IR 05000346/1985027

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Safety Insp Rept 50-346/85-27 on 850821-1125.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Installation of motor-driven Feedwater Pump & Connecting Piping & Previous Insp Findings
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 11/27/1985
From: Danielson D, Ward K
Shared Package
ML20137H352 List:
50-346-85-27, NUDOCS 8512020379
Download: ML20137H383 (5)





Report No. 50-346/85027(DRS)

Docket No. 50-346 License No. NPF-3 Licensee: Toledo Edison Company Edison Plaza 300 Madison Avenue Toledo, OH 43652 Facility Name: Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 Inspection At: Davis-Besse Site, Port Clinton, OH Inspection Conducted: August 21-23, September 23-24, November 12-13 and 25, 1985 YW Inspector: Kavin D. Ward l\!D d(

Date Y f^^ ' -

Approved By: . H. Danielson, Chief MTaldi Materials and Processes Section Date Inspection Summary Inspection on August 21-23, September 23-24, and November 12- 13 and 25, 1985 (Report No. 50-346/85027(ORS))

Areas Inspected: Unannounced, special safety inspection of the installation of a motor driven feedwater pump and connecting piping; and previous inspection findings. This inspection involved a total of 52 inspector-hours by one NRC inspector including 14 inspection-hours during off-shif t Results: No violations or deviations were identifie $$ka $$ahn N O

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DETAILS 1. Persons Contacted The Toledo Edison Company (TECo)

  • C Daft, QA Director R. Chesko, Nuclear Projects Manager M. Shepherd, Code Inspection Supervisor S. Wideman, Senior Licensing Specialist D. Stephenson, Compliance Coordinator Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

W. Rogers, Senior Resident Inspector D. Kosloff, Resident Inspector i


EXAM Company i

R. Stickley, NDE Inspector The inspector also contacted and interviewed other licensee and contractor employee * Denotes individual present at the exit intervie ,

2. Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings ,

(Closed) Unresolved Item (346/84025-01): NDE qualification and certification procedure revision and implementation. The NRC inspector reviewed TEco's Quality Control Instruction, No. 3023, Revision 9, that was revised March 22, 1985, to reflect changes in TECo's visual certification program and found it to be acceptabl The NRC inspector. agreed with the licensee's revision and considers this item close (Closed) Open Item (346/84-04-05): Results of SG #1 eddy current inspection in 1984 refueling outage. The NRC inspector reviewed the results of the SG #1 eddy current examination for 1984 refueling outage and found it to be acceptable, agreed with the licensee's examination and considers this item to be close l 3. Motor Driven Feedwater Pump Insta11at';n  :

TECo modified the Feedwater System by installing a new motor driven l feedwater pump. The motor driven feedwater pump is used as a backup to the main and auxiliary feedwater systems for supply!ng water to the steam generators. The system was installed in accordance with ANSI B31.1, 1973 Editio Piping within the new system was routed in both the turbine and auxiliary i

buildings. Those components of the system within the turbine building l were not required to be safety grade material. However, TEco did


purchase the piping and many of the fittings as safety grade materia The following items were not purchased or certified as safety grade:



Suction and Test Lines Discharge Lines Valve, A-58 Valve, R-3 Valve, 4-48 Valve, R-4 Valve, A-64 Valve, A-64 Valve, R-1 Valve, A-157 Valve, R-4 Valve, R-5 Valve, R-3 Valve, HV-5867 Lateral, 10" Valve, FCV-5879 Strainer, S-280 Orifice, FE-5876 Pump, P-241 Pump, P-241 Components installed within the auxiliary building are all safety grade materia The licenser. contracted the following companies to perform certain selected activities:

  • Bechtel Associates Professional Corporation (Ohio) performed the engineerin * GEM Industrial Contractors Corporation performed the weldin * EXAM performed the nondestructive examinations (NDE).
  • The flow test of the pump was witnessed by TECo at the Pump Manufacturing Shop (Ingersall-Rand).

The scope of the NRC review and inspection included both safety and non-safety grade installation TECo and the NRC inspector walked down all of the new syste The NRC inspector observed fit-ups and welding, visually examined the welds, and reviewed travelers, NDE reports and radiographs. The following welds were radiographed ASME Section III, 1977 Edition, Summer 1978 Addenda:

FW 29A FW 33 FW 12 FW 53 FW 68 FW 36 FW 97 FW 13 FW 58 FW 69 FW 38 FW 106 FW 14 FW 58A FW 70 FW 39 FW 107 FW 35 FW 25 FW 40 FW 51 FW 108 FW 73 FW 29 FW 41

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FW 60 FW 109 FW 51 FW 54 FW 9 FW 65 FW 110 FW 59 FW 80 FW 22 FW 66 FW 45 FW 83 FQ 98 FW 23


FW 67 FW 71A FW 85 FW 104 FW 24 FW 94 FW 72 FW 86 FW 93 FW 26

FW 95 FW 11 FW 96 FW 101 FW-27 FW 64 FW 15 FW 46 FW 17 FW 28 FW 2 FW 16 FW 47 FW 18 FW 77


FW 7 FW 21 FW 48 FW 19 FW 79 FW 34 FW 37 FW 49 FW 20 FW 81


FW 30 FW 50 FW 91 FW 55 FW 99 FW 31 FW 90 FW 92 FW 56 FW 100 FW 32 FW 105 FW 52 FW 57 FW 103 FW 78 FW 82 FW 111 FW 64 FW 1 FW 8 FW 9A FW 10 FW 71 FW 102

The NRC inspector also reviewed the following associated documentation
  • FCR 82-025
  • Drawings and Drawing Change Notices (DCN's)
  • Bill of materials
  • Material certifications
  • Procedures, welding, radiography and visual
  • EXAM's QC Manual No. 024 (NDE Contractor)
  • Personnel certifications, welding personnel were certified to ASME Section IX and NDE personnel were certified to SNT-TC-1 * Deco QA Audit Report No. 1444-1 and No. 144-2 The system will be tested and witnessed by the NRC in the near futur No violations or deviations were identifie ..


4. Exit Interview The inspector met with site a representative (denoted in Persons Contacted paragraph) at the conclusion of the inspection. The inspector summarized the scope and findings of the inspection noted in this report. The inspector also discussed'the likely informational content of the inspection report with regard to documents or processes reviewed by the inspector during the inspection. The licensee did not identify any such documents / processes as proprietary.
