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Informs That Util 880316 Response to NRC Bulletin 88-001, Defects in Westinghouse Circuit Breakers Satisfactory. Response Confirms That Westinghouse Ds Series Circuit Breakers Not Used in safety-related Applications at Plant
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/08/1988
From: Diianni D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Musolf D
IEB-88-001, IEB-88-1, TAC-67709, TAC-67710, NUDOCS 8807140022
Download: ML20150D490 (4)



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- July 8, 1988 DISTRIBUTION Dockets Nos. 50-282 and dDocketFiM BGrimes 50-306 NRC & Local PDRs DHood PD31 Plant Gray DSellers GHolahan Mr. D. M. Musolf, Manager Ringram Nuclear Support Services DDilanni Northern States Power Company OGC 414 Nicollet Mall EJordan Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401

Dear Mr. Musolf:


NRC BULLETIN 88-01, "DEFECTS IN WESTINGHOUSE CIRCUIT BREAKERS" On February 5, 1988, NRC Bulletin 88-01 was issued and requested holders of operating licenses or construction permits to provide letters of confirmation to the NRC of the completion of specified inspections on Westinghouse DS series circuit breakers. Addressees who do not have DS series circuit breakers in Class IE service were requested to provide a letter to the NRC stating this fact.

Your response dated March 16, 1988, confirms that the Westinghouse DS series circuit brtakers are not used in safety-related applications at the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Unit Nos. I and 2. Thus, your response to Bulletin 88-01 is satisfactory, and no further reply is necessary. This completes our work effort under TAC's 67709 and 67710.

Sincerely, e h ,

Dcminic C. Dilanni, Project Manager Project Directorate III-1 Division of Reactor Projects - III, IV, V & Special Projects cc: See next page

  • See previous concurrence OFFICE: LA/PD31:DRSP PM/PD31:DRSP SUPNAME: RIngram* D/PD31:DRSP j DDilanni*

DATE: 07/07/88 07/07/88 MVirg/88 07/% ilio P 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY

\\o 8807140022 880708 PDR ADOCK 05000282 Q PDC

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\ Dockets Nos. 50-282 and Docket File BGrimes

\ 50-306 NRC & Local PDRs

\x PD31 Plant Gray GHolahan Mr. D. M. Musolf, Manager RIngram Nuclear, Support Services DDilanni Northern States Power Company 0GC 414 Nicollet Mall EJordan Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401

Dear Mr. Mu olf:


NRC LETIN 88-01, "DEFECTS IN WESTINGHOUSE CIRCUlT BREAKERS" On February 5, 1988, NRC Bulletin 88-01 was issued and requested holders of operating licenses or construction permits to provide letters of confirmation to the4 Westinghouse DS serie(RC circuitofbreakers.the completion Addressees of specified who do inspections not have DSon series circuit breaker ($ in Class 1E service were requested to provide a letter to the NRC stati this fact.

YourresponsedatedMarch1(,1988,confirmsthattheWestinghouseDS series circuit breakers are t used in safety-related applications at the Prairie Island Nuclear Ge erating Plant Unit Nos. I and 2. Thus, your response to Bulletin 88-Ol g is satisfactory, and no further reply is necessary. This completes our ork effort under TAC's 67709 and 67710.


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Dominic\ C. Dilanni, Project Manager Project Directorate 111-1 Division'qf Reactor Projects - III, IV, V & S cial Projects cc: See next page N Dg j Nooc(


Daue Se//eas 0FFICE: LA/PD31:DRSP SURNAME: RIngramid PM/PD31}:cV DDilanni SP D/PD31:DRSP ilio DALE: 07/1/88 07/ 7 /88 MVirg/88 07/


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/ July 8, 1988

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Dockets Nos. 50-282 and 50-306 Mr. D. M. Musolf, Manager Nuclear Support Services Northern States Power Company 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401

Dear Mr. Musolf:


NRC BULLETIN 88-01 "DEFECTS IN WESTINGHOUSE CIRCUIT BREAXERS" On February 5, 1988, NRC Bulletin 88-01 was issued and requested holders of operating licenses or construction permits to provide letters of confirmation to the NRC of the completion of specified inspections on Westinghouse DS series circuit breakers. Addressees who do not have DS series circuit breakers in Class IE service were requested to provide a letter to the NRC statiiig this fact.

Your response dated March 16, 1988, confirms that the Westinghouse DS series circuit breakers are not used in safety-related applications at the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Unit Nos. I and 2. Thus, your response to Bulletin 88-01 is satisfactory, and no further reply is necessary. This completes our werk effort under TAC's 67709 and 67710.

Sincerely, 4 / ,-

Dominic C. Dilanni, Project Manager Project Directorate III-1 Division of Reactor Projects - III, IV, V & Special Projects cc: See next page

Mr. D. M. Musolf Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Northern States Power Company Plant cc:

Gerald Charnoff, Esq.

Shaw, Pittnan, Potts and Trowbridge 2300 N Street, N.W.

Washington, DC 20037 Dr. J. W. Ferman Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 520 Lafayette Road St. Paul, PN 55155 Mr. E. L. Watzl, Plant Manager Prairie Islar.d Nuclear Generating Plant Northern States Power Company Route 2 Welch, Minnesota 55089 Jocelyn F. Olson, Esq.

Assistant Attorney General Envircnnental Protection Division Suite 700 520 Lafayette Road St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Resident Inspector's Office 1719 Wakonade Drive East Welch, Minnesota 55089 Regional Administrator, Regior. III U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Executive Director for Operations 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 ~

i Mr. William Miller, Auditor Goodhue County Courthouse Red Wing, Minnesota 55066 i


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