MONTHYEARML20211B7881999-08-10010 August 1999 Transmits Summary of Two Meetings with Risk-Informed TS Task Force in Rockville,Md on 990514 & 0714 ML20209H6921999-07-15015 July 1999 Forwards Comments on Preliminary Accident Sequence Precursor Analysis Provided in NRC Re Operational Condition Reported in LER 269/1998-04 ML20195H1681999-06-10010 June 1999 Forwards Copy of Preliminary ASP Analysis of Operational Condition Discovered at Ons,Units 1,2 & 3 on 980212 & Reported in LER 269/98-004,for Review & Comment ML20207C0321999-05-18018 May 1999 Forwards Fifth Rept Which Covers Month of Apr 1999. Commission Approved Transfer of TMI-1 Operating License from Gpu to Amergen & Transfer of Operating License for Pilgrim Station from Beco to Entergy Nuclear Generating Co ML20206E4101999-04-26026 April 1999 Forwards Four Copies of Rev 9 Todpc Nuclear Security & Contingency Plan,Per 10CFR50.54(p)(2).Changes Do Not Decrease Safeguards Effectiveness of Plan.Encl Withheld,Per 10CFR73.21 ML20205T1301999-04-0909 April 1999 Informs That on 990317,C Efin & Ho Christensen Confirmed Initial Operator Licensing Exam Schedule for Y2K.Initial Exam Dates Scheduled for Wks of 000710 & 17 for Approx 13 Candidates ML20205B0571999-03-24024 March 1999 Informs That Author Determined That Partial Exemption from 10CFR170 Fee Requirements Appropriate for Footnote 4 of Review of License Renewal Application for Ons,Units 1,2 & 3, That Staff Determines Has Generic Value to Industry ML20207C0501999-02-25025 February 1999 Submits Annual Rept Specifying Quantity of Each of Principal Radionuclides Released to Environment in Liquid & Gaseous Effluents,Per 10CFR72.44(d)(3).Effluent Release from ISFSI for CY98 Was Zero ML20206S5951999-02-0303 February 1999 First Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Documents Listed in App a Already Available in Pdr.Documents Listed in App B Being Released in Their Entirety ML20202J1901999-01-28028 January 1999 Discusses License Renewal for Operating Power Reactors.Two Applications Received for Renewing Operating Licenses. Commission Established Adjudicatory Schedule Aimed at Completing License Renewal Process in 30-36 Months ML20202H7621999-01-28028 January 1999 Discusses Guidance Re License Renewal for Operating Power Reactors Developed in Response to FY99 Energy & Water Development Appropriations Act Rept 105-581 ML20198S8721999-01-0707 January 1999 Responds to Message to Marks Re Info Request on Appeal Deadline & Desire to Serve Appeal Either by e-mail or by Alternative Regular Mail ML20198Q8871999-01-0707 January 1999 Responds to to Chairman SA Jackson Re Issues for Consideration for Commission During Oconee License Renewal Process.Commissioners Must Remain Impartial During Pendency of Case.Copy of Order LBP-98-33 Encl.Served on 990107 ML20198Q8971998-12-17017 December 1998 Expresses Concerns Re License Renewal of Duke Energy,Oconee Nuclear Station,Units 1,2 & 3.Commends NRC on Steps Agency Has Undertaken to Conclude Renewal Process.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 990107 05000269/LER-1998-012-01, Forwards LER 98-012-01,re RB Spray Pumps Being Declared Inoperable Due to Npsh.Rept Has Been Revised to Indicate Results of Testing & Corrective Actions Taken to Date1998-12-0303 December 1998 Forwards LER 98-012-01,re RB Spray Pumps Being Declared Inoperable Due to Npsh.Rept Has Been Revised to Indicate Results of Testing & Corrective Actions Taken to Date 05000269/LER-1998-013, Forwards LER 98-013-00 Re Condition Prohibited by Ts,Per 10CFR50.73(a)(1)(d).Circumstances & Causes for Event Have Not Been Fully Determined & Will Be Provided in Supplemental LER on or Before 9812021998-11-0202 November 1998 Forwards LER 98-013-00 Re Condition Prohibited by Ts,Per 10CFR50.73(a)(1)(d).Circumstances & Causes for Event Have Not Been Fully Determined & Will Be Provided in Supplemental LER on or Before 981202 ML20155D2651998-10-23023 October 1998 Expresses Appreciation for Supporting Commission Initiative in Issuing Recent Statement of Policy on Conduct of Adjudicatory Proceedings.Case-specific Orders Were Issued in Calvert Cliffs & Oconee License Renewal Proceedings ML20155B1481998-10-21021 October 1998 Informs That as Result of Discussion of Issues Re Recent Events in Ice Condenser Industry,Ice Condenser Mini-Group (Icmg),Decided to Focus Efforts on Review & Potential Rev of Ice condenser-related TS in Order to Clarify Issues ML20154A8971998-09-30030 September 1998 Requests That Submitted Info Be Attached to Amends to Petition to Intervene in Proceedings Re Application of Duke Energy Corp to Renew Operating Licenses for Units 1,2 & 3 ML20154B9421998-09-30030 September 1998 Amends Chattooga River Watershed Coalition Petition to Intervene in Proceedings Re Application of Duke Energy Corp to Renew OLs for Oconee Nuclear Station,Units 1,2 & 3 ML20153H6881998-09-27027 September 1998 Requests Consideration of Motion to Enlarge Time Required to Submit Amended Petition to Intervene in Proceeding Re Application of Duke Energy Corp to Renew OLs for Facilities ML20153E4721998-09-24024 September 1998 Forwards Notices of Appearances for Attorneys Representing Duke Energy Corp,Applicant in Proceeding for License Renewal of Oconee Units 1,2 & 3.With Certificate of Svc ML20153D1831998-09-17017 September 1998 Ack Receipt of of Duke Energy Co Inviting Reconsideration of Denial by NRC CFO of Duke Exemption Request from Annual Fee Requirements for General License Under 10CFR171.11(d) ML20151S7501998-08-31031 August 1998 Provides Update on Commitment Made by Licensee in Response to NOV & Imposition of Civil Penalty Re Valves in Ldst Instrument Lines That Were Incorrectly Translated Into Station Procedures ML20237B0871998-08-11011 August 1998 Informs That NRC Plans to Administer Gfes of Written Operator Licensing Exam on 981007.Sample Registration Ltr Encl ML20236V9581998-07-27027 July 1998 Forwards Corrected Pages 3.5-30b of 961211 & 3.16-2 of 970205 TS Bases.Old Amend Numbers Were Left on Pages.Rev Changes Footer on Both Pages to Reflect Bases Changes ML20236P9451998-07-15015 July 1998 Forwards Emergency Response Data Sys Implementation Documents Including Data Point Library Updates for Oconee (Number 255),Dresden (Number 257) & Susquehanna (Number 258) ML20153D1961998-07-0909 July 1998 Requests NRC Reconsider & Grant Util Request for Exemption from Duplicative License Fee Under 10CFR171.11(d) for Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel at Oconee Nuclear Station ML20236J9871998-06-24024 June 1998 First Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Documents Listed in App a Already Available in Pdr.Documents Listed in App B Being Released in Entirety ML20247G0881998-05-14014 May 1998 Provides Rev 2 to Section 3.3, Instrumentation, in Support of TS-362 Amend Request.Position on Testing of Analog Trip Type Instruments W/Regard to Transition from CTS to ITS, Restated.Summary Description of Its/Bases Changes,Encl 05000269/LER-1998-002-01, Forwards LER 98-002-01 Re non-isolable Weld Leak on Pressurizer Surge Line Drain Pipe Which Resulted in Unit Shutdown1998-04-30030 April 1998 Forwards LER 98-002-01 Re non-isolable Weld Leak on Pressurizer Surge Line Drain Pipe Which Resulted in Unit Shutdown ML20217G0351998-03-26026 March 1998 Submits Ltr to Update Commitment Made by Oconee in Response to Subject Violation.Update Assures That Details of Particular CA Are Appropriately Contained in Docketed Correspondence ML20203J9301998-02-26026 February 1998 Submits Response to NRC Bulletin 88-008, Thermal Stresses in Piping Connected to Rcs. Suppl 1 to Bulletin Attached & Contains Listed Commitments ML20199J7441998-02-0202 February 1998 Responds to NRC Bulletin 96-004 for NUHOMS-24P Sf Storage Sys Used at Plant Site.Nrc Reviewed Response & Found Response to Be Acceptable ML20198K9321998-01-13013 January 1998 Ack Receipt of Requesting Exemption from 10CFR171 for ISFSI License SNM-2503 & General License Provisions of 72.214 ML20198M9361998-01-12012 January 1998 Responds to Request That rept,BAW-2303P,rev 3 Be Considered Exempt from Mandatory Public Disclosure.Determined That Info Sought to Be Withheld Contains Proprietary Commercial Info & Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure ML20203C8481997-12-10010 December 1997 Forwards Emergency Response Data Sys Implementation Documents for Plants.W/O Encl 05000269/LER-1997-003-01, Forwards LER 97-003-01 Re post-LOCA Boron Dilution Design Basis Not Being Met.Rept Includes Updated Info & Revised Corrective Action1997-11-12012 November 1997 Forwards LER 97-003-01 Re post-LOCA Boron Dilution Design Basis Not Being Met.Rept Includes Updated Info & Revised Corrective Action ML20198Q5741997-11-0303 November 1997 Provides Suppl to Initial 971020 Application for Amend to TS Re SG Tubing Surveillance Requirements,In Response to NRC 971030 Request for Addl Info.Proprietary Rev 3 to BAW-2303P, OTSG Repair Roll Qualification Rept Encl.Rept Withheld ML20211P1591997-10-17017 October 1997 Ack Receipt of & Check for $330,000 in Payment for Civil Penalty.Corrective Actions Will Be Examined During Future Insp ML20217D7261997-10-0101 October 1997 Informs That Staff Intends to Use Working Draft SRP-LR as Aid in Reviewing License Renewal Submittals Received from Dpc,Other Licensees & Owners Groups.Policy Issues Will Be Referred to Commission for Resolution ML20211F7981997-09-25025 September 1997 Submits Response to Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-269/97-10,50-270/97-10 & 50-287/97-10 & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $330,000.Corrective Actions:Ldst Instrument Mods on All Three Units Completed ML20217D9341997-09-22022 September 1997 Informs That NRC Staff Has Accepted Deferral of Completion of Certain Actions Requested by Bulletin 96-03, Potential of Plugging of ECCS Strainers by Debris in Boiling Water Reactor ML20211C8021997-09-18018 September 1997 Forwards Revised TS Amend Re Reactor Bldg Structural Integrity.Previously Submitted TSs Contained Editorial Error ML20216G5821997-09-0404 September 1997 Informs That 970730 Submittal Re Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1,2 & 3 Will Be Marked Proprietary & Being Withheld Per 10CFR2.790(b)(5) & Section 103(b) of AEC Act of 1954 ML20210T7121997-09-0404 September 1997 Informs That Representatives from Oconee Who Compose LERs Would Like to Meet W/Staff & AEOD at Convenient Place & Time to Facilitate Process.Concerns Addressed in Encl IR 05000269/19970071997-08-27027 August 1997 Discusses Insp Repts 50-269/97-07,50-270/97-07,50-287/97-07, 50-269/97-08,50-270/97-08 & 50-287/97-08 on 970606 & Forwards Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $330,000 ML20210N1531997-08-13013 August 1997 Confirms 970807 Telcon Between J Burchfield & R Carroll Re Management Meeting to Be Conducted at Oconee Nuclear Station on 970922.Purpose of Meeting to Discuss Oconee Emergency Power Project Initiatives ML20210M8381997-08-13013 August 1997 Confirms Conversation Between J Burchfield & R Carroll on 970807 Re Mgt Meeting to Be Conducted in Region II Ofc on 971113.Meeting to Discuss Status of Plant Performance Improvement Initiatives ML20210N1121997-08-12012 August 1997 Informs That NRC Plans to Administer Generic Fundamentals Exam Section of Written Operator Licensing Exam on 971008. Facililty Must Submit Either Ltr Indicating No Candidates Scheduled to Participate or Listing Names of Candidates 1999-08-10
[Table view] Category:NRC TO UTILITY
MONTHYEARML20058H0631990-11-0606 November 1990 Forwards Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-269/90-32, 50-270/90-32 & 50-287/90-32 on 901015-19 ML20058B2271990-10-12012 October 1990 Confirms 901010 Telcon W/T Curtiss Re Request for Regional Waiver of Compliance.Waiver Granted on One Time Basis & for Max of 4 H to Allow Testing of Reactor Coolant Makeup Pump Prior to 901102 ML20058A6491990-10-0202 October 1990 Forwards SALP Repts 50-269/90-24,50-270/90-24,50-287/90-24 & 72-0004/90-24 for Feb 1989 - Jul 1990 ML20055J1301990-07-24024 July 1990 Forwards Partially Withheld Safeguards Insp Repts 50-269/90-22,50-270/90-22 & 50-287/90-22 on 900625-29.No Violations or Deviations Noted ML20055C9631990-06-25025 June 1990 Forwards Insp Repts 50-269/90-18,50-270/90-18 & 50-287/90-18 on 900604-08.No Violations or Deviations Noted ML20059M9241990-06-13013 June 1990 Forwards NRC Performance Indicators for First Quarter 1990. W/O Encl ML20034C2111990-04-24024 April 1990 Provides Info Re Interpretation of Bioassay Measurements to Assess Intakes of Radioactive Matl ML20033G7141990-04-0202 April 1990 Forwards Insp Repts 50-269/90-06,50-270/90-06 & 50-287/90-06 on 900212-16 & Notice of Violation.Notice of Violation Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790 & 73.21) ML19332E9141989-11-28028 November 1989 Advises That 890901 & 1101 Revs 31 & 32,respectively,to Crisis Mgt Plan Consistent W/Planning Stds of 10CFR50.47(b) & Requirements of App E to 10CFR50 ML19332D7811989-11-22022 November 1989 Forwards Insp Repts 50-269/89-32,50-270/89-32 & 50-287/89-32 on 891002-04.No Violations or Deviations Noted ML19332E3751989-11-16016 November 1989 Forwards Insp Repts 50-269/89-33,50-270/89-33 & 50-287/89-33 on 890930.No Violations or Deviations Noted ML19332C1631989-11-0808 November 1989 Forwards Insp Repts 50-269/89-30,50-270/89-30 & 50-287/89-30 on 890918-22.Violations Identified ML19325E4941989-10-26026 October 1989 Forwards Summary of 890829 Enforcement Conference,Per Listed Insp Repts,Re Repetitive & Recurring Security Violations in Areas of Access Control to Protected & Vital Areas & Failure to Implement Measures for Degraded Security Equipment ML19325E1281989-10-24024 October 1989 Forwards Summary of 890829 Mgt Meeting in Region II Ofc Re Util Apparent Failure to Meet Requirement to Perform Licensed Operator Medical Exams Every 2 Yrs.List of Attendees & Handouts Also Encl ML19325C7401989-10-10010 October 1989 Confirms 891005 Telcon Re Participation in NRC Regulatory Impact Survey on 891201.Licensee Feedback Will Be Evaluated to Determine What Changes Should Be Made to NRC Regulatory Approach to Enhancing Safe Operation of Plants ML20246N2501989-08-29029 August 1989 Advises That Portions of 890725 Rev 29 to Physical Security Plan Consistent W/Provisions of 10CFR50.54(p).Util Should Revert to Commitments Previously Approved or Modify Plan to Accommodate Encl Comments & Resubmit Corrected Plan Pages ML20246F0891989-08-24024 August 1989 Approves Route Request for Shipments of Spent Fuel from Plant to Lynchburg,Va,Per 890720 Request.Proposed Route Encl ML20247K6921989-07-26026 July 1989 Forwards Safeguards Insp Repts 50-269/89-20,50-270/89-20 & 50-287/89-20 on 890626-30.Violations Noted.Enforcement Conference Will Be Scheduled to Discuss Violations ML20244B2981989-05-23023 May 1989 Forwards Insp Repts 50-269/89-10,50-270/89-10 & 50-287/89-10 on 890410-14 & Notice of Violation.Rept Details & Notice of Violation Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790 & 73.21) IR 05000269/19890051989-05-0505 May 1989 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-269/89-05, 50-270/89-05 & 50-287/89-05 ML20248K5451989-04-0505 April 1989 Responds to 890224 & 0322 Ltrs Re NRC Bulletin 88-011, Pressurizer Surge Line Thermal Stratification. NRC Agrees W/Suggestion for 890407 Meeting to Discuss Util Schedular Proposal ML20235R0811989-02-25025 February 1989 Advises That Incorporation of ASME Code Case N-401-1 Into Inservice Insp Programs at Plants Acceptable,Per 880815 Request.Code Case N-401, Eddy Current Exam & Rev to Code, Code Case N-401-1 Found to Be Technically Equivalent ML20196C7381988-12-0202 December 1988 Requests That Util Address Generic Ltr 88-17 Re Loss of DHR During Nonpower Operation.Issue of High Priority & Should Be Addressed Accordingly ML20195K1691988-11-30030 November 1988 Discusses 881017 Request for Approval of Route for Transport of Spent Reactor Fuel from Oconee Nuclear Station,Seneca,Sc to B&W Lynchburg Research Ctr,Lynchburg,Va ML20195B5081988-10-20020 October 1988 Advises That 880929 Rev 27 to Physical Security Plan Consistent W/Provisions of 10CFR50.54(p) & Acceptable ML20207M8651988-10-14014 October 1988 Forwards Amends 171,171 & 168 to Licenses DPR-38,DRP-47 & DPR-55,respectively & Safety Evaluation.Amends Revise Tech Specs to Test Only Initiation Control Circuitry of Reactor Bldg Spray Sys W/O Energizing Pump IR 05000269/19880291988-09-21021 September 1988 Forwards Insp Repts 50-269/88-29,50-270/88-29 & 50-287/88-29 on 880822-26.No Violations or Deviations Noted ML20154M5461988-09-21021 September 1988 Advises That 880808 Rev 26 to Physical Security Plan Consistent W/Requirements of 10CFR50.54(p) & Acceptable ML20154J4731988-09-20020 September 1988 Forwards Request for Addl Info to Complete Review of LER 269/87-05 Re Potential Tripping of HPI Pump Motors on Overcurrent for Pump Starting During Loca.Info Requested within 45 Days of Date of Ltr ML20151M5781988-07-27027 July 1988 Forwards Comments in Resposne to 880331 Submittal of SAR for ISFSI ML20150E8661988-07-12012 July 1988 Ack Receipt of Appealing NRC 871029 Denial of Util 870901 Backfit Claim Re Containment Integrated Leak Rate Testing Requirements Per App J of 10CFR50.Matter Currently Under Review ML20151G0371988-07-0707 July 1988 Advises That 880525 Rev 25 to Physical Security Plan Consistent w/10CFR50.54(p) & Acceptable.Other Portions Require Clarifications or Review by Inspector on Site IR 05000269/19880131988-06-27027 June 1988 Forwards Summary of 880607 Meeting Re Concerns Noted in Insp Repts 50-269/88-13,50-270/88-13 & 50-287/88-13. List of Attendees Also Encl ML20155J2221988-05-31031 May 1988 Confirms 880614 & 15 Meetings at Site in Preparation for Maint Team Insp of Plant During 880711-15 & 25-29,per 880525 Telcon.Matls That Team Would Like to Have Available for Preparation Review Identified in Encl ML20197D6001988-05-27027 May 1988 Requests That Tech Specs Change Requests for McGuire Be Based Upon Pen & Ink Identified Changes,As Presently Practiced on Catawba.Retyped Pages Should Continue to Be Used for Oconee Requests ML20148E4451988-03-21021 March 1988 Forwards Insp Repts 50-269/88-05,50-270/88-05 & 50-287/88-05 on 880217-0316.No Violations Noted ML20150A6341988-03-0303 March 1988 Advises That Scope & Objectives for Plant Radiological Emergency Preparedness Excercise Scheduled for 880414 Meet Requirements for Annual Emergency Exercise ML20196G9641988-02-29029 February 1988 Advises That 870216 Rev 23 to Physical Security Plan Consistent W/Provisions of 10CFR50.54(p) & Acceptable IR 05000287/19870291988-02-19019 February 1988 Ack Receipt of 880107 Submittal of Analytical Results of Spiked Liquid Samples,Per Insp Repts 50-413/87-29 & 50-287/87-29.Comparison of Results to Known Values & Acceptance Criteria for Comparison Encl ML20148T1431988-01-20020 January 1988 Discusses SALP Repts 50-269/87-33,50-270/87-33,50-287/87-33, 50-369/87-29.50-370/87-29.50-413/87-26 & 50-414/87-26 & 871027 & 29 Meetings,In Response to .No Changes to SALP Rept Warranted.Briefing Slides Encl ML20235W7341987-10-0606 October 1987 Discusses Arrangements for Reactor Operator & Senior Reactor Operator Licensing Exams Scheduled for Wk of 871214.Encl List of Ref Matl Requested by 871014 in Order to Meet Schedule.Requirements for Exams & Guidelines Also Encl ML20235L3261987-09-29029 September 1987 Responds to to Zech Informing That Ltrs Recently Received from Two Members of Smud Board of Directors Requesting Adjudicatory Hearing Does Not Reflect Views of Majority of Board.Nrc Responded to Kehoe & Smeloff Re Issue ML20235B6581987-09-16016 September 1987 Responds to 870912 Request for Hearing Re Design Flaws in Five Specific Sys Identified in Ucs Petition & NRC Ability to Evaluate & Assess Level of Danger Inherent in Continued Operation of B&W Plants ML20235B6261987-09-16016 September 1987 Responds to 870812 Request for Hearing to Address Design Flaws in Each of Five Specific Sys Identified in Ucs Petition & Ability of NRC to Evaluate & Assess Level of Danger Inherent in Continued Operation of B&W Plants ML20238F6911987-09-10010 September 1987 Forwards Exam Rept 50-269/OL-87-01 for Units 1,2 & 3 of Exams Administered on 870713-17.Reactor Operator & Senior Reactor Operator Questions & Answer Key,Facility Written Exam Comments & Simulation Facility Fidelity Rept Also Encl ML20238A4831987-08-31031 August 1987 Forwards AEOD Assessment of LERs for Plant During SALP Period Mar 1986 - Jul 1987,for Info.Overall Quality of LERs Improved Slightly from Previous Evaluation.Quality of Discussions of Personnel/Procedural Errors Decreased ML20149C4691987-08-28028 August 1987 Requests Certification Prior to FSAR Rev That Reactor Operator Training Program Accredited & Based Upon Sys Approach to Training,Per Generic Ltr 87-07 ML20238D8751987-08-27027 August 1987 Ack Receipt of Transmitting Proposed Amend to Physical Security Plan.Response to Encl Comments Requested within 30 Days of Ltr Receipt ML20237K0441987-08-25025 August 1987 Requests Review of Encl Safety Issues Mgt Sys Plant Data & Info Re Implementation Status of Facility Generic Issues. Response Requested by 870930 IR 05000269/19870281987-08-0707 August 1987 Forwards Insp Repts 50-269/87-28,50-270/87-28 & 50-287/87-28 on 870713-16.No Violations or Deviations Noted 1990-07-24
MONTHYEARML20211B7881999-08-10010 August 1999 Transmits Summary of Two Meetings with Risk-Informed TS Task Force in Rockville,Md on 990514 & 0714 ML20195H1681999-06-10010 June 1999 Forwards Copy of Preliminary ASP Analysis of Operational Condition Discovered at Ons,Units 1,2 & 3 on 980212 & Reported in LER 269/98-004,for Review & Comment ML20207C0321999-05-18018 May 1999 Forwards Fifth Rept Which Covers Month of Apr 1999. Commission Approved Transfer of TMI-1 Operating License from Gpu to Amergen & Transfer of Operating License for Pilgrim Station from Beco to Entergy Nuclear Generating Co ML20205T1301999-04-0909 April 1999 Informs That on 990317,C Efin & Ho Christensen Confirmed Initial Operator Licensing Exam Schedule for Y2K.Initial Exam Dates Scheduled for Wks of 000710 & 17 for Approx 13 Candidates ML20205B0571999-03-24024 March 1999 Informs That Author Determined That Partial Exemption from 10CFR170 Fee Requirements Appropriate for Footnote 4 of Review of License Renewal Application for Ons,Units 1,2 & 3, That Staff Determines Has Generic Value to Industry ML20206S5951999-02-0303 February 1999 First Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Documents Listed in App a Already Available in Pdr.Documents Listed in App B Being Released in Their Entirety ML20202H7621999-01-28028 January 1999 Discusses Guidance Re License Renewal for Operating Power Reactors Developed in Response to FY99 Energy & Water Development Appropriations Act Rept 105-581 ML20202J1901999-01-28028 January 1999 Discusses License Renewal for Operating Power Reactors.Two Applications Received for Renewing Operating Licenses. Commission Established Adjudicatory Schedule Aimed at Completing License Renewal Process in 30-36 Months ML20198S8721999-01-0707 January 1999 Responds to Message to Marks Re Info Request on Appeal Deadline & Desire to Serve Appeal Either by e-mail or by Alternative Regular Mail ML20198Q8871999-01-0707 January 1999 Responds to to Chairman SA Jackson Re Issues for Consideration for Commission During Oconee License Renewal Process.Commissioners Must Remain Impartial During Pendency of Case.Copy of Order LBP-98-33 Encl.Served on 990107 ML20155D2651998-10-23023 October 1998 Expresses Appreciation for Supporting Commission Initiative in Issuing Recent Statement of Policy on Conduct of Adjudicatory Proceedings.Case-specific Orders Were Issued in Calvert Cliffs & Oconee License Renewal Proceedings ML20153D1831998-09-17017 September 1998 Ack Receipt of of Duke Energy Co Inviting Reconsideration of Denial by NRC CFO of Duke Exemption Request from Annual Fee Requirements for General License Under 10CFR171.11(d) ML20237B0871998-08-11011 August 1998 Informs That NRC Plans to Administer Gfes of Written Operator Licensing Exam on 981007.Sample Registration Ltr Encl ML20236P9451998-07-15015 July 1998 Forwards Emergency Response Data Sys Implementation Documents Including Data Point Library Updates for Oconee (Number 255),Dresden (Number 257) & Susquehanna (Number 258) ML20236J9871998-06-24024 June 1998 First Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Documents Listed in App a Already Available in Pdr.Documents Listed in App B Being Released in Entirety ML20199J7441998-02-0202 February 1998 Responds to NRC Bulletin 96-004 for NUHOMS-24P Sf Storage Sys Used at Plant Site.Nrc Reviewed Response & Found Response to Be Acceptable ML20198K9321998-01-13013 January 1998 Ack Receipt of Requesting Exemption from 10CFR171 for ISFSI License SNM-2503 & General License Provisions of 72.214 ML20198M9361998-01-12012 January 1998 Responds to Request That rept,BAW-2303P,rev 3 Be Considered Exempt from Mandatory Public Disclosure.Determined That Info Sought to Be Withheld Contains Proprietary Commercial Info & Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure ML20203C8481997-12-10010 December 1997 Forwards Emergency Response Data Sys Implementation Documents for Plants.W/O Encl ML20211P1591997-10-17017 October 1997 Ack Receipt of & Check for $330,000 in Payment for Civil Penalty.Corrective Actions Will Be Examined During Future Insp ML20217D7261997-10-0101 October 1997 Informs That Staff Intends to Use Working Draft SRP-LR as Aid in Reviewing License Renewal Submittals Received from Dpc,Other Licensees & Owners Groups.Policy Issues Will Be Referred to Commission for Resolution ML20217D9341997-09-22022 September 1997 Informs That NRC Staff Has Accepted Deferral of Completion of Certain Actions Requested by Bulletin 96-03, Potential of Plugging of ECCS Strainers by Debris in Boiling Water Reactor ML20216G5821997-09-0404 September 1997 Informs That 970730 Submittal Re Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1,2 & 3 Will Be Marked Proprietary & Being Withheld Per 10CFR2.790(b)(5) & Section 103(b) of AEC Act of 1954 IR 05000269/19970071997-08-27027 August 1997 Discusses Insp Repts 50-269/97-07,50-270/97-07,50-287/97-07, 50-269/97-08,50-270/97-08 & 50-287/97-08 on 970606 & Forwards Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $330,000 ML20210N1531997-08-13013 August 1997 Confirms 970807 Telcon Between J Burchfield & R Carroll Re Management Meeting to Be Conducted at Oconee Nuclear Station on 970922.Purpose of Meeting to Discuss Oconee Emergency Power Project Initiatives ML20210M8381997-08-13013 August 1997 Confirms Conversation Between J Burchfield & R Carroll on 970807 Re Mgt Meeting to Be Conducted in Region II Ofc on 971113.Meeting to Discuss Status of Plant Performance Improvement Initiatives ML20210N1121997-08-12012 August 1997 Informs That NRC Plans to Administer Generic Fundamentals Exam Section of Written Operator Licensing Exam on 971008. Facililty Must Submit Either Ltr Indicating No Candidates Scheduled to Participate or Listing Names of Candidates ML20148P5161997-06-30030 June 1997 Second Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.App B Records Being Made Available in PDR ML20141C6191997-06-23023 June 1997 Forwards RAI Re Licensee Response to GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of Safety-Related Power-Related Gate Valves ML20148E0001997-05-29029 May 1997 Forwards SER Re 960724 Request Relief from Volumetric Exam Coverage Requirements of ASME Code,Section XI,1989 Edition, for Certain Welds in SG & in Letdown Cooler Heat Exchangers for Oconee Units 1,2 & 3.Request Granted ML20140A7241997-05-27027 May 1997 Requests That Interim Response Be Provided to Encl Amended Questions Re High Pressure Injection/Makeup Line Crack Found at Plant,Unit 2.Response Requested by 970529 ML20137Z5171997-04-22022 April 1997 Forwards RAI Re Plants Response to NRR Draft Rept on Plant Emergency Power Sys ML20137R1641997-04-0808 April 1997 Forwards RAI Re 960819 Response to NRC Bulletin 96-004, Chemical,Galvanic,Or Other Reactions in Spent Fuel Storage & Transportation Casks ML20147G4521997-03-0404 March 1997 Forwards Responses to Four Questions Raised During Region II 1996 USNRC Training Managers Conference ML20135D3171996-12-0606 December 1996 Forwards RAI Re Licensee Responses to Bulletin 96-02, Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel,Over Fuel in Reactor Core,Or Over Safety-Related Equipment ML20134Q0761996-11-20020 November 1996 Conveys Results & Conclusions of Encl Operational Safeguards Response Evaluation,Conducted at Plant,Units 1,2 & 3 from 960520-23.W/o Encl IR 05000259/19960011996-04-16016 April 1996 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Addl Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-259/96-01 50-260/96-01 & 50-296/96-01 ML20059F7201994-01-0606 January 1994 Forwards Insp Repts 50-269/93-32,50-270/93-32,50-287/93-32, 50-369/93-31,50-370/93-31,50-413/93-35 & 50-414,respectively on 931213-17.Violations Noted.Failure to Protect Safeguards Info IR 05000269/19930281993-12-23023 December 1993 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-269/93-28, 50-270/93-28 & 50-287/93-28 IR 05000269/19930291993-11-30030 November 1993 Discusses 931108 Enforcement Conference in Region II Ofc, Re Apparent Violation Noted in Insp Repts 50-269/93-29, 50-270/93-29 & 50-287/93-29 on 931019-27.List of Attendees, Meeting Summary & Licensee Presentation Encl IR 05000269/19930271993-11-18018 November 1993 Forwards Insp Repts 50-269/93-27,50-270/93-27 & 50-287/93-27.No Violations Identified ML20058B3811993-11-16016 November 1993 Forwards Safeguards Info Referenced in Preliminary Draft Guide to Facilitate Comments on Proposed Rule for Protection Against Malevolent Use of Vechicles at Nuclear Power Plants. W/O Encl ML20062J5471993-10-29029 October 1993 Forwards SE of Util 930128 & 0714 Supplemental Responses to IE Bulletin 79-27.Concerns Specified in Bulletin Have Been Adequately Addressed IR 05000269/19930241993-10-19019 October 1993 Forwards Insp Repts 50-269/93-24,50-270/93-24 & 50-287/93-24 on 930829-0925 & Notice of Violation ML20057G2661993-10-15015 October 1993 Responds to Licensee 870407 Request for Relief from Certain Section XI ASME Code Requirements Re Pressure Testing of Purification Demineralizers.Informs That SE Will Not Be Supplemented Due to Relief Being Granted IR 05000269/19930231993-09-24024 September 1993 Forwards Insp Repts 50-269/93-23,50-270/93-23,50-287/93-23 & 72-0004/93-23 on 930823-28 & Notice of Violation IR 05000269/19930221993-09-17017 September 1993 Forwards Insp Repts 50-269/93-22,50-270/93-22 & 50-287/93-22 on 930725-0828 & Notice of Deviation ML20057C3451993-09-17017 September 1993 Forwards Insp Repts 50-269/93-22,50-270/93-22 & 50-287/93-22 on 930725-0828 & Notice of Deviation ML20059B5861993-09-10010 September 1993 Ltr Contract,Providing Incremental Funds to Task Order 73, Mod 1, Electrical Distribution Sys Functional Insp - Oconee, Under Contract NRC-03-90-031 IR 05000269/19930201993-09-0303 September 1993 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-269/93-20, 50-270/93-20 & 50-287/93-20 1999-08-10
[Table view] |
. ~.
Y August 14, 1985 b bb ~D Docket No. 50-287 EISTM SU K EBrach CDo::ket FiDv JPartlow L
NRC PDR-ACRS-10 Mr. Hal B. Tucker L PDR RIngram Vice President - Nuclear Production ORBf4 Rdg HNicolaras Duke Power Company HThompson Gray File P. O. Box 33189 OELD H0rnstein 422 South Church Street EJordan WPaulson i
Charlotte, North Carolina 28242 BGrimes GEdison
Dear Mr. Tucker:
We have reviewed the study on "Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) of Oconee Unit 3".
The PRA study was undertaken jointly by Duke Power Company and
'EPRI's Nuclear Safety Analysis Center.
An.. initial reading of' the Oconee PRA was conducted to provide a sunnary overview of the major results of the PRA. Particularly, we focused on the analysis of core damage sequences and dominant contributors, to core damage accidents to check whether the results, as published, provide any new insights of safety significance. Although the PRA includes both internal and external events analysis, our overview focused only on core damage accident. sequence ana. lysis.. The core damage accident sequence analysis of the Oconee PRA is closely associated with regulatory significance because it treats the systems safety profile of the nuclear power plant. Our initial reading of the Oconee PRA did not show that you had identified any significant safety issues or new generic safety concerns. We have enclosed for your information (and, if you desire, for comment), a copy of our overview summary report.
After the overview, we started a detailed review of the Oconee PRA.
In support of the staff's review, Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) is performing a detailed review of the core damage sequence analysis. The results of the BNL more detailed review will be discussed by separate correspondence.
Sincerely'SICED bee
- 0CIGINAL JOBE L S30 W 7 John F. Stolz, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #4 Division of Licensing
As Stated cc w/ enclosure:
See next page ORfid:DL RB' :DL HN1'eclaras;cf J 8/ /85 8f/8 8508190602 850814 PDR ADOCK 05000287 P
Pr. H. B. Tucker Oconee Nuclear Station Duke Power Company Units Nos. 1, 2 and 3 cc:
Mr. William L. Porter Duke Power Company P. O. Box 33189 422 South Church Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28242 J. Michael McGarry, III, Esq.
Bishop, Liberman, Cook, Purcell & Reynolds 1200 Seventeenth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.
20036 Mr. Robert B. Borsum Babcock & Wilcox Nuclear Power Generation Division Suite 220, 7910 Woodmont Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Manager, LIS NUS Corporation 2536 Countryside Boulevard Clearwater, Florida 33515 Senior Resident Inspector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Route 2 Box 610 Seneca, South Carolina 29678 Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 101 Marietta Street, N.W.
Suite 3100 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Mr. Feyward G. Shealy, Chief Bureau of Radiological Health South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control 2600 Bull Street Columbia, South Carolina 29201 Office of Intergovernmental Relations 116 West Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 Honorable James M. Phinney County Supervisor of Oconee County Walhalla, South Carolina 29621 1
4 r
s s
II. Overview of Oconee Plant Safety III. Overview of Oconee Potential Core Damage Accidents A.
Core Damage Frequency B.
Dominant Sequences to Core Damage C.
Plant Modifications Resulting from PRA D.
Strengths and Weaknesses of Safety Systems IV.
Overview of Generic Safety Concerns Table 1:
Summary of Core Damage Frequency 9
Immediately after the core damage accident at Three Mile Island in March 1979, a nuclear utility industry group recognized the need to take the initiative by performing a probabilistic study of a nuclear power plant to ensure that the risks from reacter operations were held to an acceptably low level.
The Nuclear Safety Analysis Center (NSAC) of Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) conducted a probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) for the Oconee plant Unit 3.
The Oconee Unit 3 was selected by the industry group, because of the willingness of Duke Power Company (DPC) to provide strong support, Oconee's significant operating experience, and the availability of detailed design and construction information.
The major objectives of the Oconee PRA study were: (1) to improve utility capabilities in PRA methods and applications; (2) to evaluate the risks to the plant and the public; (3) to make a comparison of the methods and results of contemporary risk studies; and (4) to provide the host utility with an analytical plant model that describes the combinations of failures thct can s
lead to core damage and can be used to estimate the likelihood of such combinations.
Oconee Unit 3 is a pressurized water reactor.
The nuclear facility consists of three separate reactor buildings, one turbine building that is shared by all three units and two connected auxiliary buildings, one servicing Units 1 and 2, and the other servicing Unit 3.
The reactor, designed and j
manufactured by Babcock and Wilcox (B&W), has a nuclear core consisting of 177 fuel assemblies.
The nuclear facility is built on the shore of Lake I
,,.- ~, _. -.,,,..,,
. Keowee.
Keowee hydro station and Keowee Dam are located east of the Oconee facility.
Lake JoCassee is located 12 miles upstream of Oconee and is also 3
An initial reading of the Oconee PRA was conducted to provide a summary overview of the major results of the PRA.
Particularly, we focused on the analysis of core damage sequences and dominant contributors to core damage accidents to check whether the results, as published, provide any new insights of safety significance.
Although the PRA includes both internal and external events analysis, containment response analysis, and offsite consequence analysis, our overview focused only on core damage accident sequence analysis. This limit.ed overview is partly due to the in-accessibility of some intermeciate risk results such as conditional consequences for various release categories and relative contribution of various accident initiators to early fatality, latent fatality and person rem.
Nevertheless, the core danage accident sequence analysis of the Oconee PRA is closely associated with regulatory significance because it treats the systems safety profile of the power plant.
4 II.
Overview of Oconee Plant Safet.y Our overview did not identify any issue that requires prompt regulatory action.
In the course of the study, the licensee made plant modifications to reduce the likelihood of core damage from internal floods caused by failures in the circulating water system.
The staff has previously concurred in these actions.
The Oconee PRA has yet to provide any clues that i
. could be interpreted as non-compliance of our deterministic regulatory l
requirements, specifically single failure requirements and separation requirements.
III. Overview of Oconee Potential Core Damage Accident A.
Core Damage Frequency The total core damage frequency after plant modification is about 2.5x10 4 per reactor year.
Before the plant modification, it was about 6x10 8 per reactor year.
The frequency estimates include contribution from both internal and external events.
A summary of the various events contributing to total core damage frequency is shown in Table 1.
Dominant Sequences to Core Damage The Oconee PRA Study made use of RSS-type event tree techniques and developed the potential sequences leading to core damage accidents.
Also, the PRA has quantified all the potential core damage sequences, using improved fault tree techniques.
A summary of the top nine sequences is discussed below:
g Turbine Building Flooding Sequences (1) It involves basically turbine building (TB) flooding (caused by the circulating water system failure) r.esulting in failure of all feedwater systems and low pressure service water systems needed for long term heat removal.
The loss of the low pressure service water system also causes the failure of the backup cooling from the standby shutdown facility (SSF). The sequence relies on successful operation of high pressure injection (HPI) system needed for core cooling i
. initially. The sequence mean frequency estimate is about 2.9E-5 per reactor year.
(2) The sequence involves TB flooding resulting in failure of all feedwater systems and high pressure injection systems needed for core cooling followed by a stuck open pressurizer relief valve.
The failure of HPI system is due to either a 6 feet spillover of TB flooding into Auxiliary building (AB) where the HPI pumps are located, or HPI pump motor failure due to lost cooling provided by low pressure service water system which is also affected by the TB flooding.
The sequence mean frequency is about 1.8E-5 per reactor year.
(3) The sequence involves TB flooding causing the failure of all feedwater systems and HPI systems, followed by the operator failure to ensure long term suction to the SSF pumps, resulting in failure of long term cooling. The SSF was assumed to be operational.
The sequence mean frequency is about 1.9E-5 per reactor year.
(4) The sequence involves TB flooding, which causes failures of all feedwater systems and HPI systems, and failures of SSF equipment to pro'vihe backup cooling. The sequence mean frequency is about 1.3E-5 per reactor year.
Seismic Sequences (5) It is basically seismically induced failure of masonry walls in the AB (causing the failure of feedwater systems and HPI systems equipment) followed by either human failure to initiate SSF equipment or a stuck open pressurizer relief valve. The sequence mean frequency is about 3E-5 per reactor year.
It involves seismically induced rupture of condenser and failure of
. circulating water pipes connected to the condenser (causing a large flood and resulting in failure of feedwater system and HPI systems) followed by either human failure to initiate SSF equipment or stuck open pressurizer relief valve. The sequence mean frequency is about 2E-5 per reactor year.
(7) It involves seismically induced failure of blockhouse (where the standby transformer is located) and collapse of block walls (through which emergency buses pass) followed by either the stuck open pressurizer relief valve or human failure to initiate SSF equipment in a timely fashion to provide reactor coolant make up. The sequence mean frequency is about IE-5 per reactor year.
External Flooding Sequence (8) Tne sequence involves large scale flooding of the entire Oconee site due to the failure of JoCassee Dam located about 12 miles upstream from the Oconee site.
Although initial cold shutdown is
achieved successfully, site flooding is expected to cause a loss of the ability to maintain long term decay heat removal.
The sequence mean frequency is atsut 2.5x10 5 per reactor year.
Transient Sequence (9) The sequence involves loss of low pressure service water system causing failure of pumps motors of HPI system emergency feedwater system and reactor coolant (RC) system.
Also, loss of low pressure service water system results in failure of heat exchangers of component 4
cooling systems and other decay heat removal systems.
The sequence
. also consists of operator failures to trip the pumps and to reestablish injection for RC pump seals using SSF makeup pumps within 30 minutes to prevent excessive RC leakage.
THe sequence mean frequency is about 1.3E-5 per reactor year.
Plant Modifications Influenced 'y Oconee PRA o
During the conduct of the Oconee PRA, the licensee, DPC, recognized core damage accident vulnerabilities identified by the dominant sequences of the Oconee PRA.
Thus, DPC implemented plant modifications to correct some dominant accident sequence vulnerabilities.
Basically, these plant modifications have been implemented to reduce the likelihood of the turbine building internal flooding sequences.
The plant modifications include hardware change and operating procedure changes.
A summary of these plant modifications are:
Sealing the doors and other penetrations between the turbine and auxiliary buildings to a height of about 6 feet above the floor of the turbine-building basement.
t 2.
Closing the cross connections between the three units to prevent a flood-isolation failure in one unit from feeding a break in another.
Changing the auxiliary system alignments in such a way that only a limited quantity of backflow from the lake could continue.
Adding a control switch in the control room to allow the operators to close all the circulating-water pump-discharge valves without the need to take action outside the control room.
Providing special indications to enhance the ability of the operators to identify and deal with a flood, including the installation of an
- alarm to provide an unambiguous indication of the existence of a flood and improved training and procedures, particularly with regard to the actions needed to ensure the continued operation of important equipment once initial control of the flood has been achieved.
The modifications are expected to protect the equipment in the auxiliary building from all but the largest floods, to allow effective isolation for most floods, and to improve the likelihood of success for 4
flood isolation and other operator actions.
The Oconee PRA indicates that the frequency contribution of turbine building internal flooding sequences was reduced significantly (by a ratio of about 73:1) and thus, the total core damage frequency was reduced significantly (by a ratio of about 28:1) because of the above plant modifications.
s D.
Strenath and Weakness The Oconee PRA highlights the strengths and weaknesses of many safety systems that are of great importance of safety system unavailability and potential core damage accidents.
A summary of major highlights of safety i
systems weaknesses and strengths are given below:
Location of Safety Systems - Emergency feedwater pumps and water sources low pressure service water system pumps and switchgear for emergency power supplies are located in turbine building.
Because Lake Keowee is higher than turbine building basement where the above safety
i I equipment is located, flooding becomes the most significant single point vulnerability to core damage accidents.
Low Pressure Service Water - This system is very important to many internally and externally initiated sequences because it provides cooling to many safety system pumps and heat exchangers.
Its unavailability is dominated by transfer failure to the closed position of either of two single manual valves in the discharge flow paths.
It is noteworthy that the transfer failure mode could be difficult both to diagnose and remedy.
Pressurizer Safety Valve - The PRA estimate for the pressurizer safety valve to reclose is about 0.1 per demand.
Because many events that j.
challenge the safety valves have also the potential to fail HPI systems, the failure mode of stuck open safety valves are very important to many potential core damage sequences.
Emergency Feedwater System - The emergency feedwater system is needed for long term heat removal following both internally and externally
initiated events.
Because both the main feedwater system and emergency I
feedwater system are dependent on upper surge tanks for suction, the ability to maintain long term suction supplied for emergency feedwater -
9 system is very important.
This is because local manual actions are needed to align long term water sources beyond about 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, depending on the core damage sequence.
Reactor Coolant System - The maintenance of injection and cooling for 1
the shaft seals of the reactor coolant pumps is important in many sequences.
Leakage, which may reach the equivalent of a small LOCA, is l
__..._,.. ~, _.. _..... _ -. _. _ _,. -. -..,., _ -. _. _ _.. _ _, _., _ _,. _, _ _ _. _, -
predicted under some sets of conditions.
Timely initiation of backup seal injection from the standby shutdown facility can prevent seal degradation.
However, if normal seal injection is lost and backup seal injection from the standby shutdown facility is not initiated, the seals would degrade. With the pumps stopped, after about one-half hour, the leakage through the degraded seals would exceed the standby shutdown facility backup seal-injection capability and the standby shutdown facility would no longer constitute a viable means of recovery for those sequences.
Instrument Air System - The instrument-air system was found to be significant system in a large number of sequences.
Loss of instrument air can be caused by air-system failures or by loss of offsite power where the compressors are load shed and action is not taken to restore their power.
Loss of instrument air affects a number of other functions, including main feedwater, emergency-feedwater suc. ion, seal cooling for the reactor coolant pumps, a large number of instruments in the
control room, and the normal suction supply for the o
high pressure injection pumps.
The wide range of potential failures makes a loss of instrument air quite complex operationally.
AC Power - For initiating events, other than tornadoes and seismic events, the emergency AC power system seems to be among the reliable systems.
Emergency AC power is supplied by two hydro units rather than diesel generator sets.
The PRA indicates that hydro units are more reliable than diesel generators.
Because of the large capacity of hydro units, Oconee does not have the complexity of load sequencing.
- reliability of emergency AC power system is further enhanced by two Lee Station combustion turbine generators that can provide AC power to Oconee emergency buses.
Thus, the contribution of sequences involving loss of AC power was found to be small.
DC Power - The DC power system for all three units are interconnected and isolation features have been provided to prevent faults from a DC bus of one unit from feeding back to other units.
The use of separate DC power system for Keowee hydro units, for switthyard operations and non-vital power-conversion system loads avoid loaj shedding u1 der emergency conditions and thus has improved the reliability of DC power system.
Low Pressure Injection System - The low pressure injection (LPI) system has significant operational and design features. A procedurtl step has been added to LOCA procedure that enables the operator to turn off LPI pumps if they are deadheading, which could occur for certain small LOCAs. This particular failure mode is very important since it damages r
the LPI pump and results in subsequent unavailability during recirculation mode of LPI operation.
Also operating procedures enable the operator to throttle the pump discharge flow and thus to prevent pump damage which could happen after being switched to recirculation mode following a medium or large LOCA event.
Overall, the LPI system reliability has been improved by the above procedure changes.
Inter Unit Connections - The Oconee PRA indicates that interconnections between three units have both positive and negative benefits.
The important benefit is the ability to obtain emergency feedwater, service
. water, AC and DC power from other units if they are needed and could be recovered by operators effectively.
Also, the PRA highlights the adverse impact of inter.annections and these are:
Sharing of TB and AB allows internal flooding from one unit to affect the other.
It is a great contributor to dominant sequences.
The interties in the condenser circulating water system in the unmodified plant made isolation capability of internal flooding more difficult.
This resulted in plant modification significantly.
Corrected Single Active Failures - Tne Oconee PRA indicates that two valves in redundant trains of LPI system had a common power supply.
The licensee recognized the significance of the non-compliance of the 3
single failure criterion requirements and increased LPI system unavailability.
Therefore, he has now provided separate power supplies to the above valves.
Overview on Generic Safety Concerns
An initial reading of the PRA dominant sequences and systems failures contributing to the dominant sequences has highlighted the relative contribution to core damage from large scale external flooding.
A seismically induced failure of the upstream JoCassee dam could cause a large scale flooding of components required for long term decay heat removal from the core.
The dam is located 12 miles upstream of the Oconee site at a higher elevation than turbine-building safety equipment.
Using very simple and approximate techniques to assess
- the impact of such dam failures at the Oconne site, the PRA has obtained i
an estimate of 2.5x10 5 per reactor year (10%) for the external flooding contribution of the core damage frequency.
Although, the above estimate seems to have a very large uncertainty, the potential exists that of external flooding could be significant at other nuclear facilities depending on the plant construction, its elevation relative to upstream dams, and the seismicity at that site.
. TABLE 1.
Summary of Core Damage Frequencies Contributors Mean Frequency (RY) 1 Turbine-building floods 8.8E-5 1/
Earthquakes 6.3E-5 Plant transients Loss of service water 1.3E-5 Feedwater-line break 4.8E-6 Loss of instrument air 3.2E-6 Loss of offsite power 2.4E-6 Turbine or reactor trip 1.8E-6 Loss of main feewater 1.2E-6 Other transients 2.6E-6 Subtotal 2.9E-5 External floods 2.5E-5 Tornadoes 1.3E-5 Loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs)
Large 9.0E-6 Small 6.1E-6 2/
Reactor-vessel rupture 1.1E-6 Subtotal 1.6E-5 Fire 1.0E-5 Transients without scram 6.0E-6 Steam generator tube ruptures 2.7E-6 Interfacing-system LOCA 1.4E-7 Total 2.5E-4 1/ Based on analysis of the modified plant.
Before the p ant modification, the mean frequency estimate was about 6.4E-3 per reactcr year.
2/ This value is for spontaneous small-LOCAs, including pipe ruptures and seal failures.
Other transient-induced LOCAs are included in the transient category.