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Insp Rept 50-458/85-66 on 850930-1004.Violations Noted: Failure to Update Procedures After Issuance of Temporary Change Notices & Issuance of Temporary Change Notice After Final Approval
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 11/13/1985
From: Bennett W, Jaudon J
Shared Package
ML20137A234 List:
50-458-85-66, IEB-82-03, IEB-82-3, NUDOCS 8511250453
Download: ML20137A279 (4)

See also: IR 05000458/1985066


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NRC Inspection Report: 50-458/85-66 License: NPF-40

Docket: 50-458




Licensee: -Gulf States Utilites

P.-0. Box 2951


Beaumont, Texas 77704


Facility Na'me: ' diver Bend Station -


' Inspection At: River Bend Site, St. Francisville, Louisiana

Inspection Conducted: September 30-October 4,1985

, Inspector: A M /

WW./R. Aenn9(t, Project Engineer, Project Date


Section A, Reactor Projects Branch


. Approved: o2 . h a O

J.p. /auc) tin, Chief, Project Section A Date ,


LReac' tor [ Projects Branch


. Inspection Sumary

> . Inspection Conducted September 30-October 4,1985 [ Report 50-458/8566)


Areas Inspected: Routine, unan'nounced inspection of licensee identified'

deficiency reports, 10 CFR 50.55(e), IE Bulletin followup,-and operating. ..

procedures. The inspection involved 37_ inspector-hours onsite by'one.NRC >

n inspector.

, , Results: Within the three areas inspected, three. violations were identified

(failure to update procedures after issuance of'three TCNs, issuance of a TCN

- after final approtal and failure to properly prepare TCNs, paragraph 5).



0511250h53 851114 -

PDR ADOCK 05000458






1. Personnel Contacted

  • T. L. Crouse, Manager - Quality Assurance (QA)


  • J. C. Deddens, Vice President
  • A.,O. Fredieu, Assistant Operations Supervisor
  • D. R. Gipson, Assistant Plant Manager
  • P. D. Graham, Assistant Plant Manager
  • B. E. Hey, . Engineer-Licensing

G. R. Kimmell, Supervisor, Operations QA

  • G. V. King, Plant Services Supervisor

J. Miller, Senior Nuclear Engineer, Nuclear Plant Engineering (NUPE)

J. E. Spivey, Operations QA Engineer

  • R. B. Stafford, Director Quality Services
  • P. F. Tomlinson, Director Operations QA

W. Trudell, Senior Reactor Operator

  • J. A. Wright, NUPE Supervisor

The~NRC inspector also contacted other site personnel including

administrative, clerical, operations, and testing personnel.

  • Denotes those attending the exit interview conducted on October 4, 1985.

2. Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings

a. (Closed) Violation (458/8542-01). Control of Temporary Alterations.

Corrective action included deleting the option of not hanging

temporary alteration tags if they were required for less than one

work shift. The NRC inspector reviewed the temporary alterations log

' and determined that the procedure for temporary alterations is being

implemented properly.

-This item is considered closed,

b. (Closed) Open Item (458/8542-02) Implementation of a Spare-Lead

Identification System.

All spare leads in panels in the main control' room have been wrapped

and tied back. Maintenance work requests have been initiated to wrap

and tie back spare leads in the rest of the plant.

This item is considered closed.

c. (Closed) Open Item (458/8432-03) Filling ana Venting Procedures

The NRC inspector reviewed a sample of the syctem operating

procedures and determined that instructions fm filling and venting

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of systems related to safety.have been incorporated into,the system

operating procedures.

This item is considered closed.

Licensee Identified Deficiency Reports (DRs), 10 CFR 50.55(e)


3 .'


The purpose of this portion of the inspection was to determine the

adequacy of corrective actions taken by the licensee on construction

deficiencies identified to the NRC pursuant to the requirements of

10 CFR'50.55(e).

The NRC inspector reviewed the following " Reportable" DR and it is

considered closed:



280 Loss of Torque of 07/23/85 RBG 21683-07/24/85

Reliance Rotors in

Motor-0perated Valves


The NRC inspector determined that the deficiency was properly determined

to be reportable and that all required reports were made within the

appropriate time and contained all required information. The licensee

performed an evaluation of the deficiency. Corrective action consisted of

making changes to emergency operating procedures relative to these MOVs.

These changes are specified in the operating license for River Bend as

License Condition 2.b of Attachment 1. The NRC inspector reviewed the

changes to the emergency operating procedures and License Condition 2.b is

considered to be completed satisfactorily.

No violations or deviations were identified in this portion of the


4. IE Bulletin Followup

The purpose of this portion of the inspection was to determine the status

of IE Bulletins.

a. IE Bulletin 82-03 and Revision 1 - Stress Corrosion Cracking in

Thick-Wall, Large Diameter, St.'.inless Steel, Recirculation System

Piping at BWR Plants.

Item - A plant reported. visually detectable leakage during

hydrostatic testing of recirculation system piping. Visual

examination revealed pin-hole leaks and cracks in piping which had

been successfully ultrasonically tested 9 months previously. A

modified ultrasonic test verified these defects and revealed

additional defects in that piping.


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Findings - The licensee identified that the only coolant pressure

boundary piping which does not conform to NUREG 0313 Revision 1 is

small diameter instrument piping. Analysis shows that the

nonconforming piping will not be exposed to temperatures above 200*F,

which is the threshold for intergranular stress corrosion cracking as

stated in Reg. Guide 1.44, for more than 1% of expected plant life.

This bulletin is considered closed.

5. Operating Procedures

The objective of this portion of the inspection was to confirm that the

plant operating procedures are prepared to control safety-related

operations within the applicable regulatory requirements.

The NRC inspector sampled system operating procedures specifically to

determine if filling and venting instructions were incorporated in the

procedures. River Bend Procedure ADM-0003 requires that a procedure

revision be initiated when three TCNs are outstanding against a procedure.

Eight of the system operating procedures reviewed (50Ps-2, -16, -18, -41,

-42, -48, -53, and -90) had more than 3 TCNs, which required a permanent

procedure change, outstanding. S0P-90, " Reactor Water Cleanup System,"

Revision 1, dated May'13, 1985, had 12 outstanding TCNS. Six of the eight

S0Ps, were in various stages of procedure revision, however, the revision

to S0P-90 only. incorporated 6 of the 12 outstanding TCNs. This is an

apparent violation (458/8566-01). The NRC inspector found several

instances (50Ps-35, -42, -48,- and -49) wherein TCNs were issued which did

t not incorporate previously approved TCNs to the same pages. This resulted



in two different approved changes to the same page. This is an apparent

violation (458/8566-02). The NRC inspector found one instance

(TCN 85-1550 to S0P-0035) where two pages of a TCH were removed and the

numbers of thez remaining pa'ges changed after the TCN was approved. This

change was apparently accomplished without the knowledge of the originator

or any of the approving personnel. 'This is also an apparent violation



No other violations or deviations were identified in this portion of the


Exit Interview




An exit interview was held on October 4, 1985, with the personnel denoted

in paragraph 1 of this report. The NRC senior resident inspector also

attended this meeting. At this meeting, the scope of the inspection and

the findings were summarized.
