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Forwards Response to Review Comments & Rev 1 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, Per WR Butler to Rl Mittl
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 12/12/1985
From: Corbin McNeil
Public Service Enterprise Group
To: Adensam E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20138F843 List:
NUDOCS 8512160180
Download: ML20138F839 (11)



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Public Service Electric and Gas Company Corbin A. McNelli, Jr. Public Service Electric and Gas Company P.O. Box 236, Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038 609339-4800 vic:a President -

NucI:ar December 12, 1985 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation United States. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 7920 Norfolk Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Attention: Ms. Elinor Adensam, Director Project Directorate 3 Division of_BWR Licensing

Dear Ms. Adensam:


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION DOCKET NO. 50-354 Pursuant to NRC request for additional information concern-ing the HCGS Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) (letter from W.R. Butler, NRC, to R.L. Mittl, PSE&G, dated October 24, 1985); PSE&G hereby submits the attached information.

Attachment I provides an item by item response to each of the NRC review comments. Attachment II provides Revision 1 of the HCGS ODCM which includes the resolutions to the NRC comments.

'Should~you have any questions in this regard, please contact us.

Sincerely, N

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Director of Nuclear


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. Reactor Regulation Attachment I-- Response to.NRC review comments Attachment II-- HCGS ODCM, Revision 1.

.C D.H. Wagner USNRC Licensing. Project Manager

- R.W..' Borchardt -

USNRC Senior Resident Inspsector r




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' Comment'Page 2.0-12:

'InJtwo locations,'the sigma sign is missing.

In the-equation,'the-division sign is not clear; it resembles a plus sign.

-Response iThese' corrections have been included in the revised ODCM .

Comment Page 2.0-17:'

The' division sign resembles a plus sign.


This correction has been included-in the revised ODCM.


Comment 2.'0-19:

Add the-units.(mrem /hr per uCi/mb to the heading of Table



1This correction.has been included in the revised ODCM.

Comment Page 2.0-21:

' Add the correct' reference for the bio-accumulation factors for silver. ,

-Response The" correct reference for.the bioaccumulation factors for

' as'follows: USAEC Report UCRL-50564' Revision l'-

c(Concentration Factors of Chemical Elements in Edible Aquatid Organisms). Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, October 1972. :This referende-has.been incorporated in the revised ODCM.

MP85 178/05 1-az e

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. Comment Page'3.0-2:

L A line ofitext has . been omitted1at:.the mtop of page: 3.0-2,.

"monitorisetpoints._ iThat is,.setpoint adjustments are not" Response '

This wording has; been ' incorporated in the -revised ODCM'.

Comment'Page 3.0-4:

o  ; LThe.. top linefof page-3.0-4 duplicates the last line on page 3.0-3.,



'The"last? line'on page 3.0-3, Revision.0 has been deleted.

' Comment Page 3.0-4:


The parameter.TX/Q) is be "the highest annual.

relative' concentration at the site boundary in any sectori"

_ with :a numerical. value of 2.65 'x 10-6 sec/m3 at the Lexclusion area-boundary-(90lm)>in the northwest _ sector.

.. Staff' calculations indicate an-annual average X/Q value of 18.-7 xf10-6:sec/m3 in the northwest sector at:a distance of

^ 90lm. .Slightly higher-(10-15%) values are calculated in the.

. . southeast and south sectors for-the same exclusion area


Provide _~ justification for the use of 2.65 x 10-6 sec/ b~  : ~the-" highest annual 1 relative concentration at the site boundary,"Lconsidering'specifically the appropriateness-of itheLassumption ofystraight-line airflow without modification


Lfor spatial anid temporallvariations in trajectories.


.The highest annual' average-relative concentration at the ~


' site boundaryehas been revisedJto'7.0 x 1076 sec/m3, and

.this .value occurs in :the north sector. This value is b adapted from'NUREG 1074, " Final Environmental Statement


l 'related to the operation:of Hope Creek Generating; Station,"

December 1984, indicated as1 Reference _8 in the revised ODCM.

'ODCM Revision 0, Table 3.2-3, Controlling Receptors, Locations,-and Atmospheric Dispersion Parameters

_ ~ '

~> . Pathways, Land. Table 3'.'2-4,

'for Controlling Receptor Locations, have been deleted as.they are no longer applicable.



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3 Comment Page'3.0-8 and throughout:


In the RETS, in Technical Specification and,~I-133 is included with I-131, tritium and all E radionuclides in particulate form.with half-liv'es greater than 8 days. fI-133 must be included in the ODCM Section 3.2 and correspondingly throughout the ODCM.


'I-133-has'been' included in the revised ODCM.

- Comment Page 3.0-12:

. Numerical _ values of 9.9 x 10-8 sec/m3 and 4.4 x 10-10m-2 are presented for1 X/Q' and D/O', respectively, on page 3.0-12, with a cross reference to Table 3.2-4. The value for X/Q'


Lapparently was calculated'at a distance of 8 km in the

northwest sector, and this value is the maximum of-all the X/Q values presented in Table 3.2-4. However, thel fcorresponding D/O at that location is exceeded by D/O values in the west-northwest sector and in the northwest sector at 6.4 km. ' Provide:L6stification for~the use of 4.4 x 10-10m-2 as the value for D/Q' _to be assumed "for other pathways and nontritium nuclides" (as described on page 3.0-12).-


The highest' average X/Q'-value for the nearest receptor location has been revised to 2.1 x 10-7 sec/m3 and is calculated at a distance of 5.6 km in the northwest sector.

The. corresponding D/O at this location'has'been revised to 8.0 x 10-10m-2 -These values have been adapted from NUREG

'1074, " Final Enviromental Statement related to the operation of Hope . Creek Generating Station," December 1984, indicated as Reference 8 in revised ODCM.

Comment'Page 3.0-46:

.. Generally, the X/Q and.D/O values presented in Table 3.2-4 (page 3.0-46) reasonable agreement (+30%) with the values-calculated by_the staff. However, some significant

' differences (over a factor of 3) are noted in several D/O MP85 178/05 3-az

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Comment Page'3.0-46: (Cont'd) values. For example, the staff has calculated a value of 8.3 x 10-10m-2 in the east sector at a distance of 5.3 km compared to the value of 2.2 x 10-10m-2 presented in the table. Similar discrepancies are noted for the east-northeast sector at 5.5 km and for the west-northwest sector at 5.5 km. Provide corroboration that the U/g values presented in. Table 3.2-4 accurately reflect calculations.

Also, provide X/Q and D/Q values for site boundary distances.


Table 3.2-4 has been deleted in the revised ODCM. As stated above, the atmospheric dispersion factors (X/Q) and relative deposition values for maximum site boundary and receptor locations near HCGS have been provided on pages 3.0-4 and 3.0-12. These values have been adapted from NUREG-1074, " Final Environmental Statement Related to the Operation of HCGS," December 1984.

Comment Page 3.0-51:

The atmospheric dispersion model described in general in Section 3.3 (Page 3.0-51) is simple enough to be fully described in two pages. Cross-referencing to tables and sections in the FSAR is cumbersome, and'could result in inconsistencies if the FSAR'is amended without also amending the ODCM.

In Section 3.3 of the ODCM, provide a complete description of the atmospheric dispersion model used for calculation of annual ~ average relative concentration (X/Q) and relative deposi. tion (D/Q) values presented in the ODCM. Also, provide a description of the meteorological data used in the dispersion model (i.e., period of record,-heights of measurement, and atmospheric stability indicator).


Section 3.3 of the HCGS ODCM has been revised to provide a complete description of the atmospheric dispersion model

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f used for. calculation of annual: average relative-concentration :and relative deposition . values. This '

. description provides a discussion of the meteorological data used'in;the dispersion model.

~ Comment PageI4.0-5, 4.0-6,--4.0-7:

Show"on-these1figuresfthe location and. identity of the effluent 1 radiation monitors, i.~e., the liquid radwaste discharge line-monitor, the cooling tower blowdown effluent

?line. monitor,'the filtration, . recirculation, Land' ventilation system noble gas: monitor, the, south' plant vent noble gas monitor, and.the north plant vent noble-gas monitor.


1HCGS'ODCM Figures 4.0-5,.4.0-6,'and 4.0-7 have been revised

.to' indicate the above effluent radiation monitors.


It is recommended that this section be revised to state that',.in the event that the annual land 1 use census or other information should indicate that individual members mof the-

-publicJmay be inside the1 site boundary more than a few hours

.each year, doses to such members of the public'shall be calculated according to the methods of~Se'ctions 2.2 and 3.2.




This statement has been added in the revised ODCM.

Comment Page'5.0-3:

<In:accordance with the RETS, samples for radioiodines-and ifor :particulates should- be collected at the same locations;

'thus.stationalF1 should;be included in Table-5.1-1,.Section

.I.(b) ascanfio' dine ~~ sampling station.


-MP85 178/05 5-az

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Sampling; station 1F1 has been,added to HCGS ODCM Table

-5.1-1, Section-1.(b).

Comment-Page-3.0-46', 5.0-2,-5.0-3:

In accordance with the RETS and with ODCM Table 3.2-4 ("The real receptor with the. highest exposure is an infant consuming the milk of a. cow pastured at 4.9 miles in the W sector."), one sampling station collecting particulates and iodines should be located in the W sector at about 4.9 imiles. At the_ time of the site visit, a list-of sampling stations was'provided the.NRC/NRR/RAB representative; this list included a milk' sampling station identified as 13E3, 4.9 miles W of vent, local farm. Such a sampling location 13E3 also appeared on Figure 6.1-2 of the HCGS EROL. A


sampling stationiin the vicinity of 13E3 is needed.


1 Sampling station 13E3 has been added to Table 5.1-1,Section VI'.(a). ' Station 13E3 is a milk sampling station only.

p .Particulates andfiodines are sampled at 3 locations closer toLthe site' boundary than location 13E3, in accordance with

.the RETS..

'Also, .it should be noted that milk sampling station'15F1 has been deleted as this farm has dis' continued operation.

Comment Page 5'.0-6:

i- In Table 5.1-1, provide a legible sampling station

~ identifier for the station at 7.4 miles NNE of the vent.

. Response The sampling station identifier for the 7.4 miles

.NNE of the vent is 2F5. This identifier has been included in Table 5.1-1.

MP85-178/05 6-az

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Comment Page:5.0-7, 5.0-8:

-The information on'ges of Table 5.1-1 should be put in the' correct order; .this involves both the page number and the' designation "Page 6aof 9" and "Page 7 of 9."

' Response This has been corrected in the revised Table 5.1-1.

. Comment Page 5.0-7:

.In section VI.(a). correct the typo in the note on I-131 analysis.


This has been corrected in the revised Table 5.1-1.

Comment Page 5.0-8:

In Table 5.1-1,Section IV.(c). " gamma isotopic analysis on quarterly composite"'must be changed to " gamma isotopic analysis on monthly composite."


This has been corrected in the revised Table 5.1-1.

Comment Page- 5.0-11, 5.0-12:

Provide clear Figures 5.1-1 and 5.1-2. These maps are illegible.


This has nean correctad 2n the re' rived 900".,

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' Comment i Page 5.0-11:

- Sampling stations 4S1 and 6S1 are.shown on Figure 5.1-1; identify in Table 5.1-1 what samples will be taken at these stations.


Sampling' stations 4S1 and 6S1 are not the RETS

.and are therefore not identified in ODCM Table 5.1-1. PSE&G

- collects additional. samples from these stations to support internal studies.

' Comment Page'5.0-11:

In, Figure S'.1-1, in sector 6, one of the two sampling station identifiers is illegible.


~ This has been corrected in the revised Figure 5.1-1.

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