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Forwards Summary of Rev 2 to Second 10-yr Inservice Testing Program for ASME Code Class 1,2 & 3 Pumps & Valves.Relief Request PR-18 Added to Permit Use of Digital Vibration Monitor.Requests That Relief Requests Be Granted by 890307
Person / Time
Site: Farley Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 09/09/1988
From: Hairston W
NUDOCS 8809190158
Download: ML20154E850 (8)


y A%tcma Powsi Comoany

, 000 Nath 18'h Street Pc4t On o Oct 2C 41 c

8 cm ngham A'c.tama 352S 3400 Tyephcoe OoS PD1337 W. G. Hairst A tH San or V<e Pres dent N x w Opera' on s tv sww e,m s,,m SEP 09 nq 10CFR50.55a(g)

Docket No. 50-348 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention:

Document Control Desk Vashington, D. C.

20555 Centlement Joseph H. Farley Nuclear Plant - Unit 1 Second Ten-Year Interval Inservice Testing Program for ASME Code Class 1, 2 and 3 Pumps and Valves Alabama Power Company previously submitted Revision 0 of the subject Inservice Testing (IST) Program to the NRC by letters dated September 30 and November 20, 1987 and Revision 1 by letter dated March 17, 1988.

By letura dated December 10, 1987 and March 30, 1988, the NRC granted interim e

-oval for the relief requests submitted with Revisions 0 and 1, respectively, of the IST Program.

Following implementation of the second ten-year it.terval IST Program on December 1, 1987, it has been deteratned that one additional relief request requiring NRC approval and two changes are needed. These have been incorporated into the enclosed IST Program, Revision 2.

The enclosure cover sheet summarises the changes.

The tvo changes involve revision of the technical requirements for pump testing.

First, Revision 1 of the IST Program indicated that the diesel generator fuel oil transfer pump motor lubrication vould be observed.

Subsequently, it has been determined that both the motor and the pump contain sealed bearings and, therefore, neither pump nor motor lubricant level or pressure can be observed.

Secondly, the basis for relief and alternative test requirements described in relief request PR-16 for measuring the discharge flov rate for these pumps has been revised.

Based on the tests conducted to date, the allovable inservice test quantity ranges specified in Section XI, IVP-3100-2 have been determined to be tapractical.

As permitted by Section XI IVP-3210, alternative ranges have been defined and are included in the alternate testing portion of the j

revised relief request.

l Relief request PR-18 has been added to permit the use of a digital l

vibration monitor which utilizes an autoscaling feature for the performance I

of pump vibration monitoring. The ASME Code Section XI, IVP-4120 requires that the full scale range of instruments used for inservice test; "g be three times the reference value or less.

This requirement is inapproprSte for this digital instrument, which automatically selects the appropriate 7

decade range for the value being measured. The accuracy of the instruarit j

l 8809190150 080909 gI PDR ADOCK 05000MO



'U S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 meets the code requirements in all ranges and, based on the preciseness of reading which can be obtained by using digital vice analog instrument readings, use of the digital vibration monitor is prefer. '9.

It is respectfully requested that the relief requests incit *d in Revision 2 of the IST Program be granted by March 7, 1989.

The reqrtred fees for review of the IST Program vere submitted by letter dated May 27, 1987 therefore, no additional fees are included.

Respectfully Submitted ALBAMA POVER COMPANY

w. A. IAcc_. 5 V. G. Hairston, III VCH/STBipr-8.29 Enclosure cci Mr. L. B. Long Dr. J. N. Grace Mr. E. A. Reeves Mr. G. F. Maxvell Mr. H. Rockhold i

g bc:

Mr. Bill M. Guthrie Mr. R. P. Mcdonald Mr. J. D. Woodard Mr. J. W. McGowan Mr. D. N. Morey w/l enclosure Mr. W. B. Ship: nan Mr. R. D. Hill Mr. C. D. Nesbitt Mr. R. G. Berryhill Mr. Scott Iblmer Mr. D. B. Hartline w/1 enclosure Mr. D. E. Mansfield Mr. J. E. Garlington Mr. K. W. McCracken Mr. D. M. Varner Mr. J. R. Crane i.

Mr. K. C. Gandhi Mr. J. T. Brantley Mr. D. E. Dutton Mr. T. N. Cpps w/l enclosure Mr. T. J. Sullivan w/l enclosure Comitment Tracking System (2)

FNP Document Control Files K-15.1 I

4 4

4 i


1 ENCLOSURE FN P-1 -M-042 Sumary of Revision 2 to the J. M. Farley Nuclear Plant - Unit 1 Second Ten Year Inservice Testing Program for ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 Pumps and Yalves Page No./ Description / Reason for Change 1.

Page II-1-8, Notes : Deleted mference te Note 5 and added reference to new Note 7 per APC letter FNP-88-0502 dated 7/8/88 f rom D. N. Morey to J.

D. Woodard. Lubricant levels for the pump and motor cannot be observed.


Page I'-1 -9, Note 7 : Added Note 7 per APC letter FNP-88-0502 dated 7/8/88 i rom D. N. Morey to J. D. Woodard. New note required to reflect inability to observe the Diesel Gen. Fuel Oil Transfer Fump or motor lubricant level or pressure.


Page II-1-27, fR-16: Revised the "Basis for Relief" and "Alternate Testing" to modify the procedure for flow measurtment and the allowable range fer flow testing the Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Transfer Pumps per APC letter FNP-88-0502 dated 7/8/88 from D. N. Morey to J. D. Woodard.

Changes required due to field experience.


Page 11-1-29, PR-18: New Relief Request to provide for use of a digital vibration monitor per APC letter FNP-88-0502 dated 7/8/88 from D. N.

Morty to J. D. Woodard.

IWP-4120 of Section XI does not provide for use of an instrmment which autoscales in decade ranges.

Page 1 of 1


g INP-1-H-042 TNP Unit No. 1 40Y52 Pump Test List System: Diesel Gene ra to r f uel Oi l Transfer Measured Parameters pod Freauency Pump I.D.

Cla11 Dwg. / Shee t Coo rd i-Pump Pd Po dP Q



Relier Mumbe r 111 Number r.ates_

Desc rip t ions (psiql (psiql (psil (qps) (mill [*[1 (NA) (rpal


Notes P$01A-A 3

D-170060 G-3 D.G.

Fuel Oil Q

Q N/A -

N/A PR-16 1,4,6,7 HP-17 D-3$1132 G-3 I ra nst'e r P$018-8 3

D-170060 G-2 D.G. fuel Oil Q

Q N/A -

N/A PR-16 1,4,6,7 PR-17 D-351112 G-2 T ransfe r PSO2A-A 3

D-170060 G-10 D.C.

Fuel Oil Q

Q N/A -

N/A PR-16 1,4,6,7 y

PR-17 D-351132 G-10 Trans sr r

N/A PR-16 1,4,6 ' 7 P5028-8 3

D-170060 G-9 D.G. fuel Oli Q

Q h/A PR-37 D-3$1132 G-9 T ras 4sfe r Q

Q N/A -

N/A PR-16 1,4,6,7 P503A-A 3

D-170060 G-5 D.G.

Fuel Oil PR-17 D-351132 G-5 I ransfe r P5038-8 3

D-170060 G-4 D.G.

fuel Oil Q

Q N/A -

N/A PR-16 1, 4,6, 7 PR-17 D-351132 G-5 Transfer PSO4A-A 3

D-170060 G-12 D.C.

fuel Oil Q

Q N/A -

N/A PR-16 1,4,6,7 PR-17 D-3511?2 G-12 I ransfe r PSO48-8 3

D-170060 G-11 D.C.

Fuel Oil Q

Q N/A -

N/A PR-16 1, 4,6, 7 PR-17 D-3511?2 C-11 Irans fe r e

REV. 2 14-1 8 O'574

o A

FN P-1 -M-042 PUMP TEST LIST NOTES ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 The Pump Test List identifies the test parameters to be measured or observed, and the test f requencies.

Notes 1 through 7 refer to amplifications of the Code requirements and are further discussed below:


On a pumo with constant speed drive, speed is not measured, since the test will be performed at nominal mator nameplate speed, as required by Section XI, IWP-3100.


Quarterly testing of the containment spray pumps is performed using pump recirculation flow through a small-diameter recirculation Ifne. A full-flow test will be performed at refueling by installing spool pieces and performing a full-flow test through the test line to the containment refueling cavity.


Inlet pressure is to be calculated f rom the inlet liquid level.


Bearing temperature measurement is not required (IWP-4310), since bearings are in the pump fluid flow path, such that they are completely innersed in and lubricated by the pumped fluid.


Pump lubricant level or pressure is not observed because of bearing lubrication design.

Pump motor lubrication is observed in lieu of pump lubricant level or pressure.

l 6.

Flow rate will be measured during diesel generator testing by measuring increase in day tank level versus time when the transfer pumps are in operation.

Duration of test will be limited to the time it takes to replenish day tank level.

l 7.

Neither pump nor motor lubricant level or pressure can be observed since l

the pump and motor contain sealed bearings.

l I

l 1

1 l

l l

0380L II-1 -9 Rev. 2 l


s FN P-1 -M-942 NMP RELIEF REQUEST FR-16 System

Diesel Generators Fuel Oil Transfer Pump:

P501 A-A, P5018-B, P502A-A, P5028-8, P503A-A, P503B-8, P504A-A, P6048-B Class:

3 Function:

Transfer diesel generatcr fuel oil from the storage tanks to the diesel generator day tanks.

Test Requirement:

Measure pump test inlet pressure, differential pressure and flow rate in accordance with the requirements of IWP-3100 and pump test duration requirements of IW P-3500.

Basis for Relief:

The diesel generator fuel oil transfer pumps are located inside the storage tank with the pump discharge plenum and motor bolted to a flange on top of the tank.

Nene of the pumps have instolled instrumentation to measure either flow or discharge piessure. The only possible flow measurement is by measuring change in day tank level over time. The 4075 K.W. Diesel Generators have, by design, a maximum fuel consumption of 5.6 gpm ano the 2850 K.W. units have a fuel consumption of 4.2 gpm.

Plant procedures require that day tank level be maintained approximately 80 pertent full. To comply with the Code requirement to run the pumps for five minutes prior to takir3 test measurements would require draining the day tanks below a safe operating level.

Altermate Testing:

PJmp test flow rate will be obtained by measuring a change in day tank level over time. A day tank level change of approximately 10 percent shall be timed and I

the flow rate detemined from tank curves. An Alert Range of +6% and a Required Action Range of +10% shall be applie~d as provided by IWP-3210 and clariTied by Code Interpretation XI-1-79-19. Also, flow rates of 6.6 gal. Anin. for the P501 A/B and P502 A/B pumps and 4.2 gal./ min for the P503 A/B and P504 A/B pumps will be applied as an absolute minimum.

0380L Il-1 -2 7 Rev. 2

g i


All Pump :

All Class:

2, 3 Function:

Va rious Test Requi rement:

IWP-4120 requires that the full scale range of each instrument be no more than three times the reference value.

Basis for Relief:

FNP uses an IRD Model 88 for monitoring pump vibrations.

The IRD Model 018 is a microprr:essor controlled digital vibration monitor. Wher used in the English measurement mode the instrument autoscales in decade ranges. The requirement of IWP-4120 is not appropriate for vibrational measurement using this type of instrument. The accurary of the instrument is +5%

over all ranges.

The IRD provides a digital display of vibration measurement to three (3) decimal places.

This instrument provides significantly higher accuracy than an analog amplitude meter which is read visually and subject to human error and parallax. This problem is recognized in An knerican National Standard Inservice Testing Of Fumps, OH-6-7/15/87 (draft Rev.

11), paragraph 4612(c).

Alternate Testing:

The autoscaling digital vibration monitor will be used for Code required pump vibration measurements.

c 0380L 11-1-29 Rev. 2 I