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Summary of 870130 Meeting W/Util & S&W in Bethesda, MD to Conclude NRC Fire Protection Site Review of 870127-29.List of Attendees Encl
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 02/05/1987
From: Tam P
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TAC-62882, TAC-62935, NUDOCS 8810190282
Download: ML20155H251 (3)


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Docket No. 50 412 NN O APPLICANT: Duquesne Light Company FACILITY: Beaver Valley Unit 2



The sub.iect meeting was held to conclude the staff's fire protection site review which took place January 27-29, 1987. The scope of the review has been defined in the Safety Evaluation Report (SER) of 1985 and Supplenent 3 to the SER, and is tracked as Rackfit Issue 7 and Confirmatory Issue 48 Enclosure 1 is the attendee list. l l

Since the staff indicated that results of this site review will be published 1 in SER Supplement 4 or 5, this summary on1v serves to publish the attendee l list. No future meetings are planned. l i

Peter S. Tan, Proiect Manager ,

PWR Pro,iect Directorate #2  !

O Enclosuro As stated Division of PWR Licensing 4 i

cc: See next page c

DISTRIBUTION Docket File NRC PDR Local PDR PAD 82 Pdo J. Part10w L. Rubenstein <

P. Tam I OGC-Bethesda E. Jordan B. Grines ACRS (101


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l Mr. 1. J. Carey Duquesne Licht Company Reaver Valley ? Power Station l U


Gerald Charnoff, Esq. Mr. R. E. Martin, Manager Jay E. Silbero, Esq. Regulatory Affairs Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridae Duouesne Light Company 2300 N Street, N.W. Reaver Valley Two Pro.iect Washington, DC 20037 P. O. Box 32A Shippinoport. Pent.sylvania 15077 Mr. C. W. Ewing, Quality Assurance Zori Ferkin '

Manager Assistant Counsel Quality Assurance Department Governor Energy Council Duquesne Light Cornpany 1625 N. Front Street ,

P. O. Rox 186 Harrisburg, PA 15105 Shippingport, Pennsylvania 15077 John D. Burrows, P.E.

Director, Pennsylvania Emergency Director of litilities Management Agency State of Ohio Room R-151 Public Utilities Comission Transportation A Safety Building 180 East Broad Street Harrisburo, Pennsylvania 17120 Columbus, Ohio 43266-0573 Mr. T. J. Lex Rureau of Radit. tion Protectior.

Westinghouse Electric Corporation PA Department of Environmental Power Systems Resources P. O. Box 355 ATTN: R. Janati Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15?30 P.O. Box 2063 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 171?0 Mr. P. PaySircar Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation BVPS-2 Records Manaaement Supervisor P. O. Rox 2325 Duquesne Light Company Boston, Massachusetts 09107 Post Office Rox 4 Shippingport, Pennsylvania 15077 Mr. J. Reall  ;

U. S. NRC John A. Lee Esq. l P. O. 181 Duouesne Light Company l Shippinoport, Pennsylvania 15077 1 0xford Centre l 361 Grant Street i Mr. Thomas E. Murley, Regional Admin. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15?79 l U. S. NRC, Reaion ! '

631 Park Avenue Kina of Prussia, Pennsylvania 15??9


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