of the equipment, the coupling misalignment shall nonnally be corrected by readjustment of pipe or ducting. The alignment may be corrected by equipment readjus tment (i.e., pump) with Owner's concurrence. After equipment adjustment, the coupling alignment must meet the manufacturer's recommended tolerance. Recheck alignment may be perfonned as discussed in Paragraph 3.6.3 (a) or (b), as recommended by the manufacturer. Note: Alignment performed after the recheck alignment for monitoring purposes only (i.e., for verifying the effect of unbolting and rebolting of spool after initial installation) and do not require any adjustment of equipment, may be documented on Rotating Equipment Alignment Record Sheet. Effect of Piping Connection on the Equipment During the inspection of the recheck alignment, QCI shall wi tness the bol ting of flange connections on the inlet and discharge nozzles. The stress or load released or applied during this operation will be monitored by the use of dial indicators set on the coupling rim in the vertical and horizontal positions or on the equipment nozzle as directed by Engineering. The total indicator runout shall not exceed the amount recommended by the manufacturer for equipment alignment. QCI shall document these readings on the OT and/or on Rotating Equipment Alignment Record Sheet. l 3.5.6 Doweling Drive units shall be doweled to the drive unit base as recommended by the manufacturer or as directed,by the Owner. The size and location of the dowel pins shall be as described on the OT. 4.0 TROUBLE SHOOTING Af ter completion of recheck alignment and during ini tial operation, if any problem is encountered with the equipment operation, the work shall be perfonned in accordance with the instructions on the OT.

L BROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE JOB 35-1195 QI-QAP-11.1-39 4 JUN 11 f)B4 9 of 12 5.0 DOCUMENTATION Af ter satisfactory installation of the equipment (prior to fine alignment), QCI shall sign and date the Equipment Level / Location / Elevation /0rientation Record (Attachment 1). ~ After satisfactory completion of fine and recheck alignment, QCI shall sign and date Rotating Equipment Alignment Record (Attachment 2). When reverse alignment is recommended, QCI shall sign and date Coupling Alignment Record (Attachment 3). Discrepancies identified during inspections that do not require an Engineering evaluation will be identified to the craft prior to QCI acceptance. Nonconforming conditions shall be reported and documented in accordance with CP-QAP-16.1. Completed docunentation shall be transmitted for review in accordance with CP-QAP-12.1. = ~

j SROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NUMBER REVISION DA~E PAGE JC8 35-1195 JUN 111984 lo of 12 QI-CAP-11.1-39 4 ATDGMENT 1 EQUIPMENT LEVEL / LOCATION / ELEVATION / ORIENTATION RECORD j Traveler i Att.# Item Description Ref: Eculpment Dwg. Rev. Item Spin / Tag i Location Dwg. Rev. P.O. # Unft # CQ Other Levelness Required CMon.4 I SKETCH Cal 1$ratedToolsUsed 4)TE (D): Onsigned (By Mech. Engr.) (A - Actual (By Ffeld Enge.) CRILVTATICM/ LOCATION / ELEVATION 5 U LEVELNESS U Craft Foreren (Sign / Data) \\ [ \\ Ffeld Engr. (Sign /Cate) / \\ / \\ QC (Q) (Sign /Date) Nach. Engr. (Non-Q) ($fgn/Date)

  • 3 - 5atisfactory 1 - Unsatisfactory


1 SROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE C.*SES NUMEER REVISION QATE PAGE JCB 35-1195 QI-QAP-11.1-39 4 JUN 111984 11 of 12 ATDQtGNr 2 J ADTATIRE EQUIMelf AL!EleCIT RECORD F11E ECHECK HOT OIECK . Drieins ter jets Rev_1.swed. By Date SWA,or_SWPf Item Descriptioe Ref: Itan og. # Rev. Itse Spin / Tag f CQ Location Dugd Rev. P.O.f Unit f Caoa-o Other Iai A. b !s, \\ Rio to Rio ~~ ,h D] Coupling Alignment h 0 *h ei- -t-- 3-- Ofal Indicator "I - t w g7g - J c w'eault tod Position Eeder. umG cfu. O 4 83 8% Face to Face A. A ' A ' A */8

  • E ' 8,' 3 j

2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Reading Coup 11pg Aligtunent Locations at appros. 908 increments. MITE: (1) Both Driver & Driven Units to be rotated together in same direction. (2) 0141 indicator to be ret at O (Zero) for the first reading so th.t the remaining readings will be with resoect to "Zero* rending at one position. (3) Straight edge, bubble level and feeler gauges may be used for preliminary 411gsument. f. e4RALLEL fRio to RIsNONNT CLENME:

  • TIR REAO!NE Dial

!!E). TAKEN VERIFTED & ACCESTED SY/DATE TEMARKS LOC. Ind. READING 8Y/Date gc (g) cucJa Ice. (inch) Engr.(! ton-Q) A,8, A3 2 A,33 A3 44 fr. ANGUUUt (face to Face) ALIGm!NT TOLERANCE- " IIS. REAOllE Dial IND. TAKE11 Mam-Min VER!F 7(IED & ACCEPTED BY/ SATE REMARK 3 Lec. Ind. REAO!!C 3Y/Date Reading Q) CLIENT

  • No.

(inch) (inch) EngP.(Non-Q) i A. Si AE tt AA i 44

  • Nocheck alignment only.

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  1. 8 35 @ 5 QI-@-H.1-39 4

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,i, - TEXAS UTILITIES CENERATING COMPANY tf U " " - "' * ' 2 2 A DIVISION GF TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC CO. 18.017.75 PE57's'$E NNEEs s'uN"EM$5Es" ~ PURCHASE ORDER SUPPLEMENT S 0.00 Aoo8710N ev THis SUPPLEMENT 0.00 osouCrioN ev rwis suentrucur g 43,017.75 P.O. Box 1002. Glen Rose, Texas 76043 g ""j""" d"" "" J."T)F 1C373-S SHIPMENr PROMisEo SV onsegung can,,,,,y,og " ' " ' * * ^ " * " 5/18/34 1-0-3510-000C00-002 .".ATERIAL RECEIVED X NO CHANoEs iN on CANCELLATIONS OP 7 PACIFIC SCIENTIFIC avacHase oaosas wia 'ia accoanizco 0 E'r'ioE"ss"u'lo oNtv 's"vTs'IA'ii. kin TECH 0IVISION C""*'" 1346 SOUTH STATE COLLEGE SLVD. [ANAMEIH, CALIF.92803 J 29221 i CONFIRHED TO DIAhE YOUNG 714/774-5217 Tws runcwasina osralr'u"sur"wT'hfos"r^?r50""u'a^E"f*o*cs7s r'si"I'5"c'Eu'u"'s" Iso runcnass onoini f ITE A Y U/I DESCRIPTION UN PRICE IT PR CE lEFER TO SUBJECT ORDER AND DELETE TriE FOLLLWING: SENTENCE 1 PAPAGPAPH CNE (1) PAGE 3 0F 3 0F SUPPLEMEliT NO. 1. " NOTE: SNUSBER SERIAL ilUMBERS 3933 A'iD 14915 JERE LOST AT PACIFIC SCIENTIFIC'S FACILITY AfiD WILL BE REPLACED AT fiO CHARGE." AMEND AS FOLLOWS: .iENTENCE T140 (2) PARAGRAPH OSE (1) 0F PAGE 3 0F 3 0F SUPPLENENT NO. 1 DID READ: SNUE8ER SERIAL tt0HUERS 4129 AND 2645 WERE i F00t40 TO BE OPERATIONAL AhD WILL BE RETURNED 4T f!0 CHARGE." SENTENCETWO'(2)PARAGRAPHCNE(1)0FPAGE3 OF 3 0F SUPPLEMENT NO. I SH00LD READ: SNUS8ER SERIAL NUMBERS 4129 AND 2645 WERE '. ~ ~ ..itEPAIRED AT NO CHARGE.." ~ J .=,,.i,. .. m ~ .t NO CHANGE IN TOTAL COMMITrtENT $0.00 t Emmsys as heruht amadad, this Supplement cania fort and m au Terum and Candiamen of the unhase Order and parless Sepplenaerits.

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"'^ SON FOR gy&,gENOT LOST TEXAS UTILIb'ES GENEitATING COMPANY f l CHANGEO' 8Y' ** 8 9}W PU _ (817) S974881 EMO ,d ., / I REQUISITIONE14 A U M /VbI (81719974801 EATV N s gy :. j.(' ~. i PUPCHASING AGENT .e 8 ~. / WAREHOUSE ppCcIVING COC _ '. ..a e, _., u _,_

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I TEXAS bTILITIES GNNERATING COMPANY aa m A DIVISION OF TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC CO. s Y. o Punch AsE OnoEn suppbEM ENT eoNTimu Arios sw EET P. O. NO. SUPPLEMENT NO. JdF 16:73-5 2 N E*" TOTAL ESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE ITEM PRICE U/I AN SAFETY RELATED REOUIRE!!ENTS A/QC Requirements listed an the origisial pur-chase order and subsequent supplements remain ~ ' n effect aid apply to supplement hc.2 ..iUALITY RECEIVIfiG ItiSPECTION REQUIRED. APPROVE - ~ AAca ' M77% N H /P./ W l 3/SE5 QuAtli bsUP.Ahd SATE ' / l CONFIR:11NG TELEPHL 'E ORDER PLACED Ofi 5/18/84 $Y T0ft HEARD AT WH H TIHE TEPJ4S At40 C0h01TIONS WERE VER FIED. ANY CHANGE REQUIRES APPROVAL OF PERSON PLACING ORDER. DO NOT 3UPLICATE. i i l

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