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Rev 2 to Procedure CP-CPM-6.9G, Documentation for ASME Welding,Fabrication & Installation Activities. Related Documentation Encl
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak, 05000000
Issue date: 01/19/1981
Shared Package
ML17192A346 List:
FOIA-85-313, FOIA-85-59, FOIA-86-A-20 CP-CPM-6.9G, NUDOCS 8606120475
Download: ML20199A553 (142)


{{#Wiki_filter:. CA"T t O, AM =- ~. I BROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE CFSES NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE 1 of 17 JOB 35-1195 CP-CPM-6.9G 2 ijggggi ORIGINATOR: //J 9 8 -> A 4 ) Av-a. REVIEWED BYb.vd E e9 /-So QA/QC // DATE CP-CPM 6.9 (APPENDIX G) b M/Wdawr /2-/_ 78 f APPROVED B R0.CUMENTATION FOR ASME ~~ WELDING, FABRICATION, C0hSTRyGT PR0dECT MANAGE DATE J ' - 'O /~' -1-II AND INSTALLATION atet1als ng1;ne DATE


tu, lli- /-/9-A l _ .w QUALM ASSURANCE. Houstan DATE 0.1 TABLE OF CONTENTS CPSES 1.0 INTRODUCTIOg 35 1195 2.0 REQUIRB1ENTS opgao 2.1 APPROVAL AUTHORITY .i' 2.2 RESPONSIBILITY 2.4 DOCUMENTATION STORAGE' ch /f 2.3 DOCUMENTATION LOGS 2.5 VERIFICATION OF INSPECTIONS /: N 2.6 QA SURVEILLANCE NC@lk. 2.7 ANI REVIEW y_ 2.7.1 Inspection P1an ~ 2.8 ROUTING OF DOCUMENTATION g dj - eb w. br.u d 2.9 DOCUMENTATION MODIFICATION REQUIREMENTS 2.9.1 Piping Subassemblies And Component Supports O UV */ g 2.9.2 Field Welds (Piping) ggg N , r. esw 3.0 DOCUMENTATION PREPARATION AND PROCESS FLOW u.h,., a 3.1 WELD DATA CARDS AND MULTIPLE WELD DATA CARDS s3 3.2 WDC AND MWDC' INITIATION x .. n 6v 321 Pre-established Repair Sequence .,,o a. c,.. d., @.. REPAIR PROCESS SHEET 3.3.1 Required Approvals i 3 4 bW S 3.3.2 Repair Process Sheet Initiation T,,Q g 'q ( 3.3.3 Weld Metal Repairs 3.3.4 Major Base Metal Repairs V M,DU J.r.n d') 3.4 MANUFACTURING RECORD SHEET 3.5 COMPONENT MODIFICATION CARD 3.5.1 Documentation 3.6 DOCUt1ENTATION ACTIVITIES DURING FABRICATION / INSTALLATION' 3.7 NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION DOCU!iENTATION REQUIREMENTS l th85-59 I 8606120475 860604 PDR FOIA GARDE 86-A-20 PDR 'N ww

J08 35-1195 Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station i Sheet 1 of 3 Construction Procedure 3 DOCUMENT CHANGE NOTICE NUMBER 35-1195 CPM-6.9G Revision 2 This notice applies to Construction Procedure No. This change will be incorporated in the next revision of the procedure. i Change the procedure as follows: Replace the following pages with the attached: Page 2 of 17 Page 12 6f 17 / 4 Reason for change: Change in requirement, reference correction n I Reviewed by: This change approved by: $ 0. 4 4-il d st MVe Brown & Root Qua,ity Assurance Data Data Originator Reviewed by: i 4 ~ 9'E 5 Reviewed by: Sr. Project Wlding Engineer Date .b/ h 4 8-.p.-P'/ 6-11-81 Effective Date Construction Pro,1ect Manager Date o' .m _ ..y- gm

J08 35-1195 Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station 4 T Construction Procedure Sheet 1 of 8 2 DOCUMENT C.uANGE NOTICE NUMBER 2 35-1195 CPM-6.9G Revision This notice applies to Construction Procedure No. This change will be incorporated in the next revision of the procedure. Change the procedure as follows: i P.eolace the following oages with the attached i 12 of 17 13 of 17 14 of 17 15 of 17 16 of 17 17 of 17 Table 6.9G-2 L Reason for change: Clarification Reviewed by: i This change approved by: dual e--.G W~ $///f/ fh SYfl _ Brown & Root Quality Assurance 'Date i ' ' Data L W iginator Reviewed by: l g t Reviewed by: $$2A _ 4~/-f/ Senior Project Welding Engineer Date h 0. W/A./;o# d-f-9f 6/2/81 Effective Date l Construction Project Manager Date 'h* .8 $_} T"T ff yg.,w-- W wL =

.. _,,., = _. ~ e JOB 35-1195 Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Construction Procedure 1 Sheet 1 of 13 DOCUMENT CHANGE NOTICE NUMBER ~ 35-1195-CPM 6.9G Revision _2__. This notice applies to Construction Procedure No. This change will be incorporated in the next revision of the procedure. Change the procedure as follows: j Replace the following sheets with the attached: Page 1 of 17 Page 2 of 17 Page 3 of 17 Page 4 of 17 Page 5 of 17 Page 6 of 17 Fage 8 of 17 Page 14 of 17 Page 16 of 17 Page 17 of 17 Table 6.9G-3 Sheet 1 Add Figure 6.9G-6A Reason for change: Additional Requirements i Reviewed by: This change approved by: Y-$~ 8/ $1" $1/8( Brown & Root Quality Assurance' Date _/ w' ~ Date Originator /I Y C-f / TUGCO'Qualty/ Assurance Date Reviewed by: / '. M:4py/*@ k-2-8 April 2,1981 Effective Date Date Construction Project Manager


  • See DCN #1 DATE TITLE:


  1. see ncN #1 QA/QC OATE CP-CPM 6.9 (APPENDIX G)


  • See DCN #1


  • DCN #1 AND INSTALLATION MANAGER, Materials Engineering DATE





e Sheet 2 of 13 CPM 6.9G, Rev. 2 CN# 1

ISSUE EROWN & ROOT, I.'C. CPSES NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE JOB 35-1195 CP-CPM 6.9G 2 1/19/81 2 of 17 i 0.11 LIST OF TABLES 4 "ASME INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS MATRIX" (4 sheets) 6.9 G-1 6.9 G-2 " REQUIRED EXAMINATION, QC HOLD POINTS AND APPROVALS REQUIRED FOR REPAIRS" (2 sheets) " INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPONENT SUPPORTS" (3 sheets) 6.9 G-3 0.11 FIGURES 6.9 G-1 HELD DATA CARD (Front Only) 6.9 G-2 MULTIPLE WELD DATA CARD (Front and Back) I 6.9 G-3 POST-WELD HEAT TREATMENT CHECKLIST 6.9 G-4 REPAIR. PROCESS SHEET 6.9 G-5 MANUFACTURING RECORD SHEET 6.9 G-6 WELD DATA PROCESS SHEET / INSPECTION PLAN FORM 6.9 G-6A PIPING MODIFICATION INSPECTION PLAN 6.9 G-7 MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION LOG SUPPLEMENTS OVERVIEW 0F WELDING DOCUMENTATION REQUIREfiENTS INITIATED 6.9 G-I 20, 1979. J INTRODUCTION 1.0 This appendix to Procedure CPM 6.9 provides the dccumentation require- ~ ments of ASME Section III for welding, fabrication, and installation ~ i activities. 2.0-REOUIREMENTS 2.1 APPROVAL AUTHORITY The requirenents for origination, review, and approval of this In appendix shall be in accordance with. procedure CPM 6.1. addition, this appendix and its' DCN's shall be approved by the l Project Welding Engineer. 2.2 RESPONSIBILITIES Docunentation governed by this appendix shall be originated and pri-

  • ~

marili controlled by the Project Welding Engineer during field use. The B&R. Site QA Manager is responsible for ASME Code certification,.as The Permanent Plant Records Vault Snervisor has responsi-requi red. blity for docanentation storage and retrieval. t CPM-6.9G Rev. 2 CN #3 6-11-81 Sheet 2 of 3 4 ..w e.*. -. _--a m. ~a h ~..w--#, m m a = Cup. 4 -w s L

~ ,~ ISSUE BROWN & ROOT, INC. NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE CPSES JOB 35-1195 3 of 17 CP-CPM 6.9G 2 1/19/81 2.3 DOCUMENTATION LOGS Responsible groups shall keep a status of such documentation suffi-Logs shall be used to cient to permit traceability and retrieval. list the applicable drawing numbers, weld number (s), item designa-tions, and current status or locations of the documentation. 2.4 DOCUMENTATION STORAGE When documentation is stored in an unattended location, such storage area shall, be locked or otherwise secured. .s. 2.5 VERIFICATION OF INSPECTIONS Inspections shall be evidenced by signature, initials, or ink stamp All documen-that identifies the individual making the inspection.tation felt tip pens). 2.6 ANI REVIEW Upon completion of documentation or any docume If the documentation is acceptable, the ANI indicates his con-currence by initialing and dating the applicable welding documentation. below. Initial Review Required: All we! ding documentation, e.g. WDC, MWDC, RPS, Hanger Packages, Travelers, MRS'S The following documentation changes require ANI re-review: NOTE 1: Deletions of items designated as ANI holdpoints (unless a a. weld is voided). Additions of operational steps in sequences previously b. reviewed. 2.6.1 Inspection Plans Weld Data Process Sheet / Inspection Plan ANI review of documentation may be accomplished with a " Weld Data Process Sheet / Inspection Plan Form" (Fiqure 6.9G-6) in lieu of the The form is initiated and controlled by Welding weld documentation. Engineering and completed by the drawing number, code class, ind dual weld identification and -QC holdpoints. completed for a MRS or travelers. l Sheet 4 of.13 em s.or,. Rev. 2, CN# 1 ]

,._-......_w--- - =.. l i ISSUE BROWN & ROOT, INC. CPSES NLNBER REVISION DATE PAGE I i J08.35-II95 4 of 17 l CP-CPM 6.9G 2 1/19/81 Hold or inspection points are established on this fom by indicating them in the applicable space (s). Hold / inspection points not shown, such as travelers.or MRS operations, are noted in the " comments" column. Upon completion of each review / inspection denoted above the WE, QC, or the ANI representative shall sign and date in the appropriate space at the bottom of the fom. The holdpoints as defined on the fom shall be transcribed to the appropriate MRS, WDC, or traveler by Welding Engineering and in the l Z ANI" block shall be written "WDPS/IPF" to indicate that " Reviewed by: a completed Weld Data Process Sheet / Inspection Plan is on file to document the ANI review. A copy of the complete WDPS/IP fonn shall be transmitted to the ANI by Welding Engineering. \\ - NOTE: (This note applies to the above paragraph only) Any ANI holdpoint that is not transferred to the weld documentation from this fom constitutes a nonconformance if the ANI holdpoint is bypassed and shall be documented in accordance with QAP-16.1 Nonnally, weld documentation will be made out for a j a complete 150. RPS's will be presented to the ANI for review. Piping Modification Inspection Plan In lieu of the plan discussed in Paragraph above, a Piping Modification Inspection Plan (PMIP; Figure 6.9G-6A) may be used for the selection of ANI holdpoints. The holdpoints shall be established by Welding Engineering in accordance with written sampling plans i provided by the ANI. Blank PMIP's will be submitted to the ANI for signature. Upon signature, entries in accordance with the written sampling plans The serial number of the will be made by Welding Engineering. PMIP will then be entered in the " Reviewed by: ANI" block on the weld documentation. Copies of the fam,shall be submitted to the ANI and the QA Department. ROUTING OF DOCUMENTATION (ASME) 2.7 Upon completion of the ANI review, MRS(s), Hanger Packages, WDC(s), RPS(s) shall be returned to the PWE. Froa this point on, the docu-Sheet 5 of 13 CPM 6.9G. Rev. 2, CN# 1

I ISSUE EROWN & ROOT, I.'lC. CPSES NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE JOB 35-1195 g g CP-CPM 6.9Gl 2 1/19/81 l 5 of 17 mentation listed above shall be controlled by the FWTC substations and maintained as described in Section 2.3 hereof. At the completion of each shift, or the e'nd of the related work, all documentation shall be returned to the FWTC substation. Upon comple-tion of al'1 work presented by such documentation, the affected documentation shall be reviewed for completion. If completed, it shall be transmitted to the System Release / Turnover Group. l 2.8 DOCUMENTATION MODIFICATION REQUIREMENTS l Piping Subassemblies (Reviwf ons To MRS and Related WDCs) and 2.8.1 Component Supports When documentation revision is necessary before or during fabrication, the affected documentation shall be forwarded to: Piping Documentation - revised by Welding Engineering in accord-a. and with Appendix 6.9G. b. Component Support Documentation - Revised by the Hanger Pac'< age Distribution Station in accordance with Appendix 6.9G, and Pro-cedure CPM-9.10. This process shall include surveillance, review, and modifications byl the ANI as defined in Section 2.6. 2.8.2 Field Welds (Piping) Revisions to WDCs shall be made and reviewed (Section 2.8.1 above) with the exception that documentation of the changes / revisions shall be made by WE and the changes shall be initialed and dated near the l change. NOTE: Changes that substantially revise the designated work may require that the affected weld documentation be voided and new documentation issued. 3.0 DOCUMENTATION PREPARATION AND PROCESS FLOW WELD DATA CARDS AND MULTIPLE WELD DATA CARDS 3.1 NOTE: Documentation initiated and dated by the Welding Engineering department before July 2,1979, may be used as prescribed in Supplement 6.9G-I. Sheet 6 of 13 CPM 6.9G, Rev. 2, CN# 1

1 SROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE 4 JOB 35-1195 g i CP-CPM 6.9G 2 l 1/19/81 6 of 17 Weld Data Cards (WDC, Figure 6.9G-1) or Multiple Weld Data Cards (MWDC, Figure 6.9G-2) shall be prepared for all welds which must meet the requirements of ASME Section III, Division 1 except as provided herein. WDCs and MWDCs shall meet additional requirements given below. l l, 1. MWDCs for ASME welds are limited to socket welds and component support welds on the same drawing or subassembly. No more than one piping subassembly, component support, or isometric or hanger ~ l drawing (for field welds) shall be documented on a single MWDC. I Spaces requiring entries on WDCs and MWDCs that are not applic-i 2. ~ able shall be marked N/A by the WDCC. 4 3. A maximum of four (4) welding procedures may be assigned to a given WDC. WPSs may be changed by the WT in the field. 4. Corrections to an entry on a WDC, MWDC, or other documentation i shall be accomplished by drawing a line through the incorrect entry, and initialing and dating the new entry. 5. Class 2 and 3 Component Support Welds do not require unique identification (weld numbering) except for the following: Attachment welds to pressure retaining members; hangers or welds utilizing multiple processes or filler materials; full penetra-tion welds excluding flare beveling on structural tubing; and welds requiring NDE (weld numbers for welds requiring NDE may be added upon completion of work). Class I component support welds require unique weld numbers for all wel ds. Heat number traceability is required for all Class I and impact tested materials and shall be recorded on an MIL. j 3.2 WDC AND MWDC ORIGINATION t The following entries are required for all WDCs and HWDCs for the worn s to be accomplished: 4 1. All identification infomation, as applicable. t [ 2. WPS numbers: The correct WPS revision numt,ers and any applicable ICNs shall be entered by the WT just before the release of the card to Construction. When a welding procedure for the automatic GTAW process is'us6d, as a minimum, an appropriate GTAW procedure for manual tacking ; hall be listed in addition to and above the automatic GTAW procedure. A maximum of four WPSs may be providet. l l-l V CPM 6.9G Rev. 2, CN# 1 Sheet.7 of 13 1 N g; g g sg3g g

BROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE JOB 35-1195 CP-CPM 6.9G 2 7 of 17 l 3. Enter the " Weld Filler Metal Required." NOTE 1: Unless specified otherwise by the PWE, if a WDC refer-ences ER308, then ER303L is acceptable; if ER316, then ER316L is acceptable. Westinghouse applications will require approval of the ]{ representative. 4. Enter the " piece" number (PC#) and "P" number on the WDC. The MWDC piece number is noted in the MRS section on the back or as on an attached MRS. For component supports this may be accomp-lished on a Bill of Materials. The "P" number (s) for the mater-ial should be entered adjacent to the applicable connecting weld 2 numbers on the top of the MWDC (front). In addition, verify that the WPS is acceptable for the wall thickness, material type, etc. (wall thicknesses may be found by consulting ANSI Standards B16.9, B16.11, B36.10, and B 36.19). 5. Verify that the WPS was qualified to ASME Sections III and IX and approved by G&H. NOTE 2: An applicable WPS is shown on Table 6.9G-1 by Piping Speci-fication Category and Code Class. If the one shown is used, this verification is unnecessary. 6. Check if PWHT is required by the WPS. If'no PWHT is required, enter N/A in all applicable-spaces. If PWHT is required, attach a PWHT checklist as shown on Figure 6.9-3 and complete all iden-tification infonnation. 7. Add sequential operations to be followed during fabrication or installation including inspection requirements. For NF Supports, i hold points shall be entered in accordance with the requirements delineated in Table 6.9G-3 and, as applicable, for the hanger to be fabricated / installed from the following: l Support Number Ident. Size, Configuration, Tolerance /Dwg. Material Correct Dwg. I Fasteners Correct & Complete Location and Elevation /Dwg. Spring Can Stops Installed Spherical Bearings All Welds /Dwg. & WPS (V.T.) i P.T./M.T. 8. Entry of QC holdpoints. Make entries as noted on the "ASME Inspection Requirement Matrix" (Table 6.9G-1), as noted by ASME 2 - -,,,, m W 6 g m.:. m m. m wm

I ISSUE BROWN & ROOT, INC. CPSES NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE JOB 35-1195 CP-CPM 6.9G 2 1/19/81 l 8 of 17 Section III Code Class and Piping Category or the component Support Inspection Matrix (Table 6.9G-3). Enter weld numbers as applicable adjacent to the applicable sequence on the NWDC. For dissimilar metal shop welds, PT is required on both the NOTE 3: root and final weld surfaces. Buttwelds shall be 100% RT'd. NOTE 4: For branch connections, any additional NDE shall be as i required by Note 4. Table' 6.9G-1. i NOTE 5: Use one space for each type of NDE required. ? Holdpoints are denoted with a check " %/ "; Inspection i NOTE 6: points with an "X". "WT" inspection points shall be as required by the PWE and indicated with an "X". CON.(Cons-l truction) holdpoints shall be as defined by the PS. ~ Required holdpoint and inspection point operations shall be l NOTE 7 : performed by the group defined on the WDC or RPS in the order shown from lef t to right (i.e., if an operational i sequence requires WT and QC holdpoints, the WT inspection shall occur before QC inspection). l NOTE 8: Delta ferrite checks shall be performed as required by Appendix 6.90. Line, drawing no., weld no.(s), and fabrication code and f NOTE 9: class entries shall be made on WDCs and MWDCs, as applic-able. Upon acceptable completion of the WDC(s), the individual NOTE 10: making the above entries shall denote " Review" immediately below the last operational sequence and sign and date in the i "WE" column. Pre-established Repair Sequence (Optional - In Process) 3.2.1 i A pre-established repair sequence may be added at the direction i 1. of the PWE below final NDE. Sigdoffs for review shall be made Normally the pre-established sequence will below such sequence. contain the following operations: i a. Excavate defect. b. Perform Info PT. 1 Sheet 8 of 13 m e ne o e.. o r"8 1 e.__.__ -c

j ([ ISSUE BROWN & ROOT, INC. CPSES NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE J08 35-1195 9 of 17 CP-CPM 6.9G 2 ifigjgt Evaluate excavation and attach a sketch to the WDC and re-c. turn to Welding Engineering. In the event that this pre-established repair sequence is not 2. used, all steps may be marked N/A by the PWE in the " Inspection Results" column. 3.3 REPAIR PROCESS SHEET Welds requiring rewelding which were rejected after final inspection, all " major" repairs, and all base metal repairs requiring welding d shall be documented on the RPS, figure.6.9G-4 (or continuation sheet), The RPS is nomally reproduced on the back of the WDC. Specific re-quirements by classification of repairs are given in Appendix 6.90, Section 3. Before defining each repair operation sequence, the repair type shall be defined (i.e. Base Metal, Repair, In-Process Repair, / Cosmetic Repair, Major Weld Repair]. /he. applicable.. repair _ operations shall be established and approved before_ proceeding _ with,th,e repairjrk.~~ For socket, component supports, and pipe butt welds using NOTE 1: i the MWDCs and WDCs, the first repair sequence may be defined for each weld before initial issuance of the card. Should the repair not be required, the appropriate signoff areas are marked ~N/A by the cognizant QC Inspector or WT and initialed and dated. NOTE 2: The repair work and the inspection holdpoints on the RPS must be totally completed (signed) by the QC Inspector. When the repair is complete and the RPS is signed, work may continue to the next sequential step on the front of the WDC or MWDC. The rejectable operation identified on the front of the WDC is 1. marked "U" for unsatisfactory and signed and dated by the QC Inspector before continuing to the RPS operational repair se-quence.- Each major welded repair (excluding in-process welds) shall be 2. This shall be stated numbered consecutively as R-1, R-2, etc. next to the repair type before the first operational step. Operation designations shall be " operation number" of the reject-able operation on.the front of the WDC suffixed by an A, 8, C, In-process welds will be sequentially number IP-1 IP-2, etc. etc. m

'e ) ISSUE BROWN & ROOT, INC. CPSES NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE JOB 35-1195 10 of 17 CP-CPM 6.9G 2 1/19/81 Should an operational step result in a rejectable condition that 3. cannot be considered an in-process repair, then one shall be added to the repair number and this shall be affixed prior to the next operational sequence, i.e.: R-1 Major Weld Repair 7A Grind defect 7B PT excavation 7C Fill per WPS 88023 7D Grind for NDE inter-pretation l 7E Perform final RT "U" 7F Remove Purge Dam N/A R-2 Major Weld Repair 7A Grind defect 7B PT excavation 7C Fill per WPS 88023 In a given operational sequence, steps that are not to be used may be marked "N/A" in the Inspection, Results section by the PWE. l 4. Upon completion of a given operational sequence, work shall ( i I proceed to the next succeeding step on the front of the WDC 1.e., 5. Step 70 is the last operational step which includes signoff for required final NDE. On the Weld Data Card, Step 8 is the next step after signoff of the required NDE, as required by the last step on the RPS. 3.3.1 Required Approvals . se Base metal repair - ANI, WE, G&H thjor weld repair - ANI, WE In-process repairs - WE Cosmetic Repairs - ANI, WE Approval signatures and dates shall be affixed in the appropriate On colurn of.the RPS directly below tha last operation step defined. MWDC's, sequences for several welds may be defined before affixing of approval signatures at the end of the last operation defined. A repair cycle shall be defined as operations on a weld af ter a rejectable code-required final NDE that results NOTE: in either an acceptable or rejectable additional code-required final NDE. The repair nunber on applicable RPS's shall be advanced only under these circumstances unless determined other-wise by the PWE. l

ISSUE NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE I BROWN & ROOT, INC. CPSES JOB 35-1195 11 of 17 CP-CPM 6.9G 2 1/19/81 i i 3.3.2 Repair Process Sheet Initiation f The Repair Process Sheet shall be completed and verified as follows t for repairs to ASME items: i The WDC Serial No. (where applicable), drawing no., and weld no. For component support 1. } shall be entered at the top right corner. applications, both the component support drawing number and the i applicable piping isometric drawing nriber shall be provided. For base metal defects, the spool number shall be entered. 3.3.3 Weld Metal Repairs Required approvals, inspections and holdpoints


holdpoints, and approvals required for repairs to ASME Se j III, Subsection NB, NC, NO. Note 6, page 3 of 3. The Repair Process Sheet shall describe the d I 2. i ~ locate the defect (s) at a later date. For weld repairs, if the original weld points were completed, verify that in addition to the weld rapair requirements of the 3. i If original weld QC hold points are as inquired by l Check" has been entered. The repair cycle (the numbe.r of repairs to this weld) shall be Requirements for more than two repairs are given in 5 4. noted. Appendix 6.90. If all items on the RPS have been acceptably completed, the originator shall denote " Final Review" on the 5. The applicable documentation shall then be appropriate column. transferred to QA for QA review /ANI review 3.3.4 Major Base Metal Repairs 1 Verify that the required approvals have been made for bas f r. repairs by referring to Table 6.9G2. applicable CSTP or HP number shall be entered. Enter / verify that the WPS to be used is acceptable for the mater-Material Requir'eP. where shown is as spec 2. also Sutton 3.2.4 of this Appendix.) ~ t 'h- -WN u e M-S 59% $4@h kb *'- ^ Y JL '- .h ,_.[ h .+,,,w ,w

ISSUE SROWN & ROOT, INC. NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE CPSES JOB 35-1195 CP-CPM 6.9G 2 1/19/81 12 of 17 If post-weld heat treatment is subsequently requi red, enter / 3. Verify that the time and temperature requirements have been enterea and that a "PWHT Checklist" (Figure 6.9G-3) is attached. Establish the required QC holdpoints and approvals required on v 4. I the RPS operation sequence, and the NDE requirements of Table 6.9G-2. Establish the " Repair Cycle No.," the number of the n! pair to be 5. made is entered. 5 Verify that the sketch or overlay attachment is adequate to find / 6. thLe repaired defect at a later date. Establish that spaces for delta ferrite readings have been estab-lished where applicable for S/S materials. (See also Appendix 7, 6.90, Section 3.18.) If all items above have been acceptably cmpleted, the originator ~ / 8. shall sign and date the " Weld Engr." approval column. Review and modify an applicable MRS, HP, and CSTP for required 1 I items such as described in Section 2.8 of this Appendix and 9. Review and concurrently with the RPS operational sequence. approval of the RPS operational sequence shall be as required by Sections 2.6 and 2.7 of this Appendix. Base metal repairs which are not associated with a fieldThe NOTE: weld shall be defined on an RPS at the back of a WDC. WDC shall be empleted as to all applicable items and the The " production release" section marked N/A or crossed out. RPS shall be cmpleted on the back defining the repair sequence and requirements. [ Base metal repain associated with a weld having a WDC (such as weld end prep repairs) cay be coupleted as part of the repair sequence on the RPS for that weld. 3.4 THE MANUFACTURING RECORO SHEET A MRS (Figure 6.9G-5) is a shop traveler for ASME Section III piping subassemblies and for modifications to Code-certified piping fabrica-(The MRS is not required for caponent supports or f tions. welds. ) fabricated and is routed-with the WDCs for any welds to be made as part of the documentation package. 1 6-11-81 Sheet 3 of 3 . CPM-6.9G Rev. 2 CN #3 wm= =

m a mmew-n

= ? e ISSUE SROWN & RCOT, INC. CPSES NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE JOS 35-1195 l 13 Of 17 CP-CPM 6.9G 2 l 1/19/81 For socket welds doctsnented on the MWDC, the MRS may be affixed to the back of the card as shown in Figure 6.9G-2. (For canponent supports, the MRS may be used as a Bill of Materials.) Subassemblies conposed of screwed fittings also require an MRS. The MRS shall be conpleted as follos: 1. Enter all applicable identification information (drawing revi-i I sion, line, conposite, subassemblies, or canponent support num-I. be rs). Cimplete the Bill of Materials on the MRS or the back of the MWDC 2. fran the construction drawing for item, quantity / length (random lengths are not filled in), size, schedule / rating, material Other items are completed in specification, and type or grade. the field. For a MRS where a Code-certified item is to be modified, the Bill 3. of Materials shall be canpleted as above for the items to be added or deleted. Every attempt should be made to install pipe exactly on loc 4 tion. 4. However, when this cannot be accanplishd, Code-certified items may be shortened in the field to pennit fitup and installation provided the following conditions are satisfied: a. No shop welds are altered or cut; b. The final working point dimensions are maintained 2 inches for Unit I and Canmon building, and e inch for Unit 2 building of the dimensions specified on the drawing (refer-ence by CPM-6.9E, paragraph 3.12.1); i The final dimension after' shortening will be recorded on c. modification MRS which is verbally requested fran and prepared by Welding Engineering. A CMC is not required to perform such modifications. Modifications in excess of tolerances and/or those cutting shop welds, shall re-qui re CMC's and modification MRS's. The cutting of field welds will also require a CMC. NOTE 1: Modifications to Code-certified items resulting fran design changes or a change in weld numbers require a drawing revision, or CMC to pennit such modifications. CPM-6.9G Rev. 2 CN#2 6/2/81 Sheet 3 of 8 ~ n . - m-m. . ~ m,

O SROWN 1 ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NLNSER REVISION DATE PAGE JOB 35-1195 l l 1/19/81 14 of 17 2 CP-CPM 6.9G NOTE 2: When final dimensional inspection for piping subassemb-lies was conpleted after July 20, 1979, cleaning and packaging was not a required QC holdpoint and need not be inspected. The QC Inspector shall' note such hold j points N/A and initial and date. NOTE 3: Any marting falling within the al1 owed modification area shall be transferred prior to the modification. The TIRS is routed with associated weld data cards for surveillance / review as delineated in Sections 2.6 and 2.7 above. f 3.5 THE COMPONENT MODIFICATION CARD The CMCs shall be issued and controlled in accordance with applicable TUSI procedures. Upon receipt, the CMC shall be reviewed and approp-riate action taken as follows: NOTE: Except for ASi4E Class I applications, CMC's to add or delete materials or welds, within the original design, for - ' ~ welding problems, misfabrication, or misalignment, may be issued by Welding Engineering. 3.5.1 bocumentation Weld Data Card. 1. Where a shop weld on a cartified piping subassembly is to be cut, issue a modification MRS with a ste,i & iici D confim joint removal. The associated WDCs may be issued concurrently. If the subassembly has not been certified, the existing MRS may be revised and reapproved as described Sections 2.6 and 2.7 ab ove. Revisions to CSTPs shall be in cccordance with procedure CPM 6.3 and with WDCs added or deleted as described in this seeti on. 2. The congnizant welding technician will verify any required weld removals on the MRS. Where an MRS is not required, as in the case of field welds, this verification shall be made by the welding technician signing or initialing the applicable hold point on the WDC. 3. Upon final QC review, QCR personnel will enter " VOID" in bol_d lettering in the applicable weld blocks on the appropriate WDC. NOTE: The PWE may stamp "VOIO" on original UDCs in lieu of QCR when the documentation is available. CPM-6.9G Rev 2 CN#2 6/2/81 Sheet 4 of 8 _ah A 1.- e _a . ' _h w I

SROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE f JOS 35-1195 ) 15 of 17 CP-CPM 6.9G l 2 1/19/81 4. Upon issuance of associated UDCs, the CMC number shall be entered on the card. 5. If all welds on the' cards are "V01D5 and not presently in the Records Vault, they shall be trsnsmitted to QA. 6. If all welds on cams are not affected the card may be used for further production use. EXCEPTION 1: WDCs for BOP applications shall be controlled and processed as noted above with the exception that I they are forwarded to the BOP Inspection Group for the documentation file. EXCEPTION 2: CMCs affecting CDP welds listed on weld data sheets shall be filed with the appropriate drawing and all appropriate corrections made on the associated Weld Data Sheets prior to turnover. Ve ri ficati on. Concurrent with the above activity, the following verification _ l and/or actionc shall be taken/made by Welding Engineering: 1. Verify that the CMC is canpleted for line ntsaber, drawing number, and weld numbers and that all instructions and sketches are clear. 2. Verify that the necessary approvals have been made using a CNC. REQUIRED: Site Engineering 3. Where Westinghouse supplied equipment is located adjacent to the weld to be removed, approval by an authorized W represen-I tative is also necessary (the "0wner's Agent"). 3.6 DOCUMENTATION ACTIVITIES DURING FABRICATIONS / INSTALLATION 1. The craf tsman making the weld fit-up shall enter the heat number of the base materials to be joined on the applicable i WDC. When subassemblies are to be joined, traceability shall be verified through the use of the subassembly number. When items of material on a subassembly are welded together and an W37s used, traceability shall be through entries on the MRS. ~ In such instances, the heat number block on the WDC may be ma rked "N/A". When a valve or other equipment is to be joined, the serial number of the item shall be entered in place of the l heat number. CPM-6.9G Rev. 2 CN #2 6/2/81 Sheet 5 of 8

._ ~..- .m ~ I i ISSUE SROWN & ROOT, INC. 'i CPSES NLhBER REVISION DATE PAGE JOB 35-1195 g i 16 of 17 CP-CPM 6.9G l 2 1/19/81 l t For caponent supports, verification of materials shall be made on the WDC, MRS or MIL (Figure 6.9G-7). A NOTE 1: An inspector verifies that the materials used and the heat numbers entered are correct at the time of first p inspection. For ASME Fabrication activities, these verifications shall be made by the QCI; for 80P, the CIT. NOTE 2: When piping subassemblies or other code-stamped items j are joined, the subassembly serial no. shall be re- ^ corded in lieu of the heat number. For Class 2 and 3 camponent supports and Class 1 NOTE 3: standard items, the heat number block on the MWDC, MRS >i or Bill of Materials may be marked "N/A". 1 2. Entries shall be made on the WFML during the welding process as defined in Appendix 6.98. k When welding austenitic stainless steel, the weld int trpass 3. temperature shall be checked by the craftsman after pass has been empleted around the entire pipe joint. 4. When M&TE is used to perfonn inspections, the QC Inspector shall enter the M&TE neber and calibration due date in the space provided on the WDC or HWDC, and initial and date the ent ry. 5. Certain austenitic stainless steel welds shall be req.f red to be measured for delta ferrite content. The measurements shall be acceplished by the WT who shall record the four readings in the space immediately to the right of the NDE procedure / revision 5 designations on the WDC. If the readings are within the speci-I fied requirements, he shall sign and date the applicable opera- + tion (see Appendix 6.90, Section 3.18). Upon completion of all wort required by the documentaion, the MRSs and WDCs, and associated docuentation shall be routed to 3 the WE. Upon receipt, the FWTC shall review as noted, weld docuentation for conpletion. If acceptable, " Final Acceptance" 1 j shall be written on the front after the last operation step { defined and the WE column shall be signed and dated and ASME d'ocumentation transmitted to the System Release / Turnover Group for review, approval, certification, and subsequent storage. I For 80P WDCs, the MDS shall forward the canpleted cards to the l j B0P Inspection Group for approval and filing in the Permanent Plant Records Vault. Sheet 6 of 8 CPM-6.9G Rev. 2 CN#2 6/2/81 L - - -- - --

a. =.= :. z.a. :..: - : --_ a.. .a BROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NUMBER REVISION CATE PAGE JOB 35-1195 [ g CP-CPM 6.9G l 2l 1/19/81 17 of 17 For emponent supports, upon cepletion of the hanger, the Craft shall r1tturn the Hanger Package to Welding Engineering for final review. After final review, the Hanger P_ackage will be returned to the craft for final inspection by QC and subsequent; transmittal by QC of the accepted Hanger Package to the Permanent Plant Records Vault. 3.7 N0NDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS 1. NDE Report forms shall be cmpleted for NDE perfomed on Non-j ASME safety-related items, " Info" NDE, RT and UT examinations, and unsatisfactory VT, PT and MT inspections in accordance with the NDE Procedures Manual. For satisfactory VT, PT, MT and digital thickness UT, an NDE report is not required. 2. For welds that use WDCs or MWDCs, the following information shall be recorded. a. The flDE procedure and revision to which the examination was performed. b. The inspection results (i.e., "S" Satisfactory, "U" Unsatis factory). The inspector shall verify that the fabrication code / c. acceptance standard was correct for the examination pe rformed. d. The signature or initials and date of the inspector con-ducting the examination. e. The inspector's level of certification. NOTE: NDE required by hold points must be certified by a Level II on the applicable report or WDC. Upon cmpletion of all holdpoints for welds which do not require final radiography, the WDC package shall be returned to the FWTC. f 1 CPM 6.9G Rev. 2 CN #2 6/2/81 Sheet 7 of 8

... _,.. - ~ ~... _ x._. SROWN & RCOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE J08 35-1195 1 og 4 CP-CPM 6.9G 'p I TABLE j dG-1' Shect I of 4 ASME INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS l-%TRIX i ,,,,t t i. 1 a 1 i <_o % i l I l-l al l -l l 1-1 -l -l il' -l -l I f.Q l l l -i 1.-l I 1 l l _l 1 1-1 i IIl l = -j 1-1q l -i - j l 1 -L-l l j- - -- a l l -l i .l l-l

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CPSES, JOB 35-1195 2 of 4 k

CP-CPM 6.9G 2 1/19/81 ). 2 TABLE 6.9G-1 Sheet 2 of 4 2 ASME INSFECTION REQUIREMENTS MATRIX s. r ~., j 2 g 3 a V i: 1IIll I I I I 4 1.-l i I i <_-J'""J l .J O R I -l I i.I I I I 4.I i

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's w ISSUE BROWN & ROOT, Itic. CPSES NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE k CF-CPM 6.9G 2 3 of 4 77797gy TABLE SJG-f ' Sheet 3 of 4 ASME INSPECTION REQUIREMEhTS HATRIX j i 2 2-j =3 .:.q..:! 'S ~ i um 2-l l m;=lliI i-l l -l l -l I l l l l l l .i j le I-I I I I III I _) JO I I l - I-l- I i 11 = ,-.I I i - g - t :l - -i..! .i..l. u =l-l-l l -l l~ 1 l ~t I .j.;. l -l q;. -l.. u t.1 l.

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I NOTES: 1.. ~ For dissimilar cetal shop welds the root and final weld surfaces' shall be liwid penetrant examined and 1005 RT is required for butt welds. 2. Ffnal !!T, PT or RT required for buttwelds greater than 4" (N05212). 3. For P-1 naterials, PT cay be substituted for MT (MS-4331.10.2 (a). d For socket welds, PT will nomally be perfomed. Full penetration butt and corner welded branch and piping con. 4. nections shall require final PCE as follows: Class one weldments greater than 4" require RT and itT or PT. a. b. Class one weldcents equal to or less than 4" require PT or PT. Class two weldnents greater than 4" reauf re RT. c. d. Class two equal to or less than 4" require NT or PT. NOTE: MT or PT is required externally, and when accessible, internally.(NB 5242, 5243, NC 5242.) 5. PWHT required for Pal materials as required by A5!!E Section III. If PWT is requirad, usa *JS 11012 (F5-100 4.33.5 (a)). s s 6. Required for work falling 'within the scope of MS-100 only, and in accordance with other notes (MS-100 2.1.2). The delta ferrite check shall be accomplished by a welding tech- ~ 7. nician and surveillance over such operations shall be perfomed' as follows by the establishnent of a QC hold point for delta far-rite: Class I weld:r.ents 10C5 CC hold point. Class 2 & 3 weld ~ l sents 101 randoo QC hold point. Selection of inspection (WT) and OC hold points and their disposi-tion shall be in accordance with MS-100. Paragraph 4.34.6. 1 8. All Code Class 18 2 weld end preparation surfaces 2" or more in j thickness shall be examined by the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method (MB5130, NC5130). 9. Purge Das Removal required for field welds where purging is re. I quired by the applicable WPS.

10. ForClassIweldsdefinedinASEESectionIII,N'4360(Specially Designed Welded Seals) perfom fit or PT on the final weldcent surface (HB5271) and other NDE as for a fillet weld to PSC 2501, Class One. (NOTE: CP.0M Welding)

~ NOTE: WT and QC hold points may be on a surveillance or other systen other than the WCCs at the option of the PWE or Site CA Manager. The final pass of all pressure toundary welds and' finished nacht-11. ned surfaces of.all hardfaced areas shall te PT exanined (MS-625). In addition to nandatory hold points, Welding Enginenring nay add addf. .[ 12. tional OC holdpoints dere deemed necessary. j i- .] L! j

.-.~- N-BROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE .CPSES NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE JOB 35-1195 k CP-CPM 6.9G 2 'l of 2 gjygjgy TABLE' 6.9G-2 Sheet 1 of 2 i " ~ Required ' Examination, QC Hold Points and Approvals Required for Repairs en GB Completed Required . Repairs Repair E u l Cavity Repair Aoprovals E 3 E-u i E Base PT M: UT 2 PT Mr RT UT PME $ JE ANI l &E i I Metal U. j ' Defects j j (1) Not exceed-i ing 10% l { of wall thick-i I 8 8 j ness or 3/8" X 1 2 X (2) 10% of wall i thick - ness or 4 l r greater 4 than 3/8" I 1 2 X 4 1 9 9 I X (3) Ex-caeding I_ j i min. wall . thickness I 1 T 1 Y Y 9 9 Y Y 6 Wald Re-4__ ~__ vairs (1) Minor repairs j not re-quirins veldinir I 1 2 I (2) Minor; t repairs re-quiring weldine X 1 4 4 4 X X X 6 l (3) Major .l Y Y A c l recairs r i Y Code

  • . Stamped'

. Par:s X X X X 3 .Appurten-anees ~jy N.- 9 A

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_n-s t s t ISSUE BROWN & ROOT, INC.- NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE k-CPSES i i JOB 35-1195 CP-CPM-6.9G 2 1/19/81 2 of 2 ~ j m TAELE 6.9G-2 Required Examination. QC Hold Points and Approvals Required for Repairs REPA!R CHART NOTES: 1. M may be ' substituted for pT where applicable. f l 2. When it is not pos'sible or practical to examine a possible mini-mum well violation through mechanical measurement. UT measurement j of well thickness may be substituted. 3. For code stamped or certified items, the repair 'or modification of items which fall within the scope of Brown & Root certificate of authorization or manufacturer's approval is not required. For items which fall outside such scope, repair shall be with the l approval to the specifications of, or by the manufacturer, s 4. The examination of repairs shall be repeated as required for the original iten except that repair of defects originally detected by ( NT or FT methods when the repair cavities do not exceed the lesser of 3/8" or ICt of the nominal thickness need only be re-examined by an NT or PT method. If the repair cavity exceeds the above. RT I is required.

5. Any base metal defects which are a re'sult of the manufacturing pro-cess or weld repairs to stainless steel which require more than two

( repairs, shall result in a disposition in accordance with QAP 16.1. ( 6. Arc strikes on items other than piping in the field violating min-i aus well thickness shall require a Gibbs & Hill engineering evalua-tion and reccamendation. 7. If a weldsent is rejectable to the point that removal of the weld is necessary, a Component Modification Card (CMC) and a new Etid Data Card will be issued. l~ 8. For Class III applications, the cavity need only receive a visual examination as a minimum. All cavities resulting from arc strike removal on Class III items in the shop shall be PT inspected. i 9. As required by MS-100.

10. Repair situations which fall outside the scope of this matrix shall be analyzed as per job specification and cede requirements and dispositioned accordingly.
11. In-process defects shall be documented as required in the space provided on the back of the applicable WCC or on continuation sheets.
12. NDE reports for VT. PT or MT. UT/DT examination shall only be required as per the Documentation section of this procedure.

'N ' I w. CPM 6.9G, CN# 2 Sheet 8 of 8 6/2/81

_ - _.x. ... -.. - ~. ~. _ -.. ~ 4 t f ISSUE BROWN & ROOT, INC.. NUMBER REVISION DATE -f%GE N' CPSES JOB 35-1195 CP-CPM 6.9G p 2 1/19/81 1 of 3 I Table 6.9G-3 j INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPONENT SUPPORTS 4 l ~ Table 6.9f:-3 Sheet 1 of 3 .l INSPECTICM #EOUIREw!MTS F02 CCPPO*fEMT SUP00RTS 9 d> F IT.UP Cl,A SS TYPE CLEANLINESS PREFEAT YT PT/"T RT UT PW-1 1 NFf211 Full Penetration Butt Y x x x@ r (25 fa) Plate & Shell Full Penetration K I I I I (2 fal A I I (2 (5) Ocu0le Fillet nelceo Lao l I A 3) A (2 ) (5e Fuil Fillet Weideo Tee l I l 1 NF5212 Full Penetration r x x x (3) x'(2) fat linear Tvoe Full Penetration Tee 4 Corner X X X X (3) I (2) (2: K I (D) A (2) f5) Full Fillet melds K K

  1. 56 All Utne* Welos

(. i. 1 NFf213 Full Penetration Sutt X X X I (al Corponent ~ t x I f5) Standa rd Fillet Welds w/ Throat Din 1" 2 (5, Supoort All Otner 'welcs II NF5221 . Plate 1 shell Full Penetration tutt t r x r (s) Full Penetration Groove X X 4 i (41 I (in i Douole Fillet 'nelded X (5) Full Fillet deldeo Tee @ int A (p l i , Other deios in Petrarv Perte-s A (5) All Ct.7ee Welds x I I Futt s net-ation htt 'x r (1). fI & M MF5222 e (([ *F5;3Z FJii Peestrition ice delcs X X 1: 1 4a All Fillet Weios A All Otrer deios ,i 1 .i ! Full Denetration 8 tt X T ( 11 TY l K MF?223. 9 i Class III I f$% NF5233 F{1Tet Welds x + -, y Ait otner selos s' t I i .!!! NF5231 Full Penetration Butt Welds Plate & Shell Exceedin; 1 1/2" in Thickness X X (s) 4 Ail Ctner 'elos w NOTE: Refer to Page 3 Ototes) for those numbers that are in parenthesis. l a h ^ we


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~ BROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE l CPSES NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE ~ J08 35-1195 -CP-CPM 6.9G 2 1/19/81 3 of 3 Sheet 3 of 3 1 TABLE 6.9G-3 l b NOTES Pu'g'e' is not' req 0 ired if wall thickness of press 5re' piping eic'e'eds ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ 1. r 1/4" thickness. Wher purge is required, a hold point for purge dam t removal is also required. g 4 2. When the results of Radiography are not meaningful, ultrasonic examination shall be performed. In addition, the adjacent base material for at least 1/2 inch on each side of the joint shall be exanined by either MT or PT. 3. When the requirements of note 2 can not be met, the welds including the adjacent base material for at least 1/2 inch on each side of the weld shall be examined by either MT or PT. 4. Full penetration welds in P1 material over 1-1/2" requires Post 1 e ' .s I Weld Heat Treatment. 5. Fillet and partial penetration welds in P1 material over 1-1/2" I with a throat thickness or groove dimension over 3/4" require Post Weld Heat Treatment. 6. Inspection Requirements for Repairs to Component Supports A. Repairs that require welding will be reinspected with the original NDE method that detected the defect. The cavity does not require inspection. B. Elimination of surface defects by grinding, that do not require L welding, will be examined by MT or PT after blending. lf C. Base metal repairs will be examined in accordance with the material specification for the material affected.. + e eS I u same_m e ,.s e

~ \\_ BROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGE J08 35-1195 k 1 f 1 CP-CPM 6.9G 2 1/19/81 FIGURE 6.9G-l WEl.D DATA CARD (FROKT) \\ m s ar. :x. a r.s.i.. C7535 C3 ' 28 L135 ,3rewteg.4. 'AL3 CA?.* CA2S j r l LDE 7. '568 5 # t!Yp/ C3s FA:2* *.7*2 c::: & 1 J . C;,i.51/LCC. 572. w 83.4 !!! ,i s i EM.*.UU A 437.E3 cans II,/. J : 8 Wf # ts Pff 8 7 *! Mrs.. ?!Pp. 7 'C # .cr:.s u t s/wr. se ,ea lP"/22 l.T.aeG l27/**1 lur ASE7/2ET 17/1CO .m $ n.,m. I ::.w-. = .u :u.a ma,1wn iitaufl e g, ,,; 33 U ~- E*II W 'fERIF. C ifI ..%Q STES I I e_ gg I i I .1GTua si) -4ssicasse.046 -sis :su. a.iaia se '.tttu:st ay s, e.c: art V. gt) Ant lassea;en estaar !stfutes ty-(1). ?* *aae's f a ** t*1===!a 89t'se-*--1 2+ t * *T* * ***

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~ = ~ ~ q.- BROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NLMBER REVISION DATE PAGE (, _ JOB 35-1195 ~~ CPM-6.9G 2 1/19/81 I of 1 FIGURE 6.9G-7 MATERIAL IDENTIFICATI0tl LOG g. 5 O 1 j 4 s 5 5 I 6 3 i k3 i. . k, 8 El a. s l' c h [ ii E l + a \\ I' = \\ t ..g E 4 3-a 8 .f t \\... 9

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (A Mq.$ p Nam'7 SPECTUGC0(2) PAGE 1 0F 1 CD(ANGE PEAK SIEAM EI.ECIRIC STATIN i DESIGN CHANGE AUIHRI7.ATIN 1 DCA NO.15.295 Rev.1 l (WII.L)..(WlIDM BE INCDRPCRATED IN DESIGN DOCUMENT 1. SAFE 1Y RELATED DOCNENT: XX YES N3 ,y 2. ORIGINA'ICR: CPPE XX ORIGINAL DESIGNER 443 l 3. ESCRIPTIW: - *8 2323-MS-94 ' p t' REV. 4 i . __.._ A.,_ APPI.ICABI.E SPEQat$tytXX3MNI' THIS REVISION VOIDS AND SUPERSEDES DCA 15,295 Rev. O. i B.. DETAILS ~ i 4 _ Add'to paragraph E8018C1 is an approved weld filler material to use in conjunction with ASTM-A-533, i Type B, Clas,s,2r-- 9 d, o oc p s'. UT1l*n n n yysm,. rutt urtltit RNll FN2 EEDN0_nce,mme, -- -... a iggwp $ 'JULi 0 W i n U Lb %W i i 3 5 11 o n t i RECElVED ~ dUl121984 4. SUPPCRTING DOCU E frATIW : MMENT CONTROL I S. APPROVAI, SIGNATURES: WHC/bb 6-28-84 8M / ((d ker r w DATE 7- /C-frL. i A. CRIGINATOR: a S. DESIGN REPRESENTATIVE: (( ooM f" ("\\ t A DATET7-/&82L C. DESIGN REVIEN PRICR TO ISSJE: /bM h V MarkWelch-QA(1) g-k 6. STANDAIO DISTRIBUTION: Civil Engineering (1) n Design Review (1) ARMS (CRIGINAL) QUALITY ENGINEERING yd[ hggg, (T) A FORM 3-84 DCTG FOR ORIG. DESIGN g

J._-- l- - ~~ ~- ~^~ (,A h gon 3 ' M 3 3 I Annex 3 Conversation Record Allegation Number Aewtg Time se'ee-so ery. Date S[ 3. lab l Type Visit [ Conference Telephone Incoming Outgoing Name of Person (s) Contacted or in Contact Wf th You Organization Telephone Number 6'i\\\\ 6 =4 64R,Nhi We\\&Q Lgw /'A.u-l, Te h 6 \\ s's b b R,C E.Greme Sug'v, K 4r4 D.w wh3 one *- Sgg, o A ~( l


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.:. : =--

C e_kyn % '4A % ~ Guss4 h\\ A d t-t N el 4 4 { 17lty bM b e's \\\\ug De w v k b '9-o }, hd.s d 4 u, o r c. s v.a 6 s%in W4 ew,y N M o s hv.4 \\hu4 Cwv C&, 04 '4 k\\e~.5 ogs4 6 % ba et\\% e.4 C W.. Y - b 's h b LO QTC 4 MDS C4k sk,M i Mdwr se A I Mbi CLA('h v(% U x \\ b % 4 % ;\\a et L.,1$~ Lyd*Jg A dt u -tdt wbbw\\ tog a o_ s b bw b pts kv+r kL. be b4 N o h \\loms.e

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5 .-u. -- u s ~ g.. : e a W 4\\k4 O o % k b 4 b a \\\\ w G s X \\d 4 bO h g d i li M b, b 7 % > W 4, h b e.\\ b m mu nJWh "e,.L M % A q ,b u c\\k.\\ h 6 W$( A e., A U Y c b d th o kk 'd mows L M, k M t w W h a k k 6 ~h, o w flett33.4 4 p W,,4%. A 6 u c.L e W A wh c, b y va % ;$swh ucc'^d3 % %' t is ov% LiA. se %\\s,, D dd ww c-16M 4e v A > V ~ 3 u, w v,-t< +*p,

~. n.,_..._ c.; ~- _. ~... Project: CPSES Welder's Symbol ._Joh.3a 31-1195. Name I Brcwn & Rcot. Inc. Welding Engineering Cepartment Welder Occumentation Surveillance Checklist I Welder Surveillance 1 2 3 4 i Iso. or Orawing No. f l Weld Identification No. l Acolicable WPS/Rev. WFM Class WFM Size A===ter M&TE No. Volt:neter M&TE No. 4 Pyremeter M&TE No. Rane Metal Thickness (in. ) i Wald Prea mssion i Dreheat Temoerature Intercass Temcerature Shieldino Gas Tvoe & Flow (cfh) Purce Gas Tvee i Flew (cfh) I i Weldino process / Indicated Pass Current and Polarity Amoerace Yn1 tace l Bend Width (in.) l 1 Travel Sceed (iom) l l I Rod Oven Ocerstienal (Sat /Unsat) i l l Valdino parameters (Sat /tInsati l Insoector Initial /Date of Inso. Walder's initial Connents (. Discrepancy and Corrective Actionl 2 Technician's Signature i i


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. a. ~.. Q C. \\M $ waf*j W \\ b b.3 ** WELDING ENGINEERING PATE7.IAL CISTRIBUTION STATION (2u s Et U ~ED SURVEII. LANCE CHECKLIST Profect: C':SES Fage 1 of 3 Grganiza tior.: Lccation: 3 ate: PIPE DEPT. MOS Ccde Su veillance Pe-fermed By: S = Satisfactory U = Unsatisfactory i;c. Characteristic & Descriaticn iCode Remarks 1. Temperature of the Level "B" Qhaw % Storage facility shall not be (A\\\\ y, N o DWk below 40 F. t 2. "Q" weld filler material in f %N ok c e udA 4 ( original containers are clearly g h,.p p h *7 marked with weld filler materill classification, size, and the .Q.,, Q,g Q g heat / lot number. g g g.,4 va-y ,4 *s O 3. All associated warehouse requi-We '2 ct J sitions for weld materials shall gg\\) b wad %\\ b% be maintained at the MDS until, the material is used,or removed' c,m Q W M b M b= from the MDS. 8, 4. When "Q" weld filler material is N o c.o :-- @ Vo h \\* O.# 4 removed from its containers, A g,h o.% ' ( o pew handling and storing is being accomplished in a manner which C.o A M W, h m-W e, A w,, s' W \\[ y prevents contamination. O O * * " h M * * * '- )!P M 5. Adequate protective covering is t k,g g4 s "~ 3 -$ '"N' to be provided for weld filler, L ok

c. c. a 4 t *
  • material remaining in the orig.

container after openings # 4 .g,,(b '3 y,,, OO k N'\\ \\6 'd g e,6,.tg,4,G g h.'\\'.wyde 6. Only "Q" weld filler material is , Ae..,',., being issued from the MOS. - g g,. % Q 7. Weld filler material being g' issued in approved containers (except consisnable inserts), a. Straight length bare wire-leather pouch identified b. Spooled bare wire-properly 4,' t ,P "y g 3 (g with a serial number gh 39 marked container c. Covered electrodes-limited ,g,64 _ (,,M to capacity of issuing SO\\

  • A container (low hydrogen electrode issued in heated ovensonly)

% 'A S % ( 8'^g"'N - (,,,,M h ved c' W i h h wh- %. u - # W 'a b 44% d to c.- t-4 \\d a W4 Nee m e t viv.g 44 tt \\ 6 hv V e h 3 a.v* 0 w s Q s w.,s.

WELDING ENGINEERING MATERIAL DISTRIBUTION STATION e SURVEILLANCE CHECKLIST Project: CPSES Page 2 0f 3 Organization: Location: Date: l PIPE DEPT. MOS Code Survei11ance. Performed By: S = Satisfactory U = Unsatisfactory No. Characteristic & Description Code Remarks h>4 \\ b

  • v \\"# M *- " h 8.

MOS attendant verifies WFML, e h W 6 k*- M h

  • C N N h has Issuance Approval been given by person (check for list of y, A.E %%vitk sss*W$

signatures to approve issuance (,-% $'. (\\s' ', w $ of filler material) and the gg g,gg syg@y hd WFML been completed for the f b $ h**\\.* * * ***4 WPS, material. size and class, \\SSue1(wo ^ *10' N welder's symbol, date, and for the WDC the weld number w% w v 3 % u la, as applicable. D Y

  • f,'S * " M W\\*

C h M 9. Verify log for repeated short- 'b 'i \\  % f 0W* ages by a welder or shortages.. u g, g W o. w j b. Y. over 5 stubs a day,. 10. Storage of Non-Conforming Weld Mu Q,J bi h, l. c.Y-M Filler Material (NCWFM) e'* 1. NCWFM shall be stored in a facility or container that is secure by locking devices sufficient to prevent immediate ? and casual entry. 2. NCWFM containers shall be O ' d ** O \\( r marked red in color and tagged to indicate the actual or sus-pected classification and size of the material during storage and transit. 3. AllNCWFMcontainersshalh 2 -e C w, b w._ o.. t C < v

    • g '" "}
  • be maintained in one area with-g.

i in the MOS. The NCWFM area shall be clearly identified asi 9 t ut f4 w' N #D*J l "Non-Conforming Weld Filler ( m4 y s.,, c.a y l Material Do Not Issue". / l 11. Verification of Stationary C. Q y a ~ D,; s, %.,, M f and Portable Rod Ovens 1. Verify Stationary Rod gven ( *t

  • k V
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8^ d ew temgeratureisbetween250F- ^ V[trifycalibrationduedate l on stationary rod oven ther-mometer. I

~ d WELDING ENGINEERING MATERIAL DISTRIBUTIO:t STAT 10tl o SURVEILLANCE CHECKLIST Page 3 of 3_ Project: CPSES Date: Location: Organization: P!PE DEPT. MDS Surveillance Perfonned By: Code S = Satisfactory U = Unsatisfactory Remarks ' Code Characteristic & Descriotion C L c % \\ * *,5 %"> p"'V-No. 11. 3. Verify operational log for stationary and portable rod oven " C " ~ ^(" '" - cont. temperatures and maintenance. 4 Verify that portable heated O rod containers are checked for operation before being issued to craf t personnel. I-t ~ . r --. { O t L O e i. .,m.+

=. ~. o - t b Y m=i W E !arfst,% 1 L.E. N C T M - 'M 4 Cruming.s idEL4 731LS tuTIETA 488 Weld No. EA WEL M M T/Q T*t AMT. ANT. (!IDA.'CE MMOVA4. NG. CATE. II2ZICUST 1'IMEIL WPS/Ict P e CDE # IE ET'U. 9 g e y O h O e O O f i I 1 Sur e 59 9 6

'"~ Wd0thbthbahttuihd ~ MATERIAL DISTRIBUTION STATION SURVEILLANCE CHECKLIST Project: CPSES Pace 1 of n t Organization: Location: Date: WELDING ENGINEERING WOTC Code Surveillance Perfonned By: I S= Satisfactory U = Unsatisfactory l NoJ Characteriitic & D8Ccrintinn Inda Dama rtr e 1. Temperature of the Level "B" Storagefacilityshallnotbe below 40 F. 2. Weld filler mater'ial in original containers are clearly marked with weld filler material classif-cation size, and the heat / lot number. 3. All associated warehouse requisitions for weld materials shall be maintained at the MDS until the material is used ~ or removed from the MDS. i 4. When weld filler material is removed fron its containers, handling and storing is being accomplished in a manner which prevents contamination. I 5. Adequate protective covering is to be provided for weld filler material , remaining in the orig. container after opening. 6. Spooled bare wire issued in proper container. 7. Verification of Stationary and Portable Rod Ovens

1. Verify Stationary Rod Ogen tempratureisbetween250F-

.350 F ~

2. ' Verify calibrati6n due date on l

stationary rod oven thermometer. 3. Verify ~ operational log for stationary and portable rod oven temperatures and maintenance. 4. Verify that portable heated rod containers are checked for operation before being issued to craft personnel. \\ I M *M a's:I" '";2l.W Oh. ~T~~ .#. [ $ .A' . ' ~A. $

WLLUlh6 LNulhttMihu MATERIAL DISTRIBUTION STATION SURVEILLANCE CHECKLIST Page 2 of 2 pon.irer. coert Organization: Location: Date: WELDING ENGINEERING WOTC Code Surveillance Performed By: S= Satisfactory U= Unsatisfactory no. cnaracteristic a unscrintion t ana 1 k marrs 8. MDS attendant verifies WFML to insure that issuance approval has beengiven(checklistof authorized signatures) and that the WPS, material size and class, weldor's symbol, date and weld number (ifapplicabl'e)havebeen entered. 9. All filler material used at WQTC, (except brazing and aluminum filler material) shall be considered Non-Conforming Weld Filler Material (NCWFM), and should be in containers marked red in color.

10. All weld and brazing filler material used at WQTC shall be accounted for on the WQTC Filler Metal Use Log, but WFML's are not required. However, material issued for use out of the WQTC shall require a WFML.

e i I 1 s Y5 *' me-m WEC*i YT: A _ _ _,...s.. m ~.

.. - ~. Walder's Symbol AGP Project: C?SES Name worn. UTTu 31-u95 3rown & Root. Inc. 2, Welding Engineering Cesart.ent Welder Occumentation su 'eillance Checkf1 l / .;. ' /. Welder Surveillance 1 2 / 3 V 4 / 20.v-ag.y lso. or Crawing No. pf pp ,p Wald Ident11'ication No. // > A/b' A//- //d- ^ Acolicable WP5/Rev. ///d 1 [r /r/'ve., 4 l//lW[ A />9f/4 f WFM Class

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E. C e. %.n 9 %N2 3 E WELDABILITY OF STEELS f ROBE RT D. STOUT, Ph.D. Dean of Graduate School Lehign University Bethlehem Pa l W. D'ORVIL LE DOTY, Ph.D. j I Senior Research Consultant Product Ergineerieg United States Steet Corporation PittsDurgh Pa f a F. J y Edited by S AMUEL EPSTEIN r.cnnicai advisor oeceased and [ ROBERT E. SOMERS [

  • eiding Consuitant

<g Hellertown P3 THIRD EDmON i MIRC i. V WELDING RESE ARCH COUNCIL ) 3 ss East Forw.sevenen Street s. vor= sy toot 7 y e E 1978 k_ i F0lA-85-59 1 =; /v;30/ tg I =

= J i 187 i Factors Affecting Fahrkation W.y .:n,. ;f.L :- n :.. _- Jy ' ; D,'N - ,4 .[ l +v w ;;s gg: y.;g ~ Q: f.%.,. 'yL..-'? ...r.. . s.. r v.n . 'm . ~ 'Q*'y\\G ' r.Ja n & AE:y_l .s d 7 C.. . ;;;., p _, ' N ' y:.?.' l l

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N4.. 1 s .y' M 4QQW j k,. 5%- .g s.. $, .' l T N o. 5.'" M.4 l ~,l}W_ _. s oc ,k'){rt,g 3 - u.v, v + Microcrack in Heat-Affected Zone Frc. 5.20 of HY80 Steel. 55 x. Cracks that run roughly parallel to the fusion line are referred h f 5 20. to as underbead cracks, while those that initiate close to t e toe o fh tress sys-the weld and propagate away from the weld because o t e s Since cracking caused by hydrogen may tem are called toe cracks. occur hours or days after welding, it is also known as delayed crack-All these types of cracking originate by the same mechanism. C i There are three factors acting simultaneously in the generation of ing. dissolved hydrogen, tenstle stresses, and a low-hydrogen cracks: microstructure such as martensite. The sequence of ductility events leading to cracking have been delineated as follows: +

1. Hydrogen is carried to the arc atmosphere by the shielding gas, This hydrogen is converted to the tiux, or surface contamination.

l atomic or ionized state and readily dissolves in the weld metal l

2. As the weld metal cools it becomes supersaturated in hydrogen, which diffuses into the austenitized heat-affected zone.
3. Under rapid cooling the hydrogen is retained in the austenits instead of escaping, and the austenite persists to low temperatures at The atomic hydrogen is virtually which it transforms to martensite.

insol'uble in the martensite lattice.

4. The hydrogen is trapped in the martensite and thus is at a high By diffusion it seeks rifts and discon-wf; energy level in the lattice.

',2 yJ tinuities in the lattice and concentrates at thee points.

5. The stresses generated by external restraint and by volume

. ~ '. g 4 sgg., h changes due to transformation act with the hydrogen to enlarge t e The hydrogen may contribute to si

4-discontinuities to crack size.

eracking by lowering the cohesive strength of the lattice or by adding I to the localized stresses at the discontinuity. I t

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a. r ~2. c.m.~ w.AF A C T W, C W ..e. , 7, IT'S ~ V i bk9 b.) 5 v l ATOM ARC 7018 MOISTURE RESISTANT LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES 't ( l A NEW MOISTURE RESISTANT COATING One major concern in the welding of steel is hydrogen embrittlement. Excessive atomic hydrogen trapped in hardenable steel can exert enough pressure to cause critical defects such as underbead cracking and delayed brittle fracture. One source of hydrogen in the arc atmosphere is moisture in the electrode coating, and for l this reason Alloy Rods exercises extreme control in the production of low hydrogen elecrodes. All Atom Arc Low Hydrogen electrodes are manufactured to contain moisture levels below .02% as they are packed in hermetically sealed containers In addition. Atom Arc 7018 elec-trodes are now manufactured with a flux coating that effectively resists moisture pickup for many hours after the container is opened This improved coatir g provides an extra degree of reliability, especially for electrodes exposed to high temperature - high humidity working conditions This new moisture resistant coating is now standard for all sizes of Atom Arc 7018 electrodes. The improved coating was carefully formulated not only to resist moisture pick-up.but also to retain the fine operating characteristics and consistent dependability foi which the entire Atom Arc line is so well recognized i MOISTURE TESTING AND RESULTS The AWS D1.1 Structural Code and the Military MIL-E-22200/1E specifications allow a max-imum of.4% moisture content for E70XX low hydrogen electrodes. Testing by Alloy Rods under specific combinations of relative humidity and temperature has demonstrated that the improved Atom Arc 7018 electrode satisfies this low moisture requirement for exposure times beyond those normally allowed in field use. In f act under certain conditions, the rnoesture resistant Atom Arc 7018 electrode remained below the.4% max level even after % hours of exposure. I O6b-SQ ~ = m 3oL

e, 2 M if- ' ~g TEST METHOD

  • /

The method of moisture testing chosen by Alloy Rods is that described in AWS A5.5 31. The reasons for choosing this method are two-fold. First, it is the method required to satisfy AWS A5.5 and D1.1 specifications. Secondly, this test is sensitive only to water, and it is th l most accurate and reliable method of moisture determination currently in use. 3 f -l It should be noted that even though Atom Arc 7018 electrodes resist moisture pickup longer than ever before, no moisture resistant electrode will eliminate the need for storage and I rebake ovens and the necessity to follow code requirements for allowable exposure times. { l TYPICAL MECHANICAL PROPERTIES (,, ~ es l ~ ~ Stress Relieved l As Welded 2 hrs. O 1150*F. ..i 7 .d l:J 1 Yield Point (psi) 68,500 .y. 62,000 .s i, ' Tensile Strength (psi) 75,000 72,000 % Elongation (2") ' - 31 32 g % Reduction of Area 75.5 77 . ] : l s TYPICAL CHARPY V-NOTCH IMPACT VALUES j ' i Stress Relieved j Temperature As Welded ' 2 hrs. O1150*F. J -l l 72*F. - 125 ft.-lbs. 130 ft.-lbs. J: j -20*F. 70 ft.-lbs. 75 ft.-lbs. 3 '5 8 .i. 1 [ TYPICAL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF WELD METAL ll L C Mn' Si f O.06 % 1.10 % 0.50 % e .j-I L I CODE AND SPECIFICATION DATA AWS: A5.1, Class E7018 ~' ASME: SFA 5.1 - Military Specification: MIL E-22200/IE, MIL 7018 j i,- American Bureau of Shipping: 2Y l Det Norske Veritas: 3YHH Lloyds Register of Shipping: 3H J l -) I, 4

o 70.*F-70% RELATIVE HUM /DITY f.. I l I L e 2 s'- . _ z _- 15 5.30 - -T!E --:x t '5 }- ~ *% 4,. 20 ._r:_x .3:E; I .. ' g.:, m. -.* [10 diEiEiiiiiE$iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEi$'5$5 s "555!!!!!!!!!555:M .i2 ..g.. gg.=g =::t:==..=.=,.t..=..c.:,i.d..:.:*": ~ m":#;::2"*2tg: :;y; E i 2;; M E: EEEEEi $ iE*E5 = = 2 E22hiEi.d...'. EiiEEE:ti!!!MMBEM ) -1 2 4 '8 12 24 36 48 96 Moisture at N r ~ ) -2 Zero Hours.09 Exposure Time (hours) 80 *F - 8096 RELATIVE HUM /5/TY " 3 3.*=.*i a.;. m 3 m $ _ =:!::::;; g==05.]

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~ 8 12 24 - v-t +. - p' l Moisture at ~ Exposure (hours) i ,e-Ze ;o Hours.1o v The data presented on the preceding pages is TYPICAL and is not to be construed as gua.* ant values. Tests were performed in strict accordance with AWS procedures, but individual results may differ depending on test variables.. _ I I i t I r Alloy Rods Division CHEMETRON CORPORATION j HANOVER. PA 17331 U.S.A. i s THE SPECIAUST IN WELDING METALLURGY 9 l h ! f 4 I o s I e i ...;3 -4 , r.., ;...

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ge: r.o y4 A A 4.5 l i d c cA<y$ % Na l l ATOM -A'RC 7018-1 MOISTURE RESISTANT LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES l I SPECIFICATION DATA i Ats 5 - A51 Class 7018-1 l ASMF - SF A 51 l ABS - AWS A51 o DESCRIPTION Atom Arc 70181 is an all-position low hsdrogen iron powder electrode that displays excep-tional impacts at low temperatures in both the "as welded" and " stress relieved" c.pnditions. It easily tultills the AWS requirements for a minimum of 20 f t -lbs at -50 F The smooth metal transter keeps spatter to a minimum. and the complete slag coserage is designed for easy removal APPLIC A TIO N The all-position Atom Arc 7018-1 electrode is intended for the wide variety of carbon and low allos steels in the 50 000 psi minimum vield category it is a good choice for applica-tions that require high impact values at low temperatures OPE R ATION i l Atom Arc 7018-1 electrodes operate on AC or DC reverse pourity Do not use a whipping 1 technique. but progress m a straight forward direction or wease only as wide as the puddle I will allow Hold a short arc at all times r WELDING PARAMETERS i Normally. preheat is not required with the Atom Arc 7018-1 electrode Preheat may be need-ed on thick sections and on highly hardenable steels to prevent crittleness in the heat at. tected zone Consult the steel manuf acturer s recommendations l P' F F l[ r r O_.I If=\\ ~ \\

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iw J .;)1;M 1 k cc.hy@ M -ATOM ARC 7018-1 MOISTURE RESISTANT LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES x i j t t-SPECIFICATION DATA AWS - AS.1, Class 7018-1 ~ ASME - SFA 5.1 ABS - AWS AS.1 h: ..M DESCRIPTION Atom Arc 7018-1 is an all-position low hydrogen iron powder electrode that displays excep-7- tional impacts at low temperatures in both the "as welded" and " stress relieved" conditions. It easily fulfills the AWS requirements for a minimom of 20 ft.-lbs. at -50*F. The smooth 3. metal transfer keeps spatter to a minimum, and the complete slag coverage is designed for easy removal. W APPLICATION ,v The all-position Atom Arc 7018-1 electrode is intended for the wide variety of carbon and low alloy steels in the 50.000 psi minimum yield category. It is a good choice for applica-tions that require high impact values at low temperatures. L-OPERATION P i u Atom Arc 70181 electrodes operate on AC or DC reverse polarity. Do not use a whipping 7 [ technique, but progress in a straight forward direction or weave only as wide as the puddle will allow. Hold a short arc at all times. 5_ WELDING PARAMETERS Normally, preheat is not required with the Atom Arc 7018-1 electrode. Preheat may be need-ed on thick sections and on highly hardenable steels to prevent brittleness in the heat at-i fected zone. Consult the steel manufacturer's recommendations. M g .i ~ d.' e = P 1 ? N 4 _T UIM-03-5y i


  • p v

MOISTURE RESISTANT LOW HYDROGEN RELIABILITY l .x The new Atom Arc 7018-1 electrodes are manufactured to contain a moisture content less than 0.10% before they are packed in hermetically sealed containers. In addition to this initial low. moisture level, Atom Arc 7018-1 electrodes utilize a coating that C' effectively resists moisture pick-up for many hours after the con-tainer is opened. This moisture resistant coating provides that extra degree of reliability that is often necessary in high temperature - high humidity working conditions. MOISTURE TEST Alloy Rods' moisture testing followed the method prescribed in-1 ~. .'~ ~ Section 25 of the AWS A5.5 specification. This method not only ' * ~. satisfies AWS requirements, but since it is sensitive only to water, ,~ it also is the most accurate and reliable method of moisture deter-1 mination currently in use. ? c. 80 *F - 80% RELA TIVE HUMIDITY t .40 e u t


.30 l O 2 .20 ,8 .10 t 1 .2 4 8 12 24 38 96 Moisture at ~ Zero Hours.08 _ Exposure Time (hours) It should be noted that even though Atom Arc 7018-1 electrodes resist moisture pick-up for long periods of exposure, no moisture resistant electrode will eliminate the need for storage and rebake ovens or the necessity to follow code requirements for allowable ex-posure times.

i 'I lJl 'l j l AMPERACE DCRP . DI AMETER RANCE OPTIMUM ,g 70-110 100

  • /

3/32* 1/8" 90-160 140 J 5/32* 130-220 170 3/16* 200-300 250 7/32* 250-350 300 3 1/4*. 300 400 350 v. I .l TYPICAL MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Stress Relieved As Welded 8 hrs. @1150tF. Yield Strength (psi) 70,800 60,800 , d ',i . @? - - . Tensile Strength (psi) 82,500 75,900 % Elongation (2*) 31 32 1 % Reduction of Area 72 72 } TYPICAL UNDILUTED WELD METAL ANALYSIS 4 i i C Mn P 5 Si l 0.070 1.49 0.012 0.017 0.37 t,, i TYPICAL CHARPY V-NOTCH IMPACT PROPERTIES Stress Relieved Temperature *F. As Welded - 8 hrs. @1150*F. I -50 74 f t.-Ibs. 52 f t.-Ibs. PACKAGING Diameters 3/32* thru 1/4" are available in 50# or 10# hermetically sealed cans. r ELECTRODE IDENTIFICATION h - Each electrode is marked with 7018-1 as shown. I s 4 4 W m l k e D ' 6*

( ~ i 4 Y ,1

9. -

.._r .. t.- r - + .i The data presented on the preceding pages is TYPlCAL and is not to o be construed as guaranteed values. Tests were performed in strict - .~ accordance with AWS procedures. but individual results may differ 3 depending on test variables. r 5, y .>r u.L . ~ v 1 1 .u_ .j O. m

.;;7 l

Alloy. Rods Division . ca r Cc-no. -~ HANOVER. PA 17331 U.S.A. THE SPECIAUST IN WELDING METALLU,IGY f,* su - c.a m i s n' l k'g'*** l l A l

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v.s;m s - py b c. , - - ~ _ = ~d _g r$Rp: 1984 > = - eggA 6 4M U . gu. W Structura i i Welding Code [ .,n.~. ~ ? Stee: t e M1 E me.u IA-85-5 _^* sg. ~ = l f-I i l o. s i Wi un s o p e E

General /45 2 Table 4.1.4 Filler metal requirements for exposed bare applications of ASTM A242 and A588 steel 1 Welding processes Shielded metal arc Submerged arc Gas metal arc Flux cored arc AS.5.81 AS.23-83'd A5.28-70' A5.29-80 E71TS-Nil E71T8-Ni2 E7XTX-K2 E7018-W F7AX EXXX-W E8018-W E80TI-W E8016-C3 or E8018-C3 F7AX-EXXX-Nil 8 ER80S-Nil E8XTX-Nil E8016.Cl or E8018-Cl F7AX-EXXX-Ni42 E8016-C2 or E8018-C2 ~~ E70lMIL or E8018-CIL F7AX-EXXX-Ni22 ER80S-Ni2 E8XTX-Ni2 E7016 C2L or E8018-C2L F7AX-EXXX-Ni32 ER805-Ni3 E80TS-Ni3 E8018-B2L' ER805-B2L' E80TS-B2L' ER80S-G' 2 I

1. Deposited meld metal shall have a minimum impact strength of Charpy V-notch 20 ft-Ib (27.1 J) at 0' F (-18' C)(only applied to bndgesh
2. The use of the same type of filler metal having next higher tensile strength as listed in AWS specification is permitted.
3. Ceposited meld metal shall have a chemical composition the same as that for any one of the weld metals in this table.

4 Composite (metal coredi electrodes are designated as follo vs: j SAW: Insert letter *C" between the letters "E" and "Xi e.g.. F7AX-ECXXX-Nil. j GMAW: Replace the letter *S* with the letter "C." and omit the letter *R;"e.g.. E80C-Nil. Table 4.4.2 Table 4.4.3 Minimum holding time Alternate stress-relief heat treatment i 4 in. (6.4 mm) Oser i/4 in. (6.4 mm) Over 2 in. Decrease in temperature Minimum liolding time at or less through 2 in. ($1 mm) (51 mm) below minimum decreased temperature. specified temperature, hours per inch of 2 hrs plus 15 mm, aoF 3eC thickness 15 min I hrtin. for each additional in. over 50 28 2 2 in. (51 mm) 100 ' 56 3 150 84 5 t 200 112 10 Preheat and interpass temperatures must be sufficient to prevent crack formation, and temperatures above the 4.4 Stress Relief Heat Treatment

  • s pecified minimum may be required for highly restrained welds. In joints involving combinations of base metals, 4.4.1 Where required by the contract drawings or specifi-preheat shall be as specified for the higher strength steel cations, we!ded assemblies shall be stress-relieved by heat being welded.

treating. Finish machining shall preferably be done after stress relieving. 4.3 Heat Input Control for Quenched and Tempered Steel

8. Siress relieving or weldments of A514. A517. ano A709 Grades 100 and 100W steels is not generally recommended.

When quenched and tempered steels are welded, the heat Stress relieving may be necessary for those applications where input shall be restricted in conjunction with the max. weld ments m ust retain dimensional stability during machining mum preheat and interpass temperatures required (be-r where stress corrosion may be mvolved neither condition cause of base metal thicknesses). The above limitations being unique to weldments myolving A514. A517. and A709 Grades 100 and 100W steels. However, the results of notch ) shall be in strict accordance with the steel producer's toughness t.ests have shown that postweld heat treatment may recommendations. The use of stringer beads to avoid actually impair weld metal and heat-affected zone toughness. overheating is strongly recommended. Oxygen gouging and intergranular cracking may sometimes occur in the grain-of quenched and tempered steels is not permitted. coarsened region of the weld heat-affected zone. r

p. V P 5 r 48/ TECHNIQUE f( n 4.4.2 The stress relief treatment shall conform to the AS.I. Specification for Mild SteelCovered Arc Welding gli f I following requirements: Electrodes, or to the requirements of AWS AS.S. Speci-(I) The temperature of the furnace shall not exceed fication for Low Alloy Steel Covered Arc Welding l j 600* F(315' C) at the time the welded assembly is placed Electrodes.. i in it. (2) Above 600* F(315* C), the rate of heating'shall 4.5.2 Low Hydrogen Electrode Storage Condi_tions. All not be more than 400* F(220* C) per hour divided by the electrodes having low hydrogen coverings conforming to 'j maximum metal thickness of the thicker part in inches, AW5 AS.I shall be purchased in hermetically scaled l but in no case more than 400* F per hour. During the containers or shall be dried for at least two hours heating period, variation in temperature throughout the between450* F(230* C)and 500* F(260* C)beforethey portion of the part being heated shall be no greater than are used. Electrodes having a low hydrogen covering 250* F (140' C) within any 15 ft (4.6 m) interval of conforming to AWS AS.5 shall be purchased in hermeti-length. cally sealed containers or shall be dried at least one hour (3) After a maximum temperature of I100* F(590* C) at temperatures between 700* F (370* C) and 800* F I is reached on quenched and tempered steels, or a mean (430' C) before being used. Electrodes shall be dried temperature range between 1100 and 1200* F(650* C)is prior to use if the hermetically scaled container shows reached on other steels, the temperature of the assembly evidence of damage. Immediately after opening of the i shall be held within the specified limits for a time not less hermetically sealed container or removal of the elec-than specified in Table 4.4.2, based on weld thickness. trodes from drying ovens, electrodes shall be stored in r When the specified stress relief is for dimensional stabil-ovens held at a. temperature of at least.250' F (120' C). ity, the holding time shall be not less than specified in AfIertlie opening of hermetically sealed containers or i Table 4.4.2, based on the thickness of the thicker part. removal from drying or storage ovens, electrode expo-f During the holding period there shall be no difference sure to the atmosphere shall not exceed the requirements greater than 150' F (83* C) between the highest and of either or s lowest temperature throughout the portion of the assem- Approved Atmospheric Exposure Time Peri-bly being heated. ods. After hermetically sealed containers are opened or (4) Above 600* F(315* C), cooling shall be done in a after electrodes are removed from drying or storage g closed furnace or cooling chamber at a rate' no greater ovens, the electrode exposure to the atmosphere shall than 500* F(260* C) per hour divided by the maximum not exceed the values shown in Column A. Table 4.5.2. metal thickness of the thicker part in inches but in no for the specific electrode classification. I case more than 500* F per hour. From 600* F(315' C), Alternative Atmosphere Exposure Time Peri-i the assembly may be cooled in still air. ods Established by Tests.The alternative exposure time 4.4.3 Alternatively, when. is impractical to postweld . values shown in Column B in Table 4.5.2 may be us it ! provided testing establishes the maximum allowable : I heat treat to the temperature limitations stated in 4.4.2, time. The testing shall be performed in accordance with w elded assemblies may be stress-reheved at lower temper-AWS AS.5, Section 3.10. for each electrode classifica I atures for longer periods of time. as given in Table 4.4.3. tion and each electrode manufacturer. Such tests shall establish that the maximum moisture content values of j AWS AS.5 (Table 9) are not exceeded. Additionally. g E70XX (AWS AS.I or AS.5) low hydrogen electrode coveiings shall be limited to a maximum moisture con-tent not exceeding 0.49'c by weight. g These electrodes shall not be used at relative humidity-Part B ! temperature combinations that exceed either the relative ShieldedMetalArc Welding

humidity or moisture content in the air that prevailed j during the testing program.80 4.5.3 Elatrode Ranictions for A514 or A517 Stuls.

4.5 Electrodes for Shielded Metal When used for Welding ASTM A514 or A517 steels. Arc Welding electrodes of any classification lower than E100XX shall be dried at least one hour at temperatures between 700 k 4.5.1 Electrodes for shielded metal are welding shall and 800* F(370 and 430* C) before being used, whether i conform to the requirements of thelatest edition of AWS furnished in hermetically sealed containers or otherwise.

9. T he rates of heating and cooling need not be less than 100* F
10. For proper application of this provision, see Appendix J for g

j i 55' C) per hour. However. in all cases. consideration of closed the temperature-moisture content chart and its examples. The g j chambers and complex structures may indicate reduced rates chart shown in Appendix J. or any standard psychrometric j of heating and cooling to avoid structural damage due to chart. must be used in the determination of temperature-excesme thermal gradients. relative humidity limits. I I 6 L l

,.o Submerged Arc Welding l49 i Table 4.5.2 5/32 in. (4.0 mm) for welds made with EXX14 Permissible atmospheric exposure of and low hydrogen electrodes in the vertical and overhead ( low hydrogen electrodes positions. j 3/16 in. (4.8 mm) for root passes of groove Column Column welds and for all other welds not included under A B,, and Electrode (hours) (hours) 4.6.4 The minimum size of a root pass shall be sufficiert A$.1 to prevent cracking. E70XX 4 max Over 4 to 10 max 4.6.5 The maximum thickness of root passes in groove A5.5 welds shall be I/4 in. (6.4 mm). E70XX 4 max ,0ver 4 to 10 max ~ 4.6.6 The maximum size of single-pass fillet welds and E30XX 2 max Over 2 to 10 max root passes of multiple-pass fillet welds shall be E90XX X max Over I to 5 max in. (9.5 mm) in the flat position E100XX I/2 max Over 1/2 to 4 max in. (8.0 mm) in the horizontal or overhead Ell 0XX Il2 max Over 1/2 to 4 max pos tions s oi,y I / 2 in (12.7 mm) in the vertical position

1. Column A: Electrodes exposed to atmosphere forlonger penods than shown shall be redned before use.

4.6.7 The maximum thickness oflayers subsequent to 1 Column 8: Electrodes esposed to atmosphere for longer penods root passes of groove and fillet welds shall be than those estabbshed by testmg shall be redned before use. l/8 in. (3 mm) for subsequent layers of welds . i A Entiretable-Electrodesshallbeissuedand heldinquisers.orother made in the flat position small open containers. Heated containers are not mandatory. 3/16 in. (4 mm) for subsequent layers of welds made in the vertical, overhead, or horizontal positions 4.6.8 The progression for all passes in vertical position 4.5.4 Redrying Electrodes. Electrodes that conform to welding shall be upward, except that undercut may be the provisions of 4.5.2 shall subsequently be redried no repaired downwards when preheat is in accord-i more than one time. Electrodes that have been wet shall ance with Table 4.2, but not lower than 70' F (21' C). not be used. However, when tubular products are welded, the pro-gression of vertical welding may be upwards or down-4.5.5.%fanufacturer's Certification. When requested by wards but only in the direction or directions for which the Engineer, the contractor or fabricator shall furm,sh the welder is qualified. an electrode manufacturer's certification that the elec-trode will meet the requirements of the classification. 4.6.9 Complete joint penetration groove welds made without the use of steel backing shall have the root gouged to sound metal before welding is started from the

    • *"d d*'****"***"*""***d'#

4.6 Procedures for Shielded Metal Arc Welding 4.6.1 The work shall be positioned for flat position weld. Part C ing u henever practicable. SubmergedArc Welding 4.6.2 The classification and size of electrode, are length, t oltage, and amperage shall be suited to the thickness of the material, type of groove, welding positions, and 4.7 General Requirements other circumstances attending the work. Welding cur-( rent shall be within the range recommended by the elec. 4.7.1 Submerged are welding may be performed with one or more single electrodes. one or more parallel elec-trode manufacturer. a-l trodes," or combinations of single and parallel elec-j 4.6.3 The maximum diameter of electrodes shall be as trodes. The spacing between arcs shall be such that the follow 5: slag cover over the weld metal produced by a leading arc $/16 in. (8.0 mm) for all welds made in the flat does not cool sufficiently to prevent the proper weld I position, except root passes. deposit of a following electrode. Submerged are welding in. (6.4 mm) for horizontal fillet welds. with multiple electrodes may be used for any groove or ( I/ 4 in. (6.4 mm) for root passes of fillet welds fillet weld pass. ) made in the flat position and groove welds made in the Ilat position with backing and with a root opening of 1/ 4 in. or more. II. See Appendix I. Ak

l Appendix J: Temperature-Moisture Content Charts 250 i // / / l 240 230 220 210 200 180 r 170 160 ) / / / s // / ,20 $ ) / / / / / 'p / i fhb;hj / /-5"i ,,i o p i 6V',hl/ Oh / ; mv i I I I I , _f f I f f 0 32 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 Ij Temperature - degrees F ] Notes: lj

2. See Fig J2 for an exampie of the application of this chart in establishing electrode expoyare
1. Any standard psychrometric chart may be used in lieu of this chart.

l conditions. Fig. Ji-Temperature-moisture content chart to be used in conjunction with testing program to determine extended atmospheric exposure time of low hydrogen electrodes (see 4.5.2) 1 233 A

Y I 234/ APPENDIX J 250 240 230 220

  • 2 210 200 190 180 170 160 150 3
  1. ~

140 ~ [ 130 d 120 / 110 / I bj . p/ 100 8 90 ',ff .f' 60 d 50 ~. gY 40 ,.c i g Wf 30 e :s' - ' ~ ^ 10 4, t ' h?' ' f 'l " J I i I' /l 'l f ^ I 0 32 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 Temperature - degrees F Example: An electrode tested at 90* F and 10% relatrve humidity (RH) may be used under the conditions shown by the shaded areat Use under other conditions requires additional t6 sting. Fig. J2-Application of temperature-moisture content chart in determining atmospheric h expmure time of low hydrogen electrodes y . m

7K 1 276k;MMENTA l f L ~ Caution should be used in preheating quenched and should only be stress relieved after consuhation with the h t tempered steel, and the heat input must not exceed the steel producer and in strict accordance with the pro. r steel producer's recommendation (see 4.3). ducer's recommendations. ~ [ Precautionary Note: Consideration must be gisen to [ possible distortion due to stress relief. 4.3 Heat Input for Quenched and Tempered Steel -C Part B The strength and toughness of the heat-affected zone + of welds in quenched and tempered steels are related to ShieldedMetal ATC Welding { the cooling rate. Contrary to principles applicable to other steels, the fairly rapid dissipation of welding heat is i needed to retain adequate strength and toughness. 4.5 Electrodes for Shielded Metal The cooling rate of the a ustenitized heat-affected zone must be sufficiently rapid to ensure the formation of the Arc Welding hardening constituents in the steel microstructure. Over-g heating ofquenched and tempered steelfollowed by slow The ability oflow hydrogen electrodes to prevent under-the coating. g is dependent on the moisture content in bead crackin cooling prevents the formation of a hardened micro-i During welding, the moisture dissociates position of many small weldha.d_s improves nt@rogen aM oxygen: Wgn b abM in th e the notch toughness of the weld by grain and the m Iten metal and porosity and cracks may appearin the t m_-s -un vi my,gspWi"~A~wea3, bead, w3h weld after the weld metal solidifies. The provisions of the Code for handling, storage, drying, and use of low hy. [ h'pr"e { P 8 o eno n Be se h mumheatin u m io y ee i e for various quenched and tempered steels vanes over a f wide range, heat input as developed and recommended 4.5.2 For carbon steel low hydrogen electrodes. AWS g [ by the steel producers should be strictly observed. AS.1, Specification for Carbon Steel Covered Arc Weld. ( ing Electrodes, specifies.Ao moisture limit for the low hydroseiic~oatingSowever,theappendix to AWS AS.I f states it should be les.tthan 0.6% Alloy steellow hydro-g 4.4 Stress Relief Heat Treatment gein electrodes covered in AWS AS.5, Specification for ~ ? Low Alloy Steel Covered Arc Welding Electrodes. have F This paragraph provides for two postweld heat treat-a specified maximum moisture content. For the E70XX f ment methods for stress relief of a welded assembly. The class electrodes, it is 0.6% for E80XX electrodes, it is T first method requires the assembly to be heated to 1100* 0.4% for E9015 and E9016 electrodes it is 0.49'c: and for l F (595* C) max for quenched and tempered steels, and the remainder of the E90XX class, the E100XX, the between 1100 and 1200* F (595 to 650* C) for other E110XX, and E120XX class electrodes, it is 0.25 r i steels. The assembly is held at this temperature for the Experience has shown that the limits specified abose time specified in Table 4.4.2. In 4.4.3, an alternative for moisture contents ir. electrode coverings are not method permits a decrease in temperature below the always sufficiently restrictive for some applications usinc minimum specified in the first method, when the holding the E90XX and lower classes. Electrodes of classifica-l time is increased. The alternative method is used when it tions lower than E100XX are subject to more stringent is impractical to postweld heat treat the welded assembly moisture level requirements when used for welding the I at higher temperatures. These temperatures are suffi-high-strength quenched and tempered steels, ASTM ciently below the critical temperature to preclude any^ dried between 700 and 800* F(370 and 430* C) before A514 and A517. All such electrodes are required to be change in properties. If the purpose of the postweld heat treatment is to use. Electrodes of classification below E100XX are not l stress relieve the weld, the holding time is based on the required by AWS AS.5 to have a moisture content less weld metal thickness even though some materialin the than 0.25 and the required drying will achieve at least l weldment is thicker than the weld. If the purpose of the this moisture level. This precauti an was necessary because postweld heat treatment is to maintain dimensional sta-of the sensitivity of high strength steels and w eld metal to bility during subsequent machining, the holding time is hydrogen cracking. based on the thickest component in the weldment. Cer-1 Tests have shown there can be a wide variation in the tain quenched and tempered steels, if stress relieved as a moisture absorption rate of various brands ofelectrodes [ g carbon or low alloy steel, may undergo undesirable representing a given AWS classification. Some elect rodes ( y' changes in microstructure, causing a deterioration of absorb very little moisture during standard exposure mechanical properties or cracking, or both. Such steels times while others absorb moisture very rapidly. The l I L l [

(- - ~. _ _ _. _ 6 7 ) Technique /277 I )) 4 Depth of Width Fusion of face NWpN '"'D3;weg i y g\\x FO ' 5 h (A) (B) (C) Fig. C4.7.7-Examples of centerline cracking:(A) Groove weld;(B) Fillet weld;(C) Weld in T-joint f 1 moisture control requirements of 4.5.2 are necessarily weld depth is greater than the width of the face. the weld j , conservative to cover this condition and ensure that surface may solidify prior to center solidification. When sound welds can be produced. r this occurs, the shrinkage forces acting oa the still hot, The time restrictions on the use of electrodes after semi-liquid center or core of the weld may cause a center-p removal from a storage oven may seem overly restrictive line crack to develo p, as shown in Fig. C4.7.7( A) and ( B). f to some users. The rate of moisture absorption in areas This crack may extend throughout the longitudinal [ oflow humidity is lower than that encountered in areas length of the weld and may or may not be visible at the of high humidity. The Code covers the most restrictlye weld surface. This condition may also be obtained when ~ situations. i fillet welds are made sirnultaneously on both sides of a ' l )T joint with the arcs directly opposite each other, as shown i in Fig. C4.7.7(C). in view f the above. 4.7.7 nquires that neither the i 4.6 Procedures for Shielded Metal f depth nor the maximum width in the cross section of the i Arc Welding weld metal deposited in each weld pass shall exceed the 1 width at the surface of the weld pass. This is also illus-This section contains the prequalified wc! ding proce-trated in Fig. 4.7.7. dure requirements for shielded metal are welding. Weld bead dimensions may best be measured by sec- ? tioning and etching a sampic weld. i' d Part C l SubmergedArc Welding 4.8 Electrodes and Flux for f Submerged Arc Welding l 4.7 General Requirements 4.s.1 AWS A5.23. Specification for Low Alloy Steel l Electrodes and Fluxes fer Submerged Arc Welding, was Part C contains prequalified procedure requirements published in 1976 and revised in 1980. Electrodes and for submerged arc welding. The pr evisions of this section fluxes conforming to the classification designation of apply only to prequalified welding procedures. S,ub-this specification may be used as prequalified provided merged arc welding is normally associated with high heat the provisions of 4.1.1 and Table 4.1.1 are observed. The input, and heat input exceeding the steel producer's contractor should follow the supplier's recommenda-recommendations could reduce the toughness of the tions for the proper use of fluxes. joint for quenched and tempered steels. 4.8.3 The requirements of this section are necessary to j 4.7.7 The weld nugget or bead shape is an important assure that the flux is not a medium for introduction of l f g factor affecting weld cracking. Solidification of molten hydrogen into the weld because of absorbed moisture in weld metal due to the quenching effect of the base metal the flux, Whenever there is a question about the suitabil-j I. stsrts along the sides of the weld metal and progresses ity of the ilux due to improper storage or package dam-inwstd until completed. The last liquid metal to solidify age, the flux should be discarded or dried in accordance I' lies in a plane through the centerline of the weld. If the with the manufacturer's recommendations. 1

~~ caw,% .4 A Stucy of Hyc rogen Crac<ing in Underwater Steel Welds A yield strength of 50 ksi appears to be the lirnit bevond which hydrogen cracking occurs frequently in underwater welding of structural steels BY H. OZAKI, T. NAIMAN AND K. MASUBUCHI ABSTRACT. This project was under-l Introduction addition,it has been reported that due to the martens! tic structure, the maxi-taken to investigate hydrogen cracking The use of offshore struc-mum hardness in the heat-affected in undetwater (" wet") welds. Several linds of structural steel specimens tures such as platforms, storage tanks zone of underwater welds in mild steel wtre used, including those made of and pipelines has created a. demand (carbon equivalent: 0.33) was about i for the development of underwater 600 Hv.* Both the hardness measure-mild steel,50 ksi (yield strength) class welding techniques that can be used ment and the microscopic observation steels, and HY-80 steel. Tha Y-slit restraint test was used in their construct,on and repair, indicate that even in mild steel i In order to obtain hign quality hydrogen cracking can occur. beclub the testing conditinns nt this method can he rebtad en venal f6ri-underwater welds and to develop The objective of this study is to uting conditions. Several types of rnore reliable processes, the weldabil-systematically obtain experimental electrude were used in the welding of !ty of various structural steels must be data on the hydrogen-cracking suscep-mild steel, and the effects of the investigated. tibility of underwater welds in various Because of the hich ouench.ine rate structural steels. different electrode coatings examined. tow hydrogen electrodes were used in _ caused by the water environment and The presence of hydronen. the thEweicmg of both high tensile because large quantities of hydrogen presence of a susceotible microstruc-are present, nyarogen crackmg is one ture and the presence of tensile stress strengti steel ano mito steel (E7018), of tne most severe orodems m th}e or stram are the causative factors in the, 'j and ix.r-/UN stainless steel elec. underwater weldme of steel. A num* hydrogen crackine of steel wolds All 'f trodes (E310-16) in the welding of HY, 80 steelThis enabled an examination ber of reports on this 5,ubject are avail

  • tnree tactors can be represented by of the effects of undermatching, and three engineering indexes: the diffus-p,

~ able, but the results tend to be mcon-sistent. ible hydrogen content, the carbon C an tramination of austenitic elec. Grubbs and Seth' contend that the equivalent and the intensity of re-h trodes. Thi same materials were also used hydrogen cracking problem in carbon straint.* In the present study, the steel welds is minor unless the carbon underwater hydrogen potential of var-j 10 rn'ke air welds so that compansons could be made between underwater equivalent exceeds 0.4. Afso, extensive ious types of electrode was deter-i A i and air welds. cracking was not found in tee and lap mined using the glycerine method. gf The hydrogen content in under. joints of HY-80 steel, a material known The cracking tests were carried out .d water welds was determined using the to be crack-sensitive m air welding.' using a Y-stit restraint test such that 1 1 3 ycerine method. The carbon-equiva. However, Engfand's wefdine institute the intensity of restraint could be , y f l Er knt formulas and the critical cooling has reported that av'ee hydrnaen related to actual fabricating Condi-tim 2 (from 800 to 500 C (1472 to 932 F) cracking does occur in underwater tions. l wei s made in normal carbon steels Ausunitic electrodes have a large to produce a fully martensitic struc. "'in u.3 to 0.42 carbon equivalent.' in hydrogen solubility and tend to keep l turs) are used in the discussiori of hydrogen-cracking sust eptibility. It hydrogen away from the crack-sensi- ,i h :4 was found that, whatever the elec-tive base metal. Because of this, they trode-type used, no observabfe hv-Paper presented at the 58th AWS Annual reduce hydrogen cracking in under-p drogtn cracks resuiten from the Meeting held in Pheladelphia, Pennsylvania, water steel welds when the carbon [?.' underwater welding of mild steel. But during Apnf 25-29,1977. equivalent exceeds 0.40.' Recently, it was reported that several different W n~yorogen cracks dio result frum t N. OZAxl as a Resorch Associate and K. types of austenitic electrode have underwater welding of high stren;pi' MASUBUOil is Professor, Massachusetts been observed to produce underwater ns. steels. The use of undermatchin8 institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.; techniques or austenitic electrodes did

f. NAlMAN is with NAvstc Hyattsv,lte, welds containing martensitic struc-d not improve the weld integrity.

Maryland. tures along the fusion boundaries; this = 4 ING RESEARCH SUPPLEMENT l231-s FC',f'4L-85-59 -M-

_,, _ _ -.p Table 1-Chemical Composition of Materials used, wt-% 4 C Si Mn P 5 Ni Cr Mo V Nb C.E.* P,

  • Mild steel 0.20 0 02 0.53 0.03 0.04 0.29 0.23 ST52 0.19 0.34 1.14 0.02 0.03 0.38 0.26 l

A537A ~ 0.16 0.30 '1.20 0.02 0.03 0.20 0.20 0.06 0.06 0.02 0.45 0.26 HY-80 0.18 0.20 0.32 0.02 0 03 2.99 1.68 0.41 0 85 0.36 ",* C" a+,, - c + j + y + $ + Cy + y '+ { + y + ss -o,t igo.a - c + y + C' + 7 + V s + is due to the high base metal dilution hydregen cracking susceptibility of titania-iron powder type (E7014), iror and the high quenching rate caused by underwater welds-Table 1. The spec-powder-iron oxide type (E6027) anc 4 the water environment which in turn imens were 1/2 in. (12.5 mm) thick. In. low hydronen tvoe f E 70181-weri l 4 i results in weld metal hydrogen crack-Table 1, the carbon equivalent values. uM ing.* (C.E.) and the Pc/ values of these The titania-iron powder type report a It has been demonstrated that the steels are shown. The following equa-edly has good running characteristics. use of underrnatched electrodes (the tions were used to calculate.these The iron powder-iron oxide type ha weld metal strr ngth being lower than values: been demonstrated to reduce the that of the base metal) effectively hydrogen-cracking susceptibility o reduces hydrogen cracking.' C.E. - C + S" + Cr + Mo + V underwater welds.* This study examines how the use of 6 5 Low hydrogen electrodes (E8018 1 an austenitic electrode and an under-were used for A537A steel and STS matched electrode affects the welding + Ni + Cu unen SPecJ steel W M sted, tMee types o l, of HY 80 steel. electrode including low hydroger - 15 electrodes' with different strength I h (E11018 and E7018).and austeniti j Experimental Procedure Pc, = C + 30b' + M" + Cu, @.60 + electrodes [E310-16 (25Cr-20Ni)] wer 20 20 used. E7018 electrodes and E310-1 i ? M'I' V electrodes were used to determin Mo + io + 58 (Ito and Bessyo') exactly how an undermatched elec Several commercially available g ^ steels including mild steel (AB5 grade trode and an austenitic electrod A) 50 ksi (yield strength) class steels affect the hydrogen-cracking suscep (A537A and ST 52), and HY-80 steel For_ the experiment on mild steel, tibility of underwater welds in HY-8 were used in the evaluation of the three types of electrodes-includidg steel. All of these electrodes were 5/3 in. (4 mm) in diameter. ? t Hydrogen Cracking Tests ~ i Hydrogen-cracking susceptibilit j g, g, ) was evaluated using a Y-slit se! restrained cracking test-FA.1. Th measure of the hydrogen-cracking su-4 l ceptibility of a steel is the crackin l e. 80 wp 60MM " tatio-Fig. 2. This is a ratio of the heigt 2-(3 2in) ( 2./.I N) from the root to the tip of the crac f +- N l versus the height from the root to th A surface of the weld metal. t The restraint intensity involved i I P this test corresponds to the uppe F o )))))))))-}-(}}}}))'))\\))))M((((((((( ~oj limits of the restraint intensity of a ? i N actual welded joint. Because of thi-TEST WELD A, -**: w. h l CRACK / b I t k ROLLING DIRECTION ( N h I t

. e i

. c. b l 025tp {60 5tN(12 5ww) l NNb CRACKING RATIO [' _.//--2 ww i j (OO8tN } Eh X100 SECTION A-A EH [ Hg.1-The Y-slot type test specimen fig. 2-Determination of a cracking ratio T 232-s l AUGUST 1977 .s

- ~., results tra a recsonably . the test Ttbie 2-Summary cf the Cracking Ttsts accurit? indicator of hydrogin-crack-ing suscepubility. Cr:cking ritio, % e Tesdas Procedure Steel Electrude Air Underwater l The Y-slit specimens were cut ! rom Mild steel E7014 0 0 the plates in such a way that their E7018 0 0 longitudinal dimension was parallel to E6024 0 0 the rolling direction of the plates. The ' STs2 E8018 2 30 restraint welds were made in the usual A537A Eeois 21 26 manner. Th2 specimens were put in a tank HY 80 E11018 95 100 E7018 .18 100 10 x 16 x 12 in. (250 x 400 x 300 E3 W16 1 80 mm) deep. Water was pumped in up to a level 1.2 in. (30 mm) above the top (f the plate.Tb_e electrodes whir + ha_d bmeen kept dry, were taken _from the affects the diffusible hydrogen con-weld metal and the balance is the HAZ holding oven and waterproofed with tent was also investigated. The wa-where the Widmanststten structure a'senames spray prior to we8+nt The terproof mediums investigated were can be seen. welding was uune using 200 A, 25 V parar6n wax. epoxy resen, and enam'- Unlike mild steel, the high strength DCRP and an average welding speed el. steels are likely to crack. The cracking of 8 ipm (20 cm/ min), resulting in an ratio of A537A steel was 26% and the average heat input of 38 kJ/in. (1500 Experimental Results microstructure of the HAZ was bain-itic-Fig 5. kJ/m). C'acking Tests ' ~ The cracking ratio of ST52 steel was Ihr welded specimens were sub-merged in a container of water at 70 F Table 2 summarizes the results of 30%, close to that of A537 steel. The (21.5 C) for 48 hours and then the cracking tests. No cracks were real differences in the cracking ratios sectioned to expose the cracking. I found in the mild steel specimens are evident in the air welds: 2% for Th2 cracking ratio of each plate-either in the underwater welds or in ST52 steel and 21% for A537 steel. electrode combination was deter-the air welds. Figure 3 shows the cross-Although A537A steel is more suscep-mined by averaging the cracking ratio section of an underwater weld made tible than ST52 steel in air welding, values observed in four different with an E7018 electrode. Figure 4 both steels have approximately the sectionirigs. shows the m'icrostructure of the weld; same underwater hydrogen-cracking 1 Air welds were made using the same the bottom left side of Fig. 4 is the susceptibility. welding conditions as the underwater g welds. __Y w x M.tallographic Examination it h-and Hardness ($.. f,,.[d s i g [ SD m j i Measurement in the metallographic examination, + $f*.. .i '55 ? i the specimens were polished and y .'~ et<.hed using 1% nital or aqueous picric

jf4, g

kjggj i c-ccid and observed microscopically. g,. The hardness was measured using a 4 . h b F. Knoop hardness testing machine set at (ygg g- ""g s a 500 g load. The results were converted to the DPH (10 kg) scale. Fig. 3-An underwater weld made with Fig. 5-Crach s in the underwater weld made The hardness measurements were tak-E7018 electrode in muld stee'. Nital erch, wrth E6018 electrode in A637A steel. Nital a en 1 mm (0.04 in.) above the root level x10 (reduced 59% on reproduction) etch. x128 (reduced 50% on reproduc-5 in sach case. tion) y.- W [ .i&, Hydrog on n h+?}jj.y.g[#$

  • d I

'VN N m (k"A.y$'D , Diffusible hydrogen content g ? 4 E ....~,%, 7 evolved from underwater welds was

  • m f

g-measured using the glycerine method 37(!M.5fp U. ye-3% t N'.. M,$ .g 9 % '..k. j[f' " {h//. 'g (tha procedure proposed by the Japan b 72b' ~ [ - I' Industrial Standard was employed).' 4 ~. N 4 N'f. ..( ( These results can be related to those ..g 3 %[, Dhf[Jgp ,3h [N.h ' W ?, g% obtained by the llW method using the M i following equation? C E where H = hy r e content by U -g", ' '~ 1 IlW method; Hn = hydrogen content fig. 6-The microstruc ture ul an underwater by gIycerine method. Fig. 4-Microstructure of an underwater' weld made with E7018 electrode in STS2 How the type of waterproof me-weld made with E7014 electrode in mdd steel; cracks can be seen in the coarse dium and the length of time the elec-steel Aqueous picric acud, x 128 (reduced grained region in the HAZ. Nital etch, x 128 ) trode is in the water before it is used 50% on reprrxtuction) (reduced 40% on reproduction) 3 i WELDING RESEARCH SUPPLEMENT [233-s g j ~ y.

Table 3-Summary cf Diffrsibin Hydrogen f 6-Content of Underwitir Welds E7014 l 8 . p., Type of Amount of diffusible 5 50 / [ Myhe ] "['h.y!M electrode hydrogen, cc/100 g M / a ~ j '[* E7014 49 (515)'a E7018 31 z HM o/ E6027 (24)* y 40 T E8018 31 g E11018 - 32 o without vntER psxytwo r E310-16 38 e ENAME 7 '*i #/U j E 312-15 (40)'u y3o a f%RAFFIN 4 5% .a 30.- & Epoxy - pai. si.iner. Hart ama sealet.* P l fig. 7-An underwater weld made with C 7 5 E11018 electrode in Hy-80 steel. Nital etch, gn e t s s s s s t x12.5 (reduced 57% on reproduction) The cracking ratio of the HY-80 steel o 20 'o so welds made with E310-16 electrodes TIME (MIN) n was 21% for underwater and 1% for air. Fig. 9-Effect of immersing time of efec-y _~_. r These numbers are considerably small-trodes in water on the diffusible hydrogen. j r, i er than those associated with the other content of underwater welds y b i types of electrode in both underwater .h I and air welds. It can be said that the use of an i.* p l C austenitic electrode can reduce the MILD STEEL. j[ y., f E7014 hydrogen cracking susceptibility of too t i 'j 1 underwater welds. Further investiga-f tion, however, has shown that the use UNDEmmTER j h of an austenitic electrode cannot d g q i reduce the cracRing problem in under-3 300 l N water welds. This is discussed in more s j i detail further in the papar. ( AIR * ~ ~ i i) Diffusible Hydrogen Content of S. h r; tJnderwater Welds e ,Y, O. h M@. Gh"My d -f Table 3 summarizes the diffusible .'a '00 t hilb hydrogen content of the underwater o 2 4 U*'* Y* luded. As mentnoned#?8

  • * '*"0 ' #

N k.l Fig. 8-Gacks in an underwatsr werd made ' *.inc fig.10-Hardness distribution within the with E11018 electrode in HY-60 steel. Nital u e xe Po t s made with E7014 electrode in mild e x128 (reduced 35% on reprodac. } n; using the glycerine method and con-j 3 1 verted to the llW scale. On the other Figure 6 shnws the underwater STS2 hand, the data of The Welding insti-used.. The experimental data fall p steel weld microstructure, with cracks tute were actually obtained using the between 41 and 53 cc/100 g and are m the HAZ where the martensitic llW method. 3 independent of the immersion time i w-structum is present. Fairly good agreement can be seen a the wa pro g in the HY-80 steel welds, extensive between the two bodies of data as, e ,p, indic t hat neither cracks are evident in both the under-they relate to E 7014 electrodes. Among ' ( egg waterprochng nor immersion S m'e water welds and the asr welds, except the electrodes, E6027 appears to give (

  • g -

in the case of those made using E310-the lowest diffusible hydrogen con-before welding affects the diffmible 4 hydrogen content of imderwater j 16 electrodes. tent (24 cc/100 g) and E7014 appears t wetas. It can therefore be stated that' The cracking rat,os of underwater give the highest (49-53.5 cc/100 g). g(r weldin h' e abso pt n or i e ] ,{ h. welds made with E11018 and E7018 The amount of diffusible hydrogen 8 electrodes are as high as 100%. The with the low hydrogen type elec-4 g b cracking ratios of the air welds are 95% trodes-including E7018, E8018 and attoct the diffusible hydrogen con-3 1 tent. j h for E11018 and 18% for E7018. Note E11018-is approximately 31 cc/100 g that the undermatched E7018 elec-ano is the value that falls in between 4 r

  • 3'M" l

trodes reduced the cracking ratio of those associated with E7014 and E6027 7 ",'[ the air welds, but not of the under-electrodes. water welds. Because austenite has a high hy. Figures 10 and 11 illustrate the hard-i g Figure 7 shows the cross-section of drogen-solubility, the amounts of dif-ness distribution within underwate' l s an underwater HY-80 steel weld made fusible hydrogen present in the welds welds on mild steel and HY-80 steel i with an E1IO18 electrode. Figure 7 made with austenite electrodes are respectively. Electrodes used were g k shows that the crack initiated at the fairly high (38 cc/100 g for E310-16 and E7014 for mild steel and E11018'foi j E root and mostly followed the fusion 40 cc/100 g for E312-15). HY-80 steel. Table 4 tabulates the d-line to the surface, penetrating 100% of Figure 9 shows how the amount of maximum hardness in the HAZ ant the height. time the electrodes are in the water the hardness of the weld metal. ny,' The crack shown in Fig. 8 propa-(with and without three different The maximum hardness for ar g'ated along the prior austenite grain-waterproof mediums) affects the dif-underwater weld in mild steel (40( boundaries in the HAZ, where the fusible hydrogen content in under-DPH) is much harder than that for ar martensitic structure was present. water welds. An E7014 electrode was air weld made in the same materia l ^ s 234-sl AUGUST 1977 c 3

500 When A537A steel was w11ded 6 6 6 i HY-80 o, %",-, E11018 underw ter, thi maximum hardness w s less than 400 DPH, lower th n that. I o /e of mild steel by 20 to 40 DPH. Despite j [

  • )

l this, hydrogen cracking occurred-Ta- ,,. 400 o ble 3. 5 i'*o. On ST52 steel, the maximum hard- .) 3 ness was about 430 DPH, higher than l 4 e M 1 that of mild steel. .the I] $300 U ND ERWAT E R The maximum hardness in underwater welds on HY-80 steel 4 Q. e e varied from 425 to 470 DPH and was WELO METAL-l *HAZ affected by the electrode type'. The t i I t E11018 produced the hardest HAZ and I 200 -2 0 2 4 6 8 the E310-16 the softest. Coating type j affected the hardness; the underwater i DISTANCE ( MM) weld metal hardness was 400 DPH for 3 . fig.11-Hardness distnbution within the welds made witti E11018 electrode in E11018, 350 DPH for E7018, and 190 l HYalo steel DPH for E310-16. j Unlike mild steelin which there is a Table 4-Semmary of the Hardness Measurement large difference between the maxi-I mum hardnesses of underwater and air Maximum hardness in HAZ dm al underw' ater and air welds m HY-80 Steel Electrode. Underwater Air Underwater Air steel are nearly the same; also, the air i weld hardness is almost as high as the l E7014 420 235 240 215 underwater weld hardness. J Mild steel E7018 400g 220 210 220 E6027 410 220 200 175 t A537A E8018 380 200 210 160 Discussion: Hydrogen-Cracidng STS1 E8018 430 245 230 200 Susceptibility in Underwater Welds E11018 470 470 400 400 H F80 EE8 460 440 ,350 2W According to Grubbs and Seth'* l E 310-16 425 400 190 200 under restram.ed conditiores and when underbead cracking was present the (235 DPH), indicating that the struc-significant effect on the niaximum carbon equivalent was 0.445; when ture is susceptible to hydrogen crack-hardness. These results do not agree underbead cracking was not present, it ing. Despite these hardness results on with those of Hasui and Suga which was 0.392. They concluded that steels mild steel, no hydrogen cracking was indicated that the use of an iron oxide with a carbon equivalent of up to observed-Table 3. The type of elec-type electrode could reduce the maxi-0.40% could be welded underwater trode used did not seem to have a mum hardness." without hydrogen cracking. i e a _5 m-t-co0trNG TIME FROM 800*C TO - HY-80 u ta %1 500*C OF UNDERWATER WELDS 100 L.__J AM - 1 I g t.NDERWATER -1.PO,gRJATER 9 P MMMMF \\MW $ 80 O o S E S3 cc 60 5 /e o e 5 [2 3. h. D M M M M M M U D 2 2 5 40 L e U o g g, e-1 I t I t tI f 1 8 8 b g 20 - AIR, - u E E6o e i e g 40 50 60 70 80(notd) W18 8IW8 (57) (71 ) (86) 000) 014%KSI) TYPE OF ELECTRODE I ULTIMATE TENSILE STRENGTH fig.12-Relationship between the critical cooling time from 800 to SCO C and the ultimate tensole strength of various structural fig.13-Effect of an undermatched electrode on the hydrogen steels cracking susceptibility of HY-80 welds WELDING RES ARCH SUPPLEMENT l235-s ..........e-.- ,j - 4 =>

_ sar-e A L-Table 5-Effect of the Use of Austenitic Dectrode on Cricking in Underwiter Welds ci i .f - HY 80 Steel w. T Type of Hydrogen cracking Total cracking 3 4 electrode Atmosphere ratio, % ratio, % 1 g j-E11018 k Underwater 100 100

  • g -.

I EDO-16 Air 1 10 ? g Q J. (25Cr-20Ni) Underwater 21 100 ? ll Bouwman and Haverhals" carried the hydrogen-cracking susceptibility Fig. 74-Undenvater weld made with um .l. out controlled thermal severity (CTS) of both air welds and underwater 76 efectrode in ffY-80 Steef Niral etch, x4 tests on ST37, ST41, and ST52 steels. welds in HY-80 steel. l"d"C'd d8% *" 'eProductbn) a Among these steels, only ST52 steel in the air welds, the cracking ratio of ) ' i' cracked spasmodically. The present the weld metal made with E11018 is j l experiman6l mmit< in +cara that -considerably higher than that with [f e steels having a yield strength of mor'e E7018. The effect of undermatched weld made using an austenitic elec ' -( b trFan 50 kse (M MPa) frecuentiv erob electrodes Can be clearly seen. Accord. trode; hot cracking is evident. The use r> rignte nyarogen crack ng when thiy ing to hardness measurements (Table of an austenitic electrode, therefore are welded underwater. a) the hardness of the weld metal is does not alw ays minimize the cracking 'As mentioned above,the 50 ksi yield approximately 400 DPH with E11018 problem in underwater welds. strength class in steels is a critical one and 350 DPH with E7018. This hard-in which hydrogen cracking frequently ness difference may be responsible for Conclusions l occurstthe critical carbon equivalent the cracking ratio difference.

1. No observable hydro 8en crack (C.E.) is approximately 0.35 and the Smce the underwater cracking ratio were f und 4n either underwater cr a.i f

critical Pn approximately 0.25 (see of both E110lBsand E7018 is 100%, the welds m mdd steel. The coating typ. 4-Table 1). This critical carbon equiva-use of E7018 is not effective, even did not noticeably affect the weh Y lent value is lower than that proposed .though its hardness value is 50 DPH ' y Crubbs and Seth. less than that of E11018. '"'88'I'Y-b r

2. Underwater welds.

higi m The critical cooling time (the cool-Undermatched electrodes do not. ing time necessary to produce a fully significantly affect underwater weld strength steels cracked.

3. 50 ksi (yield strength) class stee martensitic structure in steel welds) is quality, even though they do affect air was the border line case as far a f,

another index useful in the prediction weld quality. hydrogen cracking was concerned. d of cracking. Figure 12 illustrates the

4. Underwater welds m HY-EG stee ai relationship between the critical cool-Ufect of Austenitic Electrodes cracked extenswely.

T ing time (from 800 to 500'C or 1472 to The Welding Institute studied how 5.The use of undermatch,m M 932 F) and the strength of various techniques did,ot prevent crackmg o austenitic electrodes affect the hy-n F steels. The critical cooling time values were obtained from' steels available drogen cracking susceptibility of un-HY-80 steel. derwater welds.' They found that the

6. The use of an austenitic electrod commercially. In Fig.12 the typical use f austenitic electrodes. reduced (25Cr-20Ni stainless stecl) reduce-cooling time from 800 to 500 C of the susceptibility. Also, they found hydmgen crackin8 but increased he 1

undenvater welds is superimposed to that many electrodes that produced cracking. be in the range of 2 to 4 austenitic weld metal m air welds seconds.- in underwater welding, steels with a produced mart'ensit,c weld metal m, Acknowledgments i underwater welds due to the base yield strength of more than 50 ksi (345 The study on which this paper i mea i o

  • hgq n g

based was partially supported by MPa) are likely to produce a fully b m martensitic structure. Only mild steel resea c nuact emM TeWop and hydrogen cracking was the result ment of New,lmproved Techniques c can be welded underwater without ft was also observed that all austenitic forming a martensitic structure. The Underwater Welding for the Nationi welds contained bands of hard mar-tendency of this data agrees with that Sea Grant Office of the Natione tens.te along the fusion boundaries. Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra i of crackin8 susceptibility. - l Table 5 compares the hydrogen tion, Department of Commerce Effect of Undermatched Electrodes crac ng a o h e ac Matching funds were provided by Satoh and Toyoda' demonstrated and E310-16 electrodes. 8'fhe fn P s to W that the use of undermatched welding The use of austenitic electrodes is Heavy industries, Ltd.', especially D techniques effectively reduces the apparently effective m reducing hy-Toshio Yoshida, Executive Managin hydrogen.-cracking susceptibility of air drogen crackmg m both underwater Director, and Dr. Kiyohide Terai, Mar welds. The lower strength weld metal and air welding. For mstance, the ager of the Welding Research Labor. can absorb more stram than the higher underwater cracking ratio of E310-16 tory, for their encouragement inr th b strength weld metal, allowmg the electrodes is 21% much lower than study. The authors would also like t stram needed to cause cracking to be that of E11018 electrodes (100%); m, air l q thank Mr. Daniel Conley for his assi-4,% welds,the reduction of the cracking tance and General Dynamics Corpor; attenuated, In addition, since the rapid quench-ratio is even more sigmficant (from tion Quincy Shipyard for providir* i ing that takes place in underwater 95% to 1%). But the total crackmg ratio

  • "',S' welding hardens the weld metal, it is

- value for both electrodes is 100%; the not' always necessary to use uver-total cracking ratio cannot be reduced matched electrodes. Figure 13 shows using either electrode. '3 how undermatched electrodes affect Figure 14 shows a cross-section of a

1. Grubbs, C. E., and Seth, O. W.,Muli r --

236 s l AUGUST 1977 _=

~ 4 i pass. A4 Position Wet Welding-A New Formub of High Stringth $teels Related to from Deposited Metil,"ll5 Z 3113-1975. Underwster Tool" rourth Annuil Offshora Heat-Affected Zona Cracking," llW Docu-

10. IlW Document " Weld Metal Hydrs--

1 Technology Conference,1972, riouston, ment IX-576-68. gen Levels tnd tha Definition of Hydrogen i Texas, Paper / Communication OTC 1620.

6. Stalker, A. W., Hart. P.. lf.

M., and Controlled Electrudes, il5/IlW-452-74. j

2. Masubuchi, K., and Meloney, M. 8.,

Salter, G. R.,"A Preliminary Study of Under-

11. Hasui, J., Suga, Y.. "On Underwater (y[L

" Underwater Welding of low Carbon and water Manual Metal Arc Welding," Weld-Gravity Arc Welding (Report 1),"lournalot High Strength (HY-UO) Steel," Sixth Annual ing instihte Report No. 3412/5B174. the tapan Welding Society,43 (8),1974, pp. [ Otishore Technology Conference, 1974

7. Satob, K., and Togoda, M., "loint 17 25.

i Houston, Teus, Paper / Communication Strength of Heavy Plates with Lower

12. Bouwman, H. J., and Haverhals, J.,

OIC 1951. Strength Weld Metal," Welding foumal, 54 " Underwater Welding with Covered Elec-P

3. The Weldmg Institute Report,"lusion (9), Sept.1975, Res. Suppl. 311-s to 319-s-trodes," Lastechnic, 37 (12),1974, pp. 219-Weldmg Underwater," Metal Construction,
8. Galeme, A.,

" Underwater Welding 226. May 1975, pp. 41-43. and Painting," Symposium on Underwater

13. Kinugawa, l.,

Fukushima, T., and g'.

4. Brown. R. T., and Masubuchi, K.," fun-Welding, Cutting and Hand Tools held at Fukushima, S., " Development of Shielding

-I damental Research on Underwater Weldi Battelle Memorial Institute,10-11 October Method with Water let and Gas in Under-I ing," Welding fournal, 54 (6), June 1975, 1%7, pp. 43-53. water Pfasma Welding," Transactions of Res. Suppl., pp.178-s to,188-s.

9. Japanese Industrial Standards, "Meth-National Research Institute for Metals 16 L

5.110, Y., and Bessyo, K., "Weldability od for Measurement of Hydrogen Evolved (5),1974, pp.19-29. J WRC Bulletin 216 June 1976 / Preventing Hydrogen-Induced Cracking After Welding of Pres-sure Vessel Steels by use of Low Temperature Postweld Heat Treatments b i i by J. S. Caplan and E. Landerman t Hydrogen. induced cracking occurs either in the heat-affected zone microstructure or in weld metal when s 3b, four factors react simultaneously. These factors have been defined as (1) presence c: hydrogen, (2) welding h,i stresses, (3) a suscept:cle in;crestructure and (4) a loer temperature, Hydrogen can become available during weldir.g from bsse and welding materials and extraneous contaminating matter. Data are presented iL to show the ef fects of preheat and postweld heat treatments. These data are principally concerned with the "[* 4 type of steels used for nuclear pressure vessels. Publication of this paper was sponsored by the Pressure Vessel Research Committee of the Welding Research Council. k h The price of WRC Buffetin 216 is 16.50 per copy. Order should be sent with payment to the Welding (- 3 Research Council, United Engineering Center,345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017. i. ~' N ) w WRC Bulletin 220 a y October 1976 h Friction Welding i i i by K. K. Wang I Friction welding has emerged as a reliab*e process for high. production commercial applications, with -(j significant economic and technical advantages. Professor Wang, in this report prepared for the Interpretive Reports Committee of the Welding Research Council, provides an objective view of operating theory, y process characteristics, advantages and limitations. Of particular interest is his comparison of friction g welding with two principal types of machines, inertial and continuous drive. e.g i l Data are included en the weldability of a variety of similar and dissimilar metals and al%ys, which show Q3 the importance of frictional characteristics and high temperature ductility. There is an obvious need for . #] further development work on a number of important metal combinations having marginal weldabihty. Mr It is the hope of the Interpretive Reports Committee that this document will stimulate further research 3, { and development so that this reiatively new welding process will achieve its true potential. Pj The price of WRC Bulletin 204 is $6.50. Orders should be sent with pay'*1ent to the Welding Research ka Council, United Engineering Center,345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017. {w ?,. i e WELDING RESEARCH SUPPLEMENT l237-s g. ey ' [.;

i.. 6 c.cca.\\ pm L c.S v..k b a- @\\ b b%s4 $w%, p M'S*N L3 u uv MME, gob \\A veh SLR 3 We % c 3 M k-y Ca.%.5*h'sALo[ !- l 1,i2\\*M 651\\u % h %AV W*tW E9, Rh w's% %. Lo - tee %\\%4 Q F_ G v p Syw-4 %,,, O* w Dag e GA t Q %J.S G ks Avaa k u % _ck k % ~ n n, a h.M kd uce.r qQ wi. %ve_ Q t em 6 e. e.- < R % 'ss wel, R (). Lo c % Q we.\\1 g Q wou gup_ %.<,. k st %e e.,. <h .} r ~ ~~s 4 u % $. Mwe.t,.) '[E.h b b ea.hc.. b M. ( cau~ a. - a w, % tLA,c.- 6 b w % 6.a o w k h. M 4 v4.u ~ Ty - Wh b% g4, poc g d,4. W N 0 4 h.% lw w 6A b=y ( mg b h c.AA

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bh e Okl tr ov ro b a b kk w \\t; sw - d m-\\g umi ... t...GW b.k b gw Lo a' ~. -c,p,( a E k bo a w.c h b b b k e C8* ~ w sa.g& A u\\tsoA m w\\ C e-%3 % ~%>h**ffgg n r. p. 3UIM-OG-L [Tok b u Wyg'M \\A 5a.6 web h vn FM l Ab klJg WJ wh 3/O p) R _

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,Tisse, t, 0 % 64kA e.og k C.9 C% 6.9 B, As, 4 I /f W e \\ k. M \\\\ e 4.k\\. C,w4vo\\. h. 3. 2.. x eo//v/ra,4 t 3 co +4 R* / Ov w3, Sbh% % A po bh wL eW 6, m We\\s. 'f c\\. Y-s.L % ocze+k :-e w'% esw%L w.5 = =- I -Lx \\. ~s' s d w k A a. l, T e p u b ( me is sso P a a L o w - k. L& e\\e e.beie.t o re segg e 4 4 ho e 'whsb

  • e-\\' i k b g kko c(a44 \\b4, fi a 'e, a w4/ \\. 4 w wmb W6 p\\.u41 h 4 b V.A g k k %

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6 - \\.3 6p e \\ eb L.s b a.~%4& e...A h, G 7e a Ak, M y s4. e +.w w\\ e4 9 \\ w+t.3 useh,ku A u+A.wm 449a.4% kN 314 + b i =h 2. Teke. b \\. 4. u \\% . As -rt.s W. %' \\\\ wak 11: r6c.w ew t,,% % i. % xikm - @94e%dhw s tw ce- 'g sw 1. cb k A c..wv.t, ( w h i c k (s e. 6 k e.1 k-kkk o \\ e w -\\ 1 e 35 e\\<e Wies, Wa\\k.y Teeb'ciAs e ve+e ko e\\< ca.ek a\\ h 4v c o e ewxbo'wwim 'db o.r t cA.\\e4+ o we. c. 43 Nins si A.e - 4 % Wr, 4 v-swck e E.Sce9 ..\\. w ,4ws w, G w wai-ek.e c k opos-ka4 \\A Y e.\\4eb.4 5 is \\% A 4.g wA. 4 om h M 4.v. e Q ? $s. /rr m ? S aNe --- ~. ._j w

J \\ t~ f Category 9,IW 'l4 Comanche Peak Open Issue Action Plan Task: Weld Rod Control Ref. Nos.: M-56, AqW-24, CPSES Issues Characterization: AW-56 alleged that welders were not keeping their rod cans plugged in. AQW-24 alleged that unauthorized weld filler metal was used to repair tube steel on a diesel generator. The CPSES issues, in summary, alleged that lax enforcement of weld rod control procedures resulted in a supply of uncontrolled electrodes with excessive exposure to ambient conditions. Initial Assessment of Significance: There appears to be sufficient specificity to warrant followup of these allegations. The safety significance is difficult to evaluate with the available information. Source: tiechanical and Piping Allegations, Category 9 Approach to Resolution: 1. Review Gibbs & Hill Specifications for applicable codes, materials, welding requirements, etc. 2. Review weld filler material requirements of ASME B&PV Code and AWS Dl.1 Structural Welding Code. 3. Review Brown & Root weld filler metal control procedure. i 4. Review NRC Region IV reports. 5. Review ASME and ASTM material specifications. 4 6. Review ASt.B testimony for additional infomation on allegations. i 7. Spotcheck field welding activities and " rod shacks." 8. Obtain and review reports related to excessive exposure of coated 1 electrodes to ambient conditions or high humidities. 9. Examine hardware involved, if p'ossible. 10. Identify and review NCRs, inspection reports, and other doctrientation related to allegations. 11. Evaluate allegations for generic / safety implications. 12. Report on results of review / evaluation of allegations. k F0lA-85-59 w

1.: __. ~ j l T Category No. 9 2-Related Open Issues: 1. Using system code from the tracking system open items, list and identify any open items. 2. Review activities necessary to close or partially close related items. 3. While perfonning physical inspections, examine surrounding system, components, and structures for any apparent defect or indicator of faulty workmanship. 4. Complete portion of IE module on welding if it relates to effort made on allegations. i I I l i f I l l t i I l l l -,,,.._-,m,-,, 7.-,- y, ---,_-_,.,._--,--.,-,__-,_,,--m- -,,,,,,-_.,_.,,nw,, s m

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\\ PART C -WELDING RODS, ELECTRODES AND FILLER METALS SFA-5.5 a Table 1-Electrode Classi6 cation AWS Capable of Producing Classincation Typ of Covering Satisfactory Welds in Type of Curnnte Positions Showna E70 Ssazzo-Minimum Tsusru STnsNcTu or Daros: Tan MsTAL,70 000 ret W77 E7010-X6 High cellulose sedium F. V. OH, H de, reverse polarity E7011 X High cellulose potassium F. V, OH, H se or de, reverse polarity 4 E7015-X Low hydrogen sodium F V OH,H de, reverse polarity E7016-X Low hydrogen potassium F. V. O H, H ac or de, reverse polarity E7018-X Iron powder, low hydrogen F. V. OH, H se or de, nyerne polarity E7020-X High iron oxide F se or de,either polarity E7027 X Iron powder, iron oxide f' F ac or de,either polarity E80 Santss-MIN wUw TsNssu STnsworn or Datos Tan MsTAL,80 000 rst E8010-X6 High cellulose sodium F. V. O H, H de, nverse polarity E8011-X High cellulose potassium F. V, OH, H ac or de,rmrse polarity E8018-X High titania potassium F V.OH, H se or de,either polarity E8015-X Low hydrogen sodium F, V OH, H de, nverse polarity 16-X 14w hydrogen potassium F V,OH,H se or de, reverse polarity Iron powder, low hydrogen F. V. OH, H se or de, rewrse polarity E90 Saarss-MINIMUM TsNstu STRsNGTn or Dspos:Tso MsTAL,90 000 rst E9010-X6 High cellulose sodium F.V OH,H de, reverse polarity E9011-X High cellolose potassium F, V, OH, H ac or de, reverse polarity E9013-X High titania potassium F, V, OH, H se or de,either polarity E9015-X Low hydrogen sodium F V.OH,H de, reverse polarity E9016-X Low hydrogen potassium F, V, OH, H ac or de, reverse polarity E9018-X Iron powder, low hydrogen F, V, OH, H se or de, reverse polarity E100 Santss-MIN 1Muu TsNstu STasNGTH or Daros:Tso MsTAL,100 000 ret E10010-X6 High cellulose sodium F, V, OH, H de, rewree polarity E10011 X High cellulose potassium F. V, OH, H ac or de, reverse polarity E10013 X High titania potassium F.V.OH,H ae or de,either polarity E10015-X Low hydrogen sodium F V,OH, H de, reverse polarity E10016-X Iow hydrogen potassium F,V, C H H ne or de,rmroe polarity E10018-X Iron powder, low hydrogen F, V, OH, H ae or de, reverse polarity E110 Sssiss-MINIMUM TsNslu StasNGTN or Dar0sITsD MsTAL,110 000 rst E11015-X6 14w hydregen sodium F, V OH, H de, reverse polarity E11016 X Low hydrogen potassium F V. OH, H ae or de, rewree polarity E11018-X Iron powder, low hydrogen F, V, OH, H se or de, rewree polarity E120 Ssarse-MINtuvu TsNstu STasNOTH or DarosrTan MsTAL,120 000 rat E12015 X6 Iow bydrogen sodium F, V, O H. E de, reverse polarity E12016-X Low hydrogen potassium F,V OH, H se or de, reverse polarity E12018-X Iron powder, low hydrogen F, V, O H, H ne or de, reverse polarity a The ebbeeviettwee F. V. OR. M. and R.Flasta ladiente weldine positions (Plan. I and s) es ic%est F = Flat H s Nortsental M-Fluses a Merleestal FlSets o;;;;;;;as } re. wn. and...e re, ci me.oe. mxxa.x. sxxa.x.and axxa.x. 6 The letter sums " xse used la this table stands for the eusses A1, st. Bs. ees. (see Table s) and destenetes the ebeenleal esapeetties of the de-peedted weld anstaL e Reverse polartty means eteetrede le poslove. straight polarttr sneens eteetrede le meestive. 1 63 F01A-85-59m

\\ SFA.S.5 SECTION 11 - M ATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS l Table 2-Chesnical Requiremients AWS 8" "*'d b Carboe Ma=T=- Pheopharme Setter 56 Mees Niekel Chromiam Molybdomen Venedlem CAmaoN.MoLygosNUM STssL ELacTacoss _ 1 E7010-Al 0 60 O.40 E7011.A1 0.60 0.40 E7015 A1 0.90 0.60 4 E7016-Al , 0.12 < 0.90 0.03 0.04 0.60 0.40 to 0.65 E7018-Al 0.90 0.80 E7030-Al 0.60 - 0.40 E7027.A1 1.00 0.40 CunoMauM-MotvaosNUM STasL ELacTacoss E8016-B1 L 0.60 0.12 m .W W 0.40 to 0.65 0.40 to 0.65 E8018-81 L 0.30 E8015-82L 0.05 0.90 0.08 0.04 1.00 1.00 to 1.50 0.40 to 0.65 E8016.B2 0.60 0.12 m W W l l 1.00 to 1.50 0.40 to 0.65 E8018-82 0.80 i E8018-B2L 0.05 0.90 0.03 0.04 0.80 1A0 to 1.50 0.40 to 0.65 E9015-88L 0.05 0.90 0.03 0.04 1.00 2.00 to 2.50 0.90 to 1.20 E9015-83 [ 0.60 E9016-B8 , 0.12 0.90 0.08 0.04 0.60 2.00 to 2.50 0.90 to 1.20 ] 0.05 E9018-B8 0.80 E9018-33L 0.90 0.03 0.04 O.80 100 to 2.50 0.90 to 1.20 E8015 84L 0.05 0.90 0.03 0.04 1.00 1.75 to 2.25 0.40 to 0.65 E8016 55 0.07 to 0.40 to 0.70 0.03 0.04 0.30 to 0.40 to 0.60 1.00 to 1.25 0.05 0.15 0.60 NicusL STssL ELacTucess 0.12 1.20 0.03 0.04 2.00 to 2.75 E8016-C1 1 0.60 1 E8018-C2 q 0.12 IJO 0.03 mJ 3.00 to 3.75 0.80 E8016-C36 l E8018-C36 - 0.12 C.40 to 1.25 0.030 0.030 0.80 0.80 to 1.10 0.15 0J5 0.05 MANGANass-Motruoswuu STusL EtacTacess E9015-D1 0.60 5 E9018-D1 0.12 1.25 to 1.75 0.03 0.04 0.25 to 0.45 0.80 q l f 0.60 E10015-D2 E10016-D2 0.15 1.65 to 2.00 0.03 0.04 0.00 0.25 to 0.45 E10018-D2 0.80 ALL Otuma StaaL ExacTacosS e EXX10-G EXX11 G i EXX13-G EXX15 G 1.00 mine 0.80 adne 0.50 min

  • 0JO mine 0.20 udne 0.10 adne EXX16-G EXX18-G E7080 G E9018-M6 0.10

~.60 to 1.25 0.030 0.080 0.80 1.40 to 1JO 0.15 0J5 0.05 0 E10018-M6 0.10 0.75 to 1.70 0.030 0.C30 0.60 1.40 to 2.10 0.35 0.25 to 0.50 0.05 E11018-M6 0.10 1.30 to 1J0 0.030 0.030 0.60 1.25 to 2.50 0.40 0.25 to 0.50 0.05 E12018 M6 0.10 IJO to 2.25 0.030 0.030 0.60 1.75 to 2.50 0J0 to 1.50 0JO to 0.55 0.05 Neue.-ainste valem shawa ese -*- porosatesse, essept whee otherwise spesi Aed. e The omenes A1. 34. C5. eue. demisumes the ehemiset esoposition of the siestredo cleamissaties. 6These eleasiesesseen ese teemmend to esaforan to einssiaensises esvesed by the aiutary eposiAseelses for alminer compositions. Soo Nees ender AL5.1JB la Appendia Al. ede order es unset the ausy regeiremmeno of the G groep. the weld deposit osed have the minianen, se speelAed la the table, of self one of the ele. mento usted. d For determining the eksedeel emmensities, de etteiske poterity eely, may be need where de both polerttism. le spesided. e The lessere "11* esed le the almanisesties esmisestisen la this tehle stead for the verless streesth isweis (70. St. te.100.110. med 134) of eles. eseems. 64

C AM g 1 's % l i 8 M 3 hom peon uw Aeekd \\ a I REPORT ON OVER EXPOSED E7018 ELECTRODE .L 4 f, I c a L l r i

i 1


-. ~ y y .. A. Welding at CPSES is performed to ths esquircainto of ccvarni frsbricetica

codes, i.e., AWS DI.1, ANSI B31.1, ASME Section III, Subsections NB, NC, ND, and NF, all of which may dif fer in the requirements for the purchase, storage,

({} control, and documsntation of weld filler material. An ef fective filler material program must be formulated in such a manner as to assure that the filler material issued for a particular application meets all of the requirements of the governing code and design specification Consideration must also be given to the human element for that application. involved and realization that regardless of the rules, checks, and verifica-Therefore, the program must j tions put forth, mistakes can and will be made. have procedures, with specific methods and verifications, which minimize the It must also contain the co'nservativeness j chance for undetected errors. that takes into account an undetected error and the worst case results of such an error as it pertains to the weldsent. i The filler material program at CPSES was formulated and is implemented i In order to minimize the chance of error as it pertains to in this manner. the issuance of correct filler material for the governing fabrication code all filler material is purchased, stored, and issued in the same manner, .C This is regardless of the fabrication code governing the intended use. permitted by the practice of adopting the most stringent requirement j contained in any of the referenced codes for a specific item or type of This assures that upon issuance the unterial has the filler material. required testing and certification to meet the requirements of any of the fabrication codes being utilized for the type of material issued. The chances of error are further reduced by the fact that only one type l of electrode (E7018) is issued for the welding of low carbon and mild The use of this electrode {-} steels using the shielded metal arc process. which far exceeds the mechanical properties required for the welding of j most of the structural steel used at CPSES is an important item in ex-plaining the conservativeness of the program, and a detailed description of the benefits of this practice will be included in another section of j I this report. Weld Filler Metal Control at CPSES is governed by Construction Procedure k 4 Each new welder is given an orientation as to the requirements of this procedure by Welding Engineering af ter successful completion of qualifi-CFM 6.95. The cation testing and prior to being released for production welding. importance of filler material control at a Nuclear Facility is explained to the welder and they are informed that any willful violation of the pro-l The orientation is docu-i cedure would result in immediate termination. mented and signed by the welder. i The nucleus for filler metal issuance is the Weld Filler Material

  • I

{ No filler material is issued to anyone until they present log (WFML). The a properly filled out the material distribution attendent. WFML contains the type of material requested, amount requested, the welding procedure with which it will be used, the welders identificationIssuance ap symbol, and the intended use of the material.Upon receiving the WFML, the dis by the responsible foreman. station attendant enters on the WFML the amount of mat the heat number of the material. The attendant also checks the welders symbol against the Welder Qualification Matrix to assure that the welder is qualified for the Welding Procedure listed' and verifies that the t material requested is the correct type for use with the procedure. - _ _ _. ~ - _... _ N J

-.. - _, _ z _; -^ - ~.... ^.. V V Bare wiro All filler material is issued in a numbered container. Each time is o leather pouch, covered electrode in a portable rod oven.=

=6 r af th coat ta r. th id r F 6a.

A t 4 d for this purpose. , O==it me of issuance is entered in a log which is maintaine ial When the containers are returned the amount of unused filler m r Rod stubs are also counted. is counted and entered on the WFML. item The degree to which filler material can be traced to a specific tion requirements through the WFML varies in accordance with the documentaFor all pip l weld by run pipe, the filler material is issued against the individua cf the item. On all other supports, The same is true of class one pipe supports.For miscellaneous th3 material is traceable to the support by number. number. l is attel applications not requiring documentation, the filler materia iscued against the drawing which 'may contain several items. d It should be pointed out that of all the Fabrication Codes use ct CPSES, ASME is the only one which requires traceability of filler l The use of the WFML for issuance of filler material for d .j ether than ASME applications is strictly to control the issuance an R material. f i roturn of unused material. Adherence to the control procedure is verified during various ccheduled inspections and reviews, as indicated below. Doc. Scheduled Final Randon Review Fit-up Monitoring Surveillance Insp. Insp. {} WE/QE/ANI WE NB,NC,ND QC QC WE/QC ASME WE/QE/ANI WE f QC WE/QC f ASME NF l \\ r WE/ BOP Records WE BOP Pipe WE WE j Non RWMS WE WE QE/WE Sa'ismic QC/WE QC 4 Supports i f WE QE/WE QC QC/WE I Seismic Misc. Steel WE/ BOP Records WE Non-seismic WE Misc. Steel a


(...' - -.. - - - ~ - .. - ~ .. - ~. . ~ - -

~ ~ v y o The program as described contains the necessary procedures, training. and instruction to adequately control the use of weld filler material and ([') the verifications to assure that the procedures are being followed. Although violations of the procedure can and occasionally do occur, the frequency is minimal and we are confident that these violations are identified either through field verifications by QC and Welding Engineering Once identified each violation is thoroughly or subsequent document reviews. investigated and appropriate corrective action taken. Consideration has also been given to the possibility of an undetected Due to specification requirements that all welds on low alloy materials, including Non-Q applications, be documented on Weld Data Cards violation. the probability of or Operational Travelers with inspection hold points,such an occurance' is red All low carbon & mild steels (P-1) welded at CPSES utilizing the shielded metal arc process (SMA) in accordance with Brown & Root Welding These steels have a specified j Procedures are welded with E7018 electrode. The bulk yl minimum tensile strength requirement ranging from 45 KSI to 70 KSI. of the structural steel used for pipe supports and miscellaneous steel fab-rication have a minimum tensile strength of 58-60 KSI while the piping materials require 70 KSI. E7018 Electrode has a specified minimum tensile strength requirement In actual test on this material performed for certification of 70 KSI. the average actual tensile strength of the filler material is 83 KSI. (, This filler material which is classified as a " low hydrogen" type of They were developed for electrode has coatings low in hydrogen content. the welding of hardenable steels in which electrodes, other than low hydrogen i type, produca a phenomenon known as "underbead cracking" and is caused by This cracking does not occur the hydrogen absorbed from the are atmosphere. j in low carbon and mild steel. n l I The reasons for the selection of this type of electrode for the welding a of carbon steels are that they meet or exceed the tensile requirements of any 1 of the carbon or mild steels being used, has excellent impact properties for those critical systems requiring Lapact values, has a high deposit rate, excellent appearance with very little spatter, easy slag removal, and produces excellent X-ray quality welds. The exposure limits set forth in the Brown & Root filler metal control This is the maxioma cime procedure for E7018 electrode is four (4) hours. The by procedure that the electrode may be left out of a heated container. electrode manufactere for the electrode used at CPSES has published reports based on controlled testing that this electrode can be exposed for 72 hours j The or more at 90*F and 70% humidity and stay below 0.4% moisture content. ASME specification for E7018 specifies a moisture content of 0.6 or less. ( i ~... _.._,.-..,--.-_---,._-,-._-__,,,--.__,.-,__.,..-_.,_,,,..,_,..__,...__._..---.g_,...%--.,.,,-,

--~: ~.__:.L. - - - - ~ ~ -~ v %) The ef fects of moisture in excess of that specified for welds in icw carbon and mild steels are as follows: O A small amount of moisture may cause internal porosity. 1) Detection of this condition requires X-ray inspection or destructive testing. Internal porosity is detrimental only to the extent thatThe it reduces the area of the cross section of the weld. code allowances for stress calculations for welds not re-quiring volumetric inspection are formulated with the conser-vatism to provide for this type of undetected discontinuity. A relatively high amount of moisture causes visable external 2) porosity in addition to internal porosity. Porosity open to the surface which is excessive in size and amounts to that allowed by codes may reduce the fatique As all welds strength of welds subject to cyclic loadings. at CPSES receive a surface examination as a minimum, this type of porosity would be identified and reduced to accept-able limits. y? Severe moisture pickup can cause weld cracks in addition to l 3) severe porosity, poor appearance and slag problems. Again these types of defects are detectable by visual means and would be removed and corrected. Although it was deemed necessary to this report to describe the ef fects of moisture in a low hydrogen electrode it is {;) also fitting to put this into the proper prospective by conducting tests utilizing electrode that had been exposed To do this, to the atmosphere for long periods of time. we selected E7018 electrode that had been forwarded to the Welding Qualification & Training Center from the Material This electrode Distribution Center due to over expo; re. had been stored in the WQTC for seven months in an open container and open to the atmosphere of an unheated or k cooled shop. Test specimens were prepared by welding a one inch thick plate.of material type SA-36 utilizing a full penetration Prior to machining specimens for destructive butt weld. The following testing, the entire wald was radiographed. results were obtained: - Clear - No Visable Defects Radiographs - Specimen #1 - No Visable Defects / Acceptable Bend Tests - Sp'cimen #2 - No Visable Defects / Acceptable e - Specimen #3 - 1/32" Indication / Acceptable - Specimen #4 1/32" Indication / Acceptable Tensile Tests - Specimen #1 - 73 KSI Failure in Base Metal - Specimen #2 - 74.5 KSI Failure in Base Metal (~ ~ e - - - - - ~. -.--._.m..-_.-

-... -... ~. - - -.. -. -.. . --..~.- e U In summary, the fabrication codes would permit the entire mild steel t r ceses to h d with ao= lo hr ros a el ctrad== j a tructural <=6cicatio= o l O' not subject to the storage and iss'Jance restrictions of low hydrogen type electrodes.that the use of E7018 electrode for this appplication is ultra conservative end even that which has exceeded the specified exposure limits for long periods of time will produce welds with a significantly higher strength level than the base material. In conclusion the facts presented here establish evidence that the necessary checks and balances are present within the filler material program at CPSES to assure to the highest degree that the controls as set forth in the procedure It has also been demonstrated are being adhered to and violations identified. ~ that on a worse case basis, should a violation remain undetected, the program includes the conservativeness to prevent a resulting veld failure. \\ 4 4 ep & -e

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1 >t: ,lI 1 i!l tI!- A 4 8 EN RO 0 UI l l 0 TT a a 2 CA t t 3 AC e e 0 RO M M n., 1 FL e e F s s R a a B B A. R A A / / N N D@ .A A. I A A RD / / N N - t L E A A / / l N N 4 7 l 9 iS 1 P E( 0 L 7 I H 3 A 3 ST / 8 NG 0 0 A I 9 E N S 0 0 I 1 T 0 5 ( E 3 4 r R R 7 7 1 1 E T ~ B 1 S 1 n M o U r i H N e tc R b T e E o G t N S D c E R O R )S E I O T A A P / / f S S K t ( A E f N n-R T D h O A L E t W D l i Y w D ec A n O a L d r E o T 0 0 3 A 4 4 c M 9 2 d[ I 9 9 c a T 9 9 Y n 4 L d i R [E O d T e A DD ts b LA A A R e EO / / O T l L N N d Y B c A L M I .. n / I, G 1 A 9 2 N E 6 3 1 .t I R 3 3 o RG 0 r 1 e A EO t 1 1 ,o E L P r N C o . R G P IGN E . 5 9 1 7 0 NI O Z . F E T N H 1 0 9 98 I S S 5 9 4 T SE S N 1 1 n LT E A A T I O w E C IRL Y IN N R o I E S O H N r TN T C E AE A E M ..B MT R T I 1 2 C = O T E B S P A E S ( L T . f.' s s t 9 i f' i E

7.....,.... Tensicn Tcst Filler Mat rial: 1/8" E7018 5 de ! s,de a. Ht. no.: 53122 (>.f. Lot no.: 026B226 (- Lab Report: CP 10-11-83 Specimen no.: 1&2 Welded in accordance with WPS . 3 i ?q 11032 Rev. 11. l'A36 PAGE 1 0F 2 Approximate bead sequence SPECIMEN E 1 MAX BEAD INTERPASS R00 PASS, SIZE AMPS VOLTS TRAVEL WIDTH TEMP COMMENTS .l I Preheat 1 1/8 140 23 2.6 3/8" 70*F i. i ^~ 2 1/8 150 23 ! 6.0 3/8" 200* I

i 3

1/8 150 23 i 5.0 1/2" 220' l 4 1/8 150 23 i 6.5 i 3/8". 350*


... _. _ l ( 7...-..... i I 3/8" i 340* (* 5 1/8 150 23 6.5 i i -- -.-.l. 4.5 { 1/2" 350' 23 6 1/8 150 l 6 i t 3/8" 360* ._;_-.7. 0_. 8 7 1/8 150 23 8 1/8 150 23 l 3.0 1/2" 400* g I 9 1/8 150 23 7.0 5/16" 340' n 10 1/8 150 23 7.0 3/8" 380* j ii 11 1/8 150 23 5.5 1/2" 410* 12 1/8 150 23 7.0 3/8" 120* 13 1/8 150 23 7.0 3/8" 180* _L_ 14 1/8 150 23 7.0 3/8" 220' .4..._..__.._ 15 1/8 150 23 7.0 3/8"_ 250' i 16 1/8 145 22 7.0 3/8" 290* ~ i. 17 _, 1/8 150 23 7.0 3/8" 240' p. _ I 18 1/8 150 23 7.0 3/8" 275* . sh..7.- ~ b

(h ~ n PAGE 2 0F 2 SPECIMEN 8_,_1 MAX BEAD INTERPASS P. ASS SIZE AMPS VOLTS TRAVEL WIDTH TEMP COMMENTS R00 19 1/8 150 23 7.0 3/8" 335' l 20 1/8 150 23 6.5 3/8" 350* l 21 1/8 140 22 7.0 3/8" 380* i t O i i r t - l i f .. _. _ _. _ _ = i. ._.... t.. i l ( s. i l -m .M.E -. _4.@_.r mesp - -g 9

7 EMS $ Brown & Root Inc. ~ 1 HOUSTON. TEXAS 9 WELDING PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION C i TESTS PERFORMED AND RESULTS (' Nf. 5 3f0 0 2247 f /f////M ACCEPT REJECT 2p m-a~t-No. Date Otib* 451 I [/N No. (*#*)b *1h#1R

1. Tensile: Figure No.

Report UTS,% Elongation t! Figure No. (td-Mb). l ( ) FB/RB( )

2. Bend:

Report Results

3. CVN: Figure No.

/ Sia

  • F Test Temperature Base Metal Report HAZ Ft Ibn / MLE / % Shear

_ WeM Meal

4. Macro Section; a. Inspection at
b. Hardness Travstne N/A
5. Microfissure Check: a. Inspection at of bend Specimens.
6. Sensitlution Test: a. Test Method Nutr.ber of Specimens t

(_ ~

7. NDE. Type h[

Code A5A1E IX - Off)- 19l Type-Code

8. Other Tests

\\ ( m /)b5 10l13lA% [j Weh Engineer Date k)f $n d _ lal/thes Project Welding Engr. ' oa'te . -. ~ -


  1. e T.+.:P'EJ" 4.. 4W'-- w c.c-N-c s

e, sg. COMANCHE PEAK :-W,.ww' JOB NO 4,-- UNIT W-c 35-1195,, PROJECT r/,a 9 %. WNo$ web r.CI Al. SECURITY NO..Am YMBOLs*'BRUBBL S SO W ELD ER N AME ts q,3.w. m r- -ao ( '. . -.~ POS4Tio /de Mem tei Sdecim on ' Nsd g -u...ys., g m..631M l.ot 0% C"4k4 # b.,,4' *7-TRON 34w e W ELD P CED ull E E CIF8 . 3 e *~.' g.x.;v.;. gv., 4.m.

r. cy,,. : yyw-u.: s c. w..
,2.m e

. -r..y o,n . c. - c; .-p.. M T L. T Y PE M T L. T HIC K. --,f.;,p. g M Q/M M'hf., /, dO. # . DI A./ LEN GT H ,r, M ***~*i-IPIPE) DI A. ^ (Pl. ATE



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O I ST A GE OF M FG. <c .-.- : : a.v.-} . v. X-RAY ISOTOPE. LEAD SCREENS ~ ^ ORIDIUM 192 7 COB ALT so O FRONT CENTER BACK, MAKE KVP. M. A.' [ "DIA. LENGTH 005 ,] ~' . 05 F POT SIZE gg .010 [ W.0lD FIL M M FG. E f f. ASTM CL ASS I W2 O ~ tO' e r ' 'OTHER O ~ T . gig n,t s d, ttach sk sch) ~ EXPOSURE TIME g.SEC. g ... s ..., I.. ' y. FFD. ' ~ '. - M,'.

  • +

.'-r-MIN. iy UNSH ARPNESS. :' q. ,.,,g Size'20 I Mi t. SO'" " s3,:..#,.,, 7...J ASME O us U. $' ' #'. UU3'!I' ' - 'A' 3 PEN ET R AM ET ER , y.a ...c, IASTu T... d '-rs SO U RC E SI D E [ ' C ' ',7,,, <+.. FILM SIDE O ' ' .F _" PENETRAMETER ...:.r,.-.. s-l t" - Us= d = SHIM NDE PROCEDU RE jpg a. MTL. ff THICK ,C90e e p. /.77. CA f- /0,2. y og .i,,.,. u,. C RT ~ R A DIOGR APHE R - I v rt s ..,' I.. lCERTIFICATIONLEVEL N. COMPANY 9" d h n Me e.y, I RT pr,. ACCEPT ANCE j7, y. ( SINGLE [. COMPOSITE O OATE / ,7 8/ ST AN D A R D,i,s.ja p - y ,f .) .. gVIEWING DISCONTINUITIES ' . [. [ DENSITY [ [..h A' g*s g[ LOCATION REMARKSt A dA 4 MARKERS I gh Yb/9 55 l$l Iir/~H~ sissilliH//Hf. 8 \\ / <- ~ ~ ~ 3,, J. 5 6 r*- oc l i n CERTIFICATION BAR INTERPRETER FILM EV ALU ATION DATE CO M MEN TS. REVIEW DATE SUPERVISOR WELD TR AINING CENTER .... m

'.i All Wald Metal Tension Test Fillsr Material: Ht. no.: 53122. 1/8" E7018 e-i 4 Lot no.: 0268226 h.! (~ . Lab Report:' CP 11-3-83, Specimen no.: 5, 'i

  1. n'D

'd^ Welded in accordance with WPS, 7 11032 Rev. 11 and SFA 5.1. / fiA3f.S. 2 Approximate bead sequence SPECIMEN 8 1G' PAGE 1 0F 1 MAX ROD BEAD .INTERPASS ~; I PASS SIZE AMPS VOLTS TRAVEL WIOTH TEMP ColWENTS Preheat 1 1/8 145 22 5" 3/8" 70* .i 2 1/8 145 23 61/2" 3/8" 200* I l 3 1/8 145 22 6" 3/8" 270* l l 4 1/8 145 22 4 1/2" i 1/2" 325' 5 1/8 140 '22 5 1/2" l 1/2" 300* i (~., 'l i 6 1/8 145 22 4" l'.. 5/8" 310' J. .j 7 1/8 145 22 4" 5/8" 325' M 8 1/8 145 ......_2 l 3 1/2" 3/4"_ 320' l 2 3 i \\ / 9 1/8 150 23 5 1/2" 5/8" 325' t 't i, 10 1/8 150 22 4 1/_2". 3/4" 300* ] 11 1/8' 150 22 4 1/2" 3/4" 300* .1 l i _ __ L_ _ = f ..-_...__._t t _. J. l l i, _8 -[.. _ _. - - - = i 1 -} 3j .Yd M.C { _g_ ..a,


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  1. 2 1.494'

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  1. 4 I

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  1. 2 supports, canta tray supports, and plates, and when they are found I

to have been drilled in the incorrect location the holes are filled, utillaing illegal plug } welds l AW-56 Welders are not keeping Initial dis-1 8/7/81 IR-81-12 P. 3, their red cans plu90ed position ART

  1. 6 g

in during the work day IR*01-12 / AW-57 Concern regarding quellty IR 82-14 1 A-45, 7/30/82 of welding of NPS ART Testimony, Industries (NPSI) IR 82-14 P. 2,#2 Pipe Whip Restraints AW-58 3 pipe support fillet Intilal dis-1 Unknown IR 83-07 welds were fit-up and position ART P.3, #2 welded with eecessive IR 83-07 98P .1 1 4 { 3,. y

~ n e* e 5'. s' l 1 Welding P. 5 CONTROLtE0 COPY CDMANCHE PEAR NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ALLEGATICII5 AIS/OR InvESTIGall0N5 SupeIAaf ALLEGER-DATE RECElWED + CROSS REF./04 COMPLETION SOURCE TRACKING CATEG0AY 1-7 SCHEDULE SoueCE ALLEGAil0N 08 CGIICEAII ACTION /5TATUS ANON CONFIS BII/DATE SYSTEN NO._ OPEN COMPLETE DOCUMENT PAGE_ TA5E 84-006 3/7/84 - led-1 1 Alpi-2 tield red control ART A-4. P. 12 e4-006 3/7/84 A-21 I Testimony. P. 13. 15 Alpe-25 Wald Sata Card Lost ART 16 84-006; 3/7/84; 6 1 A-4. Testloony. Adpf-26 Unauthertaed welding en ART P. 70-71 reber CASE lte 3/18/03 1 to A5tB Alpt27 Liquid pentrant materials initial dis-ART O leproperly certified positten 15 82-18. 02-09 18 42-11 h it 83-10. 83-01 As discussed in 1R 83-24 A-3 Statement 5 1 Alpf-28 Craft would satisfy a CNC Ltr to Applicant I ART en an inedequate weld by 4/24/84 Response welding over it lastead due 5/25/84 g I of felleulag the pre-g cedure of cutting it out then welding A-3 Statement I 3 29 undocumented weld repairs Lir to Applicant M ART leedifications were ande 4/24/84 Response due 5/25/84 ,. f ', to material, such as 4 banger, after dlC had approved it. $s u p-y7

. -. -.. ~ ~.,. - - -.. _.. -~ - -.. - ~.. . ~.. , s' 1 I' t Weldle'ig P 9 CONIR0ttED COPY CONANCHE PE AK NUCLEAR POWER PL ANI AttE$1TIONS AND/0R759ESTICATION5 StattARY Cross REF./0R COMPLEil0N ALLEGER-DAIE RECElvED IA5K SOURCE TRACKING CATEGORY 1-7 SCHEDULE SOURCE NO AttiGAll0N 08 CONCERN ACTICII/5TAIUS ANON CONFID SN/DATE SYSIEN NO. LEAD OPEN COMPLETE DOCuMENI PAGE AW-55 Notes are drilled in Initial dis-1 8/7/81 IR-81-12 P. 3, i various types of pipe position 1R-81-12 ARI

  1. 2 supports, cable tray supports, and plates.

a;.d when they are found I I to have been drilled in the incorrect locallen the holes are filled, uttilalng lilegal plug welds AW-56 Welders are not keeping Initial dis-1 8/7/81 IR-81-12 P. 3, their red cans plu90ed position ART

  1. 6 g

in during the work day IR-81-12 i / AW-57 Concern regarding quellty IR 82-14 1 A-45, 7/30/82 of welding of NPS ART Testimony, i Industries (NPSI) IR 82-14 P. 2,82 Pipe Whlp liestralats l AW-58 3 pipe support fillet Inltlal dis-1 Unknown IR 83-07 welds were fit up and position ART P.3, #2 welded with ancesslwe IR 83-07 Sep i t g. su s



1-A QA Personnel Training Manual 1-B WES-16. " Schedule of Standard Test Welder Qualification Matrix and Welder Performed Qualification Log" l-C QI-QAP-11.1-22. " Cleanliness Control" l-D VT-NDEP, " Visual Examiniation" l-E G&H Specification, MS-100, " Piping Erection Specification" 1-F G&H Specification, MS-43B, " Piping Nuclear (Shop Fabrication)" 1-G CP-NDEP-000, " Marking Requirements for NDE" -f 2.0 PURPOSE To outline QC inspection activities for welding during site fabrica-tion and installation of ASME piping. 3.0 ... ' TIONS MIONPR TO FABRICATION / INSTALLATION 3.1 V o shall verify that the documentation to be used in nstallation corresponds to the revision of the wings that are part of the documentation package. c W it fi ation shall be verified on a random basis by con- " elder Qualification Matrix" at Weld Filler Material Log entr This shall bc performed at fit-up.- 3.2 DOCUMENTING WELD INSPECTIONS Upon verification, witnessing, or monitoring that an operation or the results of an inspection are acceptable, the QC Inspector shall initial, or sign and date the applicable documentation in the space provided. Work may not proceed beyond an established QC or ANI hold point until it is witnessed, monitored, or verified, or where permitted for an ANI inspection point, waived. ANI inspection points will be waived by the ANI in writing. The NDE Procedure and revision date shall be entered on the applicable Weld Data Card by the QC Inspector. For RT and UT, the NDE report number should also be entered in the blank block to the right of the UT-NDEP space. M ,_'m


  • /

QI-QAP-11.1-26 0 1-3-60 t Fillet welds used for attaching slip-on flanges.shall have a gh minimum leg size of 1.4 times the nominal thickness of the jN pipe wall, but not less than 1/8 inch. M Fitting to fitting socket welds sizes (i.e. reducing insert to C[ socket welded "T") shall be approximately equal to the socket lip dimension unless directed otherwise by the PWE. 00 ndercuts shall.nntexceed 1/32 inch and shall not encroach on ~ M the required section thickness. FINAL NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION 3.18 When final NDE is required other than visual examination, it shall be performed subsequent to any required PWHT. When NDE is required other than visual, the craft foremen will complete a ' Request for NDE" form for welds requiring radio-graphy and/or ultrasonic examination and forward it to the NDE NDE is to be performed by the B&R QC Department in supervisor. accordance with their procedures. PIPING SUBASSEMBLY FINAL SURFACE AND DIMENSIONAL EXAM 3.19 The Pipe Fabrication Shop QC Inspector shall make a final exam-This ination of the entire surface of the piping s'bassembly. u shall include verification of marking (correct, legible and traceable to the corresponding documentation) and final dimensions and configuration of the items at the time such measurements are taken by the craft personnel. When required by the Manufacturing Record Sheet, QC Inspector shall verify that the subassembly is clean to the extent that no contamination is visible to a person with normal visual l All external and internal surfaces shall be free of acuity. purge dams, mill scale, organic coatings, grease, oil and debris. REPAIRING OF WELO AND BASE METAL DEFECTS 3.20 Welds and base metal defects shall be repaired as dispositioned l by the Project Welding Engineer, who will generate the required documentation for all repairs. After performing base metal repairs, the repaired area shall be despected as required by Attachment 11 as supplemented by the PWE. Any RT's after weld prep repairs exceeding the lesser of 3/8" l or 10% of the section thickness may be accomplished after the completion of the joint when final RT is required by applicable specifications. 2"&t- ---"C-- w


-QAP-11.1-26 0

1-3 80 15 of 40 i FObihiiOi 11 a major re air is performed on an item (using a Repair Pr acess Shee, Attachment 12) that has been previously pres-re tested, ren a re-test, in accordance with applicable suco tes and sce:tfications, of the repaired area is necessary. The QC NDE : ::ector will mark the repaired area, when prac-tical with a '1issen Ink Marker" showing a circle around the area and and. e repair nunber after the visual examination is complete. :n addition, major base metal repairs on the inside surfa:s of an item shall be located and marked on the outside surft:3. The marking is to facilitate inspection during the p tssure test. For any additional marking require-c irence 1-G. ments, see e 3.21 POST WELD HE TREATMENT All PWHT to OE Section III and ANSI B31.1 requirements is the responsi: 'ity of the Pipe Superintendent. The cognizar 'C Inspector shall verify acceptable comple-tion of PWHT ithin the parameters of this Procedure and document suc- :n the " Post Weld Heat Treatment Checklist" (Attachment ~: Upon accepta:~e completion of PWHT to the requirements of this sectier, -he applicable WDC and the " Final Approval" stamp on the %HT chart may be accepted. 3.21.1 HEATING METK: l The method :# aeating and cooling for PWHT shall be accomp-lished by res stance, furnance or induction heating for all l pipe diamete-: greater than 2" nominal. 3.21.2 TIME AND TEv?PATURE REQUIREMENTS Ine holding - res and temperatures shall be in accordance with the Table I,.nless specified otherwise by Welding Engineering. The metal te-erature shall be maintained within the tempera-ture ranges 3:ecified for the minimum holding times (Refer-ence: App 1' 1:le WPS). l l .%g5.

.... ~. I INSTRUCTION REVISION DATE PACE BROWN & ROOT, INC. NUMBER ,o CPSES 35 of 40 al-QAP-ll.1-26 0 1-3-80 y gyAT\\0M ATTACHMENT 11 C OPY f Requir d Examination. QC Hold Points and Approvals Required for Re its a

  • ~

Corspleted Required u Repairs s Repair S Repair Approvals Cavity ? 5 e u j hPWE ANI G&H {PT MT RT VT UT PME PT MT UT Base g o g ~' Metal e Defects h h (1) Not exceed-ing 10% of vall thick-8 8 ness or 3/8" X 1 2 X (2) 10% of wall thick - ness or 4 greater than 3/8" X 1 7 X 4 1 4 4 9 9 X X 6 (3) Ex-ceeding min. wall thickness X 1 X 1 Y I 9 9 x X 6 RS-y y y ( 4 (1) Minor repairs net re-l quiring welding X 1 2 X (2) Minor, repairs re-quiring veldine X 1 4 4 4 X X X 6 V ) Major 4 4 4 Y Y Y A ,renairs v Cede Stamped Parts i X X X X 3 Arturten-ee.

-i l INSTRUCTION SSSUE o III PAGE BROWN & ROOT, INC. NUMBER DATE CPSES l A 01-0AP-ll.1-26 0 1-3-80 _36 of 40 L/ \\o%' gQ ATTACHMENT 11-1 a# ??N Required Examination, QC Hold Points and Approvals / Required for Repairs (page 2) REPAIR CHART NOTES: 1. MT may be substituted for PT where applicable. N 2. When it is not possible or practical to examine a possible mini-sum wall violation through mechanical measurement, UT measurement of wall thickness may be substituted. 3. For doce stamped or certified items, the repair or modification of items which fall within the scope of Brown & Root certificate of authorization or interim 16tter, manufacturer's approval is not required. For items which fall outside such scope, repair shall be with the approval to the specificati.ons of, or by the ennufac-turer. 4. The examination of repairs shall be repeated as required for the original item except that repair of defects originally detected by Mr or PT methods when the repair cavities do not exceed the lesser of 3/8" or 10% of the nominal thickness need only be re-examined by an HT or PT method. If the repair cavity exceeds the above, RT is ritquire. 5. Any base metal defects which are a result af the manufacturing pro-cess or veld repairs to stainless steel which require more than two repairs, shall result in a disposition in accordance with Refer-sc.c.r. Q. 6. Arc strikes on items other than piping in the field violating nini-mun wall thickness shall require a Gibbs & Hill engineering eval-uation and recommendation. l 7. If a weldment is rejectable to.the point that removal of the weld is necessary, a weld addition removal card (WARC) and a new Wald Data Card will be issued. 8. For C1sss III applications, the cavity need only receive a visual l examination as a minimum. All cavities resulting from are strike removal on Class III items in the shop shall be PT inspected. l 9. As required by Keference A. MMG. SAE l ~ ' " ' L : : '-- ~ ww. u

l INSTRUCTION PACE REVISION TE {, BROWN & ROOT. INC. NUMBER CPSES j QI-QAP-ll.1-26 0 1-3-80 37 of 40 j gg\\0R Jired Examination, QC Hold Points and Approvals q ired for Repairs (page 3) q I L1. Rep r situations which fall outside the scope of this matrix pf be analyzed as per job specification and code requirements and dispositioned accordingly. 12. In-process defects shall be documented as required in the space provided on the back of the applicable WDC or on continuation sheets.

13. NDE reports for VT, PT or MT examinations shall only be required as per the Documentation section of this procedure.

T. O l l l l QNU-e w

BROWN & ROOT. INC. T STRUCTION ~ l CPSES NUMBER REVISION i 1 h PAGE + r 01-0AP-11.1-26 0 1-3-80 38 of Art

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{ 1 l tp0 ATTACHMENT 12 g Repair Process Sheet REPAtt P20CIS$ $ HEE 7* II* I "'~ O[ Ortwies M. Weld 2._ 0(!CA!PTICs OF QUECT (1GTC: 4) m PG 'Pta. OPEMTIC's gt9 MUiT5 E: J i w. _ \\"ai ) QC ] A*F C?1 Est5er...... ns...a ( or QG cr ai r ii's; 1. o p ri 7 A.: g' i.Eisij I ma . Liv!t Ali .l O i t I I i l gy' I l 1 I l t,'.. 1 i 1 t .I t i i I 'h:. I g i 1 0 *;;. 1 i g _l l M' \\ t l. I $.h 1s I I g i I ( o \\ ( ) 1 1 g.y%. ti i } ,w -1 .. s p p $q I l

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/QUAlly,$S)U)QNQE. Houston DATE '/ / 0.1 TABLE OF CONTENTS





, :;;r:.r.. : :. T x.u.. s - w r.u: - - ' - ^ ^-- T7-BROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NL8SER REVISION DATE PAGE J08 35-1195 l ( CP. CPM 6.90 0 2-6-80 32 of 46 i Q,BT To minimize sensitization of 55 material, each defect shall be limited i to two repairs. If the defect has not been eliminated in two att epts j the procedure shall be submitted to the Owner for approval defining methods for further repair and sensitization control. When a weld is l completely removed for any reason, the weld prep configuration may be j restored and the weld replaced in accordance with an approved WPS. If l any weld defects are evident in the replacment weld, a procedure shall be submitted to the owner for repair and sensitization control i to remove all such defects. In no case shall a weld be c o pletely I removed and replaced more than twice without specific owner approval. This paragraph applies to field welds only. 3.19.3 Cosmetic Repair Q I A cosmetic repair shall be considered the removal of ID or 00 surface d conditions which interfere with the interpretation of NDE after the final visual examination has been completed. This provides a second-ary signoff for visual examination and other NDE. } A pre-established sequence may be used for cosmetic repairs. l If the final' visual examination on the WDC or MRS has not been signed an operational sequence to allow reinspection is not necessary. 4 If visual examination has been completed, initiate a RPS operational sequence. If an item covered by an 25. " Final Dimension / Surface l Condition" holdpoint has not been copleted by the ANI, ANI review shall l be noted as "M/A". If signed ANI, review is required. t _NgT,: For fabrication, ANI review shall be documented on the MS. J l. ~ Require visual examination where accessible. Require UT examination, I or where possible, mechanical measurement to verify wall thicknes'. s Where VT is impossible, RT may be substituted. i l 3.19.4 Base Metal Repairs- / Mr.torWfects. 1 Q,NF,80P j / Basa. metal defects that must be repaired by welding are major repairs. - \\ Minor Defects. l Q,NF,80P l Base metal defects removed by grinding are niinor repairs; however, if i grinding violates minimum wall thickness, the repair must be completed 3 as a major repair. 3 (l I ,1 t. ( ) 1-M 1 W j; i

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. :- _ : : = =. =. : :.r.:: - z. -. - BR0nm & R0OT, INC. ISSUE 3 CPSES NLMBER REVISION DATE PAGE J08 35-1195 CP-CPM 6.90 0 2-6-80 33 of 46 i I Additional Requirements. i B0P NF,Q Welding Engineering approval is required prior to a major repair. Theapproval is attained via approval of an NCR and/or RPS. If the repair is to be performed on a code stamped item B&R, QA shall assure t that our "N" stamp authorizations are of the appropriate type (i.e., i the repair of code stamped valves and equipment requires manufacturer's j authorization prior to repair). 1 5 80P,Q Surface defects (other than arc strikes) no deeper than 1/16 inch need not be repaired if the defect does not encroach on the minimum wall thickness. l Minor base metal repairs do not require an RPS. ',4 QCI The QC NDE Inspector will mark the repaired area, when practical, with' a " Nissen Ink Marker" showing a circle around the area and the repair j number after the visual examination is complete. 1 { ' Major base metal repairs on the inside surface of an shall be { located and marked on the outside surface to facilitate inspection during the pressure test. s~; QCI After performing base metal repairs the repaired area shall be inspected as required by Appendix 6.9G and as supplemented by the PWE. QCI Westinghouse will evaluate and provide resolution on any major or ~ minor remirs on Westinghouse supplied items (this shall include all j arc strite repairs). i { Modification of any Westinghouse-supplied items must have Westinghouse l approval prior to the modification. l All arc strikes shall be removed from base metal surfaces. gg,: Defect repair cavities shall be sufficiently wide to permit complete fusion and allow free manipulation of the elec-trodes during repair welding. l 3.19.5 Decismentation and Evaluation of Minimum Wall Violations / 4. QC shall place a hold tag on the item and note the rejectable NDE report number on the hold tag. j / h Submit the NDE report to Welding Engineering. ( t eW _-_-m_.,_

. -. a. a. ~- l 3R0WN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NLM8ER REVISION DATE PAGE J08 35-1195

4. "

CP-CPM 6.90 0 2-6-80 34 of 46 l l M If the minimum well violation can be repaired in accordance with j i the requirements of Specifications MS-100 or MS-438 or MS-448, then Welding Engineering w)ill issue a RPS (for completed or l partially completed welds or additional operations on the WDC i (for joints where welding is not initiated). 4. If the minimum wall violation cannot be repaired in accordance l with the requirements of Specifications MS-100 or MS-438 or MS-448, then Welding Engineering shall generate an NCR for site Mechan-ical engineering for dispositioning. a 5. The hold tag will be removed by QC prior to start of work only ( 4 i after the RPS bas been issued or the NCR dispositioned "use as-l 1s" by engineering. } i 3.19.6 Weld End Prep Repairs 90P Wald and preps shall not be repaired by welding without the written resolution of the PWE, Constru; tion and the Owner / Engineer, except as noted below. i Q,B0P Maximum depth of repair without site engineering approval is 3/8 inch deep (a RPS is required for this repair). On Westinghouse supplied j ( C, Items W. concurrence is required for all repairs. i1 Q MT or PT of weld and preparations in material less than 2 inch in thick-ness is not required after grinding or the addition of filler metal. l Radiography of the completed weld Ak #J9X "k^" StETCH Ales REMARM (St jg ~jm x g, a,xx b '* pert op ak"'"* '," RN..? ' oPrEksm FAoin xJ-3T Of'A 'M Y ##S' sf sr..:r3 ' waros e.s. inaUsnou.".wd f/>>%g, t lC60I/#h/ 4i k' f Y k ' "of k. & lI V' % yk/ aLi our

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.ACK 14 A KS 1 s K VP. tl. A. d otA. LS888?M O.ees .4*e u/ v... g,,.,,,,, /< pf ertLes ter d [C. ASTt0 CL A$. 9 9O oTMan O g [, [Yg g.. aneceumsvous,,,, f,, g rre. U'80"AEP'8EES 7 .O v sTR AteuT u.... fa s' i rr ,,.L:- "" W =. - - ^-- - "... 7 ...... O ': = ,u ss o* a l"nm2"D.,a 2 3 x.a > Wl I T"4 Mage? AV F [r n=e# l tavat ese s v l .a / o,. O "'.,. / /.e- /s) 9M..Y.~.~bem.wa.z.s "7 j ] A. n/ / oi. conn = uni / 9 g 8 ['f LOCAT10N . l nemanns annamans i llll////h'l///Y/h// o srt.s4f.SS d r_^ 2 '~* \\ suen it t' If I fr el I ri s,e n si I a n. r =nTPR ' F I F II I <I. 3 Lip y su === - f y 1,,jf w-lcjage.cAri.. y = = =. - - - gjg,,7fj go..., rueu .c. / n'., L*]"p. a,M" e s fr) r ...,..._'=/ e. ,.,, u,.,...e 'lu'.7:*:" er ww i N l. e D ..,-, q ~ ' " " ~ ' '... T 7' N ... < u m.,n.gwi u<. s, ,-.. ~ m




1) Revise paragraohs 2.8.1, 4.11.3, 4.11.5, and 4.11.6 i as oer the attached sheet.
2) Add paragraph 4.11.7 as per the attached sheet.
3) Delete the tables cresentiv in accendix 7 and reolace the with the at]; Ached table.

.V .'. *: *,f k \\ l' .,;,, f; ). A s.2.,'... L. SUPPORTING DOONENTATION l llA.. r ,.; 3 .,g g > ~; : q~,. o.- V, .gQ~ ff5SIGNATIIRES:WS 5kt

.jp' J

t A. 3 10-17-79 l f' b5,' k N 6, JE A0 /hy Y,. '. .,t., 1; 'G pryTentatige Dafe )'. '{ 'N; D . 5 g ,,/ _ _ f/ glg4

  • ' ' ;.4 r

h6-. it, ~ V.:.$g{ uriginating tngineer Datd ~ j g.i.g 2,.' 'f., STMfDARD DISTRIBUTION: c,,. g.;4ve;. es 7 - JOB NO. 35-1195 . 1(.-.) (1) ~, Q,-i.* 3, 4 e.:., > f;s.m /l. ECElVEF 4 wp 3.w.8 +@GF0lA-85 t 1; 4$ ,..g,k. . p.... e c e i v e !.-es ~ ~ 3t %,s.. _.: p a YY) %.zz \\

i h IESIGN GANGE MmiORIZATIm #5551, REV. 2. Page 2 of 4 Page 2-8, Revise paragraph 2.8.1 to read as follows: " Steel piping material with defects in excess of those allowed under para-graph 4.11.3 shall not be used without prior approval in writing frcm the site engineering staff..." Page 4-16, Revise paragraph 4.11.3 to read as follows: " Repair may pwceed without the approval of the site engnaring staff pro-viding the defect does not violate min 4== wall as defined by paragraph 4.11.6. h site engineering staff's written approval is required pri,or to any repair of a defect yiolates minine wall except as permitted by paragraph 4.11.6. Page 4'17, Delete paragraph 4.11.5. Page 4-18, Revise paragraph 4.11.6 to read as follows: "Ihe udnimma wall thickness for seamless or welded witbout filler metal pipe ordered to nominal wall in the Engineer's Piping Specification Sheets shall not be more than 12.5 percent under the specified nominal wall thick-ness according to the following form 11a: ) Tn x 0.875 'Dn (Note 1) Eare 'Ih is the nominal pioe wall thickness M is the miniazn wah thickness For pipe ordered to minian wall 'Dn is as specified in the Engineer's Piping Specification Sheets. Note 1 If pipe is ordered to the miniam wall, field comterboring shall not redxe the wall thickness to less than the 'Dn value. Page 4-18, Revise paragraph 4.11.6 to read as follows: I Een the udnimm wall thickness recuirements as defined above have not been maintained and a "use-as-is" cesposition is desired, the Contractor shall hmt and submit the wall thickness to site Engineering for L . evaluation and resolution. 4 b i l


  • s[? "
  • y;.


  • ../..

l .n r'8*. When the minimum wall violation can be repaired n accordance with paragraphs ~ a, b, and c below, the Contractor may accomplish the repair without additional Engineering evaluation. When the minimum wa11' violation cannot be repaired i in accordance with paragraphs a, b, and c below, the Contractor shall document i and submit the wall thickness to site Engineering for evaluation and resolu-tion. Any req'uired repairs shall be made in accordance with the following requirements: 4 l a. Weld build-up of the outside diameter of piping shall consist of sufficient i material to enable the pipe wall thickness to meet the minimum wall thick-ness criteria reconnended by ASME SA 530 for nuclear piping or ASTM A 530 for non-nuclear piping (Attachment 7). b. Weld build-up, after finish, on the 00 shall not exceed the 00 of the pipe 4 as specified in the applicable material specification plus the maximum permissable variation, as expressed in specifications A or SA 530. Nominal Pipe Pennissable Variation Size In. Over Pipe 00 (In). 1/8 to lin Incl. 1/64 0.015 Over 1% to 4 1/32 0.031 incl. 1 Over 4 to 8 1/16(0.062) I f incl. Over 8 to 18 3/32(0.093) incl. 1 Over 18 to 26 1/8(0.125) incl. { Over 26 to 34 5/32(0.156) incl. j Over 34 to 48 3/16(0.187) incl. i c. The welding end transition must be within the limitations specified in l ASME Section I!!,' Figure N8, NC, or NO-4250-1, or ANSI B31.1, section 127.3 l as applicable. When the allowable build-up is accomplished prior to making i up the joint, the "C" dimension must be rechecked'and rebored if required. The "C" dimension check is not required when the build-up is done as a j part of the joint weld-out. Whether or not the "C" dimension is checked. l the wall thickness shall be checked to ensure that 87h5 of the nominal wall thickness (as specified by the applicable code) has been maintained at all locations. Page 4-18, Add the following paragraph 4.11.7 to read as follows: Actual well thickness measurements of welds performed under DCA - 1593 shall be submitted to Engineering for evaluation of acceptability. Since these welds were made in accordance with DCA - 1593, they shall not be considered nonconforming totil evaluated as such by Enginee 'Ihese nonconforming .h welds shall be identified to the Contractor for act t __ %.,-~. -. - w.~ w - u m m - - -., %, m m - c-~. - - v. . m~, - - fy -w

~ e " e. DCA #555L REV. I i

  • i 3

Page 4 of 4 e w a/ ) 3 ? i ib 7 i .j TABLE XI Tehle of Nisiema Wee TWekamens en leapeesten Ser Nemleal(Antage) Mpe We8 TWeknemes Nets I-The fe0ewist ageseles, spes whie'h this tehhi is bened, may be opplied to celeulate minimum well eensheese 9 from semiset (everageI weg thisheeset j t.at0.87$a,t. j whevet 4

8.. eemleel(evetote) weg thiekassa. la. (mmk eed 1

g.. minimum weg thidesse,le.(mal.. r The weA thacheese le espneeed to three decimes picaea, the feesth desimal piece being caeriod forweed ee dropped. ie esteedeems wish the ASTM R-" Pressies E 29. for led.easiet which Places of F1 etoe Am to to Considered 8 ) Signifieses is SpesiAed Llanisang Valses.* t Note 2-TWs table le e messer lebte eseeving weg thicknesses eve.lable le che perchase of differest cleasincetiene of pipe. but it is een meses to imply that all of the wolle tissed shotsie en obseineble eeder thie speedication. j Nomenal Miedmen Nemeses Minimem Nomenes Minimem (Avetete) Thitheses es * (Awrote Thieknese se (Averesel Thidesse en g Thieteese (t.) leepeatise it.) Thisteses ()t.) leapemise (t.) Thkkeese (e.) leapseties (s.) j in. me is, me le. srm is, mes le. mm is, em 0 000 8.73 0.000 IJ2 0.294 7.47 0.237 6.11 0.730 19.05 0.6% 16.62 ) 0 088 2.24 0.077 1.96 0.M0 7.62 0.262 6.65 0.812 M.62 0.710 18.03 j 0 091 2J1 0.dec 2.03 0.307 7.00 & 249 6.01 0 841 28.4l 0.7M to.75 0.00$ 2.41 0 083 2.11 0.308 7.82 0.270 6.86 OSM 28.9$ 0.754 19.20 j 0.113 2.07 0.099 2J1 0.312 7.92 0.271 6.93 0 875 22.22 0.746 l9.46 0.119 3.02 0.104 2.64 E318 8.08 0.278 7.06 0.906 23.01 0.793 30.14 0.123 3.18 0.100 2.77 OJ22 8.18 0.202 7.17 0.937 23.08 0.838 30.83 O.lM 3.30 0.110 2.79 0.330 4 38 0.289 7J4 0.948 24.39 0.847 21.38 1 0.133 3.38 0.116 2.99 SJ37 8.36 R295 7.M l.000 2$.40 0.875 22.22 0.140 3.36 0.122 3.10 0.343 8.71 0.M0 7.62 1.038 24.19 0.902 22.91 1 0.143 3.48 &lFF 3.23 0.344 8.M OJ01 7.45 1.062 26.97 0.929 23.40 0.147 3.73 0.129 3.28 GJS8 9.09 SJ13 7 93 1.093 27.76 0.956 24.28 &lM 3.91 0.135 3.43 RMS 9.27 0 319 8.10 1.125 28.37 0 904 24.99 i SIM 3.96 4.836 3.45 OJ75 9.32 & 328 SJ3 1.156 29.M l.012 2$.M i 0.179 4.33 4 137 19D &M2 9.M R3M 8.48 1.210 M.94 1.066 27.08 l 4.187 4.75 0.844 4.17 - E400 10.16 0.330 8.89 1.230 31.7$ l.094 27.77 [ &lte 4.74 0.164 4.17 E406 10.JI OJS$ 9,02 1.201 3134 1.121 24.47 0.198 4.45 Ale 7 4.24 4 432 10.97

  1. J78 9.40 IJt2 13.32 1.148 29.16 h200 S.00

&l?S ' 4.44 .14M 11.8F 0.382 9.M l.M3 H.ll 1.17$ 29.84 O.203 3.14 4 178 4J2-0.437 11.10 0.M2 9.70 1.373 M.92 1.383 M.M l 4 216 3.49 0.109 4.00 R4M 11.83 0.M3 9.73 1.400 39.71 1.2M 38.24 0.2 '8 3.34 0.191 4.8S 0.300 II.M 0.4M 11.13 1.4M M.$2 1.258 31.95 R219 SJe al9! 4.88 0.$31 13.49 0.463 11.81 130s H.10 IJ12 33.32 4 226 S.74 0.190 S.03 &$32 14.02 0 483 12.27 IJ18 M.89 1.344 M.04 j R237 6.03 R207 ,S.23 0.362 14.27 0.492 12.30 1.362 M 67 1.M7 H.72 'h', 02M 6.15 0.219 3.34 0.393 IS OS 0.$19 1118 1.393 40 44 IJ94 ll.40 i '3 R258 4.58 0.226 S.M R400 13.24 0J25 13.34 1.730 44 4$ IJ11 M 89 O.276 7.01 0.242 6.15 R625 15.48 0.M7 13.89 8.788 4$.24 l.S$8 M.17 R277 7.04 0.342 4.ll t4M 16.42 - 0.573 14.3$ l.812 46.02 1384 40.28 0.2M 7.09 0 244 E20 4674 17.l2 0 $90 14.M I,948 49.M l.722 41.74 0.280 7.ll 4.249 4.22 0.487 17.45 0 601 19.27 2.062 32J8 l M4 43 02 l 0 288 7.14 0.244 6.25 4719 10.24 06M 13.98 2.M3 3931 2.0M $ 2.07 I. q g . 4 *g , e,~ ,.-7-_.,--,,y ._,m.,.w.ne_.wy,n.-e-,wm,-,---w-w-,.---,w-,we,,-,w,, w

.. ~. -. ,T w. Q~f)h SPEC, FILE, ARMS, HAH,7UCCO ARM'c' CGtANCHE PEAK STEA\\f ELECIRIC STATION DESIGN O!ANGE Alml0RIZATION INDEA'ED / / ons (WILL) ('.'MUFR5 BE INCORPORATED AlmiORIZATION NO. 5503 Rev.1 IN DESIG4 DOCUMENTS SAFELY RElATED DOCIA!ENT X YES NO 1. DESCRIPTION: A. APPLICABLE SPEC / g g y 2323-MS-438 3 REV. B. DETAILS Revise paragraphs, and 1.'7.3.8b per the attached sheets. "This revision voids and suoersedes DCA 5503 Rev.0." 2. SUPPORTING D0GBIENTATION GTN-1AQ4R 3. SIGNA 111RES: LKH/bs I I/7'9 A. APPROVED BY: G4tlRepresentative Date B. APPE0VED BY: 2[McIw f-N,f' 7# ' 'uriginating engineer 9t319 JOB NO. o-3 g=1 E C E I V E S 4. STANDARD DisTRInttr!ON: i .B6R Field (Original) OCT 021979 l G611 New York $'j[N"'q.g (}) L E C E I V E u=0 F0lA-85-5 <s s "- m at/

e S

c Page 5 of 4 DCA $03 P.ev.1 Page 33, revise paragraph to read as follows

"The minimum wall thickness for seamless or welded without filler metal pipe, ordered to nominal wall in the Engineer's Piping Specification Sheets shall not be more than 12.5 percent under the specified nominal wall thickness ~ according to the following formula: Tnx0.875=Tm(Note 1) Where Tn is the nominal pipe wall thickness

; ; ;. ', c. ';

Tm is the minimum wall thickness m

..s For pipe ordered to minimum wall Tm is as specified in the Engineer's Piping Specification Sheets.

Mote 1 reduce the wall thickness, to less tha$ field counterboiing s If pipe is ordered to the minimum wal n the Tm value. - 'j When the minimum wall thickness requirements as defined above have not been maintained and a "use-as-is" desposition is desired, the Contractor shall document and submit the wall thickness to site Engineering for evaluation and resolution. Page 34, revise paragraph to read as follows: " Steel piping material with defects in excess of those allowed under paragraph shall not be used without prior approval in writing from the site Engineering Staff, except as delineated in paragraph 1.13.2.a.3 of this speci-fication or repaired per paragraph ~

  • Page 34, revise paragraph to read as follows:

When the minimum wall violation can be repaired in accordance with paragraphs 1,2, and 3 below, the Contractor may accomplish the repair without additional Engineering evaluation. When the minimum wall violation cannot be repaired in accordance with paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 below, the Contractor shall document and submit the wall thickness to site Engineering for evaluation and resolu-tion. Any required repairs shall be made in accordance with the following requirements:

1. Weld build-up of the outside diameter of piping shall consist of sufficient material to enable the pipe wall thickness to meet the minimum wall thick-ness criteria recomended by ASME SA 530 for nuclear piping or
  • ASTM A 530 fornon-nuclearpiping(Attachment 7).
2. Weld build-up, after finish, on the 00 shall not exceed the 00 of the pipe as specified in the applicable material specification plus the maximum per-L missable variation, as expressed in specifications A or SA 530.

e e

/ j-Page of 4 DCA 503 Rev.1 Nominal Pipe Permissable Variation Size In. Over Pipe 00 (In). 1/8 to 14 In'cl. 1/64(0.015) Over lh to 4 1/32(0.031) incl. Over 4 to 8 1/16(0.062) incl. ..r Over 8 to 18 S+' 3/32(0.093) incl. Over 18 to 26 1/8 (0.125) incl. r Over 26 to 34 5/32 (0.156) incl. E Over 34 to 48 3/16(0.187) { incl.

3. The welding end transition must be within the limitations specified in ASME Section III, Figure N8, NC, or NO-4250-1, or ANSI 831.1, section 127.3 as applicable. When the allowable build-up is accomplished prior to making up the joint, the "C" dimension must be rechecked and rebored if required. The "C" dimension check is not required when the build-up is done as a part of the joint weld-out. Whether or nct the "C" dimension is checked,,

i the wall thickness shall be checked to ensure that 87%% of the. nominal wall l thickness (as specified by the applicable code) has been maintained at all locations. i S j e o -,n. , -.. - - - + - --,--e-.w..,--.e.m, .n--, e,



o 8 &,4 u... s. e 4 at M

  • e
  • e l

s je i 4 3., r* s TABLE XI Table of Menemum Wall Thickannes en Inspection for Nominal (Average) Fipe Wat Thicknames Nets 1-The fecewiet eq=mies. stem wiin this table is kind, may to append to salestate minimes was shiekseu + fress seminal (everste) was thschennac ., c,

s. as 0.87b. s.


s.. nessimal (averstel weal thickassa. la. (mm). and

+ g.. =all thichans, in. (mm). T r The wat thicknens is espeessed to three decisaal places, thir fourth decimalI,.aes bein8 carried forwerd er dropped,in Which Places of Fi uses Ase to Be Ceesidered assesdames with the ASTM Recommended Practies E 29. fet ladesstaat 8 Si miAcaat in Specined Limities alues.* v 8News 2-This table is a mester table so ories well thicknesses available is the purchase of diffesent class 4Acassene of pipe, but it is not meant le imply that all of the wous listed thetein are ehtainable moder this specifwaties. Nominal Minimum Nomenal Menemmas Namenal Masamum (Averess) Thickness se (Averess) Thiekaans sa (Ave seen Thickness se Thishmens (r.) lear===== (f.) Thickness (t.) laspasies (t.) Thickasas (s.) laspecessyn (t.) 4 in. man - in.

  • sem is, man

. lp.. < ws in. saa is. mm & O68 l.73 0.000 IJ2 0.294 7.47 0.237 6.53 0.730 19.05 0.6M I4.62 - I S.088

  • 24 0.0*7 1.96 OJ00 7.62 0.26*

6.65 0.812 20.62 0.710 18.03 0.098 2.31 E080 2.03 0.307 7.80 0.249 6.83 0.843 21.41 0.7M 18.75 4 0.095 2.41 0.003 2.ll 0.308 7.82 0.270 6.86 0.8W 21.95 0.7M 19.20 4 0.113 2.87 OD99 2Ji OJ12 7.92 0.273 6.93 0.875 22.22 0.746 19.46 & l19. 3.02 0.104 2.H 0.318 8.04 OJ'8 7.06 0.906 2J.01 0.793 20.14 & l25 3.18 0.109 2.77 0.322 8.18 0.282 7.17 0.937 25.80 0.830 20,83 'j &lM 3.20 0.110 2.79 OJ30 4 38 0.289 7.34 0.968 24.39 0.847 21.58 0.133 3.38 0.816 2.95 0.337 ' 8.M & 295 7.a 1.000 25.40 E875 22.22 0.140 3.56 0.122 3.10 0343 8.71 SJ00 7.62 IA38 .26.19 0.902 2198 0.145 3.68 0.127 3.23 0.344 8.74 & 308 7.45 1.062 26.97 0.929 23.40 i El47 3.73 0.129 3.28 OJS8 9.09 & 313 7.95 1.093 27.76 0.9M 24.28 &lM 3.91 0.135 3.43 0.365 9.27 0.319 8.10 1.12$ 28.57 0.984 24.99 6lM 3.96 0.lM 3.45 0.37S 9.32 SJ28 SJ3 1.lM 29.M l.012 23.70 1 0.179 4JS 4.157 3.99. 0.382 9.70 0J34 8.48 IJ:4 30.94 1.066 27.08 4.330 8.89 1.250 31.75

  • IA94 27.77 RIS7 4.75

&lH 4.17 - 0.400 *10.16 & l88 4.78 0.164 4.17 0.406 I& 31 0.3SS 9.02 1.281 32.54 f.121 28.47 &l98 4.85 0.167 4.24 0.432 10.97 SJ78 9.60 IJt2 33.32 1.148 29.16 0.171

  • 4.44 0.4M llA7 0.382 9.70 1.343 M.Il 8.l?S 29.84 GJ00 S.08 4

SJ03 S.14 & l78 4.32 0.437 11.10 IL382 9.70 IJ75 34.92 1.203 30.M R216 3.49 & l89 4.00 0.438 11.13 0.383 9.73 1.406 35.71 1.230 31.24 0.288 S.54 0.198 4.85 0J00 12.70 0.438 II.13 1.438 36.32 1.238 31.9$ i 4.219 S.36 & l92 4.88 0.531 13.49 0.46S 11.81 1.500 38.10 .IJ12 33.32 &226 S.74 0.198 S.03 0.532 14.02 0.483 12.27 IJ31 38.89 l.340 M.04 1 237 6.03 0.207 .3.23 0.342 14.27 0.492 12.30 1.562 39.47 1.367 M.72 0.230 6.35 0.219 3.36 0.393 15.06 0.319 13.18 1.393 40.46 IJ94 35.40 . 4.2$8 6.S$ 0.226 S.74 0.600 13.24 0.525 13.34 1.750 44.45 IJ31 38.89 0.274 7.05 0.242 6.15 0.623 15.88

  • 4.M7 13J9 1.781 45.24 f.S$8 39.57

&277. 7.04 0.242 6.15 0.6M 16.42

  • 0.573 14JS IJ12 44A2 IJte 40.28 0.279 7.00 0.244 6.20 0.674 17.12 0.590 14.99 1.968 49.99 f.722 43.74,

& 280 7.11 0.245 6.22 0.687 17.45 0.601 15.27 2.062 32.38 1.804 43.82 i 4.288 7.14 0.246 6.25 0.719 18.26 &&29 15.98 2J43 59.31 2.0$0 $2J7 ) 4 g l = A e 4 ~

m m .._m.. __.m__m-- wee l ro/ A - 8s-s1 b l l l ~ l l l


Page 1 of I FIGURE 1. i COMANCHE PEAK STEAM ELECTRIC STATI0' DESIGN CHANGE AUTHORIZATION '*3 (WILL) (MIX %XXIX) BE INCORPORATED IN DESIGN DOCUMENTS DCA fl0. 9716 l 1. SAFETY RELATED 00CUMENT: XX YES NO l I 2. ORIGINATOR: CPPE XX ORIGINAL DESIGNER 3. DESCRIPTION: A. APPLICABLE SPECADW000000tR R 2323-MS-100 REY. 5 f 8. DETA.ILS Revise Paragraph 2.11.4 to read: " Arc strikes on plant equipment or material metal surfaces other than arc strikes necessary for welding starts are expressly forbidden. In cases where they occur and when occuring to a surface of an ASME code item j item other than pipe or pipe supports, the contractor shall follow the Paragraph 2.8.2 repair procedure. Such repairs shall have prior approval of the owner". 3 f 4. SUPPORTING 00CUMENTATION:; S i e APPROVAL $1GNATURES:RCB:hb Ft.bruary 26, 1981 0 5. 3 DATE /- # 4 - 8/ A. ORIGINATOR: M 5fh 8. DESIGNREPRESENTATIVd: DATE O -' M $ l S. VENDOR TRANSMITTAL REQUIR : YES NO Xb 7. STANDARD DISTRIBUTION: OCA FORM 11-80 JOB NO. 35-1195 ARMS (Origirial) 1) 1 E C EIV E 7 l Quality Engineering 1) i TS for Orig. Design. 1) FEB 271981 C E C E l'V E m j cJ}A m R @ 7 ~ = ;___.__.._ _ __

.N T, ! b l Ap.s e... .., e- [,.....r*.*W-**#'-*""""*****'**'** -i., ---*-E- / CPP-46L& g W_ :- :: p o r y-.

a n -u r.- N -

1':' pgg. R. C. Barrer .J.3 NO: 13 JECT: Bat e & W?id '4'*1 74 9c' oE:. NO: 1 OC 2 **" *1 ~

2. DCA-5551,R.2 Repair
3. DCA-9716 a u. / &

hces:1, 7, & 3 above provide specific requirements concerning the re-i pair of Base Metal defects and the Owner /Engireer approval required for such Y r. g hver the repair to defects exceeding minimum wall re'quirements can be ude in accordence with the requirements of the applicable specification as

modified by references 1 & 2 Site Engineering approval isigotyrequired on a j

. case by case basis prior to making the repair. ) If the requirements of reference 1 & 2 cannot be met, Brown & Root will doc- -ument the cenditions of the minimum wall violation and submit these with a % pair procedure to Site Engineering for evaluation and approval prior to . W ing any repairs. l ,$rc Strikes or othei defects on piping and pipe supports may be removed [ without Owner / Engineer approval provided the requirements of the applicable specifications as modified by the above references are met. ,s-l "Irc Strikes or other surface defects occuring on all Plant Equipment or Code 'Itams other than piping and pipe supports will require Site Engineering eval-untion and approval prior to making any repairs. trior approval by Site Engineering will still be required in the case of more than 2 repairs being made 'in any one area on stainless : teel pipe weldments .ind whenever a Thru-root repair exceeding 3" is required in carbon steel or stainless steel pipe weldments. ,i ! requesting Brown & Root to revise the current procedures to reflect the isbove requirements. If or require any additional information, please ad-l 711e. y .. - - ~. '( c -f f;~.' g.. ./ / R. C. Barber r RCB:tss 4 Senior Project Weld. Engr. 2:c: J. T:. Mcrriet .E M. R. McBay 4- ~- R. I. Holloway p.m s_r ... W. 5r:i.h .A .: g 4 5 + .. dub j i ~, ..nm-~~.-,-----.~ m

l C A 7 \\ D, AQ)_ g e SROWN & ROOT, 15,. PROCEDURE ISSUE CPSES NLMBER REVISION DATE PAGE J08 35-1195 (Supplement 6.9D-II) QI-QAP 11.1-26 5 kPR 2 9 1981 1 of 7 l TITLE: ORIGINATOR: MM bb 4MN C ATE REVIEWED BY:\\ A.,W-o,. A M

-r vl QI-QAP-11.'l-26 DATE (SUPPLEMENT 6.90-II)



2.0 GENERAL k' 4 ~ 2.1 ECURDTTING WELD INSPECTIONS 2.1.1 QC Hold Points 2.1.2 QC NDE and Welding Ir:spection j e I 3.0 INSTRUCTION 3.1 MEFANfEATION/ INSTALLATION VERIFICATION IN,:0RMATl0N 3.2 MATERIAL / PARTS VERIFICATION 3.2.1 Material Traceability Control 3.2.2 Traceability Marking Transfer 3.2.3 Prefabrication (QCI-M) 3.2.4 Procedure and Welder Qualification Verifici 3.3 VERIFICATION OF LIMITED ACCESS FOR WELDING 3.4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS DURING WORK 3 %' i' 3.4.1 Inspection After Tack Welding 3.4.2 Root Weld Inspection i 3.4.3 Attachment Weld [ t 3.4.4 Purge Dam Removal CPSES 3.4.5 RT Flagging l 3.4.6 Piping Subassembly Final Inspection 35-1195 i -h 4.6J Surface and Dimensional Examination CONTROL i (3.4.7 ' Repairs 3.4.8 PWHT/QC Inspections (QCI-M) h l l g coby

  1. 7CONTW

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l BROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE [ ' CPSES NLMBER REVISION DATE PAGE l JOB 35-1195 (Supplement 6.90-II) QI-QAP-11.1-26 5 APR 2 9 1981 7 of 7 j Surface and Dimensional Examination The QC Inspector shall make a final installation inspection of all l piping subassemblies after completion of welding and installation activities to validate acceptance of final dimensions and surface conditions. This shall include verification that marking was accomplished within the parameters of Appendix 6.9E, Section 3.15. Post-NDE requirements, i.e., Radiography, that may necessitate repair of a weld will not invalidate the above inspections. l When required by the MRS, the QC Inspector shall verify that the subassembly is clean to the extent that no contamination f l is visible to a person with nomal visual acuity. All external L and internal surfaces shall be free from purge dams, mill scale, organic coatings, grease, oil, and debris. Packaging of piping subassemblies shall be verified to be in accordance with Appendix 6.9H Section 3.5. ) Repairs i Weld and base metal repairs shall be inspected as required by i Appendix 6.90, Section 3.19. Documentation for repairs shall be as required by Appendix 6.9G Section 3.3. NOTE: For Base Metal Repairs, prior to final VT, the area of the repair.shall be diagrammed by QC on the original NDER, and stated on NDER as final repaired area. Hold-points on the RPS for this operation signed and dated. i The inspection report shall be included in the docu-i mentation package. 3.4.8 PWHT/QC Inspections (QCI-M) The Cognizant QC Inspector shall verify acceptable completion of Post-Weld Heat Treatment to the requirements of Appendix 6.90, l Section 3.21 and shall document same on the PWHT Checklist (Figure 6.9G-3). INFORMATON COPY i P?RV I i _a

= . 1 8 e QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTMENT QA LIBRARY PROJECT: CPSE3 - Glen Rose Joe NO.: 35 1196 UNIT I&2 PAGE 1 QF 1 ~ ~ January 15,1982 TO: Pat. Clarke FRON: Jeannine'Hewett


Deletion of Quality Instructions used as Supplements to Construction Precedure CP-CPM-6.9 i This is to infonn you that, subsequent to our verbal instructions, the following Quality Assurance Instructions, presently incorporated as supplements to your above referenced procedure, have been deleted from use by the Site QA tianager: D0ctMENT NO. TITLE SUPPLEME!!T QI-QAP-11.1-23 QC Instructions for Pipe Fabrication 6.9E-I and Installation QI-QAP-11.1-24 Inspection of Pressure Testing 6.9I-I QI-QAP-11.1-25 QA Review of ASME III Documentation 6.9G-II QI-QAP-11.1-27 Insp. of Instal. of Piping 6.9E-II l 1 Additionally, our Instruction QI-QAP-11.1-26, presently incorporated l in CP-CPM-6.9 as Supplement 6.9D-II has been reissued as Revision 6 1 with a new title, "ASME Pipe Fabrication and Installation Inspection." l Please make appropriate changes to your procedure to reflect the above. PMMW /LOl ,, ~ 3 annine Hewett QA Librarian l Tc: G. Purdy INFORMATION B. Darrin COPY P?RV -- A-


REVISION DATE PAGE CPSES J08 35-1195 CP-CPM-6.90,,, _2 6/J2/81 1 of 48 TITLE






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This appendix to procedure CPM 6.9 has been prep'ared to delineate and control welding and related processes for piping and ASME III campon-ent supports at Camanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPSES). [ 2.0 GENERAL 2.1 APPROVAL AUTHORITY The requiriments for origination, review and approval of this appendix shall be in accordance with procedure CPM 6.1. In addition, this appendix and its' DCN's shall be approved by the Project Welding Engineer. O e F- =D g pee M.

.-_.~. - BROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NtMBER REVISION DATE PAGE J08 35-1195 CP-CPM 6.9D 2 6/12/81 30 of 48 3.18.5 Inspection Procedure Calibrated delta ferrite measurement devices shall be issued as re-quired to WTs by the calibrated tool roan. These devices shall be returned to the tool roo, at the end of each woit day. When a weld requires delta ferrite testing, it shall be noted on the WDC. The results of the examination shall be doctanented on the WDC by the WT. Two Delta Ferrite Logs (DFL) shall be maintained by FWTC for each '.4 applicable piping system. 1.' One DFL shall list all delta ferrite checks on welds with thick-ness one (1) inch or less. l 2. The other DFL shall list all delta ferrite checks on welds with j thickness over one (1) inch. The DFL is shown as Figure 6.9 D-12. l l A copy of the DFL shall be turned over the Owner / Engineer on a monthly basis. The original DFL shall becone part of the documentation for each system and shall be filed in the Pennanent Plant Reconis vault. 3.19 WELD AND BASE METAL REPAIRS FWTC 3.19.1 In Process Weld Repairs Q,NF In process repairs shall be defined as those discovered prior to final code required NDE. All major weld defects discovered befort final inspection shall be evaluated by the PWE who may generate an RPS operational sequence at his discretion. NOTE: Through wall repairs or those where 1/8 inch or less metal remains shall require an RPS. i l 4



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a u = -~ = '. = =-~ ^~ 8 t Sk0mh & ROOT, INC. ISSUE e CPSES Nm8ER REVISION DATE PAGE j J08 35-1195 CP-CPM 6.90 2 6/12/81 31 of 48 l The remmal of starts and staps and slag, etc. may be routinely ground out during the welding process. No documentation is required. 1 l When weld defects are discwered before final inspection (In process), and operational steps are not defined by the PWE, the following opera-tional steps may be used to affect reworking: i Grind as required to remwe defects within the guidelines of ) this procedure, j Perfonn infonnation PT or MT Reweld utilizing original welding procedure Grind and fair deposited area into the surrounding metal su rface 4 i Reinspect utilizing the original NDE method and acceptance ~ i criteria for infonnation unless defined otherwise by the l PWE. i ~ 3.19.2 Weld Metal Repairs Ma.ior Defects. 80P,Q The fol1owing defects discwered during or after final code required j NDE shall be classified as " Major Repairs": --1. All cracks and/or linear defects identified during the final ] inspection of a. weld joint. ii 2. Cracks, that are repaired and then reappear after the repair. I 3. Minor repair excavations that result in a repair cavity that reduces the thickness of the weld to approximately 1/8" or less. 4. Any defect which is identified during final PWHT or hydrostatic l tes ting. 5. All defects which penetrate the root of the weld, such as grind-p throughs or burn-throughs. { The resolution shall be by the PWE using a RPS and shall contain as a j minimum, the following: 4 l 6. An explanation of the method to be used to locate and excavate the defect (mechanical means or thennal gouging). 7. Method of inspection to be used to ensure the defect has been rem med. r w i i [ t

== r-- BROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NtMBER REVISION DATE PAGE JOB 35-1195 CP-CPM 6.90 2 6/12/81 32 of 48 8. The method such as the Welding Procedum Specification and any special technique that may be required to be used to repair the excavation open butt procedure. 9. The method to be used to reinspect the repaired area and the acceptance criteria for the reinspection. 10. The proper approvals of the other groups involved with the repair. NOTE: This gy include the conponent manufactumr, QC and/or Construction, and the Owner / Engineer. (Westinghouse as applicable.) Minor Defects Q,B0P The following types of defects discwered during or after final code required NDE shall be classified as " Minor Repairs": 1. All code rejectable defects not included under the Major Repair classi fication. 2. All defects resulting fran fitup, cleanliness, and other welding parameters which are violations of the WPS or this appendix. The applicable operations shall be as follows: ~ { 3. Locate the defect and mark the area to be excavated. 4. Excavate (remme) the defects by grinding or air-carton-are goug-ing. If air-carton-are gouging is used, the gouged surface shall be ground back to clean bright metal; SS piping shall be protected from contamination. 5. When it is felt the defect has been remmed, inspect the exca-vated area with MT or PT. 6. After rewelding the excavation, the mpaired area shall be ground and faired into the surrounding metal surface. 7. The repaired area shall be minspected using the original NDE methoi(s) and scceptance criteria. 8. Westinghouse will evaluate and prwide msolution on any minor repair to Westinghouse supplied items. e em o

c. -~ - ~ -. ... = - - - BROWN 4 ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NtM8ER REVISION DATE PAGE C J08 35-1195 CP-CPM 6.9D 2 6/12/81 33 of 48 ) Additianal Requiruments. Q,80P t j When a weld is made utilizing a consumable insert and is rejected j after NDE, use of the open buttwelding technique to make repairs is pennitted when the repair does not exceed 3 inches. Repairs to areas i greater than 3 inches will be handled on a case-by-case basis and will l requi re Owner / Engineer approval. Q,BT To minimize sensitization of SS material, each defect shall be limited t o two repai rs. If the defect has not been eliminated in two attempts the procedure shall be subaitted to the Owner for approval defining j methods for further repair and sensitization control. When a weld is completely removed for any reason, the weld prep configuration may be i l restored and the weld replaced in accordance with an apprwed WPS. If any weld defects are evident in the replacement weld, a procedure i I. shall be submitted to the owner for repair and sensitization control l to remove all such defects. In no case shall a weld be conpletely i renoved and replaced more than twice without specific owner apprwal. l This paragraph applies to field welds only. ~ NOTE: When stainless steel items which have been welded previously are reused, the new weld number shall be the next sequential nunber of the item with the highest alpha numeric weld nunbe r. 3.19.3 Cosnetic Repair Q l : A cosmetic repair shall be considered the removal of ID or OD surface conditions which interfere with the interpretation of NDE after the final visual examination has been conpleted. This provides a second- ] ary signoff for visual examination and other NDE. A pre-established sequence may be used for cosmetic repairs. If the final visual examination on the WDC or MRS has not been signed I an gerational sequence to allow reinspection is not necessary. 3 p If visual examination has han conpleted, initiate a RPS operational j sequence. If an item covered by an MRS, " Final Dimension / Surface ( Condition" holdpoint has not been canpleted by the ANI, ANI review l shall be noted as "N/A". If signed, ANI, review is requi red. NOTE: For fabrication, ANI review shall be documented on the MtS. Require visual examination where accessible. Require UT examination, or where possible, mechanical measurement to verify wall thickness. e I Where VT is impossible, RT may be substituted. l

~ 8R0l#I & ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NtMBER REVISION DATE PAGE J08 35-1195 CP-CPM 6.90 2 6/12/81 34 of 48 / 3.19.4 Base Metal Repairs Ma.ior Defects. Base metal defects that must be repaired by welding are major repairs. Minor Defects. Q,NF,80P Base metal defects removed by grinding are minor repairs; however, if grinding violates minimum wall thickness, the repair must be conpleted l as a major repair. l Additional Requirements. f BOP,NF,Q s Welding Engineering approval is required prior to a majd repai r. The / approval is attained via approval of an NCR a_nd/or.RPS. If the repair l 1s to be performed on a code stamped item B&R, QA shal assure that s i our "N" stamp authorizations are of tWreaarht pe (i.e., the f repair of code stamped valves and equipment requires manufacturer's authorization prior to repair). BOP,Q Surface defects (other than arc strikes).no deeper than 1/16 inch need not be repaired if the defect does not encroach on the minimum wall thickness. l Minor base metal repairs do not require an RPS. QCI The QC NDE Inspector will mark the repaired area, when practical, with a "Missen Ink Marker" showing a circle arwnd the area and the repair nimber after the visual examination is conplete. Major base metal repairs on the inside surface of an item shall be located and marked on the outside surface to facilitate inspection during the pressure test. 1 QCI After performing base metal repairs the repaired area shall be inspec-ted as required by Appendix 6.9G, and as supplemnted by the PWE. [ QCI Westinghouse will evaluate and provide resolution on any major or minor repairs on Westinghouse supplied items (this shall include all art strike repairs). Modification of any Westinghouse-supplied items must have Westinghouse approval prior to the modification. i 9;. A

7 BROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NW8ER REVISION DATE PAGE J08 35-1195 CP-CPM 6.90 2 6/12/81 35 of 48 All an: strikes shall be removed fran base metal surfaces. NOTE: Defect repair cavities shall be sufficiently wide to pennit caplete fusion and allow free manipulation of the elec-trodes during repair welding. 3.19.5 Doceentation and Evaluation of Minimum Wall Violations 1. QC shall place a hold tag on the item and note the rejectable NDE report neber on the hold tag. / 2. Submit the NDE report to Welding Engineering, j ~ 3. I'f the minimum wall violation can be mpaired in accortlance with the requirements of Specifications MS-100 or MS-438 or MS-448, then Welding Engineering will issue a RPS (for cepleted or partially empleted welds) or additional operations on the WDC (for joints where welding is not initiated). .y 4. If the minimum wall violation cannot be repaired in accordance with the requirements of Specifications MS-100 or MS-43B or MS-448, then Welding Engineering shall submit the RPS to Mechanical engineering for evaluation and resolution. 5. The hold tag will be removed by QC prior to start of work only j after the RPS has been issued or the NCR dispositioned "use } as-1s" by engineering. l 3.19.6 Weld End Prep Repairs 80P Weld end preps shall not be repaimd by welding without the written risolution of the PWE, Construction and tha Owner / Engineer, except as

i noted below.

1 I Q, BOP Maximum depth of repair without site engineering approval is 3/8 inch deep (a RPS is required for this repair). On Westinghouse supplied items _W concurrence is required for all repairs. i Q MT or PT of weld end preparations in material less than 2 inch in thickness is not required after grinding or the addition of filler metal. Radiography of the conpleted weld is considered adequate. Q,NF Any RT's after weld prep repairs exceeding the lesser of 3/8 inch or 10% of the section thickness may be acceplished after the joint when final RT is required by applicable specifications. t r I i l [ =

l ,~ BROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NLMBER REVISION DATE PAGE JOB 35-1195 l CP-CPM 6.90 2 6/12/81 36 of 48 NF Surfacing of weld end preps for fit-up purposes shall be accomplished by one or more stringer beads being deposited on an unbroken surface. NF The surface shall be free of irregularities exceeding 1/32 inch in depth. NF Surfacing required for fit-up to "T" fillet weld joints shall be accomplished by stringer beads deposited on the larger surface of the two joining members. 3.19.7 Base Metal Repairs to Bulk Material For bulk piping materials in storage, the repaired item shall be i banded to identify the nonconfonnance report number or other docu-mentation by which it was repaired. The band may be removed after the item is inserted into a piping system. The repair documentation shall be filed with the doctanentation for piping subassemblies. 4 3.19.8 Repair of Arc Strikes Q Arc strikes found on veldments or base materials may be repaired in accordance with the following ' requirements: 1. For arc st'rike rimoval in stainless steel items, not requiring rewelding, perform the following: j a. Blend grind or buff; b. Perfonn a liquid penetrant examination of the removal areas; see Note below, c. Verify that minimum wall thickness ' remains by UT or mechan-ical neasurement; d. Perform a visual examination of the repair area. 2. For arc strike removal in carbon steel not requiring rewel.u.. perfonn the following; a. Blend grind or buff; b. Perfonn a liquid penetrant or magnetic particle examination a of the removal area; See Note. c. Verify that minimum wall thickness remains by UT or mechan-ical measurement; d. Perform a visual examination of the repair area. i l NOTE: Westinghouse approval required on Westinghouse items. t 0 m

m -- ~- u..-...--... BROWN & ROOT, INC. ISSUE CPSES NLMBER REVISION DATE PAGE J08 35-1195 CP-CPM 6.9D 2 6/12/81 37 of 48 3. Documentati on a. An NDE report is not required prior to generation of a RPS or for repairing an arc strike found by Welding Engineering. b. Westinghouse approval required for Westinghouse-supplied items. 3.20 WELDER QUALIFICATION WQTC PWE Welder qualification shall be in strict conpliance with Specification MES-105. All welders shall be trained in accordance with the proper codes,.WPSs, BPSs and other project requi renents. All welders shall s. be under the direct supervision of the applicable CFS. When the CFS submits a welder to the WQTC for qualification or training, a properly executed " Request for Welder / Brazer Training and/or Testing" fonn (Figure 6.90-13) shall accanpany the welder. 3.20.1 Qualification Worksheet Once a welder / brazer perfonnance qualification test is conplete, all applicable data shall be tabulated on the proper worksheet (Figures 6.9D-14 and 15). Welder / Brazer Update Status shall be as defined in MES-105. 3.20.2 Additional Requirements

I All Welder / Brazer qualification shall b2 carried out using the requim -

ments of the Schedule of Standard Tests (WES-16). The Welder Qualification Matrix shall be used to assure correct welder / brazer qualification in accordance with procedure WES-16. Welders qualified for restrlcted access welding shall be identified by a special designation in Schedule of Standani Tests and Welder / Brazer Qualification Log. 3.21 POST-WELD HEAT TREATMENT t QCI for Q GENERAL All PWHT to ASME Section III and ANSI B31.1 requirements shall be ' i ( perfonned as required by this document.

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