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Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-482/84-35.Corrective Actions:Procedural Changes to Posting Program So That Only Changes Requiring Incorporation Are Posted as Outstanding Change Implemented
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 03/04/1985
From: Koester G
To: Denise R
Shared Package
ML20126C118 List:
KMLNRC-85-074, KMLNRC-85-74, NUDOCS 8506140332
Download: ML20126C166 (6)




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u m... mu- March 4, 1985 Mr. R.P. Denise, Director Nblf Creek Task Force m r-U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Consission lh,b7,r bsm N h l.

Region IV Vj , j 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 ti g - g jgg -

Arlington, Texas 76011 O Jb -

KMLNRC 85-074 Re: Docket No. SIN 50-482 -

Ref: Ietter KMLNRC 84-239, dated 12/27/84 from GIXoester, KG&E, to RPDenise, NRC Subj: Supplemental Response to Inspection Report 50-482/84-35

Dear Mr. Denise:

This letter provides a supplemental response by Kansas Gas and Electric Conpany (KG&E) to your letter of Novenber 27, 1984, which transmitted Inspection Report SIN 50-482/84-35. Per your verbal request, additional information is being provided concerning KG&E's document control program and specifically, the methodology for incorporating changes into design documents.

With the exception of the Wolf Creek Generating Station 'Ibtal Plant Setpoint Document (NCGS TPSD), the data gathered by the NRC inspectors during their review of open changes in October,1984 appears to be an extraction from a list called "DIC 5520 List of Open Design Changes" (or "5520" list). This list contains dispositioned field generated documents as well as non-field generated design changes.

As you are aware, the coupletion of construction activities has necessitated the transition of the site document control responsiblities from the constructor to KG&E. As a result of both this transition and the aforementioned NRC review of open changes, a conprehensive review was conducted of the "5520" open change list to clarify which changes require incorporation in -

affected doucments and which may have been listed for informational p2rposes. The review established that approximately two thirds of the listed documents did not require incorporation in design documents, leaving approximately 2240 documents which are open for incorporation and are properly posted to the affected documents in accordance with 10CFR50, AppeIrlix B. ,

8506140332 850610 PDR ADOCK 05000482




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201 N. Market - Wichita, Kansas - Mad Aadress: RO. Box 208 i Wchita, Kansas 67201 - Telephone: Area Code (316) 261-6451

Mr. R.P. Denise ID M C 85-074 March 4, 1985 The results of the review indicated a need to progranaatically differentiate informational h=*nts from change @= ants.

His has been achieved through procedural changes to the posting program such that only those changes which require incorporation are posted as an outstanding change.

A measure of the affect of this review is illustrated in enclosure 1. It is a list of the h==nts which the NRC reviewed in October, 1984 and their current status as of February, 1985. The NCGS TPSD was added to this list for informational purposes.

Due to the nature of the NCGS TPSD, a large nunber of open design changes could be posted to the document awaiting incorporation in the next revision. At all times, however, the TPSD with posted changes reflects the current design status of the information contained in the h==nt and all posted changes are incorporated in each revision. In addition, as an aid to the engineers and technicians using the TPSD, a separate " change since last issue" section is included as part of each new revision.

If you have questions regarding this information, please call Mr.

Otto Maynard of my staff.

Yours very truly,


,c Glenn L. Koester Vice President - NLiclear

, G[JCadab l-Attachment xc: PO'Connor (2)

BBundy NGuldemond FHawkins, Region III -


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Enclosure 1 to KMLNRC 85-074 Page 1 of 4 l


TYPE OCT 84 FEB 85 DOCLNENf SPEC A-0338 7 0 SPEC A-0340 8 0

, DWG C-OC1921 10 0 i DWG C-OL2903 20 0 DWG C-0051 13 0 DWG C-1003 10 4 FCR 1-0077-W 69 1

, FCR 1-0078-W 35 1 FCR l-1675-C 20 1 FCR 1-1685-C 20 1 LIST E-15000 54 ' 13 FCR l-5503-E, R/l 65 1 i IDCPCN E-1627-47-1 128 1,2 IDCPCN E-1627-47-2 128 1,2 -

IDCPCN E-165SE-48-2 97 1,2 IDCPCN E-168BB-48-1 59 1,2 IDCPCN E-168BB-48-2 59 1,2 IDCPCN M-142KT-48-1 71 1,2 IDCPCN M-142KT-48-2 71 1,2 NCR 13N21103E 68 1

< PMPCN CS-107-W-43-1 254 1,2 PMPCN E-102-W-42-1 309 1,2 PMPCN E-102-W-42-2 297 1,2 SFR 1-G7-017 59 1 LIsr J-16060 77 27 IDCPCN CS-1232-0-1 70 1,2 (J-06060 IDCPCN M-142KT-0-1 61 1,2 AS OF SFR l-BB-194 62 1 OCIOBER SFR l-EF-077 63 1

REVIEW) SFR l-EG-075, R/2 14 1 SFR 1-KA-064 105 1

' SFR l-RJ-019 105 1 SFR l-RJ-170, R/2 79 1 SFR l-RJ-177, R/0 56 1 -

SFR l-RJ-177, R/l 44 1 SFR l-SE-026 66 1 SFR l-SE-028 58 1 4

' U* I l

EMIOSURE 2 '1D KMLNRC 85-074 PAGE 2 2 4 DOC DOC NO 'lUTAL OPEN OPEN CHANGE AGE NOTE TYPE OCT 84 FEB 85 DOCIEENT J-16060 DDCN 0-1 58 3,4 CONTINUED DDCN 0-3 58 3,4 DDCN 0-4 38 3,4 DDCN 0-5 58 3,4 IDCN 0-6 44 3,4 DDCN 0-7 44 3,4 DDCN 0-8 36 3,4 DDCN 0-9 34 3,4 DDCN 0-10 28 3,4 DDCN 0-11 31 3,4 DDCN 0-13 25 3,4 DDCN 0-14 25 3,4 DDCN 0-15 25 3,4 DDCN 0-16 23 3,4 IECN 0-17 23 3,4 LIST E-17000 264 27 FCR l-5503-E, R/1 64 1 FCR l-5648-E 7 1 IDCPCN E-1627 2 127 1,2 IDCPCN E-1627-44-3 101 1,2 IDCICN E-168BB-A-1-1 58 1,2 IDCPCN E-168BB-46-1 58 1,2 IDCPCN E-519BB-46-1 38 1,2 IDCPCN M-134GK-43-1 160 1,2 IDCPCN M-142KT-45-1 202 1,2 IDCPCN M-502KC-46-1 160 1,2 PMPCN CS-107-W-40-1 254 1,2 PMPCN E-102-W-38-1 290 1,2 PMPCN E-520-W-47-1 13 1,2 ER 1-B&-194 65 1 SFR 1-EF-077 64 1

, ER l-EP-039 59 1 SFR l-GE-037 66 1 T R l-E -060 70 1 ER l-E-063 21 1 -

SFR l-G7-017 58 1

T R l-RJ-170, R/2 83 1 SFR l-RJ-179 69 1 SFR l-SA-048 11 1 SFR l-SE-029 54 1 SFR l-SE-030, R/1 20 1 ,

SFR l-SF-022 70 1 SFR l-SP-005, R/1 95 1 T

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'1TPE OCT 84 FEB 85 DOCIPENT SPEC A-0125 29 0 SPEC A-3817 10 2 DDCN A-3817-2-1 205 3,4 DDCN A-3817-2-4 114 3,4 SPEC A-3824 16 5 DDCN A-3824-7-2 849 3,4 DDCN A-3824-7-5 590 3,4 IECN A-3824-8-1 582 3,4 DDCN A-3824-8-2 434 3,4 DDCN A-3824-8-3 114 3,4 SPEC A-3836 21 1 DDCN A-3836-0-1 935 3,4 SPEC A-3838 11 9 IECN A-3838 CONP 2 382 3,4 DDCN A-3838-3-1 114 3,4 ECN-2-1 837 3,4 FCR-1-209-P 1214 3,4 FCR-1-332-M 1523 3,4 DDCN KMS3-0-1 3 3,4 ECR-1-826-M 1681 3,4 PMR-KN84-042 79 3,4 IECN A-3838-3-2 15 3,4 DWG E-10005 6 1 FCR-1-1629-E 961 3,4 M414 LISP NCRE-01 24 17 CR-AC-85-02 1 3,5 (TPSD) CR-AL-85-02 1 3,5 CR-AL-85-03 1 3,5 CR-BB-85-02 7 3,5 CR-BB-85-03 7 3,5 CR-BB-85-04 7 3,5 CR-BB-85-05 1 3,5 -

CR-BB-85-06 0 3,5 CR-CG-85-01 1 3,5 CR-EG-85-03 1 3,5 CR-BC-85-03 1 3,5 CR-KT-85-02 6 3,5 l CR-KT-85-03 6 3,5 3,5 CR-KT-85-04 2 -

CR-NP-85-01 1 3,5 l

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3-Enclosure 1 to KMLNRC 85-074 Page 4 of 4 NMES:

1. Within procedureal requirements.
2. Interim Design Change Package (IDCP) and Plant Modification Package (PMP) change notices are posted to the parent

, h= ant for informational purposes upon issuance. The actual incorporation process begins when the work effort is couplete (which may be several months after 12uance depending on need and manpower restrictions).

3. No specific time or nunber procedural requirements.
4. KG&E has conmitted to incorporate all outstanding KGaE change notices 90 days after issuance of the operating license.
5. All outstanding change notices are incorporated in the next revision to the document (approximately every 60 days).

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